【特訊】交通事務局將於本月26日(周六)起開通連接澳大橫琴校區至澳門中區和北區的快速巴士路線MT3U,迷你倉該路線以「大學南」為總站,途經亞馬喇前地及黑沙環衛生中心等,以方便居民快速由橫琴校區往返本澳中區及北區,並利用轉乘服務前往本澳其他區份。該路線在途經「亞馬喇前地」站時將停靠新增設的F車道,而由黑沙環返回澳大橫琴校區時則停靠現有的E車道。配合澳門大學橫琴校區逐步開放,交通事務局繼8月底啟運37U路線後,經參考澳門大學開展的師生出行習慣調查數據,因應不少該校師生的出行起訖點主要為北區和中區一帶,故局方將於本月26日(周六)起開通連接澳大橫琴校區至澳門中區和北區的快速巴士路線MT3U,以方便校內師生由橫琴校區往返澳門半島中區和北區,並利用轉乘服務前往本澳其他區份。因應澳大橫琴校區內的永久巴士總站仍未對外開放,故現階段該路線會以設於校區南側的「大學南」站作為臨時巴士總站,沿途並將經過橫琴澳大校園內的「澳大╱中央教學樓」及「澳大╱大學展館」站,再出「海濱圓形地╱西堤馬路」站、「亞馬喇前地」站、「君悅灣」站、「馬場東大馬路mini storage黑沙環衛生中心」站、「勞動節大馬路」站、「勞動節大馬路╱廣華」站,然後經「亞馬喇前地」站、「海濱圓形地╱生態保護區」站返回大學園區。MT3U全程約30.97公里,將使用大巴行駛,服務時間為周一至周六早上6時30分至凌晨零時零6分,約12至20分鐘一班,周日及公眾假期服務時間則由早上6時30分至凌晨零時10分,約20分鐘一班,票價最高為澳門幣4.2元。亞馬喇前地站新增車道周六起運作與此同時,交通事務局於亞馬喇前地迴旋處新增設的F車道亦會由本月26日(周六)起運作,除原來停靠「亞馬喇前地”站C車道,由離島返回澳門之22、25、25X及28A路線會改為停靠F車道外,MT3U路線由橫琴校區往黑沙環方向也將停靠F車道,而由黑沙環往澳大橫琴時,則停靠現有的E車道。此外,往回力方向的28C路線亦會改為停靠亞馬喇前地轉乘站D車道,只有22F路線維持以C車道作為巴士總站及停泊車候客區,藉著理順亞馬喇巴士轉乘站的站點繞道情況,節省巴士迴轉時間。調整初期,交通事務局將安排交通輔導員於「亞馬喇前地”站指引乘客候車,協助乘客適應相關安排。儲存

