存倉 中秋小黃金周,東部華僑城秋季推出的“秋香滿城·瑞士假日”系列主題活動讓遊客在中秋佳節攜帶親朋好友共享團圓之夜。據統計,中秋3天小長假,東部華僑城共接待遊客逾5萬人。本版撰文:南方日報記者 蘇妮迷你倉

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Source: San Bernardino County Sun, Calif.迷你倉Sept. 22--RIVERSIDE -- Gabriel Luis Acosta was celebrated Saturday as a family member, as a faithful Christian, as a skilled and dedicated photographer and as a playful but responsible presence in the lives of those who knew him until his death at age 46 on Sept. 14.Acosta excelled in each of those pursuits -- as a photographer with The Sun and Riverside Magazine for more than 20 years; as the loving husband of Laura and father of Zachary, 14, and Gabriella, 11; and as an involved member of The Grove Community Church -- speakers said between laughter and tears at a funeral that brought hundreds of people to The Grove.Acosta died after a fall from a tree he was trimming at his home in Riverside.His work ethic started early, with yard work and other responsibilities at his grandfather's house, Acosta's brother, Mark, said Saturday."Grandpa taught us never to do anything halfway, and I think those of you who know Gabe know he never did anything halfway," he said.Mark recalled that Gabriel, 14 months older, was always "the ringleader" of the four sons.An artist before he was a photographer -- he described himself as "an artist who makes a living as a photographer" -- Acosta as a child would draw comics and Hulk pictures, assigning Captain America and Spider-Man to his siblings.He and Mark also started a "yard service" for for their block, dragging a broom and rakes on a wagon, before getting his first paying job by dressing up as a Twinkie for a local grocery store, Mark said.But it was his photography that made Acosta known to many of those in attendance Saturday, and to many others who saw his photos of the biggest news events of the last two decades and revealing portraits of many in the Inland Empire."Gabe could turn an average scene into sheer beauty.... The thing that strikes me most in his photos is the way he captures people," said Mike Barnes, a pastor at The Grove who hypothesized that Acosta's humanity made people look迷你倉最平beyond the camera lens and let their character be shown. "Gabe had a sense of calling in his profession, a sense of honor."There were multiple attempts to recruit him to The Press-Enterprise, based in his hometown of Riverside, but he stayed with The Sun in San Bernardino because the fixed schedule gave him more time with his family and because he was sharply