Source: The Oregonian, Portland, Ore.儲存倉Aug. 13--The FBI asked for the public's help on Tuesday tracking people with information about serial killer Israel Keyes, including a woman in Oregon who is believed to be his first victim.Investigators believe Keyes committed multiple kidnappings and killed 11 people between 2001 and 2012 while traveling in the United States, Mexico, Canada between 2001 and March 2012, when he was arrested in the rape, murder and dismemberment of Samantha Koenig, an 18-year-old barista in Anchorage, Alaska.Investigators believe he did not know any of his victims, who he found in parks, campgrounds, boat ramps and other places. He is believed to have committed his first assault in the summer of 1997 or 1998 near Maupin.Keyes, who committed suicide last year while in custody in Alaska, told investigators that a girl, between 14 and 18 years old, was with friend on a tubing excursion on the Deschutes River when he lured her away and raped her. He did not kill her, he said.The FBI has been unable to locate any corresponding police reports. If true, the victim would now be in her late 20s or early 30s. Investigators asked that she and anyone else with information about his crimes to call the FBI office in Oregon at 503-224-4181or toll free at 800-CALL-FBI.Here are details about the rest of Keyes' travels:July 2001: Keyes was discharged from the U.S. Army.July 2001 to October 2001: Keyes committed his first homicide while living in Neah Bay, Wash. The person's identity is unknown.July 2001 to 2005: Keyes told investigators he murdered a couple in Washington. Keyes refused to tell law enforcement whether the couple was married, what their relationship was or anything about them. He indicated that they are buried near a valley. Keyes may have moved the victim's car to place distance between where the vehicle was found and where the crime occurred.2005 to 2006: Keyes admitted to two separate murders. He said he used his boat to dispose of their bodies. He got rid of one in Crescent Lake in Washington, submerging it in more than 100 feet of water with anchors.March 1 to March 9, 2007: Keyes drove from Neah Bay to Anchorage, Alaska where he lived until his arrest. He traveled the Alaska-Canadian Highway, stopping in Cache Creek, B.C.; Watson Lake, Yukon Territory; Destruction Bay, Yukon Territory; and Teslin, Yukon Territory. Keyes crossed the border into Alaska on March 9, 2007.Oct. 31 to Nov. 5, 2008: Keyes flew to Seattle after traveling to several states, including North Dakota and Arizona. On Oct. 31, Keyes rented a 2008 PT Cruiser in Seattle. Then on Nov. 2, he flew from Seattle to Boston, returning to Seattle and the迷你倉沙田 flying back to Anchorage on Nov. 5. Police seek information about any crimes Keyes may have committed on this trip.April 9, 2009: Keyes admitted to abducting a female from a state on the East Coast and transported that person over multiple state lines into New York. The victim is buried in upstate New York, he said. Investigators do not believe this victim is buried on the property Keyes owned in Constable, N.Y.April 10, 2009: Keyes robbed Community Bank in Tupper Lake, N.Y. After the bank robbery, Keyes told investigators he parked in a nearby campground outside of the area to wait for the emergency response vehicles to pass.July 9 to July 12, 2010: Keyes flew from Anchorage to Sacramento, Calif., and then traveled to Auburn, Calif. He rented