699元泰國游 如此超低報價線路將大幅上漲我省將儘快出台《旅遊法》實施細則 《旅遊法》將于10月1日起實施。8月15日,文件倉記者獲悉,由於該法明文規定了禁止增加自費項目,屆時無論是境內還是境外出游線路,都將集體漲價。專家稱,我省旅遊市場近幾年低價惡性搶客嚴重,《旅遊法》將成為規範旅遊市場的一劑良方,零負團費或將徹底退出市場。零負團費或將退出旅遊市場據介紹,即將實施的《旅遊法》中,有好幾條明文規定了禁止增加自費項目。其中第三十五條規定,旅行社組織、接待旅遊者,不得安排另行付費旅遊項目。但是,經雙方協商一致或者旅遊者要求,且不影響其他旅遊者行程安排的除外。第四十一條規定,導遊和領隊不得誘導、欺騙、強迫或者變相強迫旅遊者參加另行付費旅遊項目。第九條規定,旅遊者有權自主選擇旅遊產品和服務,有權拒絕旅遊經營者的強制交易行為。省旅遊協會旅行社專業委員會副秘書長喬慶華稱,《旅遊法》實施後,隨著零負團費的終結,各類購物點加點、強迫購物等的明令禁止,旅行社將按照成本價來走團,出游報價上漲也不可避免。“但這既保護了遊客利益,也保護了旅行社的利益,旅遊市場逐步走向規範,從此以後將有法可依。”“十一”後出游線路將集體上漲“我們建議遊客趕在10月之前出境游。”當天,省海外旅行社導遊付女士稱,由於歐洲游屬於長線游,目前一些旅行社的10月報價已出爐,但比去年10月漲了不少。“去年10月去歐洲只需1.2萬元,今年漲到1.4萬至2.1萬元。現在同行們都在試水和觀望,由於歐洲游價格上漲幅度較大,目前9月份的收客已受到影響,報名的不多。”據介紹,上海一些旅行社已出台10月份東南亞游的價格。“聽上海的朋友說,東南亞線路中的新馬泰報團價已漲到1萬多元,而平時才要5000多元。”付女士稱,考慮到漲價的敏感性,目前我省多數旅行社尚處在觀望階段,十一黃金周大多數旅遊產品的價格還未最終確定,但從旅行社內部的討論來看,境內和出境游線路平均漲1至3成是肯定的,個別線路如泰存倉游、我國香港游和台灣游的價格甚至翻倍。零負團費業內並不受歡迎“其實正規旅行社對零負團費也深惡痛絕。”付女士透露,江西旅遊市場這幾年低價搶客過了頭,已經沒有下限。“有的旅行社泰國團報價只需699元,南昌到泰國的機票往返最少要1000元以上,再加上住宿、餐飲等,成本至少在4000元以上。旅行社報價如此低,是減掉了景點的門票,屆時需遊客自掏腰包另行支付,同時靠購物點返給的人頭費,來貼補這些旅行社的成本。”付女士稱,以歐洲游為例,正常報價為1.2萬元,但有旅行社報價1萬元,遊客大多願意選擇便宜的團隊,為了競爭客源,報正價的旅行社也必須降至1萬元,餘下的2000元就靠人頭費彌補。一般來說,只要將遊客帶至購物點,購物點就會按照50元/人的人頭費返給旅行社。明擺著需要進購物點的低價團為何�人還趨之若鶩?“我問過很多遊客。他們說,反正是購物,正常的泰國團不走購物點報價需4000元以上,報低價團多出的錢拿去購物更劃算。”付女士認為,正是遊客的這種想法,“逼”得旅行社不得不走零負團費運作模式,低價團已衝擊到了市場正常秩序,反過來也無法保護遊客的正當權益。《旅遊法》的實施,有望改變這種惡性競爭的格局。我省將儘快出台《旅遊法》實施細則 記者獲悉,省內部分旅行社已對員工進行有關《旅遊法》的培訓,重點瞭解旅遊經營、服務合同、旅遊安全、糾紛處理、法律責任等六個方面問題,把112條條款全部研究透徹,再按照法律規定組織旅遊工作。“《旅遊法》只是框架性的法律,一些實際操作、行政執法監管上的問題,比如繼續以零負團費操作將面臨何種嚴厲的懲罰,各省將會依據情況,出台配套的實施細則。”喬慶華稱,目前一些省份已經陸續出台了實施細則,我省還在制訂之中,也將儘快出台。不過,一些旅遊業人士擔心,《旅遊法》實施後,價格水漲船高,市民會不買賬;實施前期旅行社會嚴格遵守,但擔心後期執法力度會削弱;監管部門會更多保護遊客利益,而忽略了旅行社及導遊、領隊的利益。本報記者 楊碧玉自存倉

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 【本報記者黃宣寓報導】鐵路警察局為擴大服務旅客,文件倉保障民眾「知」的權益,製作QR碼圖樣,將鐵道各項訊息公開並透明化,將QR碼圖樣將張貼於本局各分駐、派出所外及全省各火車站(包括招呼站)之候車室或月台,旅客只要透過公共區域免費無線上網「iTaiwan」WiFi系統,掃瞄下載連結該局臉書網頁,就能知悉全省鐵道(台鐵、高鐵)的即時訊息。 另如鐵道有發生任何事故或各項列車妨(障)礙訊息,鐵路警察局也會即時發佈在網頁上,讓旅客不用再「猜」火車到站訊息。 鐵警存倉APP軟體業者無償合作,推出網頁上連結Facebook網頁,讓旅客能從APP網頁中獲知全省鐵道(台鐵及高鐵)的即時列車訊息,而QRCode系統可放置在各分駐派出所或各大車站讓旅客利用公共區域免費無線上網連結,有效提升服務品質。 除了提供資訊即時傳遞外,網頁建構主題還包括列車最新狀況、每日大小事、歷年鐵道行車事故、協尋人口通報、線上遺失物找尋等案件,藉由鐵道資訊透明化,達到落實便民服務的目標。 鐵警局推出資訊服務平台,為創新作為開啟新猷。(記者黃宣寓攝)自存倉

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Source: The Post-Crescent, Appleton, Wis.迷你倉Aug. 17--APPLETON -- Outagamie County's emergency management director could be fired and sheriff's department personnel disciplined because emergency sirens were not sounded in advance of last week's storms that caused at least $31 million in damage.The Outagamie County Public Safety committee met in closed session for about 90 minutes Friday afternoon before announcing its recommendations, which include discipline up to and including termination for Emergency Management Director Julie Loeffelholz.The committee's discussion focused on why severe weather sirens were not sounded during