本港家庭負債佔GDP比率創歷史高位,超過61%,金管局助理總裁鄭發提醒,銀行須小心美國加息,或導致更多按揭拖欠的情況出現。金管局副總裁阮國�亦表示,希望有關數據能逐漸回落,當局亦已發出指引,希望銀行留意私人貸款的放貸年期。 去年樓市交投疏落,物業按揭貸款增長減緩。金管局數據顯示,截至2013年11月底,貸款額增長速度較往年大大減速,由8.迷你倉將軍澳4%降至4.1%。阮國�則指,物業按揭貸款仍然是銀行最大單一貸款組合,佔貸款額30%以上。他又指,銀行間的按揭貸拖欠比率按年持平,約0.02%。 加強監管內地貸款業務 阮氏表示,另一個今年金管局銀行監理重點,是監管有關內地貸款業務。由於港銀的內地企業貸款佔比不斷升,當局未來會投放更多資源加強監管,但強調銀行仍然穩健,未見有系統性風險。去年首3季,有關貸款增速達27.3%,再上一年則為17.6%。 阮國�表示,內地企業來港借錢情況增多,因為並非標準貸款組合,增加風險監控難度,本局會加強監察銀行的審批指標,如企業業績、抵押品、銀行擔保等方面。 任銀行公會署理主席的中銀(香港)營運總監的李永逵則預期,內地貸款會有小幅增長。 至於對內地出現「餘額寶」等互聯網理財產品業務的看法,李氏回應,本港暫未出現有關產品,亦認為有關產品是否可以與內地同樣模式在港推出,要經過監管機構測試才知。他亦相信本港銀行不怕競爭,金融業時有新產品出現,不會對業務構成影響。 本報記者 江珊 24小時迷你倉

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  • Jan 25 Sat 2014 18:55
  • 臺灣

拜遊戲機與雲端軟體銷售告捷之賜,微軟公司上季獲利與營收雙雙優於預期,讓執行長鮑默爾在卸任前幾個月顏面增光。全球最大軟體製造商微軟23日公布,迄12月止的年度第2季營收躍增14%至245億美元,創新高紀錄且優於分析師預期的237億美元;淨利增加2.儲存倉8%至65.6億美元,每股盈餘78美分,高於分析師預期的69美分,也優於前一年同期的76美分。宣布今年8月前退休的鮑默爾,已著手展開微軟十多年來最大規模的轉型,竭力深耕消費者硬迷你倉最平與線上服務。財報告捷有助於化解華爾街擔心此舉恐傷害獲利的疑慮。微軟去年11月推出新款Xbox One遊戲機搶攻耶誕購物商機,賣出390萬台,協助上季整體Xbox遊戲機銷量增至740萬台,高於一年前的590萬台;商用雲端軟體Azure與Office 365銷售較前一年同期倍增;Surface平板銷售則是前一季的兩倍。不過,傳統軟體事業持續隨個人電腦(PC)市場慘淡而萎縮,Windows作業系統對PC製造商授權的營收下滑3%。迷你倉

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  • Jan 24 Fri 2014 10:15
  • 臺灣

台北國際電玩展(TGS)昨(23)日登場,樂陞(3662)、橘子、華義、昱泉與《神魔之塔》原廠等線上遊戲業者宣布,預計農曆年後共組合資公司,以創投平台的理念投資台灣手機開發團隊,搶攻手機遊戲市場商機。昱泉董事長曹約文、華義董事長黃博弘、橘子董事長劉柏園、樂陞董事長許金龍及《神魔之塔》Mad Head創辦人曾建中等人參加台北市電腦公會舉辦的「遊戲產業CEO 高峰論壇」研討會,五家業者並達成初步共識,將各投資新台幣3,000萬元,總計1.迷你倉5億元成立創投平台,以合資公司形式進軍全球手機遊戲市場。許金龍表示,台灣不缺乏遊戲人才,只是人才缺乏舞台,透過這個創投平台,未來國內從事手機遊戲開發的年輕人,不會再為資金與技術煩惱,有助打造出更多熱門產品,提升台灣遊戲產品全球競爭力。黃博弘mini storage出,台灣遊戲產業應該團結,共同挖掘市場商機大餅,透過此合資公司,未來國內手機遊戲開發團隊享有各家線上遊戲廠商行銷、美術、管理與研發技術等資源,以小資本創造出大利潤。值得注意的是,《神魔之塔》原廠Mad Head也加入陣容。曾建中表示,《神魔之塔》有近七成營收來自台灣市場,為回饋台灣玩家,並協助厚植台灣軟實力,該公司願意加入合資公司,將台灣手機遊戲推廣至全球。法人認為,遊戲廠聯手成立合資公司是國內首創之舉,除能分散投資風險,並可將各種資源集中,讓國內遊戲產業能加速轉型至手機遊戲開發,有助於各公司未來營收表現。許金龍強調,合資公司將持續廣邀其他國內線上遊戲業者加入,並積極爭取國發基金與硬體廠商支持,希冀募集資金能達10億元以上,至於進一步的計畫與細節,預定2月底前向外界公布。儲存

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迷你倉 【楊喻斐╱台北報導】LED產業前景看俏,久元(6261)、同欣電(6271)、旺矽(6223)等今年營運成長可期,久元為了主力客戶晶電將大舉擴增中國廈門、常州產能,另外,隨著Cree利多頻傳,同欣電也跟著受惠,旺矽為LED檢測設備大廠,樂觀看待農曆年後的訂單回籠。LED(Light Emitting Diode,發光二極體)產業去年經歷過汰弱留強的整頓之後,設備業者看好今年將重啟擴產潮,擺脫多年的低潮,預計最快農曆年後的訂單即會開始回籠。 旺矽出貨倍增 LED檢測機台廠旺矽主管透露,農曆年後的客戶訂單需求將開始拉高,預估相關LED檢測設備的出貨表現可望較今年倍數成長。旺矽統計,去年LED檢測設備約出貨400~500台,為近4年以來低點。 另外,在半導體探針卡的業務方面,旺矽在面板驅動IC領域的市佔率已超過50%,也拿下日本瑞薩訂單,至於通訊IC部分,包括聯發科、高通、展訊都是主要客戶,隨著景氣逐漸好轉,以及面板產業持續朝高解析度趨勢發展,旺矽預估,半導體探針卡的出貨量也有機會優於去年表現。 LED挑檢廠久元也說,主力客戶晶電長線需求成長可期,為此已著手進行中國廈門廠、常州的擴產計劃,月產能將分別從30億顆、2億顆,大舉增加至45億顆、7億顆,新產能將於今年6月全數到位,未來更將積極爭取中國當地LED大廠的訂單。展望今年,除看好LED挑揀代工業務的成長力道,包括IC(Integrated Circuit,積體電路)測試、自動化設備都可望有2位數的成長。 LED陶瓷基板和模組構裝廠同欣電去年合併營收79.29億元,年增13.52%,創下歷史新高紀錄。展望今年,同欣電總經理呂紹萍表示,車用LED陶瓷基板漸入佳境,LED陶瓷基板、影像感測IC也將續成長。self storage

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趕在2013年結束前,何新明率領東鵬控股吹響了“三次創業”的號角——2013年12月9日,東鵬控股在香港上市成功,打破國內陶瓷企業香港上市零的記錄,借助資本力量,何新明規劃了東鵬控股未來五年內突破百億元銷售額的藍圖,衝刺行業絕對“老大”雄心勃勃。然而,建陶行業不少企業上市後開始走下坡的現象被歸結為“行業上市魔咒”。在如影隨形的行業上市魔咒與“陶”離佛山的說法下,何新明以企業戰略和運營數據來表達自己的觀點。他說,在東鵬的戰略布局中,陶瓷商業綜合體、總部基地是東鵬在佛山未來發展的重點,這幾年東鵬在佛山的投資額也因此達到了企業成立42年以來的最高點。而清遠基地是東鵬全國五個生產基地中產能最大的基地,“東鵬這幾個基地在所在地的同行業納稅中都是最高的。”何新明認為,東鵬必須要走出去才能做大,但東鵬的根一定是留在佛山,也會繼續在佛山尋找投資發展的機會。在他的進述中,既有“佛山陶瓷行業在製造環節外遷後不會空心化的理性判斷,也有“佛山培育了東鵬,沒有佛山就沒有東鵬,沒有石灣陶瓷就沒有東鵬”的感性情懷。作者:廣東東鵬控股股份有限公司董事長 何新明何新明人物名片廣東東鵬控股股份有限公司董事長。他在東鵬負債1.存倉4億時開始“二次創業”,全面接管東鵬,讓這家曾經不起眼的鄉鎮企業一躍成為目前國內建陶行業一線的龍頭企業。在國內建陶行業一直有著上市難、上市後更難的魔咒之下,一直希望中國陶瓷贏得世界尊重的何新明,逆勢而上,十年磨一劍,在去年底推動東鵬控股成功登陸香港主板,打破國內陶瓷企業香港零上市的記錄。精彩觀點■佛山是東鵬的根,東鵬在佛山42年,是佛山培育我們東鵬,是佛山的陶瓷文化熏陶了我們,所以我們無論走到什麼地方,我們的根還在佛山。沒有佛山就沒有東鵬,沒有石灣陶瓷就沒有東鵬。■以前經常有一種擔心,就是對於陶瓷製造環節外遷後,到底會不會有產業空心化的問題,事實證明,這種擔心是沒有必要的。■上市對企業來說,其實是有利有弊。有利的地方在對提升品牌力、更好地實現融資包括對高端人才、對推進企業國際化都有很大的好處。但上市後,意味著企業的經營透明度更高,什麼都要告訴對手,變成你在明,對手在暗。■在陶瓷行業內確實有企業上市後出現了問題,東鵬能不能走出這個困境,關鍵是東鵬是否瞭解造成這種現象的原因。在我看來,企業內因占主要,包括團隊的變更,上市後有沒有形成新的競爭力,有沒有繼續堅持主業等。■所謂大數據,就是對數據的充分利用,不是一家企業自己的數據,而是要做大數據的共享。我們經常說製造業轉型升級,其實通過大數據,就是改變傳統企業運用模式、商業模式的一次契機。大數據對於陶瓷行業運營模式的顛覆,絕對不是推翻重來,一定是一種雙方結合的過程。東鵬上市要為行業立標杆事實證明,佛山陶瓷行業在製造環節外遷後並不存在產業空心化的問題。成功上市後的東鵬,盡管有著十年上市夢終圓的喜悅與自豪,但也客觀的認識到上市對於企業其實是有利有弊,過去行業內“誰規範誰就死”的怪圈,是必須要打破的。剛剛過去的2013年,房地產行業有許多不穩定因素,起起伏伏,對家居建材行業帶來比較大的影響。但從行業看,特別是佛山陶瓷行業的形勢是不錯的。由於多年來,在政府的產業轉移、騰籠換鳥的指導下,大部分企業的製造環節都轉移出去,很多人都在擔心製造環節轉移會不會造成產業空心化,事實證明是這種擔心是沒有必要的。從中國陶瓷城和總部基地的出租率可以看出,佛山陶瓷的發展形勢有增無減,兩個場館的出租率都超過98%,說明佛山陶瓷保持良好的發展。另一方面,陶瓷行業的升級能力已經凸顯出來,過去一年陶瓷產業在技術進步和產品創新上都取得很好的成績,特別是噴墨打印,使得陶瓷產業的表現能力大幅提升。這些都將為佛山陶瓷的持續提升帶來更大的發展驅動力。對於東鵬,2013年是自豪的一年。