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Smartphone與Tablet的媒體機能日益強大,儲存平日想重溫生活的私人相片,或想播放電影與劇集,只要一機在手幾乎可掌握一切。然而,流動裝置儲存容量有限,難以攜帶大容量的媒體檔案,而且缺乏多人共享檔案的方法,想完美解決上述問題,不妨考慮使用日漸流行的Wi-Fi Drive。 為什麼要使用Wi-Fi Drive? 近年流行雲端服務,不少人會利用免費空間儲存檔案,不過雲端服務依賴網絡連接,容易受環境因素影響,而且也不太適合處理大容量的檔案。Wi-Fi Drive就類似電腦的外置硬碟,但就通過Wi-Fi方式與流動裝置連接,因此甚為適合充當個人媒體庫之用。 好處1 多台裝置共用 若想於流動裝置之間分享檔案,藍牙無疑是個簡單的方法,不過受數據傳輸速度限制,用戶難以進行大量媒體分享,而且也不適合多人共享檔案。Wi-Fi Drive就利用Wi-Fi進行連接,而且普遍可供數名用戶同時使用,相較之下無論速度或效率都佔有優勢。好處2 超大儲存容量 現時普遍入門的Smartphone或Tablet,內置儲存容量僅8GB至16GB,部分更可能不設microSD,無法擴充儲存空間,因此不能儲存大量媒體檔案。相反Wi-Fi Drive卻擁有多達1TB的儲存空間,足夠容納百小時的高清影片,正好彌補入門機種的缺點。 好處3 無線基站功能 若前往外地旅遊,酒店又未有提供無線網絡,Wi-Fi Drive就正好充當無線基站,用戶只要透過LAN連接酒店房內的有線網絡,再啟動內置的網絡路由器功能,便可將有線網絡分享至手機或平板,減省數據費用。 Wi-Fi Drive強勢列陣 現時市面上有多款新出的Wi-Fi Drive,其容量已提升至1TB,並用上最新的高速USB 3.0,編輯部搜羅了幾款最新的產品作介紹與示範。 Product 1EagleTec Wireless DriveWi-Fi轉駁 Wireless Drive配備1TB容量硬碟,可儲存大量影片及音樂,最多可讓5名用戶同時透過Wi-Fi連接使用,內置電池方面最多可連續使用5小時。另外,Wireless Drive配備LAN端子並內置路由器功能,因此可作無線基站使用。 SPEC •Connection: Wi-Fi、LAN、USB 3.0•Capacity: 1TB•Size: 127.3x80x25mm•Weight: 259g 1,298 Challenger 2619 1218 Product 2PQI Air Bank夠輕巧 Air Bank的體積小巧,配件中備有保護套,方便外出攜帶使用,硬碟容量備有500GB及1TB可供選擇,每次最多可供5名用戶使用,至於內置電池同樣可連線使用5小時,也配備LAN端子可作無線基站。而且更有Wi-Fi轉駁功能,用戶可一邊用Air Bank,一邊繼續上網。 SPEC•Connection:Wi-Fi、LAN、USB 3.0•Capacity:500GB、1TB•Size: 135x77x20.5mm•Weight: 250g 1,350A Grade2152 8000 Product 3 Seagate Wireless Plus長氣袋 Wireless Plus內置1TB容量硬碟,每次只可供3名用戶連接,雖然連接人數少於其他Wi-Fi Drive,不過就換來更穩定的速度,官方表示可透過Wi-Fi網絡,可同時串流播放3部高清影片,至於內置電池最多可連續使用10小時。 SPEC •Connection: Wi-Fi、USB 3.0•Capacity: 1TB•Size: 127x89x19.9mm•Weight: 256g 1,599 VST2786 1836 網絡連接與設定Wi-Fi Drive的使用方法簡單,用戶只要啟動裝置的Wi-Fi,然後連接至相應的網絡,再啟動專用的App便能進行操作。 EagleTec Wireless Drive INFO 平台:Android版本:1.3.438檔案大小:4.1MB支援機種:Android 2.2或以上價格:FREE 平台:iOS版本:1.3.440檔案大小:11.2MB支援機種:iOS 4.3或以上價格:FREE Step 1 用戶只需於Wi-Fi設定選擇「EagleTec-Wireless-Drive」,再用硬碟背面的密碼登入。 Step 2 登入成功後,啟動專屬App《EagleTec Wireless Drive》,便能瀏新蒲崗迷你倉硬碟內的檔案。 Step 3 若需要變更網絡設定,只需進入「設置」中的「安全模式」,選擇使用加密技術,再設立個人密碼便可。 PQI Air Bank INFO 平台:Android版本:1.0.13檔案大小:2.5MB支援機種:Android 2.1或以上價格:FREE 平台:iOS版本:1.2.3檔案大小:10.7MB支援機種:iOS 5.0或以上價格:FREE Step 1 Air Bank的網絡未有啟動加密功能,用戶只需選擇「PQI Air Bank」網絡,便能直接登入。Step 2 然後安裝及啟動《PQI Air Bank+》就可以瀏覽及管理硬碟的檔案。 Step 3 網絡設定方面,用戶可於「設定」中登入,啟動「WiFi密碼」功能,然後再設立好管理者帳號,便能確保網絡安全。 Seagate Wireless Plus INFO 平台:Android版本:檔案大小:7.3MB支援機種:Android 2.3或以上價格:FREE 平台:iOS版本:2.2檔案大小:14.5MB支援機種:iOS 4.3或以上價格:FREE Step 1 Seagate Wireless Plus的網絡也不設加密,用戶只要選擇「Seagate Wireless」網絡便可正常登入連線。Step 2 官方配備專屬的《Seagate Media app》,啟動後可以瀏覽硬碟中的媒體檔案。 Step 3 若想增強網絡保安,可於「設置」中的「網路」功能,選擇「開啟密碼保護」,然後再設置密碼進行加密,便能避免資料外洩。 媒體瀏覽與管理 相比傳統外置儲存裝置,Wi-Fi Drive通過網絡連接,可供多台網絡裝置共用,一同分享媒體檔案。若再配合專屬Apps,更可以提供檔案管理及備份,功能會更全面。 EagleTec Wireless Drive EagleTec的操作介面較為簡單,內置播放器支援格式不多,但可配合第三方工具使用。對比媒體播放功能,Wireless Drive的檔案管理功能較好,用戶能清楚知道檔案傳輸進度,方便進行分享與備份。 PQI Air Bank PQI的操作介面清新簡約,程式會自動掃描媒體檔案,然後於分類中獨立顯示,感覺較為清晰,加上支援格式較多,使用起來相對方便。不過,管理工具就不設資訊顯示,檔案傳輸的步驟也略嫌麻煩。 Seagate Wireless Plus Seagate的操作介面較為完善,無論影片、音樂或相片都有完整的預覽,加上內置播放工具,支援較全面,因此媒體播放方面略為佔優;檔案管理提供雙向傳輸,用戶可將手機的相片輕鬆備份至硬碟中。 無線路由器功能 Wi-Fi Drive於連接期間,由於Wi-Fi的網絡會被佔用,因此無法連接互聯網絡,不過只要啟動Wi-Fi Drive的路由器功能,然後把LAN或Wi-Fi訊號作轉駁,便能於Wi-Fi Drive使用期間,繼續正常上網,因Seagate的Wireless Plus未提供此功能,以下只會以EagleTec Wireless Drive及PQI Air Bank作示範。 EagleTec Wireless Drive Step 1 首先將LAN線接駁至Wi-Fi Drive,然後再開啟專屬程式進行設定。 Step 2 用戶可於網絡設定選擇使用「有線模式」進行連接,Wi-Fi Drive就會自動偵測設定,再提供網絡轉駁。若需要Wi-Fi轉駁,則選擇「無線模式」。 PQI Air Bank Step 1 Air Bank的設定方法相約,用戶將LAN線接駁之後,開啟專屬程式的網絡設定,基本上已能直接使用。若要利用Wi-Fi轉駁,可於網絡中選擇「掃描熱點」。Step 2 成功找到Wi-Fi熱點後,用戶選取有關熱點,然後再因應加密狀態,填上網絡的登入密碼,最後再選擇「建立連線」,稍等一會便能正式上網。 CONCLUSION Wi-Fi Drive將更普及 Wi-Fi Drive於市場已有一段時間,無論容量與及速度,也較一年前有明顯進步,由於針對了流動裝置的弱點,相信會更為普及。今次介紹的幾款產品中,EagleTec Wireless Drive擁有完善的網絡功能,而且操作與設定都相當簡單,無論作為個人媒體倉庫,又或者旅遊期間作無線基站,也十分適合,加上定價較為相宜,表現較為優秀。 Text: Nikita / Photo: Kin / Art: C_hi / Editor: aLaNnGmini storage

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LONDON, August 21, 2013 /PRNewswire/ --Editor Note: For more information about this release, please scroll to bottom.迷你倉沙田The U.S. equity market closed mostly on a higher note on Tuesday, August 20, 2013. While the NASDAQ composite and the S&P 500 posted some substantial gains, the Dow Jones Industrial Average closed marginally lower. Shares in REIT-retail companies rose sharply as the broader market edged higher. The major movers in the sector included General Growth Properties Inc. , DDR Corporation , Realty Income Corporation , and The Macerich Company . All these companies are tracked by AAAResearchReports.com. Free technical research reports on GGP, DDR, O, and MAC can be accessed by signing up at:.aaaresearchreports.com/registerOn Tuesday, shares in General Growth Properties Inc. rose sharply, reversing some of their losses from previous trading sessions. The company's shares ended the day1.89% higher at $19.42 after vacillating between $19.08 and $19.60. A total of 2.95 million shares were traded, which is below the daily average volume of 3.51 million. Despite Tuesday's gain, the company's stock has fallen 3.91% in the last three trading sessions and 9.25% in the last one month, underperforming the S&P 500 which has fallen 0.54% and 2.35% during the same periods. Download free report on GGP upon registration at:.AAAResearchReports.com/GGP082113.pdfOn Tuesday, DDR Corporation's shares ended the day 2.31% higher at $15.95 after fluctuating between $15.58 and $16.03. A total of 2.63 million shares were traded, which is below the daily average volume of 3.74 million. The company's shares have fallen 9.94% in the last one month, compared to a decline of 2.35% in the S&P 500 during the same period. Further, DDR Corporation's stock is trading below its 50-day and 200-day moving averages. DDR technical report can be accessed for free by signing up at:.AAAResearchReports.com/DDR082113.pdfShares in Realty Income Corporation rallied on Tuesday, to end the day 2.32% higher than the previous day's closing price of $39.29. After oscillating between $39.29 and $40.76, the company's shares closed at $40.20. A total of 