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From luxury cars to vacuum cleaners, Jebsen leads the way in bringing Western goods to ChinaMany consumers may have never heard of Jebsen, but a lot of the brands it markets and distributes in the Greater China region are household names.mini storageFrom Porsche and Raymond Weil to Dyson and Blue Girl Beer, it has a long history of introducing products to Hong Kong, Taiwan and the mainland.Jebsen’s roots go back to 1895, when it was founded as a shipping company. It introduced Mercedes-Benz to the Chinese market in the 1930s and brought the first Porsche and Volkswagen vehicles to Hong Kong in the 1950s. Besides cars, its portfolio spans a wide range of businesses including luxury products, beverages, electronics and industrial equipment.After unveiling a new Porsche centre in Shanghai, the largest in Asia, group managing director Helmuth Hennig sat down for an interview with the South China Morning Post. He talked about why mainland consumers like to buy Porsches but not necessarily drive them, how Jebsen’s businesses are evolving to capture online sales, and dispelled myths about doing business in China.What prompted Jebsen to develop this new Porsche centre?Our belief is that the demand and product will continue to grow. On one hand that has to do with Porsche – bringing model ranges, an expansion of what we physically have to show – but at the same time, it’s the requirement from customers nowadays to be presented in an environment they find suitable to their own expectations.The car is the focal point of it but it’s all about the buying experience itself, how you’re being addressed, how the product is being explained, what you’re told about the options and the availability. All these things are shown in a different way if you have space and are not stuck in a cramped area. This one is No1 [in size] but I don’t think it’ll stay No1 for very long because I think there are additional plans [from other companies] to open centres of this size simply because the market demands it.What’s your customer repeat rate for Porsche?It’s still quite low because the brand is quite new. We’ve been in Shanghai for just over a decade. We have a customer repeat rate of about 50 per cent. But at the end of the day, the Chinese customer is being inundated with new brands and so forth. Brand loyalty is something we’ve tried to build up, not only for Porsche but generally for things that they buy from us. At the end of the day, the easiest conquest is the one you’ve already done once. It’s much harder to go and find new customers time and time again. At the same time, most customers are unwilling or have been unwilling to say, “This is my brand, I’m sticking to it. This is all I want.”Why is there a preference for sedans over sport cars on the mainland?Once you’ve reached that sort of wealth level, the expectation is that you want to be driven rather than drive yourself. That’s why they’ve also expanded the wheel-base on the Panamera to make it longer so it’s a more executive-type vehicle, giving the back passenger more space. I think they are intrigued by brands and vehicles but not necessarily for the driving experience themselves. Porsche is historically, as a brand, oriented to self-driven cars. Besides the offerings of Cayenne and Panamera, we are coming up with a new car called Macan, which is at least potentially a more driver-driven vehicle.How much has the crackdown on gift-giving affected the car industry?The very, very top end of the car market has been affected, from what I understand. We’re not in that space. They are the very luxurious ones, the Rolls-Royces and the Bentleys, they have seen some impact. We are certainly not cheap but we are not right at the top so we’ve not seen a significant impact. Car demand continues to grow. I don’t think there’s going to be any real slowdown in the marketplace. Last year we did about 7,200 cars and we’re expecting to do at least the same this year.How are you adapting to online commerce?Our sales are virtually all offline at this point in time. China seems to leapfrog technologies. They went from the phone to the mobile phone and e-commerce is something that’s growing very rapidly. We have a couple of initiatives running. We’re going to open a virtual store where we’re gathering together the best product ranges of Jebsen and making them available online for Hong Kong and in China. The idea is to bring innovative products and understand the distributor behind the product themselves. Usually we would try to promote the brands but in this case we want to build our own brand as well.We have got an e-commerce concept for our industrial products which will be launched at the end of this year. We will be presenting a wine e-commerce platform as well. The whole point here is that e-commerce plays an important role in information flow on the one hand. We trade in physical product so they have to be presented somewhere at the end of the day but our intention is to build the brand and offer an alternative way of purchasing rather than replacing one or the other.Do you think cars could eventually become a common online purchase? Some brands, such as General Motors, have started to do that in the United States. At one point in time, people said you could never sell luxury items online but luxury handbags and apparel are doing very well online now.I think you’ve seen a couple of car manufacturers contemplating selling particular models online but I think given the fact, at least in our case, you’re talking about an investment starting at about HK$1 million, or in China 800,000 yuan, you need a leap of faith to b儲存y that online. The other side of the equation is how are you going to pay for it? I’m not sure a credit card or debit card can satisfy that need either. But I think what we will see is a significant increase of information flow. Your whole experience of purchasing can start online. We’ve got things like car configurators where you can put your dream car together from specs to interiors so that when you actually go look at the car physically you can then have a much more informed discussion about what you want in the end.PwC released a study last month that said Chinese consumers expect to pay less for the same products online than in physical stores. How do you deal with that belief?That’s the general perception and, as a general rule that would probably be correct, but the bricks and mortar guys have to fight back and not get overwhelmed by this tsunami of e-commerce. They have their own programmes running and if you talk to the large department stores, whether it’s Lane Crawford or others, they have very strong VIP programmes running where they maintain this customer contact and they try to build customer loyalty to their store as well. You may not get the lowest, lowest price available in the marketplace but you’re guaranteed a different kind of customer service which I think that, as the market matures, people will appreciate as well. Maybe things like vacuum cleaners aren’t a good example of that but when people buy clothing or other products, they still want a certain amount of information and support. I do believe the bricks and mortar guys will be able to offer that.The question is then what products do you push on each platform? For us, it’s same model, same price but you may not get all the same models online. In reality, the physical distribution at this point in time means that customers must be presented with the best and latest models because it is that look and feel that convinces them. Over time, the strategy will then be fine, maybe the models that