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迷你倉 bjrb.bjd.com.cn/html/2014-01/27/content_146319.htm...東城推出首個實景虛擬網上服務大廳 業務審批有望通過網絡辦理 本報訊(通訊員 徐光曄)日前,東城區行政服務中心的虛擬服務平台已率...儲存倉

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迷你倉 bjrb.bjd.com.cn/html/2014-01/27/content_146265.htm...西山八大處恢複百年老廟會 本報訊(記者 祁夢竹 通訊員 祁月)昨天,389名民間藝人齊聚八大處公園,舉行北京最大花會的首次拜山儀式,拉...mini storage

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epaper.ynet.com/html/2014-01/27/content_38084.htm?div=-1...付晨 動漫講堂老師 馬上有長假,馬上有錢,馬上去旅遊!我想去西藏、新疆、雲南、三亞…還想出國去印度、尼泊爾…最想去的還是泰國...24小時迷你倉

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【高佳菁╱台北報導】春節將近,年貨大街開張,不過現在虛擬通路也來分一杯羹,在歐美網購再創新高,也帶動軟硬通吃(硬體製造加軟體服務)的科技基金績效大幅成長,國內14檔科技基金平均1年繳出27.文件倉39%的報酬率,表現最亮眼的甚至有近5成佳績。儘管去年美國整體零售銷售僅成長3.5%,但12月網路銷售年成長率卻遠超過1成以上,《金融時報》形容聖誕節似乎已經成為網路購物節。 聖誕節成網路購物節 各地傳統長假已成為網路購物旺季,德盛全球高成長科技基金產品經理許廷全表示,以美國為例,透過行動裝置如平板及智慧手機等裝置購物年增20~40%,市場估計2010年至2015年的網路資訊流量年複合成長率達92%。智慧手機的資訊流量成長更驚人,2015年智慧手機的網路流量佔整體近3成,投資科技基金適度納入軟體,以硬體製造搭配軟體服務的「軟硬通吃」存倉略,是最能掌握科技基金成長爆發力的策略。科技除了影響民眾購物「通路」,不必出門坐在家裡拿起手機或平板就能消費,也帶動促銷策略不同於以往,市場統計,受臉書推薦而進行消費的平均金額達72美元(約2177元台幣),臉書的推薦轉載率是其他社群網站的4倍,也成為聖誕銷售最大受惠者之一。就投資價值角度來看,德盛全球高成長科技基金經理人賽巴斯汀•湯瑪士認為,科技業有更佳的成長展望,今年極有機會打敗大盤。 企業資本支出將回溫 富蘭克林高科技基金經理人馬特•摩伯格表示,歐美景氣復甦,科技支出可望重回穩定成長軌道,研調機構IDC預估,2014年全球科技支出將增長5%,企業資本支出可望成為支撐科技股的重要動能。摩根美國科技基金經理人葛雷哥•托特指出,科技業過去10年投資不足,眼見全球景氣恢復成長動能,相關科技支出將隨之提升,股價有機會水漲船高。儲存