loyal to the paper that gave him his start as a lab technician in 1991, said Press-Enterprise photographer David Bauman.Bauman shared remembrances from many Inland Empire journalists during his eulogy, including one from Press-Enterprise photographer Stan Lim."Although we were competing, looking for the best shot, he would always share what he knew, because to him, we were still a brotherhood of photographers," Bauman quoted Lim as saying.Acosta won numerous awards from the Inland chapter of the Society of Professional Journalists and the California Newspaper Photographers Association and mentored youths interested in photojournalism through the California Chicano News Media Association's Inland Chapter. Colleagues remember him as passionately producing eye-catching photos.Yet his family and his faith came first. His note-filled Bible and love were stressed repeatedly during a nearly two-hour service.His wife said the tributes people have been sending had helped support the family."For all of the many ways that he has touched you over the years, this has come back to touch us," she said in a brief but tearful message. "Thank you so very much. We are so blessed."Perhaps the perfect response to the death that shocked so many was one Gabe himself had given to his brother when their father died eight years ago, Mark said."Michael," Mark remembered him saying, "today's a great day because Dad's up in heaven with God."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the San Bernardino County Sun (San Bernardino, Calif.) Visit the San Bernardino County Sun (San Bernardino, Calif.) at .sbsun.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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南方日報訊 (記者/鄧翔 通訊員/鄒帥 石道雄 陳戴維 孫莉 孫娟 黃俊生)記者從深圳多個交通部門獲悉,迷你倉此次強颱風“天兔”對深圳民航、鐵路和出入境口岸均造成較大影響。截至記者發稿時,深圳機場400多個航班取消,31個航班延誤;福永碼頭船班則全部取消;另外深圳部分普速列車停運,鐵路部門將做好全額退票和改簽服務。民航400多航班取消昨日下午,深圳航空通報稱,14時以後的廣深港地區全部進出港航班取消,南航也決定取消264個航班。截至昨日16時,深圳機場400多個航班被迫取消,另有31個航班延誤。深圳機場方面稱,預計至今日晚間,深圳機場將出現陣雨並伴隨大風,航班延誤及取消情況將持續。為應對強颱風來襲,深圳機場前天開始對颱風可能造成的影響進行部署,提前做好各項防範工作。昨日7時30分,深圳機場三防預案藍色預警�動,並于8時升級為黃色預警。目前,深圳機場正持續密切關注颱風動向,必要時將�動深圳機場三防預案橙色預警。航班停擺,飛機遷往外站避風受此次強颱風影響,有不少以深圳為基地的航空公司將所轄飛機遷往外站過夜,躲避來勢洶洶的“天兔”。其中,南航從昨日中午12時開始,取消所有起降航班,並安排飛機飛往全國各未受颱風影響的地區暫避,預計全日有約1.7萬進出港旅客受影響。深圳機場各航空公司亦及時變更航班計劃並取消大量航班,多架飛機轉場前往周邊風力較小的機場避風,預計將有6至7萬進出港旅客行程受阻。據悉,昨晚,南航深圳估計有28架飛機在外站過夜避風,由此導致運力緊張,因此被取消航班後續不再補班。航空公司將為旅客辦理退票或改簽服務。此外,由於颱風影響時間持續較長,南航還初步決定取消今天14時前返回深圳機場的所有航班,預計將有大量航班取消,下午及晚間航班亦將因此可能延誤或取消。為盡可能減少對旅客的影響,航空公司地面服務部門安排了專人跟進天氣情況和航班動態,並儲備足夠的飲用水和快餐,以便必要時提供給旅客,同時還與車隊和協議酒店保持聯絡,以便旅客有需要時協助安排住宿。