踏入數碼科技年代,mini storage智能手機、平板電腦、高清電視等變得相當普遍。浸會大學化學系講座教授黃維揚繼發明了金屬有機磷光化合物,用作製備高效能的有機發光二極管(OLED),近年更成功運用納米材料和技術,開發了金屬有機聚合物光伏電池,以及進一步研製染料敏化太陽能電池,對環保和可持續發展帶來重要的貢獻,而黃維揚早前更在亞洲化學會聯盟大會獲頒授「亞洲新星獎」。記者 曾愛芳隨�全球暖化的後遺症陸續浮現,世界各地的科研學者積極開發既環保又高效能的可再生能源。浸大化學系講座教授黃維揚過去從事傳統金屬有機化學的基礎研究,自ま五年起開始研究能量轉換問題,並先從由電能變成光能的有機發光二極管入手。「傳統的白光是由紅、綠和藍的光結合而產生,但我的研究是使用藍和橙色來結合,藉此簡化裝置的結構。」獲得美國專利  黃維揚接受本報專訪時表示,研究是利用磷光化合物代替常用的熒光物料,以加強有機發光二極管的效能,而這種金屬有機磷光化合物已成功獲得美國專利及商標局授予的專利權,他承認有公司接觸過他,但未有深入探迷你倉具體合作模式,展望將來能商品化。他又稱,新發明的化合物具靈活的特性,令有機發光二極管應用在照明和全彩色的顯示屏上,如智能手機和電視。  除了金屬有機磷光化合物,黃維揚ま七年起開始�手研究有機太陽能電池,研製出一系列含金屬鉑的納米級有機聚合物,「傳統的矽系太陽能電池成本高效能低,而金屬有機聚合物光伏電池能有效吸引太陽光的可見光,並提高電池的能量效能。」此外,他又同時研製了染料敏化太陽能電池,既價格低廉,柔軟度又高,相信將來能逐步取代傳統矽系太陽能電池。強調教研並重  對於早前獲亞洲化學會聯合會頒授「亞洲新星獎」,被認定為亞洲化學界別的「明日之星」科學家,加上近年先後取得裘槎基金會優秀科研者獎、英國皇家化學會過度金屬化學獎、何梁何利基金科學與技術創新獎等多項殊榮,黃維揚謙虛地笑稱,感謝研究成果獲肯定,「希望有機會的話取得國家級和國際性化學組織的獎項。」  積極投入教學工作的他又強調教研並重,未來亦有興趣擔任更多行政和服務工作,「期望科研取得更好成果,研究生更投入學習和研究。」文件倉

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self storage ●女性患糖尿病常常會出現特有的信號:陰部瘙癢、糖尿病孕婦容易生巨大胎兒、腰臀比例增大、糖尿病患者容易發生性功能障礙。●避免癌症需遵循“三少一多”原則,即少吃糖、澱粉等精緻碳水化合物;少吃高溫油、轉基因油等壞脂肪;少吃醃制食品;多吃富含維生素的食品。●閱讀西藥說明書一定要重點看清五項說明:藥品的適用症和禁忌症;不良反應;藥品的用法及用量;藥品的儲存;生產日期及有效期。小羊輯迷利倉

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【本報消息】貿促局今年推出會展競投及支援“一站式”服務,存倉招攬、引進會展活動來澳舉行,協助申請會展活動激勵計劃、協助與本澳相關部門聯繫等。截至九月“一站式”服務協助跟進落戶澳門的會議及展覽項目共38個,包括16項會議、17項展覽、5項會議及展覽。由於外界未必熟悉澳門舉辦會展的優勢,未來將加大宣傳,包括積極參與國際活動。商會牽紅線起作用貿促局主席張祖榮表示,協助落戶的38個會展活動中,已舉行及已落實在澳門舉辦的18項,涉及醫學、金融、餐飲以及旅遊等。當中14個今年舉行,其中10個展覽規模均達逾千平方米。會議共吸引逾千名專業客商參與。另外4個將在明年舉行。他指出,“一站式”服務提供不同的協助,如貨物通關、簽證等問題,會展競投及支援“一站式”服務可發揮作用,協助解決問題,並可提醒主辦單位在澳辦活動須注意事項,例如藥物須經當局許可才能入口等。今年跟進的展覽活動中,部分透過本地商會“牽紅線”,可見商會亦發揮重要作用。該局除協助跟進會展活動落戶,還會透過該局參與的境內外活動協助推廣宣傳。積極宣傳辦展優勢另外,為吸引更多大型會展活動來澳舉行,該局積極參與不同的國際組織,推介在澳辦會展的優勢。如去年八月加入ICCA(國際會議協會),是一個聚集全球會議相關企業、政府機構的行業權威組織,目前在全世界85個國家和地區擁有900餘名會員。張祖榮指出,ICCA今年九月在澳門主辦“亞太區商機交流工儲存坊”,吸引超過40多名來自亞太地區具影響力的會議組織者、國際商協會組織、目的地管理業者、會議暨公關業者出席,並參觀考察多個本澳會議場地設施及觀賞表演節目。貿促局更設晚宴招待各參會代表,邀請澳門會展業發展委員會發展對外合作小組委員出席交流,還向參會代表積極介紹澳門會展業現況,推介澳門舉辦展會的優勢及該局所提供的會展競投及支援“一站式”服務。藉活動加深參會代表對澳門的印象,有利吸引更多國際會議活動來澳舉辦。另一方面,貿促局代表十一月初赴上海參加ICCA主辦的 “第52屆ICCA年會”,加強交流合作。澳門除旅遊休閒、商貿平台,亦是一個舉辦會展活動的城市,未來加大這方面宣傳。引客購物如大超市早前剛舉行的第四屆中葡論壇部長級會議,吸引不少葡語系國家企業來澳,張祖榮表示,他們希望開拓內地龐大市場,但因不熟悉,故希望借助澳門平台,並欲伙拍本地企業共同發展,這在MIF期間亦有所體現。不少葡語國家的酒類、食品企業參會尋找商機。該局亦預先安排商業配對,令參會更具針對性,提高企業遠度而來的意慾。當中首次來澳的葡語系企業,發現路�城將有不同項目落成,喚起新的商機,既關注內地市場,也可探尋澳門商機。外商要親身來澳,才感受到澳門的特色,單純看澳門近60萬人口市場,吸引力不大,倘得知澳門每年接待3,000萬旅客的大市場,則是另一個市場。澳門近年儼如一個“大超市”,吸引大量旅客來澳購物,可見澳門的商機。迷你倉

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文件倉 epaper.ynet.com/html/2013-11/18/content_24990.htm?div=-1...據世界旅遊組織的統計,2012年中國公民去年海外消費總額達1020億美元,位居全球榜首。而中國出境遊客人數由2000年的1000萬人次增至2012年的...存倉

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上周我智豬列出兩位頂級馬會賽馬專家利賢達及卓珍妮心中各十匹「銀行馬」,mini storage建議大家逢出就投資位置。可惜,因《投資王》周日才出售,但上周賽馬周六已舉行。結果,當日有兩匹「銀行馬」同場出賽,「品學兼優」及「綠色威」,竟然一Q回來,10元連贏派230元;另一隻「安琛」亦於上周三W出。今日,小弟又提供一個心得——莫雷拉投資大法,看看能否為大家帶來豐厚回報。過去十多年,香港馬圈長期被12屆冠軍韋達壟斷,故有「韋氏力牆」之稱,嚴重失衡。當然,韋達成功,有因有果,以後再論述。今季開始,馬迷大樂,因為馬會決心實行「分而治之」(Divide and Rule),不再單靠英語(南非、澳紐)及法語系騎師佔據主流,引入兩位充滿超級鬥志(一開閘就死鏟起馬匹鬥心)的南美騎師莫雷拉及田泰安,騎師勢力即時全面拉散,韋達優勢不復見。登場至今日日有馬贏莫雷拉來港前,乃新self storage坡冠軍騎師,以擁有燃燒贏馬欲念(A Burning Desire To Win)見稱,場場打真軍搏甩髀,加上騎功上乘,所以,一日直落贏六七場,絕對閒事。來到香港,雖然高手林立,仍能做到日日有馬贏,10月20日登場至上周三,從未斷纜。有此鬥心騎師,練馬師當然爭相提供坐騎,所以,過去莫雷拉勝出的13匹馬,來自8個馬房,優質子彈源源不絕。莫雷拉鬥志如此鮮明,坐騎質素高檔,未來肯定仍會頻頻贏馬。所以,投資莫雷拉馬匹,最佳策略是以每個賽事日為單位,注碼夾疊上。以10元獨贏為單位,當日第1匹買10元,不中,20元,再不中,40元。若以單日方式買,過去莫雷拉在港出賽8個賽事日,全部大豐收,尤其曾爆出11倍的「魅力星」(10月20日)及19倍大冷「海嵐一號」(10月27日)。大家可先以10元細細注嘗試「莫雷拉投資大法」,有足夠「臨�實驗」紀錄才加碼!迷你倉

