BEIJING, Aug.迷你倉價錢 15, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Concord Medical Services Holdings Limited ("Concord Medical" or the "Company") , a leading specialty hospital management solution provider and operator of the largest network of radiotherapy and diagnostic imaging centers in China and the parent of Chang'an Hospital, today announced that it has been informed that Mr. Jianyu Yang, the Company's Chairman and CEO, Mr. Zheng Cheng, the Company's director, President and COO, and certain other shareholders have entered into certain share purchase agreements (the "Share Purchase Agreements"). The Company understands that pursuant to the Share Purchase Agreements, Mr. Yang and Mr. Cheng have agreed to establish a company under the laws of the British Virgin Islands as the purchaser and cause the purchaser to acquire an aggregate of 37,064,808 ordinary shares and 4,660,976 American Depository Shares, each representing three ordinary shares of the Company, from certain other shareholders for a purchase price of US$6.10 per American Depositary Share, with an aggregate purchase price of US$103,797,063.21. The completion of the transactions contemplated by the Share Purchase Agreements is subject to the satisfaction of customary conditions, including the purchaser's receipt of sufficient funds from third-party financing sources as required in the applicable Share Purchase Agreements. It is currently expected that, upon the closing of such acquisition, the aggregate beneficial ownership of Mr. Yang and Mr. Cheng in the Company will increase to ap迷你倉庫roximately 48.0%.The purchaser has filed a Schedule 13D today with the SEC which can be accessed via Concord MedicalConcord Medical Services Holdings Limited operates the largest network of radiotherapy and diagnostic imaging centers in China, measured by revenues and the number of centers in operation and is the parent of Chang'an Hospital. As of June 30, 2013, the Company operated a network of 140 centers with 77 hospital partners that spanned 54 cities and 24 provinces and administrative regions in China. Under long-term arrangements with top-tier hospitals in China, Concord Medical provides radiotherapy and diagnostic imaging equipment and manages the daily operations of these centers, which are located on the premises of its hospital partners. The Company also provides ongoing training to doctors and other medical professionals in its network of centers to ensure a high level of clinical care for patients. For more information, please see more information, please contact:Concord Medical ServicesMr. Adam J. Sun (Chinese and English)+86 10 5957 5266adam.sun@concordmedical.comMr. Ting Jia (Chinese and English)+86 10 5903 6688 (ext. 809)ting.jia@concordmedical.comMs. Gloria Huang (Chinese and English)+86 10 5903 6688 (ext. 639)gloria.huang@concordmedical.comICR Inc.In China: Ms. Rene Jiang+86 10 6583 7521rene.jiang@icrinc.comIn the United States: Mr. William Zima+1 203-682-8233William.Zima@icrinc.comConcord Medical Services Holdings LimitedWeb site:儲存

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據瞭解,迷你倉出租�大金碧天下正舉行優惠促銷活動,102-135平方米度假洋房帶1500元/平方米豪裝,售價僅4780元/平方米起,吸引了較多購房者關注。另外該項目推出最後五套南向的准現樓單位,該批單位贈送最高30萬的豪裝及家私。坐落于“珠三角後花園”——清遠市的�大金碧天下,周邊�多國家級景區圍繞,森林覆蓋率高達95.6%,山環水抱,綠樹成蔭,是名符其實的南中國原生態度假勝地。項目斥巨資打造了堪稱業界典範的世界級皇家園林,以歐洲古典皇家園儲存倉為藍本精心雕琢而成。另外,項目的原生態山頂公園現已全面對外開放,與園林交相輝映,置身其中時時刻刻都能享受到自然與奢華。除了優越的自然條件外,�大金碧天下還擁有26萬平方米航母配套設施——�大世紀旅遊城。該配套囊括了白金七星�大酒店、16國同聲傳譯國際會議中心、華南地區至大的運動中心、商業中心、健康中心、娛樂中心和飲食中心,是一個集會議、娛樂、商務為一體的休閒旅遊度假勝地,讓業主們度假也能盡享都市生活的便捷與舒適。南方日報記者 李廣軍迷你倉沙田

