Source: Inland Valley Daily Bulletin, Calif.迷你倉出租Jan. 04--CLAREMONT -- Claremont Hills Wilderness Park visiting permits are available at City Hall and the Alexander Hughes Community Center to anyone interested.There were 630 permits sold in 2013, said Assistant City Manager Colin Tudor. There have been 26 sold as of Tuesday for the new year."The Wilderness Park Pass program is going well," Tudor said in an email. "The lots are being used at all times of the day and number of cars parked in the street has been reduced. This has helped to create a safer and more enjoyable experience for pedestrians, motorists, and the residents in the neighborhood."Park boundaries include Marshall Canyon to the west, Angeles National Forest to the north, and county line to the east, according to the city website. Park elevation varies from 1,800 to 3,000 feet, according to the website.Applications are available on the city's website at and at City Hall, 207 N Harvard Ave., and can be filled out and taken to City Hall or the Hughes center, 1700 Danbury Rd.The cost is $100 until April 1; after this date the permit will be $75 until July 1; after this date, the fee will be $50 until Oct. 1; when this date concludes, the pass until Jan. 1, will be $25.There is also a free resident parking permit (for the Thompson Creek Trail parking lot on the northeast corner of Mi迷你倉ls Avenue and Mt. Baldy Road) that is good until Dec. 31, 2015.Claremont Mayor Opanyi Nasiali said the daily fee at the park of $3 for four hours of parking was fair, but the pass was a way to save money."It's possible to sell more (annual passes than in 2013)," Nasiali said. "When people figure out it's cheaper to buy an annual pass, they'll buy an annual pass and save money. If you pay every time you come, it will add up over the long term."Nasiali said the intent of the pass sales is not to make money but for maintenance of the parking lot.On March 22, the park opened with an expanded metered parking lot and had meters installed in the south parking lot, known as the Thompson Creek Trail lot."I've walked there many times," Nasiali said of the park. "People are using the parking lots pretty well. Especially on the weekends. People who actually go a lot ... most have got annual passes. You pay once and go until the year ends."The mayor added he had not heard any major issues about the price of the passes."There have been a few cases where some people have tried to use an invalid pass, but other than that for the most part it's working very well," Nasiali said.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, Calif.) Visit the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin (Ontario, Calif.) at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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據新華社北京1月4日電春運火車票開始售賣以來,self storage12306購票網站持續受到社會關注。有旅客反映網站不穩定、網站購票驗證碼看不清、“黃牛”用假身份證囤票等。記者為此採訪了12306網站。針對有部分網民和媒體反映的12306網站購票驗證碼問題,12306技術人員表示,2014年鐵路春運售票工作開始後,個別互聯網公司以搶票瀏覽器、搶票插件等形式,對12306網站的驗證碼進行自動識別,進而達到插隊購票的目的。這種行為嚴重擾亂了互聯網購票秩序,影響了購票的公平和12306網站的安全。為了維護公平的售票秩序和廣大旅客的切身利益,保證12306網站運行安全,12306網站採取了相應迷利倉技術措施,將靜態驗證碼更換為動態驗證碼,有效地遏制了對驗證碼的自動識別行為,但同時也增加了旅客識別驗證碼的難度。近日,根據部分網民和旅客的建議,12306網站對驗證碼方案進行了調整優化,將動態驗證碼更換為增加了底紋或干擾線的新版靜態驗證碼,既降低了旅客的識別難度,同時也保持了對自動識別軟件的有效防控。針對近日有媒體報道,部分黃牛用虛假身份證號直接購票囤票,找到買家後退票回購轉賣的現象,12306網站負責人指出,12306網站實行購票實名制,旅客購票應填寫有效的乘車人身份信息,如使用假身份證號購買車票,在車站窗口、鐵路客票代售點、自動售取票機等均不能辦理換票、退票手續。迷你倉

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迷你倉 台北市立動物園貓熊寶寶圓仔下周一見客,高雄壽山動物園和圓仔拚場,請出動物明星台灣黑熊、非洲獅、孟加拉虎、非洲象輪番上陣表演餵食秀,昨由非洲獅打頭陣,保育員用繩子吊肉塊餵獅子(圖),吸引遊客駐足觀賞。 另外,從澳洲引進的10隻羊駝將於1月25日正式和遊客見面,遊園列車及有吹風及起霧特效的5D劇院也將同步登場迎新年。 文╱石秀華 圖╱吳柏源文件倉

