SingaporeAS political tensions continue in Bangkok, travel bookings to Thailand out of Singapore appear softer this Chinese New Year, which coincides with the Feb 2 snap polls slated to take place in the troubled capital.迷你倉最平In line with weaker demand, Singapore Airlines (SIA) is scaling back capacity by cutting 19 flights over a six-week period starting from Jan 14. The airline, which typically operates five flights daily to Bangkok, is giving affected passengers the option of a refund or being put on a different flight."(The protests) have definitely created an impact on the upcoming Chinese New Year period as most of (those who) have not booked their holidays will not take the risk to visit Bangkok in view of the prolonged political turmoil," said Alicia Seah, marketing communications director at Dynasty Travel, adding that bookings to Bangkok over Chinese New Year have dropped by 50 per cent. "If the political situation does not improve by early February, we forecast a decline of about 70 per cent (in travellers) to Bangkok for Q1 2014."Travel demand is also typically more subdued when Chinese New Year falls fairly close to the year-end holidays, as it does this year.Meanwhile, Chan Brothers Travel reported that bookings to Bangkok are still coming in for the upcoming festive season, "albeit slower". The tour and travel agency has nearly 100 customers departing for the Thai capital that week, which is comparable to last year, it said.The strong Singapore dollar vis-a-vis the Thai baht is one reason Thailand remains a popular destination, noted CTC Travel. But those eschewing Bangkok in favour of other Asian destinations are opting for Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, or even other parts of Thailand, travel agents said.The anti-government protests erupted over two months ago after the Puea Thai party - headed by caretaker Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra - tried to implement a bill that would allow her brother, exiled former premier Thaksin Shinawatra, to return to the country. The opposition party, which is pushing for political reform, is boycotting the February elections with protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban vowing to "shut down" Bangkok on Jan 13 to force the resignation of Ms Yingluck's government.The turmoil迷你倉has hit the baht and the Thai Stock Exchange hard, with the former losing ground against the greenback for a record 12th day yesterday as it sank to 33.01 baht, while the benchmark SET closed at 1,224.62, down a further 0.5 per cent.Last month, the anti-government protests took a more violent tone and culminated in a handful of deaths, prompting some cancellations, postponements and rerouting of travel plans. Dynasty Travel saw 20 per cent of the 250 travellers headed to Bangkok in December cancelling their trip or diverting to other cities, while Chan Brothers registered a 20 per cent drop in travel to Bangkok compared to December 2012."The general feedback is that while there have been some cancellations, people are still travelling to Bangkok," said Anita Tan, chief operating officer of the National Association of Travel Agents Singapore (Natas). "Knowing how to deal with emergencies that may arise and how to avoid problematic areas give (travellers) the necessary peace of mind to continue