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存倉中國銀行業監督管理委員會山西監管局關於頒發、換發《中華人民共和國金融許可證》的公告2014年第5號下列機構經中國銀行業監督管理委員會山西監管局批准、核准,頒發、換發《中華人民共和國金融許可證》。現予以公告:太原市城區農村信用合作聯社體育西路分社機構編碼:E1377U214010128流水號:00552722業務範圍:許可該機構經營中國銀行業監督管理委員會依照有關法律、行政法規和其他規定批准的業務,經營範圍以批准文件所列的為準。批准成立日期:2013年08月01日機構住所:山西省太原市小店區體育西路317—1號郵政編碼:030006電話:0351-7039936發證日期:2013年08月06日中國民生銀行股份有限公司太原朝陽街小微企業專營支行機構編碼:B0009S214010023流水號:00552723業務範圍:許可該機構經營中國銀行業監督管理委員會依照有關法律、行政法規和其他規定批准的業務,經營範圍以批准文件所列的為準。批准成立日期:2013年08月06 日機構住所:太原市雙塔北路79號1幢A座郵政編碼:030001電話:0351-8208393發證日期:2013年08月08日太原市城區農村信用合作聯社朝陽街分社機構編碼:E137 7U214010036流水號:00552727業務範圍:許可該機構經營中國銀行業監督管理委員會依照有關法律、行政法規和其他規定批准的業務,經營範圍以批准文件所列的為準。批准成立日期:2002年12月18日機構住所:山西省太原市朝陽街359號郵政編碼:030006電話:0351-4853963發證日期:2013年08月28日中國建設銀行股份有限公司太原長風西大街支行機構編碼:B0004S214010053流水號:00552728業務範圍:許可該機構經營中國銀行業監督管理委員會依照有關法律、行政法規和其他規定批准的業務,經營範圍以批准文件所列的為準。批准成立日期:2013年08月29日機構住所:太原市長風西大街50號郵政編碼:030024電話:0351-6651061發證日期:2013年09月11日華夏銀行股份有限公司太原北城支行機構編碼:B0008S21401000 5流水號:00552729業務範圍:許可該機構經營中國銀行業監督管理委員會依照有關法律、行政法規和其他規定批准的業務,經營範圍以批准文件所列的為準。批准成立日期:2003年04月11日機構住所:太原市杏花嶺區桃園北路金剛堰145號第7幢郵政編碼:030003電話:0351-4125744發證日期:2013年09月11日華夏銀行股份有限公司太原五一路支行機構編碼:B0008S214010009流水號:00552730業務範圍:許可該機構經營中國銀行業監督管理委員會依照有關法律、行政法規和其他規定批准的業務,經營範圍以批准文件所列的為準。批准成立日期:2003年04月17日機構住所:太原市杏花嶺區五一路197號漳澤大廈一、二層郵政編碼:030006電話:035 1-4125744發證日期:2013年09月11日華夏銀行股份有限公司太原南城支行機構編碼:B0008S214010004流水號:00552731業務範圍:許可該機構經營中國銀行業監督管理委員會依照有關法律、行政法規和其他規定批准的業務,經營範圍以批准文件所列的為準。批准成立日期:2003年04月11日機構住所:太原市小店區長風街13 2號郵政編碼:030012電話:0351-4125744發證日期:2013年09月11日中國銀行股份有限公司太原女子支行機構編碼:B0003S214010045流水號:00552732業務範圍:許可該機構經營中國銀儲存業監督管理委員會依照有關法律、行政法規和其他規定批准的業務,經營範圍以批准文件所列的為準。批准成立日期:2003年12月10日機構住所:山西省太原市五一路190號雅典金座郵政編碼:030001電話:0351-826610 5發證日期:2013年09月11日中國銀行股份有限公司太原迎賓支行機構編碼:B0003 S214010047流水號:00552733業務範圍:許可該機構經營中國銀行業監督管理委員會依照有關法律、行政法規和其他規定批准的業務,經營範圍以批准文件所列的為準。批准成立日期:2003年12月10日機構住所:山西省太原市建設北路182號(中鐵六局生產調度指揮中心樓北側底商)郵政編碼:030013電話:0351-8266105發證日期:2013年09月11日中國工商銀行股份有限公司太原世紀廣場支行機構編碼:B000 1S214010018流水號:00552736業務範圍:許可該機構經營中國銀行業監督管理委員會依照有關法律、行政法規和其他規定批准的業務,經營範圍以批准文件所列的為準。批准成立日期:1986年05月17日機構住所:山西省太原市體育西路北區918 號郵政編碼:030012電話:0351-6246020發證日期:2013年09月17日中國民生銀行股份有限公司太原晉陽街支行機構編碼:B0009S214010024流水號:00552738業務範圍:許可該機構經營中國銀行業監督管理委員會依照有關法律、行政法規和其他規定批准的業務,經營範圍以批准文件所列的為準。批准成立日期:2013年09月18 日機構住所:山西省太原市平陽路568號君怡創新城C座底商1至3層郵政編碼:0300 06電話:0351-7566636發證日期:2013年09月23日中國銀行股份有限公司太原凱旋支行機構編碼:B0003S214010046流水號:00552740業務範圍:許可該機構經營中國銀行業監督管理委員會依照有關法律、行政法規和其他規定批准的業務,經營範圍以批准文件所列的為準。批准成立日期:2004年03月02日機構住所:山西省太原市並州南路33號郵政編碼:030001電話:0351-8266105發證日期:2013年09月25日中國銀行股份有限公司太原長風畫卷支行機構編碼:B0003S214010018流水號:005 52741業務範圍:許可該機構經營中國銀行業監督管理委員會依照有關法律、行政法規和其他規定批准的業務,經營範圍以批准文件所列的為準。批准成立日期:20 03年12月10日機構住所:山西省太原市體育西路198號(長風大街中段長風畫卷項目C座底商裙樓)郵政編碼:030012電話:0351-8266105發證日期:2013年09月25日太原市城區農村信用合作聯社解放路分社機構編碼:E1377U214010062流水號:00552 743業務範圍:許可該機構經營中國銀行業監督管理委員會依照有關法律、行政法規和其他規定批准的業務,經營範圍以批准文件所列的為準。批准成立日期:1991 年12月28日機構住所:山西省太原市杏花嶺區東杏苑7號樓6-13軸3號郵政編碼:03 0003電話:0351-3520340發證日期:2013年10月09日中國銀行股份有限公司古交東曲支行機構編碼:B0003U214010008流水號:00552744業務範圍:許可該機構經營中國銀行業監督管理委員會依照有關法律、行政法規和其他規定批准的業務,經營範圍以批准文件所列的為準。批准成立日期:2001年08月14日機構住所:山西省古交市東曲礦工人村郵政編碼:030200電話:0351-8266105發證日期:2013年10月09日迷你倉