東鵬十年磨一劍,孜孜以求的上市願望終於實現了,同時,銷售業績創下十年來最高水平,效益得到同步增長,在 去年底成為了行業的關注焦點,我們感到很驕傲,很自豪,這有賴于東鵬人的努力,為了上市準備了十年,一直朝著這個目標,最後才修成正果,我自己是深有感 觸。客觀來說,上市對企業是有利有弊。企業通過上市提升了品牌力,在資本市場掛牌後,每天�多的股民和投資者都在關注你。對企業未來的快速發展,創造了一個很好的融資平台,對於員工而言,則有利於更好地吸引高端人才,留住人才。而東鵬在香港這樣的國際化城市上市,對推動東鵬國際化會有很好的作用。上市後也會給企業帶來不足。首先上市意味著我們企業經營的透明度很高,什麼都要告訴對手,我們在明處,他們在暗處。第二是企業的規範經營也會帶來各種成本,比起一些沒有上市的企業,如果他們沒有實現規範經營,那我們的成本就自然會更高,這等於我們之間的競爭是一種不平等條件下的競爭。而且上市後,我們對投資者有了承諾,面臨的壓力也會更大。但綜合來說,上市對企業肯定是非常難得的事,也是許多企業夢寐以求的事。在陶瓷行業裡面,有不少企業上市之後出現問題。之所以東鵬上市後成為焦點,也是因為前面很多企業上市後沒有走好。其實東鵬能不能走出這種陰影,關鍵是東鵬是否瞭解這些企業為什麼會這樣,如果我們能夠瞭解,去避免這些現象的發生,我認為可以走出這個陰影。在我看來,造成他們上市後發展不利,外部原因就是上市後企業運營透明度提高帶來的成本等各方面變化,內部則可以總結為公司管理團隊波動過大,上市後沒有形成企業新的競爭力和沒有堅持發展主業等三大內因。對於東鵬的話,我們首先要把上市融資後的資金用好,以負責任的態度,把投資者的資金用在企業最重要的地方。其次,我們會加大科研投入,提升我們產品的創新能力,保持東鵬在行業新產品的優勢,同時加大品牌和渠道的投入,進一步提升我們的優勢。在團隊方面,給予更高的重視,進一步去穩定管理層和高端人才,保持企業能夠穩定發展,不要上市後就換人了。其實這就是儲存驗。東鵬只要汲取前面上市企業的教訓和經驗,加以重視,東鵬上市之後就能夠防止這方面的問題發生。其實我們更重要的是看到很多公司上市後得到快速發展,成為行業的絕對老大,成為國內非常有實力、世界非常有影響力的公司,就像美的等。當然,對於上市後“誰規範誰就死這種怪圈”是必須打破的,我也希望東鵬在陶瓷行業能帶個好頭,也為行業樹個榜樣。清遠產能最大佛山是根是總部東鵬把運營主體註冊地改為清遠,是源於清遠作為東鵬最大生產基地,占到了我們總產能的50%,資產達到10億。企業的流動是很正常的,企業走出去,只會把蛋糕做大。但佛山未來依然是東鵬的總部基地,我們無論走到什麼地方,我們的根還在佛山。沒有佛山就沒有東鵬,沒有石灣陶瓷就沒有東鵬。說到東鵬上市,又離不開關於我們把上市公司運營主體註冊地改為清遠這件事。很多人都在問,為什麼會考慮把上市主體放在清遠?放在清遠有它的道理。東鵬目前在全國擁有五大基地,分別是位於廣東清遠、佛山、湖南灃縣、山東淄博以及江西豐城。截止2013年6月,在東鵬的五大生產基地中,廣東清遠清遠是其中最大的一個生產基地基地,占地1200畝,有10條先進生產線,產量占到了我們總產能的50%,在清遠當地的資產也達到了10億元。我認為企業的發展不應該永遠都在一個地方。東鵬做大後,不僅要走出佛山,還要走出廣東,走出中國,走向世界。其實佛山、清遠兩地政府的態度都是非常開明的,政府也鼓勵我們走出去。就像國家鼓勵企業走出國門一樣。所以我覺得,沒有必要去計較東鵬註冊地在什麼地方,佛山是我們的註冊地,清遠也是我們的註冊地。至於東鵬姓什麼?我的回答還是那一句,不姓清也不姓佛,姓東,名鵬。對於東鵬未來發展會在哪裡,關鍵要看這個地方有沒有給企業發展空間,有沒有給企業更好的服務。企業的流動很正常。東鵬的納稅現在兩邊都沒有減少。其實東鵬走出去是把蛋糕都做大了,就目前佛山土地資源的情況,不可能還回來佛山做生產線。但有一點很明確,佛山是東鵬的根,東鵬在佛山42年,是佛山培育了東鵬,是佛山的陶瓷文化熏陶了我們,所以我們無論走到什麼地方,我們的根還在佛山。沒有佛山就沒有東鵬,沒有石灣陶瓷就沒有東鵬。佛山未來在東鵬的戰略布局中,繼續定位為一個研發中心、總部基地。未來我們在佛山投資重點主要會在中國陶瓷城、華夏陶瓷城和陶瓷總部基地,還有東鵬目前正在修建的總部基地。在中國陶瓷城這類商業地產,現在同時開工的商業綜合體包括3個,分別是位於佛山的華夏中央廣場、以及位於山東淄博和湖南常德的陶瓷商業綜合體。未來在佛山的投資主要都是商業綜合體這類,和在清遠的投資相比,兩者是差異化的發展,但可以明確的是,兩邊我們都在投資,都會有好的發展。傳統產業與互聯網結合 一定不是推翻重來其實大數據就是對數據的充分利用,通過大數據,必然改變傳統企業的運營模式和商業模式,但有了互聯網,並不代表就放棄了傳統的做法,必須是兩者的結合,而這種結合也必將引領佛山製造業的再一次轉型升級。隨著上市後的改變,包括目前大數據的浪潮下,我們一直都在研究環境的變化,包括消費者需求的變化。即隨著網絡、網上營銷、網上購買的發展,隨著80後、90後成為消費主流,作為東鵬必須與時俱進,否則就會被淘汰。東鵬一直積極擁抱大數據。在網絡建設上,東鵬是業內唯一一家真正把SAP系統用好的企業。SAP系統對於幫助企業實現數據化管理、財務分析、經營決策都起到了非常重要的作用。同時,這一功能能夠在我們全國2000多個專賣店得到實現。對於未來的發展,東鵬會更多考慮如何對大數據進行運用。這種運營不僅在公司內部,還在於公司外部,包括與合作伙伴的銜接,實現數據的共享、互動、聯動,以此提高效率,提高我們的業績。現在正在計劃中的是,我們準備把SAP系統建立到每一位經銷商中,為我們的經銷商、供應商建立這個系統,一方面幫助我們的合作伙伴提升互聯網的利用能力,加強廠商之間的互動,另一方面,我們也能以此瞭解經銷商,建立起更緊密的廠商關係。其實所謂的大數據,說白了,就是對數據的充分利用,這種數據不止是一家的數據,而是多家的數據共享。佛山的產業近年一直都在進行轉型升級,其實大數據浪潮正是一次機會。通過大數據、互聯網,可以改變傳統企業的運營模式和商業模式。但讓傳統做法與互聯網做法的結合必須是相互的,缺一不可的,不能有了互聯網就放棄了傳統。說到大數據,很多人都會談到電子商務。對於建陶行業,不能簡單地去做電子商務,因為陶瓷衛浴產品其實是半成品,而不像家電。我們是需要把網上網下結合起來的。網上可以成為一種集客平台,讓客戶在線上瞭解品牌,瞭解產品,再到線下進行體驗,這樣兩者就成為了一個整體。互聯網浪潮的到來,改變了陶瓷行業的運營模式,但一定不是推翻重來,兩者是一種結合的過程,是一種優勢互補的過程,是一種滿足消費者最大需求的過程。至於如何結合,我認為在佛山未來推動傳統產業升級上,這些都是值得思考的問題。現在東鵬也非常重視這一塊,目前公司內已經設置了專門的機構和部門。除了有信息部以為,還有專門的網絡公司。事實上,擁抱大數據並不是什麼高深的技術。有些人問會不會有卻人才的問題,在我看來,我們現在最缺的是發展思路和觀點。和家電這類相比,像佛山的家電行業在電子商務都走的比較好。那麼建陶是不是走的比較慢呢?我不是這麼認為的。我相信建陶擁抱大數據其實會很快,因為這是大勢所趨,一旦找到結合點就會很快。在各種形勢下,未來建陶行業我認為還是朝陽行業。隨著國內經濟的穩步發展。人們的收入、消費能力必然會不斷提升,中高端市場的消費力會不斷提高,另外,在城鎮化的帶動下,未來5年,還有2億多的人們進城,市場的需求會很旺盛,對於整個產業也會有極大的利好。在可預見的形勢下,東鵬上市後依然會把重點放在國內,未來五年,我們的目標將是鎖定銷售總額突破百億。圖片說明:東鵬打破國內陶企香港零上市的紀錄。戴嘉信 攝;迷你倉

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Source: Daily Mail, LondonJan.self storage 23--Even in today's supposedly meritocratic business world, Gary Elden is a rarity. Brought up on a council estate in a rough area of South London, he left school at 16. Last year he became boss of recruitment firm SThree, one of a tiny handful of chief executives who do not conform to the white, public school and Oxbridge model.Even within his own company, he says he is one of 'the few without a degree'. Elden's drive comes from his father, who came to England from Jamaica during the war, lying about his age in order to join the RAF.After leaving the Forces, Alex Elden married an Englishwoman, and became only the second black driver of a London cab. And he instilled his son with a ferocious work ethic.'My dad is 87 and he carried on as a cabbie until 10 years ago. If he didn't have dementia he would still be working,' Elden says.Heartbreakingly, Alex Elden was recently presented with an ex-serviceman's award, but because of his illness he cannot remember receiving it. 