2.95 million shares were traded, which is above the daily average volume of 2.23 million. Realty Income Corporation's shares have lost 2.40% in the last three trading sessions, underperforming the S&P 500 which has declined 0.54% during the same period. Despite Tuesday's sharp rise, the company's shares are trading below their 50-day and 200-day moving averages. A free report on O can be accessed by registering at:.AAAResearchReports.com/O082113.pdfMacerich Company's stock also rose sharply on Tuesday, finishing at $56.77, up 2.16% from its previous closing price of $55.57. The company's shares oscillated between $55.66 and $57.35. A total of 0.95 million shares were traded, which is marginally below the daily average volume of 0.97 million. In the last one month, Macerich Company's shares have declined 13.13%, compared to a fall of 2.35% in the S&P 500 during the same period. Additionally, the company's shares are currently trading below their 50-day and 200-day moving averages. Re迷你倉價錢ister with AAA Research Reports and download research on MAC for free at:.AAAResearchReports.com/MAC082113.pdf----EDITOR NOTES:1) This is not company news. We are an independent source and our views do not reflect the companies mentioned. 2) Information in this release is fact checked and produced on a best efforts basis and reviewed by a CFA (R) charterholder. However, we are only human and are prone to make mistakes. If you notice any errors or omissions, please notify us below. 3) This information is submitted as a net-positive to companies mentioned, to increase awareness for mentioned companies to our subscriber base and the investing public. 4) If you wish to have your company covered in more detail by our team, or wish to learn more about our services, please contact us at pubco@EquityNewsNetwork.com. 5) For any urgent concerns or inquiries, please contact us at compliance@EquityNewsNetwork.com. 6) Are you a public company? Would you like to see similar coverage on your company? Send us a full investors' package to research@EquityNewsNetwork.com for consideration.COMPLIANCE PROCEDUREContent is researched, written and reviewed on a best-effort basis. This document, article or report is prepared and authored by Equity News Network. An outsourced research services provider has, through Chartered Financial Analysts, only reviewed the information provided by Equity News Network in this article or report according to the Procedures outlined by Equity News Network. Equity News Network is not entitled to veto or interfere in the application of such procedures by the outsourced provider to the articles, documents or reports, as the case may be.NOT FINANCIAL ADVICEEquity News Network makes no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or completeness or fitness for a purpose (investment or otherwise), of the information provided in this document. This information is not to be construed as personal financial advice. Readers are encouraged to consult their personal financial advisor before making any decisions to buy, sell or hold any securities mentioned herein.NO WARRANTY OR LIABILITY ASSUMEDEquity News Network is not responsible for any error which may be occasioned at the time of printing of this document or any error, mistake or shortcoming. No liability is accepted by Equity News Network whatsoever for any direct, indirect or consequential loss arising from the use of this document. Equity News Network expressly disclaims any fiduciary responsibility or liability for any consequences, financial or otherwise arising from any reliance placed on the information in this document. Equity News Network does not (1) guarantee the accuracy, timeliness, completeness or correct sequencing of the information, or (2) warrant any results from use of the information. The included information is subject to change without notice.AAAresearchreports.comAAA Research ReportsCONTACT: Phone #: +1(646)396-9126, Contact Name: Peter F. Jones, Email ID:info@aaaresearchreports.com迷你倉庫

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- The technology's small carbon footprint finds favor among environmentally-conscious end usersMOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif.儲存倉, Aug. 22, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Heating and cooling accounts for 40 percent to 50 percent of power consumption in non-residential buildings. This highlights the urgent need to increase the overall energy efficiency in these buildings - geothermal heating and cooling technologies may hold the key.New analysis from Frost & Sullivan's (.buildingtechnologies.frost.com( .frost.com/prod/servlet/svcg.pag/EVBT )) Analysis of the North American Geothermal Heating and Cooling Market research, finds the market earned revenue of $102.8 million in 2012 and estimates this to reach $147.6 million in 2017.For more information on this research, please email Liz Clark, Corporate Communications, at Liz.Clark@frost.com( mailto:Liz.Clark@frost.com ) with your full name, company name, job title, telephone number, company email address, company website, city, state and country."Geothermal heating and cooling is an excellent way to conserve energy while employing the earth as the chief energy transfer base," saidFrost & Sullivan Energy and Environment Industry Manager Konkana Khaund. "Despite its huge initial costs, its higher energy efficiency and long-term cost savings are capturing the attention of environmentally conscious end users."The geothermal heating and cooling market in North America will get a boost from legislation in areas such as the Energy Policy Act of 2005, and the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, which mandate at least a 30 percent increase in energy efficiency over existing levels. However, the market is reined back by the high capital required to install the technology."Non-residential users are in a better position to invest the capital and gain strong returns