中國移動(0941)捲土重來再推互聯網即時通訊軟體Jego,存倉強撼騰訊(0700)旗下的微信、Viber、Whatsapp及Skype等支持即時語音通訊的手機軟體,有分析指,中移動推出Jego是希望贏得數以百萬計的海外華人和其他人士與國內進行通話的服務業務,並且收復短訊市場的失地。【本報記者江珊報道】中國移動國際董事長兼CEO林振輝(圓圖)表示,Jego將面向國內市場,而在國際市場,公司將通過與其他運營商合作的形式推出,這項服務通過新技術為用戶提供傳統語音通訊,他否認該服務會蠶食現有收入。為漫遊用戶節省費用6個月前,Jego首次上線時用戶體驗並不好,但由於它可以撥打網絡電話的特質,業界視其為中國移動一款「自我革命」的產品,畢竟微信、Skype等OTT業務對於運營商語音及短訊業務已造成了致命的衝擊。中國移動國際公司首席技術官約翰.蔣(音譯,John Jiang)則否認此舉是對OTT服務商的反擊,另外,他解釋早前撤下Jego是因為當時巨大的用戶需求導致網絡崩潰。除了免費呼叫和儲存訊等服務外,Jego提供高清視頻通話,以及每分鐘0.222美元的國內通話,該費用標準低於Skype。John表示,該服務將為漫遊用戶節省費用。國家工信部料在下月同時對移動、聯通(0762)、中國電信(0728)發放4G入網牌照,而據傳中國移動將在下月18日搶先推出4G計劃。消息人士指,雖是同時獲發牌,但移動是唯一一間已展開試商用的運營商,今年6月起,移動已在上海、廣州等7個城市推出4G無線路由器MIFI等試用服務。據稱,移動推出的4G計劃網速在33Mb/s至100Mb/s之間,使用時普遍可維持在54Mb/s,公司正在考慮是否推出無限流量套餐計劃,受限因素主要是現有4G網絡覆蓋不夠,帶寬有限。中移動搶在聖誕、元旦黃金檔期推出4G服務,市場預計將為其帶來可觀收入。消息人士介紹,此前中移動曾計劃趕在iPhone 5S發布不久時推出4G計劃,無奈遲遲未獲發牌,貽誤商機。但下月若先另外兩家運營商而推出,亦有機會吸引一批中高層收入者轉台。中國移動昨報收82.50元,單日微跌0.6%。迷你倉

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□本報記者 萬晶嘉麟傑20日公告,自存倉已與自然人蘇龑先生簽訂了股權轉讓框架協議,擬以不超過2845.7萬元的價格,受讓上海皿鎏軟件有限公司25.87%的股權。本協議僅為意向性框架協議,公司將根據相關盡職調查及內部研討決策情況,決定是否簽署正式股權轉讓協議。公告稱,上海皿鎏軟件有限公司成立于2003年,是具有國際水平的專業遊戲獨立開發商,公司創始人蘇方曾就職于日本KONAMI株式會社(科樂美),從事系列遊戲《實況足球》的開發。目前公司有超過260名專業的遊戲製作人才,部分業務骨幹有10年以上的遊戲開發經驗,來自于KONAMI(科樂美)、KOEI(光榮)、UBI Soft(育碧)等著名遊戲公司。公司也是索尼、任天堂、微軟公司認定的正式開發商,業務涉及原創手機遊戲開發,視頻遊戲整案合作開發,動漫製作等領域。上海皿鎏軟件有限公司的合作伙伴包括CAPCOM(卡普空)、Namco Bandai Games(南夢宮萬代)、SEGA(世嘉) 、SQUARE ENIX(史克威爾艾尼克斯)、Take-Two(仟游),W迷你倉rner Bothers Games(華納兄弟)等國際著名遊戲廠商,參與開發了如古墓麗影、俠盜獵車手5、蝙蝠俠之阿卡漢姆瘋人院、Andriod版Sonic 4 Episode II(安卓版音速小子4第二章)等遊戲大作,其中同Namco Bandai Games合作開發的PACMAN Championship Edition DX曾獲得過美國遊戲權威雜誌IGN的滿分評分。公司獨立開發的手機遊戲《群雄天下》目前位列台灣地區App Store暢銷榜的14名。目前公司還在開發多款高質量的手機遊戲,力爭成為中國的頂級手機遊戲開發團隊。嘉麟傑相關高管表示,與目前手游公司股權普遍收購價格相比,此次收購皿鎏軟件25.87%股權的價格劃算,利潤有保障,安全邊際較高,公司對皿鎏軟件的開發團隊和未來前景十分看好。此外,投資額較小,不會對公司主業造成影響,能夠增加公司的投資收益。對於收購皿鎏軟件後的業務融合,該高管還透露,公司正在研究新型的自我品牌推廣方式,計劃借皿鎏軟件的手機遊戲進行植入廣告等新業態,推廣公司的自我品牌。mini storage

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  爆炸後的手機四分五裂。馬先生供圖  沒有充電、沒有通話的待機狀態下,儲存馬先生的iPhone3GS手機突然爆炸,可把正準備睡覺的他嚇了一跳。因為早已過保修期,馬先生不打算向蘋果索賠,不過作為一個“果粉”,他就是想弄明白是咋回事,自己手中的其他蘋果產品是否安全。昨天,蘋果售後回複北京晨報記者稱,爆炸可能跟電池老化有關係。  閑置已經兩年多  手機因充電時間過長髮生爆炸,類似新聞並不少見,但讓家住昌平區的馬先生意外的是,自己的蘋果手機在待機狀態下竟然也炸了。  馬先生是一位追求潮流的蘋果用戶,2009年下半年購買一部iPhone3GS手機,使用期間一直很正常,兩年後iPhone4問世,馬先生又買了一部iPhone4,此前的iPhone3GS就閑置下來。直到一個月前,馬先生因為工作需要,將原先那部iPhone3GS找出來,兩部手機同時使用。“不過那部iPhone3GS平時都放在家里,只是晚上回家時偶爾用一下”,沒想到iPhone3GS竟然發生了爆炸,  馬先生向北京晨報記者回憶道,事發11月13日晚,手機就放在臥室的床頭櫃上,他正準備睡覺,突然聽到“砰”的一聲,循聲望去,手機已“四分五裂”,“當時並沒充電,也沒在使用狀態,完全是在待機狀態下,可把我嚇了一跳。後來撿起來發現,應該是從一側炸開的,用手一摸,碎片還是溫的。”記者看到,這部iPhone3GS手機已被炸成多塊,後殼嚴重扭曲變形迷你倉“萬幸的是,沒傷到人,而且手機卡只是被熏黑,沒有損壞。”馬先生說,他記得最近一次充電是在11月12日晚,而且時間不長,爆炸發生在13日晚,這期間手機一直放在家中無人使用。  電池兩年需檢測  馬先生告訴北京晨報記者,因為手機已過保修期,基本已變成“收藏品”,他並不打算就此向蘋果索賠,只是想弄明白為何手機在待機狀態下也會爆炸?  記者走訪蘋果手機賣家咨詢,銷售人員表示,爆炸肯定不是手機問題,應該是與電池有關,“一種可能是因電池內部本身存在缺陷,不過他這部手機已使用多年,之前使用正常,這種可能較小。另一種是電池在特殊溫度、濕度及接觸不良情況下可能瞬間放電產生大量電流,引發爆炸。”  蘋果客服人員表示,爆炸一般是電池“惹”的禍,具體原因需由專業技術人員鑒定以後才能確定,建議馬先生帶齊全部零部件和票據去售後點檢測。記者向位於建外SOHO的蘋果售後點咨詢,工作人員也稱,如客戶使用的是原裝充電器,那爆炸可能與電池老化有關,“畢竟已使用了4年,任何產品都會有老化現象。”  手機爆炸或跟電池老化有關,那麼蘋果手機電池使用壽命是多長?蘋果客服人員對此稱,一般情況下,電池使用兩年沒問題,但根據個人使用習慣不同,壽命長短也會有所差別,“建議使用超過兩年的電池定期去檢測一下,如發現待機時間縮短厲害,可能老化現象嚴重,最好更換,以防爆炸等極端狀況出現。”  晨報96101現場新聞 記者 岳亦雷 線索:馬先生儲存倉

