Hu Chunhua stresses stability and the environment in 670b-yuan plan to spur growth outside delta and protect province’s status as No1 economySeven months into his tenure as Guangdong’s party chief, Hu Chunhua is betting that uplifting the province’s less-developed regions can serve as an engine to rejuvenate the battered local economy.迷你倉 Hu hopes investment-led growth in these regions can once again make the province the national leader in economic output – and possibly create a chance for his further promotion.At a provincial meeting a few weeks ago, Hu announced his plan to allocate 672 billion yuan (HK$845 billion) over the next five years for new transport infrastructure, industrial zones and new cities and towns in Guangdong’s east, west and north. These areas missed out on the Pearl River Delta’s boom.The move came as Jiangsu province continued to close the gap with Guangdong in economic performance. In the first half of the year, Jiangsu’s gross domestic product grew at a faster pace, narrowing Guangdong’s advantage to just 86.2 billion yuan by the end of June. During that period, Guangdong’s total economic output was 2.85 trillion yuan.Unwilling to see Guangdong lose its status as the mainland’s largest provincial economy, on his watch, Hu told local officials there was “no time to lose”, calling the development of poorer regions a task of “strategic significance”. Under Hu’s plan, regions outside of the south will see a frenzy of road construction, with a plan to link all counties with highways, and increase the number of the major highways leading to neighbouring provinces to 20 from nine.Funds will also go towards establishing a new batch of industrial zones, with the aim of doubling each county’s industrial output wit文件倉in three to five years. The plan also includes targets to build several big cities with populations above one million, and more small and medium-sized cities with populations ranging from 200,000 to half a million.The geographical disparity in the province is one of the most pronounced on the mainland. Dr Peng Peng , a researcher at the Guangzhou Academy of Social Sciences, said the gross domestic product per capita for 11 cities in the province’s poorer regions still fell behind the national average.Shenzhen’s per capita GDP last year, at nearly US$20,000, was about seven times the size of Meizhou’s .“Jiangsu used to see similar imbalanced growth between the province’s north and south, but in recent years, northern Jiangsu is catching up fast thanks to effective action by its government,” Peng said. “In return, it is also contributes to the province’s strong economic momentum.”Given the ambitious scope of Hu’s development plan, the province must ensure that rapid growth doesn’t come at the cost of quality. This could create a new set of problems, possibly to Hu’s detriment, especially at a time when the central leadership is becoming more comfortable with lower rates of growth.Some researchers at the National Development and Reform Commission have also warned that Guangdong’s bold development plan should not damage the environment in the north of the province, an important “green shelter” for southern China. Guangdong’s planners should react more calmly when faced with economic slowdown, they said.Hu himself probably knows better, and has set two “bottom lines” for his plan. “Society must remain stable, and the environment must not be damaged,” he told officials.It will be to everyone’s benefit if he can存倉