on investments in just a couple of years," noted Senior Industry Analyst Anu Cherian. "However, most end users are inclined towards 'short termism' and do not perceive the long-term benefits of investing in this technology."Apart from tight spending from end users, the highly competitive geothermal heating and cooling market is also challenged by price wars. To differentiate, manufacturers need to educate their potential end users about the lifecycle cost savings that can be accrued by investing in geothermal technologies. Installing such environment friendly products will also make building owners eligible for tax rebates and incentives.Overall, geothermal heating and cooling technology's standout benefits are expected to attract customers from across segments. Some of these benefits include long lifecycles, reliability, decrease in energy cost, the ability to comply with energy efficiency requirements and the positive impact on the environment.Analysis of the North American Geothermal Heating 迷你倉沙田nd Cooling Market is part of the Energy and Environment Growth Partnership Service program, which also includes: Analysis of the North American HVAC Equipment Market, European Energy Saving Contract and Performance Contracting Market, Analysis of Fire and Safety Market in India, and European Building Automation Systems Market. All research services included in subscriptions provide detailed market opportunities and industry trends evaluated following extensive interviews with market participants.About Frost & SullivanFrost & Sullivan, the Growth Partnership Company, works in collaboration with clients to leverage visionary innovation that addresses the global challenges and related growth opportunities that will make or break today's market participants.Our "Growth Partnership" supports clients by addressing these opportunities and incorporating two key elements driving visionary innovation: The Integrated Value Proposition and The Partnership Infrastructure.-- The Integrated Value Proposition provides support to our clients throughout all phases of their journey to visionary innovation including: research, analysis, strategy, vision, innovation and implementation.-- The Partnership Infrastructure is entirely unique as it constructs the foundation upon which visionary innovation becomes possible. This includes our 360 degree research, comprehensive industry coverage, career best practices as well as our global footprint of more than 40 offices.For more than 50 years, we have been developing growth strategies for the global 1000, emerging businesses, the public sector and the investment community. Is your organization prepared for the next profound wave of industry convergence, disruptive technologies, increasing competitive intensity, Mega Trends, breakthrough best practices, changing customer dynamics and emerging economies?Contact Us: Start the discussion( .frost.com/prod/servlet/register-form.pag?refpage=http%3A//.frost.com/prod/servlet/frost-home.pag&SRC=Contact )Join Us: Join our community( .frost.com/prod/servlet/register-form.pag?refpage=http%3A//.frost.com/prod/servlet/frost-home.pag&SRC=Join )Subscribe: Newsletter on "the next big thing"( .frost.com/prod/servlet/register-form.pag?refpage=http%3A//.frost.com/prod/servlet/frost-home.pag&SRC=PRFooter ) Register: Gain access to visionary innovation( .frost.com/prod/servlet/register-form.pag?refpage=http%3A//.frost.com/prod/servlet/frost-home.pag&SRC=Register )Analysis of the North American Geothermal Heating and Cooling MarketNCAD-19Contact:Liz ClarkCorporate Communications - North AmericaP: 210.477.8483F: 210.348.1003E: liz.clark@frost.com( mailto:liz.clark@frost.com )Twitter: @Frost_Sullivan( https://twitter.com/frost_sullivan ) Facebook: Frost & Sullivan( https://.facebook.com/FrostandSullivan ).frost.comFrost & Sullivan迷你倉價錢

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NEW YORK, Aug.儲存倉 21, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:Natural Gas Scenario in India 2013.reportlinker.com/p01591384/Natural-Gas-Scenario-in-India-2013.html#utm_source=prnewswire&utm_medium=pr&utm_campaign=Oil_and_Gas_energyThis report provides an insight into the Indian Natural Gas Scenario.In depth profile includes;- Current Natural Gas Demand and Supply Gap in India - Natural Gas Reserves, Production, Consumption in India- Growth Drivers, Challenges and Market Trend- Demand/Supply Forecast of Natural Gas - Segment wise demand, supply capacity addition- Current Power Demand and Supply Gap in India - Demand & Consumption, Power generation- Power: Growth Drivers, Challenges and Market Trend- Demand/Supply Forecast of Power Sector - Segment wise demand, Power generation installed capacityMarket data and analytics are derived from a combination of primary and secondary sourcesKeywordsNatural Gas, Oil and Gas, Energy and Resources, Gas, Petroleum, Crude Oil, Oil Reserves, Natural Gas production01 Methodologya.Scope of this researchb.Research aim and objectivesc.Research methodology02 Current Natural Gas Demand and Supply Gap in Indiaa.India' Natural Gas Reservesb.Industry Structure of Natural Gasc.Past Natural Gas (NG) Demand & Consumptiond.Natural Gas Production in Indiae.Natural Gas GAP Analysisf.Natural Gas Consumption by Sectorg.Key Company-wise Natural Gas Production in India03 Growth Drivers, Challenges and Market Trenda.Analysis of Segment Wise Market Driversb.New Exploration Licensing Policy of Natural Gasc.Challenges & Market Trendsd.P迷你倉沙田ice Movements04 Demand/Supply Forecast of Natural Gasa.Natural Gas Demand till FY17 & FY23b.Segment-Wise Natural Gas Demand till FY17 & FY23c.Natural Gas Supply Capacity Additiond.Future Supply - Demand Gap05 Current Power Demand and Supply Gap in Indiaa.Power Industry Key Stakeholdersb.Industry structure : Power Sectorc.India' Crude Oil Reservesd.Past Power Demand & Power Availabilitye.Power Generation Installed Capacity (MW)f.Power Generation in India (GWH)g.Demand - Supply GAP Analysish.Power Demand & Consumption by Sector06 Power: Growth Drivers, Challenges and Market Trenda.Challenges & Market Trendsb.Price Movements - Power Generation Costc.Key Company-wise Power Generation Installed Base in Indiad.Analysis of Segment Wise Market Driverse.Power Sector Growth Drivers07 Demand/Supply Forecast of Power Sectora.Future Power Generation Capacity Estimatesb.Power Demand till FY17 & FY23c.Segment-Wise Electricity Demand till FY17 & FY23d.Future Supply - Demand Gape.Power Generation Installed Capacity (MW)08 About UsCompanies Mentioned ONGC - Oil and Natural Gas CorporationOIL - Oil India LimitedGSPC - Gujarat State Petroleum CorporationRIL - Reliance Industries LimitedAGCL - Assam Gas Company LimitedGGCL (Gujarat) - Gujarat Gas Company LtdMGL (Mumbai) -Mahanagar Gas LimitedICL (Delhi) - Indraprastha Gas LimitedBGL (Andhra Pradesh) - Bhagyanagar Gas LimitedGSP / Niko - Gas Plus SpABPCL - Bharat Petroleum Corporation LimitedTo order this report:Oil_and_Gas_energy Industry: Natural Gas Scenario in India 2013Contact Clare: clare@reportlinker.com US:(339) 368 6001Intl:+1 339 368 6001ReportlinkerWeb site: .reportlinker.com/迷你倉價錢

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By Agencies in Fort Meade, Maryland ( China Daily) Supporters of Bradley Manning hold up banners as they protest in Fort Meade, Maryland, on Wednesday before he was sentenced.文件倉 Manning received a lengthy prison sentence and will be dishonorably discharged from the US military. Jose Luis Magana / Associated Press US soldier responsible for leaking classified data to be discharged US Army soldier Bradley Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison on Wednesday for providing secret files to the pro-transparency website WikiLeaks in the biggest breach of classified data in US history.Judge Colonel Denise Lind, who last month convicted him of 20 charges including espionage and theft, could have sentenced him to as many as 90 years in prison.As Manning stood ashen-faced, Lind said: "Your are sentenced to 35 years and ordered to be dishonorably discharged." The 25-year-old private first class had turned over more than 700,000 classified files, battlefield videos and diplomatic cables to WikiLeaks, in a case that has commanded international attention since 2010.Manning will be dishonorably discharged from the US military and forfeit some of his pay, Lind said.Military prisoners can earn up to 120 days a year off their sentence for good behavior and job performance, but they must serve at least one-third of any prison sentence before they can become eligible for parole.Prosecutors had asked for at least a 60-year prison sentence, saying it would dissuade other soldiers from following in Manning's footsteps. The defense had suggested a prison term of no more than 25 years so that Manning could rebuild his life.Manning was working as a low-level intelligence analyst in Baghdad when he handed over the documents, catapulting WikiLeaks and its founder, Julian Assange, into the international spotlight.In July, Lind found Manning guilty for espionage and theft, but not of aiding the enemy, the most serious charge, which carried a possible sentence of life in prison without parole.The classified material that shocked many around the world included a 200存倉 gunsight video of a US Apache helicopter firing at suspected insurgents in Baghdad. Among the dozen fatalities were two Reuters news staff, and WikiLeaks dubbed the footage "Collateral Murder".The case highlighted the difficulty of keeping secrets in the Internet age. It raised strong passions on the part of the US government, which said Manning had put US citizens' lives at risk, and anti-secrecy advocates, who maintained Manning was justified in releasing the information.Broader debate A US rights group has said Manning should be a candidate for this year's Nobel Peace Prize.Manning's trial at Fort Meade, Maryland, home of the ultra-secret National Security Agency, is winding down as the US continues to seek the return of Edward Snowden.Manning's defense argued that his aim had been to spark a broader debate on the role of the US military and make US citizens aware of the nature of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.According to defense testimony, military supervisors ignored erratic behavior on the part of Manning, which included trying to grab a gun during a counseling session.Defense attorneys had argued that such actions demonstrated that the slightly built Manning, who is gay and was increasingly isolated while deployed to Iraq, had not been fit for duty overseas.During a pretrial hearing, Lind reduced Manning's sentence by 112 days because of harsh treatment after his arrest in 2010. He likely will be imprisoned at the US Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.Manning pleaded guilty to lesser charges earlier this year, but military prosecutors continued their efforts to convict him on more serious counts.Last week, Manning apologized to the court for what he had done."I believed I was going to help people, not hurt people. I understand I must pay a price for my decisions," he said.The Bradley Manning Support Network, a group backing the soldier, said in a statement it plans to seek clemency from Army officials. Manning's attorney David Coombs also will ask for a pardon from US President Barack Obama, it said.Reuters-AfP-AP自存倉