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Source: Reading Eagle, Pa.新蒲崗迷你倉Aug. 15--State Attorney General Kathleen G. Kane says she is going to bat for Pennsylvania airline ticket buyers, including those in the fragmented Berks County market.Kane announced Tuesday that Pennsylvania will join the U.S. Department of Justice, the District of Columbia and five other states in an attempt to stop the merger of US Airways and American Airlines, claiming it would cause ticket prices to increase.While Berks does not have an international airport accessed by commercial airlines, residents use several in the region that are served by one or both carriers."I hear a lot of people talking about how high airfares are, especially internationally," said Crystal A. Seitz, president of the Greater Reading Convention & Visitors Bureau. "People are really still holding money tight to their chests, and if we see airline prices go up again, then we reduce travel again and that's not good for the economy."Information posted to Kane's website indicated that users of Philadelphia International Airport, a common choice for Berks fliers, would not be helped by the merger."More than 1 million people travelling to and from Pennsylvania would face higher fares and most of them would begin or end their travels in Philadelphia," the website's "frequently-asked questions" section read.US Airways and American are not on the verge of failing, the website indicated, and American recently placed a large order for new planes."Both airlines are experiencing record profits, in large part because they have been able to raise prices and charge consumers more fees," Kane's website read.The past decade has seen the largest transformation of the airline industry in a generation. Before 2005, there were nine major U.S. airlines. Today there are five.The merger of American Airlines and US Airways would bring that number down to four. The U.S. Department of Justice, leading the lawsuit, said it would cost consumers hundreds of millions of dollars a year in higher fares and extra fees.Even without the merger, the cost of flying has gone up for consumers as the industry has consolidated. The average cost of a roundtrip domestic ticket, including baggage and reservation change fees, grew to $378.62 last year, up from $351.48 in 2008, when adjusted for inflation.Thmini storage American-US Airways merger would create the world's biggest airline and help propel American out of bankruptcy court protection. For smaller US Airways, the deal represents a chance to be a significant player in global aviation and to better compete with the larger airlines that now dominate the market.Ellen T. Horan, president and CEO of the Greater Reading Chamber of Commerce & Industry, doubted the merger would push fares up significantly. If it occurred, she said, there would still be competition.Her concern for Berks businesses, she said, would be the post-merger status of the combined airline at Philadelphia International Airport.If the merged entity moved a lot of international flights to New York to consolidate, that would be a negative for local business travel, Horan said. But if Philadelphia gained a greater role in international travel, that would be a positive.Charles R. Everett Jr., executive director of the agency that operates Lehigh Valley International Airport in Lehigh County, said Berks is one of the 16 counties from which it draws passengers."It would appear that when you have less competitors, prices go up," Everett said.But, he said, US Airways has hinted that Lehigh Valley might have a chance to get connections to additional destinations, like Dallas, if the merger went through.Currently, US Airways has connections to Philadelphia and Charlotte, N.C., at Lehigh Valley. American does not use