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本報訊(記者師向東)11月18日,self storage記者從有關部門瞭解到,天斧沙宮地質公園景區規劃經安寧區政府批准建設,該工程籌建處將于近期公開招標選定設計單位。據瞭解,招標的內容包括蘭州旅遊集散中心、旅遊服務中心(接待中心、停車場、票務中心、博物館及相關設施)、景區景點服務設施、道路及基礎設施、觀景台棧道詳細規劃迷你倉11月20日在蘭州市公共資源交易中心進行招標報名。天斧沙宮是一處距今約2500萬年的紅色砂岩,經過長期風化水蝕而形成的一組丹霞地貌奇觀,也是新蘭州十景中尚未開發的景區。根據規劃,蘭州市擬在建設公園保護設施、基礎設施、服務設施、地質博物館的基礎上,在天斧沙宮建設地質遺跡保護園區、石窟藝術園區等六大園區。mini storage

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pub_date:Coca-Cola, Pepsico eyeing the US$4.儲存1b soft drink marketAMERICAN soft drink giants Coca-Cola and Pepsico are stepping up their battle for India's estimated US$4.1 billion soft drink market, representing a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.3 per cent between 2008 and 2012.PepsiCo, the world's largest snack-food maker announced last week that it would invest US$5.5 billion in India by 2020 to bolster production, saying that it had only "scratched the surface" of the Asian giant's potential.This followed an earlier move by arch rival Coca-Cola, the world's largest drinks maker that it intends to pump a total of US$5 billion between 2012 and 2020 to grow its business in Asia's third-largest economy.Pepsico will augment its manufacturing capacity, as well as enrich its current portfolio, by adding new products while ramping up investment in delivery infrastructure in the world's second most populous nation with a focus on the rural segment. The New York-based company has so far invested US$2 billion in India since its entry in 1989."India is a country with huge potential and it remains an attractive, high-priority market for PepsiCo. We've built a highly successful business in India over the course of many years, and we believe we've only scratched the surface of the long-term growth opportunities that exist for PepsiCo and our partners. This investment is PepsiCo's vote of confidence in India's future and it represents our deep commitment to this great country," Indra Nooyi, chairman and CEO, PepsiCo, who is on an India visit, told The Business Times (BT)."India is a market for the future," added the India-born Ms Nooyi. "We do not invest based on short term, we are here for the long term. For a long term, India has the demographic dividend, democracy, it has entrepreneurial environment, and a functioning government."PepsiCo and Coca-Cola's investments, driven by an exponentially growing middle class (estimated to be over 200 million people), are likely to be welcomed by the Indian government which is struggling to restore foreign investor confidence in the wake of GDP growth plummeting to a decade low of 5 per cent, a string of corruption scandals involving top officials and high inflation.According to data from researcher Euromonitor International, PepsiCo's share of the carbonated beverage market in India plunged to 36.4 per cent last year, from 40.1 per cent in 2007 while Coca-Cola's has surged to 60.9 per cent from 57 per cent in the same period.However, both companies are betting on robust growth from a low-consumption base of soft drinks in India to rev up sales. Currently, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo together dominate the Indian market for carbonated soft drinks.India, a country of 1.2 billion people, remains one of the most appealing markets for the two mini storageeverage titans due to its low per capita consumption of carbonated beverages. Indians on average drink 12 eight-ounce - about 240ml - bottles of Coke a year compared with 92 bottles globally according to industry estimates.Also, growth rates in Asia, the Middle East and Africa are almost four to five times those in the US and Europe, making emerging countries such as India a very attractive growth market, said PepsiCo.PepsiCo and its bottling partners plan to more than double production capacity in India by 2020. Pepsi entered the country at a time when the Indian government was liberalising the economy and opening up a plethora of sectors to foreign investment in the 1990s. Coca-Cola returned in 1993 (after leaving India over a dispute involving handing over its secret recipe) buying out top local cola, Thums Up.India is one of Pepsico's biggest markets globally and the investments will help expand its repertoire of food and drinks in the South Asian nation, the company said. Pepsico has also been adding to its list of offerings while roping in Bollywood actors to endorse its range of products estimated to be worth US$4.25 billion by 2018."A stronger distribution in the existing categories and strong forays into new rural markets have helped the company retain its toehold," Mumbai-based trade analyst Murli Menon told BT.Since entering India, Pepsi claims it has created opportunities for more than 200,000 people through direct or indirect employment and agriculture collaborations. It is estimated that the strategic initiative announced last week will add more than 100,000 additional employment opportunities. Pepsi has 42 plants in India, including franchises. The company also intends to step up collaborative farming that it claims has benefited 24,000 farmers.On the other hand, Coca-Cola says that it has already pumped over