a black Ford Focus and drove approximately 280 miles during the three days. Officials want information about his activities during this trip.April to May 2011: Keyes staked out a park near Point Woronzof in Anchorage. Intending to shoot a couple sitting in a car. But a police officer pulled into the lot. Keyes considered shooting the officer but changed his mind when a second police officer showed up.May 2011: Keyes reported he staked out the North Fork Trailhead in Eagle River, Alaska with the intention of abducting someone. He prepared a cache a short distance up the road that contained Drano and a shovel which he intended to use to dispose of the body.June 8, 2011: Keyes flew from Anchorage to Chicago on June 2, rented a car and drove to Essex, Vt. Keyes admitted to abducting and murdering Bill and Lorraine Currier on June 8. He disposed of a weapon stolen from the Currier home and the gun he used to shoot Bill Currier in Blakes River Falls Reservoir, both of which were recovered by the FBI.Following their murder, Keyes traveled around the East Coast and then drove to Chicago. On June 15, he flew from Chicago to San Francisco, stayed one night, then returned to Anchorage on June 16.Feb. 1, 2012: Keyes admitted abducting and killing Samantha Koenig in Anchorage. He disposed of her body in Matanuska Lake near Palmer, Alaska.Feb 2 to Feb. 18, 2012: Keyes flew to New Orleans where he went on a cruise until Feb. 11. After, he drove from New Orleans to Texas. Although he denied it, investigators believe Keyes may be responsible for a homicide in Texas or a surrounding state during this time. In the morning of Feb. 16, Keyes set a home on fire in Aledo, Texas. Following the arson, he robbed National Bank of Texas in Azle, Texas.-- Lynne TerryCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Oregonian (Portland, Ore.) Visit The Oregonian (Portland, Ore.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉價錢

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【新報訊】前政務司司長許仕仁遭新鴻基地產旗下的忠誠財務有限公司入稟高等法院追債(圖),迷你倉沙田指許9年前答應替德福企業有限公司做借貸擔保人,該筆款項至今仍未全數清還,要求許仕仁履行擔保協議,賠償忠誠316萬元。忠誠財務亦同時入稟,向借款人德福企業追討上述欠款。據公司註冊處資料顯示,2004年雙方簽定借款協議時,許仕仁與妻子羅美美同為德福企業有限公司的董事。入稟狀透露,2004年5月19日原訴人忠誠財務跟首與訟人德福企業簽下借貸協議,向德福貸出一筆款項,而次與訟人許仕仁於2004年5月20日簽下擔保還款的協議書,事隔多年,借款仍未還清,計算至本月11日為止,欠款連累計利息合共 3,160,945元,首、次與訟人均有責任清還有關欠款。許為公司做借貸擔保另外,原訴人忠誠財務亦同時要迷你倉價錢以當年借貸協議的所開列的條款計算欠款利息,日期由2013年8月12日起計直至法庭有判決為止。早前,許仕仁亦遭東亞銀行入稟高院,追討兩份透支貸款欠款及兩張信用卡欠款,但沒有披露金額。東亞的入稟狀內容十分簡略,僅有寥寥數行,稱東亞向許提出兩項欠款追討,分別是按照信貸函件,由東亞批予許仕仁的兩筆透支貸款,以及按信用卡持有人協議,由東亞提供予許氏的兩張信用卡所涉款項。原訴人指由於許違反信貸函件及信用卡持有人協議的條款,故要求許清還全部款項。早前有報道指,許仕仁擔任政務司司長期間,曾有兩三間銀行向他批出合共數千萬元無抵押透支貸款,而許仕仁當時的年薪約為四百多萬港元,一般銀行的最高透支額通常是貸款人月薪的6倍左右,特殊情況除外。入稟狀編號:HCA 1473 & 1474/2013迷你倉庫

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中移動(941)將於明日公佈業績,存倉市場普遍預期純利幾乎持平,3G上客加快或因補貼增加及增低端用戶,間接拖低APRU數字。對手聯通(762)一向發展FDD-LTE制式,董事長指今年開始試驗建TD-LTE基站,此或加大對中移動的競爭,留意業績會否提及集團之4G部署。中移動昨日收陰燭,暫未突破近三周在82元至84元區間上落格局,如看好可留意中移購25892,行使價90元,明年2月上旬到期,實際槓桿約13倍。相反如看淡可留意中移沽25659,行使價75元,明年1月上旬到期,實際槓桿約12倍。本資料所述產品並無抵押品。如發行人及擔保人無力償債或違約,投資者可能無法收回部份或全部應收款項。本資料由摩根大通證券(亞太)有限公司(「摩根大通」)編製,僅供參考用途,並不構成任何要約、建議、提呈出售或招攬購買任何上述產品,亦並不構成摩根大通自存倉行任何上述交易之承諾。過往表現並不代表將來的表現,摩根大通不保證未來事件或表現將與上述任何意見或預測一致。可贖回牛熊證備有強制贖回機會而可能被提早終止,屆時(i)N類牛熊證投資者將不獲發任何金額;(ii)R類牛熊證之剩餘價值可能為零。結構性產品之格價可急升也可急跌,投資者或會損失部份或所有投資。摩根大通並非投資者的顧問或信託人。投資前應詳閱有關上市檔並在需要時諮詢專業意見瞭解及評估風險,否則切勿投資上述產品。結構性產品於第二市場的流通量是無法預料的。J.P. Morgan Broking (Hong Kong) Limited可能是上述結構性產品的唯一流通量提供者。J.P. Morgan Broking (Hong Kong) Limited 亦為南方富時中國A50 ETF及易方達中證100 A股指數ETF的參與證券商之一。迷你倉新蒲崗

