李雋進入上海書展,迷你倉價錢“鳳凰傳媒”幾個大字就映入眼簾。雖然身處圖書出版的“夕陽行業”,但鳳凰傳媒(601928.SH)從來不曾止步進軍其他所謂的“朝陽行業”,從房地產,到手機遊戲(下稱“手游”),再到參與上市公司定增都是其“發財”的手段。昨日公佈上半年歸屬於上市公司股東淨利潤上升8.74%達到5.23億元的鳳凰傳媒,在高調宣佈跟關聯方合作買地開發以後,又宣佈投資3.2億元進軍手遊行業,同時擬以約2.5億認購長江傳媒(600757.SH)的增發股份。10倍溢價控股手游公司今年6月底以來,鳳凰傳媒就受到資金的熱烈追捧,股價從不到7元上漲至昨日收盤的10.85元,累計漲幅超50%,而近日手游概念股也同樣受到市場追捧。昨日鳳凰傳媒公告稱,擬對下屬子公司江蘇鳳凰數字傳媒有限公司(下稱“鳳凰數字傳媒”)增資3.2億元,鳳凰數字傳媒擬以3.1億元認購上海慕和網絡科技有限公司(下稱“慕和網絡”)新增註冊資本355.56萬元,從而持有慕和網絡64%的股權。慕和網絡成立于2009年,是由美資獨資的一家手機遊戲研發商。2009年創立時從事頁游業務,並推出一款MMORPG產品。之後公司迅速轉向手游研發,並于2011年1月推出了一款移動端的MMORPG產品,且在Google Play上取得了TOP50的成績。原股東為三位高管吳波、張嵥、周顥,2012年實現淨利潤695.06萬元,而到了2013年前五個月,其淨利潤就達到了2300.76萬元,2013年5月底所有者權益為4313.74萬元。中聯資產評估集團對慕和網絡5月底財務狀況用收益法作評估,評估為4.86億元,相對淨資產有超過10倍的溢價。“這種輕資產的公司,其資質、人力資本、客戶和商業模式才是其價值的來源,這些在成本法評估中是體現不出來的。”鳳凰傳媒在公告中稱。若慕和網絡2013年經審計淨利潤低於4409萬元,慕和網絡的估值須相應調整,調整後估值為慕和網絡2013年度經審計淨利潤的11倍,增資的交易對價亦相應調整。原股東承諾,慕和網絡2014年度經審計的淨利潤不低於5291萬元,2015年度經審計的淨利潤不低於6349萬元,如迷你倉庫達不到則對鳳凰傳媒進行補償。鳳凰傳媒稱,這筆交易是進軍遊戲領域、實現數字化發展戰略的重要舉措,有利於進一步拓展數字化業務,實現內容的多層次開發和價值的全方位創造,擴大業務規模,提升公司業績,強化品牌和影響力。一位傳媒行業分析師對《第一財經日報》稱,由於試錯成本不高,手游新進入者大量湧入,一些大公司帶著資金和技術資源也紛紛進入手游領域,使得手遊行業的競爭更為激烈,隨著未來平台建設日趨完善議價能力提高,發行商的議價能力將逐步下降,整個手遊行業也可能面臨洗牌,鳳凰傳媒這一筆投資能否最終成功有待觀察。巨資認購長江傳媒增發鳳凰傳媒昨日同時公告稱,擬以現金方式參與認購長江傳媒非公開發行A股股份,數量為3600萬股,價格不高于6.70元,認購所需資金折合約為2.4億~2.6億元。長江傳媒非公開發行的股份鎖定期為12個月,自本次發行結束之日起計算。鳳凰傳媒稱,參與長江傳媒的非公開發行旨在圍繞發展戰略,尋求戰略合作機會,推進跨地區橫向發展、與傳媒產業的橫向融合,提升在出版發行行業競爭能力;同時,此次嘗試參股同業優質上市公司,能進一步拓展資本運營空間,增強盈利能力,獲取投資收益。除了買同行股票以外,現金充足的鳳凰傳媒對房地產也極其感興趣。8月9日,鳳凰傳媒與受同一控股股東控制的關聯法人江蘇鳳凰置業有限公司簽訂了《關於鎮江市“綠竹巷片區棚戶區改造項目”地塊聯合競買協議》,聯合參與競買該地塊。鳳凰傳媒將在該地塊上建設不小于3萬平方米的文化MALL,鳳凰置業將建設其他商業、住宅項目(建築面積約9.4萬平方米)。鳳凰傳媒將承擔土地出讓金約0.9億元,鳳凰置業將承擔土地出讓金約3.08億元。7月29日,鎮江市國土資源局確認鳳凰傳媒和鳳凰置業聯合競得綠竹巷地塊,成交單價為600.48萬元/畝。此前,鳳凰傳媒和鳳凰置業多次合作拿下地塊,開發文化相關項目。鳳凰傳媒昨日發佈的半年報顯示,手游、網絡遊戲作為數字出版的重要板塊,已進入實質性推進階段,鳳凰傳媒以資本為杠杆,大力撬動轉型發展,圍繞數字化、實體網絡、優勢出版企業、產業鏈延伸四大重點,公司加大投資力度,強力推進“多元化、全媒體”建設。儲存

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Source: Montgomery Advertiser, Ala.迷你倉庫Aug. 21--The Camellia Bowl would have been a hit with city leaders in any case. Adding the Sun Belt Conference as one of the participants only sweetened the deal.With no possibility of ever landing a Southeastern Conference team in a 21,000-seat Cramton Bowl, the next best bet was the Sun Belt Conference, which includes Troy University."It was huge," bowl executive director Johnny Williams said. "Think of the geographic footprint with the two new schools they added, Georgia Southern and Appalachian State, along with Troy, Georgia State, Arkansas State, the Louisiana schools and South Alabama."All of those schools are within driving distance, so we're assured every year of having a team that will bring in outside visitors. And the MAC