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Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelAug.自存倉 21--The college football season is upon us, the blot-out-the-sun monstrosity that is the NFL regular season is just around the corner and the pennant races in baseball are ready to turn September serious.Amid all that excitement, the PGA Tour will fight for a toehold of TV viewership with its FedEx Cup playoffs.The four-tournament playoff series, in its seventh year, begins Thursday with the first round of The Barclays at Liberty National in New Jersey and concludes Sept. 22 with the final round of the Tour Championship at East Lake in Atlanta.The third playoff event, the BMW Championship, will be held Sept. 12-15 at Conway Farms in Lake Forest, Ill., just a one-hour drive from downtown Milwaukee.Mark Wilson, a Menomonee Falls native and current resident of Elmhurst, Ill., expects to see a lot of familiar faces in the gallery at Conway Farms."Oh, yeah, there will probably be a few cheeseheads out," he said. "That was one of the first things I thought of when they moved it up here (from Cog Hill in southwest suburban Chicago). Cog Hill, being way south, people in Milwaukee aren't even thinking that's on the radar."But now that it's at Conway Farms and it's just over the border, no question about it, they're going to come out."You can make the short drive to Conway Farms or settle into your easy chair and give your remote a workout. Either way, here's a FedEx Cup playoff primer:Who plays: The top 125 on the final points list following the Wyndham Championship qualified.After The Barclays, the top 100 move on to the Deutsche Bank Championship. The field then is cut to the top 70 for the BMW Championship. Only the top 30 advance to the Tour Championship.Who's No. 1? It's probably of small consolation to Tiger Woods, who failed to win a major championship for the fifth consecutive year, but he topped the season point standings.Woods also entered the playoffs ranked No. 1 in 2007, 2009 and 2012. He went on to win the FedEx Cup the first two times and finished third last year behind Brandt Snedeker and Rory McIlroy.Woods is the only player to have won the FedEx Cup more than once and has a 68.04 scoring average in the playoffs. He's already won five times this year; no one else on Tour has won more than twice.The contenders: Matt Kuchar, who won The Barclays in 2010, enters the playoffs at No. 2 in the point standings. Since 2009, he has 41 top-10 finishes and five of his six career victories.Snedeker is ranked No. 3 in the points and has a chance to become the first FedEx Cup champion to defend his title. He was the only rookie to reach the Tour Championship in 2007, the inaugural year of the playoffs.It's hard to tell how jacked up Phil Mickelson gets about the FedEx Cup, but the British Open champion goes in No. 4 in the points. He is one of only three players who have reached the Tour Championship in all six years of the playoffs. Steve Stricker of Madison and Hunter Mahan are the others.Speaking of Stricker: He has elected to skip The Barclays and will play in only two of the four playoff events: the Deutsche Bank and the BMW Championship.In order, Stricker has finished second, 14th, third, seventh, 18th and 20th in the FedEx Cup. He starts the playoffs No. 20 in the points despite making only 10 starts this year.Stricker is tied with Jim Furyk and Camilo Villegas for most top-10s in playoff events with 10. Next on the list are Mickelson and Woods with nine top-10s, followed by Dustin Johnson and Luke Donald with eight each.Stricker is going to have to play well at the Deutsche Bank if he is to make the U.S. Presidents Cup team. He slipped from ninth to 11th in the point standings last week. The rankings deadline is Sept. 2.Young guns: Jordan Spieth, who lost on the second hole of sudden death to Patrick Reed at the Wyndham Championship, starts the playoffs in the No. 8 position.The 20-year-old Spieth won the John Deere Classic last month and is trying to become the youngest two-time winner in PGA Tour history. He is one of nine rookies to make The Barclays field.The red-hot Reed finished among the top 10 in each of his last three starts, including his victory at the Wyndham, to move from 130th to 22nd in the point standings.He is the first player to win with his wife (Justine) as his caddie since Stricker won the 1996 Western Open with his wife, Nicki, on the bag.Only six rookies, one per season, have made it to the Tour Championship in the playoffs. All went on to win rookie of the year honors.Send email to gdamato@journalsentinel.comThe college football season is upon us, the blot-out-the-sun monstrosity that is the NFL regular season is just around the corner and the pennant races in baseball are ready to turn September serious.Amid all that excitement, the PGA Tour will fight for a toehold of TV viewership with its FedEx Cup playoffs.The four-tournament playoff series, in its seventh year, begins Thursday with the first round of The Barclays at Liberty National in New Jersey and concludes Sept. 22 with the final round of the Tour Championship at East Lake in Atlanta.The third playoff event, the BMW Championship, will be held Sept. 12-15 at Conway Farms in Lake Forest, Ill., just a one-hour drive from downtown Milwaukee.Mark Wilson, a Menomonee Falls native and current resident of Elmhurst, Ill., expects to see a lot of familiar faces in the gallery at Conway Farms."Oh, yeah, there will probably be a few cheeseheads out," he said. "That was one of the first things I thought of when they moved it up here (from Cog Hill in southwest suburban Chicago). Cog Hill, being way south, people in Milwaukee aren't even thinking that's on the radar."But now that it's at Conway Farms and it's just over the border, no question about it, they're going to come out."You can make the short drive to Conway Farms or settle into your easy chair and give your remote a workout. Either way, here's a FedEx Cup playoff primer:Who plays: The top 125 on the final points list following the Wyndham Championship qualified.After The Barclays, the top 100 move on to the Deutsche Bank Championship. The field then is cut to the top 70 for the BMW Championship. Only the top 30 advance to the Tour Championship.Who's No. 1? It's probably of small consolation to Tiger Woods, who failed to win a major championship for the fifth consecutive year, but he topped the season point standings.Woods also entered the playoffs ranked