the airport."We are supportive of anything that would bring us additional service," Everett said.Berks travelers make up about 3 percent of passengers passing through Harrisburg International Airport, according to spokesman Scott Miller. That ranks the county sixth in sending passengers to HIA, behind Dauphin, Lancaster, Cumberland, York and Lebanon counties.He said US Airways carried the biggest percentage of HIA passengers with 28 percent. American ranked fourth with 6.7 percent.Miller said, "We don't take a pro or con position publicly on mergers. We have been through so many of them."Contact Ford Turner: 610-371-5037 or The Associated Press contributed to this report.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Reading Eagle (Reading, Pa.) Visit the Reading Eagle (Reading, Pa.) at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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羅倫斯╱文、圖泉水、楊柳、大明湖,迷你倉沙田相互爭豔的春花,在公園和廣場上休閒的人群,在清澈溪流游泳的百姓,濟南擁有更多的是一份淡雅悠閑的意境。濟南是中國山東省的省會。這個二線大城市也許沒有什麼名山大川,也不是國人的熱門旅遊地點,但她卻因為擁有72名泉而享有“泉城”的美譽。我是特地慕名而去,而且先後兩次在濟南最漂亮、氣候最怡人的春秋兩季,體驗了濟南的風情面貌。濟南沒有北京、上海這兩個大城市那麼擁擠熱鬧,也難得看到長長的車龍。也許是這裡的泉水、楊柳、大明湖、相互爭豔的春花,在公園和廣場上休閒的人群,在清澈溪流游泳的百姓,感覺上,濟南更多的是一份淡雅悠閑的意境。既然是泉城,來到濟南當然不能錯過遊覽這裡的四大名泉——趵突泉、黑虎泉、珍珠泉和五龍潭。除了泉水和園林外,濟南還有不少值得遊玩的景點,而且景點大多集中在熱鬧的泉城廣場附近。在人聲鼎沸的泉城廣場上,不只可以看人,看噴泉,最重要的是有座醒目的鮮藍色古漢字“泉”造型的泉標。天下第一泉——趵突泉泉城公園對面就是趵突泉公園。聞名遐邇的趵突泉,可是泉城濟南72名泉之首,也是濟南的象徵。就因乾隆皇帝曾用此泉水泡茶,因味醇甘美而被冊封為“天下第一泉”。當地人還說“游濟南不游趵突泉不成游”。來到這個熱門的景點,可以看到三股泉水從清澈見底的池底洶湧不斷地冒出水面。除了能一睹這個自然景觀外,園區內還有�多名泉如漱玉泉、金線泉、無憂泉等等。五龍潭公園在趵突泉公園附近,還有個值得一游的五龍潭公園。五龍潭也是濟南四大泉群之一,但卻是72名泉中最深的一個。景色秀麗的園區內還有回迷你倉價錢泉、玉泉、蜜脂泉等。4月中來到趵突泉和五龍潭這兩個雅致的公園,正是春暖花開、百花齊放的季節。盛開的粉紅櫻花和鮮紅的桃花,使景色更加嬌豔迷人。公園外有條清澈的溪流,一直流到大明湖旁。10月底的濟南,只有十多度清爽的天氣,卻看到不少當地人,在清晨、黃昏甚至是夜晚都來這裡游泳。也許是地下泉水的關係,水溫竟是暖暖的。我雖有下水的衝動,卻因顧慮太多 (沒泳褲,沒毛巾,著涼了怎麼辦?),結果只好“望水興歎”。大明湖坐落在市中心的大明湖,可是個天然湖泊。她與趵突泉齊名,是濟南另一旅遊名勝地。看到湖畔隨風搖擺的楊柳,波光粼粼的湖水,還有散佈在公園內的亭台樓閣,具有濃濃江南園林的韻味。湖面遍生荷蓮,若盛夏來到這裡,應該能體會泉城“四面荷花三面柳,一城山色半城湖”的風貌。鐵公祠是大明湖最為秀麗的地方。春天的大明湖在粉紅色的櫻花點綴下,別有一番韻味。紅葉穀秋高氣爽是登高望遠的好季節。而濟南的秋更是別具魅力。為了要看紅葉和美景,我特地包了輛車前往濟南市郊外(離濟南約33公里) 的紅葉穀。紅葉穀的名字實在是吸引人,據說是因為每逢深秋,這個山區萬山紅遍,層林盡染,因此而得名。紅葉穀內的絢秋湖是個景色秀麗的人工湖。岸上亭台樓閣,青山綠樹,倒映水中。尤其是秋天更為絢麗多姿。在四周這麼漂亮的湖中劃船,絕對是件賞心樂事。山谷內有座塔高7層的萬葉塔,據說是根據佛教里救人一命勝造七級浮屠而建。為了要鳥瞰紅葉穀的美景,我拼命擠上塔頂,因為來這裡的遊客實在太多了。果然,漫山嫣紅的紅葉,層林盡染。壯麗的好山好水,絕美的湖光山色,盡收眼底!迷你倉庫

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Source: Daily Press, Victorville, Calif.自存倉Aug. 14--HESPERIA -- A tear-stained face and wide smile hinted at the array of emotions stirring inside Janet Cruz's heart as she stood outside her Hesperia home Tuesday."I miss my fiance so much," said Cruz, 27, as her trembling hand clutched a bottle of water and notes. "I know that he is Heaven and that gives me comfort."On Sunday night, Daniel Olivera, 26, was shot to death outside the am/pm Minimart at Roy Rogers and Civic drives by an unknown assailant, according to San Bernardino County Sheriff's officials."It was almost midnight when Daniel's friend pulled up to the house and started screaming," said Cruz, who had been with Olivera for almost 10 years. "I was in total shock, so I took my kids to their aunt's house and then went straight to the am/pm where Daniel worked."Cruz said she still has not been given the details of the incident that left her alone with four small children, 8 years to six-months, and an ailing father who Olivera took care of every day."When my mom died last year and I was in such pain. Daniel spent two-hours cleaning, shaving, feeding and taking care of my father," Cruz said. "He was also such a loving man who worked hard to pay the bills and take care of all of us."Cruz said her children have asked continually for their father since Sunday, with Cruz offering them the assurance that one day they will all be