Hong Kong’s fledging cruise tourism is set to get a big boost from the China National Tourism Administration’s (CNTA) latest move to relax rules on mainland cruise travelers.mini storage Under the new rules issued by the CNTA on Thursday, mainland tourists traveling to Taiwan as part of package tours from Hong Kong will be allowed to continue traveling to Japan or the Republic of Korea on the same passenger ship they take to Taiwan. The move will definitely make cruises via Hong Kong more attractive for mainland tourists. With a surge in cruise passengers, as anticipated by many players in the tourism industry, more cruise ships are expected to stop over in Hong Kong or even make Hong Kong their homeport. The mainland’s rising middle class with strong spending power has become a darling of many tourism destination markets globally. The Hong Kong economy itself has benefited tremendously from the influx of mainland visitors since the implementation of the Individual Visit Scheme in 2003. However, with the influx of visitors in recent years, the problems of insufficient tourist facilities — particularly hotels — and increasing incideself storagets of substandard or even poor quality services provided by some unscrupulous travel agencies or tour guides have plagued the industry, threatening its sustainable development. In the latest incident, a group of mainland tourists who struggled with hunger and weariness at dawn on Wednesday at the China Ferry Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui after they were stranded by Typhoon Utor and abandoned by their tour guide, complained bitterly about being left high and dry, and swore that they will never visit Hong Kong again. While not all visitor complaints are valid all the time, it is unarguable that incidents of substandard or poor quality services are on the rise in the industry, which will damage the city’s reputation as a desirable tourist destination. Now with the new supportive policy from the CNTA and the opening of the Kai Tak Cruise Terminal on June 12, Hong Kong stands a better chance of realizing its dream of developing into a leading regional cruise hub. Whether it succeeds in that aim depends very much on the will and ability of the industry players to do a better job. The author is a current affairs commentator. 迷你倉

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/  □華西都市報記者石莉芳攝影郝飛繪圖姜宣憑“只要沒有功利心,存倉就能喚起人的愛心”  今年夏天,暴雨有點多,時不時的悶熱讓人遭不住。當人們琢磨著避避暑的時候,名人們的暑期檔卻早已排得滿滿當當。著名戲劇家、雜文家、辭賦家,被譽為巴蜀鬼才的魏明倫說,“每天都很忙,沒有什麼避暑的時間。剛剛和夫人一起遊覽了杭州和雲南,也是帶著考察的重任。”人物名片>>>   魏明倫四川內江人。歷任四川省自貢市川劇團演員、編劇,全國政協委員,中國劇協副主席,四川省作協副主席。1980年開始發表作品。1988年加入中國作家協會。國家一級編劇。  現在不依靠網絡的人很少,離了網絡就無法生存,更不要說成名了,但我是一個例外,我不上網,憑敏感和其他途徑獲取信息。網絡的時尚事情我大體知道,但是我擁有的古典和傳統知識,很多中青年網友就不懂了。”  ??魏明倫  在魏明倫暑期計劃表上,既有出書寫賦,也有關於魏明倫文學館的種種事宜,還有喂貓遛狗。讓記者感到驚訝的是,年逾七旬的他還有“暴走”的鍛煉科目,每天下午5點左右快走人民公園1個小時,就算是下大雨打著傘也要去??而這也是他近來瘦身的秘訣之一。夏季出行出游“火爐”杭州不忘取經  夏季出游,游山玩水,當然要找一個避暑的地方。  可是,巴蜀鬼才魏明倫夏季旅遊目的地卻是杭州、雲南,西昌。雲南的氣溫尚可,可是杭州……今年暑期,被民間譽為“四大火爐”的杭州已然熱到噴火,最高氣溫一度刷新歷史上的氣溫紀錄,達到了40.4℃,暴曬下的綠色植物熱得一派枯萎。  “我這個暑期事情比較多,出去旅遊也是帶著一個重要任務。”魏明倫接受華西都市報記者採訪時說,他專門去杭州觀看了《南宋千古情》,去雲南騰沖觀看了《夢幻騰沖》。這次出行受成都市政府部門的委托,為成都首個劇場大型旅遊劇目演出做考察觀摩。據透露,成都有意在東郊記憶開展劇場大型旅遊劇目的演出。  四川缺乏經常性的劇場大型旅遊劇目演出,而在沿海,這種固定的演出,商業效果相當好。魏明倫說,成都東郊記憶是工廠改造的,有適合大型演出的場地,卻沒有演出內容。