with their travel plans."Travel agents have been advising travellers to buy travel insurance, as well as to steer clear of hotspots where the protests have been taking place.While 2013 figures are still being crunched, nearly 824,840 visitors from Singapore went to Thailand in the 11 months spanning January to November 2013, according to Thailand's Department of Tourism website.Despite the political impasse, the Tourism Authority of Thailand (TAT) is projecting that Thailand will see a total of 26.1 million tourists for 2013 as a whole, resulting in tourism revenues of 1.149 trillion baht (S$44.1 billion). This would represent an increase from 22.3 million tourists in 2012 and spend of 960 billion baht.For the period January to November, international tourist arrivals to Thailand already hit 24.13 million, up some 21 per cent year-on-year.TAT's deputy governor of marketing communications, Sugree Sithivanich, maintains that the impact from the political demonstrations on the tourism scene will remain minimal, despite the impending elections."The demonstrations have most (of) the time been held in a peaceful manner, and have not affected most tourist attractions and activities in Thailand," stressed Mr Sithivanich in an e-mailed response storage

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Source: The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, IowaJan.存倉 03--DES MOINES -- Iowa lawmakers and Gov. Terry Branstad likely will be asked in the coming months to consider creating a statewide sports tourism and marketing fund designed to attract and support sports teams and events with a national or regional focus.Jay Byers of the Des Moines Partnership said the concept is still preliminary but the idea would be to formulate a statewide financial tool that could be used to provide additional revenue for sports-related activities that would contribute to the quality of life and enhance Iowa's image as an attractive place for young professionals and others to locate.State elected officials already have used special financing arrangements, like sales tax rebates, to help the Iowa Speedway in Newton get started and to assist developers if they move forward with a plan to expand the Field of Dreams movie site near Dyersville.Iowa also has been the site for the NCAA wrestling championships and women's regional basketball tourney games, the U.S. track and field championships, pro-am golf tournaments, professional prize fights, the Junior Olympics, horse-racing cups, arena football, and NBA developmental league basketball, minor league baseball and hockey teams.Sports and tourism officials want to enhance Iowa's ability to entice more top-tier events to Iowa, like the LPGA's Solheim Cup tournament that is coming to the Des Moines Golf & Country Club in 2017, Byers said. The new fund envisioned would be in the vein of the Vision Iowa infrastructure program that brought new attractions to urban and rural areas and the 2013 Iowa Reinvestment Act, which allows cities and counties to designate special 25-acre development zones and use a share of sales tax and hotel-motel tax revenues to assist private projects of at least $10 million."This would be much more geared toward major sporting events and potential venues as well," said Byers. "Things that would allow our communities