'It was great to see him dressed up in his tuxedo, and he loved the ceremony, but a day later he had forgotten.'He has been a huge influence. He wanted me, my sister and my brother to be cab drivers, because he liked the idea of us being independent and being our own boss. My brother did become a cab driver and so did my cousin. I got to be my own boss, but by a different route ? I sit in the back of the cab, not the front.'Dad is old-school Jamaican, very strong on discipline and he believes you have to work for everything you get. I had to wash his cab every morning from the age of about seven, whether it was raining or snowing. My younger brother eventually took over but he was less conscientious.'When he was growing up, Elden and his family faced prejudice. 'My mum experienced it when she was out with me, a white woman with a black child. I look at the life my mum had, and it was pretty tough.'Even so, I loved my childhood. There may have been muggings and killings, but as a kid you were oblivious and I couldn't have had better parents. I always aspired for more, I don't know why.'As a teenager in the 1980s, Elden hero-worshipped boxer Muhammad Ali. 'What appealed to me about him was that he had a cause, a belief, and was proud of what he was. In the Vietnam war he had a view that made him a hated figure. My role models are people that go against the flow. I am not a rebel myself, but I admire that spirit.'Determined that his lack of a privileged background would not hold him back, Elden secured his first job as a Lloyd's of London insurance broker.Before long he had moved into estate agency, working for Winkworth, a firm that became synonymous with closing a fast sale in the late 1980s' housing boom and bust.At that time, just as now, young couples were desperate to get a foothold on the ladder and prepared to pay high prices for even the tiniest flat in the capital. Elden thrived in the heady atmosphere, soon becoming a top salesman and one of the company's youngest managers.In 1990, he moved into recruitment consultancy at Computer Futures, the firm that eventually became SThree, and 'worked his way from the bottom up'.H E took over as chief executive from his mentor Russell Clements, who made the unusual career move of becoming a part-time DJ in Ibiza.SThree specialises in recruiting for mid-management positions with salaries of between pounds sterling 45,000 and pounds sterling 100,000 a year, in the science, engineering, technology, ba迷利倉king and IT sectors.'The last five years are the toughest I have seen in recruitment. From 2008 to now it has been bumping along the bottom, whereas usually it picks up after a couple of years.''But I joined estate agency when it crashed, I joined recruitment in 1990-01 when it crashed, so I am used to difficult markets.'SThree, which also trades as Progressive Recruitment, Computer Futures and Real Staffing Group, reported a 6pc fall in gross profits for the first six months of last year to pounds sterling 94m, with pretax profits down by 28pc to pounds sterling 6.7m.Much of the decline was down to the costs of international expansion, in a bid to offset the downturn in the UK economy.The company, which floated on the stock market in 2006, has seen its shares undergo a rocky ride last year, but is up more than 100pc over five years.'The founders and management team own around 25pc. The founder Bill Bottriell is still a big shareholder. Simon Arber (the co-founder) is running a polo club somewhere.'Elden's insight into the jobs market makes him cautiously optimistic about the UK economy.'We are a lot more confident now than at the beginning of last year, but there are still concerns. We expect pharma, biotech and oil and gas to have better growth.'Young people, he says, are finding it hard to get a start. 