鐵路部分普速列車停運做好全額退票改簽據廣鐵集團深圳火車站通報,受強颱風“天兔”登陸影響,途經廣梅汕、三茂鐵路部分普速列車22日至24日停運。鐵路部門目前正全力做好停運列車的全額退票和改簽服務。涉及深圳始發列車具體停運情況為:22日深圳至梅州T8370次停運;23日梅州至深圳T8369次停運。據悉,截至昨日16時,除上述列車停運外,廣鐵集團轄文件倉深圳站始發其它普速列車及高鐵動車組運行秩序正常。深圳火車站表示,該站將第一時間通報旅客列車、動車組開行資訊。鐵路部門目前正全力為旅客做好上述停運列車的全額退票以及改簽服務,並對由此帶來的不便表示歉意。口岸出入港澳船班全部取消受今年強颱風“天兔”影響,昨日蛇口、福永碼頭來往港澳的出入境船班全部停航,其他各口岸目前可正常出入境。深圳邊檢總站已做好應急準備。據瞭解,繼昨日福永碼頭往來澳門(外港碼頭、�仔碼頭)、香港機場碼頭的24個往返航班全部停航,今天往來澳門的16個班次航班繼續停航,往來香港機場碼頭的航班是否恢複將視天氣等情況具體確定。21日下午起,深圳邊檢充分吸取多年來颱風暴雨應對經驗,全面開展防範工作。警戒隊加強口岸巡查監護,提前置換戶外鐵馬護欄,收存戶外掛式、立式標識標牌,備足車輛防闖關等硬性隔離設施,做好消防通道等伸縮式道閘停用替換準備。特勤分隊全員到位,加強對口岸制高點及地勢低窪處等重點部位的巡查監控,全天候24小時現場備勤,做好現場應急搶險處置準備。深圳邊檢同時提醒廣大出入境旅客、司機,出行前密切關注颱風動態和口岸通關信息,以免耽誤行程。■相關恢複通關遇“天兔”文錦渡口岸南方日報訊 (記者/鄧翔 通訊員/廖明敏)深圳文錦渡口岸剛恢複通關不久即遭遇強颱風考驗。記者瞭解到,文錦渡邊檢及時�動颱風應急預案,保障颱風期間口岸的安全與暢通。在旅客通關方面,將加強與口岸巴士運營公司的聯繫,隨時瞭解旅客運營動態,提前做好勤務安排,保障口岸的安全暢通和旅客人身安全。車輛通關方面,提前對“快捷通”等設備進行檢修,確保颱風期間邊檢查驗設備的運行正常,保證私家車和運送供港鮮活產品的貨櫃車順利通行。邊檢站民警告訴記者,口岸新建旅檢區域在防風雨設施上有很大改進,口岸進出口、旅檢大樓和候車場沿途都安裝有防雨棚。從中秋3天假期的通關流量看,文錦渡口岸通關壓力較小,旅客通關較快,颱風天旅客選擇文錦渡口岸是不錯的選擇。截至昨日下午發稿時,除跨境學童停課外,文錦渡邊檢站暫未收到口岸巴士停運的消息。兩條高速實施入口管制分流南方日報訊 (記者/李榮華)深圳交警22時10分發佈最新消息,受“天兔”影響,目前深汕高速惠州段風力較強。為確保安全,深圳交警即時起將在惠鹽高速荷坳、龍崗、坑梓收費站及東部沿海高速深圳段實施入口管制分流措施,禁止車輛進入高速公路惠州方向,同時建議已進入高速公路前往惠州車輛由就近出口駛離。存倉

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/“獲得肯定的同時更要注重完善自身,迷你倉快速成長。”成都九合投資理財咨詢有限公司(以下簡稱九合投資)副總經理葉曉鋒在九合投資獲得“2013年度最佳民間投資理財機構”殊榮之後表示,“獎項是對九合投資過往成績的肯定,如果路要走得更遠,我們還要做更多努力。”加強風控力度 嚴把貸後監督“我們向投資者傳達的理財觀念是,通過理財不會讓大家一夜暴富,過上奢華生活,但是可以提高大家的生活質量,在基本收入的基礎上獲得一筆可觀的資本性收入。”葉曉鋒表示,九合投資自身強調的也是可持續性的、健康的發展。據瞭解,九合投資自成立以來,憑借完善的社會信用體系和投融資體系,迅速獲得了投資者和中小微企業的支持,為民間資本與企業之間搭起了安全、快捷的平台。因此,葉曉鋒表示,為了保證理財客戶的資金安全,九合投資的風控人員除了實地考儲存倉,還要進一步調查公司的實力、還款能力以及成長空間,以確保資金鏈條安全高效運轉。葉曉鋒說,許多投資者選擇民間理財機構的依據首先就是看收益,其次就是哪裡有項目就投哪裡。“如今的投資項目很多,但是民間投資理財的核心是風控。同一個項目由不同的公司做,風控措施會不同,對項目風險的把控結果也會有差別。”他強調,九合投資將加強風控力度,嚴格執行貸後監督。積分兌換活動持續中“近期有不少客戶希望我們舉辦更多的落地活動。”對此,葉曉鋒介紹,九合投資在中秋回饋活動中推出了積分兌換贈品活動和“以老帶新”活動。據悉,九合投資秉持為客戶提供專業服務的理念,一直在不斷完善,力爭打造出安全、優質、創新的產品,以確保客戶資金安全,同時也推出豐富多彩的客戶活動。“此前的積分兌換活動和‘以老帶新’活動將延續到10月底。”葉曉鋒表示,進入11月之後,九合投資將為客戶帶來更多更精彩的落地活動。文/張蒙迷你倉

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Luxury resort operators are specialising their services in order to stand out amid intense competition, writes Keith ChanSanya’s booming tourism industry has resulted in a rapid rise in luxury resorts and falling room rates, leaving visitors spoilt for choice.