to invest in quality of life initiatives and events that we think would take Iowa to the next level because we believe we can compete with anyone. Being a state of 3 million people, we always have to work hard to attract those events, but when they come here they're very successful and we've really gotten on the map."Sen. Matt McCoy, D-Des Moines, co-leader of the House-Senate transportation, infrastructure & capitals budget subcommittee, said it's a "chicken and egg thing" where a project could drive the fund or a pool of state money could attract developers. For the time being, supporters are talking about the concept and gauging the "appetite" of the Legislature to embark on a new initiative, he said.The state already puts up $500,000 annually for equal distribution to regional sports authority districts certified by the Iowa Economic Development Authority for the promotion of youth sports, high school athletics, the Special Olympics, or other nonprofessional sporting events.Some recent examples of the events funding by the state appropriation include the Iowa Special Olympic Winter Games, AAU Junior Olympics, NAIA Division II Women's Basketball National Championship, U.S. Hockey League Fall Classic, NCAA Division II Super Regional Wrestling Tournament, the Iowa Summer Games Sports Festival, and the NCAA Division I Wrestling Championships.Branstad said Thursday he has not been part of the discussions for an expanded sports marketing and to儲存rism effort but he would be open to considering it. He said there is interest in having the state be a partner in helping to host the Solheim Cup, for instance."As these concepts and ideas come up, I'm open to considering them. I want to look at the impact they would have on the budget," the governor said. "I wouldn't rule it out, but at this point I haven't seen anything that I'm going to say 'yes, I'm going to recommend or endorse this.'"Jerry Crawford, managing partner of the NBA Development League's Iowa Energy and one of the founding partners of Donegal Racing, said about 15,000 people attended the D-league playoffs at Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines, which he said "was pretty spectacular and it shows it can be done. But that was one game."The challenges for a state sports tourism and marketing fund would be providing fair allocations of the state money and doing it in a way that would benefit the state and the communities where the facilities or franchises exist."Those are some of the workability issues I suspect that would get resolved by having some sort of commission or tribunal to allocate dollars once the state made an appropriation," he said.Crawford said markets like Oklahoma City have demonstrated that a sports franchise can succeed in a regional market and Minnesota, which is similarly situated like Iowa, has bolstered its attractions via large publicly funded financial outlays for infrastructure upgrades."It's a question of scope. What's being discussed (in Iowa) is to provide assistance for existing entities and potential new entities on a much smaller scale where a few million dollars go a long ways," said Crawford, who has been involved in several discussions about the Iowa concept. "Do I think (Iowa lawmakers) are going to come to town and put $100 million in a fund to support sports