US$7 billion in India since it re-entered the country in 1993. Coca-Cola India directly employs over 25,000 people and about 150,000 people indirectly.Market analysts believe that growth for both companies in the future will be determined by rural sales as the cities are witnessing a level of saturation. Besides, they point out, the dynamics in the urban segment is changing towards healthier options, such as fruit/vegetable juices and bottled water. It is on the rural turf, therefore, that both companies will joust to enhance their share of the Indian soft drinks pie.Even so, analysts add that despite a first-mover advantage in the market, PepsiCo has not been able to capitalise on this to elbow past Coca-Cola. "The latter's well-fleshed out strategy both at the top and bottom-end of the market spectrum, combined with a price-point edge, have so far helped it remain ahead in the race. But in the future, it could be anybody's game," sums up Mr Menon.self storage

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每年的11月19日,儲存是世界廁所日。作為文明社會一分子的你,在使用公共廁所時,你是不是也具備了文明的思維和態度?除了管理者,使用者在保持公廁的清潔衛生方面扮演更重要的角色。一個國家公廁的清潔衛生,不只是最直接反映一個國家的“門面”,更反映民眾和使用者的文明和水準。食肆及餐館公廁僅獲0至2星根據房屋及地方政府部在全國各地的公廁星級評分,國內的祈禱或膜拜場所、食肆及餐館、巴士站及油站的廁所衛生情況,有待大大改善。房屋及地方政府部總監拿汀馬茲雅安南指出,從2012年至2013年7月,地方政府官員已針對6千186間食肆及餐館進行星級評分,在這項評分中,有4千256間(68.8%)食肆及餐館的衛生水平處於中等乾凈或以下,僅獲得0至2顆星。其餘1千824間(29.5%)介於3至4星,另外僅有106間(1.7%)的衛生水平得到最高5星的評分。評分顯示,獲得最多3星的公共場所是機場(86%)、購物中心(75%)、碼頭、關卡(62%)、酒店(61.2%)。馬茲雅安南指出,各地地方政府每年2次進行廁所星級評分,分別是0星(50分以下)屬骯髒、1星(51至60%)不夠乾凈、2星(61至70%)中等乾凈及3星以上(71%以上)令人滿意至相當乾凈。她說,評分廁所的衛生相當繁雜,有時廁所在評比分數時很乾凈,但過了一陣子可能因管理欠佳,而衛生情況則不甚理想。每年系列活動提高公眾醒覺馬茲雅安南說,為了提高公眾保持廁所衛生的醒覺,該部於2010年起嚮應世界廁所日的號召,每年舉辦系列活動,包括廁所比賽、廁所器具展覽、印製海報及舉辦有關廁所衛生的講座會。她指出,保持廁所的衛生可有效預防傳染疾病如腹瀉、H1N1、食物中毒等。此外,隨著2014年迎接大馬觀光年,保持公廁的衛生有助於改善外國遊客對我國的印象。馬茲雅安南說,今年的廁所比賽分為11個組別,即中學、小學、旅遊中心、政府部門、公共停車站、餐館、大專學府、地方政府(縣議會)公共廁所、地方政府(市議會)公共廁所、購物中心、祈禱場所(清真寺、神廟、興都廟)。她補充,比賽的評分標准包括多方面,即水源供應、廁所指示牌、空氣流通、污水處理、糞坑、光線、地磚、坐廁、牆壁、天花板、洗手盆、門、排水系統、水龍頭、塑膠管、提供洗手液迷你倉紙巾等。今年參賽的作品共有284份,經過篩選後有93份作品入圍決審,這項比賽也將在今天(11月19日)頒獎予優勝者。2001年第一屆廁所峰會2001年,來自30多個國家,包括芬蘭、英國、美國、中國、印度、日本、韓國、澳洲和馬來西亞的代表在新加坡舉行了第一屆廁所峰會。會議上廣泛討論有關廁所的議題,包括廁所設計、衛生、舒適,以及解決排泄物污染和發展中國家廁所缺乏等問題,並議決於每年的11月19日為世界廁所日。使用者態度、管理問題、設施損壞公廁衛生差3主因國人普遍認為公共廁所是由清潔工人保持衛生,因此在如廁後沒有妥善清洗自己的污穢。馬茲雅安南指出,去年城市和諧、房屋與地方政府部舉辦一項有關維持公廁衛生工作坊得到的結果是,公廁衛生令人不滿意的主要3大原因是使用者態度、管理問題及廁所的設施。她進一步說明,其一是使用者在如廁後沒有按沖洗鍵就匆促離開;其二是有關設施已損壞,以致使用者無法沖洗自己的穢物,其餘尚有設計不友善、不方便殘障人士、低素質及不耐用的器具;其三則是承包商的責任感低,沒有清潔標準作業程序、沒有按照清洗時間表及耽誤廁所設施維修。從教育著手灌輸如廁衛生馬茲雅安南也談及大馬人使用廁所的態度,一些使用者如廁後沒有為下一位使用者著想,包括偷竊或破壞廁所設施、丟棄衛生棉、小垃圾及紙巾在廁盆里、喜歡在廁所牆壁或門塗鴉。趁著迎接世界廁所日,她呼吁國人每次如廁後,需抱有為下一個使用者著想的觀念,而不是完全依賴公廁清潔工人來清理。她指出,保持廁所的衛生應從個人開始,特別是從小學教育著手,從小灌輸他們應保持廁所衛生的習慣。父母在這方面也扮演重要的角色,他們應指導孩子參與照顧居家廁所的衛生。本地公廁設備欠佳談到本地公廁設備欠佳的問題,馬茲雅安南說,許多傳統公廁因抽水馬桶的設計是抽水一次以後,需要等上數分鐘後才能抽水,這對下一位使用者帶來困擾。她補充,其餘的設計問題包括廁所內沒有清洗水管、沒有提供廁紙等。她說,為了克服上述技術問題,該部於今年起已立下地方政府建設公廁的標准模式,包括廁所的構造、磁磚的大小、廁所器具的數量及隨時可抽水的抽水系統等。此外,她認為,由於女性如廁的時間比男性較久,因此女廁的數量應比男廁較多,以減少女性如廁前需排隊等候的時間。;self storage