to迷你倉新蒲崗ether again.Cruz said her fiance was "loved by everybody," so she does not know the reason why anyone would take his life."He worked at am/pm for almost two years, and in his off-time he was a producer who recorded beats for artists all over the High Desert," Cruz said. "His goal was to make people famous."Cruz said if she meets her fiance's killer, she will not say anything to them, but let God unleash His justice as she prays for them and forgives them."God is bigger than all of us and this entire situation," Cruz said. "Our job is to forgive those who hurt us, and let God be God."Cruz said she is working to set up an account with a local banking institution to receive donations to pay for funeral services, which will more than likely be in San Bernardino where Olivera's grandmother was buried. Donations can be dropped off at the am/pm at 15730 Roy Rogers Drive, Victorville.Olivera said a car wash is being planned for Thursday at the Jiffy Lube 16701 Main Street in Hesperia."Daniel was my angel who came to my rescue when I lost my mother," Cruz said. "Now, he is my guardian angel."Intern Shane Newell contributed to this report. Rene De La Cruz may be reached at 760-951-6227 or at ___ (c)2013 the Daily Press (Victorville, Calif.) Visit the Daily Press (Victorville, Calif.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租

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Source: Daily Mail, LondonAug.文件倉 14--IT is on the cards: all the latest data points to another UK housing boom. Mortgage lending to first-time buyers has hit its highest quarterly total since 2007, while the latest RICs housing survey has shot to its highest level since November 2006 with new buyer enquiries rising to a three-year high.Respected economist Howard Archer at Global Insight now expects house prices to rise by 3pc over the rest of 2013 and a whacking 7pc in 2014, all underpinned by new Bank of England governor Mark Carney's forecast that interest rates will remain at a rock bottom level of 0.5pc for another three years.Investors therefore looked at stocks which should benefit from a buoyant housing market. London-based residential developer Quintain Estates was popular and rose 4.25p to 92p. Management has forecast there will be a looming shortage of about 115,000 homes in London over the next five years and it proposes to help solve the problem.It plans to build 5,000 homes at Wembley and another 10,000 on Greenwich, its two biggest developments. Last month it secured planning permission on its GPRL joint venture to build 1,683 'high-end' flats at Peninsula Quays, the prime riverside site overlooking Canary Wharf. Quintain is targeting pounds sterling 650-950 per sq ft valuations.Panmure Gordon recently initiated coverage with a 104p price target. The broker says the stock offers investors exposure to London residential, commercial real estate development and investment at a significant discount to net asset value.Bulls held centre stage following news that UK inflation edged lower to 2.8pc from 2.9pc in July. It is still way off the Bank of England's target of 2pc but dealers are relaxed because inflation is now taking a backseat in deciding the Bank's monetary policy as it's now all about unemployment. The Footsie closed 37.6 points better at 6,611.94 and the FTSE 250 23.93 points higher at 15,100.82.Reflecting a firmer silver price Fresnillo rose 62p to 1165p. Insurance group Old Mutual cheapened 5.2p to 196.1p after NomuraCode downgraded to neutral from buy.Another day, another set of record results from Mears. Interim pre-tax profits rose 15pc to pounds sterling 15.5m on revenues 49pc higher at pounds sterling 457.8m. The