are six or 12 months old are going to be pushed on the online side.What have been the biggest challenges for Jebsen, then and now?Pace of change, certainly for the period that I’ve been working here. I don’t think anybody could anticipate how both China and, as a consequence, Hong Kong would change. Up until the WTO entrance of China, we had virtually no consumer business in China. We were doing predominantly industrial products. That industry had expanded tremendously since the opening of China in the late 70s. But with the WTO signing, suddenly the markets opened and they became available for people selling products for the consumer rather than just the industrial side of the equation.In this growing consumer market, people were interested in anything and everything. There was a very low awareness of brands and as a consequence, very low brand loyalty as well. They were confronted with a whole world of stuff that had been in the outside world for some time. That was then coupled with China’s opening up of the tourist business, where they allowed people to travel and the internet suddenly became a tool. Information exploded and people’s expectations and desires grew exponentially so we’ve seen a significant shift in our business. We still have a very large industrial business but our fastest-growing business has really been on the consumer products. This pace has not let up at all. It keeps on changing – consumers evolving, government regulations evolving and tourism having a significant impact. It’s a bit of a moving target actually.The mainland has been opened up for a few decades now. Do foreign companies still feel that they need a third party involved or that they can go in directly?It’s not an easy environment to operate in. Although top-line numbers are great, it’s a very fragmented market with many different regulations. If you want to go in directly, you have to make a large commitment to make this work. You could say, “I can either do brand building myself or work with a distribution partner or can give the whole thing – brand building and distribution – to a third-party.” There are a variety of models that are available. My sense is that a lot of brands, even large brands, look at China and say, “OK, maybe it’s not one size fits all for everything. We are willing to segment the market. We do part of the channels ourselves,” or alternatively do it by regions. I think it’s becoming a more sophisticated model of trying to address these different markets.What is a popular myth about doing business on the mainland?A popular myth is the numbers. It’s look at the big numbers and if we can achieve XYZ market share, we can do really well. The difficulty of China is, as mentioned before, the fragmentation of the marketplace and the difficulty of achieving that. Even before consumer products came into China, China was self-sufficient for consumer products. They don’t need anything other than what they want, so how is it that you address that desire? To have the dream that people are waiting for your product, whatever that product may be, is a popular myth. Even something like Dyson [vacuum cleaners], which is a very established brand that is strong in many markets, you have to convince the consumer that the product offers something to them that is different. You simply need to do the work on the ground. It’s not going to happen by placing a few ads in the newspaper and expecting people to flock. They still need to be able to see it, touch, get something explained, and buy which will ultimately cost them more than 99 per cent of the rest of the ranges out there.迷你倉

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  據中國之聲新聞縱橫報道,迷你倉上周末,位於北京昌平區陽坊鎮東貫市村的13棟樓被拆除,而這是北京市已經查處的最大的小產權房區域,涉及4萬平米。據昌平區政府相關負責人介紹,該小產權房尚未出售。截至目前,該小產權房區域已基本拆完。那麼據昌平區政府相關的負責人說,這一個小產權房樓群還沒有出售,一直是處於空置的狀況,截至目前基本上已經拆除完畢,相關情況我們來連線的是中國之聲音的記者馮會玲。昌平區這次拆除的小產權房區域,拆除之前已經建成了怎樣的規模?  記者:根據瞭解這些小產權房大多都是按照出租屋的形式來建設的,體量最小的一棟樓有80個單間,中間的走廊是一通道地,兩邊大概都各有40個單間,房內有有3平方米左右的衛生間,陽台裝上了上下水的管道,此外還有一些樓市是按照一居室、或者是兩居室的佈置建設的,在拆除當中工作人員發現樓房灰藍色的大牆裡頭只有上下兩層的鋼板結構,那一二層之間和三四層之間的天花板當中沒有漏出鋼筋,所以洋房鎮政府的相關負責人就說像這種廠房結構改造的房子質量比較差住進去非常不安全,剛才主持人也提到了,這個13棟樓房一直是沒有出售的,一直沒有住人,這也是拆遷工作最終能夠順利進行的主要原因。  從時間上來看,我們知道是上周末拆除,而據我們瞭解,這個小產權房區區域的房子,其實是在兩年前就是2011年4月份就已經開始建設了,為什麼等它建成之後才拆除?  記者:據瞭解這塊地原本是屬於東莞市村的經濟合作社,1998年的時候,因為場子經營不善這塊被用于低壓貸款低壓給當時的經營社,在2003年11的時候,因為村沒有辦法還清貸款,信用社就把這塊地的資產轉讓給北京(農則)商貿有限公司,在隨後的幾年當中,這塊地是多次改變,直到2011年年初的時候被祖給了五個人,這五個人開始在各自分租的土地上建房,在建設當中,執法人員發現除了住房之外還有部分是類似廠房倉庫樓房的架構,那主持人提到了,確實從2011年的4月份開始建設,中間其實是被執法人員多次被要求停工,但是不知道原因是什麼,到2012年的時候又開始出現了,類似的相關負責人表示說,建設方改變了土地用地的性質,沒有取得鄉村的建設規劃的許可,因此在這土地上建設房屋屬於是違法建設,那今年的時候,是國土局發佈了處罰決定書,責令相關人員退還昌平區洋房鎮東莞市村的集體土地,限期是15天之內拆除,未經批准佔用此處集體土地建設的樓房和平房恢複土地原貌,但是這些處罰決定書卻石沉大海,隨後洋房鎮政府多次聯繫建設方的負責人,對方始終沒有進行回應,所以洋房鎮就依法從11月31號開始,對違法建築予以強行拆除。昌平區的相關負責人解釋說,由於這個地塊的產權比較特殊,等地上的建築拆除之後,要經過相關的法律程序最終將土地產權歸為集體土地。按照相應的規劃恢複為一般的農用地。  來自聽�(動力火鍋C)他的微博,他說今天下午,還收到了昌平沙河一個小產權房的收房電話,是自動語音的那種,也就是說實際上還有銷售。而來自這位聽�叫(毛野人)他說密雲縣小產權房現在的均價已經是突破了1萬元了,那麼像昌平這個小產權樓群的拆除這樣的拆除,對於北京周邊的小產權房,會帶來怎樣的影響,是不是如我們聽�所說的其實影響並不大呢?來聽聽中央台記者季蘇平的報道。  記者:北京拆除小產權房的消息,身處通州的人們早有耳聞,但是對於這樣的行動,轉職銷售通州小產權二手房的李先生有些不以為然:  李先生:拆的不是昌平的嗎?那還是在預售的樓,不是說拆就拆了嗎?但是你住進人了,假如說,我在這裡住著,拆了你什麼都不給我補償,那是不可能的。你現在住進去了,他把你往哪裡安置。不可能輸說讓你搬出去,然後把你房子推了,不現實。太玉園東區西區80多棟樓,4萬多戶呢!  記者:情況果真如他所說嗎?張大偉向記者證實,現在拆除的小產權房確實是還在開發商手上沒有入住的房子,並沒有碰已經既成事實的房子:  張大偉:北京現在拆除的還是沒有銷售的,已經銷售的現在還沒有明確,或者說還沒有拆遷。  記者:但是不管怎麼說,拆除小產權房一定會對消費者產生影響。那麼現在消費者特別是購買了小產權房的人,他們是什麼心態呢:  "這個都不好說,當時我們買來就是為了暫時住,也貸不了款,也上不了交易大廳,就只能自己住,有別的想法肯定不行,留著升值,留著幹嘛肯定不行。"  記者:但是很多人和這位女士的心態不一樣,依舊有不少人寄希望于小轉大。在太玉園的論壇里,記者就看到不少帖子在討論小產權自存倉大產權的事兒,而這樣的話題可以說從業主入住哪一天就開始了。張大偉認為近期小轉大不太可能:  張大偉:在現在整個房地產市場價格還比較高的情況下,地方政府還在依賴土地財政的情況下,不會允許放開一個可能扭轉之前遊戲規則的這麼一個東西,只有一個可能在一些中小城市就行試點。我覺得在短期,房產稅等長效機制沒有建立,房價還比較高,不太可能在一線城市放開小產權。  房屋產權本來沒有"大""小"之分,"所謂"小產權房"並沒有明確的法律概念,而是人們一種約定俗成的稱謂。目前各地對"小產權房"稱謂不完全一致,在北京稱為"小產權房",上海稱為"集體土地房",廣東稱為"集資房",濟南稱為"鄉產權房"。"小產權房"是指在農民集體土地上建設的房屋,未繳納土地出讓金等費用,其產權證不是由國家房管部門頒發,而是由鄉政府或者是村委會來頒發,所以叫做"鄉產權房",或者是"小產權房"。按包括集資房、集體土地房等等,當然所有的財產具有這樣的特徵第一就是不合法性,第二就是成本和價格較為低廉尤其是和商品房相比,第三產權肯定是不完整自然風險隱患較大還有一些其他入住以後的糾紛,比如說像這位聽�,(愛國農民)他發來的微博上,這幾天我們這的小產權房的小區,就因為開發商不能夠供暖現在正在起一些衝突,據說小產權是不受法律保護的。雖然如此,但是在一些城市,小產權房的項目的建設情況怎樣包括銷售情況怎樣呢?我們還是先來看看北京,在北京去年去年9月公佈了第一批79個項目,今年6月,又公佈了第二批6個在建在售的"小產權房"項目,其中申請法院強制執行30個;移送公安機關8個;移送監察機關處理31個。就在當時,有記者在昌平區調查發現,仍有不少小產權項目在抓緊建設、銷售。比如太玉園,位於北京東六環外,因為是當時最大的小產權房社區而聞名。2012年9月登上了第一批79個項目中名單後,太玉園周邊的地產中介就在城管和物業的要求下,撤銷了售房的廣告牌,村委會也停止辦理過戶手續。  今年6月,有記者再次來到太玉園,盡管此時張貼的小廣告中已鮮見售房信息,但是當地人介紹說,今年"五一"後,太玉園已經恢複過戶。據瞭解,目前太玉園二手房的房源"十分緊俏",來這裡看房的人不在少數,房價也比去年下半年低谷之時每平米上漲了一兩千元。我們的記者季蘇平今天在太玉園做了調查。  記者:北京通州區張家灣有一座聞名國內的小區,名字叫太玉園。太玉園小區位於北京通州區東南側的張家灣鎮,總占地面積2000多畝,分東西兩個區域,內含一個幼兒園,目前有上萬戶居民入住,體量十分巨大,號稱全國最大的小產權房小區。在過去十多年裡,這個小區的房價從2001年時的700元每平米漲到了現在9000多每平米。不過這樣的價格比周邊的大產權房還是便宜不少。中介王先生:  王先生:現在太玉園這邊1萬塊錢一平米,比通縣裡面的便宜,現在我們這裡有一套翠屏北里的,九棵樹那邊的,100平米,120萬。  記者:多位中介表示,買這樣的二手房只需要到大隊就能過戶,非常方便。雖然是小產權,但是卻可以永久使用,而不像大產權房只有70年而已。中介李先生告訴記者即便拆了,也能得到補償:  李先生:太玉園過戶就在村里,這個永久使用權是歸你的,土地不是你的,但這個使用權,只要這個房子還在,使用權就歸你。要是拆了也要補償呀。  記者:李先生還會告訴記者,這樣的小產權二手房非常吃香,賣的沒有買的多:  李先生:買的人多,而賣的人不多,因為賣的人普遍多覺得要轉正,他們想等。  記者:小產權二手房緊俏,那一手房還有在售項目嗎?多方調查的結果是,現在北京通州和房山都有類似的項目,不過記者在網上搜索卻並不容易找到。中原地產市場研究部總監張大偉表示,現在小產權房交易非常隱蔽:  張大偉:現在在售的小產權是有的,但是比較少,而且小產權的銷售比較含糊,據我們瞭解,明目張膽的說銷售很少,都是以租賃的形式在簽訂合同。90%都不說賣,都是簽訂20年左右的租賃合同,也就是變相在賣。  記者:如此比較起來,早先買到小產權房的人似乎更加劃算,因為至少在中介眼裡,他們擁有的是永久使用權。  雖然是不合法,雖然可能在交易過程當中存在著種種的風險,但是在北京市場從記者調查來看,二手小產權房依然是賣的沒有買的多,想買還沒那麼容易,盡管小產權房拆除的案例在前,盡管沒有國家頒發的房屋所有權證但是由於可以長久的使用,另外一個,遠遠低於周邊商品房的價格,因此不少人還是會選擇小產權房。迷你倉