franchises? Well, no, of course I don't. But might they take a meaningful first step? Yes, I think they might."Sen. Bill Dotzler, D-Waterloo, co-leader of the House-Senate economic development budget subcommittee, said the sports marketing investments already being made by the state are producing a good rate of return and he believes some projects, like the Newton track, would not have been built without state help."I think it's a wise investment of our money to market Iowa's arenas and venues in this state. Tourism dollars are very important and it helps showcase Iowa and let people know that Iowa has something going for it," Dotzler noted."We're in a war for talent so anything we can do to make Iowa a little more visible and let people know we've got what's going on I could definitely be for it," he added. "I would have to look at all the details and see how much they're talking about spending."Top lawmakers have said the 2014 session will be one devoted to making sure the major commitments made last year for tax relief, education reform and expanded health care coverage are sustainable before launching into new initiatives. Given that and the likelihood the election-year session will span less than 100 days, Dotzler said it may pose problems for getting a new concept through both chambers. However, he added "if somebody's got a great idea, I'm sure we can work through it."Comments: (515) 243-7220; rod.boshart@sourcemedia.netCopyright: ___ (c)2014 The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) Visit The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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  • Jan 04 Sat 2014 10:25
  • 臺灣

甫上任明基材(8215)董事長三個多月的陳建志,迷你倉出租自1997年加入明基友達集團迄今近17年。學材料科學的他,出掌明基材董事長兼執行長職務,堪稱是最佳人選。陳建志與具備行銷及管理長才的明基材總經理林恬宇,組成明基材最佳的戰鬥隊型,為明基材邁向下一波成長起飛期,完成布局作業。陳建志擁有美國猶他州立大學材料科學碩士、瑞士聯邦理工大學材料科學博士學位。加入明基友達集團前,陳建志曾任飛利浦產品開迷你倉經理,在德國及台灣任職五年。加入明基友達集團後,陳建志先後擔任達方電子的電子陶瓷元件事業部副總經理,兼任台南廠區與整合通訊元件事業部主管。2007年升任執行副總,負責新事業規劃與發展,協助達方開展多元事業。2011年起兼任達泰科技總經理,負責開展太陽能漿料事業。被問到加入明基材一季的心得,陳建志表示,明基材料擁有很棒的團隊,是一家既擁有技術、又有技術深度的企業,他非常喜歡加入這樣的團隊。mini storage

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Source: Pioneer Press, St.self storage Paul, Minn.Jan. 01--An explosion Wednesday resulted in an early-morning fire at a three-story building in Minneapolis' Cedar-Riverside neighborhood. At least 14 people are known to have been injured, six of them critically."Not everyone's accounted for in the building as of yet," Minneapolis Fire Chief John Fruetel said Wednesday morning at a press conference outside the scene of the fire, a grocery store with apartment buildings above, at 516 Cedar Ave. S.Fruetel added that it isn't known how many people were in the brick building when the fire broke out at 8:16 a.m., so it can't yet be determined how many need to be located. He said it's possible that there are people still inside.Authorities said it's too early to tell what caused the explosion and fire.The building, which is next door to a mosque and in the same block as Palmer's Bar, is believed to be a total loss. Fruetel said it's possible the building is so structurally damaged that it could collapse. It was last inspected in 2012 and has no outstanding inspection issues, according to a news release from the Minneapolis Fire Department.In an audio file of the police call that reported