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By lu hongyan and xu xiaoThe starting point of the Silk Road trade route in ancient times, Xi’an is building what it is calling the Silk Road Economic Belt by attracting investment from the globe, local officials said.儲存倉One of the most important sources of investment for the capital of Shaanxi province is Hong Kong, said Xi’an deputy mayor Han Song during the third Shaanxi-Hong Kong- Macao economic cooperation week.As of September, companies from Hong Kong had established more than 1,200 offices in Xi’an with total investment reaching $14.69 billion. This figure accounts for 39.43 percent of the total investment from outside the Chinese mainland, Han said.Currently, Hong Kong mainly invests in Xi’an real estate, commercial services, renting industry, accommodation, catering, power supply, fuel gas and water as well as manufacturing.“Hong Kong has a mature modern service industry system. We hope that through this economic cooperation week, Xi’an can attract more attention from Hong Kong’s modern service enterprises and further expand the two sides’ cooperation in modern logistics, IT, finance, commercial service, tourism and talent training,” Han said.In addition to closer economic ties with Hong Kong in recent years, Xi’an has also deepened economic cooperation with Guangdong province.The city has attracted nearly 100 billion yuan ($16.4 billion) investment from Guangdong since 2005.Han said Xi’an will start comprehensive high-level cooperation with Guangdong and Hong Kong mainly in high-tech industries, talent exchange, cultural tourism and logistics.“Shaanxi, Guangdong and Hong Kong have sound backgrounds in high-tech, electronic information and top-notch technology, so they have broad prospects for cooperation,” he said. “Also, every year Xi’an has a lot of graduates who cater to the talent demand of Guangdong and Hong Kong.“Meanwhile, Xi’an hopes to learn human resource management experience from other places.”In recent years, Xi’an has attracted many noted foreign companies to invest and build operations, including Samsung, Boeing, ABB, Mitsubishi Motors, Siemens and Ericsson. By the end of 2012, Xi’an had approved 3,003 foreign-funded companies, utilizing over $13.82 billion foreign capital.Han said in the next phase, the city will draw more investment from the central Asia regions and Europe, “to better exploit Xi’an’s geographic advantages as the start of the ‘Silk Road’ and the bridgehead of the迷你倉最平Eurasia continental bridge”.“Attracting foreign companies can help us absorb advanced technologies and fasten industrial upgrading,” Han said.Another driving force for Xi’an’s development comes from the Weibei Industrial Zone that established on Aug 16, 2012.“For a long time, Xi’an’s economic development lags behind some provincial capitals in the country. Its industrial economy is not big or powerful, and its mapping is not balanced. So we have to plan a new ‘main battlefield’ for the industries,” Han said.“Xi’an’s only available spacious place for industries’ sustainable development is at the north of the Weihe River,” he explained.“This region boasts a State-level economic and technological development zone as well as an aviation industry base. It already has an industrial economic development framework bolstered by aviation, automobiles and other strategic emerging industries.”Han said the Weibei industrial zone will lay the foundation for Xi’an’s future comprehensive strength and competitiveness.The area had attracted more than 1,000 companies as of September.In addition to investment from overseas and the new industrial area, the Xi’an International Trade and Logistics Park is meant to be a propeller for sustainable growth in the landlocked city.