從“每船80元/小時”,迷你倉出租變成了“每船150元/小時”。9月1日,16年未變的杭州西湖手劃船收費標準上調了。據媒體報道,此前西湖船工的報價遠遠高于80元,甚至達到上千元,收費標準形同虛設,遊客利益受損,影響城市形象。確實,如果受利益驅動,船工在實際運營中出現漫天開價、服務時間嚴重縮水等問題,合理調整遊船收費標準,有利於規範收費行為。據悉,有關部門同時出台了一系列的規定,給船工和其所屬公司戴上“緊箍咒”:西湖手劃船若被媒體曝光及違反物價政策亂收費一次以上,則立刻丟掉“飯碗”;而所有手劃船經營公司,不得調高“份子錢”,票價調整收益讓利於船工。如此 “胡蘿蔔+大棒”的西湖手劃船整治措施,看來真是奔著遊客和船工的利益而去。但筆者擔憂的是,調價加上懲罰,能否徹底解決手劃船亂報價、亂收費等問題?能否真正維護遊客的利益?筆者認為,將價格納入規範化管理是好事,以曝光來督促船工行為也是一種手段。雖然船工體力勞動不易,但對遊客來說,西湖手劃船本是親民的遊迷你倉項目,突然從80元漲到150元,幾乎翻了個倍,還是有點難以接受。而且調價也太突然,讓興沖沖而來的遊客頗為失望。也有遊客提出,是否可以按人頭收費?比如客人若喜歡包船,就每小時160元;若客人接受拼船,就每個人35—40元;或者像出租車一樣設 “起步價”,按時間或公里數來收費;或者分淡旺季兩種價格?此外,乘坐的價格高了,遊客是否應該享受到更好的乘坐環境和服務?這方面的要求有無規定?好在調價剛剛開始,希望這一些疑問只是筆者的多慮。眼看“十一”黃金周旅遊高峰即將來臨,此前國內也有不少景區門票趁著節假日之前漲價。今年4月,湖南鳳凰古城就變“憑票進入景點”為“憑票進入景區”,遊客進入鳳凰古城多了一道148元的“門檻”,從而受到質疑。把調價作為管理的手段沒錯,但別讓遊客在高價前望而卻步。作為旅遊城市和景區,漲價前請勿缺失透明合理的收費制度。如果因為漲價了,過來捧場的遊客少了,旅遊景區的生命力也將大打折扣。目光再遠一些,管理再細緻一些,遊客自然會買賬。儲存倉

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(中國 北京訊)一段時長43秒鐘的“實拍遊客故宮群毆”視頻近日在網上熱傳,存倉視頻中7名中國遊客互相廝打,扭打成團,周圍遊客不敢走近,更不見宮中工作人員出面勸阻。網民質疑故宮保安系統鬆懈,並批評滋事者在外國遊客面前丟人現眼。事發地點位於故宮某宮門處,首先是3名遊客在宮門口的下斜坡上一邊喊叫一邊廝打,隨後又有4名遊客加入戰圍。7名遊客互相扭打,很似神勇,從宮門的一端扭打至另一端,還險些踢翻一迷你倉停在旁邊的嬰兒車。遊客們見狀紛紛躲避,生怕被殃及。一時間,宮門前大量遊客滯留。直到廝打遊客被人勸開後,其他遊客才敢通過宮門。網民認為故宮作為歷史悠久的文化旅遊景點,竟發生遊人群毆的野蠻暴力事件,恐令外國遊客對中國人留下壞印象。更有網民譴責打架遊客“沒素質”。有人亦批評故宮保安粗疏,指毆鬥事件隨時會傷害遊客或破壞故宮展品,質疑相關部門管理不力。故宮事後僅稱會展開調查,並呼籲遊客要文明克制。;自存倉