had seven teams in bowl games last year, so they're at an all-time high."Williams served last year as the executive director of the Raycom College Football All-Star Classic at Cramton Bowl and made it a point to invite players from in-state universities including Troy, where he served for 10 years as an athletic director in the 1990s and 2000s.Central Alabama Sports Commission executive director Ken Blankenship also served for two years as athletic director at Troy.The former Troy State graduate has Troy University system chancellor Jack Hawkins on the advisory board of the sports commission and has worked diligently to lure other Sun Belt events to the Capital City, including the conference baseball tournament."Obviously, we want the Sun Belt," Blankenship said. "It may not be good for the economic development side of it because if you have a Troy because they're going to drive (into town for the game). But think of what it'll do for the perception and the attendance. If I had to name one I'd want here for next year, it would be Appalachian State. They've got a fan base and a travel base."The new bowl alignment that is taking shape for 2014 and beyond eliminates a pecking order for teams (except for the Big 12), although the Sun Belt champion will likely head to the New Orleans Bowl, site of the conference office."Nothing's been tried out because this is a new model moving forward," said Paul Derzis, senior vice-president of ESPN Regional Television, which owns the rights to the Camellia Bowl. "But the intent is to try and find the right matchup and the right geography that benefits the teams and the community. That's really what you're seeing throughout the country with a儲存l the new changes."That should make Montgomery a destination for a bowl-eligible Troy in future years.In 2003-04, city leaders would have preferred a farm team of the Atlanta Braves when it went shopping for a new minor-league baseball team. This time, they believe they've struck gold by landing the Sun Belt for a football bowl matchup.The matchup between the city and its new bowl partners is "primarily because of Jack Hawkins and my friendship with Jack," Montgomery mayor Todd Strange said. "He's been talking to me about this for a couple of years now. It was a year or so ago when we met, along with the then-commissioner of the Sun Belt (Wright Waters) and the new commissioner of the Sun Belt (Karl Benson) about possibilities of playing sports venues that featured Sun Belt teams."I would have probably said we'll never be into Sun Belt football before we were into Sun Belt baseball. I would have thought Sun Belt