“In the next stage, we will update the inland port’s function by opening international freight trains to connect Xi’an, central Asia and Europe,” Han said.The trains, named Chang’an, will start operation by the end of this year.The new railway “will further exploit Shaanxi’s advantages in transportation”, he said. “This move will help Shaanxi become an engine of the Silk Road Economic Belt.”Economic development is not the only concern of local officials. The city is making efforts to protect natural environment and historical relics.“Building a good environment that is suited for both living and making a fortune is significant to the city’s sustainable development.” Said Han.“The Xi’an people want blue skies, green mountains and clear water. And the government has the responsibility to meet their demands,” he said. “We will make them feel happier while making the ancient city more beautiful and environmentally friendly.”Contact the writers atluhongyan@chinadaily.com.cn and xuxiao@chinadaily.com.cnBuilding a good environment that is suited for both living and making a fortune is significant to the city’s sustainable development.”han songdeputy mayor of Xi’an迷你倉

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Source: Tulsa World, Okla.迷你倉Nov. 17--Ilene Hammack's dream began -- the way a good many dreams begin -- with a glance at the heavens.Hammack grew up on a farm in the Oklahoma Panhandle and at an early age became fascinated by the planes, large and small, she would occasionally see soaring through all that sky."Even the little crop duster planes -- I just fell in love with them all," Hammack said. "I could just imagine the sense of freedom you must have, up there in the sky all alone."For most of her life, however, the dream of flying solo has been a dream denied Hammack, who has had Type 1 diabetes for more than 40 years.Type 1 diabetes is the form of the disease in which the body does not naturally produce insulin, the hormone that converts carbohydrates such as sugars and starches into energy. Those with Type 1 diabetes require regular dosages of insulin to maintain their health.Most cases of Type 1 diabetes are discovered when the patient is a child, but Hammack did not know she had the disease until it came close to killing her."No one in my family had any history of diabetes, so I had no idea of the symptoms," she said. "I was married and we were living at Fort Bragg, as my husband was in the army at the time. I started losing a lot of weight and ended up going into a coma."Fortunately, the doctors at the base were able to discover what was wrong," Hammack said. "That was 42 years ago. Ever since then, I've been working to maintain my blood sugar. That's the thing about the Type 1 diabetes -- it's a 24/7 disease. It changes your life and the lives of your whole family. There's never a moment when you can ignore it."Still, Hammack was determined to learn how to fly and, with her husband, Jim, began taking flying lessons."I didn't know that people with insulin-dependent diabetes could not get their pilot's license, until I went through the medical exam that's required," Hammack said.For many years, it has been the policy of the Federal Aviation Administration not to allow Type 1 diabetics to fly solo, because of the possibility that changes in blood sugar levels could cause the person suddenly to black out."So I had to sit back and watch as Jim got his pilot's license, and then