No. 1 in 2007, 2009 and 2012. He went on to win the FedEx Cup the first two times and finished third last year behind Brandt Snedeker and Rory McIlroy.Woods is the only player to have won the FedEx Cup more than once and has a 68.04 scoring average in the playoffs. He's already won five times this year; no one else on Tour has won more than twice.The contenders: Matt Kuchar, who won The Barclays in 2010, enters the playof迷你倉新蒲崗s at No. 2 in the point standings. Since 2009, he has 41 top-10 finishes and five of his six career victories.Snedeker is ranked No. 3 in the points and has a chance to become the first FedEx Cup champion to defend his title. He was the only rookie to reach the Tour Championship in 2007, the inaugural year of the playoffs.It's hard to tell how jacked up Phil Mickelson gets about the FedEx Cup, but the British Open champion goes in No. 4 in the points. He is one of only three players who have reached the Tour Championship in all six years of the playoffs. Steve Stricker of Madison and Hunter Mahan are the others.Speaking of Stricker: He has elected to skip The Barclays and will play in only two of the four playoff events: the Deutsche Bank and the BMW Championship.In order, Stricker has finished second, 14th, third, seventh, 18th and 20th in the FedEx Cup. He starts the playoffs No. 20 in the points despite making only 10 starts this year.Stricker is tied with Jim Furyk and Camilo Villegas for most top-10s in playoff events with 10. Next on the list are Mickelson and Woods with nine top-10s, followed by Dustin Johnson and Luke Donald with eight each.Stricker is going to have to play well at the Deutsche Bank if he is to make the U.S. Presidents Cup team. He slipped from ninth to 11th in the point standings last week. The rankings deadline is Sept. 2.Young guns: Jordan Spieth, who lost on the second hole of sudden death to Patrick Reed at the Wyndham Championship, starts the playoffs in the No. 8 position.The 20-year-old Spieth won the John Deere Classic last month and is trying to become the youngest two-time winner in PGA Tour history. He is one of nine rookies to make The Barclays field.The red-hot Reed finished among the top 10 in each of his last three starts, including his victory at the Wyndham, to move from 130th to 22nd in the point standings.He is the first player to win with his wife (Justine) as his caddie since Stricker won the 1996 Western Open with his wife, Nicki, on the bag.Only six rookies, one per season, have made it to the Tour Championship in the playoffs. All went on to win rookie of the year honors.Send email to gdamato@journalsentinel.comThe college football season is upon us, the blot-out-the-sun monstrosity that is the NFL regular season is just around the corner and the pennant races in baseball are ready to turn September serious.Amid all that excitement, the PGA Tour will fight for a toehold of TV viewership with its FedEx Cup playoffs.The four-tournament playoff series, in its seventh year, begins Thursday with the first round of The Barclays at Liberty National in New Jersey and concludes Sept. 22 with the final round of the Tour Championship at East Lake in Atlanta.The third playoff event, the BMW Championship, will be held Sept. 12-15 at Conway Farms in Lake Forest, Ill., just a one-hour drive from downtown Milwaukee.Mark Wilson, a Menomonee Falls native and current resident of Elmhurst, Ill., expects to see a lot of familiar faces in the gallery at Conway Farms."Oh, yeah, there will probably be a few cheeseheads out," he said. "That was one of the first things I thought of when they moved it up here (from Cog Hill in southwest suburban Chicago). Cog Hill, being way south, people in Milwaukee aren't even thinking that's on the radar."But now that it's at Conway Farms and it's just over the border, no question about it, they're going to come out."You can make the short drive to Conway Farms or settle into your easy chair and give your remote a workout. Either way, here's a FedEx Cup playoff primer:Who plays: The top 125 on the final points list following the Wyndham Championship qualified.After The Barclays, the top 100 move on to the Deutsche Bank Championship. The field then is cut to the top 70 for the BMW Championship. Only the top 30 advance to the Tour Championship.Who's No. 1? It's probably of small consolation to Tiger Woods, who failed to win a major championship for the fifth consecutive year, but he topped the season point standings.Woods also entered the playoffs ranked No. 1 in 2007, 2009 and 2012. He went on to win the FedEx Cup the first two times and finished third last year behind Brandt Snedeker and Rory McIlroy.Woods is the only player to have won the FedEx Cup more than once and has a 68.04 scoring average in the playoffs. He's already won five times this year; no one else on Tour has won more than twice.The contenders: Matt Kuchar, who won The Barclays in 2010, enters the playoffs at No. 2 in the point standings. Since 2009, he has 41 top-10 finishes and five of his six career victories.Snedeker is ranked No. 3 in the points and has a chance to become the first FedEx Cup champion to defend his title. He was the only rookie to reach the Tour Championship in 2007, the inaugural year of the playoffs.It's hard to tell how jacked up Phil Mickelson gets about the FedEx Cup, but the British Open champion goes in No. 4 in the points. He is one of only three players who have reached the Tour Championship in all six years of the playoffs. Steve Stricker of Madison and Hunter Mahan are the others.Speaking of Stricker: He has elected to skip The Barclays and will play in only two of the four playoff events: the Deutsche Bank and the BMW Championship.In order, Stricker has finished second, 14th, third, seventh, 18th and 20th in the FedEx Cup. He starts the playoffs No. 20 in the points despite making only 10 starts this year.Stricker is tied with Jim Furyk and Camilo Villegas for most top-10s in playoff