為此成都市邀請魏明倫擔任成都首個劇場大型旅遊劇目演出的藝術總監。  在他看來,現在東郊記憶的酒吧、電影院都有,小劇場多得很,中型的也有,周圍居民好多都往東郊記憶聚。成都需要杭州宋城那樣的大型旅遊劇目,市民和遊客都需要。運動休閒 天天“快走”人民公園  當記者見到魏明倫時,感覺他與以前報紙上的照片有很大出入,是一種瘦小精幹的印象。“我原來虛胖,老了以後走瘦了”。魏明倫說,他的身高只有1.58米,現在體重只有100斤。沒有贅肉,“身輕如燕,健步如飛。”每天堅持快走,去人民公園快走1個多小時,一年起碼有340多天堅持了的,風雨無阻,打傘也要去走,走起很舒服,下雨更好,沒有人在旁邊打擾。  魏明倫告訴記者,在新聞人物、公�人物中,他恐怕是最接近底層民�的一個。成天出現在公園,經常有人問:“你是不是魏明倫?”回答一聲“我是。”魏明倫繼續他的快走,不會停下來,問的人卻興致盎然地小跑著跟上來擺龍門陣。  雖然已經是73歲,可快走逐漸成為一種需要,不走不舒服,在外地出差他一樣要走。這次游騰沖,爬山越嶺,如履平地。魏明倫說,他走路時在完成自存倉己的藝術創作,好多作品都是在快走的過程中完成的,比如《桃花賦》、《磨盤賦》。在公園里走沒有汽車,我不用擔心,甩起手就快走,走的時候就進入思維,考慮咋寫文章。  魏明倫說,他不太懂得養生,不太忌口。愛吃的口味和文風相關,麻辣!平時胃口較好,“吃得、走得、說得,精神充足,思維敏捷。你看我說這麼久也不疲勞。”喂貓逗狗 每天做“三頓飯”親自喂貓狗  每天給貓貓狗狗做飯、餵食,這是魏明倫工作日誌上的必須項目。“我家的貓貓狗狗基本上都是我喂,都被我慣壞了,只有我親手喂到嘴里才吃。”魏明倫說,這給他的晚年生活帶來很多樂趣,養寵物可以喚起人的愛心,現在,寵物已經成他的親人了。  魏明倫家中的“咪咪”長壽,活到了19歲。從來不吃乾糧、不吃肉、不吃蛋、不吃魚、不吃油、不吃糖……啥都不吃,就吃泥鰍。每天他的夫人把泥鰍煮熟,他就三分之二的泥鰍+三分之一的米飯混在一起,每天親自喂,19年吃了幾噸泥鰍。去年底,這只貓咪去世,魏明倫哭得很傷心,在一個雕塑家朋友的花園里給“咪咪”親筆題了個墓碑:愛貓咪咪之墓??魏明倫淚筆。  除此之外,閑暇時間不多,偶爾會在平板電腦上下象棋。說到網絡,他像個老頑童一般說:“現在不依靠網絡的人很少,離了網絡就無法生存,更不要說成名了,但我是一個例外,我不上網,憑敏感和其他途徑獲取信息。網絡的時尚事情我大體知道,但是我擁有的古典和傳統知識,很多中青年網友就不懂了。”  對於孫子孫女,暑期也沒有時間進行太多交流。魏明倫笑著說,“因為我沒讀過書,不擅長于教育。我對他們沒有什麼奢望,只要求他們做一個平平淡淡、平平安安的人就是了。我沒時間灌輸他們什麼文學,他們也不得聽我的”。傾心文學 擬邀賈平凹等作家來成都  今年4月20日,魏明倫文學館在大邑安仁古鎮開館。目前國內健在的作家,只有賈平凹、莫言、賀敬之、陳忠實等以個人名義設置了文學館。成都為魏明倫設立文學館,在西南是創舉,也一度惹來關注。著名作家、八一電影制片廠副廠長柳建偉的觀點是:為活著的作家建文學館是需要勇氣的,賈平凹和莫言建文學館就遭到非議。成都能給魏明倫建一個文學館,很有文化遠見。而魏明倫敢應這一招,是文化自覺和文化自信的表現。  說到文學館,魏明倫在位於鬧市的家中,搖了搖扇子說,“今年夏天,我著手編一本魏明倫文學館的大型畫冊。”魏明倫文學館,由成都市國資委所屬文旅集團籌建。上下兩層西式樓房,建築面積2300平方米,展陳面積3074平方米,分佈“戲劇芳華”、“雜文鋒芒”、“辭賦春秋”和“鬼才道路”四個展區,展示魏明倫的戲劇、雜文、辭賦以及他從藝62年的人生軌跡。如實記載魏氏文學成就,也坦陳他的弱點,甚至敗筆。附設中式建築物“明倫堂”,是閱覽、講學的多功能場所。收藏了魏明倫各種著作和大量手稿。文學館門口,矗立著一座魏明倫命名為“蜀籟樓”的清代古戲台。旁有磨盤雕塑,鐫刻魏明倫的《磨盤賦》。  魏明倫文學館的開館,給成都的“文學氛圍”加分。魏明倫說,該展覽館是免費開放,暑期也會有很多家長帶著孩子來參觀,聽講座,“很多都要我親自去把握,填充內容。”明倫堂內可以舉辦文化講座等活動。  魏明倫正和賈平凹、馮驥才、王蒙等作家溝通協調,邀請他們來文學館參觀、交流,舉辦或者參加文學講座。而明年,中國劇協主辦的戲劇文學研討會也計劃放在這裡舉行。迷你倉新蒲崗

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  養生浙江  吳可人  孫  娜  發展養生度假產業,文件倉是浙江經濟當前的一項重大發展戰略。隨著浙江人均GDP向10000美元以上跨越,養生度假對於提升生活品質,促進經濟轉型升級,加快欠發達地區發展,具有越來越重要的戰略意義。養生度假,正在成為我國東南沿海經濟發達地區人們生活和工作的重要組成部分。  一項統計表明,2005~2010年,浙江旅遊總收入從1379億元增長到3313億元,年均增長19.2%,高出全國同期3.9個百分點;浙江旅遊業一枝獨秀,主要指標進入全國前三位。2010年,浙江旅遊總收入占到全國1/5強,位居全國第3。統計還表明,浙江省的旅遊增長明顯快于經濟增長……  旅遊主要有兩個層次,一個是觀光為主,一個是度假為主。世界發達國家發展經驗表明,人均GDP達到6000美元以上,度假占據旅遊業“半壁江山”,與觀光平分秋色。目前浙江人均GDP達7690美元,已進入度假產業發展的黃金時期。  收入增長、老齡社會到來、消費觀念轉變,對健康的關注等因素,使得養生度假正在逐步成為浙江城鎮居民的必需品。  一是有錢了,浙江居民具有更高的消費能力;二是有閑了,浙江居民具有更多的閑暇時間。日趨龐大的老年人群體,更加追求安逸從容的晚年生活;三是有品了,浙江居民追求更高的生活品質。這樣的背景下,浙江居民的養生,正以前所未有的態勢蓬勃發展,成為一個熱點。養生,已成為人們工作、學習之餘放鬆身心的一種生活方式;而浙江的養生產業,也正以前所未有的速  養生浙江  度迅猛發展,成了新的經濟增長點。  泰順、臨安、定海、新昌、桐廬、仙居、武義、遂昌、烏鎮等環境優美、空氣優質、水質優純、生態優異的地方,成了養生者嚮往的聖地,吸引了大批都市人群追捧,省內省外,甚至萬里之外的新疆、黑龍江等地,都有養生者紛至遝來。浙江,已成為長三角地區的養生度假勝地和養老旅遊首選地。  鑒於浙江養生度假資源在長三角具有突出的比較優勢,而這一範圍內有閑且有錢的人數正在快速增加,預計未來一二十年,浙江養生度假市場具有非常廣闊的前景,將形成以浙江、上海和蘇錫常地區為重點,輻射泰州以南、宜興以東、寧德以北的10萬平方公里區域。目前這一市場規模約為1億人,至2020年將超過1.1億人。長三角一帶養生度假產業市場規模有可能高達上千億元。  從民生的角度看,發展養生業,對於居民愉悅心情、強身健體、延年益壽、頤養天年等,都有無窮益處。發展養生度假將促進生活方式革命。養生度假以環境消費、閑暇消費,取代純粹的物質消費,以低消耗、低支出的生活,取代高消耗、高支出的生活,因此養生度假不僅是一種現代化的低碳生活方式,也是消費時光的藝術,更體現了一種追求高品質的生活態度。  從經濟的角度看,發展養生度假將促進經濟增長方式轉變,促進國土開發模式優化,強化自然環境保護和山水治理,推動欠發達  養生浙江  地區加快發展,促進文化創新存倉  浙江具有豐富的台地、山區、峽谷、海島、湖泊等資源,構成了養生度假產業良好的自然條件支撐。  台地資源。浙江500米以上的山地有2.5萬平方公里,占全省國土總面積的1/4,其中,1000米以上的山地3345平方公里。