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Source: The Times-News, Twin Falls, IdahoNov.迷你倉 08--BOISE -- In 2014, all Americans over the age of 18 will be required by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) to be covered by health insurance.In 2015, the ACA will require employers with 50 or more full-time employees to offer qualified health insurance that provides minimum essential coverage at an affordable price or pay an IRS tax penalty.In the meantime, all employers -- large or small -- are required by law to send notice to all workers -- part-time or full-time -- explaining health insurance exchanges by Oct. 1.Employers are also required to declare whether or not they will provide health insurance benefits to workers in 2014."Small business owners should contact the U.S. Department of Labor for more information and to ensure that they are compliant with this requirement," said Jody Olson, Your Health Idaho communications director.Your Health Idaho (YHI) is Idaho's official health insurance marketplace for individuals as well as small employers. Open enrollment for the YHI exchange starts Oct. 1.The Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) application will be available online as a PDFin October and completed applications will be accepted by mail. Beginning in November, small employers will be able to complete their applications and enroll their employees online.Small businesses -- those with fewer than 50 employees -- in Idaho are not required to provide insurance for employees, Olson said. However, they are required to let employees know of their plans, either way, by Oct. 1.Bret Clark, an attorney with Hawley Troxel in Boise, said that there is no penalty at this time for employers who miss the deadline. But workers need to know if their employers plan to cover them so they don't have to worry about purchasing insurance on their own.The federal government gave large businesses extra time -- until mini storage015 -- to meet the requirements of the new health care law, throwing confusion into the mix.Many small employers have a "wait and see" attitude about the health insurance marketplace, said Josh Jordan, communications manager with Blue Cross of Idaho. So far, Jordan has not seen a lot of interest in health insurance from small businesses.Individuals and small businesses can purchase insurance plans directly through insurance carriers, but there are advantages to purchasing health insurance through the exchange.Low income individuals and families may be eligible for premium assistance that is available only through the state exchange. And some small businesses may qualify for a small-business health care tax credit if they buy a small group plan sold on Your Health Idaho.For example, a business with 10 employees with a total payroll of $250,000 per year may receive a tax credit worth 50 percent of the employer's contribution, according to the YHI website. A similar employer who buys a small group plan directly through the insurance agency would not receive the tax credit.Unlike individuals and families purchasing through the marketplace, small employers can enroll in insurance plans through the SHOP on a monthly basis throughout the year.Your Health Idaho provides links to "Consumer Connectors" -- insurance agents and brokers who will assist businesses and individuals in comparing plans.Employers with health plans can find a model notice on the U.S. Department of Labor's website. Employers without health plans can find a model notice.Go to .yourhealthidaho.org for more information.Staff at YHI Consumer Resource Center can be reached at 855-944-3246 or by email at info@yourhealthidaho.org.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Times-News (Twin Falls, Idaho) Visit The Times-News (Twin Falls, Idaho) at magicvalley.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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南方日報訊 (記者/賴競超 實習生/胡鈺衎)由省人民政府新聞辦、中國國際廣播電台共同組織的“奧地利記者廣東行”活動即將結束。連日來,儲存12名來自奧地利不同媒體的記者,參觀瞭解順德家電企業、雲浮石材產業轉型升級、南廣高鐵雲浮站建設工地、雲浮新區西江新城和番禺新農村建設成果,並參加了廣東(清遠)國際旅遊文化節。昨日中午,中奧記者一同在廣州歡度記者節,期間許多奧地利記者透露自己是第一次來到廣東,並表示此次廣東“初體驗”收穫頗豐,希望往後能有機會更加深入地理解廣東。參觀高鐵贊歎中國效率奧地利北格拉茨新聞雜誌社的沃爾夫岡·卡希奇告訴記者,數日的行程中,他最感興趣的是雲浮新區西江新城的建設。他說,50年前的奧地利也曾遭遇過中國現在遇到的難題——中心城市過度飽和、過度擁擠。大約在25年前,奧地利通過出台城市規劃的相關法規,逐漸有效解決了中心城區擁擠的問題。他對廣東雲浮新區的發展方向表示贊同,同時建議新區建設過程中還應注意培養新區的軟環境,尤其是解決好維護人mini storage關係和處理垃圾分類兩大問題。記者團還參觀了正在施工的雲浮新區南廣高鐵建築工地。在獲悉三年前動工的南廣高鐵雲浮站將在明年建成時,奧地利電視台記者羅伯特·雷澤爾對中國的效率和速度感到驚奇,“中國人做事情真的很快!這在奧地利可能要花5年!”垃圾分類可從幼教抓起“廣東的城市綠化做得很好。”卡希奇告訴記者,這幾天他看到廣東城市的綠色植被覆蓋率很高,並得知廣東為了緩解在經濟發展過程中帶來的環境壓力,在環境保護、垃圾分類方面有許多舉措。這讓他想起,自己所在的北格拉茨在15年前也遭遇過類似問題,他們也曾為了解決交通擁堵、汙染等問題採取限行、垃圾分類等措施。他介紹,目前在奧地利,80%的垃圾都能被回收利用,只有20%的垃圾進行焚燒處理,而且焚燒處理產生的熱能也是他們要利用的部分。例如食物烹製過程中產生的廢油,最後可以賣給汽車燃料等工業。他特別提到,人的環保意識和觀念是解決垃圾分類問題的核心,要實現垃圾分類應該從幼兒園教育抓起,讓孩子在幼兒園培養起垃圾分類的習慣。self storage

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■ 談行政改革:監管由事前轉為事後■ 吳敬璉:過去監管的辦法有很大問題。為什麼轉變經濟增長方式舉步維艱呢?為什麼這個腐敗問題三令五申,迷你倉而且說要造成亡黨亡國,可是它卻繼續蔓延而變得十分猖獗呢?根本問題在於體制。 市場監管要從事前監管為主轉向事後監管為主,要從實質性審批轉到合規性監管。這個行政審批講的每一項,大概都有具體的措施,這個文件、審批到什麼程度,還要通過各方面的討論。定了以後,就需要打破阻力,要讓它轉型。發展公有制 引導民營經濟■ 談壟斷:改革為公有制經濟添活力■ 吳敬璉:十六次代表大會提出的兩個毫不動搖,毫不動搖地發展公有制經濟,毫不動搖地支持引導民營經濟的發展,他們抓住第一句,就是要發展公有制經濟,怎麼發展呢?發展國有經濟。我不知道三中全會怎麼做,從習近平總書記的武漢講話,兩個毫不動搖第一句叫做增強公有制經濟,特別是國有經濟的活力,怎麼增強活力呢?我覺得這個改革以來就證明了,就是改革增強活力。■ 談土地改革:完全放開仍需要時間■ 吳敬璉:關於土地制度是否全面放開的問題,我覺得三中全會肯定要做一個決定,但是要走到什麼程度很難說,因為反對聲音很強。完全放開需要時間。 如果土地開放了,或者徵購價不高,差價拿不到,利益就會受損,這個有實際困難,今年土地出讓金一線城市大幅度增長,如果它們文件倉有這筆錢今年就露餡了。所以處理上走到什麼程度,這就需要像十八大說的:不但要有勇氣,還得要有智慧。存款保險制 是把雙刃劍■ 談金融改革:存款保險制是雙刃劍■ 吳敬璉:金融系統就是人身體的循環系統、市場的循環系統,金融市場的落後,就使得整個經濟活動不可能有效率。我們一定要建立存款保障制度,沒有存款保險制度,競爭一加強,銀行一出問題就麻煩了。 但是存款保險制度本身是雙刃劍。在現在格局下,其實我們實際壞賬率很高,但是表現出來的壞賬並不高。利差大有一定原因,出現變動會有什麼影響,我們還要做很多考慮,來防範大改革中出現的風險。■ 談財稅:資產負債表隱藏巨大風險■ 吳敬璉:恐怕歷史上沒有一個國家投資率到了我們這個程度,接近50%的投資率,我們大躍進的時候和日本高速增長時期,投資率也是挺高的,但沒有超過34%,成效不大,它造成的結果到現在已經非常嚴重。最近這三年,地方政府的資產負債率急劇升高,估計要比三年前翻了一番,這個是很危險的。■ 談競爭:沒競爭市場比沒市場可怕■ 吳敬璉:我在上世紀90年代說過一句話:沒有競爭的市場比沒有市場還可怕。這就是行政保護、地區保護、壟斷等等,使得這個市場缺乏競爭性。市場缺乏競爭性就不能夠形成有效配置資源的價格,不能形成這樣的價格就不能夠有效的解決。所以一定要強調要有競爭性。存倉

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Source: Ventura County Star, Calif.迷你倉Nov. 08--Teacher Petra Somar works 11 hours a day, most of it on her feet.It's not just teaching, planning and grading papers for a class of 35 sixth-graders that consume her time at Oak View's Sunset School.She advises the student council, coaches students in academic contests, brainstorms with other teachers and chaperones school dances. At home, she might scour the Internet for grants to pay for art supplies or text a colleague with an idea late at night."It never stops," Somar said as she hauled volleyball nets for a physical education class on a recent chilly morning.Somar, 28, expects to make $50,160 this year, plus a stipend of $250 to produce and distribute the yearbook.That's nearly low enough to qualify her for low-income housing, assuming she lives alone in pricey Ventura County. Her pay falls about $12,000 below the median income of the area.So what should she and other teachers make?The argument over that question has been going on for decades but is likely to be aired anew this year as unions seek to push up salaries with school funding promising to return to normal levels.