events with 10. Next on the list are Mickelson and Woods with nine top-10s, followed by Dustin Johnson and Luke Donald with eight each.Stricker is going to have to play well at the Deutsche Bank if he is to make the U.S. Presidents Cup team. He slipped from ninth to 11th in the point standings last week. The rankings deadline is Sept. 2.Young guns: Jordan Spieth, who lost on the second hole of sudden death to Patrick Reed at the Wyndham Championship, starts the playoffs in the No. 8 position.The 20-year-old Spieth won the John Deere Classic last month and is trying to become the youngest two-time winner in PGA Tour history. He is one of nine rookies to make The Barclays field.The red-hot Reed finished among the top 10 in each of his last three starts, including his victory at the Wyndham, to move from 130th to 22nd in the point standings.He is the first player to win with his wife (Justine) as his caddie since Stricker won the 1996 Western Open with his wife, Nicki, on the bag.Only six rookies, one per season, have made it to the Tour Championship in the playoffs. All went on to win rookie of the year honors.Send email to gdamato@journalsentinel.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at .jsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉出租

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Coastal city opens arms to advice and investmentBy Ed Zhang in Zhanjiang, Guangdongedzhang@chinadaily.存倉com.cnPrivate investment, first of all from Hong Kong, will be treated as an important social asset in the next stage of economic development in the city of Zhanjiang, Guangdong province.All efforts will be made to provide the city’s future investment and trade partners with a much better business environment, said Liu Xiaohua, leader of the Communist Party’s local committee in the seaside city in western Guangdong.Hong Kong’s capital and expertise in running modern service industries are of particular value in the city’s attempt to build its modern urban economy.In addition to all the available national and provincial policies, Zhanjiang is ready to concede more favorable terms to Hong Kong investors in the service sector, Liu said in an interview with China Daily immediately following the provincial authorities’ decision to speed up the development in the eastern, western and northern corners of the largest Chinese province in economic power.Zhanjiang is located at the southwestern tip of Guangdong. The city boasts not only unique potential for modern industry and services, but has also been “a fertile land to nurture private entrepreneurship”, Liu noted, although many of Zhanjiang’s private entrepreneurs are operating elsewhere due to historical limitations.Hong Kong has a community of almost 10,000 migrants from Zhanjiang including a number of successful businesspeople who the local folks can name.But agriculture long remained a main business in Zhanjiang as the Pearl River Delta, or the central part of Guangdong, was quickly transformed into a new industrial area in the 1990s.The local market was small, and in many aspects cut off from the global network, and has up to now benefited only in a limited way from overseas investment.But all this is soon to be a thing of the past, said Liu.The city is going to embark on a number of major development projects to become a new powerhouse in Guangdong’s economy — from public infrastructure to a French-style shopping arcade in the waterfront of the former French concession.As local leaders were busy preparing for a road show of their projects for the business communities in Hong Kong, Liu welcomed private entrepreneurs originally from Zhanjiang to participate in their hometown’s economic takeoff.“Conditions have changed. Potential returns are easy to see. And there are already promising examples,” said Liu, the 53-year-old chief official of Zhanjiang.Fresh opportunities“Private investors are discovering fresh opportunities. They can tell that the local government has now become competent in delivering public services,” he said. “And even the streets are cleaner than before. There is no reason to not trust one’s own eyes.”Today the non-State sector, including companies funded by overseas and domestic private capital, makes up 58 percent of all businesses in Zhanjiang and generate 53 percent of the city’s total business sales. Private capital’s contribution to the local economy is “indisputable”, Liu said, hastening to add that Zhanjiang wants still more, much more.He said the next thing to come is an integrated “industrial platform” to encourage more private investment, improve the city’s investment environment and channel new capital toward larger and technologically more sophisticated projects.Hong Kong is already the largest source of finance for Zhanjiang. From 1980 to 2012, the city received a total of $2.4 billion in foreign direct investment, in which Hong Kong’s share was 70 percent.The city has some 150 locally registered companies owned by Hong Kong investors and receives about 70,000 visits by tourists from Hong Kong annually.In trade, Hong Kong remains its second-largest partner. In 2012, when exporters around China were complaining about dwi自存倉dling orders and rising costs, Zhanjiang still managed 19 percent growth in its exports to Hong Kong, which totaled $163 million.Traditional tiesHong Kong is also the nearest global shipping and logistics service center. Last year it handled 140,000 containers from Zhanjiang.Zhanjiang’s ties with Hong Kong are traditionally close, although as seen by local officials, still not strong.Indeed, Liu said, the city’s existing ties with Hong Kong are far from enough to help the city fully utilize its natural endowments and realize its ambition for faster economic transformation than ever before.Geography alone contributes considerably to the city’s development potential.The city is actually a national support center for offshore oilfield development, especially