迷你倉 However, as the visitor market becomes more sophisticated, resorts need more than a large swimming pool, good restaurants and a white-sand beach to guarantee success. Crucial to staying ahead is the need to create a market niche in the products and services they provide so that they stand out from their rivals.Situated on a private beach opposite the busy Dadonghai beach, the Mandarin Oriental, Sanya is targeting visitors who enjoy the privacy of being tucked away in a quiet location. These are often the same people who seek quality lifestyles and are health-conscious.“With an increasing interest in holistic health care in the West, we have seen a corresponding increase in the number of guests who actively choose Sanya as a travel destination for traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) treatments,” says Paul Jackson, general manager of the Mandarin Oriental, Sanya.To meet this demand, the hotel has introduced TCM treatment services offered by certified practitioners. Jackson says guests travelling to Sanya for health and wellness reasons are looking for a complete experience. Therefore, in addition to TCM and spa treatments, the hotel offers a range of activities to assist them in achieving their wellness objectives.The hotel’s in-house masters can be booked for groups or private lessons in tai chi, qigong and kung fu, while its qualified staff offer yoga, Pilates and personal training.Jackson says he believes the wellness travel trend will continue to evolve, particularly in the field of non-invasive anti-ageing, weight management and beauty treatments.In addition, the hotel is creating a range of healthy gourmet cuisine options for its guests using the freshest seasonal produce available in Hainan. A TCM herb garden is being built at the resort to ensure guests receive the best organic produce.Also making the most of the demand for health care and wellness is Haitang Bay Gloria Sanya, which opened in September last year. The hotel is the only seafront property in Sanya with a natural hot spring, which is generally believed to have healing properties.Gloria Sanya has the added advantage of being near the Hainan 301 Hospital, which opened last year and is the city’s only Grade-A comprehensive hospital built to boost Hainan’s medical tourism sector.The hotel recently launched medical packages inclusive of accommodation, meals, transport and check-ups at the hospital文件倉 The packages start from four days, three nights to as long as one to two weeks for extensive check-ups.According to Nicolas Solari, general manager of Haitang Bay Gloria Sanya, the packages target wealthy travellers who are able to afford having family members stay with them while in hospital.The hotel will make sure guests receive personalised care. For example, upon arrival at Sanya airport, guests can use the special hospital channel for priority access, and special nutritious food can be prepared.Some resorts have identified family-friendly products and services as their niche, and the Renaissance Sanya Resort & Spa near Haitang Bay caters specifically to this market.