dividend is hiked 9pc to 2.50p. The order book stands at a stonking pounds sterling 3.8bn, up from pounds sterling 2.7bn in 2012. Analysts forecast full-year profits of pounds sterling 36.6m on revenues of pounds sterling 900m.Chief executive David Miles said the integration of the Morrison social housing business is now substantially complete. The business is expected to m存倉ke a profit in the second-half. Broker Canaccord Genuity's target price is 490p compared with the closing price of 417.5p, down 12.75p, on profit-taking.Tony O'Reilly Junior's Irish oil explorer Providence Resources remained friendless at 355.25p, down 21.25p, despite news that JP Morgan Chase has increased its stake in the company to 9.04pc. The stock was trading above pounds sterling 7 last September.Toumaz, the pioneer in ultra-low power wireless semiconductor technology, added 0.5p to 4.25p following Monday night's BBC Horizon report on the growth and opportunities in the digital health and monitoring market.Heavy buying on rumours of an imminent upbeat drilling report on its Mexican lithium prospect lifted David Lenigas's Rare Earth Minerals 58pc to 0.1p. Highly speculative oil firm TomCo Energy firmed 0.13p to 1.35p. It has secured 2,919 acres in Utah that are known to contain substantial volumes of shale hydrocarbons. It plans to use the EcoShale technology, pioneered by US firm Red Leaf Resources, to unlock the projects potential. Watch this space.Disclosures that institutional investors Invesco and Abingworth have been increasing their holding in the stock helped ReNeuron edge up 0.1p to 4p.Chamberlin, which is engaged in the production and sale of iron castings, rose 5p to 81.5p after chairman Keith Butler-Wheelhouse bought 25,868 shares, increasing his shareholding to 1.1pc.Castings accelerated 28.5p to 443.5p on hearing that strong demand from UK and international car makers is keeping business buoyant at the engineering group. It supplies 80pc of its cast iron products to multi-national car and commercial vehicle manufacturers.After saying it is trading in line with expectations, educational services company Tribal put on 1.75p to 202.25p. Synthomer, the former Yule Catto which develops and markets polymers used in consumer products, rose 9.5p to 215.5p despite lower interim profits. Buyers took more notice of the 0.2p hike in the dividend to 2.4p.Pubs group Punch Taverns rose 0.62p to 13.38p on recovery hopes.---WORD is don't be short of InterQuest, rock steady at 72p. Next month's interim results are expected to exceed market expectations. The specialist IT recruitment firm has been trading strongly and has a proven and heavily incentivised management team. It also has astute shareholders on its share register including hedge fund manager David Newton of Helium Securities, entrepreneur Jim Mellon and small cap expert Giles Hargreave.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Daily Mail (London, ) Visit the Daily Mail (London, ) at Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉

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Weeklong Training Focusing on Affordable Housing Results in an Estimated $7 Million Economic Impact CitywidePHILADELPHIA, Aug.