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儲存倉——南通市廣播電視大學社區教育小記鄭晉鳴 邵文傑 《 光明日報 》( 2013年11月19日 06 版)“一國之強,基於教育”,素有“教育之鄉”美...迷你倉最平

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大統爆黑心油品事件,儲存倉讓消費者湧向中間商退貨,但大統油品中間商退了貨卻拿不到貨款,產險業者指出,金管會已注意此問題,先前也請產險公會研擬是否有合適的「產品回收險」,希望避免中間商損失,但產險業研議後認為可行性不高。產險公司表示,目前市場已有「產品回收險」,現行「產品回收險」保單是指因被保險人出售或供應之產品或構成產品之組件缺陷而發生「意外事件」,針對廠商所作的檢查、收回、銷毀、修理或置換產品所發生損失,包括「產品回收費用」及「產品回收迷你倉最平任」,保險公司會予以理賠。 產險公司指出,現行的「產品回收險」理賠要件是,在保險期間內或追溯日後發生「意外事故」,使第三人遭受或可能發生身體傷害或財物損失。業者表示,以大統黑心油品事件中,即使大統油品中間商或者大統公司投保這種保單,仍無法獲得理賠,必須再設計另一種保單。產險公會則說,國外的確有類似退貨保險,但退貨可以理賠是基於廠商製造過程的「過失」」,並不是承保因廠商「故意」行為使產品不良,所以現成的產品回收險並不適用大統黑心油品事件。迷你倉

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(檳城18日訊)喬治市入遺5年,迷你倉在古蹟核心區的精品酒店如雨後春筍的湧現。在上個世紀是萬國大旅社的舊址,也趕上發展趨勢搖身一變成為古蹟酒店。這間命名為亞美尼亞古蹟酒店(Armenian Street Heritage Hotel),位於檳城打銅仔街及�田仔街交界。酒店股東之一的顧華正博士說,亞美尼亞古蹟酒店的前身是萬國大旅社的舊址,上世紀50及60年代,該旅社可說是當地的地標之一,而萬國大旅社不僅是一個古蹟,它的興衰更見證了經歷一個世紀轉變的檳城及整個社會結構的變遷。他指出,猶記前輩提及當年社尾、�田仔及海墘一帶除了水手及外籍海軍聚集之外,穆斯林也會到于1808年建於打石街的亞齊清真寺朝聖祈禱,無形中帶動該區的商貿活躍。“當年的萬國大旅社就在這地段的核心點,由於檳城50年代的旅社並不多,所以該旅社當時的入住率相當高,每逢學校假期更是外地學生首選旅社之一。”旅社60年代燒毀他披露,1960年該旅社因一場火患而燒毀,從此該旅社地段更多次易手並被荒置,直到2年前才由他及股東拿督楊才成,合資3000萬令吉購下並發展成現今的亞美尼亞古蹟酒店。亞美尼亞古蹟酒店佔地1萬5000方尺,擁有6層建築物的它有92間客房,建築物內部結構保留�老檳城殖民時代的設計,除了部分現代化的電子儀器之外,從房間到走廊的家具及整體設計等,都依照喬治市世界遺產機構(GTWHI)嚴密的標準。至於,該酒店在未來的發展除了會開放頂樓為空中觀景台,以讓民眾眺望古蹟區的美景之外,該酒店的二樓也會免費租借給喬治市世界遺產機構(GTWHI) 作為開放辦公室,讓民眾參觀的同時,該樓層將會置放一個大喬治市古蹟模型圖。另外,從酒店出發以步行的距離不到一分鐘,就可以觀賞到立陶宛畫家爾納斯在檳城的著名壁畫“姐弟共騎”與進入古蹟區參觀。投資保護本地文化遺產喬治市很多有歷史文化價值的建築物,文件倉而近幾年來這些建築物都被外國投資家買下,出自於保護屬於本地人的文化遺產理念,顧華正及股東拿督楊才成買下了萬國大旅社舊址地段。源自大山腳的顧華正說,他與股東在2008年檳城入遺後開始物色檳島的房地產作為投資項目,然而他們看到這棟坐落在打銅街古蹟區出入口的建築物時,第一個印象就覺得非常惋惜。惋惜旅社舊址被廢置“當年這棟六層樓的建築物被鋅板包圍隔離,建築物外觀也顯得破破爛爛,看到這棟坐落在當年萬國大旅社舊址地段的建築物被廢置,我們心頭有�百般滋味。”他披露,該建築物未轉售至他們時原本計劃建7層樓,然而發展到第6層樓時工程就停頓了大約整10年,當時他們望�該建築物有一股莫名的衝動,覺得這棟具有歷史價值及代表性的建築物,如此被遺棄而破爛不堪,對於喬治市遺產古蹟確實是一項可惜。記者問及在購入該產業後,為何他們不將該建築物改為其他商業用途,而選擇了耗費龐大資金的古蹟酒店業時,顧華正坦言他與股東購入這棟建築物,除了作為其中一項房地產投資之外,出發點還是在於保護歷史價值及古蹟為大前提。“當時我們向喬治市世界遺產機構諮詢,對方給予的回覆是無論任何商業用途,都不能與喬治市古蹟大藍圖背道而馳。”他披露,加上數名聯合國教科文組織人員曾告訴他們,喬治市古蹟核心區內沒有一間代表性的古蹟酒店實在可惜,所以他們就有了打造古蹟酒店的念頭。他坦言,其實購得該建築物後他們除了在內外觀進行些許的粉刷及改裝之外,大致上都保存�建築物的原貌。顧華正說,原本將酒店命名為檳城古蹟酒店(Penang Heritage Hotel),然而在申請程序時因引用到檳城的字眼,最終與州政府商討後才將酒店改為現在的名字。他指出,其實酒店現在的命名不僅是一個稱號而是有�本身的意義,選用打銅仔街的英文路名作為酒店命名,主要是這條街本身也是一個歷史文化,而且這條街在50及60年代時也非常出名。;存倉