“Because Renaissance Sanya Resort & Spa is a large beach resort, our primary market is families who are on vacation,” says Sean Baskett, the hotel’s general manager. “To attract families, we needed to provide facilities that can entertain the whole family and, as a lifestyle resort, our aim was to do this in an innovative way that allowed our guests to discover.”The hotel says its swimming pool, with an area of nearly 10,000 square metres, is one of the largest resort pools in the world, and it also offers a splash park and water slides. It has a large R-Cade amusement centre, which houses a mini-cinema, gaming zones and lounge chairs for guests to relax. Other amenities include a three-lane bowling alley, snooker and billiard tables, table tennis, air hockey and football.The hotel’s R Kids centre has eight rooms with different themes where children can play games, read, watch TV, do arts and crafts, and enjoy other activities, while parents can choose to participate, relax or leave their children with the attendants for a few hours while they enjoy some adult time.Families are also a key focus at the Sanya Marriott Resort & Spain Yalong Bay. According to Edmund Ko, the general manager, the resort has been offering family packages since 2007, and this year it has introduced a new concept.“We offer discounts not only for the couples and their kids, but also their parents,” he says. “We offer a 50 per cent discount for the parents so that they can enjoy their holidays together.”The initiative, Ko says, is also in response to the central government’s call for people to take good care of their elderly family members.For all family packages, the kids are still the centre of attention.“For the kids, we offer them a backpack that contains everything they need during their entire stay. We offer daily activities for the kids at different times, and activities that the whole family can participate in, such as painting T-shirts and making accessories,” Ko says.存倉