按照海拔每升高100米,氣溫下降0.7攝氏度計算,山區氣溫起碼比平原低3.5℃,具有絕好的養生環境。  這些台地,很典型的例子包括了慶元縣荷地鎮——百山祖、景寧縣大漈鄉、磐安縣東北台地、新昌縣天姥山等。  峽谷資源。浙江的峽谷以群山環抱、瀑布飛瀉、懸崖聳立、山川相得益彰而著稱。浙江峽谷以500~1000米的低山峽谷為主。目  養生浙江  前,臨安浙西大峽谷已經建成省內最富盛名的養生度假勝地,寧波寧海松溪峽谷、溫州雁蕩山的鐵成嶂和游絲嶂等已經具有相當開發規模。其他著名的峽谷則包括了遂昌大柘——石練谷地、常山縣芙蓉峽谷等。  城鎮鄰近山區資源。浙江80%以上的市縣周邊均有一定數量的山地資源,在這些區域發展養生度假產業,既可以依托臨近城鎮現有的基礎設施和社會服務,又可以比較方便地享受到山區自然生態環境。  比較典型的則有紹興縣平水鎮、余姚市四明山鎮、奉化市溪口鎮等。  海岸和島嶼資源。浙江是全國海岸線最長的省份,大陸海岸線和海島海岸線總長度約6500公里,海岸線曲折,港灣�多,形成了伸入海中的半島,較大的有象山半島和穿山半島。浙江也是全國島嶼最多的省份,數量3000余個,其中舟山島嶼占到半數以上,如普陀山、朱家尖、桃花島等,已經開闢為養生度假勝地,全省仍有不少島嶼有待開發。  湖泊江河資源。浙江河流和湖泊占到總面積的6.4%。其中,1000畝以上湖蕩約70個,5000畝以上的自然湖蕩有鄞縣東錢湖、嘉興梅家蕩和連泗蕩、嘉善的上白蕩等,最大的千島湖人工湖約580平方公里,八大水系及其支流遍佈全省,形成養生度假開發的重要資源。千島湖汾口鎮、瑞安楠溪江等,正是這些資源中的代表。  加快養生度假產業發展,需要全省上下增強共識,採取共同的行動,切實解決若干發展中的設施性和制度性問題;  需要優化開發佈局,加快把養生度假產業上升到全省重大發展戰略層面,在全省範圍內科學規劃布局,特色化開發資源,分層推進實施;  需要加快資源分層開發;推進服務多元拓展;推進產業和經濟社會聯動發展;  需要處理好開發保護關係。堅持養生度假與生態環境互動發展,以養生度假產業發展加快推進生態環境整治進程,以生態環境整治強化養生度假的支撐,實現兩者協調、可持續發展。  需要科學規劃建設強度;加大環境保護治理力度;加強生態功能保護;  需要提升區域可達性,不斷推進戰略性養生度假資源所在地區域交通網絡化建設,構建便捷的遊客集疏運體系;  需要推進設施建設,針對浙江戰略性養生度假區域基礎設施和社會服務普遍比較薄弱的現實狀況,密切結合市場需求,從當地實際出發,科學有序推進規劃建設;  浙江養生地圖自存倉

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Source: Pioneer Press, St.儲存倉 Paul, Minn.Aug. 15--The firecracker-like gunshots at night have been more constant since the warm weather arrived in late May."You can see the flashes here and there," said Constance, not her real name because, as her mother put it to me, she "does not want to end up dead or the house burned down" if I identify her by name.Fearing one day an errant bullet might strike her home, Constance's kids no longer watch the TV or play video games in the main-level living room. They are upstairs, hopefully away from the line of fire. Roving bands of youths congregate near the home her grandparents have owned for more than 80 years, brazenly blocking traffic or daring motorists to hit them.Constance, who lives near the site where a 26-year-old man was brutally beaten by a gang of thugs Aug. 4 in St. Paul's Payne-Phalen neighborhood, feels as if she's living in Baghdad or Damascus, not in the Saintly City.She has witnessed neighbors' doors and windows knocked down or broken by burglars who take off with TVs and other valuables. Other homes have been stripped of copper wiring. A few weeks ago, the single mother's 9-year-old son, shooting hoops at a nearby park, was roughed up by a group of juveniles for no reason.The response to her calls to police about the gunfire and break-ins demoralized her to the point she no longer bothers to dial 911."The cops take their time coming and then don't do anything. It's a waste of time," she lamented Wednesday. "I just stay here and try to mind my own business, but if I had the money to do so, I would absolutely move out."FOUR TEENS CHARGEDPerhaps the response to the beating of Ray Widstrand might change things for the better in a neighborhood that, in the past month, had the most reported crimes per 1,000 residents than any other in the city.Or perhaps not. And that would be a shame, for the Constances of the world deserve a safe placeto live and raise kids as much as someone who lives on Summit Avenue or Mount Curve Avenue in Minneapolis' Lowry Hill neighborhood.Widstrand -- assaulted after he walked