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9月1日起,迷你倉庫這樣的紙質電費通知單將停用。 記者何曉剛 攝  9月1日起,紙質電費通知單將正式退出武漢,市民要想知道家里上個月用了多少電,要通過手機短信、固定電話提醒來獲知。昨天,武漢供電公司發佈了這一信息。  到供電營業廳免費登記  手機可接到短信通知  武漢供電公司介紹,9月1日起,停止發放紙質電費通知單,在抄表次日後,居民可通過供電營業廳、供電公司自助繳費終端、95598服務熱線、手機短信等方式,獲取當月電量電費信息,固定電話提供語音提醒服務。  怎樣辦理短信和語音提醒服務?用戶憑原紙質電費通知單(或電費發票)上的客戶編號、戶主身份證,到轄區供電營業廳免費辦理手續,之後,手機就能接到短信通知或語音通知,固定電話能接到語音通知。  需要說明的是,居民在營業廳辦理上述業務時,如家里既有手機又有固定電話,可自由選擇其中一種作為獲知信息方式。如果家里沒有手機和固定電話,可以登記其他親人、朋友的號碼,同樣能獲知相關信息。  此外,如果手機和電話變更,只需憑客戶編號和戶主身份證,到營業廳辦理變更手續即可。  6家銀行不再代收電費  居民需改找其他銀行代扣  除了變更電費通知方式,9月1日零點起,武漢農村商業銀行、華夏銀行、中信銀行、民生銀行、漢口銀行和光大銀行的電費賬戶注銷,終止電費代收業務。  武漢供電公司提醒,此前委托上述6家銀行代扣、結算電費的居民,可改到工商銀行、農業銀行、中國銀行、建設銀行、交通銀行、招商銀行、中國郵政儲蓄銀行等,辦理電費代繳手續(免手續費)。由這些銀行代扣電費的家庭,則不需要作任何變更。  此外,市民還可選擇通過支付寶等繳費方式。武漢供電公司人士說,登錄支付寶交電費不僅快捷,還能及時查詢到用電欠費和餘額等信息。  居民多留個心眼  警惕“催費”的短信詐騙  武漢供電公司儲存士解釋,此次變更電費通知方式,一是為了保護居民個人信息不外泄,同時也利於節約紙張,保護環境。  該人士說,紙質電費單容易丟失,放在家門口會被風吹走,甚至被其他人拿走,可能暴露個人信息,讓其他人知道該戶居民家每月的用電量。  昨天,記者走訪漢口解放公園路花惠社區、勞動街惠中社區等發現,居民樓下仍有部分貼有上月的電費通知單,戶主姓名、房號、電費欠繳情況一清二楚。在花惠社區一棟居民樓下,一張7月17日的通知單上,附有粗黑水彩筆提醒字跡:“張*航,已多次通知,請今日交清以免停電。”  記者隨機採訪多位市民,他們均對電費新通知方式有質疑:“電話、短信通知是很方便,但現在詐騙電話很多,萬一不法分子趁機給居民打電話‘催交’電費,我們如何辨別?”  武漢供電公司人士說,該公司將嚴格操作流程,不會將用戶個人電話等信息外泄。騙子通過短信和電話“催交”電費,通常會讓居民把費用存進指定賬戶,而供電部門不可能對居民作此要求,遇到此類情況時切勿輕信,可及時撥打95598咨詢核實。  水、氣繳費方式暫不變  抄表員上門抄表  電費通知方式下月就變化,水、天然氣交費方式是否跟進?昨天,記者咨詢武漢市水務集團和天然氣有限公司得知,水、天然氣交費方式暫時不會變化。  武漢市水務集團人士解釋,武漢目前有約120萬用戶抄表到戶,其中絕大多數居民的水表都設在家中,而且抄表員上門抄表時會帶著打印清單儀器,在入戶查表時會將通知單交給居民,相對而言保密性比較好。  武漢市市天然氣有限公司人士說,該公司在武漢目前有130多萬用戶,只有機械表用戶(約26萬戶)才需要在樓梯口張貼用氣費用通知單,其餘用戶裝的都是IC卡表,居民自己往卡里預存費用就能直接加氣,不需要用通知單來提醒。(記者 謝東波 通訊員 王欣)標簽:電費 通知單 紙質 武漢 何曉剛新蒲崗迷你倉

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南方日報訊 (記者/周人果)信用卡的額度限制和攜帶大額現金的不便,迷你倉庫成為�多海外血拼一族的障礙,一種針對中國出境遊客設計的新型支付產品日前上市。記者從美國運通獲悉,該公司推出的易世通電子旅行支票,支持歐元、美元及英鎊三種貨幣選擇。據瞭解,易世通電子旅行支票可以最高充值額度達4萬美元。另外,持有人還可以在世界各地享受美國運通精選禮待項目的旅遊、休閒、餐飲等優惠。即日起至2013年12月31日,在美國地區使用易世通電子旅行支票,還可專享包括布魯明戴爾、梅西百貨、西蒙商場名牌折扣購物中心、佛羅里達票務中心、銳步、Tommy Hilfiger等美國著名商儲存購物優惠。目前,消費者可以在廣州地區的中國工商銀行網點及中國光大銀行營業網點購買美國運通易世通電子旅行支票或充值,除了可以在全球數百萬家接受美國運通卡的商戶消費,或在自動櫃員機上提取現金。此外,持卡人還可以享受到美國運通全球支援服務,為產品持有人提供24小時緊急援助,包括護照或行李遺失以及法律或醫療等相關支援。近期,美國運通還聯合合作銀行推出“即買即贈”促銷活動。即日起至2013年9月30日之前,消費者購買美國運通易世通電子旅行支票,首次充值2000元,可額外獲贈10元;首次充值5000元,可額外獲贈25元;首次充值10000元,可額外獲贈50元。新蒲崗迷你倉

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Tuntou village has enjoyed a robust economy thanks to a thriving industry producing palace lanterns, but the intellectual property rights belong to only one person.迷你倉價錢 Can the sole custodian of the intangible cultural heritage ensure the traditions are kept alive? Erik Nilsson and Zheng Jinran in Shijiazhuang report. Tuntou village’s palace lantern industry has produced a shining local economy that casts light on the role of intellectual property in passing on tradition. Zhang Fengjun, 54, is Hebei province’s only provincially designated intangible cultural heritage inheritor of palace lantern-making. Zhang owns nine patents related to the lanterns that were developed in the Eastern Han Dynasty (AD 25-220). The fact that Zhang is the sole custodian of the lanterns raises the question: Does IPR illuminate or dim intangible cultural heritage’s prospects? Palace lanterns fueled the local economy during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), when an official discovered a local craftsman’s lantern he suspected would delight the emperor. It did. And an industry was born. The local lantern-making tradition nearly flickered