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Look near and far for the most exciting places to visit this yearNew year, new adventures.儲存 Countries all have a season, rising on the sojourner's radar for a whole variety of reasons.A mega-event or movie, anniversary or air link, big-bucks strategy or a subtler mystique that can never be manufactured - all shape a destination and its distinct allure.Beyond this partial cluster of factors, a hopeful economic outlook, the strong Singapore dollar and competitive airfares are hard facts that make travel to places far and near ever more enticing.Besides, the Singaporean is quite an adventurous soul, always journeying to some of the planet's most remote places, some of which may even lie within Singapore's neighbourhood.South-east Asia, in truth, is enigmatic for distant visitors, and also intrepid Singaporeans.This is SundayLife's list of desirable destinations and travel concepts for 2014. Wonderfully, the list is likely to change as the year brings new countries and concepts to centre stage. Happy WORLD CUP FEVERBrazil will be the darling of sports lovers and world wanderers for a spell.From June 12 to July 13, the World Cup finals will unroll in 12 cities across the country, where soccer is spectacle tinged with spirituality.Flamboyant Rio de Janeiro will host the final soccer game - then romp on to stage the 2016 Olympics.Last month, I travelled to Rio and found more than a party city. I saw a metropolis of endless blues and greens with curvaceous beaches and mountains, one of the loveliest cities on Earth.Beyond Rio are the Iguazu Falls, wondrous from every angle whether viewed from Brazil or Argentina.Brazil is almost a continent unto itself, and so it abounds with places to explore. The Pantanal in the west is the world's largest wetland, with wildlife galore from pumas to caimans. Creatures are easier to spot in this open landscape, compared to the Amazon rainforest, half of which lies in Brazil.Salvador in the north-east has shimmering beaches and an Afro-Brazilian culture, revealed in its dance and cuisine. It is one of the World Cup host-cities. Other venues include the cities of Belo Horizonte, known for its contemporary art, and Recife, where the nearby historic town of Olinda is the cradle of Brazilian culture ("All eyes will be on Brazil, thanks to the World Cup, and we've even planned for extra capacity on our flights from London to fly out supporters," says Mr Robert Williams, regional general manager (South-east Asia) for British Airways.In June, the airline will add more flights to Rio, starting from $3,225.90 for a return ticket. Singapore Airlines flies to Sao Paulo, via Barcelona, and connects through Brazilian partner airline TAM to Rio and 27 other destinations.KOREA'S SLOW CITIESI know Korea as a digital-crazed nation and K-pop merchant. Forays into its eight unplugged Slow Cities, however, will reveal a Korea on analog time - so you luxuriate in nature, homespun heritage, authentic flavours.Salt is harvested by hand and flavoured with seaweed on Jeungdo Island, a Slow City in Jeollanam-do province. Sashimi and spicy fish stew are gourmet grade. By express train, Jeungdo is 31/2 hours from Seoul in the north.In 2007, Korean cities were the first in Asia to join the Slow Cities circle, ahead of Japan and China. The Slow Cities movement, born in the Chianti region of Italy, celebrates small cities that respect heritage and resist homogenisation.Jeollanam-do itself is a less-explored province famed for Boseong tea fields, Arirang folk songs and exiled poets. Other provinces newer to travellers are Gangwon-do, Gyeonggi-do and Jeju, where driving holidays are popular.Independent Singaporeans now take train excursions far beyond Seoul, says Ms Adeline Goh, senior marketing director of Korea Tourism Organisation Singapore Office.Notably, 70 per cent of Singaporeans ventured on "free-and-easy" trips in 2012, with 30 per cent on package tours. Figures were the reverse just five years ago.Overall, Korea is hip. "The Korean Wave has made Korea a hip destination for pop-culture tourism, food and aesthetic travel," she says.Budget airlines Scoot and AirAsia X started flying to Seoul and Busan respectively last year, she adds. Other direct carriers