through a group of 40 to 50 juveniles and young adults that spilled out of a house party near Minnehaha and Payne avenues to watch two girls fight -- suffered critical blows to the head and may have suffered permanent brain damage. He opened and closed one eye for the first time Wednesday after he came out of an induced coma, according to his Caringbridge.org page.St. Paul police have arrested four juveniles and a 19-year-old man, reportedly members of the East Side Boys gang, or its affiliate, Ham Crazy, in the vicious assault. Three juveniles and the adult have been charged.GANGS ATTACK, NEIGHBORS MEETGang violence here may not be on the scale of Chicago or Los Angeles, but, over the years, it has snuffed out lives and left other victims scarred for life.Among the better-known incidents in St. Paul were the gruesome deaths of five brothers and sisters -- ages 2 to 11 -- in a 1994 gang-related firebombing of the Coppage family's home. Two years later, 4-year-old Davisha Gillum was fatally shot in the head during a gang-related drive-by at a gas station. In 2003, 15-year-old Ben Doran was beaten to death by two baseball-bat-wielding members of the Gangster Disciples who mistook the youth for someone who had assaulted one of their sisters. And then-13-year-old Michael Duong was attacked at the corner of Payne and Ivy avenues in the Payne-Phalen area in 2005 by two members of the Surenos 13 gang who mistook him for a rival member of the Bloods gang because he was wearing a red sweater. Duong, who had no gang ties, suffered a fractured skull; he barely survived the attack.All the incidents led to long prison terms for the assailants and prompted calls for stepped-up police action and other efforts at community meetings like the one that will take place Thursday night in the wake of the Widstrand assault.'BIGGER, BOLDER, OUT OF CONTROL'Constance, who works and goes to school and needs to care for her children, c迷你倉沙田nnot attend the meeting. But she wants to know "as a community what we can do to decrease the violence.""I want to see actual consequences to those who are putting children and people at risk here," she said.She partly echoed the words of a veteran St. Paul cop I know who grew up on the city's East Side and is intimately familiar with the area and its gang activities."No question these hoodlums have been getting bigger and bolder and out of control in that area for over a year, blocking traffic, harassing people," said the officer, who asked to remain anonymous because he is not permitted to speak publicly without advance approval from the department.The cop also added that colleagues working the East Side feel their hands are tied by police leadership they suspect is more concerned about community backlash if they aggressively enforce curfew and other quality-of-life laws."Look, recreation centers are fine and they may help, but these (gang members) don't go to rec centers," said the officer. "It's not all law enforcement, but in this case right now, the hammer needs to come down on these people."He also noted a lack of outrage, particularly from the African-American community, over the recent beating, but more so the gang-related slaying of a 17-year-old youth by