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  中新網陝西商洛8月16日電 (記者冽瑋 阿琳娜)16日,自存倉“新型城鎮化下的商洛思考——把脈商洛高端咨詢會”在位於秦嶺腹地的陝西省商洛市召開,國內著名學者通過實地考察結合經驗積累,為商洛未來的發展出謀劃策,提供思路和建議。  商洛位於秦嶺東段南麓,鄂豫陝三省結合部,是秦嶺腹地的中小城市,區位條件優越,生態環境優美,自然資源富集,境內森林覆蓋率達到63%,素有“天然氧吧、城市綠肺”之稱。  近年來,商洛著手構建“一體兩翼”中心城市,即以商州城區為主體,以丹鳳和洛南兩縣縣城為兩翼,進一步拓展中心城市空間,拉大中心城市框架、提升產業承載能力、增強輻射帶動功能,把中心城市打造成為“循環發展引領、核心板塊支撐、產業長廊帶動、快速幹道連接、優美小鎮點綴、田園農業襯托、特色文化彰顯”,經濟活躍、生態優美、人民幸福的山城。  在高端咨詢會現場,柯煥章、董光器、文國瑋、韓驥、呂仁義等專家就新型城鎮化背景下商洛城市發展的思路、模式,與大西安城市圈的關係以及在城市圈的發展定位和構築中心城市“一體兩翼”建設格局等課題進行輔導咨詢和把脈發言,還就一些與會者的疑問進行面對面的溝通。  西安市規劃委員會總規劃師韓驥指出,商洛要有較大的發展,離不開西安,一定要借助核心城市的優勢。西安作為核心城市,其發展目標是國際化大都市,也離不開商洛。商洛在山區,山區的建設首先遇到就是空間問題,空間的拓展一定要符合山區的特色,要因地制宜。其次,作為一個復合型城市,城市形象尤為重要。  中國城市規劃學會理事董光器強調,商洛生態宜居的重點是營造山水城市,應該尊重歷史,避免千篇一律;同時,還要尊重群�的創造,尊重個迷你倉新蒲崗化的需求;此外,對於傳統的古建築,應該更好地保留,蓋新房時可以吸取這個地區傳統的一些符號和色彩,在這個基礎上蓋新房,這樣新舊能夠既有對比,又有融合。他用“候鳥”作比方,認為必須與原始的風貌相匹配。  商洛山青水綠、生態觀光資源豐富,且人傑地靈,名人輩出。據載,黃帝時期,倉頡在此(據考證在今洛南縣境內)造字;堯舜時期,虞契在這裡建國;秦封商鞅于此以制晉楚;漢劉邦取道武關先得咸陽;唐時李白、杜甫、韓愈等路游商洛,留下�多詩詞佳句;徐霞客遍游南北,體驗丹水漂流並登舟于此;明末清初,李自成屯兵養馬,以備後戰。歷史文化與名人軼事水乳交融,構成五彩斑斕的歷史畫卷。  針對當地政府力推的“生態旅遊”,學者們旁引博證,妙解不斷。從商洛在大秦嶺的文化地位而言,商洛可稱作是“大秦嶺歷史文化的起始點”。在主打“秦嶺最美是商洛”旅遊品牌時,歷史文化古為今用、現代文化整合等舉措,無疑將成為這場“生態旅遊大戰”的“撒手�”。  據統計,2013年,商洛市以園區理念引領旅遊景區建設,豐富景區文化內涵,使旅遊市場持續升溫,半年旅遊綜合收入首次突破60億元,加快了商洛融入關中旅遊圈和全國旅遊大循環的步伐。今年上半年,商洛共接待國內旅遊者1339.43萬人次,同比增長24.2%,實現旅遊綜合收入65.61億元,同比增長35.43%。  商洛市市長陳俊表示,此次邀請知名專家為商洛把脈,睿智的思路和理念,別來生面。使商洛在下一步的規劃工作中能夠高起點地做好規劃、少走彎路,把握重點,明晰了在哪些方面還需要進行深度的調查和研究,怎樣把好的觀點和思想融入具體的實踐中。(完)標簽:商洛 秦嶺 離不開 董光器 韓驥迷你倉出租

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from南充著力七個突破本報訊(記者 張立東 萬瑤)力爭到2015年,迷你倉價錢中心城區建成區面積達120平方公里、人口達120萬,全市城鎮化率達45%以上??南充市委書記劉宏建8月16日透露,該市將從七個方面著力突破,全力加快丘陵地區新型城鎮化進程。著力拓展城市規模,壯大區域中心城市。圍繞省委、省政府“培育壯大四大城市群、做大一批區域中心城市”要求,南充加快主城區北部新城、擁江主城、產業新城建設,打造嘉陵江“百里親水長廊”,高起點規劃建設嘉陵江第一曲流牛肚壩森林公園,凸顯山水田園城市特色。著力強化產業支撐,實現城鎮化與促進就業良性互動。把發展產業作為新增城鎮就業崗位的重要途徑,推進新型城鎮化與新型工業化互動發展、與現代服務業深度融合、與現代農業有機結合。做大做強工業支柱產業,推進1個千億園區、5個500億園區和4個超百億園區建設,加快建設區域商貿、物流和金融中心,高水平建設國家現代農業示範區,力爭到2015年新增城鎮二、三產業就業崗位43萬余個。著力加快保障性住房建設,確保城鎮居民安居樂業。加快拆遷安置還房建設,推進貨幣化分房,並軌廉租房和公租房制度,實施“農民工住房保障行動”,迷你倉庫渠道解決城鎮中低收入住房困難群體及農民工等外來務工人員住房問題。著力推進小城鎮建設,增強城鎮綜合承載能力。立足南充大城市與大農村並存的實際,把小城鎮建設作為發展縣域經濟、吸納農業轉移人口的重要載體,優先發展8個省級重點鎮和11個市級重點鎮,逐步形成一批特色鮮明的工業鎮、商貿鎮和旅遊鎮。著力實施舊城和棚戶區改造,不斷改善城鎮人居環境。堅持以舊城和棚戶區改造推動城鎮轉型升級,科學編制舊城改造規劃,充分尊重群�意願,採取改擴建、綜合整治和拆除新建等多種方式,力爭用3年左右時間改造舊城危舊房和棚戶區14.2萬戶。著力健全公共服務體系,加快實現基本公共服務均等化。將農民工隨遷子女義務教育納入城鎮教育發展規劃,力爭到2015年新建、改建中小學校和幼兒園330所,有效解決農民工子女入學難問題。健全覆蓋城鄉的就業和社會保障公共服務體系,建設一批文化、體育設施和主題公園、城市綠地,讓農民工更好地融入城市。著力創新體制機制,激發城鎮發展內生動力。深化土地利用、戶籍制度、行政管理、社會保障、投資融資、目標導向“六項改革”,建立有利於推進城鎮化的制度環境。如創新用地保障機制,提升用地集約利用水平;創新戶籍管理機制,全面放開城鎮落戶限制,每年新增城鎮人口15萬人。儲存

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Farmland split into individual plots during the reform years is being joined back together with Beijing’s blessing, and the results are promisingOn most days, Li Junxiang can be found walking amid the fruit trees and vegetables he grows on two hectares of farmland in Xinglong county in the northeast of Hebei province.迷你倉出租Li left behind his work of doing odd jobs to rent land from his fellow villagers after learning of a directive the Communist Party issued on February 1 – one that may help ease the mainland’s problems with food quality.Three decades ago, as part of national reform efforts, authorities split collectively owned farmland into small plots for individual families, in the hopes “ownership” would encourage them to grow food.But as the mainland grapples with food safety problems, shrinking arable land and an increasing demand for food, central authorities are reversing that earlier move, suggesting that villagers merge plots into “family farms” to allow for higher-yielding agricultural practices.