baseball, Sun Belt soccer, Sun Belt volleyball would have been our first entree into that."One of Troy's biggest alumni bases is in the River Region, which should ensure that any Troy appearance in the Camellia Bowl would create a sellout.The Trojans have steered clear of bowl alignments in Northern cities in the past, but now have three bowl tie-ins through the Sun Belt within driving distance -- New Orleans, Mobile and now Montgomery."It really is nice to have this game in our backyard," Troy athletic director John Hartwell said. "You look at the partners -- Sun Belt, MAC, ESPN and the city of Montgomery. With those four together, it has all the ingredients for success, and the one thing they talked about was the geographic footprint. You've got six or seven schools in our league that will be within a five-hour drive of the event. From a fan perspective, it makes all the sense in the world."You're somewhere close to home that's accessible to our fans. The other thing I can speak of is the comfort level of having that many bowl tie-ins. Several years ago, Troy was 8-4 and sitting at home for the holidays and that's a very disappointing feeling, not only for the student-athletes and the coaches but for your fan base as a whole."Hats off to Karl Benson, our commissioner, who has been very proactive in seeking further bowl affiliations."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, Ala.) Visit the Montgomery Advertiser (Montgomery, Ala.) at .montgomeryadvertiser.com Distributed by MCT Information Services新蒲崗迷你倉

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IRVINE, Calif.儲存, Aug. 21, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- With the rolling hills of wine country as their backdrop, Kia Racing will be paying closer attention to points this weekend than a white-coated wine judge evaluating the latest high-potential pinot noir. The team, including driver Mark Wilkins, sits second in the GTS-class Manufacturer and Driver championship standings heading into the penultimate race of the 2013 Pirelli World Challenge (PWC) season at Sonoma Raceway.(Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130821/LA67634)Wilkins, who piloted the No. 38 B.R.A.K.E.S. Teen Pro-Active Driving School Optima turbo to his second victory of the season just three weeks ago at the Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course and has a streak of 10 consecutive top-five finishes to his credit, closed the gap to the championship leader at Mid-Ohio's doubleheader event, but with 87 points still to make up and a maximum of 145 points on offer for each of the season's last