the fire, an officer could be heard saying that people were jumping from second-floor windows and that injured residents were on the street."It's not clear whether people were pushed out of the building from the explosion or whether they fell or jumped out of windows to escape," said Robert Ball, a spokesman for Hennepin County Emergency Medical Services.Fruetel said flames were shooting as high as 20 feet from the windows of the building's second and third floors when fire crews arrived.A woman at the scene who lives nearby the building said her 7-year-old son woke her by saying, "'Mommy, there are flames.""Every second, it seemed like a new flame," said the woman, who declined to be id迷利倉ntified.An estimated 50 firefighters and several rigs were on the scene as of 9:30 a.m. Smoke from the fire clouded the neighborhood and the stretch of Interstate 94 that runs perpendicular to Cedar Avenue.The morning's temperatures of about 10 degrees below zero hindered firefighting efforts, making it difficult to draw water from fire hydrants and posing a danger to firefighters as they quickly transitioned from meat-locker temperatures away from the fire to significant heat closer to the blaze."I know we've had a number of trips and falls but no reported injuries (to firefigthers), which is remarkable," Freutel said.Mist and water from the fire hoses coated the exterior of the building and nearby trees with ice. On at least two separate occasions, large branches became so burdened with ice that they broke from the trees and fell onto Cedar Avenue.By 11:30 a.m. or so, it appeared that active efforts to control the fire had largely concluded, although firefighters were still unable to enter the building Wednesday afternoon due to heat, smoke and possible structural damage.Mayor R.T. Rybak and Mayor-elect Betsy Hodges visited the scene of the fire Wednesday morning, and in a statement, Gov. Dayton issued his "deepest sympathies to the victims of today's awful fire in Minneapolis and to their families and friends.""Our thoughts are with people hurt in today's apartment fire," the City of Minneapolis said via Twitter. "Families affected can gather at the Brian Coyle Center nearby to stay updated."The Salvation Army Northern Division was working with first responders at the scene and tweeted that it was "preparing to serve families as needed."___The Associated Press contributed to this report.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) Visit the Pioneer Press (St. Paul, Minn.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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  近日,24小時迷你倉全國首個電商物聯網產業服務基地——儲倉快傑電商園區在杭州(濱江)國家高新技術產業開發區宣告�動。  據儲倉快傑CEO蔡萬想表示,電子商務現在已經成為物聯網應用最大的網絡市場,儲倉快傑通過提供電商行業領先的物聯網解決方案,建設精細化智能倉庫,打造專業電商第三方倉配自動化一站式服務鏈。  據介紹,儲倉快傑已建成一期面積12000平方米,包括電商物聯貨品管理服務中心和智慧電商辦公服務中心及創業生活配套服務。其中,智慧物聯倉儲服務是核心,倉庫面積10000平方米,創業型辦公室2000平方米。整個園區實現了電子商務、倉儲、快遞無縫對接,形成一個聯動的有機體。  對此,中國電子商務研究中心主任曹磊認為,當前,90%以上的電商都選擇與第三方物流公司合作配送產品迷你倉旺角而自建倉儲物流是塊難啃的硬骨頭,而通過服務外包,讓中小電商、網店和傳統企業觸電式“輕裝上陣”,無疑是行業大勢所趨。  數據顯示,儲倉快傑預計可滿足日發貨6萬單、400萬件商品貨架存儲、300萬件商品棧板存儲、3萬個SKU存儲的系列化需求。隨著中國電子商務的迅猛發展,個性化物流服務,尤其是精細化倉配等越來越成為行業內和社會上普遍關注的焦點。針對網購最後一公里的配送困境,杭州市政府提出,未來新建小區必須標配自動提貨櫃的計劃。  為此,會上,儲倉快傑還與與國內電子商務供應鏈領軍企業——網倉科技達成戰略合作。未來2年內,網倉將完成全國戰略布局,在華東、華南、華中、西北、西南等五大區域進行自建倉、合建倉和改造倉,構建通達全國、迅捷、精准、高效的物流配送網絡體系。 王升mini storage