out in the following centuries but has enjoyed a revival in recent decades, making the settlement southern Gaocheng county’s wealthiest. “I’ve been successful in introducing this heritage to the market and industrializing it,” Zhang says. Zhang has also helped the commercialization of the industry. Many of the 300 types of lanterns his company produces are festooned with the logos of such behemoths as Bank of China, Tsingtao Brewery and China Mobile. Others are adorned with more traditional imagery — fish, representing longevity, and dragons and phoenixes symbolizing marital bliss. He learned the craft from his father and founded Gaocheng Palace Lanterns Design and Development Co, Ltd, in 1984. It has grown to become the world’s largest palace lantern producer with assets exceeding 19 million yuan ($3 million). Lanterns have made remote Tuntou wealthy enough to get traffic jams, says village Party secretary Su Zhenguo, who also owns a lantern factory. About 80 percent of residents have cars, and roughly 30 percent drive two. Typically, one is a family vehicle and another is a company van. The average income among the nearly 6,000 villagers is about 15,000 yuan a year — far more than what an average Chinese farmer earns. Youth can earn up to 150 yuan a day. Retired women can get about 70 yuan. Currently, 110 employees make lanterns in his 16,000-square-meter factory. An average employee’s wage is about two-thirds of the bosses’, Su says. That includes thousands of migrant workers from nearby villages. “Villagers don’t have to migrate from here,” Su says. “Instead, villagers migrate to here.” More than 10,000 people from some 1,000 families work in the sector. They produce more than 90 percent of the world’s palace lanterns. The research and development that forms the basis of Zhang’s intellectual property rights are local. There are no outside designers, Su says. Village-wide, the industry sells a billion yuan worth of lanterns a year, Su says. Twelve-meter-high lanterns sell for up to 80,000 yuan, while 3-cm-high models cost 8 yuan a pair. Villager Li Yuping, who owns a small lantern-making company, says: “Chinese people want to decorate more as they become wealthier.” The local government offers preferential treatment, such as bank loans, to those who enter the sector. Some might argue the IPRs contributed to Tuntou’s prosperity — but Zhang is not among them. “Only one smal迷你倉庫 factory has paid for the rights,” he says. “So, it can’t be said my IPRs have made the village richer.” But he believes patents preserve heritage. “Otherwise, the quality of the lanterns would vary. And competition could become malicious. That would hurt heritage. IPRs have made my company rich enough to develop new innovations on tradition.” He says the fee to use his patented designs is low but refuses to disclose the amount. Patenting intangible heritage walks a fine line, China Art Institute researcher and doctoral supervisor Yuan Li says. “Intangible cultural heritage is regional, which means it belongs to many people in a specific area,” he says. “Patents are exclusive. That runs against tradition and intangible cultural heritage’s essence.” Other countries have been tackling this question for more than two decades with no clear solution, he points out. The Indian government has gone to the mat over yoga patents awarded to US companies. It says “yoga theft” runs counter to the soul of the spiritual