“Gradually transferring land into the hands of efficient farmers and developing moderately sized operations is the direction of the future,” Agriculture Minister Han Changfu told at a meeting of national agricultural officials late last month, according to Xinhua.There is no official definition of family farm, and the ministry is encouraging local governments to arrive at their own standards regarding size and output. Authorities in Hubei , Jiangsu and Shandong have issued regulations, according to mainland media reports, and dozens of lower-level governments have followed with detailed rules.In Xinglong, Li said registration was easy.“There were no limitations on the amount of start-up capital or the size of the farm,” he said. Li spent about 500,000 yuan (HK$630,000) on getting the project up and running, and although revenue is limited at the moment, Li is confident he’s part of a rising trend and his busines儲存倉 will make money eventually.The total number of family farms on the mainland is not publicly available, but a national survey the ministry carried out in March found that 877,000 families had the resources to run, or were already running, a farm that fits the criteria. The families had an average of 13 hectares and earned 184,700 yuan last year.By comparison, the mainland had about 260 million rural households, each of which worked half a hectare of land on average, Han said last month.Wei Guofeng , a Shanghai-based researcher on agriculture, said that while family farms were viable, profits could be a concern in the short-term.“As food safety problems pop up one after another, many family farms stick with environmentally friendly agriculture practices, and generating sales can be difficult,” Wei said. Such farms needed time to build up their reputation as a reliable, safe supplier, and costs were high given the preference for a more organic approach to growing food, he said.Tao Zhengrong , who manages just over two hectares at Dianshan Lake in a western suburb of Shanghai, said he had recently broken even, five years after he rented the land and started ecologically sound farming.“I expect to make a profit after another three years, but I’m not wishing for an income as high as urban white collar workers in top positions,” Tao said. “I wanted to influence other farmers in how they approach this and to be more environmentally friendly. They have acknowledged my approach, but without a profit, it’s not convincing.”Professor Zhu Qizhen , director of the Research Institute of Farmer Issues at the China Agricultural University in Beijing, said family farming may help to improve food quality.“A family has a brand, one that will be inherited by the following generations,” he said. “The owners will develop a sense of responsibility for the land they work on, and this helps to motivate them to produce good, safe food.”迷你倉沙田

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(柔佛 新山15日訊)柔佛州蘇丹依布拉欣殿下諭令,迷你倉將柔佛國家公園豐盛港群島命名為“蘇丹依斯干達海洋公園”,並向遊客徵收費用以加強環境生態維護。被列入蘇丹依斯干達海洋公園裡的海島,包括五嶼島(大島,Pulau Besar)、詩布島(Pulau Sibu)、登雅島(Pulau Tengah)、丁宜島(Pulau Tinggi)、拉哇島(Pulau Rawa)、澳島(Pulau Aur)及柏邦也島(Pulau Pemanggil)。柔州衛生與環境事務委員會主席拿督阿育拉末今早出席柔州第十三屆州立法議會開幕禮後,在皇家山舊州政府大廈內的敦阿都拉薩行動室召開新聞發佈會,發佈以上訊息。其他出席者,包括柔佛旅遊、貿易及消費人事務委員會主席拿督鄭修強、柔州旅遊局局長哈菲茲等人。阿育拉末表示,柔州國家公園局將從今年9月1日起,向蘇丹依斯干達海洋公園的本地及外國遊客,分別徵收每人5令吉及20令吉的環境生態維護費用。此外,18歲以下的學生,則分別須繳交3令吉(本地)及10令吉(外國)的入門費。費用將進行保育環境維護等“我文件倉也將向潛水客徵收200令吉的費用,並將每座島嶼的潛水人數限制在每天不超過100人。”他透露,當局預計可募得100萬令吉納入基金,用以進行各種包括海洋生態保育及研究、環境維護等計劃,讓民眾有機會欣賞蘇丹依斯干達海洋公園裡大自然的美景。“我們於去年耗費近100萬令吉,進行柔佛國家公園豐盛港群島的環境生態維護工作。”豐盛港渡輪碼頭首7月迎逾12萬遊客人次鄭修強指出,截至今年7月份,豐盛港(Mersing)渡輪碼頭已迎來12萬1千814遊客人次。“根據統計,去年共有19萬9千135人前往豐盛港渡輪碼頭,到各海島觀光及遊玩。”他也說,豐盛港丹絨樂曼(Tanjung Leman)渡輪碼頭也在去年迎來6萬1千565名訪客,截至今年7月份,訪客人數已達3萬5千282人次。他表示,為了進一步將柔佛州打造為旅遊勝地,當局也限定只有已向柔州旅遊局註冊的旅遊代理及旅行社,才能夠合法將潛水客帶入蘇丹依斯干達海洋公園。“目前,柔州大約有7家旅行社能夠合法接待潛水客,我會繼續與旅遊領域的相關組織商討,以進一步增加旅遊代理的數目。”;存倉