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美國駐華大使館發佈報告顯示,儲存2013年中國赴美留學生人數達到23.5597萬,增長幅度21%,占在美國留學國際總數的28.7%。除了留學生,赴美的商旅人士、境外投資者也在逐年增加,越來越強勁的個人赴美需求帶來了大量的資金使用。但攜帶巨額現金出境諸多不便,於是大多數出國人士會選擇在出國前在美開設賬戶,這一現象也催生了巨大的金融服務市場。一直在出國金融服務領域占據獨家資源優勢的中信銀行目前已經聯手中信銀行(國際)推出了見證開立中信銀行(國際)美元賬戶業務,實現足不出國即可在美國擁有個人美元賬戶,可以安全便捷地管理在美資金。隨著赴美群體,尤其是留學群體的逐漸壯大,各大銀行對見證開立美元賬戶業務的前景十分看好。美國駐華大使館發佈的報告數據顯示,60%的赴美國際留學生留學費用為個人和家庭支付。如果以一個中國學生在美國就讀本科一年學費及生活費平均花費20萬粗略估算,那麼中國23.5萬留學生一年將有300億元的資金支出。面對巨大的金融服務需求和市場,見證開戶業務也從過去的小�業務,開始在各大銀行得到普及,並且紛紛通過和外資銀行合作、海外網點普及等模式進行業務擴張。中信銀行方面表示,將憑借領先的出國金融服務經驗,為赴美群體提供最具品質的服務。中信銀行出國金融中心相關負責人介紹迷你倉,“依托于中信銀行(國際)的美國分支機構,中信銀行已經推出了中國大陸境內見證開立"中信銀行(國際)美元賬戶"業務,客戶可攜帶本人有效護照及身份證原件到中信銀行各營業網點辦理。另外,目前中信銀行(國際)在紐約及洛杉磯設有分行,為了方便使用,客戶可以根據赴美居住地址所就近選擇需要開戶的分行。”中信銀行相關負責人還表示,見證開立美元賬戶業務自推出以來便受到赴美人群的歡迎,特別是留學生及其家庭。客戶可通過電子郵件或傳真隨時向紐約分行或洛杉磯分行下達指令,以支付學費、房租、生活費等,或者進行購買房屋、汽車或股票等投資置業活動。此外,客戶也以與子女或配偶共同開立聯名賬戶,方便夫妻之間共同管理在美消費及資產,也便於父母隨時管理調撥子女在美學費、生活費。中信銀行作為國內首家提出出國金融服務的商業銀行,也是多年來唯一一家與美國使館合作,在國內唯一提供“代傳遞赴美簽証”服務、代售美國簽証信息服務中心密碼預售卡業務以及代理美國大使館收取非移民簽証申請費的銀行。作為美國大使館權威認可的合作伙伴,中信銀行在出國金融服務領域受到了社會各界的廣泛認可。目前,中信銀行已在出國金融方面做到了業務量最大、產品品種最齊全、特色業務最多,有不同出國金融服務需求的客戶均可在中信銀行享受一站式的便捷服務。self storage

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資料來源:本報整理簡稱 行業 可比公司 可比公司 上市板 預計募集2013PE均值 資金(億元)斯邁柯 機械 中國一重 張化機 科新機電 28.自存倉22 創業板 1.49 勁拓股份 機械 佳士科技 七星電子 31.10 創業板 1.47 匯中股份 機械 三川股份 16.62 創業板 2.10 斯萊克 機械 長榮股份 東方精工 16.91 創業板 2.31 金輪股份 機械 中捷股份 標準股份 32.16 中小板 1.82 安控科技 機械 通源石油 寶德股份 准油股份 24.50 創業板 1.49 應流機電 機械 大連重工 中國一重 *ST 二重 —— 主板 5.79 匯金機電 機械 聚龍股份 34.00 創業板 1.92 康躍科技 機械 濰柴動力 創業板 1.39 寶色股份 機械 中國一重 張化機 科新機電 28.22 創業板 2.50 華�焊接 機械 機器人 51.70 創業板 4.03 紐威股份 機械 洪城股份 江蘇神通 中核科技 34.80 主板 8.39 天保重裝 機械 浙富股份 東方電氣 上海電氣 金通靈 25.90 創業板 4.89 綠盟科技 計算機 �明星辰 42.00 創業板 2.93 三奧股份 計算機 捷成股份 33.36 創業板 1.43 東方網力 計算機 海康威視 大華股份 33.50 創業板 2.87 贏時勝 計算機 �生電子 33.00 創業板 1.93 浩豐創源 計算機 漢得信息 —— 創業板 0.86 安碩信息 計算機 �生電子 33.00 創業板 1.70 創意技術 計算機 華勝天成 20.00 創業板 0.43 東方通 計算機 用友軟件 19.00 創業板 1.12 鼎捷軟件 計算機 用友軟件 19.00 創業板 5.17 全通教育 計算機 方直科技 50.00 創業板 1.20 花園生物 醫藥 金達威 29.50 創業板 2.92 慈銘體檢 醫藥 愛爾眼科 迪安診斷 通策醫療 56.00 中小板 1.75 一心堂 醫藥 第一醫藥 嘉事堂 34.20 中小板 5.29 迪瑞醫療 醫藥 科華生物 利德曼 博輝創新 36.00 創業板 4.20 博騰股份 醫藥 海翔藥業 新開源 華海藥業 —— 創業板 2.73 楚天科技 醫藥 千山藥機 東富龍 新華醫療 28.00 創業板 2.50 我武生物 醫藥 安科生物 創業板 1.90 奧賽康 醫藥 �瑞醫藥 恩華藥業 人福醫藥 —— 創業板 7.94 秋盛資源 化工 澳洋科技 桐昆股份 38.21 中小板 3.84 天賜材料 化工 新宙邦 江蘇國泰 22.40 中小板 2.65 鵬翎膠管 化工 美晨科技 48.00 創業板 2.31 遼寧科隆 化工 奧克股份 —— 創業板 3.14 富邦科技 化工 芭田股份 史丹利 金正大 20.60 創業板 1.74 易事特 電力設備 科華�盛 科士達 24.86 創業板 1.80 欣泰電氣 電力設備 三變科技 特銳德 置信電氣 24.48 創業板 2.20 �華科技 電力設備 東軟集團 遠光軟件 海聯訊 22.80 創業板 2.32 炬華科技 電力設備 浩寧達 林洋電子 —— 創業板 2.08 良信電器 電力設備 正泰電器 14.38 中小板 3.76 木林森 電子 國星光電 鴻利光電 雷曼光電 —— 中小板 4.26 艾比森 電子 洲明科技 聯建光電 奧拓電子 27.00 創業板 2.61利亞德 雷曼光電蘇太平洋 電子 有迷你倉出租硅股 —— 主板 5.14 揚傑科技 電子 蘇州固得 東光微電 華微電子 台基股份 65.80 創業板 2.41 晶方科技 電子 華天科技 長電科技 通富微電 28.50 主板 6.67 益康生物 農林牧漁 金宇集團 瑞普生物 中牧股份 21.71 中小板 2.57 仙壇股份 農林牧漁 聖農發展 民和股份 益生股份 73.86 中小板 4.21 牧原食品 農林牧漁 雛鷹農牧 新五豐 大康牧業 71.26 中小板 6.67 溢多利 農林牧漁 金正大 天康生物 —— 創業板 1.66 登雲汽配 汽車 濰柴動力 渤海活塞 天潤曲軸 18.00 中小板 2.22 浙江躍嶺 汽車 萬豐奧威 興民鋼圈 金固股份 24.40 中小板 4.02 光洋軸承 汽車 天馬股份 渤海活塞 天潤曲軸 21.90 中小板 3.51 北特科技 汽車 廣東鴻圖 鴻特精密 精鍛科技 19.02 中小板 2.41 南方軸承 中原內配 亞太股份中材節能 公用事業 易世達 天壕節能 36.95 主板 10.09 雪浪環境 公用事業 盛運股份 龍淨環保 菲達環保 國電清新 47.66 創業板 2.28 中礦環保 公用事業 桑德環境 東江環保 33.92 創業板 1.83 金萊特 家電 閩燦坤B 德豪潤達 陽光照明 29.20 中小板 2.72 地爾漢宇 家電 三花股份 常發股份 大洋電機 31.50 創業板 4.39 新寶股份 家電 陽光照明 德豪潤達 29.20 中小板 7.42 嶺南園林 建築 東方園林 鐵漢生態 蒙草抗旱 27.20 中小板 2.10 富煌鋼構 建築 精工鋼構 鴻路鋼構 東南網架 11.56 中小板 2.40 