the fast-moving overnight storm Aug. 7 that knocked out power to about 60,000 We Energies customers, leveled a church in New London and took down trees and traffic signals across northeast Wisconsin. Ultimately, the committee found fault with three parts of the storm response.The members decided Loeffelholz failed in her duties by not sounding the alarm and said it would recommend to County Executive Tom Nelson that Loeffelholz should be disciplined, including possible termination."When policy wasn't followed, we have to take action to keep the community safe," Public Safety chairman James Duncan told Post-Crescent Media. "Just because it's not the best system is not an excuse for us not using it."Loeffelholz declined to comment on the outcome of the meeting, saying she had not heard the committee's decision and added, "I think that's a personal matter that I won't be discussing with you."The Outagamie County Sheriff's Office also shared some of the blame, the committee decided, because the department failed to maintain the Binghamton Tower in Black Creek, the county's main public safety communication system tower.Sheriff Bradley Gehring could not be reached for comment Friday evening.The committee said it would recommend investigating the tower's preventative maintenance and disciplining those responsible for the tower's upkeep or providing correction action.During a Feb. 12 meeting, Steve Hansel, the deputy emergency management director, told the Public Safety Committee that the emergency communication system was at risk of failure because it only had one repeater, according to meeting records. Hansel advised that if the repeater failed, the sirens would not operate, and if the Binghamton Tower backup generator also failed, there would be no service.Installing a second repeater would cost $25,000, and the tower would need to be in the center of the county, according to the 文件倉eeting minutes. Hansel said he would report back with more information, but there was no record of further discussion in subsequent meeting minutes.Committee members discussed the tower's operations at the end of Friday's meeting, and said the tower wasn't connected during the storm. Duncan declined to elaborate, saying it involved information presented during the closed session.However, Duncan did add that the committee thinks the National Weather Service was partly at fault for not issuing a severe thunderstorm or tornado warning earlier.The National Weather Service issued a severe thunderstorm watch for the region at 10:46 p.m., followed by a warning for Outagamie, Calumet and Winnebago counties at 12:38 a.m.The six tornadoes struck the Fox Valley between 12:23 and 1:06 a.m., according to a National Weather Service report. This particular storm was extremely unusual, however, in that it moved at speeds between 60 and 70 mph -- nearly