(See also: Teacher salaries across Ventura County)STATE NEAR TOPOn average, Ventura County teachers earned $68,157 -- slightly under the state average of $68,531 -- in 2011-12, the latest year reported by the California Department of Education. Beginning teachers generally start in the low- to mid-$40,000s. Educators at the top of the scale can command salaries in the mid-$70,000 to low-$80,000 range.California ranks fifth in teacher salaries among the states and Washington, D.C., according to the latest estimates by the National Education Association. Trailing a few Northeastern states that spend heavily for education, California's pay is about $13,000 above the national average.School districts have been able to do that with large class sizes in a state that sparsely funds education, county Superintendent of Schools Stan Mantooth said.California ranked 39th in per-student funding among the states and Washington, D.C. -- at $9,053 -- in 2011-12. The nation averaged $10,834.Mantooth said teachers aren't paid enough, adding that he believes teaching would be the highest-paid profession in a perfect society."There wouldn't be any other professions without it," he said.Still, he said, there are limits at a time when 60 to 65 percent of school district budgets go to educators' salaries and benefits.It's difficult to make comparison with other jobs because teachers are paid for 185 work days and the full-time U.S. worker for roughly 240. But surveys suggest teacher pay is competitive with other "helping" professions on an hourly basis.Estimates show the average pay for Ventura County teachers runs close to $32 to $35 an hour. The figure is based on state salary surveys and a workweek of 53 hours, the level reported in a recent national survey of teachers.If a teacher works unpaid for another 10 days before school starts, getting his or her classroom and lessons ready and raising the work year to 195 days, the rate declines to $31 to $33 an hour.(How to help: Giving to Ventura County public school programs)(Mobile device readers: Tap here to see the salary table.)ABOVE SOCIAL WORKERSThat puts teachers above Ventura County social workers at $29 an hour but under registered nurses at $38, based on averages from a survey conducted in 2012 by the state Employment Development Department. They are well below software engineers at $46 an hour and lawyers at $75 an hour.But people who are relatively new to teaching lag workers in other key public-service jobs. Somar, who holds a master's degree and has almost five years of experience, makes $25 an hour, assuming she works 55 hours a week.A rookie Ventura County sheriff's deputy makes $29 an hour and a firefighter with one year's experience about $27 an hour, not including overtime. A county prosecutor who just passed the bar could start at about $30 an hour.Those workers face different dangers and demands than teachers, but some educators argue the pay should be comparable."We need the best and the brightest," said Robert Fraisse, a specialist in educational leadership at California Lutheran University in Thousand Oaks.Fraisse argues for a major boost in both pay and expectations for teachers at a time when California faces a looming teacher shortage. Enrollments in teacher education programs have fallen by 33 percent as jobs have dried up, but Fraisse said the market is beginning to turn and the state needs to be ready."You would get such a surge of qualified applicants that would serve us well for decades to come," Fraisse said.(Learn more: Opposing viewpoints on teachers' salaries)MERIT PAY?Only some teachers are underpaid, according to Jon Coupal, president of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association. The group is dedicated to protecting Proposition 13, which reduced property taxes.He said the association is not opposed to raises for teachers, but to the fact that every teacher gets one."There are teachers who ought to get $200,000 a year and there are teachers who should get fired today," Coupal said.The Jarvis group supports merit pay, an unpopular idea with many educators, who say it would undermine collaboration and be difficult to administer fairly.A public-opinion poll taken in June showed support for increasing teacher salaries has stalled. Just 37 percent favored anmini storageincrease, according to the national survey administered by the Education Next journal.Like other teachers, Somar said she didn't go into the field for the money. But she thinks teachers deserve bigger paychecks.Chip Fraser, president of the Ventura Unified Education Association, said he will be making just that argument in contract talks."We'd like to ask for as much as the market will bear," said the chief of the union representing more than 800 teachers in the Ventura Unified School District. "I think everybody understands teachers have not had a raise in several years."Teachers in most Ventura County school districts have not received across-the-board raises since 2007-08, he said. Consumer prices have increased by 10 percent in Southern California over that period, according to the California Economic Forecast.Unions are seeking those increases in addition to the raises teachers get for experience and advanced degrees. Teachers get another $1,500 to $3,000 for every year of experience until they reach the top of the pay range at the 12th year or later. After that, they may get a scheduled raise every three to five years.Public school teachers also receive better health benefits than workers in many private sector jobs. They generally have low out-of-pocket costs, and many districts in Ventura County provide retiree health insurance. Teachers generally do not participate in Social Security, instead paying into and drawing pensions from the state teacher retirement system.PICTURE MURKYIt's not clear yet how much can be spent on bigger paychecks and how much will go for new programs under the state's new funding formula for schools. Initiated by Gov. Jerry Brown, that formula centers on local control and extra help for the neediest students.Mantooth expects school boards to be cautiously open to raises, but he doesn't expect a windfall. He said the money will come in slowly, perhaps taking eight years to return to the level that preceded the state's fiscal crisis.Good pay is one factor tied to student achievement, but not the only one, according to a 2011 study from the Center for American Progress, a nonpartisan research institute. Successful states improved pay while also raising teachers' knowledge and skills and lowering the rate at which beginning teachers were floundering and quitting.The study's authors, Frank Adamson and Linda Darling-Hammond of Stanford University, found a wide discrepancy in teacher salaries in California school districts. Although the state has a reputation for comparable funding across districts, the authors found much higher salaries in affluent counties in the Bay Area than in small, rural counties such as Humboldt and Mendocino. (View the study here.)In Ventura County, the pay range among most school districts is relatively similar, but there are outliers. The Hueneme School District ranks as the longtime front-runner, with districts in Fillmore and Ojai near the bottom.Hueneme Superintendent Jerry Dannenberg said the district's average salary of $79,535 reflects both the school board's priorities and the experience of the teaching force.About 70 percent of the staff in the K-8 district is at the top of the pay range, which increases the average paycheck beyond the norm, he said.Hueneme, however, also offers the best salary for new teachers. A beginner can command $49,000 in the district serving Port Hueneme and part of Oxnard, well above the salaries paid by most other districts in Ventura County.