迷你倉新蒲崗 14, 2013 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Today NeighborWorks America, which creates opportunities for people to live in affordable homes, improve their lives and strengthen their communities, announced it will hold its quarterly NeighborWorks Training Institute in downtown Philadelphia on Aug. 19-23. The weeklong event will provide training to more than 2,000 affordable housing and community development professionals from around the country. The training institute is expected to deliver an estimated $7 million in economic impact citywide.NeighborWorks America selected Philadelphia for its training institute because the city has a strong history of community development success. NeighborWorks America provides training to thousands of community development professionals from more than 3,000 organizations annually, including the more than 245 organizations that belong to the NeighborWorks network located in every state, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The training institute is open to community development professionals, housing counselors, realtors, and others from nonprofit and for-profit organizations from around the country."NeighborWorks America's Training Institute in Philadelphia will provide an enormous opportunity for professionals from around the country to exchange best practices and strategies in community development. This is an exciting event that allows community development practitioners to receive timely and critical education, and equally as important, the training institute allows them to collaborate and learn from one another," said Eileen Fitzgerald, chief executive officer of NeighborWorks America.In addition to the many courses and workshops offered to more than 2,000 attendees, more than 225 community development professionals, policymakers, researchers and funders will participate in an Aug. 21 symposium focusing on "Building Financial Opportunity for Consumers: Financial Capability Models Demonstrating Impact." The event will share innovative approaches for equipping community residents with the skills they need to manage their money wisely when buying a home, sending a child to school or starting a new business. During the training institute, NeighborWorks America will launch a financial capability certification program to train coaches, counselors and program managers how to better help their clients reach and sustain long-term financial health. This is the sixth certification program to be offered by the NeighborWorks Center for Homeownership Education and Counseling, established to build and reward mastery of new skills among professionals specializing in housing and economic stability.Among the expected speakers at the symposium are Michelle 迷你倉出租ingletary, author and nationally syndicated columnist for The Washington Post, and Mayor of Philadelphia Michael A. Nutter.The NeighborWorks Training Institute in Philadelphia is supported by a variety of partners, including The Wells Fargo Housing Foundation, Citi and the Citi Foundation, Bank of America, The Atlantic Philanthropies, JPMorgan Chase, US Department of Housing and Urban Development, USDA Rural Development, TD Charitable Foundation and the Pennsylvania Housing Finance Agency.In addition to the training institute, NeighborWorks organizations work every day to serve Philadelphia and the surrounding community. In fiscal year 2012, NeighborWorks organizations in Pennsylvania generated more than $60 million in total direct investment, served more than 2,000 individuals and families, and created and maintained 91 jobs. To read more about NeighborWorks organizations' impact in Pennsylvania and other states, view the NeighborWorks America interactive map at Kensington CDC in Philadelphia and Neighborhood Housing Services of Greater Berks in Reading are local partners for NeighborWorks America and Wells Fargo's LIFT program, a multi-market initiative that assists mortgage-ready buyers achieve sustainable homeownership by providing services such as homebuyer preparation and down payment assistance. The following NeighborWorks organizations are in Pennsylvania: New Kensington