two races, anything can happen."We ran well and finished fourth at Sonoma last year, so we're eager to get back on track, and our goal is to score every point we possibly can," said Wilkins. "I'm confident that the Kinetic Motorsports crew will be able to dial in the No. 38 B.R.A.K.E.S. Optima turbo to help it run at the front of the pack, but there is definitely some added pressure with it being a single-event weekend and only one more race left after this one."Teammate Nic Jonsson, driver of the No. 36 DonorsChoose.org Optima turbo, scored a record-setting fastest lap of the race at Mid-Ohio while leading the majority of Round 11 before retiring early with a mechanical issue. Currently in 10(th) place in the Driver Championship standings, Jonsson is looking forward to a strong finish and helping his teammate secure a win in Sonoma."The number one priority right now is the team and our pursuit of the championship. The team's objectives always come first, so everyone will be doing whatever they can to support Mark this weekend," said Jonsson. "The goal is to help Mark win the Driver Championship, and to collect as many points as we can for Kia in the Manufacturer Championship."In addition to the factory-supported Optima effort, Kia will be represented in the PWC's Touring Car B (TCB) class this weekend by privateer Kyle Keenan of Vancouver, Wash., who will field a B-Spec Rio 5-door outfitted by Kia Racing partner Kinetic Motorsports. The sporty Kia hatchback made its debut in the B-Spec class in 2012, scoring a pair of wins at Sonoma, and it continues to make its mark in a growing field of competitors in 2013.Prior to the race, Kia Racing will visit nearby dealer Kia of Marin (.kiamarin.com). The event will take place on Wednesday, August 21, from 4-7 p.m. Kia Racing drivers Mark Wilkins and Nic Jonsson will be on hand to sign autographs, pose for photos with fans and hand out Kia Racing gear.PWC Round 13 at the Sonoma Grand Prix will take place on Sunday, August 25 at 2:10 p.m. ET. Televised coverage of Round 13 at Sonoma is on Su新蒲崗迷你倉day, September 8 at 3:30 p.m. ET on the NBC Sports Network. Race fans can tune in online for live race coverage at .world-challengetv.com, and catch the latest news and updates from the track at .facebook.com/kiaracing and can follow the team on Twitter at @KiaRacing.Kia: One of the World's Fastest Moving Global Automotive BrandsKia Motors America is one of only three auto brands to increase U.S. sales in each of the past four years, and in 2012 the company surpassed the 500,000 unit mark for the first time. With a full line of fun-to-drive cars and