another last month in the same area. Both were black. The suspects in the Widstrand beating also belong to a predominantly black gang."I know its not their sole responsibility, but I'm frustrated, for example, when the (African-American) leaders in the community show up to march and protest and wear hoodies because of the Trayvon Martin shooting in Florida, but I don't hear a word when things like this happen in this city," he said. "This is not normal behavior, whether it's black, white or Asian kids. But right now, it's not white, Latino or Asian kids doing this."'GANGSTERS AND KNUCKLEHEADS'The Rev. Devin Miller, a longtime black community advocate, responded to similar concerns in a post on the E-Democracy.org Payne-Phalen discussion forum this week."The unfortunate reality is that there are not many (black) 'leaders' as you would think in the neighborhood," wrote Miller, who serves as a forum engagement leader, served on the District 5 Planning Council and lived in the area for about a decade."I would also challenge the broader community to not categorize this as an African-American leadership issue but as a neighborhood and community issue," he added. "It will take all of us to change the minds of the many and to help the few."Ben Greiling, who has lived in the nearby Dayton's Bluff neighborhood for the past four years, noted the lack of response to last month's slaying."I think we have accepted a level of violence in the area as long as it's a gang-versus-gang thing and doesn't affect the rest of us," Greiling told me. "But this was gang-on-innocent-bystander."The recent chatter on the discussion forum over the gang violence, however, illustrates a community still engaged. The postings come from residents who care deeply about where they live, are demanding answers to tough questions from police and others while also exploring ways, including police enforcement, to stamp out gang violence.Constance, for one, hopes so."You know, there are times when this place is not so bad," she said. "I don't believe it's a racial issue. What I do believe is that it's a mix of gangsters and knuckleheads who need to be taken off the streets. People shouldn't be living in fear like this."Ruben Rosario can be reached at 651-228-5454 or rrosario@pioneerpress.com. Follow him on Twitter at @nycrican.IF YOU GOWho: Representatives from the St. Paul Police Department and the Ramsey County attorney's officeWhat: Meeting to discuss recent gang violence in Payne-PhalenWhere: Arlington Hills Lutheran Church, 1115 Greenbrier St.When: 6:30 p.m. ThursdayCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) Visit the Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) at .twincities.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉價錢

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文/圖 小小游仙如果打算國慶長假出境旅行,儲存倉現在就可以去旅行社預訂線路了。打開春秋旅遊的網站,一條尼泊爾9日7晚佛境深度游線頗為引人關注。春秋旅遊在此條游線里採用港龍航空的班機,一天內到達,為遊客省去了轉機之累。下榻之所選用了幾處當地的特色飯店,為游程增色不少。當然,尼泊爾的美景才是此行最大的亮點。尼泊爾全境地勢陡峭,造就了世界上絕無僅有的獨特景觀:在相對狹窄的寬度內,擁有從世界之巔珠穆朗瑪峰(最高海拔8844米)到特萊平原(最低海拔70米)的巨大落差形成的層遞式美景。有人說,在尼泊爾所享受到的視覺盛宴,令人終生難忘。博卡拉被譽為徒步者的天堂,博卡拉四面環山,安娜普納山脈終年積雪,美麗的魚尾峰倒映在佩瓦湖里,秀麗奇特。游歷博卡拉,即使在炎熱夏季也能與白雪皚皚的雪峰相對而視,在佩瓦湖里泛舟蕩漾,或者租輛山地車去附近的村莊轉轉,都是很不錯的選擇。在這個被稱為“東方瑞士”的美麗之地,安娜普納山脈區域的山地健行是世界著名的徒步項目之一,迷你倉沙田海拔2000米到4000米的區域有一系列不同難度的山區健行路線,可以從不同的視角欣賞到喜馬拉雅山的宏偉與嫵媚之姿。奇它旺國家森林公園原生態野趣十足。“奇它旺”在尼泊爾語中的意思是“密林心臟”。它位於加德滿都南邊,為亞熱帶最大的天然野生動物保護區。單角犀牛、孟加拉虎等瀕臨滅絕的稀有動物,在那裡都能找到蹤跡。除此之外,450多種鳥類也為森林公園帶來了盎然生機。一條寬闊的河流將奇它旺自然保護區和當地人的居住區分隔開來,岸邊停泊的獨木舟是當地人過河與遊客觀光的主要交通工具。 清晨,霧靄籠罩著河面,保護區的密林被濃霧籠罩,樹木變得模模糊糊,周遭都呈現出朦朧而靜謐的美。凶猛的犀牛和鱷魚也不知藏身何處。霧靄如絲似縷,為一切罩上一層薄紗,樹影朦朧,使人恍置仙境。在這條尼泊爾深度游線中,遊人還可拜訪有著2500年曆史的四眼天神廟、世界最大佛塔——博達哈、巴德崗等人文歷史景觀。值得一提的是,春秋旅行社還推出了“提前40天報名立減500元”的優惠措施。迷你倉價錢