twice as fast as a typical storm, said Jeff Last, National Weather Service Green Bay warning coordination meteorologist.The National Weather Service is already looking into whether it could have reacted faster and issued warnings sooner by identifying the storm as severe weather while it still was in Waupaca County, Last said."We do this type of review after every significant event because we want to enhance the service we are providing to the public," Last said. "Obviously what we want to do is give citizens as much heads up as possible."But Last said the outdoor sirens should not be relied upon by themselves because they are designed only to be heard by people outside and don't give a full picture of the situation."Outdoor sirens should be part of an integrated warning system," he said. "That means it's important for people to have multiple ways to get severe weather information."The National Weather Service recommends people purchase weather alert radios for their homes.The Public Safety Committee also will recommend changes to the emergency communication system, including allowing the telecommunications supervisor to sound the sirens in a critical situation. Committee members added that the criteria for activating the sirens should be more liberal and that it was fortunate no one was killed in the storm.-- Ariel Cheung: 920-993-1000, ext. 430, or acheung@postcrescent.com; on Twitter @arielfabCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Post-Crescent (Appleton, Wis.) Visit The Post-Crescent (Appleton, Wis.) at .postcrescent.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉

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Measures to increase imports and promote bilateral trade to continue By ZHAO SHENGNAN and ZHAO YANRONG China and Kenya elevated their relations to a comprehensive partnership and signed eight documents to boost cooperation on Monday, as both sides’ top leaders met for the first time since they took office.迷你倉沙田 The agreements cover several sectors including economic cooperation, infrastructure, people-to-people exchanges, finance, environmental protection and new energy. Calling China and Africa a community of destiny, President Xi Jinping said China firmly supports African countries’ independent development and wants to continue playing a constructive role in the continent’s stability and development. Xi made the remarks when meeting Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, who is in China from Sunday to Friday for his first state visit outside Africa since taking office in April. Before the meeting, Xi, who made the African continent part of his first foreign trip after taking office as president in March, welcomed Kenyatta with a 21-gun salute outside Beijing’s Great Hall of the People. Xi congratulated Kenyatta on his election victory, saying, “I