'It is not just youngsters from a workingclass background struggling to get jobs, it is graduates.'I think sometimes the expectations are a bit high. The mindset for Generation Y is that young people expect things instantly. As we know that is not the real world.'Elden has a 19-year-old son and two young daughters under four. Perhaps because he has daughters of his own, he is evangelical about breaking down barriers for women in the workplace.'My daughters, they look at Barbie or Cinderella where the male comes along to save the princess ? but nowadays, the idea of waiting for your prince to come on a white horse, rather than achieving things for yourself is not so strong.'He sits on the Lord Mayor of London's diversity forum for CEOs and wants to encourage more girls to study sciences at school and to go into engineering.Within SThree, he is changing the way management talent-spots the next generation of potential top bosses, so that able female candidates do not lose out.'In the workplace, men push their chests out, but what I find, in general, is that if a woman is good at her job, she expects to be noticed and rewarded without having to be pushy. The female attitude is that they should be offered the promotions they deserve, they shouldn't have to ask.'Women will not start shouting about themselves like men do, or behaving like men, so we have to educate our managers to see these different male and female styles.'He admits there are problems: 'Some female managers find it hard to manage other women. Equally, some young women prefer working with male managers and fear they will clash with a female boss. It is a challenge.'So does Elden think corporate Britain is still dominated by a white public school male elite? 'I don't see it so much in the sectors SThree operates in, where if you have the right technical skills, you can't be held back by the old boy network.''And when I meet young people, I can look them in the eye and say, "You could be where I am in a few years' time."'Copyright: ___ (c)2014 Daily Mail (London, ) Visit the Daily Mail (London, ) at .dailymail.co.uk/home/index.html Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteJan.24小時迷你倉 23--Prescription drug abuse is an epidemic in Pennsylvania, and legislators and law enforcement officials are scrambling to address the rapidly growing problem."I think we're in a culture in which everything gets fixed -- there is no level of uncomfortableness that we think we should have to endure," said Elaine Stano, treatment specialist with the Fayette County Drug and Alcohol Commission, referring to the use of prescription narcotics for pain relief. "It's a quick way to alleviate discomfort. There's just an idea that we don't ever have to be uncomfortable, and I think that's a major reason drugs are a problem."Addiction to prescription pills -- mainly to narcotic painkillers such as oxycodone, sold as Percocet and other brands, and hydrocodone, sold as Vicodin and other brands -- has proven to be more deadly than some illegal drugs. According to the Centers for Disease Control, prescription drug overdoses in 2007 resulted in four times as many deaths as heroin overdoses and twice as many as cocaine. And that trend has continued.Across the region, the number of overdose deaths from prescription and illegal drugs has increased dramatically, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Bureau of Health Statistics and Research, with Fayette County leading the way.Fayette County has one of the highest death rates from drug overdoses in the country, more than that of West Virginia, the state with the highest rate of overdose deaths in the nation.And in Westmoreland County, drug overdose deaths for the first time have surpassed all other types of unnatural deaths combined, including car accidents, homicides and fires.In 2011, the most recent data available for research, drug overdose deaths in Allegheny County totaled 243, a rate of 20.5 per 100,000 residents. That's up from 2010 and 2009, when 228 and 222 people died from overdoses, respectively. Compare that to the rate in 1990, when 87 people, or 6.3 per 100,000 residents, died of an overdose in the county.The numbers for outlying counties also have climbed. In 1990, a total of 18 people died of drug overdoses in six counties in the region -- Beaver, Butler, Fayette, Greene, Washington and Westmoreland.Three of the 18 died in Fayette County that year. By 2009, the number in Fayette County had reached 23. It rose to 28 in 2010, then to 43 in 2011 -- representing 33.5 per 100,000 residents, surpassing West Virginia's nation-leading rate of 28.9 overdose deaths per 100,000 residents."I think we have some stronger prescription drugs now," said Jana Kyle, executive director of the Fayette County Drug and Alcohol Commission, about the increase in that county. "We have Opana, oxymorphone, Oxycontin ... Doctors prescribe these highly addictive drugs and aren't aware that people are becoming addicted."In the region's other counties, the number of overdose deaths from both prescription and illegal drugs in 2011 was, listed from the highest rate to lowest: Greene, 10 deaths, or 28.2 per 100,000 residents; Beaver, 37 deaths, or 24.2 per 100,000 residents; Washington, 40 deaths, or 21.2 per 100,000 residents; Westmoreland, 78 deaths, or 20.4 per 100,000; and Butler, 30 deaths, or 17 per 100,000 residents.All counties in southwestern Pennsylvania outpace the state in the number of deaths per 100,000 people. Statewide, the rate is 15.3 -- 14th highest in the nation, according to a recent study by the nonprofit, Trust for America's Health.In Westmoreland County, Coroner Ken Bacha is on a mission to educate the public about prescription drug abuse."If you take all of the other types of unnatural death and put them together, they don't equal the number of drug overdoses we had in 2013," he said of his county.When Mr. Bacha took office in 2002, 22 people died of drug overdoses that year, mostly from heroin use. In less than 10 years, that number had risen to 78 deaths. Last year, the county saw about 92 people die from drug overdoses, and so far in 2014, seven people are suspected to have died as a result of a drug overdose.What is perhaps most striking about the data, Mr. Bacha said, is that about two-thirds of the overdoses now involve prescription drugs, with about a third caused by illicit drugs."The biggest problem is that people think it's prescription medication that comes from a doctor -- it's OK," he said.The two drugs most often involved in overdose deaths are hydrocodone and oxycodone, Mr. Bacha said. Sometimes added to the deadly cocktail are the "benzo" family of drugs -- benzodiazepine, sold as Valium or Xanax -- which are sometimes used to treat anxiety and depression. Both are central nervous system depressants that can cause a person to stop breathing.Mr. Bacha is sponsoring prescription drug summits in schools throughout the county. He said the problem crosses demographic divides."This addiction does not discriminate," he said. His youngest overdose victim was a 15-year-old who died from heroion use, while the oldest was a 72-year-old woman who overdosed on prescription drugs, he said. "It affects down-and-out people and people who live in million-dollar houses. Our biggest percentage of deaths is among white males, ages 41 to 60."Mr. Bacha is among those advocating legislative overhaul, and lawmakers are hearing the outcry. They have introduced several bills aimed at creating a prescription drug monitoring program and database that could alert doctors and pharmacists to abuse. In particular, the efforts would expose so-called "doctor shopping"-- when a patient visits multiple doctors to obtain duplicate prescriptions.Pennsylvania does not do a good job of monitoring, Mr. Bacha said. "It is essential. It will help cut down on the supply, but on the negative side, we think it's going to push people to use heroin."He and other addiction experts believe heroin use will increase because patients who are exposed as doctor shoppers will need another way to feed their addiction.U.S. Attorney David Hickton said the law treats addicts and dealers differently."We're highlighting addiction awareness and addiction education because addiction is an illness that's determined largely by your DNA. Once you become an addict to these powerful medications, you can't stop taking them any more than you can stop breathing," he said."The goal of law enforcement and the Obama administration is not to jail drug users but to rehabilitate them through treatment programs and close monitoring," he said."This administration has realized the distinction between the illness of addiction and people who are trafficking drugs. The treatment option is a huge piece of the equation."Mr. Hickton's迷你倉旺角office has been concentrating its efforts on the supply-side of prescription narcotics. In 2012, he secured a conviction against Oliver Herndon, 41, a doctor from Peters who pleaded guilty to accusations that he prescribed powerful narcotics to patients without obtaining their medical history and without a thorough examination.Investigators had described the Stanford-educated