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Source: The Commercial Appeal, Memphis, Tenn.儲存Sept. 04--The Memphis City Council approved a four-month moratorium on the demolition of buildings on the National Register of Historic Places, but made an exception for the new owners of the 19th Century Club building.Council member Janis Fullilove presented the resolution to the council Tuesday. Her legislation gave no special exceptions to any group, but she remarked that the rule should not affect the demolition permit, potential sale or court case involving the building at 1433 Union, the former 19th Century Club building.Fullilove said the purpose of the moratorium was to give citizens and community groups enough time make preservation plans for buildings on the national list, and she hinted at city incentives to help them do that."They deserve the passage of this moratorium to hold on to these structures so we can consider these and other incentives to preserve the character of our city," Fullilove said. "We need to extend the incentives on those prized structures."June West, executive director of Memphis Heritage, said her preservation group would review the work of neighborhood groups and submit a report and a preservation plan to the council after the four-month moratorium."We will also br新蒲崗迷你倉ng attention to these properties that need to be saved, but let's have a workable plan to justify restoration," West said.However, many council members said they worried that Fullilove's resolution might represent a legal sleight of hand to block Union Avenue Group LLC, the new owners of the 19th Century Club building, from moving ahead with their plans to demolish that building. Nineteenth Century Club members obtained a temporary injunction last month from Chancellor Walter Evans of Shelby County Chancery Court to block demolition of the former home of the women's club.Council member Harold Collins said passing the original resolution, including Nineteenth Century Club in the moratorium,felt like doing someone else's "dirty work." The council rebuffed Collins' motion to exempt the building, but unanimously approved one to exempt the building's owners, Union Avenue group, from the moratorium."I still believe (Union Avenue Group) deserve the opportunity to tear that building down should they become the rightful owner based on the ruling of the court," Collins said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, Tenn.) Visit The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, Tenn.) at .commercialappeal.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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  中新網9月5日電 據外媒報道,迷你倉美國阿拉斯加州小城塔爾基特納的“貓市長”斯塔布斯最近遭遇惡犬襲擊受傷。當地獸醫4日稱,斯塔布斯歷經3小時手術後已經脫離生命危險,正在康複中。  據報道,8月31日晚,斯塔布斯像往常一樣在街區“巡視”,就在離它的住地納格利綜合商店不遠的地方,突然有一隻狗迅速地穿過街道咬傷了它。  斯塔布斯遭襲後躲入一所廢棄建築,搜救隊趕到時它已經奄奄一息,隨後它被纏滿繃帶,送往位於70公里以外的一家獸醫院急救。  據醫院醫生稱,斯塔布斯遭惡犬襲擊後,肺部與胸骨受傷嚴重,醫生在醫院對它進行3個儲存倉時的手術。為了緩解其疼痛,醫生還對其注射了鎮靜劑。  醫生還表示,斯塔布斯應該能夠存活下來,目前正處於康複過程中。  16年前,在塔爾基特納市市長選舉中,當地選民們因對其他候選人很不滿意,於是開玩笑地推選剛出生的一隻貓作為候選人,沒想到斯塔布斯竟然真的當選為市長。  據報道,塔爾基特納市擁有900人,斯塔布斯已經任職了16年。它主要是在市里的一家綜合商店“辦公”,每天“接見”來自各地的遊客,同時,它不忘通過網絡來擴大該市的知名度,吸引遊客,從而促進本地旅遊業發展。標簽:斯塔布斯 塔爾基特納 獸醫院 納格利 胸骨迷你倉價錢

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  羊城晚報訊 72小時免簽政策在白雲機場落地已逾一個月,<b><A href='http://www.kfstorage.com' title='文件倉'><span style='color:blue;'>文件倉</span></A></b>共有97位來自不同國家的旅客受益。近日,白雲機場針對這項政策再推“免稅折上折優惠”、“行李寄存A點存、B點取”服務新舉措,希望進一步吸引旅客利用免簽政策。  據悉,白雲機場《商業導購手冊——72小時過境免簽証專版》數千份已經送達航站樓國際出發廳的指引架,內容涵括白雲機場商品的折扣優惠,還悉心繪製了所屬店鋪的地圖,旅客可以“按圖索驥”<b><A href='http://www.kfstorage.com/contacts.php' title='存倉'><span style='color:blue;'>存倉</span></A></b>受72小時專享優惠。  根據國際旅客對行李寄存的需求,白雲機場完善行李寄存業務,在7個行李寄存點全新推出“預約服務”、“聯網服務”、“代取服務”3項新舉措,面向所有旅客。  記者瞭解到,自8月1日白雲國際機場72小時免簽政策實行以來,每天大概有2-5位外籍旅客辦理免簽入境手續,與北京國際機場、上海浦東國際機場和虹橋國際機場相比,數量相對較少。  (呂楠芳 羅志娟 曾文娟)呂楠芳、羅志娟、曾文娟<b><A href='http://www.kfstorage.com' title='迷你倉'><span style='color:blue;'>迷你倉</span></A></b>