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(檳城訊)姓周橋海面出現非法填土而成的水泥結構,迷你倉被東北縣縣署勒令在3天期限內將有關結構拆除。姓周橋周圍的漁民希望執法人員能網開一面,讓他們有個維持生計的空間。當地居民受訪時說,居民當初填土建立碼頭只是單純地想將捕魚工具與遊客隔離,讓遊客能更安全地參觀姓周橋。遊客沒空間拍照“作為著名的旅遊景點,姓周橋每天都有遊客前來拜訪,每逢假日更有上百人蜂擁而入。源源而來的遊客本是好事,卻妨礙了漁民作業。橋上擺放的漁具讓遊客沒有空間拍照,帶刺的用具也隨時弄傷遊客。”他說,為了遊客的安全和漁民的便利,當地居民才合資進行填土,建立目前被視為非法的水泥結構,讓漁民能安心的進行謀生作業,也讓遊客有個舒適的環境參觀古蹟。失去泊車空間“現在,市政局要漁民拆除這座碼頭,除mini storage讓居民血本無歸外,也讓本就窄小的姓周橋因漁民被迫將漁具放在橋上而變得更加窄小。此外,附近的居民和遊客也因此失去了停泊車輛的空間,導致周圍出現胡亂泊車的問題。”他補充,水泥結構也有防止潮水湧入的作用。漁民用水泥和木材結構將碼頭墊高後,海水漲潮時才不會湧進。現在防潮的結構沒了,讓他們天天都面對海水湧入的苦惱。目前,姓周橋的漁民已向有關當局作出申請,希望能合法建立碼頭,讓他們能安居樂業。木質結構已拆除本報記者週日前往該橋探看拆除情況,發現違法擴建的木橋和建築結構已被撤除,僅剩下空蕩蕩的水泥結構,供車輛停泊。當地居民說,應市政局的要求,非法建立的木質結構已在週五晚上就拆除完畢。至於佇立在海面的水泥結構因已根深蒂固而難以拔除,只好等待市政局的最後定奪。;self storage

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  近期閉幕的2013夏季達沃斯論壇上,文件倉創新與發展再次成為全球聚焦的話題。對正處於經濟轉型中的中國,“創新”更是被賦予了更多期待。企業在創新、擴大再生產的過程中難以單純依靠資金回籠實現快速成長,需要有強大的資金實力支持。如果缺乏有效的融資渠道,企業的發展就失去活力與保障,創新與規模化發展也更無從談起。天安數碼城顯然深諳此理,不斷創新融資思路,深入與金融機構的戰略合作,連續獲得幾大銀行的高規格授信額度,為入駐天安數碼城的�多企業提供了越來越多的融資支持。經營理念符合調控方針,天安數碼城屢獲銀行巨額授信  在嚴厲的房地產調控政策下,上半年房地產開發企業普遍面臨較大的資金壓力。7月30日中央政治局召開下半年經濟工作分析會議提出要“積極穩妥推進以人為核心的新型城鎮化,促進房地產市場平穩健康發展”,這被認為是一個對房地產市場發展,特別是產業地產領域的利好信號。  天安數碼城集團緊緊抓住了中央政府“推進以人為核心的新型城鎮化”,支持產業升級的時代發展機遇,積極加強與金融機構的溝通和合作,全力整合金融資源,為天安數碼城的城市產業綜合體運營模式注入新活力。短短月余時間,天安數碼城就已獲得合計110億元人民幣的銀行授信:8月30日,天安數碼城集團與上海銀行簽訂戰略合作協議,根據戰略協議,上海銀行將給予天安數碼城集團30億元的綜合授信。9月5日,天安數碼城集團與中國工商銀行深圳市分行簽訂戰略合作協議,工行深圳市分行給予天安數碼城集團50億元的綜合授信額度,並承諾在合作期間內優先為天安數碼城集團及其城市公司提供優質、高效的金融服務,在各項貸款額度、給予綠色通道、優先審批。此前,天安數碼城集團已與農行簽署協議,農行深圳市分行將給予天安數碼城集團30億元的授信額度,並在總行備案,納入農行深圳分行的白名單。  天安數碼城集團總裁戴宏亮表示,天安數碼城的經營理念符合政府的發展方針,李克強總理在6月19日召開的國務院常務會議就特別指出,加快發展多層次資本市場,將中小企業股份轉讓系統試點擴大至全國,鼓勵創新、創業型中小企業融資發展。而天安數碼城正是順應這一國家政策的行業佼佼者,一直以來,天安數碼城專注服務成長型企業,為企業提供相關的政務、融資等一站式服務,著力整合產業鏈上下游資源,為促進“新型城鎮化”發展不懈努力,因此成為各大金融機構的重點支持對象。未來天安數碼城在充分發揮金融杠杆作用的同時,還將發展資金證券化、供應鏈融資等創新業務。系統搭建投融資平台,中小企業孵化能力升級  從建園之初,天安數碼城就將客戶群定位為成長型企業,以“上市企業孵化器”著稱,吸引了高成長型的創業團隊入園發展,成為吸引高端智慧人才創業團存倉和培育戰略新興產業源頭企業的新興產業基地。這種差異化的產品定位不僅形成了獨特的競爭優勢,還填補了產業園區的空白,由此探索出一條適合天安數碼城的運營成長型企業的創新之路。  與工商銀行、農業銀行、上海銀行等金融機構的戰略合作,為天安數碼城集團的規模化發展注入強大的動力。然而對於成長中的中小企業來說,普遍面臨著銀行信用的缺失,銀行的貸款門檻對他們來說顯得太高。為此,天安數碼城在每一個園區均打造了集銀行、擔保、風險投資、小額貸款等為一體的投融資平台。借助該投融資平台,為入園企業提供風險投資、私募形式投資、股權佔有、咨詢管理、小額貸款、天使基金、創業基金等綜合金融服務。  目前國內能提供金融資源的產業園區屈指可數,天安數碼城就是其中之一,而且極具特色和領先優勢。  為了更好扶持成長型企業,解決園區成長型企業融資難問題,天安數碼城集團牽頭,聯合平安銀行及福田區政府,共同打造“天安數碼城創新共同基金”,以“相互瞭解、相互監督、自願聯合、共擔風險”為原則組成共同體,並繳納一定數額的保證金和風險準備金,用于為該共同體內成員在平安銀行辦理授信業務提供擔保而設立的擔保資金集合。這也是廣東省首家專門為科技型企業提供服務的銀行機構。該基金形式創新,責權明確,具有融資成本低、准入門檻低、信用風險低的優勢。在剛剛�動的天安數碼城創新共同基金中,平安銀行首期基金額度為3億元,後續金額仍將無限追加,2013年8月份基金一期發放超過5500萬銀行低息貸款,覆蓋40余家企業。  為進一步提升經營能力,強化孵化效應,探索新的贏利模式,繼“天安數碼城創新共同基金”之後,天安數碼城還創立了“天安數碼城股權投資基金”,現已獲得深圳前海特區審批通過,未來將致力于“成為最具創造力的成長型企業的最佳合作伙伴”,將自己持有的一部分物業作為出資,採用PE、VC、創新基金等方式,以股權投資的形式,參與到優質中小民營企業的設立、發展、擴張,直至上市退出等各個階段,給予創業階段的中小企業以更多的融資渠道支持,在助力成長型企業發展的同時,也實現自身的產業價值。中國硅穀,品牌影響力更上一層樓  在業內,天安數碼城的“城市產業綜合體”都是一個熱門的話題。天安數碼城每到一個城市,都將散落在不同地方的成長型中小企業集聚起來,通過聚合性服務平台打通產業鏈上下游的資源集結,促進企業更快更好的發展。同時,集團一直在努力搭建並完善入駐企業發展優化的平台,構建優質的產業鏈組合。而在企業最為關注並需要的融資問題上,天安數碼城也是一次次作出了創新和超越,隨著融資服務平台的不斷升級,天安數碼城的產業孵化功能也越來越明顯,堪稱中國硅穀——高成長型企業的“黃金搖籃”。迷你倉