東易日盛 建築 金螳螂 亞廈股份 廣田股份 20.48 中小板 4.61 昇興集團 輕工 奧瑞金 麗鵬股份 合興包裝 永新股份 17.05 中小板 5.25 友邦吊頂 輕工 索菲亞 宜華木業 美克股份 喜臨門 26.29 中小板 1.60 宏良皮業 輕工 興業科技 星期六 華斯股份 奧康國際 19.18 中小板 2.65 海天股份 食品飲料 �順醋業 中炬高新 涪陵榨菜 29.00 主板 18.57 珠江橋 食品飲料 �順醋業 中炬高新 涪陵榨菜 29.00 中小板 2.09 麥趣爾 食品飲料 伊利股份 光明乳業 貝因美 34.43 中小板 2.95 中航文化 傳媒 省廣股份 華誼嘉信 藍色光標 53.00 中小板 3.44 思美傳媒 傳媒 省廣股份 華誼嘉信 藍色光標 53.00 中小板 2.76 喬丹體育 紡織服裝 森馬服飾 探路者 —— 主板 10.64 貴人鳥 紡織服裝 森馬服飾 探路者 —— 主板 8.82 無線天利 通信 神州泰岳 北緯通信 東方國信 拓維信息 50.00 創業板 2.34 光環新網 通信 鵬博士 網宿科技 50.00 創業板 3.11 百勝科技 鋼鐵 廣日股份 林州重機 尤洛卡 中聯電氣 13.00 創業板 1.51 天和防務 軍工 光電股份 高德紅外 大立科技 60.00 創業板 3.39 金一文化 零售商貿 老鳳祥 豫園商城 明牌珠寶 潮宏基 20.36 中小板 2.31 �信國旅 旅遊 中國國旅、中青旅 —— 中小板 1.49 陝西煤業 煤炭 中國神華 中煤能源 10.98 主板 172.51 金貴銀業 有色 山東黃金 貴研鉑業 38.41 中小板 6.90 歐浦股份 運輸 上海鋼聯 華貿物流 —— 中小板 5.40迷你倉

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(吉隆坡2日訊)馬股為2013年區域股市狀元,儲存但新年伊始漲勢卻未能一馬當先,反倒擺脫不了元月首日開盤必跌魔咒糾纏,綜合指數未能大事慶祝新年到,全日下跌14.01點,只能以黑盤黯淡度過。富時綜指開盤即挫1.23點至1865.73點,雖然盤中一度反彈1.33點至1868.29點全日最高,但漲勢只是曇花一現,指數在區域股市低迷及藍籌股沉重賣壓雙重打擊下,盤中最低見1848.83點,挫18.13點,最終以1852.95點挂收,跌14.01點,是自2012年來連續3年以黑盤開市。藍籌股跌勢沉重,幾乎包辦10大下跌股席次,吉隆坡甲洞(KLK,2445,主板種植組)、大眾銀行(PBBANK,1295,主板金融組)和大眾銀行O1(PBBANK-O1,1295F,主板金融組)跌幅介於58至32仙。黃氏唯高達研究表示,馬股12月在櫥窗粉飾活動支撐下,大起54.2點或3%,元月首日開盤可能呈低勢發展。“從技術層面來看,富時綜指可能拉回至1860點的立即支持水平。”18年13跌5起達證券補充,隨著綜指站上歷史新高,投資者可能在年終櫥窗粉飾活動結束後,在今日進行套利,畢竟馬股現處的超買格局將為套利活動提供離場機會迷你倉回顧過去18年,馬股元月首日開市表現疲弱,錄得13跌5起的慘淡成績,似乎難以擺脫首日開市下跌惡夢,若包括2014年在內,富時綜指下跌與上漲的紀錄將進一步擴大至14比5。新年開市即開門不利,不免讓人擔心今年的元月效應會不會報到,而分析員指出,在新年首兩週,富時綜指牛市可能延續下去,主要是指數雖在上兩週面對拉回的壓力,並一度跌破短期上漲趨勢,但現指數仍企於短期30日移動平均線之上。動量指標(Momentum Indicator)在上週也開始轉強,本週動量可能延續,而相對強弱指數(RSI)反彈至中間水平,顯示強勁牛市即將到來。馬銀行研究表示,雖然馬股估值相對昂貴,但強勁宏觀經濟基礎和企業資產負債表相對強韌都將為股市帶來良好支撐。抗壓特質料再突圍“雖然美國量化寬鬆(QE)退市力度較預期來得低,但今年外圍動盪局勢仍不容小看,因此我們預期馬股抗壓特質將再度突圍而出。”不過,市場對馬股今年的增長預期相對較低,主要是憂慮聯儲局退市將導致外資撤離及財政緊縮措施恐對消費者信心帶來衝擊。分析員說,隨著聯儲局將在本月展開削減購債規模活動,外資可能從區域開始撤離,但相信效益只是暫時性,畢竟聯儲局逐步退市措施正確。;儲存倉

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STUART, Fla.迷你倉將軍澳, Jan. 2, 2014 /PRNewswire/ -- Seacoast Banking Corporation of Florida ("Seacoast") , the holding company for Seacoast National Bank, announced that it has redeemed all of its 2,000 shares of Fixed Rate Cumulative Perpetual Preferred Stock, Series A (the "Series A Preferred Stock") for an aggregate price of $50,000,000, the face liquidation amount of the shares, plus approximately $368,000 of accrued but unpaid dividends. Originally issued to the Treasury Department under the Capital Purchase program and subsequently auctioned to private investors, the shares were redeemed from current holders through The Depository Trust Company as securities depository for the Series A Preferred Stock.(Logo: announcement, as well as additional information (including the Company's Notice of Redemption with respect to the redemption of the Series A Preferred Stock), can be found on Seacoast's website: Seacoast Banking Corporation of FloridaSeacoast Banking Corporation of Florida is one of the largest community banks headquartered in Florida with approximately $2.1 billion in assets and $1.7 billion in deposits as of September 30, 2013. The Company provides integrated financial services including commercial and retail banking, wealth management, and mortgage services to customers through 34 traditional branches of its locally-branded wholly-owned subsidiary bank, Seacoast National Bank, and five Accelerate offices fueled by the power of Seacoast