have boosted seat capacity and dangled airfare deals.Next month, the KTX fast-speed train will link Seoul's Incheon Airport to Busan, the second largest Korean city, in 31/2 hours.LIVING LUXE IN NEW ZEALANDNew Zealand is on the bucket list of many sojourners and the Hobbit fantasy movies are sending the country once again to the top of wish-lists.Tourism New Zealand chief executive Kevin Bowler says: "Film tourism and the hobbits are the biggest new thing."A survey shows that the hairy-footed hobbits have moved people from thinking "I want to go to New Zealand one day" to actually going, says Mr Bowler during a recent visit to Singapore.For Asians with spare change, luxury lodges are a new experience in the familiar destination. A helicopter can deposit guests on untouched mountains for picnics, or a guide can show the way to remote rivers for freshwater fishing.Minaret Station, an isolated four-room lodge inside a Lake Wanaka glacial valley, opened in 2010. It is accessed only by helicopter. A Michelin-starred chef cooks for guests, who go heli-skiing in winter and walking in summer.Meanwhile, Christchurch is bouncing back from its February 2011 earthquake.Hotels have been reopening. And on average, seven hospitality places such as cafes and bars set up shop every month. Around November, a new entertainment precinct, The Terrace, will be ready.A Cardboard Cathedral, designed by renowned Japanese architect Shigeru Ban, rose in Christchurch last August. Made of industrial- strength cardboard tubes, it is a symbolic twin of the beloved Christchurch Cathedral that was ruined in the quake.On my visit to Christchurch last year, there was indeed a determined and ebullient spirit in the city. Beyond it are places untouched by the quake, and I loved the new "starlight park" in the Lake Tekapo and Mount Cook region, where the skies are drenched in celestial light.SILK ROAD, WESTERN ENDChinese-American cellist Yo-Yo Ma thinks of the Silk Road as the "Internet of Antiquity" as it allowed ideas, technology and goods to flow for 1,500 years between nations, linking Venice and Japan at its peak.Because the ancient route spurred an early form of globalisation, its appeal is still powerful today for travellers, traders and thinkers. Ma himself directs a Silk Road Project that brings cultures together through music and other modes.Since the route is 11,270km long, few today will travel long-haul over it like Marco Polo.Travel publisher Lonely Planet points out two most evocative sections: China's Xinjiang province and the Uzbekistan cities of Samarkand and Bukhara, with their timeless domes and minarets.But these lands have a contemporary facet too. Notably, Kazakhstan, which sprang from a nomadic culture, has prosperous, modern cities that intrigue with their East-West allure.Anecdotally, Singaporeans are travelling to the western end of the Silk Road, which wends through the "stans" including Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and former Soviet republics.Crescentrating, a Singapore firm that rates the Muslim-friendliness of travel services, also highlights the Silk Road on its website.AFRICA'S FAMILY SAFARISWith wild animals singing and prancing in the Madagascar and Lion King movies, safari holidays can be an attractive option for little ones.Safari camps in Africa are becoming more child-friendly, which is good news for the multi- generation Asian family.New family-style villas have been launched by established safari operators. "These safari houses are akin to luxury villas in Tuscany, Provence and Bali," says Mr Victor Dizon, co-founder of Asia To Africa Safaris.These abodes have multiple rooms with their own private staff, rangers and vehicles, complete with mod cons and fun activities for children.Some examples are Serengeti House in Tanzania, Morukuru in South Africa and Cottar's Homestead in Kenya.Asians, once skittish about wildlife encounters and the perception of