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Unexpected growth of manufacturing sector by 6.存倉2% in Dec from a year ago will result in upgrades: economistsSingaporeTHE Republic's Q4 and full-year GDP estimates look set to be revised higher than most expected, after the manufacturing sector grew by a surprising 6.2 per cent in December from a year ago. But the volatility and large revisions to official data are giving economists pause.The unexpected rise in industrial production was largely due to double-digit jumps in electronics (22.2 per cent) and transport engineering (13.8 per cent) output, which helped offset a 14.9 per cent contraction in the biomedical manufacturing cluster.Excluding the volatile biomedical sector, industrial production would have grown an even stronger 12.1 per cent year-on-year.The data came as a "massive surprise" to the 14 private-sector economists polled by Bloomberg before the Economic Development Board (EDB) released the numbers yesterday. They had been expecting industrial production to ease from the previous year, forecasting a 1.4 per cent contraction in December's manufacturing output.Said DBS economist Irvin Seah: "(On an) absolute index basis, this is the highest level of industrial output since March 2008 . . . Manufacturing growth for the fourth quarter will now be revised to 7 per cent year-on-year instead of 3.5 per cent as previously reported in the advance estimate."Economists surveyed by The Business Times believe that upgrades to Q4 and full-year GDP estimates - released by the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) earlier this month - are in order.DBS, CIMB and UOB economists now expect Q4 GDP to fall within the 5.3-5.5 per cent range, while ANZ's Daniel Wilson thinks growth will hit 6.8 per cent - far above MTI's advanced estimate of 4.4 per cent year-on-year growth in the final quarter of last year.Instead of dipping a seasonally adjusted, annualised 2.7 per cent from Q3, most economists say the economy will escape an outright contraction in Q4 and instead record at least flat, if not positive, growth.As for full-year GDP numbers, economists from Barclays, DBS, and UOB say the Republic's 2013 GDP growth will be closer to 4 per cent - higher than the government's advanced estimate of 3.7 per cent.But economists' upgraded GDP forecasts were not solely the result of December's surprise showing in manufacturing output. "We're all re-thinking our numbers not just because of December's figur儲存s, but also because November's data has been upgraded quite a bit," said UOB economist Francis Tan.According to EDB, industrial production in November grew 6.6 per cent over the previous year, instead of an earlier estimated 4 per cent.Some economists BT spoke to expressed surprise at November's "significant" upward revision in manufacturing output.Said DBS's Mr Seah: "We've seen quite a few instances where negative advanced estimates turn positive when the final data is released, and vice versa. It's true that Singapore is a small and open economy, but such massive gyrations do call into question issues of data accuracy, especially when it comes to data-collection procedures."In terms of December's industrial production data, Barclays economist Joey Chew and UOB's Mr Tan said that while economists had already priced in a continued strong performance in the tech cluster, the extent of the electronics industry's rebound was somewhat unexpected.All sub-clusters put up a strong showing, with output for the main semiconductors segment rising 25.7 per cent year-on-year in December, while the data storage segment grew 32 per cent. This was due in part to the low base in December 2012, when electronics demand was weak.The transport engineering cluster received its boost from a 19.8 per cent output growth in the marine and offshore engineering segment.CIMB economist Song Seng Wun said: "The late spikes in transport engineering, chemicals and tech boosted December industrial production to 5.2 per cent in month-on-month seasonally adjusted (terms) - the strongest month-on-month increase in the past 10 months."Excluding biomedical manufacturing, output would have grown 5 per cent, EDB said.These numbers, too, caught economists off-guard and surpassed their forecast for a 0.5 per cent rise in seasonally adjusted month-on-month terms.With a strengthening US economy, an improvement in semiconductor sales in Europe and the recent uptrend seen in manufacturing activities among Asian economies, economists such as Ms Chew and Mr Tan believe positive spillovers to Singapore's manufacturing sector will continue to provide some lift going forward."That said, we do (warn of) the potential negative issues that may come from the supply side of production, such as the escalation of labour costs - due to the tight labour market and higher foreign worker levies - and higher industrial rental costs," added Mr Tan.迷你倉