(Mobile device readers: Tap here to see the map.)TRADE-OFFS CITEDThe trade-offs for those salaries are big schools and fewer administrators. The district runs schools of 1,000 or more students, meaning less has to be spent on custodians, secretaries and office managers, Dannenberg said.In contrast, teachers in the Fillmore Unified School District average $61,340, which officials tied to an effort to keep class sizes smaller. Beginning pay in the district is relatively competitive at $41,070.Assistant Superintendent Deo Persaud said he suspects wealthier districts have more money to spend than Fillmore because they get private money from parents and foundations.The Ojai Unified School District averages $63,177 and has the lowest beginning salary for credentialed teachers in the county, at $38,560.Enrollment has been sliding for years in the cash-strapped district, and officials are still in the midst of restoring student instruction days lost in the state cutbacks.Superintendent Hank Bangser said Ojai Unified hired about a dozen teachers this year. He's sure some people don't apply because of the pay but said others are willing to overlook that because they like the culture and working relationships in the district. A better-than-average benefits package also helps, he said.In Oak View, which is part of Ventura Unified, Somar said she takes home $3,100 a month -- not enough to rent a nice apartment in Ventura and pay off her student loans, make a car payment and retire her credit card debt of $3,000. So she's living with her grandmother rent-free for now."It's frustrating, and there's nothing out there right now," she said. "There's nothing for rent that is reasonable living and reasonably priced."MEET THE SCHOOL WATCH TEAM: Click hereCopyright: ___ (c)2013 Ventura County Star (Camarillo, Calif.) Visit Ventura County Star (Camarillo, Calif.) at .vcstar.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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記者王峰通訊員高平江蘇鎮江的張志剛經營著一家名為“江蘇藍烽新材料科技有限公司”的高新技術企業,儲存這家企業生產的正是時下人們愈發看重的環保產品,據張志剛介紹,自己的企業是一家從事開發與生產機動車尾氣淨化產品及其相關稀土新材料的環保科技型企業。隨著社會各界對環保問題的關注度越來越高,張志剛的生意也是越做越好。不過,他也有煩心事———企業融資難。“找錢”“找錢”對於張志剛來說,曾經是一道難以邁過的坎。“作為一家高新技術企業,我們最值錢的就是技術,但在過去卻不能被銀行視為有效抵押物”,張志剛告訴記者。眼下,張志剛卻不用再為“找錢”煩惱,因為技術已為他“換來”貸款。據記者瞭解,正是在江蘇銀行鎮江分行的幫助下,張志剛的企業獲得了300萬元的專利權質押貸款。鎮江市銀監分局局長周盛武告訴記者,“找錢難”其實就是“融資難”。在鎮江,我們調研發現,與其他地方一樣,小微企業融資難是一個普遍現象;但是與其他地方不一樣的是,各家銀行機構都在通過不同方式努力幫助小微企業解決融資難 問題。以江蘇銀行為例。該分行小企業信貸服務中心總經理梁紅告訴記者,為解決小微企業融資難,江蘇銀行鎮江分行不斷創新小微企業金融產品。除試點開辦專利權質押貸款業務外,該行還與保險公司合作,首創科技型企業信用履約保證保險貸款業務產品;與科技部門合作開辦“蘇科貸”業務;與市政府共同出資設立鎮江市科技風險池基金貸款。據記者瞭解,除江蘇銀行外,丹陽農商行也創新推出了應收帳款加信用保險的質押貸款業務,目前已投放貸款2700萬元。部分商業銀行還通過“借外力”解決小微企業融資難題。談及小微企業融資難 ,建行鎮江分行副行長鐘一平頗有感觸,小微企業融資難往往難在無有效抵押物上。正是認識到問題的症結所在,該行借助“外力”———利用政府對本地企業信息掌握全面和增信作用為小企業搭建批量化融資平台,引入助保金池、推行助保貸產 品,為有發展潛力但輕資產、缺少擔保的小企業提供發展助力。目前,該分行與當地政府成功簽訂了《“助保貸”業務合作協議》,預計可投放小企業貸款達10億元。“找來的錢貴嗎?”如今已經順利獲得貸款的張志剛,被問的最多的問題除了“如何找來錢”,就是“找來的錢貴嗎?”。對於後者,張志剛往往會很痛快地回答“不貴”。當地銀監分局提供的信息顯示,銀行機構小微企業貸款利率上浮率比年初平均下降10%,貸款利率基本上在9%以下,如丹陽農商行僅此項措施,就少收小微企業貸款利息約8000萬元。“不貴”也得到鎮江市銀監分局副局長賀平泉的證實。他告訴記者,很多小微企業,特別是需要還貸資金周轉的小微企業可以享受到銀行貸款“不貴”的待遇。對此,他解釋說,在解決融資貴方面,為切實降低企業融資成本,鎮江市政府推出了“小微企業還貸周轉貸款”。記者瞭解到,“小微企業還貸周轉貸款”將由市政府主導籌集資金兩億元,用于解決小微企業還貸時發生的臨時性資金周轉困難。相關部門負責人mini storage露,目前操作辦法正由市政府審批,即將出台。預計運行後,一年可為80 0多家小微企業解決周轉資金40多億元,可為小微企業減少4000多萬元的融資成本。一些銀行機構還在解決“貸款慢”上下工夫。丹陽農商行副行長仲向陽就介紹了他們的做法。為了實現小微企業信貸業務集中化的快速審批,丹陽農商行今年特別搭建起了“總行小微企業業務管理中心—小微企業專營支行—小微企業專門服務崗”的三級小微企業專營服務架構,形成了單列信貸規模、單獨貸款審批、單獨利率定價、單獨客戶營銷的獨立的小微企業專業服務體制,大大提高了小微企業貸款審批效率,原來5天才能審批完成的貸款,現在縮短到了3天以內,有不少經營狀況良好、守信用的存量客戶,當天申請,當天即可用款。另外,丹陽農商行還在轄內設立首家專做貸款500萬元以下客戶的小微企業專營支行,通過“低門檻、短流程、高效率”的專業化服務,實現存量客戶的續貸一天放款、新增優質客戶當天授信當天放款。在鎮江,幫助小微企業的力量還有很多。鎮江市經濟和信息化委員會中小企業綜合協調處處長鄔庭薇介紹說,為了切實有效幫助小微企業緩解融資困難,作為全市小微企業的主管部門,市經信委面向小微企業開展“三專”特色服務———開設中小企業服務專櫃,為全市中小企業提供除行政審批外的一切服務;開通中小企業服務專線,24小時不間斷地為各類中小微企業提供人工服務和業務受理;開辦中小企業公共服務專網,受理中小微企業各類在線查詢、項目申報等。小微企業背後的監管推力截至9月末,在鎮江,小微企業貸款餘額達到843.11億元,比年初增加102.81 億元,增量占各項貸款增量的40.42%;增幅13.89%,高于各項貸款增長1.94個百分點;銀行業小微企業貸款占各項貸款的比重35.39%,高于全省5.23個百分點……這是一組會令小微企業主高興的數字。而數字的背後則是當地金融監管部門的努力。周盛武告訴記者,融不到資的是融資難,融到資的是融資貴和融資慢,這是普遍反映的社會熱點問題。如何建立和完善小微企業金融服務長效推動機制,切實有效地緩解小微企業面臨的“融資難、融資貴、融資慢”,成為鎮江銀監分局推出小微企業融資“陽光服務”工程的源動力。據記者瞭解,所謂“陽光服務”就是按照小微企業金融服務長效化、常態化要求而構建的綜合性服務工作機制,推動銀行以主動開放的姿態,公開信貸政策、收費政策、融資產品和業務流程;公示業務辦理時間、客戶經理的行為規範服務承諾書,落實銀行及客戶經理與街道、社區、小微企業結對幫扶責任,讓更多有市場、有銷售而缺資金的小微企業能夠得到實實在在的信貸支持。周盛武介紹說,在鎮江,各銀行機構依托“陽光服務”平台,深入工業園、創業基地、社區、鄉鎮,開展多層次、多場次的服務“送政策、送產品、送服務”的結對幫扶活動,有5833戶小微企業與銀行機構或客戶經理結成幫扶對子,其中近50 %的小微企業獲得了42.82億元貸款。self storage

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  編者按/ 中國與俄羅斯一直是友好近鄰,迷你倉中國與俄羅斯亦同為“金磚國家”,其經濟發展正引起著全世界的關注。  兩國在政治方面關係也非常緊密,“向世界出發·2013企業國際化新挑戰”第七站,《中國經營報》記者張玉香來到了俄羅斯考察採訪,她發現,與政治上的親密關係相比,中俄間的經濟往來卻遜色不少。俄羅斯對中國企業而言,是否是“走出去”的重要市場之一?這裡有哪些投資機會與風險?請看本期報道。  4350公里的邊境線上,遍佈了21個通商口岸。  世界上,除了俄羅斯,沒有哪一個國家與中國有如此親近的地緣關係。二者之間的政治關係,則更為引人注目。2013年3月,中國國家主席習近平就職後的首次出訪,就選擇了俄羅斯。隨後的半年間里,中俄兩國元首又進行了5次會晤。對此,相關專家曾表示,“這在世界大國關係史上也不多見。”  相比于地緣上的接近和親密的政治關係,中俄之間的經濟關係則略有遜色。為此,中俄之間的關係亦被評價為“政熱經冷”。  然而,在雙方政府的推動下,未來中俄之間的經濟合作或出現更多質的變化。走進俄羅斯也將逐步成為中國企業“走出去”的一個新選擇。直接投資占比小  中俄之間的經濟互補性非常強,俄羅斯主要是看重中方的資金優勢。  盡管在中俄雙方政府的推動下,近十年中俄在經貿領域簽署了一系列協議。但是二者間的經濟合作,與雙方的政治、地緣關係並不匹配。  “2008年之前,雙方的經貿合作規模較小,但是在2008年金融和經濟危機之後,中俄之間的貿易額迅速增加。”中國社會科學院俄羅斯東歐中亞研究所李建民教授向《中國經營報》記者表示。  由於投資環境等因素,目前俄羅斯所吸引的外資主要是貸款類。“2012年,貸款類投資約占到其外資直接投資的90%。”李建民告訴記者,“截至去年年底,中國對俄投資金額為280多億美元,這其中也是主要以貸款為主。”  據公開數據顯示,到2012年底,中國對俄直接投資僅接近50億美元左右,投資規模占中國對外投資規模還不到1%。而俄羅斯對華投資更是在3000萬美元左右,不到中國吸引外資和俄羅斯對外投資規模的千分之一。  目前中國在俄投資主要以石油管道、能源、資源開采等為主,目前對森林採伐、農業、服裝等也逐步介入。  “事實上,中俄之間的經濟互補性非常強,但是俄羅斯主要是看重中方的資金優勢。目前俄羅斯在遠東開發的一些項目,俄方依然沒有擺脫安全第一的模式,基本上都是讓中國以成立基金的方式介入。”李建民說。  “俄羅斯對中國投資者一直存在比較矛盾的心態,他們既歡迎中國的資金,又害怕在俄的各個領域存在過多中國因素。”中國銀行俄羅斯子公司總經理趙連傑表示。中國企業的學費  中國汽車進入俄羅斯汽車市場,並不是一帆風順的。  事實上,即使是走入俄羅斯的中國企業也不得不付出長時間的努力。“在俄羅斯並不是有錢就能闖得開,”趙連傑向記者表示,中國企業“走出去”要做好充分的準備工作。“比如對俄羅斯的法律制度、市場環境、文化環境、消費者習慣等都要有足夠的瞭解才行。”  中國銀行俄羅斯子行負責公司業務的助理總經理劉偉曾向記者舉例說,俄羅斯建築行業的行業准入、技術標準等規定十分具體、複雜,中國企業在俄施工會碰到許多在國內完全沒遇到的新問題,例mini storage在俄羅斯建築施工超過地面一米就算作高空作業,工人必須持有相應的資格認證方可上崗,而取得認證需要專門的培訓與考試,一般來自中國的施工隊伍中工人並不會俄語,單單取得各種施工資格認證就要花去不少時間。  中國汽車業在俄羅斯的遭遇更為典型。據李建民介紹,2009年、2010年的時候,俄羅斯一度成為中國汽車業走出去的最大出口市場。“但是因售後服務跟不上,競價銷售等原因,最後俄非常有利的政策,一個沒給中國企業。”李建民說。  目前,在俄羅斯市場發展較好的長城汽車,在接受記者採訪時坦陳,中國汽車進入俄羅斯汽車市場,並不是一帆風順的。  長城汽車表示,這主要是兩個方面原因造成的:一是,俄羅斯政府出台一系列政策保護本國汽車產業,如不斷提高汽車進口關稅,徵收汽車報廢稅等。二是,中國汽車企業本身也存在很多問題。  “第一,多數中國汽車沒有取得俄羅斯的汽車質量認證;第二,中國汽車企業在俄羅斯市場上存在低價惡性競爭的現象;第三,中國汽車的整體質量還存在不足;第四,中國出口車輛缺乏售後服務和零部件供應,產品保質期短。”長城汽車人士表示。  長城汽車表示,為適應俄羅斯汽車市場的這些特殊需求,為俄羅斯顧客提供高質量滿意產品,長城汽車從進入俄羅斯汽車市場之初,就確立了不以銷量為目標,而以品牌建設、提供高質量產品為己任。如針對俄羅斯特殊的路況和天氣,為出口俄羅斯市場的汽車進行特殊的防鏽處理,加裝座椅電加熱等等。投資環境待改善  俄羅斯是資源大國,能源、森林、淡水等儲量豐富,而中國的基礎工業這些年進步非常快,良好的地緣關係和經濟上的互補性,為中俄之間的合作提供了廣闊的發展空間。  事實上,從投資的角度,俄羅斯的優勢和劣勢均非常明顯。福耀玻璃負責人告訴記者,俄羅斯資源豐富、科技和研發水平高,勞動者素質高。  “俄羅斯資源豐富,這個是不爭的事實。有專家預言,到2050年將是世界上靠自有資源滿足消費的國家之一。”李建民表示,此外,在2008年經濟危機之後,從俄羅斯迅速走出危機的速度來看,其作為經濟強國的成長性不可小視。  然而,俄羅斯在投資環境上存在的一些問題,也是非常明顯的。“主要是官僚化體制以及法律執行過程容易走樣等問題,讓俄羅斯的投資環境大打折扣。”李建民表示。  俄羅斯也一直在調整自身的投資環境。俄羅斯總統普京去年五月簽署了“關於長期國家經濟政策”的命令,要求必須採取措施提高俄羅斯在世界銀行2011年營商環境報告排名中第120位的地位,到2015年升至第50位,到2018年升至第20位。  而根據今年世界銀行和國際金融公司公佈的《2014營商環境報告》顯示,俄羅斯年度排名中躍升20位,從去年的第112位上升到第92位。  “中俄之間的地緣優勢和良好的戰略伙伴關係為雙方合作提供了非常好的前提,”趙連傑向記者表示,“俄羅斯是資源大國,能源、森林、淡水等儲量豐富,而中國的基礎工業包括電力、建築、船舶、石油工業等這些年進步非常快,良好的地緣關係和經濟上的這種互補性,為中俄之間的合作提供了廣闊的發展空間。”  “隨著雙方政府的推動,未來中俄在經濟上的合作勢必會越來越多,俄羅斯也在逐步改善投資環境,向國際標準靠攏,中國企業也會越來越多地走向俄羅斯。”趙連傑表示。迷你倉

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病人的醫療化驗報告涉及大量敏感私隱資料,自存倉惟廣華醫院病理部一名文員,上月初涉嫌未經批准下,容許其二十多歲女兒進入該院化驗部門辦公室,並接觸電腦內的資料,令人關注公立醫院化驗室的保安是否足夠。廣華醫院證實事件,惟強調部門高層數分鐘內已得悉事件並立即喝停,該員工的女兒亦無接觸任何病人化驗報告內容,只是協助抄寫化驗編號到帳單,但承認肇事員工的警覺性明顯不足,部門已作出訓斥,並會按紀律程序跟進。設於大樓地下的病理部樣本收集處,大門長期打開。(胡家豪攝)廣華醫院病理部一名一級文員,在上月九日的辦公時間內,私下讓並非醫院員工的女兒進入化驗部門,並擅自開啟部門電腦,取閱化驗資料,被質疑嚴重違反員工守則,更令人憂慮會有大量病人私隱外洩。院方發言人承認,當日病理部一名職員容許其廿多歲女兒進入病理部總務處及標本收集處,並使用部門電腦,協助處理簡單文書工作,部門經理在數分鐘後接獲通知,立即停止有關行為並向該職員作出訓斥。院方強調並無洩密事件令人關注病人的私隱保迷你倉,院方強調該職員女兒並無接觸病人化驗報告內容,過程中只從電腦工作表,抄寫了數個化驗報告的編號到化驗收費單據,但同意該員工明顯警覺性不足。院方重申非常重視病人私隱,員工亦必須遵守相關守則,已將事件呈報醫管局總部及個人資料私隱專員公署,並會按人事紀律程序作出跟進。據悉,院方初步了解事件,認為該員工的女兒只是出於想幫輕母親工作,會認真處理。廣華醫院的東華三院余振強紀念醫療中心,病理部佔用七層。其權限可取閱報告香港醫務化驗師協會理事長練永強指,公立醫院的病理部化驗室有本身的電腦系統,每名員工均有專屬的登入帳號及密碼,權限亦不同,例如化驗人員可輸入並修改報告內容,一般文員雖無權撰寫化驗報告,但工作上或需要取閱報告,當中確可能有病人化驗項目及病歷等敏感資料,雖然今次事件似乎只涉及極簡單的文件工作,但亦不恰當。他又指事發地點在標本收集處,不應隨便讓閒雜人等進入,因有機會令標本受損壞、遺失及調亂等,部分標本亦可能具傳染性,有一定危險。記者陳紹� 、曾愷欣mini storage

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據新華社華盛頓11月7日電 面對醫保改革引發的巨大爭議,迷你倉美國總統奧巴馬7日首度向因醫改而丟掉原有醫療保險的美國民�表示歉意。奧巴馬當天在接受美國全國廣播公司(NBC)新聞頻道專訪時說,很抱歉令部分美國民�陷入這種他曾保證不會出現的境遇,聯邦政府會盡力幫他們解決目前的困境。由奧巴馬積極推動並簽署生效的醫保改革法案正進入全面實施階段。奧巴馬此前曾反複保證,即便醫改開始實施,美國人依然能夠依照個人意願繼續保留自己原有的醫保方案。然而據美國媒體報道,已儲存倉不少美國民�陸續接到保險公司取消原有方案的通知。他們的醫保大多由自己購買而非僱主支付,大多比較廉價,不能完全達到醫改所制訂的標準,保險公司無法承保。但如果購買新醫保,又可能面對保費上升而導致負擔加重。醫改最早實施、目前也最具爭議的環節是作為醫改關鍵舉措的平價醫保網上交易平台。這一網站�動一個多月以來技術故障不斷,屢屢癱瘓,大多數訪客難以完成註冊,更難進入申請環節。美國衛生與公�服務部部長西貝利厄斯上周已在聽證會上公開道歉,並承諾本月底內解決問題。迷你倉最平