CUVs, Kia is advancing value to new levels of sophistication by combining European-influenced styling - under the guidance of chief design officer Peter Schreyer - with cutting-edge technologies, premium amenities, affordable pricing and the lowest cost of ownership in the industry. Kia recently joined the exclusive ranks of Interbrand's "Top 100 Best Global Brands," and is poised to continue its momentum with seven all-new or significantly redesigned vehicles scheduled to arrive in showrooms in 2013. Over the past decade Kia Motors has invested more than $1.4 billion in the U.S., including the company's first U.S. assembly plant in West Point, Georgia - Kia Motors Manufacturing Georgia - which is responsible for the creation of more than 11,000 plant and supplier jobs. The success of the U.S.-built* Optima and Sorento in two of the industry's largest segments has fueled Kia's rapid growth and is complemented by Kia's comprehensive lineup which includes the Cadenza flagship sedan, Soul urban passenger vehicle, Sportage compact CUV, Optima Hybrid, the Forte sedan, Forte5 and Forte Koup compacts, Rio and Rio 5-door sub-compacts and the Sedona minivan.About Kia Motors AmericaKia Motors America is the marketing and distribution arm of Kia Motors Corporation based in Seoul, South Korea. KMA offers a complete line of vehicles through more than 765 dealers throughout the United States and serves as the "Official Automotive Partner" of the NBA and LPGA. In 2012, KMA recorded its best-ever annual sales total and gained U.S. market share for the 18th consecutive year. Kia is poised to continue its momentum and will continue to build the brand through design innovation, quality, value, advanced safety features and new technologies.Information about Kia Motors America and its full vehicle line-up is available at its website - .kia.com. For media information, including photography, visit .kiamedia.com. To receive custom email notifications for press releases the moment they are published, subscribe at .kiamedia.com/us/en/newsalert.* The Sorento and Optima GDI (EX Trims and certain LX Trims only) and GDI Turbo are built in the United States from U.S. and globally sourced parts.Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20130821/LA67634PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comKia Motors AmericaCONTACT: Scott McKee, 949.468.4813, smckee@kiausa.com, or Mike Ofiara, KiaMotors America, 949.943.9376, mofiara@kiausa.comWeb site: .kia.com/mini storage