practice that’s a part of shared traditional knowledge. India’s government won the nullification of the multinational Metaproteomics’ patent on ancient turmeric-based medicines Indian families use as folk remedies. Two months ago, Good Morning to You Productions Corp sued Time Warner Inc’s Warner/Chappell Music to demand a refund of the $1,500 licensing fee it paid the copyright holder of Happy Birthday to You — listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the most recognized English-language song — arguing the traditional tune should be in the public domain. Yuan says it’s a blurry line between traditional craftsmanship and heritage forms’ extrinsic features inherited by many people — which should never be patented — and innovative designs based on tradition. But patent offices lack mechanisms to measure the distinctions, he says. An image database and recognition system would be an effective solution. India created one with 1,500 yoga poses to send to patent offices. China Folk Culture Association deputy director Liu Delong believes patents could protect some crafts. “However, some patents are too general,” he says. There have been lawsuits surrounding the name “Shandong brocade”, for instance. The heritage form has no specific style, pattern or material. Palace lanterns’ IPRs haven’t generated legal disputes. Whatever their impact, business is booming. And the tradition is being continued. Tuntou’s industry is also bringing the Chinese intangible heritage form into international consciousness. Zhang’s company produced the lanterns that shone upon the Beijing Olympics and Shanghai World Expo. They’re exported to Australia, Russia, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. And they dangle in Beijing’s Zhongnanhai and the Great Hall of the People. The village also produces customized moving lanterns — some are simple robots — of various shapes. Dragons twist, fish swim and birds fly in Gaocheng Palace Lanterns’ display room. Fifty-six pairs of lanterns are shaped like couples from the country’s ethnic groups. Laser printers etch lanterns in the rooms surrounding a courtyard of vegetables in one section of the compound. Su, the village head who runs another company, says Tuntou’s palace lantern industry has illuminated opportunities for locals and offers a bright future. “I used to make car parts,” he says. “Business was bad. So I started this. And business is brilliant.” Contact the writers through Zhang Zixuan contributed to the story. 儲存

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Source: Appeal-Democrat, Marysville, Calif.儲存倉Aug. 13--MARYSVILLE BUSINESS OWNERS -- whether or not directly affected by the closing of the Ninth and E intersection -- said Caltrans roadwork is needlessly scaring downtown customers away."There could be other contributing factors, but it seems to me that Caltrans is way overpublicizing this," said Brenda Robbins, owner of Copy City on D Street. "The traffic flows better now than it ever has."It was known that Stage 3 of the $45 million Caltrans project to reconstruct much of highways 70 and 20 within Marysville would create more snarls than the first two stages.While the first two stages closed roadway at 10th and E streets, one side of the highway was always open to traffic. But Stage 3 has closed a busy intersection linking the two main highways traversing the city."It's something we have to do, but it's hard on the