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Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.迷你倉M.Nov. 08--Angel and Crystal, an inseparable pair of white German shepherds, acted as though they'd been flying in small airplanes their entire lives. The girls, ages 8 and 4, respectively, watched patiently as Dan and Zia Telfair readied their Cessna 182 Skylane at Double Eagle Airport a few days ago, then gingerly hopped aboard for their flight to Phoenix and a new chapter in their lives.A month before, their 79-yearold owner -- who had refused to go into a nursing home because she didn't want to be away from her girls -- died unexpectedly. Since then, the woman's friends had been taking care of the dogs at their owner's home. But circumstances prevented the dogs from finding a new home in Minnesota.Enter Pilots N Paws -- a nationwide, all-volunteer organization of pilots who, at their own expense, transport dogs like Angel and Crystal to rescue shelters -- and the White German Shepherd Rescue in Phoenix, which specializes in finding homes for the popular breed."The flight went quite well," said Dan, a retired Army helicopter pilot who, along with his copilot/wife, flew Angel and Crystal on the final leg of their journey from Minnesota on Oct. 27."They are so bonded ... we ended up putting them in one crate. Fortunately, Angel loves to ride in anything, so she just hopped right in and Crystal followed her automatically. They went to sleep until we got to Phoenix," he said.For 13 years, Dan and Zia flew hundreds of volunteer flights for Angel Flight, an organization that provides free air transportation to patients needing to travel to distant medical facilities. Though that work was rewarding, they recently opted to concentrate on helping their four-legged friends.They learned about Pilots N Paws through the proverbial grapevine."All the pilot volunteer organizations sort of cross-pollinate, so you hear about other organizations all the time," Dan said.Pilots N Paws proved to be an ideal project for the Telfairs, both of whom are military retirees, licensed pilots, plane owners and unabashed animal lovers."I love to fly, and I've loved dogs all my life," Dan said in explaining his attraction to Pilots N Paws."I was raised in Mississippi, so we always had dogs when I was a kid. Once I got into the Army and got a commission, and could afford a real dog, I've always had German self storagehepherds," he said as Beau, the couple's 4-year-old German shepherd adopted from Animal Humane New Mexico, sat attentively beside their dining room table."I haven't been without one for more than a month since probably 1962," Dan said.Dan and Zia, longtime volunteers for Animal Humane and the city of Albuquerque's Animal Welfare Department, are also former puppy-raisers for Canine Companions for Independence.They have flown several Pilots N Paws missions -- including last month's flight for Angel and Crystal."This combines my loves," Zia Telfair said. "I really enjoy working with dogs. I love the volunteer work I do with Animal Humane, and I love the opportunity to be with Dan in the airplane, doing something that's useful and fun."Angel and Crystal were ferried from their home in Minnesota by several Pilots N Paws volunteers. A pilot from Santa Fe flew to Centennial Airport in Denver on Saturday to pick up the duo, then flew them to Double Eagle Airport that afternoon. The shepherds stayed with local Pilots N Paws volunteer Dave Shaver overnight, and Shaver took them to the Telfairs at Double Eagle the next morning for the final leg of their journey.The Telfairs were met in Phoenix by a volunteer with White German Shepherd Rescue. Nancy Swanner, founder and director of the rescue, said Monday that Angel and Crystal are doing well."Considering what these two have gone through, they have adjusted remarkably well to living in my home over the past week," Swanner said. Angel and Crystal will go to a foster home for a few weeks to adjust to their new lives."They have lost everything -- their home, their 'mom' -- everything. I'm going to see how they do together over the next couple of months and will make the decision when they become adoptable," she said.The aim, she said, is to find a "forever home" that will adopt Angel and Crystal together so the pair don't have to be separated. That was good news to the Tel-fairs, who said the two white shepherds were a joy to transport. "I'm sure they're happy to be in a regular home with people again," Dan said. Learn moreMore information about Pilots N Paws is available at pilotsnpaws.orgCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷利倉

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Sterling Q3 results fail to excite traders, but analysts expect interest to growNEITHER the exuberance infecting Wall Street nor the traditional year-end buying mood for equities has rubbed off on local blue chips yet.存倉If anything, the benchmark Straits Times Index found itself clinging precariously to the 3,200 support level for most of this week before losing its footing yesterday to end 24.85 points down at 3,177.25.And there appears to be nothing in sight to prod the STI higher. The banks, which make up about 40 per cent of the index, reported sterling third-quarter results, yet they were still largely within expectations, so there were few fresh catalysts to energise traders.But some research houses are optimistic that the outlook will brighten for banks in the coming year.CIMB Securities research head Kenneth Ng said in his latest report: "The third quarter was about how the banks lost out or benefited from the unexpected United States Federal Reserve's move of not tapering (its stimulus measures)."Core banking trends posed few surprises and net interest margins had stabilised, while there is no significant deterioration in the credit quality of the (local) banks' loan books, he added.But he is hopeful that bank profitability will pick up: "We raise the sector to overweight from neutral after an upgrade of United Overseas Bank (UOB)."Although banks as a group have beaten the STI this year, their valuations are still not excessive and the steady delivery of earnings has made Mr Ng more positive about the sector.What is heartening is also the pick-up in US-dollar deposits and loans. This shows that the Singapore banking system is now more 儲存bout funding Asian trade and less about the domestic market.Mr Ng said: "In particular, the ability of DBS to meet estimates even as it was hit by a shortfall of $71 million in earnings from wrong bets on a US taper suggests that core profitability of the sector is better than expected."There is also little risk of UOB, for instance, overpaying for a Hong Kong acquisition such as Wing Hang Bank, he added.Although Barclays Equity Research kept its neutral call for Singapore banks, analyst Sharnie Wong noted that the three lenders have been preparing for tapering uncertainties by boosting their deposit bases.She said: "The three Singapore banks grew deposits faster than loans quarter on quarter in the third quarter. The unexpected delay in the quantitative easing by the Fed had impacted margins as banks attracted time deposits and maintained surplus liquidity."However, the lower loan yields and lower loan-to-deposit ratios were partly offset by a greater demand for wholesale funding, which the Singapore banks could access at a low cost due to their strong credit ratings.Ms Wong also noted the keen interest by OCBC and UOB in expanding into Hong Kong, which they see as the gateway to mainland China."UOB's management said that it believes pricing is a key consideration and the establishment of free trade zones in China may potentially be a longer-term threat to trade volumes through Hong Kong," she added.For OCBC, however, a presence there makes sense only if it is part of a broader trend triggered by China driving economic growth in Asia and creating a vibrant offshore yuan market with Hong Kong as the largest centre, she added.engyeow@sph.com.sg迷你倉