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Pyrotechnic artists from Malaysia, Australia, Mexico, Germany, the United States and China will hold a fireworks extravaganza at the Century Park in the Pudong New Area&nbsp; later this month as part of&nbsp; the Shanghai Tourism Festival.<b><A href='http://www.kfstorage.com' title='自存倉'><span style='color:blue;'>自存倉</span></A></b>The fireworks will be held at 7:30pm on September 30, October 3 and October 6. On each&nbsp; day, the events will start with a small 20-minute fireworks competition from 14 companies from China. It will be followed by a 60-minute spectacle.The organizers will invite 100 people with hearing disability to enjoy the evening.&ldquo;Although these people cannot hear the blast, they can still enjoy the fireworks,&rdquo; said Li Zhengming, a park official.The Shanghai International Fireworks Festival has been held in the park for 13 years.On the fi<b><A href='http://www.kfstorage.com/location.php' title='迷你倉新蒲崗'><span style='color:blue;'>迷你倉新蒲崗</span></A></b>st day, Malaysian pyrotechnic artists will display the culture and tradition of the country.It will be followed by a Chinese act that will feature a beautiful lotus pond in splendid colors.The second show will feature a splash of colors by Australian artists. Stuart Bensley has been designing fireworks for 17 years and draws inspiration from the natural landscape of Australia. They will be followed by the Mexicans who will use 137 varieties of fireworks. Beautiful peonies and chrysanthemums will open up in the sky followed by traditional Mexican music.&nbsp;The Germans will carry the theme &ldquo;romance of fireworks,&rdquo;&nbsp;&nbsp; while the US artists will pay tribute to rock music.Tickets for standing cost 70 yuan (US$11.20) and seated tickets cost 260 yuan.&nbsp;&nbsp;<b><A href='http://www.kfstorage.com/prices.php' title='迷你倉出租'><span style='color:blue;'>迷你倉出租</span></A></b>

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  【發佈】  蕭山電網“充電”  農村清潔可再生能源利用  今夏以來,迷你倉出租國家電網浙江杭州市蕭山區供電公司積極發起“綠電”行動,聯合蕭山區農業局等政府部門,加大農村地區清潔可再生能源利用以及發電並網技術的應用推廣。目前,靖江街道的農村清潔可再生能源利用工程項目計劃總投資721萬元,經測算可年減少350噸標煤用量,減排二氧化碳910噸。 張俊 富岑瀅 章高航  江幹區錢塘購物節開幕  一年一度的杭州江幹區錢塘購物節日前拉開序幕。作為江幹區本年度首次大規模商貿活動,購物節幾乎涵蓋了江幹區所有大型商貿企業,包括主會場和12個分會場,銀泰、萬象城、砂之船、世紀聯華等數10家商貿規模企業、11個品牌汽車4S店、5家大型品牌餐飲傾情參與。從現在起至9月5日每天15:00-23:00,慶春廣場上將開闢啤酒嘉年華、品牌餐飲、汽車海洋、銀泰服裝特賣、文創商品區等特色購物區塊,以及精彩紛呈的優惠活動。  舒也文 洪慧敏  建德海事為龍舟賽保駕護航  近日,由杭州市體育局、建德市人民政府主辦,建德市風景旅遊局、建德市體育局承辦的“2013年建德新安江特色龍舟賽暨耐寒勇士挑戰賽活動”舉行,為做好比賽期間的水上交通安全工作,建德海事處精心準備,制訂了詳細的龍舟賽水上交通安全應急預案和維護方案,採取有效迷你倉施提供優質服務,確保比賽水域通航環境和秩序,確保賽事安全圓滿成功。  馮玉萍 吳佳妮  20位小畫家  用畫筆記錄水運繁榮  8月30日上午,由杭州交通港航部門舉辦的“我眼中的‘三江兩岸’兒童創意畫活動”在杭州舉行,20位小畫家和家長登上錢塘江上最大游輪——麗星號,由浙江第一碼頭出發,前往富陽東洲綜合碼頭,暢游“三江兩岸”美景,用畫筆記錄下杭州水運之路的繁榮景象。 鄧媛媛 林峰 吳佳妮  停車收費員舉行技能比武  近日,杭州市道路停車收費監管中心舉行了第二屆“杭州市道路停車收費員崗位技能比武競賽”,今後還將開展文明禮儀、服務規範、職業技能等一系列培訓和競賽活動。另外,即日起,路面停車收費工作人員避高溫作息時間已經結束,恢複正常停車收費服務時間。   謝德林 黃軼涵  “中國年度最佳僱主”開評  你心目中的最佳僱主是哪種企業?高薪、多假期、還是可以上班不打卡?一年一度的“中國年度最佳僱主”再次評選。目前,為網友提名階段。無論你是大學生,還是職場小白領,都可參與評選,提名5家心目中的最佳僱主。“最佳僱主”的評選由北京大學企業社會責任與僱主品牌傳播研究中心、智聯招聘聯合主辦。最終的評選結果,將經初選、外部公�調查與專家評選、企業內部調查的層層評選後,於今年年底揭曉。  張孝娟 高逸平儲存倉