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八、九十年代,迷你倉價錢本港漫畫店林立,但今時今日,漫畫店難尋,本港漫畫家的出路也大不如前。有人歸咎於盜版猖獗,蠶食漫畫業,究竟科技如何影響本地漫畫文化發展?Q:科技發展下,香港漫畫的生存環境有何影響?A: 在正面影響方面,科技為漫畫家提供開發及推廣平台,讓創作能更廣泛地向全球發佈。另外,亦有政治漫畫家喜歡以畫諷刺時弊,透過互聯網發佈將更易突圍。在負面影響方面,由於互聯網盜版情況嚴重,不少漫畫迷會將全本漫畫逐版上載,不尊重知識產權,也嚴重蠶食漫畫業;第二,漫畫全球化下,本地漫畫家需面對全球漫畫高手挑戰,使前路更難走。Q:外國的漫畫多能反映現實,為何香港的漫畫多只集中於打鬥主題?A:第一,這是受傳統香港漫畫影響,不少知名本土漫畫都以武打為主題,例如《龍虎門》,不少後繼者都會參與前人的作品,延續武打漫畫主導市場的情況;第二,不少香港著名電影都關於武術,本土漫畫家深受其影響;第三,外地漫畫多寫真實生活,本地漫畫家難再以生活化題材與其競爭,故只多以武打類型作主打,以求穩陣。延伸思考1.對漫畫業銷量大不如前,本港漫畫家應如何自處?A: 本港漫畫家可善用互聯網,將作品進入內地龐大的迷你倉庫場,甚至是全球市場,並繪畫更多漫畫的題材,例如觸及香港的政治,以諷刺時弊或運動題材漫畫,才可以殺出血路。2.政府該如何推動漫畫業?A: 首先,政府可為漫畫公司提供經濟支援,例如租務及稅務優惠,擴大他們的生存空間;第二,政府可舉辦相關比賽,發掘具潛質的漫畫家,而比賽由政府籌辦,認受性較高;第三,政府可循教育方面鼓勵年青人加入漫畫業,例如在中小學課程,加入漫畫欣賞,或鼓勵大學將漫畫創作相關課程獨立成科。3.香港漫畫的存在價值?A: 香港六大產業中,文化產業是其中之一,漫畫文化能帶動經濟活動,促進發展;其次,漫畫是文化項目,屬於地區軟實力的表現,如發展得宜,能提升地區的先進國際形象;第三,漫畫如能涉及本土文化,能增加港人身份認同,喚起集體回憶。動漫節後日開鑼 粉絲排隊霸頭位 2013/07/24朗談日本:談日動漫 2013/06/19內地客組團動漫節掃貨 2012/07/30SUN熱辣:日漫大受歡迎 港漫青黃不接2012/07/29港府乏支援阻動漫業發展 2011/11/02網上專頁:on.cc/sunstudies聯絡電郵:studies@on.cc答案請瀏覽網上專頁儲存

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綜合新華社電 8月20日,儲存倉《南方都市報》刊登了一份被戲稱為“小三戰鬥宣言”的整版廣告,被網民評為挑戰道德底線而引發熱議。這份廣告寥寥幾行字,主要是一個署名“張太”的女性公開挑釁“前任”:“前任張太:你放手吧!輸贏已定。好男人,只屬於懂得搞好自己的女人!祝你早日醒悟。搞好自己,願,天下無三!”當天晚上,廣東省工商局緊急對外公佈相關查處意見,表示當日《南方都市報》AⅡ疊16版發佈的這一廣告為某產品的商業炒作,涉嫌違反《廣告法》第七條第二款第五項關於廣告不得含有“違背社會良好風尚”的規定,已經立即責令停止發佈,並�動立案程序。廣東省工商局表示,該局已于下午集迷你倉沙田約談南方都市報社、廣告主和某廣告公司相關負責人,責令其立即停止發佈此類廣告並積極採取相關措施消除不良社會影響。國家工商行政管理總局廣告監管司副司長林軍強21日表示,工商總局認為廣東省工商局對此事的處置是及時、恰當的。有網絡平台舉行的投票活動表明,超過70%的網民認同工商部門的懲處表態,認為該廣告違背了社會道德,應該被取締,這無疑值得涉事媒體和企業認真反思。據瞭解,該廣告的廣告主為廣州十長生化妝品有限公司,廣告經營者為廣州市華邑�為品牌策劃有限公司。記者瞭解到,原定“創意”系列廣告的內容還包括颱風、國際關係、夫妻關係等,真正的宣傳主題要在第7份廣告才露面。迷你倉價錢

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  它曾經是游西湖的首選交通工具,儲存倉是最漂亮最拉風的“婚車”  杭城Y9敞篷公交車下月“退休”  取代它們的是最新引入的環保型雙層巴士  □本報記者 章高航/文 林雲龍/ 攝  在杭州,說起Y9線公交車,許多市民和遊客的腦海中馬上會浮現出這樣一個畫面:喜氣的大紅色車身、敞篷的車頂、木質的座椅、漂亮的女導乘員,坐著它環西湖兜一圈,不要太拉風哦。  可隨著10年來的日曬雨淋,曾經紅極一時、人氣極旺的Y9敞篷公交車也到了該“退休”的年紀了。  記者昨天從杭州公交部門獲悉,10輛敞篷公交車預計在9月中旬停運,代替它們的將是新引入的10輛環保型雙層巴士。大雨中體驗敞篷公交車  昨天中午,記者在黃龍體育中心12號站台,坐上一輛Y9路敞篷公交車。  車上除了記者,就是一位帶著兒子的媽媽。5歲的晨晨吵著要坐敞篷公交車,媽媽拗不過他,就帶他來坐了。  “我們從拱北小區趕過來的,現在天氣蠻涼快,坐這個車吹吹風蠻舒服的。”媽媽王女士說。  不過一上車就傻眼了,車廂地板上都是水,座椅全濕了。  司機說,上一個班次的Y9路上,沒有一位乘客。可不管有沒有乘客,都要按時發車,風雨無阻。  一路上,涼風習習。可惜當車子開到武林門附近,又下起了雨,而且越下越大。  等車子開到延安路時,敞開的車廂里,頓時像潑水節一樣,記者和王女士不得不撐起了雨傘。  “我還是第一次坐公交車撐傘呢。”王女士笑著說。曾經受寵的環湖敞篷車  2003年9月28日,5輛大紅色的敞篷公交車從常州來到杭州,開始它們的環湖觀光之旅,從曙光路,到北山路、湖濱路、南山路、楊公堤,再回到曙光路。  “一條真正的環湖線。”如今不少老杭州說起Y9,都會這麼感嘆一句。  迷你倉沙田紅色,車身高,車上有30個座位,開的時候比一般公交車噪聲小,其中一輛車上還有5張桌子,乘客可以在車上打牌喝茶。  這些 “賣點”,成為Y9線客流量日益攀升的基礎,同時,由於西湖敞篷公交車為全國首創,很多杭州市民和外地遊客都爭先恐後要一睹它的風采。  “連續一個星期免費試乘,中途都上不了客,敞篷公交車是限乘的,坐滿就不上客了。”一位公交司機回憶起當時Y9的盛況,很是感慨。  “10輛紅色敞篷觀光車上的導乘員個個都會英語和手語,2007年,車上還安裝了四國語音導乘服務器。因為是大紅色的車身,所以經常被用做婚車,很拉風。”  Y9敞篷車雖然只有一層,但車廂高度卻相當于雙層巴士。車廂地板離地面1.5米,居高臨下,視野開闊。  “它是沒有圍牆的西湖博物館。”