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【陳瑋玲╱台北報導】即將進入賞楓旺季,存倉因為今年日本旅遊市場超夯,早鳥優惠提前開搶。業者指出,今年日本北海道遊覽車、飯店房價漲幅較大,導致賞楓旺季團費較去年漲了2000~5000元,消費者如果想撿便宜,最好把握早鳥優惠團。 業者推估今年北海道賞楓期9月底至10月下旬,易遊網推出北海道知床祕境、黑岳纜車賞楓團5天,8/31前預訂優惠只要3萬3900元,9月後便會調漲至3萬4900元起;賞楓勝地的立山黑部,賞楓期推估為10月上旬至11月上旬,易飛網推出立山黑部加白川合掌村、上高地溫泉5日遊,10/1、10/15、10/22、10/28等出發日的前10名報名者,團費2萬6900元起,其他則要2萬7900元起。 注意楓期失準風險 至於同樣受歡迎的輕井澤賞楓,賞楓期預估10月中旬至11月上旬,雄獅旅遊推出東京加日光及輕井澤的賞楓5日團,原價3自存倉9000元起,出團前60天報名者,第2人減6000元。 相較於日本,韓國今年旅遊市場買氣趨弱,目前推估賞楓期為10月下旬至11月中旬,易遊網五星賞楓及紅蔘溫泉SPA 5日,團費直接比去年便宜2000元,促銷價2萬900元起。 另外值得一提的是,今年大陸賞楓團除了熟知的四川九寨溝,還有不少新行程,鳳凰旅行社更針對9/28、10/1出團的遼寧紅葉之旅8天提供特惠3萬9900元起,較原價4萬2900元便宜3000元。 需注意的是,多數業者皆以往年經驗預估賞楓期而推出早鳥優惠團,但也有預估失準風險,因此旅遊契約上會明訂因楓葉未紅而要取消行程之退費方式及規定,消費者要問清楚。 【相關資訊】 ˙易遊網 4066-6777 ˙易飛網 (02)7725-0800 ˙雄獅旅遊 (02)8793-9669 ˙鳳凰旅遊 (02)2537-8111迷你倉新蒲崗

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Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.迷你倉價錢M.Aug. 16--The boy who was charged with first-degree murder for shooting his father when he was 10 years old will face justice in Valencia County later this month after a judge denied a motion Thursday that the case be tried in another county.And prosecutors can introduce a tape of the call the boy made to 911 -- in which he said he had just shot his father in the head and that he needed medical help -- because the judge also denied a defense motion to have that tape kept out.That means Benjamin Hilburn, now 14, will stand trial starting Aug. 26, making him the youngest defendant in New Mexico, and possibly the whole country, to be tried for firstdegree murder.Benjamin allegedly shot once and killed his father on Aug. 27, 2009, in Belen, where he was living with his father and younger siblings after his mother lost custody of them in a bitter divorce.Benjamin, who wore short, dark hair, glasses, a white shirt buttoned to the top and loose-fitting khaki pants, sat in silence at the defense table Thursday.He was alongside his mother, who occasionally rubbed her son's back, and his two defense lawyers during an hourlong pre-trial conference that addressed three issues:Defense attorney Donna Trujillo Dodd requested that the trial be moved to either Bernalillo or Sandoval counties because the victim, Byron Hilburn, 42, had ties to the tight-knit Valencia County community that would make it impossible for Benjamin to get a fair trial.The defense also asked that the six-minute call in which Benjamin Hilburn tells a 911 operator his father is bleeding very badly and "I shot him in the back of the head" be excluded because it should not be considered testimony since he was trying to get help for his father.The judge required both sides meet before the trial -- which is set to begin one day shy of four years after the shooting -- to shorten the defense's 60-person witness list. He said it now has multiple representati迷你倉庫es from similar agencies and paring it down would keep the trial from going on for months.In the 13th Judicial District courtroom in Bernalillo that contained only a handful of people and a few reporters, attorney William Cooley, second-chairing Trujillo Dodd, made a lengthy argument for keeping the 911 tape out. District Judge George P. Eichwald, without much explanation, said he was going to deny the motion.Next, Trujillo Dodd gave reasons the case should not be heard in Valencia County, where there