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Source: The Pueblo Chieftain, Colo.迷你倉Oct. 24--Junkyard owner Dennis Pratt told a Pueblo County sheriff's detective that he took out his rifle and shot Jacob Maldonado last year as Maldonado and two other men trespassed on his property."I took out my gun and shot his ass," Pratt told Detective Anthony Colletti during a taped interview that was played for a jury on Wednesday afternoon.Pratt, 45, is facing a charge of first-degree murder with extreme indifference for the Oct.16, 2012, shooting.Pratt went on to tell Colletti that he didn't intend to kill anyone that night but had grown frustrated with repeated thefts from his scrap yard at 2101 Hog Farm Road.He said that he and his son were waiting that night to see if the thieves would return.When his son spotted flashlights in the distance, Pratt said he went to investigate and could hear voices talking about the number of batteries and radiators that were accessible among the rows of junked cars in the area.Pratt said he couldn't see anything but the flashlights and pointed the rifle slightly away from the lightmini storage before pulling the trigger."I feel bad for shooting the kid," Pratt said. "I didn't want to shoot the kid. I just wanted to scare them off my property."When Colletti asked Pratt if it ever occurred to him to shoot into the air or the ground, Pratt responded: "It does now." Maldonado, 20, died at the scene of the shooting. District Attorney Jeff Chostner and Deputy District Attorney Karl Kuenhold have argued that Pratt knew what he was shooting at and was indifferent to human life when he pulled the trigger.Pratt's attorneys Paul Bratfisch and Randy Jorgensen have said their client only intended to chase the thieves off his property.The jury also was shown the rifle Pratt used, a .30-30 Winchester that ejects spent shell casings and reloads rounds with the pull of a lever.There were six other rounds loaded in the weapon but the lever was never pulled to load another shot.jtucker@chieftain.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Pueblo Chieftain (Pueblo, Colo.) Visit The Pueblo Chieftain (Pueblo, Colo.) at .chieftain.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Massive reclamation projects seem to be the path the government has chosen to create the sites that will solve our housing crisis, but that path poses its own problems.儲存 Specifically, can we easily find sufficient available earth for all the reclamation for the planned 100,000 new public housing units to house 470,000 people? The fact is that Hong Kong is a developer’s nightmare. It is a rocky, mountainous region that, since the 1890s, has been forced to embark on one large reclamation after another to eke out its niggardly flat land mass and so provide sites for future growth. Over the decades most of our spare soil has been dug up and used for so many large reclamation projects across Hong Kong that now it’s in short supply. So it seems we’ll have trouble finding the huge amount of soil that all those new housing estates will require for providing the foundation sites and associated infrastructure. The obvious solution is to get it from the Chinese mainland. But the mainland is now embarking on the world’s biggest rehousing project, moving hundreds of millions of people from rural areas to secondary cities where they can enjoy a far better lifestyle. This has led to a serious shortfall in its earth requirements. Meanwhile Hong Kong’s overall reclamation needs for its new wave of housing will dwarf our biggest reclamation project so far, the creation of the Hong Kong International Airport off the northern coast of Lantau Island. The seven-year project began in 1991 and swallowed up two islands, Chek Lap Kok and Lam Chau, and reclaimed 9.38 sq km of the adjacent seabed. Thus was conjured a site totaling 12.48 sq km that quite astonishingly added 1 percent to the total land mass of Hong Kong. The previous biggest reclamation was a four-year project required for site formation for the Jockey Club’s Sha Tin racecourse. From 1973, earth-movers and bulldozers gradually gouged away four hills opposite the site while a fleet of 400 tip-trucks took the spoil back to the site. One of the biggest problems was to transform a muddy riverbank into the elevated backstretch of an ultra-modern racetrack held in place with a formidable seawall. Eventually another 101 hectares of land was added to Hong Kong’s surface. Almost certainly Hong Kong will “grow” in size quite a bit more if we have to fill in bays and inlets, or join together neighboring islands to create the land for all those new flats, or even create a totally new island off Lantau. And so where will we get the soil to make all this possible? A possible answer can be found if we turn back the clock to the 1850s when the European traders in Guangzhou wanted to have an island of their own where they could experience the迷你倉lifestyles they previously enjoyed in their homelands, mainly Britain and France. A stretch of water of the Pearl River in the vicinity of the “factories” where the Europeans conducted their business was occupied by a large fleet of sampans, and there was a sandbank nearby which the boat people treated as their refuse tip. A foresighted trader saw an exciting use for that elliptical sandbank, which the locals called Shamian or “Sandy Surface”. He argued that “if we could expand that sandbank into an island, we could build a European settlement there, and have our own residences, churches, parks, playgrounds, schools, hostels and even promenades for evening strollers.” The idea found many supporters, and negotiations with the authorities went satisfactorily — but where would the materials come from to build the artificial island? Another wise man stroked his beard and pointed out that every year many hundreds of ships came to Canton to trade, and often carried sand as ballast which was tipped into the river on arrival. “Let us get them to tip out their sand onto the reclaimed land,” said the wise man, “and gradually it will create the island we all desire so much.” And, exactly as envisioned, the “island” of what is now known as Shamian gradually grew into being and indeed became a European settlement with all the amenities originally suggested. Fast forward to today, and consider how this idea could be adapted to Hong Kong’s search to find the earth we need for all those reclamations. Most container ships arrive here with little cargo apart from empty containers and perhaps some minor trade goods. It should be simple to arrange with the shippers for their ships to bring as ballast plain sand from their countries of origin, and dump it into a receiving depot at Kwai Chung container port. From there it could be trucked to reclamation sites. If more filling is needed for reclamation on the bigger islands, or for the formation of the proposed new island, the sand could be offloaded onto barges at Kwai Chung and then towed by sea to where it is needed. Of course arrangements would have to be made in the ships’ home countries to buy and transport the sand. But the ship owners would undoubtedly jump at the chance of filling their otherwise empty containers with sand and profit from this simple exercise. Wouldn’t it be a great way to “kill two birds with one stone”? The author is Op-Ed editor of China Daily Hong Kong Edition. albertlin@chinadailyhk.com The opinions expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily. Readers’ comments are welcome. Please send your e-mail to opinion@chinadailyhk.com. China Daily reserves the right to edit all letters.儲存倉