Africa as a continent of conflict, are embracing safaris as experiential travel, operators observe."In Singapore, we have seen an increase in inquiries for family safaris," he says.On safari a couple of months ago in MalaMala in South Africa, I spied the Big Five animals roaming freely. It is transforming to see the megafauna - lion, leopard, elephant, rhinocerous and buffalo - in an ancient landscape.The Congo, Malawi and Ethiopia are likely less- traversed than Kenya, South Africa and Tanzania for Singaporeans. Ethiop迷你倉an Airlines started flying to Addis Ababa from Singapore thrice weekly from Dec 3.In central Ethiopia, Bale Mountains National Park has rare animals such as the black-maned lion and Ethiopian wolf.MORE CHINESE AIR LINKSAir links between Singapore and China keep amplifying, so the palette of Chinese destinations is ever-new.On Dec 26, Tigerair started flying to Ningbo, a seaport city of Tang and Sung vintage on the south-east coast. The ancient city also has futuristic bridges and dense bullet-train connections to cities such as Hangzhou and Nanjing, so the traveller can map a fuller Chinese tour.Ningbo is the latest among the budget airline's Chinese destinations. Others include Guangzhou, Haikou, Lijiang, Shenzhen, Macau and Hong Kong - and more will be added as tourism and trade grows.Mr Ho Yuen Sang, chief operating officer of Tigerair, says: "Having visited the traditional cities in China for leisure, many Singaporeans are also hungry for new destinations within familiar grounds, and thus find places like the ancient town of Lijiang appealing."In all, 12 carriers operate nearly 600 weekly flights between the countries.Travel agency Chan Brothers noted in a report a year ago that younger, independent Singaporeans are taking the path less trodden in China. For instance, they make it a quest to see northern lights from the northernmost city of Mohe.Seasoned travellers such as retiree Gabriel Cheung, who has visited all 23 Chinese provinces, will add caveats: Use your imagination to sense China's amazing history amid its pollution, crowds and filth.Nevertheless, my recent journeys to China's Tibetan realm west of Chengdu, and to the poetic pinnacles of Hunan, leave me yearning to experience more.Ms Samantha Chua, general manager of Travel Media, a travel management company, alludes to China's diversity and inventive spirit when she says: "China represents the whole world."CRUISES AND CHARTERSTravellers are awash in cruise choices, with Singapore now a significant hub for travel on the high seas.Singaporeans are eyeing expedition cruises to the most exotic places on Earth: the Antarctica, the Galapagos islands of Ecuador, the Kimberley wilderness of western Australia and Flores in Indonesia.Ms Jess Yap, general manager of Country Holidays, which creates bespoke holidays, has noticed this seafaring trend and says her travel agency projects a 30 per cent rise in cruise bookings this year.Also rising in popularity, she says, are yachts chartered by extended families. These can sail up remote rivers in Europe or Indonesia.The company hosted an invitation-only event for 50 guests to promote cruises last October and has since received bookings up to the end of this year. One new launch is a Black Sea cruise to Russia.On my recent cruises around the Galapagos and Komodo islands, it was stimulating to land on island after island, yet soothing to stare at the water while out at sea.I loved having to unpack just once on each trip, a point also made by Royal Caribbean marketing communications executive Xing Yimei.Singapore is the home port for the cruise liners of Royal Caribbean, when they make Asian voyages.Newer destinations include sailing to the Amalfi Coast instead of doing a land tour of this Italian seascape from Naples."First-at-sea" concepts that travellers can look forward to are on the Quantum of the Seas, a ship to be launched in autumn.It will have a capsule that