the pumping of oil and gas from the South China Sea.But few people likely know that Zhanjiang actually has one of the best of the few deep-water harbors in China.The Zhanjiang port provides to China’s vast southwestern interior regions ready access to the global market and can still be used for the import and export of much larger quantities of energy and mineral resources.Its geographic location also makes it the closest seaborne trade hub between China and Southeast Asia.In its near-term development program, Zhanjiang aims to build a 400 billion yuan economy in 2016, Liu said. For a city with a population of more than 8 million, that translates into 48,000 yuan (about $8,000) in per capita GDP.The plans call for Zhanjiang’s shipping facilities to have a throughput of 300 million tons, to rank among the 10 largest commercial ports in China by that time.Future cooperationIn the changes that Zhanjiang expects in the next three to five years, the mutually complimentary feature between the city and Hong Kong will grow even more and its capital and expertise will play a much stronger role in Zhanjiang’s transformation, Liu said.Ties with Hong Kong will expand substantially to encompass trade, investment and financial services, shipping and logistics, tourism, and also social development and the humanities.In broad terms, Hong Kong’s capital and expertise can help Zhanjiang build a more desirable structure of its industries, Liu said, by rebalancing the relative weight of agriculture, manufacturing and services.Agriculture, including production of fruit and aquatic foods, is Zhanjiang’s traditional advantage. It still accounts for nearly 20 percent of its whole economy.Manufacturing makes up almost 42 percent. Though still weak in absolute terms, the sector already has a few major national-level projects in the pipeline, in metallurgical and petrochemical industries.By comparison, a myriad of details are still to be worked out to answer questions like how to make the new industries serve the local society, and how to at least prevent them from polluting Zhanjiang’s precious resources for tourism. An equally strong service sector is needed to help the city find its solutions.For example, even though Zhanjiang is an old port city, its annual cargo throughput is no more than 400,000 containers. There is much room for port upgrading and the development of various financial services that a modern container power requires.Right now the service sector contributes only 37 percent of the local economy. In contrast Hong Kong’s various services account for more than 90 percent of its GDP. Liu was candid enough to point out that Zhanjiang “has a lack of bright spots” in its service sector and has an “urgent need” for importing new capital and management expertise from Hong Kong.There is almost “unlimited potential” in Zhanjiang’s future economic cooperation with Hong Kong, Liu said.Private investors are discovering fresh opportunities. They can tell that the local government has now become competent in delivering public services.”Liu XiaohuaParty cheif of Zhanjiang迷你倉新蒲崗

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菲律賓方面稱,新蒲崗迷你倉人質事件發生後三年,港旅客漸見復甦,去年約十一萬九千名港人入境,但有本港旅行社質疑此數字並不反映實況。旅社質疑年11萬數字過高慘劇前,在本港菲律賓旅行團市佔率達兩成的康泰旅行社,其副總經理陳建鵬說,港府發出黑色警示後,菲律賓旅行團一直停辦,購買套票或機票的自由行客人數也不多,他質疑菲方是把不同的入境人士,也當成旅客數字,「去年有十一萬人入境,換言之每日平均有三百幾名港人到菲旅遊?如果有這麼多,恕我孤陋寡聞!」他認為,從本港飛往菲律賓的航班現況,看不出港人遊菲已復甦,「當中不少只是轉機的航班,加上直航包機相繼停辦,還會有甚麼旅客呢?如果像菲方所說,愈來愈多港人去菲律賓,為何仍不見航空公司加班?」他不諱言,慘劇前,港菲旅遊早已走下波,佔康泰總業務個位數字,「事後我們已沒宣傳菲律賓的旅遊產品,即使有賣旅遊套票給自由行,也只是『百貨公司』心態,保持應有盡有而已。」專業旅運市場及產品管理總經理劉美詩亦指,現時港人自由行往菲,每月平均只有十多人,全年僅上百人,若扣除前往宿霧的旅客,願意經過馬尼拉的港人更少,「以前一星期都有七十至一百人,mini storage今港人寧願轉去馬來西亞、泰國等鄰近國家旅遊。」香港中國旅行社助理總經理吳熹安則說,仍前往菲律賓的,多是探親、商務的「旅客」,純旅遊消費的較少,「菲律賓住了不少福建華僑,不少港人經我們訂機票前往探親。」數年前將菲律賓直航包機旅遊引入廣州的「廣之旅」,其市場推廣中心經理李曉健也指,慘劇後內地同胞感同身受,加上去年發生中菲主權爭議事件,遊菲旅行團數目亦大減,由每年五百至六百團,跌至去年的兩、三百團,由「全年皆旺」,變成僅旺季有生意,「內地旅客對慘劇心有餘悸,因為當年廣州有電視台現場直播,衝擊好大。」她說,親子遊客數目銳減,當年引入的包機遊菲亦已停辦。港發黑色旅警已三年港府黑色警示三年不除,陳建鵬不諱言,即使他日港府把警示調低至黃色,康泰短期內也不打算開團,「做旅遊生意,也要顧及港人的心情,就算警示調低了,菲律賓政府真的向受害人道歉了,那又如何?也要港人表態,覺得安心,我們才考慮重開。」劉美詩補充,與埃及等地的旅遊警示不同,現時港府對菲律賓的警示,主要反映港人的心理印象,「其他地區如埃及,政治動盪完結,旅遊便可復甦,但菲律賓則截然不同。」記者  童傑self storage

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■“轉型東莞 文明力量”系列報道今年2月,新蒲崗迷你倉東莞市文明辦、市食品藥監局等單位聯合向市民發出東莞市“文明餐桌拒絕浪費”倡議書,倡議市民厲行節約,按需點菜,剩菜打包,避免浪費。半年來,該倡議深入人心,不少市民在點菜時不再鋪張浪費,飯後也會自覺打包,政府機關單位的食堂帶頭“光盤”,餐廚垃圾也有所減少,節儉之風風行。“剩宴”少了“光盤”多了昨天一早,廣彩城酒店中餐廳的服務員龐小姐就來到了酒店。作為服務員,她的主要工作是為顧客開單、點餐、上菜……自2月以來,她會更加注重在顧客點餐的時候提醒菜量不要太多以免吃不完浪費,在顧客埋單的時候提醒顧客要打包,這些關於文明用餐的工作內容。酒店的營銷部經理肖瑛說,如今,酒店除了在餐廳增設了隨處可見的公益廣告提醒市民節約用餐之外,每天還會給服務員開道德講堂和班前班後會,“班前會會提醒服務員要做好文明用餐方面的工作,而班後會則會讓他們對一天的工作進行總結。”龐小姐說,以前有的市民在請吃飯時,為了面子會點很多菜,最後菜沒吃完又不捨得倒掉,只能先把客人送走後再回來打包。“如今,超量點菜的客人少了很多。而且,現在即使沒有吃完,客人們打包也大大方方,很少像以前那樣閃閃縮縮了。”她說。肖瑛說,黨中央提出厲行節儉之風後,社會風氣得到了很大的改善,鋪張浪費的“剩宴”已經很難見到了。業內人士認為,節約點菜減少浪費實際上也在一定程度上降低了酒店餐飲成本,而且沒有強行推薦的酒店餐館更受普通市民歡迎。“我們當然希望顧客消費得越多越好,但我們發現,有些顧客成了‘不回頭客’。現在,當顧客開始點菜後,我們一般按‘一人一菜’標準提醒顧客適量點菜。人家吃得開心,自然下次還會來。”“文明餐桌”要覆蓋80%餐飲企業事實上,東莞作為文明城市,為了推廣文明用餐、踐行厲行節約之風,從官方到民間都在貢獻著自己的力量。今年6月,東莞市機關事務管理局在市行政辦事中心飯堂舉行了“光盤行動”�動儀式。該局有關負責人表示,該局于17日至21日開展市級機關飯堂“光盤行動”簽名活動,約mini storage60多個市直單位共2000多名幹部職工參加。活動負責人表示,在市級機關飯堂開展這一活動,旨在發揮市級機關的帶頭示範作用。除此之外,今年6月,市委宣傳部、市文明辦已經制定了“文明餐桌”行動的活動細則,行動計劃覆蓋全市80%以上的餐飲企業,包括餐飲店和酒店。根據該活動的方案,市文明辦等部門按照責任分工,分別對全市各賓館酒店、餐飲企業和黨政機關、企事業團體單位食堂進行不定期督導檢查,對措施不力的進行通報,並責成限期整改,確保以最佳狀態迎接今年的全國城市文明城市指數測評。而在7月底,有著100多家會員企業的東莞市餐飲行業協會對外發佈了《關於對餐館剩飯剩菜行為的管理辦法》,要求會員單位加強行業自律、強化行業監管,把文明餐桌行動落到實處。“這次活動主要是針對會員單位提出指引辦法,希望通過‘光盤行動’,向全社會呼籲節約糧食。”市餐飲行業協會會長黎平說。“文明餐桌”取得階段性成果“文明餐桌”的行動已取得一定成果。以石龍鎮為例,在收到市委宣傳部、市文明辦、市食藥監局、市旅遊局以及市工商局聯合下達的文明餐桌行動文件後,石龍鎮以三家中大型酒樓金凱悅大酒店、和慶大酒樓、聚福樓海鮮酒家為重點,面向全鎮餐飲行業鋪開行動。開展文明餐桌行動以來,金凱悅酒店營業額與去年同期相比提高了22.8%,利潤與去年同期相比提高15.5%,廚余減少了51%;和慶大酒樓營業額與去年同期相比提高了20%,利潤與去年同期相比提高12.5%,廚余減少了55%;聚福樓海鮮酒家開展營業額與去年同期相比提高了17.5%,利潤與去年同期相比提高11.2%,廚余減少了52%。此外,秦關面道銀豐路店的員工服務總監劉進表示,作為東莞市餐飲行業協會的會員企業,餐廳從去年就開始參加“光盤行動”,目前店里每天的廚余為三四百斤左右,自從去年實行“光盤行動”以來,店里的廚余減少了約10%。策劃 段思午採寫 南方日報記者 龔名揚實習生 劉若筠圖片說明:廣彩城酒店的菜牌里有倡議文明、節約用餐的標語,提醒顧客。南方日報記者 胡國球 攝self storage

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