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【本報訊】現時只有一條巴士路線往來澳大橫琴校區及澳大現有?仔校區。面對澳大橫琴校區逐步開放,self storage交通事務局局長汪雲表示,了解到九月中旬澳大橫琴校區會有大量學生入住宿舍,屆時當局會增加及調整巴士班次,包括增加更多線路連接澳大橫琴校區及澳門中區和北區。交通事務局日前啟運37U路線,該路線連接澳大橫琴校區及澳大現有�仔校區。路線服務時間由早上6時30分至凌晨零時15分,班次頻率為10至15分鐘一班。對於澳大橫琴校區逐步開放,當局在巴士路線會如何配合?汪雲昨出席一公開活動時表示,當局與澳大保持密切聯繫,了解學校開課及開放宿舍的時間,迷你倉按此時間表編排巴士數量。雖然暫時只有一條線往來澳大橫琴校區,但隨�九月中旬大量住宿生入住校區,屆時當局會作出配合增加及調整班次,包括增加更多線路連接澳大橫琴校區及澳門中區和北區,方便學生直接進入校園;至於車資方面,汪雲表示會按�仔區標準收費。另外,就今年大賽車賽道重鋪,會否對交通帶來一定壓力的問題;汪雲回應,相關工程由8月20日開始,友誼大馬路一帶亦已開展工程。交通局要求所有承建單位以夜間施工模式進行,一般的刨鋪工作只需數日便會完成。他解釋,相關的工作可以在一日內開挖完成,第二日便進行重鋪,以盡量減低對市民及駕駛者的影響。文件倉