would be no sympathy for Benjamin, who has since moved to Oklahoma with his family because, she said, residents questioned him relentlessly about shooting his father whenever he went to school."If we were to move the case ... we'd have a larger pool who didn't know the family and haven't heard everything that's going on," Trujillo Dodd said.Assistant District Attorney Bryan McKay said the population of Valencia County was dispersed enough that a person living in one area wouldn't necessarily know what was happening in another."The better way of doing this is voir dire," he added, meaning that lawyers can question potential jurors on their knowledge of the case and eliminate those who've already formed an opinion or have prior knowledge that would prevent them from being impartial.Eichwald said he'd ordered 100 potential jurors be set aside for consideration, a group large enough, he said, that six people could be found who were considered impartial by both sides.Valencia County is one of few jurisdictions where juries of six people, rather than 12, are empaneled. There will also be two alternates, the judge said.If convicted, Benjamin faces a sentence that could range from a year or two of probation to being held in a locked juvenilefacility until he turns 21.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.迷你倉M.Aug. 16--At a rock festival in France, 3 Doors Down got a taste of what it felt like to be unpopular. That is until the band got to its final song of the show."I imagine there were 20,000 people painted up like KISS," 3 Doors Down guitarist Chris Henderson said of event-goers at the festival. "These people did not want anything to do with 3 Doors Down and then all of a sudden we play 'Here Without You.'"The atmosphere changed. People in the massive crowd recognized the song and began to sing along. The song, released in 2003, peaked at No. 5 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart and has been embraced by audiences around the world.It remains Henderson's favorite song to play live."I think the lyrical content is really key," Henderson said. "The timing of that song was really appropriate. It was when a lot of people were away at war and I think the military gravitated toward it really fast and 'When I'm Gone,' I think the military found it infectious."The song, "When I'm Gone," released in 2002, peaked at No. 4 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart."It's great," Henderson said of the military and their famil文件倉es resonating with the songs. "It's what you do this for, to invoke an emotion in people and try to make a connection. When you succeed, it's the best feeling in the world and that's what we're trying to do."3 Doors Down sold 6 million copies of its debut album, "The Better Life," in 2000 and has maintained a large and loyal fan base over the years."It's just an educated guess," Henderson said when asked how the band has sustained its success for more than a decade. "What sets us apart from other bands is that we understand kind of what happens when success happens. Success happened to us really fast. It forced us to think on our feet instead of one guy taking all the credit. We had to do this as a band and learn from each other's mistakes. It's kind of who we are."3 Doors DownOpening for DaughtryWHEN: 7 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 17WHERE: Sandia Casino Amphitheater, 30 Rainbow Road NEHOW MUCH: $40-$50, plus fees, at or 800-745-3000Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉

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