shoots guests 90m into the air. It will also have the industry's first "virtual balconies". Guests in any windowless room can flip a switch to view virtual seascapes on a screen.JAPAN IS COOLER THAN EVERJapan is back, as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe says. The self-styled Abenomics maestro is talking up economic resurgence - but Japan also has fresh lustre as a destination.Even the ancient Mount Fuji won new recognition last June as a World Heritage Site, one of 17 in the land. Hiker hordes are bound to descend anew on the symmetrical volcano.In the bid to put Fuji on the prestigious Unesco list, the Japanese extravagantly billed it as "Object of Worship, Wellspring of Art".Japan is also in the throes of premature Olympic fever. A buoyant mood is contagious for travellers, however."With Japan chosen as the host for the 2020 Olympics, sports will be the in-thing while visiting Japan," says Ms Susan Ong, deputy director of the Japan National Tourism Organisation in Singapore.She cites marathons, cycling and golf. Exploring Japan on foot is fun too. Last September, I walked in the footsteps of poet Matsuo Basho in less-traversed north Japan, a journey that blended culture, cuisine and nature.The shinkansen bullet train turns 50 this year. In less lightning style, well-heeled travellers can chug on the luxury train, Seven Stars In Kyushu, launched last October.In a new push to brand Japan, its US$1-billion (S$1.3-billion) Cool Japan Fund will be wielded to promote distinctive food, fashion, animated movies and other "soft" exports.Much of Japan is in full recovery after the 2011 tsunami-earthquake, and Singaporeans are flocking back.Singapore Airlines has 56 weekly flights to Fukuoka, Nagoya, Osaka and Tokyo. A third daily flight to Tokyo's Haneda Airport will be added from March 30.And with the weakened yen and cheaper tours now, Japan is more affordable too.Eight more to watchLatin America: Brazil's neighbours are vying with 2014's belle of the ball for tourists. Ecuador, which counts the Galapagos islands among its world-class attractions, is splurging to make tourism a bigger driver of its economy. Also, this year is the 100th anniversary of the Panama Canal. Peru, with its Inca mystique, is perennially popular. Travel operators such as Country Holidays point out that Peru tops the list of South American destinations for many Singaporeans.Kamchatka: On the splendidly isolated far east of Russia, above Japan, Kamchatka is the heart of wilderness for city-slicker Singaporeans. Camp with reindeer herders on the tundra, trudge in snow in summer or watch orca whales. According to a recent poll of 3,500 people here by Trafalgar travel agency and, Russia is the third among Top 10 destinations, after Switzerland and Italy.Balkans: Balkan lands such Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro have entered the travel market only in recent years. Says Mr Nicholas Lim, president of Trafalgar (Asia): "Although tinged with sadness from a recent war, the Balkans are filled with natural beauty and have great local cuisine." Little Bosnia has a coffee tradition - it is the world's 10th biggest consumer of the brew - so coffee-lovers will learn from local coffee connoisseurs.World's biggest cave in Vietnam: National Geographic calls Son Doong in central Vietnam the "infinite cave" which has its own jungle and river, and can fit in a 40-storey skyscraper. British cavers explored it in 2009, though a Vietnamese man discovered its cave entrance much earlier in 1991. The cave is slowly opening up to tourists, who can trek and abseil inside, and sleep in tents.Beaches of South-east Asia: Tropical beaches are a signature destination in the region, and new resorts keep popping up. The Mergui Archipelago in southern Myanmar has deserted islands and yacht charters. The Philippines is rich in 7,000 islands, including some private ones with resorts in the "affordable" range within