physician as a major supplier of narcotics in Western Pennsylvania, so much so that after his arrest in March 2012, the street value of oxycodone doubled to $40 per pill. He was sentenced to 11 years and 3 months in prison."What we're finding is the use of these pills is just increasing geometrically in all areas," said Mr. Hickton, who helped launch a drug take-back program in which boxes are located throughout the state where people can drop off leftover prescription drugs. "The data shows that most people are beginning their pill problem right out of the medicine cabinet."Several bills pending in the state Legislature would create a prescription drug database, including House Bill 1694, introduced last year by state Rep. Matthew Baker, R-Tioga. It passed the House by a 191-7 vote and is now being considered by the state Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee.The bills vary in how much access law enforcement would have to such a database. In Mr. Baker's bill, a search warrant would be required in most cases. He and others point out the importance of the bill's objective -- to help addicts, not necessarily to punish them.Mr. Baker said he hopes the bill moves quickly through the Senate because Pennsylvania is lagging behind other states that have already addressed the monitoring of prescription opiates. Pennsylvania, along with every other state except Missouri, has a prescription drug monitoring program but it does not monitor Schedule II, III, IV or V drugs, such as hydrocodone or oxycodone.The bills are supported by industry groups, including the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association, which represents 1,200 pharmacists statewide."I would say that we're pretty strongly supportive of it," Pat Epple, CEO of the association, said of the efforts.The group had concerns early on about whether pharmacists would be required to investigate all patients through the database system. Ms. Epple said the group favors a voluntary approach.But some groups don't want to see any of the bills move too quickly through the Legislature due to privacy concerns."It's extremely concerning that the government wants to collect this type of personal information about people," said Andy Hoover, legislative director of the American Civil Liberties Union in Pennsylvania. "There needs to be some serious privacy controls, and the existing bills don't have them."Mr. Hoover is concerned that any patient, including a child, who gets routine dental work or takes medication for attention deficit disorder will end up in the system."The medications on this list are very common," he said. "It goes all the way down to prescription cold and flu medications because it's based on the federal Controlled Substances Act."Schedule II drugs that would be covered by the monitoring bills include the highly addictive painkillers such as oxycodone and hydromorphone, sold as Dilaudid and other brands. But the bills also would cover drugs in the Schedule V category, which include cough suppressants and anti-diarrheal medications and are considered to have a low potential for abuse."Millions of people will end up on this database," Mr. Hoover said.He also expressed concern about abuse of the database, citing information from the Medical Identity Fraud Alliance that indicates medical identity theft is on the rise, increasing 20 percent between 2012 and 2013.The ACLU also takes issue with the search warrant requirements for law enforcement access to the database. Right now, Mr. Baker's bill provides a search warrant requirement but not for all police inquiries."We think it should be broader. It should cover any attempt from a prosecutor into this database. If they want this type of information, they should have to explain to a court what they want," Mr. Hoover said. "They can't get into our personal medicine cabinets without a warrant."Ron and Judi Owen of O'Hara have taken up the cause of combatting drug abuse. Their daughter Sarah overdosed on heroin 10 years ago at age 23, leaving behind a 5-year-old daughter."We are part of fraternity of many families who have lost kids who pushed the envelope and never thought they had a problem," Mr. Owen said. "Our Sarah was a loving mother and a caring daughter, but she always wanted to have an extra rush. It's a dangerous road."He said