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By Wong Joon SanHong Kong will continue to strengthen its role as a regional distribution center and port hub by enhancing its transport infrastructure in parallel with upgrading and expanding the city’s logistics services, Hong Kong Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying said.儲存In his welcome address at the Asian Logistics & Maritime Conference (ALMC) held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre on November 7, Leung said the city’s focus is to ensure that Hong Kong retains its competitive edge in multi-modal connectivity in air, land and sea.“We are also working to enhance efficiency at our container terminals and (to) identify land for the development of third-party logistics service clusters. As neighboring ports become more efficient, Hong Kong’s logistics and maritime sectors must move up the value chain, and we are gearing ourselves for this new challenge,” Leung said.Leung told more than 1,500 logistics and maritime services providers and users from some 29 countries and regions who attended the conference that Hong Kong is also preparing to negotiate a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the 10-member ASEAN bloc to help strengthen regional trade and logistics as well as to boost the city’s supply chains’ competitiveness and efficiency as Asian trade opportunities emerge.ASEAN represents important opportunities for investors to connect with some of the world’s most dynamic emerging economies. Massive public sector infrastructure programs in countries such as Thailand and new markets such as Myanmar and Cambodia present exciting opportunities for the logistics and maritime sectors.“Apart from upgrading physical infrastructure, we are also scaling up efforts to groom more talent with various expertise to help support the growth of our maritime services sector. The government has recently earmarked funding to set up a HK$100 million maritime and aviation training fund,” Leung said.The fund will sustain and expand existing training and scholarship schemes and support the implementation of new initiatives, through the tripartite efforts of the government, industry and education and training institutions, he said.A recent survey by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) identified Hong Kong’s strength in high-value logistics. “We look forward to responding to growing demand in this region for high-end consumer products ranging from luxury goods to gourmet food,” Leung said.HKTDC executive director Fred Lam in his welcome remarks, said that this year’s conference speakers lineup was strong and rich in content, showing the logistics and shipping industry in Hong Kong, how important this event was.Patrick Low, former chief economist of the World Trade Organization, who delivered a keynote address entitled “Trends and prospects for Intra-Asian Trade” at the ALMC, said: “We should look at trade in a differen迷你倉 way. Instead of looking at the trade flow and the trade value, we should look at the final product.”He cited an example from the Fung Global Institute regarding