later watch our son Rod get his pilot's license, right after he graduated from high school," Hammack said, smiling. "As for me, I was sort of relegated to the right seat."Once Jim Hammack finished his career with the army, the Hammacks settled in western Oklahoma, where they owned a cable TV system. Flying was a necessary part of the business, as the territory their system served covered the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles."I would do some of the flying once we were in the air, with Jim there," Hammack said. "But I was never the PIC -- the pilot in control."A few years ago, the FAA relaxed its strictures for insulin-dependent diabetes patients wanting to obtain a private pilot's license. Those with Type 1 diabetes could be granted a special issuance medical certification on a case-by-case basis, providing they could prove they were clinically stable on their current treatment regimen for at least six months.In a 2012 speech, the FAA's Federal Air Surgeon Fred Tilton said 450 people with insulin-dependent diabetes have received special issuances. Hammack is one of those 450.But obtaining that special issuance meant "I had to start from scratch," Hammack said. "For one thing, the plane that we had back in the 1970s, when I first tried to get a license, was a lot less powerful than the one we have now (a Beechcraft Bonanza that is currently hangared at Jones Riverside Airport).""From scratch" meant undergoing an extensive series of medical tests that took about a year to complete."They required blood work every three months, to show that you are maintaining your blood sugar levels," Hammack said.One new bit of technology that helps Hammack keep track of her disease is a continuous glucose monitor, or CGM. A sensor with a needle-like probe is attached to the skin, whmini storagech checks blood sugar levels in body tissues. The results are transmitted via Bluetooth to a monitor."I still give myself injections and still have to test my blood the old-fashioned way," Hammack said, holding up fingers dotted with the tiny scars left by lancets to draw blood samples. "But the CGM gives you a bit more freedom. I can attach my monitor to the control panel of the plane to keep a watch on how my blood sugar is trending."Once the medical tests were complete and Hammack passed, then came the flying lessons. The Hammacks live much of the year now in Pagosa Springs, Colo., but come to Tulsa often to stay with their son and his family. Hammack worked with an instructor at Jones Riverside to earn her license.She recalled the day in February of this year, when she finally achieved that long-held dream of flying solo -- some 35 years after she first tried to learn to fly an airplane."My instructor and I did a routine flight to Okmulgee, and I did several landings," she said. "Then he rather casually said, 'Why don't you taxi over there and I'll get out so you can solo.'"How did I feel? Well, I felt prepared," Hammack said. "I had had a lot of very good training. And the thing about airplanes -- the more you know how an airplane works, the more at ease you feel in the air. One thing I do remember was the last thing my instructor said when he got out: 'Don't forget to come back and get me.' "For many years, Hammack said she was reluctant to talk about her condition."I'm just not the sort to put myself in the spotlight," she said. "However, my grandson was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes four years ago. He's 7 now. And ever since he was diagnosed, I've been more willing