Source: Daily Mail, LondonJan.self storage 23--Even in today's supposedly meritocratic business world, Gary Elden is a rarity. Brought up on a council estate in a rough area of South London, he left school at 16. Last year he became boss of recruitment firm SThree, one of a tiny handful of chief executives who do not conform to the white, public school and Oxbridge model.Even within his own company, he says he is one of 'the few without a degree'. Elden's drive comes from his father, who came to England from Jamaica during the war, lying about his age in order to join the RAF.After leaving the Forces, Alex Elden married an Englishwoman, and became only the second black driver of a London cab. And he instilled his son with a ferocious work ethic.'My dad is 87 and he carried on as a cabbie until 10 years ago. If he didn't have dementia he would still be working,' Elden says.Heartbreakingly, Alex Elden was recently presented with an ex-serviceman's award, but because of his illness he cannot remember receiving it. 'It was great to see him dressed up in his tuxedo, and he loved the ceremony, but a day later he had forgotten.'He has been a huge influence. He wanted me, my sister and my brother to be cab drivers, because he liked the idea of us being independent and being our own boss. My brother did become a cab driver and so did my cousin. I got to be my own boss, but by a different route ? I sit in the back of the cab, not the front.'Dad is old-school Jamaican, very strong on discipline and he believes you have to work for everything you get. I had to wash his cab every morning from the age of about seven, whether it was raining or snowing. My younger brother eventually took over but he was less conscientious.'When he was growing up, Elden and his family faced prejudice. 'My mum experienced it when she was out with me, a white woman with a black child. I look at the life my mum had, and it was pretty tough.'Even so, I loved my childhood. There may have been muggings and killings, but as a kid you were oblivious and I couldn't have had better parents. I always aspired for more, I don't know why.'As a teenager in the 1980s, Elden hero-worshipped boxer Muhammad Ali. 'What appealed to me about him was that he had a cause, a belief, and was proud of what he was. In the Vietnam war he had a view that made him a hated figure. My role models are people that go against the flow. I am not a rebel myself, but I admire that spirit.'Determined that his lack of a privileged background would not hold him back, Elden secured his first job as a Lloyd's of London insurance broker.Before long he had moved into estate agency, working for Winkworth, a firm that became synonymous with closing a fast sale in the late 1980s' housing boom and bust.At that time, just as now, young couples were desperate to get a foothold on the ladder and prepared to pay high prices for even the tiniest flat in the capital. Elden thrived in the heady atmosphere, soon becoming a top salesman and one of the company's youngest managers.In 1990, he moved into recruitment consultancy at Computer Futures, the firm that eventually became SThree, and 'worked his way from the bottom up'.H E took over as chief executive from his mentor Russell Clements, who made the unusual career move of becoming a part-time DJ in Ibiza.SThree specialises in recruiting for mid-management positions with salaries of between pounds sterling 45,000 and pounds sterling 100,000 a year, in the science, engineering, technology, ba迷利倉king and IT sectors.'The last five years are the toughest I have seen in recruitment. From 2008 to now it has been bumping along the bottom, whereas usually it picks up after a couple of years.''But I joined estate agency when it crashed, I joined recruitment in 1990-01 when it crashed, so I am used to difficult markets.'SThree, which also trades as Progressive Recruitment, Computer Futures and Real Staffing Group, reported a 6pc fall in gross profits for the first six months of last year to pounds sterling 94m, with pretax profits down by 28pc to pounds sterling 6.7m.Much of the decline was down to the costs of international expansion, in a bid to offset the downturn in the UK economy.The company, which floated on the stock market in 2006, has seen its shares undergo a rocky ride last year, but is up more than 100pc over five years.'The founders and management team own around 25pc. The founder Bill Bottriell is still a big shareholder. Simon Arber (the co-founder) is running a polo club somewhere.'Elden's insight into the jobs market makes him cautiously optimistic about the UK economy.'We are a lot more confident now than at the beginning of last year, but there are still concerns. We expect pharma, biotech and oil and gas to have better growth.'Young people, he says, are finding it hard to get a start. 'It is not just youngsters from a workingclass background struggling to get jobs, it is graduates.'I think sometimes the expectations are a bit high. The mindset for Generation Y is that young people expect things instantly. As we know that is not the real world.'Elden has a 19-year-old son and two young daughters under four. Perhaps because he has daughters of his own, he is evangelical about breaking down barriers for women in the workplace.'My daughters, they look at Barbie or Cinderella where the male comes along to save the princess ? but nowadays, the idea of waiting for your prince to come on a white horse, rather than achieving things for yourself is not so strong.'He sits on the Lord Mayor of London's diversity forum for CEOs and wants to encourage more girls to study sciences at school and to go into engineering.Within SThree, he is changing the way management talent-spots the next generation of potential top bosses, so that able female candidates do not lose out.'In the workplace, men push their chests out, but what I find, in general, is that if a woman is good at her job, she expects to be noticed and rewarded without having to be pushy. The female attitude is that they should be offered the promotions they deserve, they shouldn't have to ask.'Women will not start shouting about themselves like men do, or behaving like men, so we have to educate our managers to see these different male and female styles.'He admits there are problems: 'Some female managers find it hard to manage other women. Equally, some young women prefer working with male managers and fear they will clash with a female boss. It is a challenge.'So does Elden think corporate Britain is still dominated by a white public school male elite? 'I don't see it so much in the sectors SThree operates in, where if you have the right technical skills, you can't be held back by the old boy network.''And when I meet young people, I can look them in the eye and say, "You could be where I am in a few years' time."'Copyright: ___ (c)2014 Daily Mail (London, ) Visit the Daily Mail (London, ) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
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