the Calaguas group of islands in the Pacific, according to travel portal Eksalife. Vietnam has a long coastline dotted with fancy resorts such as Six Senses on Con Dao and Vinpearl at Danang.Myanmar: Myanmar continues to draw travellers, a couple of years after it emerged from a half-century of army-imposed isolation. It has the whiff of a forgotten country and also much beauty and nature. Snow-capped mountains lie in the state of Kachin, while horse-and-cart travel is still popular in rural Myanmar. While much of the country seems lost in a colonial era, that is part of its charm and a tourism masterplan will hopefully take away some raw edges.Australia: Self-drive convoys in Australia with a Singapore guide are a newer mode of travel. Chan Brothers, noting this trend in its 2014 forecast, says it combines the best of both worlds - the fluidity of independent travel with professionals to take care of logistics. Stick to a suggested itinerary, linger in a cafe or combine both.World War I centenary: Travel operators are piling on tours to war sites such as Gallipoli in Turkey and Normandy Beach in France, which have commemorative events. Beyond Europe, the war also engulfed Israel, Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, and the once-German- controlled port of Qingdao in China, Lonely Planet notes. Trafalgar has itineraries for World War I and World War II Battlefields.儲存倉

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Source: The Philadelphia storage 04--Braving snow-covered roads and temperatures more Twin Cities than City of Brotherly Love, health advocates of many varieties filed into the Constitution Center auditorium Friday for a brief shot at criticizing (mostly) or praising Healthy Pennsylvania, Gov. Corbett's controversial proposal to expand Medicaid.Corbett's proposal came under fire for being too complex, too slow to take effect, too restrictive, and too expensive for the poor from one side and too generous from the other.The hearing, chaired by Department of Public Welfare Secretary Beverly D. Mackereth, is the third of six in the state. After revisions, the state will seek approval from the federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid.Eighty-seven people were scheduled to speak, but on a day when the region was digging out from heavy snow, only about 50 did. Each was limited to a strictly enforced three minutes, with their remaining time counting down on a giant screen that everyone could see. There was a lot of fast-talking. No questions were allowed.Afterwards, Mackereth said she would take all of the comments into account. "I took a ton of notes," she said.She said the state had no choice but to make changes to Medicaid, the federal and state medical insurance program for the poor. One in six of Pennsylvania's residents gets Medicaid, and it eats up 27 percent of the state's budget.The Affordable Care Act, popularly (and unpopularly) known as Obamacare, included a provision expanding the number of people eligible for Medicaid, beginning Jan. 1. The Supreme Court said that states could opt out of the expansion.Twenty-three states, including New Jersey, accepted the original plan.Pennsylvania has proposed a "private-coverage option" that would not take effect until next year. It would insure an estimated 500,000 people and calls for changes in the current Medicaid program as well. Among its controversial rules is a requirement that some recipients register at an online job-matching website.Mackereth said the state wanted to keep Medicaid for its most "vulnerable" residents while creating a different plan that required more personal responsibility.Among the first to speak was Curt Schroder of the Delaware Valley Healthcare Council of HAP, whose association of hospitals and systems has "long advocated" for Medicaid expansion."Not only will expanding Medicaid eligibility be important to improving the health of low-income working adults