believe, given your vigor and vitality, you should be able to lead the Kenyan people in registering even greater accomplishments on the road ahead toward your national development.” China would like to continue measures to increase imports from Kenya and promote a balanced growth of bilateral trade, the president said. He urged both sides to strengthen cooperation in special economic zone construction, agriculture, wildlife protection and fighting cross-border crime. Kenyatta said his country, which is committed to realizing industrialization and improving people’s living conditions, wants to learn from China’s development, as the two countries share similar historica迷你倉價錢 experiences and visions for the future. China has become Kenya’s largest source of foreign direct investment and second-largest trade partner. By June, China’s cumulative direct investment in Kenya had reached $474 million. The bilateral trade volume reached $2.84 billion last year. Kenya, an important bond between China and Africa, also hopes China, “a strong and true friend”, will play a bigger role in promoting Africa’s peace and prosperity, said Kenyatta. The East African country is one of the most popular African destinations for Chinese tourists, having the largest number of Confucius Institutes on the continent, and is a major center for broadcasting and reporting by Chinese media. In 2012, some 41,000 tourists from China visited Kenya, an increase of 10.4 percent compared with 2011, while Nairobi is trying to tap the potential in China to realize the target of 5 million tourists annually. Kenyatta’s choice of Beijing, which is fast becoming his country’s biggest economic engine, speaks volumes about China’s growing presence in Kenya, The Washington Post said on Sunday. Xu Weizhong, an expert on African studies at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, said the potential of China-Kenya cooperation, which is mutually beneficial, is huge. Kenya is one of the fastest developing countries in Africa and it has strong growth in various sectors, particularly in industry and agriculture. This provides a good platform to develop further cooperation for the two countries, he said. “Kenya’s location is very important in the region, and the country has one of the best airline companies in Africa. Cooperating with Kenya can help Chinese investors enter a much bigger market in East Africa,” Xu added Contact the writers at zhaoshengnan@chinadaily.com.cn and zhaoyanrong@chinadaily.com.cn 迷你倉庫