small-business person," said Russ Clark, owner of the Carl's Jr. restaurant at Ninth and B.But downtown business owners not directly affected by the Ninth and B work said it's also making potential shoppers wary of going anywhere in Marysville.Lynn Williams, owner of Three Seventeen Upscale Resale on D Street, blames Caltrans signs to the south telling drivers how to avoid construction."It is totally about the signs for traffic to avoid Marysville," said Williams. "Really, I live in south Yuba City and it takes six minutes from the time I leave my house until I am at the doorstep of my business."It's not that difficult," she said. "I have driven it several times, so it had to have been those signs."City Manager Walter Munchheimer and 11 concerned business owners met with a Caltrans official on Friday to discuss the effect the roadwork is having on businesses.Business owners surrounding the Ninth and E intersection said cust迷你倉沙田mers have declined during Stage 3. Other owners said it's hurting businesses because it's keeping all people out of the city. "I have talked to at least six people who normally used to drive through Marysville who are now driving through Yuba City instead," said Don Blaser, owner of The Brick Coffee House. "If there are six telling me, there are 106 more doing the same thing."Clark said he also believes the roadwork overall is keeping customers out of the city."It's hard on all businesses in the area because people are avoiding the area," he said. "We need to get the word out that people don't have to worry about traffic. There isn't any."Sukhvinder Singh, owner of Yuba Food & Liquor Mart on 10th Street, estimated his business has been cut in half by the roadwork."When construction is completed, we don't know whether we will get our clientele back," he said. "It's been a tough situation."Work slated to be finished by Labor Day weekendCaltrans spokesman Steve Nelson said on Monday that Stage 3 work is on schedule to be completed before Labor Day weekend.The intersection should be open the morning of Aug. 30 with no work planned through the holiday weekend.This week, Nelson said, the contractor will be finishing curb, gutter and sidewalk installation, prepare for pouring concrete and begin pouring on Friday night.Stages 4 and 5, which will consist of reconstructing roadway south of the Ninth and E intersection to Sixth Street, will begin after the Labor Day weekend.Traffic controls will be in place to direct northbound and southbound traffic over one lane during each stage.CONTACT Eric Vodden at 749-4769.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, Calif.) Visit the Appeal-Democrat (Marysville, Calif.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉價錢

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A woman carries a tray of food inside a KFC restaurant in Beijing.自存倉 The heat seems to be getting to KFC parent Yum Brands Inc in China after the fast-food chain saw China sales slide in July, with some market watchers saying a lack of focus on cooling drinks and ice cream meant diners looked迷你倉新蒲崗elsewhere as record-hot weather gripped the country. Yum reported a much steeper-than-expected 13 percent drop in July sales at established restaurants in China as the company strives to bounce back from the double blows of a food safety scare and bird flu outbreak in its top market.-Reuters迷你倉出租

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