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自存倉  香港文匯報訊(記者 許桂麗、王宇軒 青島報道)德意志銀行青島分行日前在山東省青島開業運營,成為落戶青島的第13家外資銀行,也是該行繼北京、上海、廣州、天津、重慶之後在內地開設的第六家分行。德國駐華臨時代辦李德仁,德意志銀行集團聯席首席執行官于爾根.費琛及青島市委常委、青島副市長王廣正等出席開業慶典儀式。 據了解,德意志銀行是德國最大的銀行,而新成立的青島分行將為企業和金融機構客戶提供全方位的現金管理、貿易融資和貸款服務,具體服務項目包括賬戶服務、應付和應收賬款、流動性管理、貸款、外匯和供應鏈財務解決方案。迷你倉

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Agencies are offering customised packages for tourists who want more flexibility, writes Keith ChanVisitors to Sanya now prefer travel packages that allow them a high degree of flexibility in choosing their hotels and itineraries, and more free time to enjoy their holidays, according a major travel agency in the city.迷你倉Yang Dongwen, general manager of China Travel International Sanya, says free independent travellers (FITs) account for the bulk of their customers, with most coming from Shanghai, Dalian, Xian, and from Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces.Yang says most of the company’s customers travel to Sanya for pleasure and they generally prefer “supermarket style” packages, allowing them a great deal of flexibility in picking their hotels and itineraries.Another trend is that visitors are now expecting attentive care and a quality travel experience, she says, so travel agencies need to provide greater personalised services, taking care of customers’ every need.In response to these trends, the company has introduced a “One-Car, One-Room Sanya Tour Package”, a self-drive package for FITs who like to explore the city at their own pace.Priced at 7,700 yuan (HK$9,760), the package includes airport greeting by a staff member from the travel agency, who will assist with c自存倉r rental procedures, a five-seater sedan to be used for seven days with unlimited mileage and six nights’ accommodation at three luxurious five-star resorts (two nights each in Haitang Bay, Yalong Bay and Sanya Bay) with buffet breakfasts.A butler will be available around the clock to provide assistance such as with travel information and ticket reservations for tourist attractions.Different itineraries are recommended for each daycovering Sanya’s famous attractions, some of which come with ticket discounts.Yang says tourism development in Sanya has surpassed many Chinese cities thanks to the promotional initiatives undertaken by the Sanya government and the Sanya Tourism Bureau.The Hainan International Tourism Island promotion programme has also contributed to the success.