CDC, Neighborhood Housing Services of Greater Berks, Neighborhood Housing Services of the Lehigh Valley, NeighborWorks Northeastern Pennsylvania and NeighborWorks Western Pennsylvania.NeighborWorks America has sponsored national training institutes since 1987. In 2012, the NeighborWorks Training Institute trained more than 6,000 professionals from 2,100 organizations, and awarded more than 10,000 training certificates. In addition to the national training institutes, the organization offers a variety of educational opportunities for professionals, both classroom and online, throughout the year. In total, NeighborWorks America trained nearly 13,000 professionals from more than 3,500 organizations in 2012, and awarded more than 20,000 training certificates.For more information about NeighborWorks America, and to register for the training institute, visit NeighborWorks AmericaFor 35 years, NeighborWorks America has created opportunities for people to improve their lives and strengthen their communities by providing access to homeownership and to safe and affordable rental housing. In the last five years, NeighborWorks organizations have generated more than $19.5 billion in reinvestment in these communities. NeighborWorks America is the nation's leading trainer of community development and affordable housing professionals.Twitter:@neighborworksNeighborWorks America儲存倉

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楚天都市報訊 □本報記者陳軍 攝影:記者程銘“團購門檻變高了,迷你倉新蒲崗25元的電影票到店還需另付5元”。近日,不少市民發現,電影票漲價了,團購電影券的價格也漲了。記者在各大團購網站發現,目前武漢電影票團購價普遍在25元以上,有的甚至要31元,曾經“10元看大片”的團購已成歷史。除了漲價,去影院換張電影票,還普遍要再補上5-10元的差價。25元成團購券標準價昨日,記者瀏覽多家團購網站發現,之前10元、15元就能團購到一張電影票的時代“一去不復返”。目前,武漢各大影院電影票團購價從20元到30元不等,大多數影院團購價在25元以上。在美團網武漢站上,團購價在20元以內的影院只有兩家,多家影院團購票價在25-27元,部分影城團購價還在30元以上。資深“團友”陳先生回憶說,2010年團購行業興起時,團購能以15元左右的大幅優惠購買到六七十元的電影票,有的影院甚至還推出“10元看大片”的團購,低價當時成了電影票團購的代名詞。看電影還要再加錢昨晚,記者在萬達影城春樹里店看到,購票口貼出告示:大�點評網25元團購18:00前補5元差價,18:00後每張加10元。這意味著,購買了該團購的市民,如果想在該影院觀看《速度與激情6》等大片,還要補上5元或10元的現金。此外,在該團購網站購買的31元電子迷你倉出租,去萬達影城官網兌換電影券,也要補5元。多家團購網站的電影團購券,都會附加一些條件,如“僅限2D電影”、“雙休日不可使用”、“兌換3D需要另加10元”等條款。而在前兩年,這類低價的電影票團購都是可以通兌的。目前,武漢各影院會員卡購票一般是標價的五折,看一場電影的價格在35元左右,而網上團購電影票,票價在25元左右。因此,即便是補上5-10元的差價,團購仍是看電影最省錢的方式。多家影城的購票處,排隊最長的一般是團購兌換專用窗口。網站不再貼錢賺人氣光穀一家影院相關負責人告訴記者,當時團購網站剛興起,競爭比較激烈,所以他們也願意貼錢推“低價”以聚集人氣。而團購網站之前為吸引用戶,貼錢也要做電影票團購。而如今,團購網站和影院都放棄了“低價求關注”的做法。據統計,伴隨著電影票的集體漲價,武漢團購電影券折扣也已漲到3折,平均單價在25元左右。對於補差價,業內人士稱,目前電影票價的最低限價已是常態,通常一線城市的價格是30-35元,因此影城會要求團購消費者補差價,這個差價一般為5元或10元。業內人士稱,團購電影票的內容一般都會另外標注,“如遇特殊限價影片,以影院公示為準需補齊差價”,這已經成為行業慣例。對消費者來說,團購看電影是好事,但也是商家的營銷手段,消費者下單前最好瞭解完整信息。儲存倉

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財華社深圳新聞中心據銀監會公布數據,迷你倉出租今年二季度末,國內商業銀行不良貸款余額繼續上升至5395億元,較一季度末新增130億元。不良貸款率為0.96%,與一季度持平。盡管與一季度相比,二季度銀行業不良貸款增量環比有所減少,但這主要由於第二季度銀行加大了不良貸款的核銷力度,實際上,整個上半年不良貸款增量依然較大。從區域上看,浙江、江蘇、山東三省是不良貸款高發區,今年上半年這三個省新增不良貸款佔全國60%左右。分機構看,國有大型商業銀行二季度不良貸款和不良率呈現“雙降”,但股份制商業銀行和城商行的不良貸款則明顯上升。據經濟參考報引述專家表示,雖然銀監會要求商業銀行信貸投向要向化解過剩產能傾斜,但部分產能過剩、問題突出行業的企業在儲存倉期內仍無法擺脫經營困境,淪為銀行不良貸款重災區的現狀難以得到根本改變。針對不良貸款繼續上升,在“盤活貨幣信貸存量”的要求下,監管層則鼓勵銀行加大不良貸款核銷力度。7月初,國務院下發的《關於金融支持經濟結構調整和轉型升級的指導意見》明確提出,支持銀行開展不良貸款轉讓,擴大銀行不良貸款自主核銷權,及時主動消化吸收風險。當前我國金融體系不大可能爆發系統性的流動性風險,但是,今年下半年銀行業資產質量依然不容樂觀,尤其是當審計署再次展開了對地方政府融資平台的審計工作,部分與平台貸款密切關聯的城商行,不良風險很可能在下半年集中暴露。(A)更多精彩內容,請登陸財華中國網 ( 或財華香港網 (迷你倉沙田

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  大新銀行(2356)及同系大新金融(0440)公布中期業績,迷你倉沙田上半年分別錄得逾8.12億元及6.8億元股東應佔溢利,按年升35.1%及9.3%。兩者均稍為增派中期息,分別派每股0.08元及0.31元。不排除任何併購活動  集團董事總經理王祖興於中期業績發布會表示,上半年大新銀行的信貸撥備由上年3000萬元增至1.38億元,減值貸款比率0.4%,迷你倉價錢因為內地有個別壞帳的情況,而且低基礎影響,但重申集團的信貸質素健康,但受到宏觀不明朗因素影響,下半年撥備金額可能持平,或再稍微提高。  他未有正面回應大新銀行會否賣盤,只表示會對任何併購計劃持開放態度,但暫時未有公司接洽。  但回顧過去十年收購的計劃,包括收購澳門銀行和香港財務公司,都成功鞏固公司業務,因此不排除任何併購活動,但將會集中發展核心業務。迷你倉庫

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