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(柔佛 笨珍14日訊)柔佛州旅遊、貿易及消費事務委員會主席拿督鄭修強指出,迷你倉庫笨珍的地理位置占优勢,它是最靠近依斯干達經濟發展特區的縣屬,也是策略性的旅遊地區,再加上依斯干達經濟發展項目正蓬勃發展,因此讓創業者有望搭上經濟發展列車。“特區除了吸引多家國際著名大學設立院校外,還有亞洲首座樂高樂園、吉蒂貓樂園及柔佛名牌折扣購物中心,這些投資具國際性,證明國際投資家不僅對柔佛的旅遊市場有信心,也對柔州穩定的發展前景感到滿意。”適合旅遊經商他說,笨珍擁有亞洲大陸最南端的丹絨比艾國家公園、龜咯島紅樹林國家公園、大笨珍多座富麗堂皇的廟宇,以及風土民情、海產與各族風味美食,都足以促成良好的旅遊經商環境。他指出,笨儲存發展旅遊項目的條件已成熟,只要配合人民的宣傳及介紹,旅遊前景將被看好,從而帶動各行各業發展。鄭修強是在大笨珍龍城衛星市慶中元晚宴上發表以上談話,出席者包括馬華笨珍區會主席鄭東漢、副主席鄭國平、區會婦女組主席張秀美,拿汀李春月、馬華水池路支會主席卓清章,慶中元副主席陳文盛、總務陳美發及理事陳成興。鄭修強也宣佈撥款8千令吉給笨珍龍城衛星市慶中元會。陳振福:鄭修強地方發展有貢獻笨珍龍城衛星市慶中元會主席陳振福表示,除了慶中元活動以外,鄭修強給予當地的地方建設及華人廟宇最直接及真誠的協助。因此,村民們應該珍惜對地方發展有貢獻的議員,並繼續支持他。他續說,相信在未來的日子,鄭修強將會繼續為地方作出更多發展。;新蒲崗迷你倉

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Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteAug.迷你倉沙田 15--The boomerang that was Bruce Gradkowski's under-30 NFL career reads like a US Airways flight schedule since it pulled its hub out of Pittsburgh:Tampa to St. Louis to Cleveland to Oakland to Cincinnati. Finally, after five teams and seven years, his travels brought him back home at age 30."I think my time in the NFL has been special," said Gradkowski, a Dormont native who played at Seton-LaSalle High School. "I got to see a bunch of cities, live in different places, meet a lot of people, learn a lot of offenses. That's special stuff there. But, of course, it would be nice to be somewhere for a long period of time."It would be nice to be the next Charlie Batch, who was a backup quarterback for his hometown Steelers the past 11 seasons. In that time, Batch was among the most popular players and had his own radio shows. The Steelers signed Gradkowski to take his place mainly because they wanted to get younger behind Ben Roethlisberger."Everyone loves Charlie Batch," Gradkowski said. "I'm not trying to come in and take anyone's place or be anyone else. Even my mom and them say, 'We love Charlie. Charlie is a great guy, I asked him for advice in the past. He's a guy to lean on."Batch also is only a phone call and a few miles away should anything such as injuries happen to Steelers quarterbacks. Gradkowski knows about them, too, because he feels they kept him from establishing himself as a starter rather than an NFL nomad.He experienced two of those injuries after his best moment in the NFL. At Heinz Field Dec. 6, 2009, Gradkowski led the underdog Oakland Raiders to a huge upset of the reigning Super Bowl champs in front of many family and friends. He completed 20 of 33 passes for 308 yards, three touchdowns, no interceptions and a 121.8 passer rating. He led the Raiders on a 10-play, 88-yard drive in the final two minutes and tossed an 11-yard touchdown pass to Louis Murphy with nine seconds left for a 27-24 Oakland victory."It was a great night, probably my