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助學金髮放儀式暨陽光學子勵志報告會在蘭隆重舉行 107名學子分別領取5000元助學金,迷你倉出租另有73人明日在酒泉領取2013本報利群陽光助學金髮放儀式16日舉行。本報首席記者 裴強 記者 竇陽 攝 中國銀行工作人員現場發放助學金。 本報首席記者 裴強 記者 竇陽 攝 本報訊(記者趙莉 實習生李斯斯 張彩蘭)8月16日上午,2013本報利群陽光助學金髮放儀式暨陽光學子勵志報告會在蘭州市人民劇院舉行,來自蘭州、天水、白銀、武威、金昌、定西、臨夏、慶陽、平涼等地的共146名陽光學子參加了報告會,除了已經拿到助學金的社會愛心人士一對一資助的陽光學子之外,其餘的107名陽光學子在活動現場領取了每人5000元的助學金,以及書包、筆記本、T恤、水杯等物品。省慈善總會副會長張瑞堂,浙江中煙工業有限公司市場營銷部副經理蔡萍萍、李士貴,蘭州晨報總編輯周丹波以及愛心企業代表王偉、萬國茂等社會各界愛心人士出席勵志報告會,600多名市民及學生、家長到會聆聽了陽光學子的勵志報告。當天上午9時30分,報告會在酒泉路的蘭州市人民劇院正式開始。浙江中煙工業有限公司市場營銷部副經理蔡萍萍在報告會上作了動情的發言,講述了利群陽光助學活動自2001年�動以來,在全國17個省市的成長和發展經歷,以及這13年來,在社會各界愛心的澆鑄下取得的累累碩果。省慈善總會副會長張瑞堂則用3個詞語對本報的利群陽光助學活動進行了高度的概括和評價:感謝、祝賀、希望。感謝浙江中煙工業有限公司連續5年資助甘肅的貧困學子;感謝甘肅愛心企業和愛心人士參加捐資助學活動;感謝蘭州晨報社為助學活動的開展所作出的貢獻。同時,張瑞堂向考入了理想中的大學並獲得了愛心助學金的陽光學子表示祝賀,希望他們在未來的征程中,誠樸圖強,勵學敦行,成為慈善文化的傳播者,愛心行動的傳遞者。愛心企業代表王偉和萬國茂也分別在報告會上作了發言。7月22日,我省岷縣漳縣交界發生了6.6級地震,致使許多剛剛考上大學的學子痛失家園,在本報發出幫助災區學子圓大學夢的倡議之後,蘭州中瑞房地產咨詢估價有限公司在第一時間聯繫本報,將原本要用于公司周年慶典的12萬元全部捐給了災區學子,同時,董事長王偉還以個人的名義,資助了兩名陽光學子劉欣梅和張會軍。而百姓眼鏡超市的總經理萬國茂,則資助了5名天水娘娘壩暴洪災區的學子。娘娘壩的暴洪發生時,萬國茂正在廣西陪病重的母親做治療,但在聽到本報利群陽光助學活動關注災區學子的消息後,仍然通過電話聯繫,資助了5名陽光學子。8月15日,萬國茂專程從廣西趕回蘭州,參加16日舉行的陽光學子勵志報告會。隨後,6名陽光學子代表作了精彩感人的發言,和所有與會人員一起分享了他們成長和奮鬥的故事。雖然這6名陽光學子有著各不相同的成長經歷,有的承受了失去親人的痛苦,有的遭受了家園重創的災難,但他們無一例外地選擇了在困境中堅強,在不幸中砥礪前行,最終實現了大學夢。本報總編輯周丹波對今年的蘭州晨報利群陽光助學活動作了總結性的發言。自2004年以來,蘭州晨報主動承擔起主流媒體的社會責任,搭建資助平台,在社會各界和企業的積極響應下,通過10年的時間,已經幫助1000多名寒門學子實現了他們的大學夢想。2009年,蘭州晨報與“利群陽光助學活動”牽手,每年由浙江中煙工業有限公司提供50萬元助學金,資助100名品學兼優的隴原貧困學子,幫助他們實現大學夢想。與此同時,蘭州晨報還積極呼籲社會愛心企業和愛心人士的參與,活動開展5年以來,通過利群陽光助學活動這個平台直接或間接受到利群陽光助學活動資助的學子已儲存倉達到700多人。2013年利群陽光助學活動自6月7日�動以來的兩個多月時間里,我們一共收到學生的助學申請資料800多份,本報記者行車近萬里,在全省14個市州先後對300多名提出申請的學生進行了家訪,並對部分陽光學子進行了重點報道,引起了強烈反響。在今年的助學活動中,除去浙江中煙提供的50萬元助學金共資助100名陽光學子外,通過社會愛心人士一對一資助陽光學子39名,助學金超過60萬元。除此之外,通過愛心企業和廣大愛心讀者的捐款,資助岷縣地震災區學子30名,天水娘娘壩暴洪災區學子10名,祁連山藥業出資20萬元資助了40名酒泉籍的陽光學子。助學活動一共資助陽光學子219名,助學金總額高達150萬元。在當天的助學金髮放儀式暨陽光學子勵志報告會上,107名陽光學子每人領到5000元的助學金,而酒泉和張掖兩地的73名陽光學子,則將參加8月20日本報在酒泉分會場舉行的助學金髮放儀式,領取助學金。■現場花絮《蘭州晨報》的“編外人員”由於活動現場的人很多,發放助學金時需要用很大的聲音點名,有的學生才能聽到。天水市張家川縣教育局資助中心的邵維君見此情景,就自發地站到記者旁邊,高聲喊學生的名字,從活動開始到結束,頭髮已經花白、看上去年近六旬的邵老師,一直幫助記者組織現場的各項工作,儼然是一名“編外工作人員”。邵老師是帶領張家川縣的3名陽光學子來領取助學金的,這也是他連續第五年帶領學生領取助學金。“學生們從來沒來過蘭州,自己來怕找不到地方,家長陪著又增加了學生家庭的負擔,所以就乾脆由我統一帶著來。”邵老師說。每年的利群陽光助學活動剛一開始,邵老師就會組織張家川縣家庭困難的學生報名,然後再根據報名資料逐一去學生家中走訪、瞭解具體情況,篩選出最需要幫助的學生推薦給本報。在今年的工作中,邵老師甚至把每一位申請助學金的學生家庭情況拍成了照片,隨報名資料一起寄到報社。本報利群陽光助學活動開展5年來,通過邵老師細緻的前期調查核實和推薦,我們資助的張家川陽光學子基本上都是孤兒、或者是特困家庭的孩子。而邵老師也因為一絲不苟、不辭辛勞地工作,被省教育廳和財政廳授予了“甘肅省學生資助工作先進個人”榮譽稱號。中國銀行的大愛之舉5年來,本報利群陽光助學活動受到了中國銀行蘭州市中央廣場支行的大力支持。每年的助學活動,中國銀行蘭州市中央廣場支行都會免費為所有學生辦理銀行卡,而且永久免除了學生在異地、跨行等各種情形下使用銀行卡時的手續費。由於今年受到資助的學生人數�多,制卡數量大,中國銀行蘭州市中央廣場支行的工作人員更是連夜加班趕制,及時地將銀行卡發放到了受助學生們的手中。在得知岷縣地震災區很多學生的身份證在地震中遺失,無法提供身份證複印件辦理銀行卡後,中國銀行蘭州市中央廣場支行的工作人員帶著10多萬元的現金和點鈔機,前來人民劇院參加本報的助學金髮放儀式,將助學金安全、準確地送到了陽光學子們的手中。來自北京的暖人問候天水娘娘壩發生暴洪災害時,民間救援組織藍天救援隊的隊員們在第一時間趕赴災區,積極對當地的受災群�展開救援。在看到很多剛剛考上大學的學子家園被毀,面臨入學困難後,藍天救援隊積極參與本報利群陽光助學活動,大慶紅十字藍天救援隊為助學活動捐款1200元,威海藍天救援隊也捐出了7000元。在得知這些受災的學子將在8月16日領取助學金後,藍天救援隊從北京向陽光學子們發來了暖人心扉的問候:“剪一片彩雲給你——我的學子,每一份愛心都飽含著期盼!道一聲堅強給你——我的學子,每一天的陽光都是我的問候!”本報記者 趙莉 實習生 李斯斯 張彩蘭迷你倉沙田

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digitalpaper.stdaily.com/http_.kjrb.com/kjrb/html/2013-08/19/content_219241.htm?div=-1...科技日報訊 (記者李建榮)8月14日,存倉由中國殘疾人聯合會特別支持,中國肢殘人協會、中華志願助殘陽光使團等單位主辦,北京豐台廣濟...