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歐巴馬:「現在 以後」 都不會監聽白宮據此發出承諾聲明 等於認了曾監聽梅克爾…德國情報機構發現總理梅克爾的手機疑遭美國國安局監聽,迷你倉梅克爾廿三日打電話給美國總統歐巴馬,就此事興師問罪,向歐巴馬強烈表示,完全無法接受且應立刻停止此種作法。德國外交部廿四日並召見美國駐德國大使愛默生,表達德國的嚴正立場。對此,美國白宮聲明,歐巴馬已與梅克爾通過電話,承諾現在和以後都不會監聽梅克爾的通話。白宮發言人卡尼廿三日在例行記者會被問及此事,他表示現在和未來都不會監聽梅克爾,至於過去是否曾監聽,他以「我無法回答」帶過。美國和德國媒體都指出,這番說法等於美國默認過去曾監聽梅克爾。梅克爾的發言人塞伯特表示,梅克爾與歐巴馬通話時表示,如果監聽情資屬實mini storage她認為這樣的舉動完全無法讓人接受;而德國和美國是關係密切的盟邦,不應該竊聽領袖通話,如此將嚴重破壞互信,必須立刻停止這樣的舉動。德國情治單位消息人士說,梅克爾從二○○九年十月開始使用的一隻諾基亞六二一○手機,疑似遭美國監聽將近四年,到今年七月才停止。她七月起改用的黑莓Z10智慧手機保密性較強,但德國情治人員無法確定這隻黑莓機是否也遭監聽。德國世界報也報導,根據美國洩密者史諾登提供的文件,梅克爾的諾基亞手機電話號碼出現在美國國安局監聽檔案中。梅克爾是繼法國總統歐蘭德之後,本周第二位打電話向歐巴馬抗議遭美國國安局監聽的歐洲領袖,義大利總理雷塔也就義大利國會議員訪問華盛頓期間,傳出電話、電郵、簡訊均遭監控一事,要求美國國務卿柯瑞解釋。迷你倉

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●王潔全民理財時代,迷你倉理財賺錢的事兒自然人人都愛,但忽悠過分,就會遭來一大堆本不該有的麻煩。本周,互聯網大佬百度推出的百發理財便是賺足了眼球。8%的收益率,比你存銀行、買銀行理財產品、買貨幣基金都要高多了。那個收益率不足5%的餘額寶,相比之下也完全弱爆了。就在圈內人、圈外人一齊琢磨,怎樣才能“秒殺”到如此高收益、而又低風險的產品之時,百度澄清說:“百發”年化收益率8%只是個目標,是媒體的“誤讀”,因為“保本保收益”不符合監管機構的規定。事實上,何止“保本保收益”不符合監管規定,就連“預期8%的收益率”也是違規的。《證券投資基金銷售管理辦法》明確規定,基金宣傳推介材料不得預測基金的證券投資業績;不得違self storage承諾收益或者承擔損失。將互聯網式營銷手法用于金融行業,未免顯得有些不專業。今年以來,互聯網金融的大潮席卷而來。基金行業似乎一夜之間便“無電商不金融”了。但傍上互聯網又能怎樣,業績從來都是踏踏實實做出來的,天上永遠不可能掉下餡餅來。賺眼球、造噱頭固然可以,但隨著互聯網企業在金融領域的不斷深入,合規性這柄達摩克利斯之劍,隨時可能讓略顯生疏的互聯網巨頭們吃苦頭。一直以來,金融業都是一個非常嚴肅的行業。從營銷宣傳到信息披露,從產品設計到銷售管理,都有非常嚴格細緻的法規標準。電商們慣用的話題式、毒藥式、攪局式等等營銷,此時已不能完全通用。互聯網金融固然風光無限,但請嚴肅起來、平靜下來,金融產品只能靠業績說話。迷利倉