best game I've played so far," Gradkowski said. "I had my family there for it. It was cool. That was the year I really felt I was coming into my own and understanding football more and more in the NFL. That was a special night."It was his third consecutive start in place of the ineffective JaMarcus Russell, and he was establishing something until it all ended the next game in Oakland against the Washington Redskins."After we beat the Steelers, the next week I tore both of my MCLs, I was out the rest of the year," Gradkowski said."That was tough. And the next year I separated my right shoulder."He signed with Cincinnati as a free agent in 2011 and played briefly in four games over two seasons before signing a one-year contract with the Steelers this year.That came a month after his younger brother, Gino, earned a Super Bowl ring as a backup rookie guard/center with the Baltimore Ravens. That should make those two Steelers-Ravens games a test of loyalties for the Gradkowski family (With Matt Birk's retirement, Gino is competin迷你倉價錢 with former Steelers draft pick, A.Q. Shipley, a Moon native, to start at center for the Ravens)."Now, it's my turn," Bruce said. "He has a ring already."The Steelers, of course, hope Gradkowski does not play much once the preseason ends, unless he is mopping up for Roethlisberger in runaway victories. But Roethlisberger missed three games in 2012 with shoulder and rib injuries, missed one game and was hobbled in a few others by a sprained ankle in 2011 and has played just one full 16-game schedule.Gradkowski is the next quarterback up."This league is all about perseverance," Gradkowski said. "You're going to have ups, you're going to have downs. It's how you persevere, handle it and push through it. I love this game, any way to be a part of it and help a team do it, I'll do that."Co-No. 1s at running backIsaac Redman and rookie Le'Veon Bell were surprised to hear from the news media that the new Steelers depth chart out Wednesday morning listed them as co-starters at halfback.But Redman said he was not surprised."He's had a good camp so far. It's pretty much why they brought him in here."Mike Tomlin's depth charts can mean little this time of year. Last week, Tomlin had Bell fifth. That's a swift move up the chart, especially since Bell did not play Saturday night in the first preseason game. Their plan is to play him with the first offensive line Monday night against the Washington Redskins.Redman was No. 1 last week and started the first preseason game at Heinz Field. He ran twice before LaRod Stephens-Howling replaced him. That was the plan, at least it was after Tomlin determined the previous day that Bell would not play because of a bruised knee. Bell was supposed to get in with the first team linemen last week."It's good motivation," Bell said of his rocketing up the depth chart. "I'm going to keep striving to be the best I can be. I came here ready for competition and I'm going to continue to compete and do the best I can."Bell said he is additionally motivated because he was not drafted in the first round and was not the first back selected. The Bengals drafted Giovani Bernard of North Carolina 11 slots before the Steelers made Bell the second running back taken, both in the second round."I always find some type of thing to motivate me, and that happened to be it," Bell said. "I wasn't the first running back, I wasn't in the first round, I used that as motivation."I'm glad where I landed. I'm in the right spot."Other changesAmong other changes to the depth chart:--Veteran punter Brian Moorman, signed this year, is listed as co-starter with Drew Butler, who made the team as a rookie last season.