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Telecoms carrier Pacnet aims to grow its business on the mainland by boosting its operations and building more data centresWhen telecommunications carrier Pacnet unveiled a restructuring plan in October last year, its strategy was clear: put more resources to build operations on the mainland and establish data centres.迷你倉新蒲崗Pacnet is betting on a sharpened focus in the world’s second-largest economy to help drive business expansion while developing advanced services for large enterprises and its traditional customers – telecommunications network operators and service providers.It marks a fresh start for the privately held company, which has headquarters in Hong Kong and Singapore, after state-owned carrier Telekomunikasi Indonesia cancelled plans to buy the firm for US$1 billion in June last year.Pacnet, which has struggled to compete against larger telecommunications players in Asia, has set up a dedicated managed services unit tasked with delivering a competitive product portfolio.Jim Fagan, the president of managed services at Pacnet, told the South China Morning Post: “We’re very much focused on growing our mainland China business.“We think our capability to give multinational companies the same experience in terms of data centre services and telecommunications connectivity on the mainland, as they would have in Hong Kong, Singapore or Sydney, provides a massive difference for their businesses. It also gives us a huge advantage in the marketplace.”Fagan estimated the income from data-centre services and new managed services to be launched over the next two years could be worth between US$70 million and US$100 million annually. Pacnet, which exited low-margin businesses such as residential broadband access, posted revenue of US$518.5 million last year, compared with US$528.6 million in 2011.Operator of Asia’s largest privately owned submarine cable network, Pacnet has stepped up the construction of data centres across the mainland through subsidiary Pacnet Business Solutions (PBS), a 50-50 joint venture it formed in 2008 with mainland firm Zhong Ren Telecom.A data centre is a secure, temperature-controlled facility housing large-capacity server computers and data-storage systems. It is maintained with multiple power sourc迷你倉出租s and has high-bandwidth links to the internet.This facility is essential to supporting the fast-growing “cloud computing” market. Cloud computing enables companies and consumers to buy, lease, sell or distribute over the internet a vast range of “on demand” software and other digital resources – much like the way consumers get electricity from a power grid.“PBS has built up a very solid brand on the mainland in just a short time. Its licences have allowed us to make a bigger investment in the market,” Fagan said.The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in October granted PBS an “enhanced value-added service licence” that broadens the firm’s coverage for internet protocol virtual private network (IP VPN) services to businesses in 23 provinces, from 20 cities previously.PBS is the first Sino-foreign telecommunications joint venture to receive that licence, which also allows it to operate data centres in five cities and provide internet access in 10 cities. Its IP VPN services are connected to the data centres.