his daughter began taking drugs while she was a student at Fox Chapel Area High School.He and his wife have been active since their daughter's death, serving on nonprofit boards and speaking to groups about the way drug use tears families apart."It takes over your desire to live a normal life," said Mr. Owen, who serves on the board of directors for Gateway Rehabilitation. "It takes one shot too much of that stuff and it's over. Your family and friends mourn for life."The couple has created an organization devoted to giving young women a chance to move beyond their addictions. It is called R.O.S.E.S from Sarah, which stands for Recovery Or Single-Mother Educational Support."People need to be educated about what they're taking," said Erica Usher, a prevention supervisor with the Fayette County Drug and Alcohol Commission. "We have to be responsible for what we put in our bodies."Kenneth Martz, director of the Bureau of Treatment, Prevention and Intervention, part of the state Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, believes the problem must be addressed from many different angles, including drop-off boxes to collect unneeded prescription medicines, expanded treatment options to address addiction and a monitoring program to track possible abusers."No one element will be the silver bullet that will stop this," said Mr. Martz, who noted that treatment options can be outpatient or inpatient and most insurance covers substance abuse treatment."It usually takes them getting arrested to get forced into treatment," Mr. Bacha said of those who are addicted.He added: "Parents need to be in their kids' business with tough love or they'll be picking out their casket."For information on treatment programs and a list of drug take-back locations: .ddap.pa.gov.Janice Crompton: jcrompton@post-gazette.com or 412-263-1159.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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ChongqingDebtor traced on WeiboA man who was owed 150,000 yuan (HK$191,000) for four years finally tracked down the person who borrowed the cash after he saw him show off his new car on social media, the Chongqing Economic Times reports. The man had been unable to sue as he could not trace the borrower, but he spotted him online displaying his BMW on Sina Weibo. The newspaper said the borrower had to sell the car to pay off his debt.Off-road hot dogsA couple from the municipality has been attracting attention by selling hot dogs out the back of an expensive four-wheel drive vehicle, the Chongqing Economic Times reports. The couple said they wanted to develop a sideline business alongside their existing tea shop operation. The newspaper said it was more usual to see snacks sold on carts and tricycles in the city and customers were impressed with a more upmarket vehicle.FujianMasked-attacker husbandA man in Quanzhou who wore a mask, posed as a robber and raped his wife to punish her has been released with a warning, Fjsen.com reports. The man was angry because his wife liked to chat to other men online. The woman called the police to arrest her attacker and discovered it was her husband. She decided not to press charges.Official donates bodyA former vice-mayor of Quanzhou donated his body to science after hearing there was a shortage of corpses for medical students to study, the Fuzhou Evening News reports. Medical students sent flowers to his memorial after he died as a mark of thanks and respect. Most medical schools in the province have to study models, photographs or dissect animals because of the shortage of bodies.Guangdong‘Cancer village’ plightPeople living in Shangba village in Wenyuan county say they have stopped eating food produced on their heavily polluted land and are waiting for further government inspections because hundreds of people have died of cancer over the past two decades, the Southern Country Daily reports. The village is near a lead and zinc mine. Villagers said fish in rivers started to die and crops rotted in the fields about 20 years ago. About 250 people have died of cancer in that period. In the past year, 160 children were found to have high traces of lead in their blood.Text-message fraudstersA quarter of the text messages sent from fraudsters on the mainland last year came from Guangdong, the Nanfang Daily reports. The