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 【本報記者蔡秀娥台北報導】全球領先的資訊安全解決方案供應商—卡巴斯基,迷你倉正式推出『2014網路安全軟體旗艦版』,可同時安裝於PC、筆電、Mac、Android智慧型手機及平板電腦,是市面上唯一可安裝於5台不同裝置上的防護軟體,提供全方位的安全防護。 卡巴斯基亞太區董事總經理張立申表示:隨著行動裝置的普及化,消費者的重要個人資訊經常儲存於行動裝置中,一旦手機或裝置遺失,重要資料可能外流或遭到有心人士濫用,甚至造成個人、家庭或企業的重儲存倉損失,因此,隱私防護是卡巴斯基提供Android手機及平板電腦防護的關鍵,消費者都可依個人工作、生活、或是家庭成員的需求,以達到最大化的資訊安全防護效果。 『卡巴斯基2014網路安全軟體旗艦版』,首批上市特別推出周傑倫紀念版彩盒。五台裝置一年版售價NTD$1290,五台裝置三年版售價NTD$1790。歡慶上市,全系列產品再送卡巴斯基授權的泰騰恩隨身硬碟防護軟體一套,可用於任何USB外接硬碟、隨身碟,全方位的網路資訊安全防護一次到位!迷你倉最平

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  • Oct 24 Thu 2013 10:18
  • 臺灣


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本報駐美國特約記者 胡國泰 本報記者 魏 萊 圖片說明:裝有加壓窗戶的飛行艙最多可載8名乘客。據《華爾街日報》22日報道,迷你倉美國亞利桑那州的一家公司計劃推出“准太空旅遊”項目,其旅行“神器”不是火箭,而是高空熱氣球,可將尋求刺激的旅客送到地球大氣層的邊緣。該旅遊項目可能最早在2016年開始商業飛行,但測試或監管問題可能將這一期限推後。預計票價為7.5萬美元。這個項目將由位於亞利桑那州圖森的普拉根太空開發公司推出。該公司計劃建造一個氦氣球,直徑達一個足球場的長度,能夠將最多8名旅客運送到離地約3萬米的高空。“項目的目的是盡可能地拉近太空與普通大�的距離。”普拉根公司首席執行官、聯合創始人之一麥卡勒姆說。和正在開發太空旅遊的其他公司一樣,該公司也正在努力開發將未受過嚴格宇航員訓練的人送到外太空或至少接近外太空的空中的途徑。所不同的是,其飛行高度不如其他項目,技術上仍處於大氣層中,因而稱其為“准太空旅遊”更加準確。其好處是費用更低,而且乘客不必經歷像太空旅行一樣的嚴重失重狀態,可以在不穿太空服和不戴氧氣面罩的情況下一覽地球的美景。普拉根公司提交給聯邦文件倉構審批的申請文件顯示,旅行時間最長可達6小時,途中乘客可以自由坐臥、站立和四處走動,欣賞黑暗的太空中環繞著薄薄一層藍色大氣、帶著弧度的地球。氦氣球將從新墨西哥州南部的美國航天港升空。這是在聯邦機構註冊的8個發射基地之一。隨著航天事業的迅速發展,太空旅遊已經逐步實現。自從2001年美國太空冒險旅行公司和俄羅斯航空航天局、俄空間聯盟公司將美國商人丹尼斯?蒂托送上國際空間站後,已經有多位私人太空遊客造訪國際空間站。不少私營公司看中商機,正在開發各種途徑讓遊客遨遊太空。《華爾街日報》引述一些研究估計,太空旅遊行業總收入到下一個十年中期將超過15億美元。目前,除了普拉根公司,至少還有另外6家公司的項目正在籌劃中,其中包括前往國際空間站、一個規劃中的私人軌道酒店,可能還有登月之旅。中國航天問題專家龐之浩23日對《環球時報》表示,3萬米的高度從嚴格意義上說屬於航空領域,並非太空領域,所以,熱氣球太空旅行的概念還是有點“誇大了”。不過,從距地面2萬米至10萬米的空間空氣稀薄,是臨近空間,這個範圍的開發與利用的前景有待突破,如果熱氣球旅行成功,其技術運用也是不簡單的。▲存倉

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迷你倉 11月2日—14日,由中國品牌服裝聯合會、香港國際貿易促進會共同主辦的“第二屆深圳時尚購物節”將在深圳大運中心揭幕,豐富的商品、優惠的價格,不容錯過。文件倉

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