“We have data centre service licences in Beijing, Chengdu, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Xian. But we’re also expanding in Chongqing and Tianjin,” Fagan said. “We have generated interest from large state-owned enterprises, as well as the major internet players in the market.”The first phase of Pacnet’s sixth mainland data centre in Chongqing, a US$30 million facility built with the co-operation of the local government, began operations in March. Its second phase will be available next year.A US$72 million facility in Tianjin, which is also co-developed with the local government, is expected to be completed and start operations early next year. Future new data centre projects are planned for Shanghai and Guangdong.Fagan said Pacnet planned to interconnect its mainland data centres with its other facilities across Asia to create a “network-as-a-service” offering. Business users will be able to safely and seamlessly move around their workloads and applications wherever their customers are in the region.Consulting firm Frost & Sullivan forecasts the Asia-Pacific data centre services market to reach US$9 billion by 2017, from US$2.5 billion in 2010. The mainland would account for US$3.2 billion of that market in 2017.儲存倉

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Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteAug.儲存倉 18--Pittsburgh is not only a city of rivers and bridges, it's also a city of murals. There are 376 (excluding graffiti), according to PghMurals.com, a website that keeps track of the artwork that has popped up on walls and houses around town.These works run the gamut from abstract to representational, political to whimsical. Some are based on famous paintings, others came from the artists' experience and imagination. Many were group projects by young people, intended to beautify hard-hit neighborhoods and give the participants a sense of ownership.Fifty-six of the city's murals were supported by The Sprout Fund, which underwrote the projects from 2003 to 2010. The others came from a variety of groups and individuals."We built the website PghMurals.com in an attempt to share what we knew about Pittsburgh public art -- there's so much of it and there was no common map -- and to promote the neighborhoods of Pittsburgh and advocate bicycling in the city," said one of the site's founders. He goes by the blogging pseudonym of Vannevar Bush, taken from an engineer who, in迷你倉沙田the 1940s, theorized the advent of the wired age."I ride my bike a lot," he continued, "and I pick a different place very day. I started seeing murals all around. My friend Shannon Grayson [also a pseudonym], a photographer, started riding with me and taking pictures. Our hope was that riders who wanted to plan a day trip could go find a mural."The Post-Gazette sent six summer interns out to see a dozen murals and to learn what they could about the artists and their works.Pittsburgh: City Of MuralsClick image above for an enlarged version of the locator map for the murals explored in detailed reports below.The murals and their stories:1. 'Admiral Perry' mural 7. 'Literacy Windows' mural2. 'Our House' mural 8. 'Martin Luther King' mural3. 'Birds Not Words' mural 9. 'Persephone' mural4. 'Piece By Piece, Step by Step' mural 10. 'We Fall Down but We Get Back up' mural5. 'Connected' mural 11. 'Gator' mural6. 'It's Your Turn' mural 12. 'Grand Mere' muralCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉價錢

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市民在文創基金產業園內體驗為自己錄製短片。晨報記者 王穎/攝 園區內影視園等可獲政策扶持,迷你倉沙田市民也可以在園區進行時尚體育運動、為自己錄製短片晨報訊(記者 劉洋)位於大興區魏善莊鎮的國家新媒體產業基地被納入中關村國家級自主創新示範園區規劃範圍,昨天正式授牌。未來基地將建設成為北京文創基金產業園,除了文創企業可以在園區內得到政策扶持,市民也可以在園區進行時尚體育運動、實景體驗影視拍攝,為自己錄製短片。據新媒體產業園副總經理李德剛介紹,園區主要為文創企業聚集區,包括星光影視園、時尚體育公園、北普陀影視園、多維創新園等。其中時尚體育公園是面向北京及國內外青少年和極限運動愛好者的主題公園;星光影視園迷你倉價錢唯一的國家級電視節目製作基地,不僅為星光大道、浙江春晚等大型綜藝節目提供場地,還向普通市民提供影視體驗娛樂活動,市民可以在這裡實景體驗古裝、現代、魔幻等電視電影的拍攝,瞭解影視背後的故事,還可以自編自導自演,錄製小短片。據瞭解,魏善莊鎮曾是較早的工業園,服裝、副產品加工曾是這裡的主業。2005年國家新媒體產業園正式成立,經過幾年的發展,目前園區已經有1600家文創企業入駐。昨天,中關村國家自主創新示範區國家新媒體產業基地正式授牌,基地成為唯一同時享受“中關村+北京經濟技術開發區”雙重政策的文化創意產業園區,將為各類文創設計產業企業、人才、項目的落戶和發展提供更加積極的政策扶持和資金獎勵措施。迷你倉庫

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