to be public about this disease -- just to get across the point that diabetes is not a reason to give up on your dream, whatever that dream might be. Living with diabetes is a daily challenge, but it does not need to be a limitation."James D. Watts Jr. 918-581-8478james.watts@tulsaworld.comABOUT DIABETESPrevalence1. Nearly 26 million children and adults in the United States have diabetes.2. Another 79 million Americans have prediabetes and are at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes.3. As many as 1 in 3 American adults will have diabetes in 2050, according to current estimates.The toll on health1. Two out of three people with diabetes die from heart disease or stroke.2. Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure.3. Diabetes is the leading cause of new cases of blindness among adults.4. The rate of amputation for people with diabetes is 10 times higher than for people without diabetes.5. About 60 to 70 percent of people with diabetes have mild to severe forms of nerve damage that could result in pain in the feet or hands, slowed digestion, sexual dysfunction and other nerve problems.Cost of diabetes1. The American Diabetes Association estimates that the total national cost of diagnosed diabetes in the United States is $245 billion.2. Direct medical costs reach $176 billion, and the average medical expenditure among people with diabetes is 2.3 times higher than those without the disease.3. Indirect costs amount to $69 billion (disability, work loss, premature mortality).4. One in 10 health-care dollars is spent treating diabetes and its complications5. One in 5 health-care dollars is spent caring for people with diabetesCourtesy the American Diabetes Association (.diabetes.org)Diabetes networkT1Tulsa Network is a group that provides a networking outlet for Tulsa adults living with Type 1 diabetes to meet and share with others who understand the same daily routines and challenges.The group is open to anyone 18 years or older in the Tulsa region.Meetings are 6 to 8 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month. Location of the meetings vary. For more information, email Lori Maisch at T1Tulsa@yahoo.com or call 918-808-0152.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at .tulsaworld.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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Source: Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier, IowaNov.迷你倉 17--WATERLOO -- Robbers and thieves were targeting delivery drivers Saturday night.Police were sent to the 1300 block of West Third Street at about 9 p.m. after a driver for East China was injured in a robbery. The driver said he was sent to an address on that block, and he was approached by four men when he arrived.The assailants claimed they had a gun, although it wasn't shown. The driver was cut on the arm, and the attackers fled with儲存倉an undisclosed amount of cash.Paramedics with Waterloo Fire Rescue took him to a nearby hospital for treatment.No arrests have been made in the robbery.About half an hour later, a driver at Pizza Hut on La Porte Road called police after his pickup truck was stolen from the restaurant's parking lot.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier (Waterloo, Iowa) Visit Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier (Waterloo, Iowa) at .wcfcourier.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉最平

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  • Nov 18 Mon 2013 08:45
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