National Bank. Offices stretch from Broward County north through the Treasure Coast and into Orlando, and west to Okeechobee and surrounding counties. More information about the Company is available at Looking Statement DisclaimerThis press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.Forward-looking statements include statements with respect to our beliefs, plans, objectives, goals, expectations, anticipations, estimates and intentions, and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may be beyond our control, and which may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of Seacoast to be materially different from future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. You should not expect us to update any forward-looking statements.You can identify theseforward-looking statements through our use of words such as "may," "will," "anticipate," "assume," "should," "support", "indicate," "would," "believe," "contemplate," "expect," "estimate," "continue," "further", "point to," "project," "could," "intend" or other similar words and expressions of the future. These forward-looking statements may not be realized due to a variety of factors, including, without limitation: regulatory approval of the redemption may take longer than expected and may not occur at all, the effects of future economic and market conditions, including seasonality; governmental monetary and fiscal policies, as well as legislative, tax and regulatory changes; changes in accounting policies, rules and practices; the risks of changes in interest rates on the level and composition of deposits, loan demand, liquidity and the values of loan collateral, securities, and interest sensitive assets and liabilities; interest rate risks, sensitivities and the shape of the yield curve; the effects of competition from other commercial banks, thrifts, mortgage banking firms, consumer finance companies, credit unions, securities brokerage firms, insurance companies, money market and other mutual funds and other financial institutions operating in our market areas and elsewhere, including institutions operating regionally, nationally and internationally, together with such competitors offering banking products and services by mail, telephone, computer and the Internet; and the failure of assumptions underlying the establishment of reserves for possible loan losses.All written or oral forward-looking statements attributable to us are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary notice, including, without limitation, those risks and uncertainties described in our annual report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2012 under "Special Cautionary Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements" and "Risk Factors", and otherwise in our SEC reports and filings. Such reports are available upon request from the Company, or from the Securities and Exchange Commission, including through the SEC's Internet website at Banking Corporation of FloridaCONTACT: Dennis S. Hudson, III, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer,Seacoast Banking Corporation of Florida, (772) 288-6085; William R. Hahl,Executive Vice President/ Chief Financial Officer, Seacoast BankingCorporation of Florida, (772) 221-2825Web site:小時迷你倉

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