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  美國廣播公司(American Broadcasting Company)於十月十六日深夜,自存倉播放了一輯觸怒全球華人的電視節目。當晚清談節目《Jimmy Kimmel Live》的主題為「美國政府應如何面對財政懸崖」。在「兒童圓桌會議」環節,主持人邀請了四名十歲以下的兒童作互動交流,討論期間出現一條極具爭議的問題——「美國政府應如何應付欠中國的一點三萬億國債?」兒童的回應更語出驚人,包括「築起城牆,阻止中國人來美國討債」及「把中國人殺光」等言論。  童言無忌,小孩又怎會顧慮答案的爭議性呢?然而,言者無心,聽者有意,節目播出之後不久,便惹來美國華人的不滿,他們即時成立臉書網頁(Investigate Jimmy Kimmel Kid's Table Show on ABC Network),計畫搜集全球十萬中國人的簽名,向白宮施壓,促使華府調查事件,並要求電台及主持人道歉。行動迅速蔓延至世界各地,中國網民先後成立社交網絡專頁,為美國華人打氣,譴責JimmyKimmel,要求美國廣播公司立即把他開除。  有美國華籍藝術家表示,美國傳媒從不敢公開侮辱黑人或猶太人,但對中國人卻毫不留情。這明顯反映美國人歧視較為內歛、文靜的民族,而中國人更是首當其衝。他呼籲所有美國華人站出來,通過上述臉書網頁發聲。編導有責任刪除敏感內容  筆者認為迷你倉次事件美國廣播公司的表現十分之不專業。在每個節目「出街」之前,編導有責任預先審批節目內容,例如內容不可涉及令觀眾不安的情節。中美國債是嚴肅問題,編導又怎能當作兒戲。他應該深知兒童無可能理解問題的因由,更無可能期望他們的回應會具意義。有點兒智慧的編導也會把這段敏感的對話刪除。所以,公司難免被外界懷疑有蔑視國際政治及故意辱華之心。再者,主持人Jimmy Kimmel的表現更令人失望。對於「殺光中國人」的言論,他的即時回應是「這是有趣的想法」,卻並沒有嘗試讓小孩知道那是歪理,既不合情也不合法,變相便是同意他們,這樣很容易導致孩兒們日後會變本加厲。小孩無知 更需要教育  有美國學者指出小孩無知,外界不應該對他們窮追不捨。筆者雖然不反對這觀點,但認為節目暴露出美國兒童教育的漏洞。從他們的答案看來,美國兒童存有自私及不負責任的心態,他們總是覺得保護自己利益是理所當然的,儘管欠人錢債仍可置之不理,只要設法阻止債主找上門,甚至為此大開殺戒。再者,答案也反映出兒童的思維深受電子遊戲影響,他們為了阻止敵人(債主)的入侵,會築起城牆,更不惜消滅敵人。古語有云「三歲定八十」,這種暴戾文化影響深遠,所以在任何文明社會中,都是絕對不容接受的。為了下一代,為了對此類歪風蔓延至香港,大家責無旁貸。黃錦輝教授香港中文大學工程學院副院長(外務)香港資訊科技聯會主席mini storage

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  沒有您的銀行卡密碼,儲存卻從您的卡里劃走了12萬元,這是什麼樣的騙局?!  支付寶與許多銀行有快捷支付的協議,通過這個協議,支付寶綁定您的銀行卡,您只要填寫支付密碼,不用填銀行卡密碼,就可以直接動用卡里的錢支付,或者將銀行卡里的錢劃到支付寶戶頭裡。  但是,客戶辦理銀行卡綁定支付寶時,要提供卡號和本人的姓名、身份證號碼等基本信息。此外最關鍵的是,支付寶方面會給客戶填寫的手機號碼發一個手機校驗碼,以確認這是本人操作。  永康的王先生被騙子騙走了身份證號、銀行卡號,關鍵辦銀行卡時,還在聯繫電話一欄上,聽了別人的話,填上騙子的手機號碼。  隨後,騙子辦了個支付寶賬號,與銀行卡綁定,從王先生的銀行卡上轉走總計12萬元。  銀行卡里的錢  是被用支付寶劃走的  王先生是永康人,開了一家裝潢公司。  上個月,老同學陳女士說,她一個朋友認識擔保公司的人,可以幫他辦一張透支額度為50萬元的信用卡。  王先生做生意需要資金周轉,正需要這樣一張高額度的信用卡。  陳女士向王先生要了他的身份證複印件等資料,說是審核需要。  沒幾天,陳女士告訴他,先去辦個銀行儲蓄卡,存20萬元進去,三天內不能取出。這樣,5天內就能辦信用卡了。  10月21日,王先生在陳女士的陪同下,到位於金華市賓虹路上的民生銀行辦了一張銀行卡。  辦卡必須先填寫銀行的《服務申請單》,王先生填好個人信息,最後的“手機”一欄,陳女士告訴他一個手機號,要他填寫上去。王先生照做了——事後他說,王先生說,陳女士是老同學,多年以來一直很熟,所以就照做了——幾天後,王先生為此懊悔不已。  10月22日下午,他向新辦的銀行卡里存進了20萬元。  10月24日早上,王先生接到陳女士的電話,說要一張銀行卡正面的照片,也是辦信用卡用的,王先生照做。  10月26日下午,王先生接到陳女士電話,讓他趕緊看下銀行卡里是不是錢少了。王先生趕緊一查,12萬元沒了,只剩8萬了。  記者看到,從民生銀行打出來的對賬單顯示:  10月24日晚上11點多,王先生賬戶里被人用支付寶快捷支付的形式轉走5000元,接收方戶名為“支付寶(中國)網絡技術有限公司客戶備付金”。過了四分鐘,又有一筆15000元交易以同樣的形式被轉走。  接下來的兩天,這張卡上陸續轉出7筆錢,金額都在一萬元到兩萬元不等。  一個人牽線  四個人被騙  被騙的不只王先生一個,還有丁某和章某等三人,也是通過陳女士被騙的。  陳女士說,她也是被人騙了。  “我也是出于好心,沒想到好心辦了壞事,我自己已經被騙了,不想別人再上當了。”下面是陳女士的說法:  十月中旬,我接到了一條短信,代辦各大銀行信用卡(透支卡),5天下卡,“電話:18329003529李總”。  我是做房產中介的,不少來買房的人常需要資金周轉。幫他們辦張大額度信用卡,買房時會方便不少。因為之前也有人上門推銷過信用卡,我覺得沒問題,就撥通了短信中“李總”的電話。  他說可以,我就幫自己和王先生、章某、丁某等十幾個朋友報了名。  “李總”要走了申請者的身份證複印件等資料,說要資格審查。沒過幾天,“李總”打來電話,說王先生和章某、丁某等四人通過審核,我沒通過。  10月21日,我陪王先生辦銀行卡。“李總”說,銀行卡辦卡單子上的手機要填他提供的號碼,這號碼是用來給辦卡人擔保的。“李總”把號碼發到我手機上,我就讓王先生填了上去。  丁和章迷你倉三人是自己去辦的卡,號碼是“李總”發到我手機上,讓我轉發給他們的。  10月24日,我收到了“李總”的電話,讓把銀行卡的卡號發過去,說是要審批。我想卡在,密碼也在,就不會有問題,就叫他們拍個銀行卡照片發過去。  10月25日是存款進去的第三天,按“李總”說法,卡里的錢都可以取出來了。沒想到大清早,“李總”來電話,讓她先不要把錢取出來,銀行還沒有審核完畢,要等到28日。  我有點擔心了,就讓我弟弟去查了一下其中一張銀行卡的餘額——章和丁的銀行卡都是我保管的。我弟弟查的時候錢還在,我就放心出去玩了,沒想到當天晚上錢被分批轉走了。  10月26日下午,我發現“李總”電話關機,再也打不通。我慌了,一查餘額,發現申請下來四個人所辦的四張銀行卡,都被扣去了5到12萬不等,總共被騙了37萬元。  我怕騙子再下手,趕緊通知他們。大家就趕到金華市西關派出所報了案。  銀行和支付寶方面回應:  這是詐騙,操作流程本身無問題  民生銀行的工作人員說,這是典型的詐騙,我們正配合警方調查。  “這位客戶沒有開通網上銀行、手機銀行等業務,卡里的錢是綁定支付寶後通過支付寶轉出去的。”這位工作人員說,銀行操作流程沒有問題。王先生被騙,是因為將自己的身份證號、銀行卡號透露給騙子,在辦卡時又綁定了騙子的手機號。  阿里巴巴方面一位姓朱的工作人員也表示,支付寶方面沒有問題。  “這張卡在開戶階段就存在問題,就不是一個正常的賬戶。”這位工作人員說,手機校驗碼是和銀行密碼等同的重要信息,是絕不能透露給其他人的。  “我們對客戶賬戶被盜用的情況,是100%賠付的,但王先生屬於被騙,我們是不能提供賠付的。”這位工作人員舉例說,A先生有只保險箱,A先生什麼都沒做,保險箱里的錢沒了,這就屬於盜用。如果有一個騙子,誘導A先生拿到了鑰匙,打開保險箱拿走了錢,這樣就屬於被詐騙了。  “此案已立案,定性為詐騙案。我們正通過杭州網監,查詢王先生銀行卡里的錢是通過哪個賬戶轉出去,又轉去了哪個賬戶。”金華市公安局江南分局刑偵大隊民警告訴記者,他們也在查騙子提供的手機號碼。  浙江暢想律師事務所李鵬分析此案如下:  1、王先生:他把聯繫電話填成別人的號碼,是他的疏忽,是導致財產損失的關鍵因素。按照社會大�的角度,如果他應當知道號碼是不能寫成別人的,那麼他是有過錯的,如果不應該知道,那麼他就沒有過錯。  2、銀行:銀行是否有告知王先生,如果號碼不是本人使用,其賬戶內的財產將被他人取走的嚴重後果。如果沒有告知,銀行以聯繫號碼不是卡主本人為由免責,是沒有依據的。  王先生和銀行是服務合同關係,通過合同約定如何使用卡號內款項。如果有人要動用卡內款項,銀行肯定要經過賬戶使用人同意,比如取款要輸入密碼,這是辦卡合同里有約定的。而王先生的銀行卡辦理合同中,銀行和支付寶關聯的服務,有沒有寫入合同是關鍵。如果這項服務沒有寫入合同,銀行就肯定有責任。如果有合同,那就要看銀行有沒有盡到告知義務。  3、支付寶公司:支付寶與王先生的銀行卡賬戶進行關聯,同樣應當取得卡主的同意。支付寶公司僅僅以發校驗碼的形式,來判斷是否是王先生本人操作,支付寶和王先生也沒有簽署任何合同,這個行為與財產損失具備關聯性。  4、陳女士:陳女士責任比較大,她輕信了短信內容。王先生的卡號、身份信息客觀上是陳女士泄露的,陳女士的行為與王先生的財產損失具有明顯因果關係,應當承擔責任。儲存倉

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淨利潤達2.2億美元;聯想控股申請銀行資質 新京報訊 (記者林其玲)聯想集團昨天發佈第二財季業績。上季度聯想營業額達98億美元,self storage同比增13%,淨利潤達2.2億美元,創下新季度紀錄,同比增36%。該季度聯想共售出2900萬部設備,相當于每秒售出4台設備。聯想董事局主席楊元慶表示,聯想下一步是成為PC和平板兩個市場的老大,再把智能手機納入進來。PC連續兩季度蟬聯冠軍在“保衛和進攻”戰略下,聯想集團業績不斷創下新紀錄,徹底走出2009年的虧損泥潭,並連續兩個季度成為全球最大的個人電腦供應商。上季度聯想共售出1410萬部電腦,全球市場份額創下歷史新高17.7%,同比增長兩個百分點。不過根據IDC的數據,全球PC已出現連續6個季度的滑坡。楊元慶表示,中國PC市場已經觸底反彈了,尤其是城鎮化建設,會幫助PC市場進一步擴大。至於全球市場,明年最遲下半年全球PC會恢複增長。“淨利率低是行業現狀”雖然PC市場份額創新高,但聯想上季度淨利率僅有2.24%,不過依然高于去年同期的1.8%。毛利率則為12.9%。淨利率低也曾被認為是犧牲利潤換市場份額。聯想副總裁魏江雷表示,淨利率低是PC行業的整體現狀。惠普和戴爾的淨利率大約都在三個百分點。楊元慶表示,未來三年內,聯想淨利率要提升一個百分點。目前聯想PC、手機和平板三條產品線都已盈利,但手機和平板還處於投入階段,因此淨利率的迷你倉升主要靠PC。在聯想的規劃里,智能手機和平板是重點進攻、拓展市場份額的地帶。楊元慶表示,聯想下一步目標是成為PC和平板兩個市場的老大,再下一步把智能手機納入進來。但聯想在智能手機領域跟蘋果和三星的差距還比較明顯,聯想會先縮小和前兩位的差距。財報顯示,上季度聯想智能手機銷量同比增78%,在中國市場銷量已超過PC。■ 相關新聞聯想母公司正申請銀行資質 新京報訊 (記者林其玲)聯想母公司聯想控股正在申請銀行資質。該消息是聯想控股董事長柳傳志6日在接受媒體採訪時透露的。柳傳志表示,近期銀行業有逐漸向民營資本開放的傾向,目前聯想控股通過收購,已擁有了小額貸款業務。“但是小額貸款和銀行不一樣,銀行可以吸收存款,它不能。銀行業的開放是金融業的大好事,像我們這種沒有經驗的公司能不能做得好,是個問題。我們如果真的要走,將和互聯網聯合起來走條新的道路。”他表示,民營銀行是按照地區批,北京中關村可能會申請一家銀行,聯想控股會成為發起者之一。此外,柳傳志再次表示,聯想控股將在2014-2015年上市,目前還未確定上市地點,應該在A股或者H股。聲 音楊元慶:不會為了收購而收購本周,黑莓放棄出售,聯想接盤無望。昨天在被問及收購策略時,楊元慶表示,聯想一直都是兩手準備,有合適的收購就會考慮。“聯想一直在尋找機會,但有時候,這種機會是可遇不可求的,聯想不會為了收購而收購。”(林其玲)mini storage

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昨成申城入秋後首個重度汙染日,儲存倉不符合“汙染持續”故未�動應急預案,今日空氣轉優良■市教委昨緊急通知建議全市中小學幼兒園學生暫停戶外活動,“霧霾假”引熱議□晨報記者葛志浩金玉蓉昨天立冬之日,在環保部下發一則汙染防治通知之後,霧霾便應時而至,使申城的空氣質量指數AQI指數如沸騰之水,一度沖至300頂峰數值,成為申城入秋後的首個重度汙染日。昨21時,浦東川沙監測站點的PM2.5小時濃度甚至高達433微克/立方米。昨天一早,市教委就短信建議全市中小學幼兒園學生暫停戶外活動。氣象局在空氣汙染氣象條件預報實施後,首次發佈四級預報。這次的霧霾天為什麼會這麼嚴重?這樣的空氣質量可以放假嗎?該採用什麼方法才能減少霧霾對人體的傷害?都是市民非常關心的問題。雖然今天的風將吹散霧霾,空氣質量有望轉良,但秋冬高發的霧霾天氣,是整個社會不得不面對的問題。昨日AQI一度沖頂300昨天的汙染,其實從前天晚上已經形成勢力。PM2.5小時濃度在前晚8時已超過200微克/立方米,此後一直到昨天凌晨3點,濃度不斷攀升,達238.3微克/立方米。昨天清晨前後,汙染濃度雖然小幅下滑,但從早晨8點開始到上午10點,又一股PM2.5汙染高峰出現,AQI突破了245。昨天傍晚以後AQI略有回落,但到了晚上八點,AQI再度惡化,又突破了255。昨21時,浦東川沙監測站點測得的PM2.5小時濃度甚至高達433微克/立方米。昨天,“空氣質量寶寶”始終以哭臉示人,絕大部分時候頭髮都是紅色,所對應的汙染等級則為“重度汙染”。“這次汙染主要有兩方面成因,一是華北地區一股冷空氣將細顆粒物輸送至本市,另一個則是本市的大氣相對靜穩,汙染物的擴散條件差。”市環境監測中心首席服務官告訴記者,不過,隨著今天大氣擴散條件轉好,尤其是風向轉為偏東或偏南,細顆粒物將被吹散,空氣質量也將得到明顯改善。環境監測部門預計,今天上午本市AQI將在60-80,空氣質量等級為良,首要汙染物為PM2.5;下午的AQI可能僅45-65,為優到良。應急預案發佈有嚴格前提不過,對應著環保部日前下發的通知,昨天的重度汙染並沒有讓人等來相應的應急預案發佈。對此,記者昨日從本市環保部門瞭解到,這是因為發佈應急預案須有嚴格前提,其中汙染物的持續性是必要條件之一。據環保部門介紹,空氣質量劃分為優、良、輕度汙染、中度汙染、重度汙染和嚴重汙染6級。結合本市實際情況,將重度汙染和嚴重汙染納入環境空氣質量重汙染應急方案實施範圍。重度汙染為AQI在201-300範圍,視汙染趨勢發佈重度汙染預警信息,並�動相應的應急措施;嚴重汙染為AQI大於300,發佈嚴重汙染預警信息,並�動相應的強化應急措施。但是,若要�動應急預案中的措施,除了汙染已經出現外,還必須有“未來該 汙染狀況還將持續”這一條件,否則應急預案就會失去實際意義。為此,記者查閱《上海市環境空氣質量重汙染應急方案(暫行)》的規定得知,發佈重度汙染預警�動應急措施的條件為“連續12小時AQI大於200,且當前PM2.5小時濃度大於150微克/立方米,預計未來24小時不會明顯好轉”。發佈嚴重汙染預警�動應急措施的條件則為“連續6小時AQI大於300,且當前PM2.5小時濃度大於250微克/立方米,預計 未來24小時不會明顯好轉”。汙染條件預報首達4級 昨天8時,本月1日剛剛開始實行的空氣汙染氣象條件預報,首次觸響了四級汙染氣象條件。記者昨日在預報圖中看到,包括崇明在內,全市都籠罩在鮮紅的四級汙染氣象條件的警報中。據瞭解,空氣汙染氣象條件預報共分六個等級。市中心氣象台每天8時和20時 對未來空氣汙染氣象條件預報,當預報等級達四級及以上時,將在每天5時、11時 、17時、21時的常規天氣預報中發佈相應等級及含義。氣象部門預報稱,周六夜間到周日在冷空氣到來前後,由於空氣濕度增加、陰雨以及風向轉變等原因,仍有可能出現短時間內能見度變差的情況。為何未發佈應急預案?●重度汙染為AQI在201-300範圍,嚴重汙染為AQI大於300。昨天絕大部分時候AQI都在200-300的範圍,汙染等級為重度汙染。●發佈重度汙染預警�動應急措施須滿足:連續12小時AQI大於200,且當前PM 2.5小時濃度大於150微克/立方米,預計未來24小時不會明顯好轉。