and their productivity, it will also benefit the state's economy," Schroder said. "For this reason DVHC urges DPW to submit a proposal that has the likelihood of being approved by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid and can be implemented by July 1, 2014."Athena Smith Ford of Cover the Commonwealth Campaign criticized the Healthy Pennsylvania pla迷你倉 as "complex and controversial." The plan, she said, delays health-care access for a year for hundreds of thousands, including seniors and people with disabilities.Representing the other side of the political spectrum, Danielle Cyr, grassroots director for Americans for Prosperity, said the Corbett administration was embracing the same system it had rejected a year earlier even though it contends that Healthy Pennsylvania takes a "free market" and "private" approach."Despite what the Corbett administration claims, more individuals will become reliant on federal and state health care as a result," Cyr said.Ignoring the three-minutes, no-questions-allowed rules, Philadelphia consumer advocate Lance S. Haver took the microphone and immediately began addressing Mackereth directly. He asked her why the state did not file its proposal in a timely fashion so people would not be without health insurance. When told that no questions were permitted so that more people could speak, Haver turned to the audience members and asked if they wanted to hear the secretary's answer. He got a rousing yes."Please answer the question," Haver said, turning back to the secretary."There is no time frame," she said. "We can file this when we are ready to do so. We are taking the time to make sure that whatever we do for Pennsylvania will work."Former city Health Commissioner Stuart H. Shapiro said he supported the governor's plan, which he had reviewed and compared to other states' expansion efforts. "There is no doubt in my mind that Healthy PA is the right plan substantively, economically, and socially," said Shapiro, who is now president and CEO of the Pennsylvania Health Care Association, which represents long-term care providers.The hearing came as the first wave of people who signed up for insurance on state or federal exchanges became eligible to use their new plans this week.Area hospitals and hospital organizations reported no snafus or bumps in patient volume as the new policies took effect. Some said they are continuing to have employees available to help educate patients about the new law and how to apply for insurance.Independence Blue Cross, which is offering plans through Pennsylvania's online exchange, said it had more than 200 customer service representatives working on New Year's Day, quadruple the normal number.This article was produced in partnership with Kaiser Health News, an editorially independent program of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan health-policy research and communication organization not affiliated with Kaiser ___ (c)2014 The Philadelphia Inquirer Visit The Philadelphia Inquirer at Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉

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目前南昌市機動車保有量已接近80萬輛,自存倉且數量還在不斷增加,但城區臨時占道泊位非常有限。尋覓南昌街頭,具有“少占地、多停車”優點的公共立體停車庫少之又少。1月3日,記者瞭解到,南昌曾規劃在省體育館建亞洲最大立體停車庫,不過因種種原因,該項目已經暫停。文/記者何柳斌●遺憾號稱亞洲最大立體停車庫4 年未動工2010年,南昌市曾規劃在省體育館內建我省首個四層立體式停車庫,總停車位可達884個。建成後,或成為亞洲之最。不過,3日,記者瞭解到,該工程遭遇難產 ,規劃至今已有4年,尚未開工。根據公開資料,該立體停車庫耗資預算達到6066.44萬元,占地6000余平方米,地上建築面積(出入口)為570平方米,地下建築面積為5500平方米,挖深9米,分四層安裝機械平面往復式立體停車設備,總停車位884 個。該工程計劃2011年完工,但目前施工區域仍是一片空地。省體育局、省體育館相關人士均表示該項目已經暫停,但不知道暫停原因,僅表示可能與招投標程序出了問題有關。不過,上述人士也表示,該工程並未終止,前期的相關工作仍在繼續 ,最快2015年開工建設。記者從側面獲悉,此立體車庫難產主要是因為投資主體發生了變更。●現狀南昌每天有4 5 0余輛新車上牌去年12月25日,在“暢通省城”調研會上,南昌市交管局局長王偉透露,南昌市機動車保有量已接近80萬輛,其中本地車65萬輛,外地車約13萬輛。車輛還在不斷增加,南昌每天上牌新車在450~600輛之間。僅去年12月24日,新上牌的車輛就達503輛。車輛不斷增加,臨時停車泊位卻未能跟上。3日,記者從南昌公用物業停管中心瞭解到,該中心管轄東湖、西湖、青山湖、青雲譜、高新、紅穀灘、迷你倉出租里、經開等地共9164個臨時占道停車泊位。老城區象山北路、疊山路、蘇圃路的臨時占道停車泊位則由金科公司管轄。停車難,是大都市的通病。在紅穀灘新區上班的夏先生抱怨說,出門逛街,不僅老城區停車不方便,連紅穀灘新區停車也比較難,特別是節假日期間,真是一位難求。