government internet watchdog said 21 million fraudulent texts were sent, including bogus demands for bank payments and alerts for fictitious prizes won on television shows. Legal experts said the public should remain vigilant.HeilongjiangBooze kills 3 at weddingThree men have died after drinking the spirit baijiu at a wedding in Jixi , the People’s Daily reports. The health authorities are investigating a small drinks producer. About a dozen others who attended the wedding are being treated in hospital. Most of the sick are men.Car hire scamA man in Yichun allegedly hired a car and then sold it for 30,000 yuan, Dbwcn.com reports. The man’s business had failed so to cover his debts he rented a car for 1,500 yuan, forged documents to say he owned it and then sold it. The car rental company called the police when he failed to return the vehicle. The man was quickly traced and arrested by the police.HenanLove rival killedA man 24小時迷你倉rom Song county near Luoyang is accused of killing a rival planning to marry his former lover and hiding the body, the Dahe Daily reports. The suspect lured the man into woods and beat him to death with a stick and rocks. The victim’s family alerted the police that he was missing. Officers found out about the argument and that the suspect had dated the dead man’s fianc�e for several years. The suspect is said to have confessed and led the police to where he hid the body.Pupils crammed in busThe party boss in Changhuan county received a tip-off from an internet user that a local kindergarten used a seven-seater van to carry 20 children after school, the People’s Daily reports. The official ordered an investigation. The education bureau made the kindergarten sign a safety agreement, promising not to break motoring safety guidelines.Hunan‘Drowned own children’A woman from a village in Xinning county is suspected of drowning her daughter and son, aged four and three, after she had an argument with her husband, the Southern Metropolis Daily reports. The woman is accused of taking the children to a reservoir at night and killing them. She is then said to have fled, but police received an anonymous tip-off and she was arrested. She is now awaiting trial.Lottery winner brokeA man from Yongzhou , who won 8 million yuan in the lottery five years ago, is broke and has been arrested for fraud, The Beijing News reports. The man said that after winning the lottery people kept asking him for loans without paying him back. He also made poor business decisions, started gambling and allegedly got involved in fraud through organised crime.Sichuan‘Drug dealers’ caughtPolice in Chengdu have arrested five suspected drug dealers, Chinanews.com reports. Officers also seized about 16kg of the drug Ice in liquid form. The police received an anonymous tip-off about drug dealing in the area. After an investigation lasting several months they found three suspects allegedly dealing drugs at a tea house. The police followed the suspects and found the place where they were believed to be producing the drugs.Top marks for exam rantA boy from Guangyuan has won almost top marks in an exam by writing about why he hates sitting them, the Chengdu Economic Daily reports. The boy, 11, was taking his final Chinese exam which allowed him to write an essay on any topic. He used humour to describe three common problems pupils may face doing exams: a phobia before the tests, depression after them and a heart attack when reviewing the results. His teacher gave him high scores for almost perfect grammar, logic and writing style.ZhejiangJewels hid in flower potA woman in Ningbo who had refused to pay off her debts by pleading poverty had hidden her jewels in a flower pot, Jinbaonet.com reports. The woman liked to gamble and had already lost her apartment. She could not stop gambling and racked up a further 60,000 yuan in debt. She was sued and bailiffs found her at a rented apartment and went through her belongings. The court has ordered the woman to mortgage her jewellery to repay the money she owes.Lucky year of the horseA new lottery has been launched in Wenzhou to mark the coming Year of the Horse in the lunar calendar, the Wenzhou Economic Daily reports. One of the first winners collected 500 yuan with his ticket.迷你倉旺角

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