Y9線共有22個站點,幾乎每一個都是西湖景點,是杭城為數不多的幾條自助式旅遊觀光線中最高檔的一條公交線路。如今成沒落的“貴族”  Y9線從黃龍體育中心出發,到動物園,票價每人次5元,堪稱杭州最貴的公交線路。  Y9線有10輛敞篷車,每50分鐘發一個班次。可如今,坐敞篷公交車的乘客卻寥寥無幾。  同樣是景區線,Y9線站點旁的普通公交52路環湖公交車人氣卻旺得多。  去年10月,因為環湖公交51路、52路的推出,Y9線走向調整,範圍有所縮小,導致客流量直線下降,從調整前的每天五六百人次下降到每天二三十人次。  Y9路的一位司機告訴記者,周末還有些乘客,工作日幾乎沒什麼乘客。  一位老公交分析,現在的Y9線定位比較模糊,而且與其他線路有些重複,客流不盡如人意是預料之中的。“為了改善Y9線的客流量,公交公司特意把Y9線的另一個始發站改到動物園,但效果仍不理想。”迷你倉價錢

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .迷你倉新蒲崗newssc.org/尚未收到有關中國公民傷亡的報告一輛載有53人的大客車21日從馬來西亞旅遊勝地雲頂高原下山途中墜入數十米深的山谷,確認至少37人遇難、16人受傷。墜入60米的山谷馬來西亞警方告訴法新社記者,事發時,那輛大客車正從雲頂高原度假村返回首都吉隆坡,車程約50公里。趕到事發現場的新華社吉隆坡分社報道員王大瑋說,事發14時45分左右,地點在一段陡峭且彎曲的山路。大客車墜入一處60米的山谷,卡在樹上。上傳到互聯網上非專業拍攝的照片顯示,事發路段水泥護欄損毀,表明大客車衝破護欄後墜入山谷。馬來西亞《星報》網站說,30名警察和9輛救護車事發後趕到現場。法新社說,救援人員利用橙色繩索進入大客車內,救出受困乘客。事發時客車超載《星報》網站報道,37名遇難者中包括24名男性和13名女性。吉隆坡消防局副總監紹伊曼?賈希德說,遇難者中包括大客車司機。馬來西亞聯邦國土消防和救援機構高級官員阿齊贊?伊斯梅爾說,他不能確認遇難人數。馬迷你倉出租西亞當局說,大巴車最大載客量44人,事發時處於超載狀態。就事故原因,《星報》說,司機失去了對車輛控制,導致事故發生。中國駐馬來西亞大使館領事部一等秘書錢海告訴新華社記者,出事客車是一種廉價客車,大陸遊客一般不會選擇乘坐這種汽車。錢海說,使館已經與馬來西亞方面取得聯繫,馬警方正在全力搜救。尚未收到有關中國公民傷亡的報告,如有進一步消息馬方將向中方通報。該條道路事故多發吉隆坡連接雲頂高原的道路由於彎曲陡峭,多次發生事故。2012年,一輛大客車在那條山路上行駛時翻車,2名印度遊客死亡、22人受傷。2010年9月,一輛載有中國演出團的旅遊大巴在雲頂高原附近發生車禍,多名中國演員受傷。同年10月,一輛長途巴士在山道上翻車,導致7人死亡、20多人受重傷。雲頂高原度假村由馬來西亞雲頂集團經營。度假村里坐落著馬來西亞唯一一所賭場。2011年以來,那裡每年吸引2000多萬人次參觀遊覽。現階段,度假村正在進行裝修改造,耗資30億馬來西亞林吉特(約合9億美元)。劉學 史先振(據新華社供本報特稿)儲存倉

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  市場情報    踏入8月中下旬,儲存倉熱鬧的暑假旅遊市場有所“收斂”,開始進入傳統淡季。各大旅行社也開始漸漸上架賞秋遊玩產品。在旅行線路方面,旅行社在避暑出游、體驗秋景方面上主推涼爽的國內西部地區。由於草原游的季節景觀明顯,7、8月份暑假期間正值草原游旺季,當地旅遊人流集中造成旅遊成本上漲,而自8月中下旬開始,隨著暑假客流減少,旅遊價格明顯走低;草原進入枯萎期時間,一般為9月中旬,因此,8月中下旬出游,既能看到當地美麗的草原景色,且遊覽環境更舒適。  記者從廣之旅瞭解到,今年夏季國內西部地區的草原游囊括了有呼倫貝爾大草原、希拉穆仁大草原、那拉提草原、若爾蓋草原、紅原大草原等,涵蓋了內蒙古、新疆、青海、甘肅、四川多個省份,行程時間為5-10天,價格從3000多元—80迷你倉沙田0多元不等;其中,今年還新推了烏蘭布統、伊春等新品草原路線。同時,中國國旅廣東公司徐志彤也表示,有不少遊客搶先報名參加8月底9月中的草原游,所以現在堪稱“2013年草原衝刺旅遊”的最佳時期。  此外,記者還瞭解到,除了草原是熱門的出行地之外,一些東南亞的國家因為機票、酒店等價格的回落,也成為許多遊客避遠就近的好去處。短線出境游,如泰國、新加坡、馬來西亞及塞班島等等,出游情況相當熱烈。據廣之旅市場推廣中心總經理溫前介紹,相比暑假與國慶黃金周,8月中下旬至9月中旬出游,既可以避開出遊人潮的最高峰,又可以享受相對實惠的出游價格。按照慣例,此段時間,學生游、家庭游等旅遊人群開始減少,機票、酒店等資源價格得到一定下調,不少旅遊線路的價格較暑期高峰階段都有10%—20%的降幅。迷你倉價錢

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南都訊 記者肖陽 近日,文件倉芒果網發佈了《2013國慶黃金周機票市場報告》。報告顯示,從8月中旬開始,黃金周期間的機票預訂量陡然增多,比去年同期增長兩成左右;香港、台北和韓國成為黃金周出境游熱門目的地。據芒果網報告顯示,從8月中旬開始,黃金周期間機票比去年同期增長兩成左右。價格方面,國內機票與往年基本持平,國內線、地區航線及國際短線機票價格呈兩頭高、中間低的價格走勢。9月29日-10月1日出行的機票價格基本上達到頂峰,10月2日-4日,機票價格一存倉走低,10月5日價格又開始回升。另外,受出境游增長的影響,國際長線機票價格普漲,漲幅高達50%-150%左右。該報告顯示,黃金周期間,國內旅行目的地以西北和海濱城市最為熱門,有近6成的遊客選擇這些城市作為出游目的地,如成都、西安、三亞、廈門等都非常受遊客的歡迎。出境游目的地方面,韓國、泰國出境游增長迅猛,目前為止已比去年同期增長近200%。芒果網根據市場需求,近期推出了全國各大城市飛往泰國曼穀和韓國首爾的特價往返機票,機票價格低至1050元起。自存倉

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