發佈嚴重汙染預警�動應急措施須滿足:連續6小時AQI大於300,且當前PM2.5 小時濃度大於250微克/立方米,預計未來24小時不會明顯好轉。教委預警短信能否來得更早些?■昨天上午8 : 3 0 發緊急通知,還是有幼兒園做了早操■跨部門聯動機制將調整,確保學校第一時間收到提醒□晨報記者王婧朱曉芳昨天本市發佈霧霾天氣預警,建議暫停中小學生戶外活動。好在本周適逢期中考試,不少學校並沒有安排戶外活動。不過由於短信提醒發佈時間在早上8:30以後,一些校長建議通知時間最好能提前。做完早操才收到預警短信“本市上午8時空氣質量為重度汙染,AQI為233,PM2.5小時濃度為219.8微克/立方米,預計今天白天仍將保持較高汙染水平。請各位校(園)長及時關注最新空氣質量信息,建議學生暫停戶外運動。”昨天上午8時30分左右,上海市教育督導事務中心在收到氣象部門發佈的霧霾天氣預警後,第一時間向全市3000余名中小學校長、幼兒園園長髮送短信提醒。多所學校校長告訴記者,這周正逢期中考試,所以學校本來就沒有安排戶外活動和體育課。“即使是平時,一旦收到教育系統的短信通知,學校也會及時做出調整,暫停戶外活動,將體育課改在室內進行。”虹口實驗學校校長胡培華說。不過,有校長提出,學校、特別是幼兒園早上的戶外活動一般安排在8點左右,但有關部門在8點半以後才發送天氣預警迷你倉最平這樣的提醒似乎有些滯後。而且一旦遇到校長、園長早上有事、開會,沒有及時打開手機,可能也會影響預警短信的及時送達。加上全上海有那麼多中小學、幼兒園,短信全部發送完成,也需要一定的時間,因此,建議預警信息能否提前發佈。昨天,寶山區的康橋水都幼兒園便碰到了這個問題。園長卜維霞告訴記者,幼兒園按照年級進行戶外活動,大班的孩子是第一批在上午8點開始活動的,此時園方還沒有收到預警短信,不過考慮到天氣不好,原本一小時的活動提前半小時就結束了。“直到早上8:50左右我才接到短信提醒,於是小班的戶外活動被取消。”卜維霞表示,以幼兒園早上的活動時間來說,這一條短信提醒似乎來得有點晚。對此,上海市教育督導事務中心相關人士表示,上午7點多,中心已經開始關注霧霾情況,但直到8點多才收到氣象部門發佈的霧霾預警,於是工作人員第一時間將預警發送給校長、園長。“根據市教委和環境部門等部門建立的聯動機制,只有在環境部門發佈預警後才能發送消息提醒校長、園長。不過,這個問題已引起市教委重視。”相關人士表示,有關部門將會進一步調整這一聯動機制,以確保在第一時間提醒、指導學校戶外活動安排。有學校組織家校合作監控“今天空氣重度汙染,學校從今天開始建立相關制度,根據空氣質量指數調整學生戶外活動。”昨天,嘉定區實驗小學校長花潔做出了這個決定:今後由學校體育組組長和家長共同來實施管理,每天自行監控上海市環境監測中心網站,一旦發現空氣質量指數達到重度汙染,便自行暫停戶外體育活動,不再被動等待行政命令。學校該不該停課、取消秋游?家長:霧霾無處可逃,停課沒有意義□記者王婧朱曉芳晨報訊昨天,霧霾天該不該停課、該不該取消秋游的話題引起家長熱議。而市教委基礎教育處處長倪閩景昨天介紹,目前主管部門正在聽取各方意見,制定相關規則,規定霧霾、颱風、暴雨等不良天氣會對學生上課秩序產生哪些影響,該規則 預計本月出台。按照環保部的最新通知,所謂停課、彈性工作制是指發佈最高預警的情況下,採取中小學和幼兒園停課、企事業單位實行彈性工作制等措施。按照現在的分級,嚴重汙染(AQI超300)才是最高級。昨天上午8時還只屬於重度汙染,離停課還有一定距離。而等到下午AQI超過300時,學生已經在上課了,這時再通知學生,不現實。而霧霾天該不該停課,昨天也引起家長們的熱議。家長張女士表示,“霧霾天應該停課讓學生呆在家里。”這樣的觀點遭到不少家長反對,孩子不上學,家長卻要上班,孩子放哪裡是個大問題。家長王女士更是表示,孩子除非完全足不出戶,否則霧霾還是照樣影響小孩。今天是浦東某學校的秋游日。昨天該校學生家長李女士很擔憂:“萬一明天空氣汙染很嚴重,我兒子還應該去秋游嗎?”面對這個問題,校長昨天特地請示了市教委,又溝通了旅行社,最後表示,“學校做兩手準備,如果明早空氣汙染很嚴重,則可能取消活動,如果不嚴重,則按照原計劃執行。”針對這個問題,閔行區航華二小校長吳海英則表示:“秋游當天如果汙染,處理會有困難。因為車輛都必須提前預訂,而空氣質量要當天早上才能知道。”霧霾天氣,學生該不該停課?春遊、秋游是否要取消?昨天,市教委基教處處長倪閩景介紹,目前主管部門正在聽取各方意見、制定相關規則,預計相關規則將在本月出台。該規則將規定霧霾、颱風、暴雨等不良天氣會對學生上課秩序產生哪些影響。“目前,市教委只是提醒學校取消孩子的戶外活動。各學校也可以按照自己的情況來決定,有的學校地處汙染濃度大的地方,應該取消戶外活動,有的學校地處空氣質量好的區域,那可以變通。對於秋游活動,各校也可視情況而定,如果秋游去處空氣質量好,那還是可以去的,如果空氣很差,學校也可以暫時不去。”倪閩景說。企業能否放“霧霾假”?專家:可集體協商□記者宋傑晨報訊勞動法專家談育明表示,不僅是霧霾天氣,即使是颱風、大雨等惡劣天氣,企事業單位也沒有放假或者彈性上班的相關規定。霧霾天氣是近年來大家關注的一個話題,教育部門或許可以通過行政規定等手段來讓學校放假,但是企業事業單位作為市場主體,如果沒有相關法律規定,很難在霧霾天採取放假的措施。他表示,現在企事業單位只執行法定假期,其他的連政府也很難進行規定。不過他也建議,如果霧霾確實影響到職工的工作和生活,職工可以考慮採用集體協商的方式,選出職工代表和企業代表協商,看能否在霧霾天達到一定程度或其他惡劣天氣時,採取放假或者寬容遲到的措施。霧霾天工地照常開工人不戴口罩不關心□見習記者宋韜緯晨報訊昨日,記者走訪了市區多個建築工地,發現在霧霾天,閘北、黃浦多個建築工地仍照常開工,工人的工作時間也與平日無異。幾乎所有的工人都向記者表示,對空氣汙染不知情,也不關心。昨日14時,記者來到正在施工中的東寶興路青雲路閘北青-12項目區塊。建築工地大門敞開,向里望,遠處的揚塵與霧霾交織,顯得格外渾濁。“今天空氣質量屬重度汙染,工地照常開工嗎?”記者問道。“照常開工。沒什麼汙染不汙染的。”而位於淮海東路、人民路路口的露香園地塊,同樣是一副緊鑼密鼓的施工狀態 。“為了趕工期,沒辦法。”一位吊籃操作工告訴記者。在中華新路寶昌路上的綠洲雅賓利花園三期工地旁,泥瓦匠童師傅正在專心致志地攪拌著水泥,手套儼然已經與水泥一個顏色。當被問及是否擔心在這樣重度汙染的天氣幹活傷及身體時,童師傅笑笑說,自己不關心這些。“這裡(汙染)不嚴重。就算嚴重,不工作誰給你發工資呀。”在另一塊工地上,來自山東濟南的木工劉師傅則告訴記者,自己不看新聞和天氣預報,也沒人告訴過他天氣狀況。“員工宿舍沒有電視,沒有廣播,晚上就跟工友們打打牌,根本不知道這些。”“如果知道,會戴個口罩,進行防護嗎?”記者問道。“幹活的人,你看看有哪個戴口罩的,不怕被笑話嗎?”劉師傅回答。迷你倉

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Source: Detroit Free PressNov.文件倉 07--A person of interest is in custody in connection with a shooting at an east side Detroit barber shop that left three dead and six others injured, police announced today.Detroit Police Chief James Craig said a man was taken into custody in Rochester after the shooting Wednesday night and is being held on an unrelated felonious assault charge. He said the man, at the time he was arrested, was wearing body armor.Craig said police are working with the U.S. Attorney's office to determine whether the man could be in violation of federal laws for being in possession of body armor.The shooting happened at Al's Place Barber Shop at 5220 E. Seven Mile Road and might have been the result of an ongoing feud between the shooter and people at the gambling party, Craig said.He called the shooting "urban terrorism."Craig said that police received a 911 call at 5:47 p.m. Wednesday indicating shots had been fired. He said police were on scene by 5:49 p.m.The initial investigation, Craig said, revealed that 20 to 30 people were packed into a small room at the rear of the barbershop and were gambling.He said a man pulled up in a vehicle and started firing at a truck with a high-powered rifle. At some point, the rear door of the shop opened and the shooter began firing inside of the business. Craig said nine people were shot inside of the location.He said at least one person inside of the barbershop returned fire.Investigators were searching for men driving two Chevrolet Impalas -- one white, one black -- involved in the shoot-out along Seven Mile Road between Mound and Ryan at about 6 p.m. Investigators said a shoot-out between the cars' occupants in an alley behind the building spilled over into the barbershop. People fled for cover at neighboring businesses.Police said the barbershop is known for gambling, and a dice game was taking place when the gunfire broke out. But a motive behind the shooting wasn't clear.Two people died last night and a third victim, a 37-year-old man, died early today at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Detroit police spokesman Sgt. Michael Woody said.Despite a recent spate of violence -- including the barbershop shooting and the fatal shooting of a Wayne State University law student -- Craig said homicides are down.Acco存倉ding to police, there have been 289 criminal homicides so far this year, down from 331 during the same time period in 2012.At the barber shop today, the only clear visible evidence that a shooting had happened were the news vans parked nearby and strands of yellow police tale flapping in the breeze at several spots.A painted sign on the gray brick building says the shop was established in 1971. A handful of playing cards could be seen among some leaves outside the front door, and broken window glass from a vehicle lay in the alley behind the one-story shop. No one answered the door at Al's, but next door at another business, a man spoke through a glass storm door, telling a reporter that "it's over."He warned against taking pictures of the shop and closed the door.Several neighbors who were out walking had heard about the shooting but few said they were in the area at the time.But Saifur Rahman, 19, was working at a fish and chicken shop across Seven Mile at the time of the shooting.He heard a series of shots that sounded like they came from an automatic weapon.Three people --all male, one older and two younger -- ran into his shop and locked the outer door. Rahman was behind an interior door and they began pounding on that, telling him to let them in.He thought he was being robbed."It was scary, you know, " he said.The three also started throwing food from various shelves onto the floor and appeared to be trying to hide. They snuck out when Rahman announced he was calling 911. He said police talked to him and took his store's surveillance tape.Residents described the neighborhood as a good one, with people attending church and participating in a block club, but all were aware of past violence at Al's."It's a good neighborhood, just some stuff went down," said one woman out walking her pit bull. She declined to give her name for fear of retaliation.She said Al's is a popular spot, with men and women, but she said that she has stayed away."You don't go in shooting dice and gambling when there's no windows," she said.Crime Stoppers is offering a $5000 reward for information leading to an arrest in the case. Call 1-800-773-2587.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Detroit Free Press Visit the Detroit Free Press at .freep.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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