--Veteran offensive tackle Guy Whimper, signed as a free agent, is now listed as a backup guard.For more on the Steelers, read the blog, Ed Bouchette on the Steelers at .post-gazette.com/plus. Ed Bouchette: ebouchette@post-gazette.com and Twitter @EdBouchette.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉庫

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渭源,儲存是一部厚重的歷史。早在六七千年以前,就有人類在此繁衍生息,是馬家窯、齊家、寺窪三大古文化融匯之地,也是中華民族的發祥地之一。渭源,還是一段紅色的記憶。這裡是甘肅地下黨解放的唯一縣城,創建了由甘肅地下黨建立的第一個人民政權,受到了彭德懷、習仲勳率領的第一野戰軍的通報表揚。渭源,更是一個耀眼的傳奇。她肩扛中國馬鈴薯良種第一縣和中國黨參之鄉的金字招牌,擦亮全國生態文明示範工程試點縣、全國馬鈴薯標準化示範縣、全國科普示範縣、全國科技進步先進縣名片,傳遞著華夏文明渭河源的力量。渭源,肩負一份沉甸甸的責任。今年春節前夕,習近平總書記繞過九曲十八彎,風塵僕僕,專程來到渭源縣元古堆村,入戶看望老黨員和困難群�,並語重心長地勉勵大家,“咱們一塊兒努力,把日子越過越紅火!”銘記總書記的殷殷囑托,承載“中國夢”的生動實踐,渭河源頭兒女走進滿懷希望的“春天里”。文化是民族的血脈,是人民的精神家園。渭源縣積極貫徹省市建設華夏文明傳承創新區戰略,搶佔先機,樹立“大渭河、大文化、大旅遊”理念,率先打響“華夏文明渭河源”戰略品牌,實施總投資47.65億元的華夏文明渭河源生態文化旅遊發展示範區,傾心打造華夏文明渭河旅遊線、生態休閒度假旅遊圈和渭河文明集中展示區,努力建設“渭河特色文化大縣”和“甘肅生態文化旅遊名縣”。逆境突圍豎起文旅產業發展大旗近年來,在西部大開發的號角下,新一輪《中國農村扶貧開發綱要》和省、市《關於加快發展旅遊業的意見》相繼出台,國家將渭河源生態建設與保護納入西部乃至全國的重要生態安全屏障的戰略定位,渭源被納入全國生態文明示範工程試點縣,蘭渝鐵路設站過境,蘭海高速修建�動……面對千載難逢的機遇,縣委、縣政府乘勢而上,攻艱克難,大氣魄高點定位,大手筆制定遠景規劃,大興基礎設施建設,全力提升城市功能,強力提振文化旅遊產業。“加快發展旅遊業,培育新的經濟增長點”的發展思路被旗幟鮮明地寫入縣黨代會工作報告。《關於加快發展旅遊業的實施意見》制定出台,確立了“華夏文明渭河源”文化旅遊戰略品牌,成立了產業開發推進協調領導小組,編制了《渭源旅遊品牌發展戰略策劃》及渭河源、首陽山、太白山三大品牌景區《�動區旅遊修建性詳細規劃》。建設“享譽全國的旅遊勝地和渭河文明集中展示區”的宏偉藍 圖正徐徐展開。項目統領聚集產業發展要素根據省、市打造“華夏文明傳承創新區”的總體規劃,渭源縣委、縣政府以挖掘、整理、傳承、保護、開發和展示渭河特色文化資源為平台,以培育大項目、大企業、大園區為抓手,以促進文化旅遊產業融合發展為重點,科學研判,謀劃了涵蓋項目66個,投資估算47.65億元的“華夏文明渭河源生態文化旅遊發展示範區項 目”。該項目確立了“一帶”(絲綢之路渭河文化發展帶)、“四區”(以渭水探源為主題的渭河源生態文新蒲崗迷你倉旅遊區、以渭河文化為主題的文化產業創新區、以長城文化為主題的邊塞文化保護區、以農耕文化為主的民俗風情體驗區)、“十大工程”(文物保護工程、大遺址保護工程、非物質文化遺產保護傳承工程、紅色文化弘揚工程、城鄉文化一體化發展工程、文藝精品創作工程、文化與旅遊深度融合工程、文化產業園區打造工程、節慶賽事會展工程、文化人才隊伍建設工程)的發展格局,這是自建國以來,渭源縣在文化旅遊產業方面規劃項目最多、投資額度最高、社會影響最大的項目庫,已列入全市10億元以上戰略性文化產業項目庫,正在衝刺省級項 目庫。該項目的組織實施必將使渭源實現由文化旅遊資源優勢區向產業發展優勢區 的“華美轉身”。求實奮進文旅產業再譜新曲渭源縣圍繞“絲綢之路渭河文化發展帶”,積極打造以渭水探源為主題的渭河源生態文化旅遊區,強力實施文化與旅遊深度融合工程。加快建設以大禹導渭始祖文化為主,以生態保護、文化探源為特色的渭河源生態文化旅遊區建設項目,包涵了渭河源景區及精緻農院開發建設,西美國際度假區開發,國家生態特區,老君山森林公園、水上景觀、大渭源旅遊區旅遊道路建設等16個項目,估算投資10.608億元。目前,已累計完成投資1480.21萬元。依托建設“全國生態文明示範工程試點縣”契機,渭河源景區周邊面山綠化完成1500畝。加快建設以伯夷叔齊商周文化、民族宗教絲路文化為主的首陽山旅遊區建設項目。首陽山旅遊區建設項目,包涵了首陽山景區基礎設施及配套服務設施建設,養生度假酒店、部落商業街、孟家莊精緻農院等7個項目,估算投資3.711億元。其中首陽山景區基礎設施建設項目一期總投資4315萬元。投資6000萬元的渭源縣灞陵橋—老君山公園建設項目已全面完成並投入使用。渭河風情線建設項目總投資1.1658 億元。投資8969.85萬元的縣文化綜合活動場館建設項目已開工建設。渭源加大文化旅遊產業招商引資力度,在十九屆蘭洽會上與溫州商會、四川虹輝集團分別簽訂渭河源西美國際度假區、灞陵橋歷史保護開發建設項目,簽約金額達14.2億元。今年,渭源縣進一步加快鄉村旅遊發展,縣財政列支100萬元,對農家樂、生態園進行“以獎代補”資金扶持。積極鼓勵一批龍頭企業參與旅遊商品的開發,旅遊收入再創新高,上半年,全縣旅遊接待25.4萬人次,旅遊總收入8609.06萬元。五千年中華傳統文化薪火相傳,站在新的歷史起點上,沿著文化強國的路線圖 ,借助華夏文明傳承創新區建設和“3341”項目工程帶來的重大歷史機遇,渭源縣委、縣政府以高度的文化自信和文化自覺,以寬廣的視野和開闊的思路,凝心聚力,開拓創新,加速推進“華夏文明渭河源生態文化旅遊發展示範區”建設,推動渭源由文化旅遊資源富集區向產業發展優勢區科學轉型和文化旅遊產業健康快速發展,開創渭河特色文化大縣建設新局面!mini storage

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