●調查城區難覓公共立體停車庫停車泊位少,一個很大的原因就是城區土地資源已經非常有限。以南昌公用物業停管中心為例,目前管轄的臨時占道停車泊位均是地面泊位,新增一個泊位,意味著要多占路面。“少占地、多停車”是立體停車庫最大的優點,但記者昨日尋覓 南昌街頭,卻未能發現公共立體停車庫。在象山北路一家酒店門前,有一處立體停車庫,可提供41個車位,占地卻非常小。不過,該停車庫晚上8時至第二天上午8時不對外開放。停車也有硬性指標,要求車重不超過1.5噸。江西飯店也有一處立體停車庫,車位有74個,也僅給飯店客人提供服務。記者從南昌市相關部門瞭解到,建了立體停車庫的單位中,大部分是酒店,也有一些是企事業單位,一般不對外營業,只針對特定人群。●探因立體車庫選址難、投入高東湖交警大隊一位民警告訴記者,要在寸土寸金的繁華地段建設立體停車庫,選址非常困難,可能還涉及徵遷。立體停車庫的投入也非同一般。一位建立了立體停車庫的酒店負責人表示,每個車位建設成本就高達5萬元左右,後期維護費用也是一筆不小的開支。此外,立體停車庫雖然能有效利用空間,但非常耗費人力、物力。目前,南昌建設的機械式立體停車庫多為升降橫移式,對看護人員操作技能有一定的要求。業內人士認為,近年來南昌經濟飛速發展,從環保和節約資源的角度出發,立體式停車庫應該大力提倡。特別是在新城區,政府相關部門應提前規劃布局。迷你倉

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迷你倉 昨天,2014年春運上海首趟臨客L216次列車11時34分載著700名旅客從上海站出發,36個小時後將抵達終點站成都東站。春運期間,上海至川渝每天開行正班車9趟、加班車8趟,最多每天能為2.1萬人次提供服務。圖為車上小乘客高興等待列車�程,回家過年。蔣迪雯 攝儲存倉

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【香港商報訊】記者潘奕祺報道:新一年財政預算案將在下月底出爐,迷你倉財政司司長曾俊華日前在網誌提到「政府必要時或要透過加稅及發債以增加收入」,但有經濟師指加稅會降低香港的競爭力。�豐銀行亞太區業務策略及經濟顧問梁兆基昨日指出,本港最大的優勢是低稅環境,而近年上海及新加坡的稅率與香港越來越接近,重申不希望政府加稅,加重企業負擔。 期望更長遠財政規劃 繼港府上周推出的預算案宣傳片,指出公共財政要「量入為出」,財爺曾俊華亦指出,隨政府支出增加和人口老化的趨勢,財政儲備將有用完的一日,港府必要時或要透過加稅及發債,以增加收入。對此,梁兆基指,雖然本港儲備仍十分充裕,但不希望政府以加稅解決問題,期望�眼更長遠的財政規劃。 梁兆基指出,港府以往的公共財政開支增長,高於經濟增長,或偏離審慎理財原則,而本港有需要維持低稅率的優勢,建議作全面稅制改革,如開徵間接稅,以解決稅基狹窄的問題。他又提到,商界mini storage了希望政府維持低稅率外,亦期望政府能提供長遠的財政計劃,解決未來人口老化及福利開支增加問題。 星企業稅率非 常貼近港水平 事實上,如梁兆基所言,在過去的數年,香港的競爭對手如新加坡、澳門及上海均有調低利得稅或企業稅,以吸引更多海外投資者。以新加坡為例,新加坡企業稅率在97年時高達26%,但經過五次削減企業稅稅率,目前只有17%,非常貼近本港16.5%的水平。有分析指,新加坡正向香港「步步進逼」,香港應該積極考慮減利得率,回應新加坡的競爭。 另一方面,德勤亦指出,由於人口老化,醫療和社會福利等的公共開支預計將增加,政府有必要研究引入新的環保稅和開徵銷售稅的可能性,以提供相對穩定的收入和應付未來的龐大開支。不過,德勤提到,由於推行間接稅可能涉及高昂的行政費用,增加對貧困市民的經濟負擔,故建議政府應在推行新的間接稅前進行諮詢,以進一步了解引入綠色稅或銷售稅所帶來的影響,以確保成本效益。儲存

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迷你倉 聯想從虧損走向全球PC一哥的過程當中,公司制定了進攻及防守兩個策略,進攻就是提高市占率、要擴大市場,防守就是要保護利潤。楊元慶表示「最好的防守就是進攻」,而2008年金融海嘯所引發的產業不景氣,聯想雖然也遭受到波及,但是也成為一舉超越惠普、戴爾、宏�等大廠的良機。在聯想成功防守大陸主場的市占率之後,就積極朝向海外成熟與新興市場進攻,藉由吸收同業優秀人才與併購的手段迅速擴大海外市占率。mini storage

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 多功能處理測試/———Xbox One 及 PS4 相繼上市之後,self storage坊間話題總離不開這兩部新世代主機哪個最強,或是某遊戲的哪個版本表現最勁,但大家可能忽略了「遊戲」以外的主機機能,這並不是錦上添花,而是次世代主機應有的特色。筆者最為欣賞 Xbox One 的功能並不只限於遊戲,還有執行 Multitasking 功能的 Snap 模式。先執行,後按 Snap /Xbox One 可以同時處理不同的 App 進行,放在 Xbox One 主畫面上的一個個像 Windows 8 動態磚的標記,播放藍光影碟的 Blu-ray Player 是 App,播放音樂 CD 的 Audio CD Player 也是 App,就連從 Store 下載的《FIFA 14》的 Demo 亦是 App。在進行任何 App 的同時按 Xbox One 手掣上的 Xbox 標記回主畫面,然後再選 Snap,在熒幕右方多出一個 Snapped App 的選項。叫出其他 App 之後,可以放在同一畫面中進行,或是將原有的 App 放在「背景」中運行。競爭對手 PS4 又如何? /競爭對手 PS4 暫時沒有畫面並排的功能,更沒有 HDMI in 功能。PS4 玩家進行遊戲或欣賞 BD 時,若想進行另一個操作,如玩遊戲時突然想看 BD,玩家必須停止遊戲才可執行播放 BD,並不能放在「背景」中運行。而 PS4 可放在「背景」中運行的情況,就有從 PlayStation Store 下載東西、把遊玩片段或相片上載到 Facebook 等。Snapped App 有限制 /以 Xbox One 現有的 App 來講,可以作出不同的組合。但是,Xbox One 仍處於初出階段,其作業系統還是有點未如理想。在 Windows 8.1 平台上,玩家可以同時執行兩個 App,兼且兩 App 並排顯示;但 Xbox One 的 Multitasking 功能,最多只限於 Snap Bar 內顯示。因此,筆者嘗試了 3 個 Snap 模式的玩法。測試一:當 PS4 遊戲輸入 Xbox One 用 Xbox One 主機的 Pass Through 功能來經「TV」App 輸出 PS4 的畫面,在全熒幕畫面的流暢度及操作迷利倉入皆能做到同步顯示。因此,筆者測試 Xbox One 的 Game DVR 功能,試試可否錄製 PS4 輸入的遊玩片段。先後測試兩次,第一次能進行錄製,但在完成錄製時卻儲存不到,畫面出現了一個錯誤碼。而第二次測試時無法進行錄製,Xbox One 顯示了「Only games can be recorded」的訊息。也就是說,把 PS4 輸入至 Xbox One,暫時來說,並沒有太大的作為。Xbox One測試二:打機時進行錄製影片Xbox One 的 DVR 錄影功能,可以按主機的電視節目表「One Guide」的指示來進行錄影,但香港暫時不支援此功能,玩家還是專心錄製打機片段吧。最好在進行遊戲之前,執行這個功能,最多可錄製 5 分鐘片段,而「Game DVR」介面可以隨時隱藏起來或再叫出來。這跟 PS4 錄影玩家剛過去幾分鐘的遊玩片段有所不同。可是,Xbox One 時有錄製錯誤的情況,麻煩你重新啟動主機,再錄一次。測試三:打機時與其他人 Skype Xbox One 在進行遊戲連�模式,大都可支援語音聊天,但只限於同時在�進行遊戲的玩家。如果同時啟動了 Microsoft 的 Skype,就可以同其他朋友進行視影或語音聊天,但 Skype 會被放到「背景」去。雖然用家依然可以繼續語音聊天(因為看不到對方的畫面),不過這情況遇上進行中的遊戲支援 Kinect 的語音輸入時,就會出現撞聲的問題了,在測試《FIFA 14》時,遊戲會把玩家的聊天誤判成錯誤的指令。SONY 是大贏家!Sure Win! /筆者認為,擁有媒體多元化功能的 Xbox One,將會有更大的發展空間,尤其在播放 BD 方面,可以讓 Firmware 更新,增加更多調整功能,因為 Microsoft 不像 SONY 需要顧忌同廠的影音產品。可是,無論 Xbox One 在主機及遊戲等方面會否勝過 PS4,SONY 最終都是大贏家。因為藍光光碟是由 SONY 及 PANASONIC 等企業組成的藍光光碟聯盟所策劃的,所以 Xbox One 每推出一部主機或一張遊戲碟,都要向這藍光光碟聯盟付出權利金,推出愈多,付出愈多,SONY 總會拿競爭對手付來的錢用作還擊!TEXT 西域人∣EDIT 華∣ART fan迷你倉

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