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Source: The Tribune-Democrat, Johnstown, Pa.迷你倉出租Jan. 24--JOHNSTOWN -- As guests gathered Thursday morning for the launch of the annual fund drive for Johnstown Symphony Orchestra, they were greeted with a performance by chamber trio Laurel Strings.Marty Radovanic, WJAC-TV news anchor, served as host for the event at the Holiday Inn Johnstown-Downtown."We get requests for donations all the time, especially from the arts because the government support isn't what it used to be," Radovanic said."Johnstown Symphony Orchestra is an absolute jewel," Radovanic said. "They're all professional musicians, but they have other jobs. It costs money to run an organization like this, and every year the community comes through."Co-chairwoman Karen Azer announced the goal for the 2014 fund drive is $110,000 and urged donors to increase the amount of their gift if possible.The symphony board of trustees started the campaign with an initial gift of $10,000."Orchestras across the nation are struggling to survive, but I'm confident we can reach our goal," Azer said."No gift is too small. The symphony has enriched our lives in so many ways. Johnstown is fortunate to have Maestro and the musicians. They have the quality of a large metropolitan orchestra."Glenn Wilson, president and CEO of AmeriServ Financial, announced that AmeriServ will step forward as a 2014 leadership sponsor, with part of its gift going toward the annual fund."My wife and I are newcomers," Wilson said. "We've only been here 41/2 years. Having a symphony orchestra in Johnstown was a check on the plus side before we moved to Johnstown. I myself like pops more than classics, but I also need other people to want to come here."Wilson cited the annual Christmas program as one of the things he enjoys about the symphony."I feel it's important," Wilson said. "The symphony is a gem. It has to have support to continue. We have to make it happen."Maestro Istvan Jary, music director and conductor of the 迷你倉ymphony, took the audience on a historical journey to a time when the Johnstown Symphony Orchestra was considered stuffy and elite."The orchestra went through a metamorphosis," Jaray said."We cannot live in the past. The world is changing around us. The musical tastes of the audience are diverse, and we must try to satisfy their wishes. We cannot be happy with the status quo."The symphony has had productions with opera and ballet companies from Pittsburgh and concerts to celebrate patriotism, Halloween, Valentine's Day and black history.Jaray said the changes of the past few years do not mean a lower quality product."We're always short on money, but not on talent," he added. "The symphony is a symbol of our commitment to a better quality of life. Do yourself a favor and get music and the arts into your blood."In addition to the seven-concert subscription series, the fund drive supports the symphony's youth orchestra, children's and adult choruses, community strings program and share-the-music program."Johnstown Symphony Orchestra consists of accomplished and talented musicians and a board of trustees and staff who work diligently to present dynamic and entertaining concerts and innovative education and outreach programs to the community each year," executive director Brooke Welsh said."Your gift will increase the success of the annual fund drive and allow the JSO the ability to present great music to our community for years to come."Informational brochures will be mailed to anyone with a known connection to Johnstown Symphony Orchestra, including ticket buyers, previous donors and members of JSO performing groups.Information: 535-6738 or .johnstownsymphony.org.Ruth Rice covers Features for The Tribune-Democrat. Follow her on Twitter at Twitter.com/RuthRiceTD.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 The Tribune-Democrat (Johnstown, Pa.) Visit The Tribune-Democrat (Johnstown, Pa.) at .tribune-democrat.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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cqcbepaper.cqnews.net/cqcb/html/2014-01/25/content_1714725.htm...重慶晨報訊 (記者 吳國富)為進一步加大面向公�的文明旅遊宣傳引導,發動全社會力量,共同提示糾正出游活動中的不良陋習,國家旅...24小時迷你倉

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .迷你倉將軍澳newssc.org/本報訊 (記者 劉淼淼)1月24日,澳大利亞駐成都總領事館在成都舉行國慶招待會。省委常委、副省長鐘勉出席招待會並致辭,向澳大利亞駐成都總領事館及所有在川的澳大利亞友人表示祝賀。鐘勉在致辭中說,近年來,四川與澳大利亞的友好合作、人員往來保持良好發展勢頭,雙方高層互訪頻繁,科技、教育、旅遊、文化交流密切,經貿合和雙向投資不斷加強。澳大利亞已成為四川重要的貿易伙伴、投資來源地和境外投資、留學、旅遊的主要目的地之一。澳大利亞乳業、紅酒等優質農產品和礦產品已進入四川市場,澳新銀行、博思格等120多家澳大利亞企業在川投資興業,四川地奧礦業、泰豐集團等多家企業也紛紛到澳大利亞投資發展。相信在雙方共同努力下,四川與澳大利亞的交流合作將會百尺竿頭,更進一步。澳大利亞駐成都總領事郭南希在招待會上致辭。24小時迷你倉

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