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Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteAug.迷你倉出租 30--When Bethel Park police officers were investigating the 1999 death of Melissa Groot, they took their case to profilers at the FBI for help.What that review showed -- according to notes discovered Wednesday at the Bethel Park police department -- is that the person identified by the FBI as the likely killer is not who ultimately was charged with her death.That information was revealed Thursday to the man who is accused in Groot's death -- and who was scheduled to go to trial on the matter Tuesday.Instead, the case against John Minch, 46, for allegedly killing his ex-wife on May 6, 1999, has been postponed until November so that he and the attorney assisting him can investigate the new discovery."It could be an egregious violation. It could be gross negligence," said Matt Dugan, stand-by counsel for Mr. Minch, who is representing himself. "I have no idea what happened."The issue was revealed Thursday morning in a hearing before Allegheny County Common Pleas Judge Jeffrey A. Manning.Assistant district attorney Lisa Pellegrini, the interim head of the homicide unit, told the judge she went to the Bethel Park headquarters because she thought it would be "prudent to search their files and records," after Mr. Minch had alleged that many items of discovery had still not been provided to him.What the prosecutor found, she said, included 30 pages of various police reports, letters from the victim's mother and photographs. In addition, Ms. Pellegrini continued, she found information regarding an anonymous call identifying someone else as the killer, as well as the notes taken during a meeting with an FBI profiling team."How is it that, Ms. Pellegrini, three days before trial and after jury selection, the commonwealth finds things it didn't have before?" Judge Manning asked, raising his voice. "What is going on?"She explained that the Bethel Park detective had turned the items over to a county homicide detective, but that he had retired several years ago.During the hearing, Mr. Minch reiterated to the court that he has been in jail awaiting trial for 41/2 years."Do you have any idea how frustrating this is?" he asked. "How is it possible the DA has no familiarity with the discovery packet I was given?"Bethel Park police Chief John Mackey said Thursday that anything his department would have had from the original investigation would have been provided at the time the Allegheny County police homicide unit took over the case."When we reach out to another agency, it's in our best interest to share with them everything we have, because the ultimate goal here is justice," Chief Mackey said. "We gave [them] everything we have; [they] determine what's important or what's not."Allegheny County homicide Lt. Andrew Schurman could not be reached for comment.Mike Manko, a spokesman for the DA's office, said prosecutors immediately notified the court when they迷你倉learned of the additional discovery this week so it could be turned over to the defense."While it can be argued that some of the new evidence is exculpatory, we do not believe that it changes the overall merits of the case," he said.Mr. Manko said that smaller municipal police departments often don't investigate homicides on their own and refer them to county police and turn over their files."While it is not an everyday occurrence, it is certainly not unprecedented for some files and evidence to be transmitted after the judicial process has begun," Mr. Manko said.He noted that Judge Manning gave no indication at Thursday's hearing that he believed there was misconduct in the case.Chief Mackey said he didn't want to point fingers, but added, "My interests are in protecting our agency and our reputation."For somebody to look at it years later and maybe imply Bethel Park did something improper, then I have a problem with that, because in my mind, that's not what happened here."If we made a mistake, and I knew it, I would say we did."Whatever happened, Chief Mackey said, he does not believe it was intentional."It's our job not to 'pin it' on somebody, but to do our investigation, come up with the evidence and charge the person who is responsible," he said. "We're not framing people in order to get a conviction."To me, that's not justice."Wesley Oliver, who teaches criminal procedure at Duquesne University School of Law, said delaying the trial to allow the defense time to investigate was the right decision.He also said he believed there should be an internal investigation to find out why the materials weren't turned over."You would hope the district attorney's office would be concerned this might happen again," Mr. Oliver said. "But their focus isn't always as keenly on the protection of the innocent as it should be."Mr. Manko said his office had no plans to conduct a review.At the conclusion of Thursday's hearing, Mr. Dugan asked that Mr. Minch be released to home electronic monitoring pending trial.Ms. Pellegrini argued that her office is seeking a first-degree murder conviction, and that under Pennsylvania law, that is not a bailable offense.Judge Manning referred to a case he had in 1993 which led to a change in the law that prohibited bail in those cases.Prosecutors had agreed to release DeShawn Rosemond on $50,000 straight bond, assuming he could not post that amount. But a relative put up her home, and he was released.He was accused of killing two people nine months later. That case spawned a constitutional amendment denying bond in first first-degree murder cases.Judge Manning told Mr. Minch he would take his request under advisement.Paula Reed Ward: pward@post-gazette.com, 412-263-2620 and on Twitter: @PaulaReedWard.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

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Source: The Salina Journal, Kan.迷你倉出租Aug. 30--In between performances of area musicians, those attending a Labor Day concert Monday night will have an opportunity to get on the soapbox and share their thoughts."We'll have an actual wooden box so people can stand on it and have their say," said Joan Ratzlaff, a member of the Salina Area Workers' Coalition, which is sponsoring the free Labor Day concert from 5 to 8 p.m. at Ad Astra Books & Coffee House, 141 N. Santa Fe.Ratzlaff said people can discuss a topic relevant to Labor Day, recite poetry or speak about whatever comes to mind."We're offering an open forum for anyone wanting to do that," she said.She said the Salina Area Workers' Coalition is a group of people who believe the contributions of workers should be recognized."We think it's important for working people to be valued and that value to be expressed in public," she said.Performing at the concert will be area musicians Ann Zimmerman, Don Wagner, Mattson & Weaver, Ashley Wheeler, Debra Stovall and Ruby Tilton. Donations for the performers will be accepted.Food, tooDuring the event, pulled pork sandwiches and other food items will be available for sale, Ratzlaff said. The sandwiches, pr迷你倉pared by Kitchen4Hire, will feature Dub-A-Rub Spice Rub created by Pam Boileau, of Marquette.Ratzlaff said the concert will be a come-and-go event, but she hopes people will come for the entire show. She said the music will begin at about 5:30 p.m.Ratzlaff said Ad Astra will be closed during the day Monday for the Labor Day holiday, but employees at the worker-owned cooperative decided to open that evening for the concert."Labor Day is really an important holiday," Ratzlaff said. "It's more than just a day to get off work and go shopping or something like that."It's a day to celebrate the contributions of workers, and in this part of the country, we have a lot of hard-working folks with a good work ethic. We need to show appreciation for them."She said economic recovery really isn't showing up in the paycheck of the average worker, and times are still tough. She said Monday night will be an opportunity for workers to kick back and have fun."It should be a lot of fun," she said. "We'll wrap it up by 8 because it's a work night."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Salina Journal (Salina, Kan.) Visit The Salina Journal (Salina, Kan.) at .saljournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存倉

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