the sale of a high-end jacket for $425 in a store in New York, which had been produced in China at a cost of only $9. ”The rest of the cost involved intangible services such as design, branding, labeling, advertising, profits and so on,” Low said, adding that in the clothing industry where fashion changes fast, the $425 price tag is very likely to come down fast too.He said trade should also look at the meaning of services properly as the value attributable to it was far away from reality. “As it is difficult to put a price on services because it is intangible, many aspects of it such as a barter deal, exchange of expertise and even data, are not included in value computations,” Low said, adding that governments did not have a good grasp of services valuation.At a Plenary session “Shaping the future of Asia: The Emerging Dragon”, Ms Barbara Meynert, director of Fung Global Institute, who chaired the meeting, said a study showed that the Asian trade would increase tremendously with China (1.3 billion population) on the one hand and India (1.2 billion to 1.3 billion) on the other, with an integrated 10 countries in between with a population of 600 million, to $150 billion by 2020.George Yeo, chairman of the Kerry Logistics Network, who also spoke at the session, said China’s trade with Asian neighboring countries had for the first time over taken the trade which the mainland had with the US and the EU, and this was a major trend.He said when President Xi Jinping spoke in Indonesia recently, the first time a foreign leader had ever spoken in the history of that country, President Xi had forecasted that China’s $400 million trade with ASEAN last year would reach $1 trillion by 2020.What this means is that in the next eight years, a huge transformation will take place, which will also impact China’s strategic relationship with the region, Yeo said.China wants to continue the development in the region to show others that it can be done through peaceful resolve and without conflict, he said, adding that President Xi had called for a multi-agency meeting to get things started so that the neighboring countries could work towards a common destiny.Robert Li, executive director, Supply Chain for Asia Pacific, Lenovo Group, who also acknowledged that IT was important for development of the region, said the group was the market leader of PCs, and had recorded a 70.7 percent increase in the third quarter. “We intend to achieve more in the next three to four years.”He said ASEAN was important for Lenovo because it had a strong annual economic growth, having grown by 50 percent from 2008 to 2012.A total of 37 industry leaders from nine countries spoke at the conference.self storage

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