“Sanya can meet the expectations of the visitors who come here for the first time. But for repeated visitors, we all need to make extra efforts to offer different types of products and services,” Yang says.“Of course, Sanya still has room for improvement, especially in hotel room rates. At present, hotel room rates in Sanya are out of control as they change too frequently. This is an obstacle for the promotion of Sanya because it makes it difficult for travel agencies to create their products.”迷你倉

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話說有架飛機畀人騎劫,儲存倉�乘客會對劫機者講�乜?猜一個手機品牌。答案就係Nokia,因為「落機呀」。想當年呢個笑話同Nokia手機一樣陪伴我們成長,但隨手機智能化興起,Nokia不再叱吒手機界。現今新一代對Nokia的認識,就只停留在能用到2046年都唔壞的8250,跟可以擋子彈的3310這些經典Cult機。不過,憑藉佢同老友記卡爾蔡司(Carl Zeiss)的合作無間,一次又一次將優質攝影技術應用在手機上,今次Nokia推出最新Lumia 1020,終於能以「最佳拍攝手機」締造新一代經典了。撰文:玉置浩然 相片:被訪者提供幾個月前,Nokia在紐約發佈這部Lumia 1020時已經引起很大迴響,不是因為用上最高階規格或全球最纖薄等噱頭,相反,Lumia 1020只是用上普通到唔普通的雙核心處理器,和只有1,280×768解像度的4.5吋螢幕,但正是因為Nokia將所有成本投放在整部手機最大的賣點——「鏡頭」上。Lumia 1020採用Nokia獨有攝影技術PureView加上4,100萬像素F2.2大光圈蔡司鏡頭,解像度可達7,712×5,360之高,再配合1/1.5感光元件,拍攝質素實屬手機最強。加上內置Xeon+LED雙閃光燈,就算在超暗環境下亦冇問題。「睇相先決」Lumia 1020今次除了超高像素和超高質素鏡頭等硬件外,仲加入了全新的專業拍攝軟件——Nokia Pro Camera,軟件將平時用在DSLR的手動設定設計成輪盤,透過簡單的滑動即可以調整曝光度、焦距、白平衡、快門速度以及感光度等參數,令用家恍如用緊專業單反一樣,仲有最正係調整參數後的影像效果可以即時在螢幕上看到。Nokia副總栽更即場示範手動調節至4秒快門拍攝Lighting Painting效果相片。除了獨佔鰲頭的拍攝質素外,Nokia更深明影相都係影畀人睇的道理,如果張張相都過百MB又點upload上Facebook博Like呢。所以Nokia貼心地帶來迷你倉重拍攝功能,當影相時,手機會同步拍攝一張高解析四千萬像素的影像,及一張500萬像素的壓縮版影像,好讓用家輕鬆方便分享至社交網站。簡單易用拎起黃色的Lumia 1020,全機身都是Monotone的搶眼色調撞黑邊框的螢幕,感覺很前衛。雖不是十分輕巧或纖薄,但曲面玻璃螢幕與機身孤形設計令手感不俗。而外殼由上一代的鋁金屬改為聚碳酸酯,雖然是膠,但膠得幾有質感。另外,隨機會附送一個專屬手柄(原價$588),裝上後似足相機般操作,有齊快門掣及腳架孔,而手感亦比想像中好得多,同埋最緊要呢個手柄仲係一個備有1,020mAh的外置電池。影相方面,睇規格同聽口碑都知勁啦,值得一提反而是那個Nokia Pro Camera工具真係好好用,可以方便地全手動操控相機,又可以即時睇到操控效果。但是,唔好忘記呢一部係一部電話,普通到唔普通的硬件就不要提,系統用上「新老闆」Microsoft的Windows Phone 8,介面簡單易用,好多App都已經開始支援,用iPhone、Android用到悶,又鍾意影相�,絕對值得一試!本港的Nokia Lumia 1020用家可享有一個月免費試用iLovePhoto應用程式打印30張相片。此優惠更包括免費送貨服務至所有Nokia Lumia 1020用家的住址。此優惠將於今年10月上旬推出。Spec:Lumia 1020作業系統:Windows Phone 8處理器:Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 1.5GHz雙核心記憶體:2GB RAM、32GB ROM屏幕:4.5吋AMOLED(1,280×768解像度)鏡頭:4,100萬像素(主鏡頭)、120萬像素(前置)電池容量︰2,000mAh體積:130.4×71.4×10.4mm重量:158g顏色:黃色、白色及黑色 發售日期:本月28日 售價:$6,298 查詢:2136 6338(Nokia)迷你倉最平

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