Market becomes more crowded as leading e-commerce ? rm joins By MENG JING mengjing@chinadaily.迷你倉 China’s market for mobile chat applications has never been so crowded especially at er Alibaba Group Holding Ltd — the country’s largest e-commerce company —officially joined the fray on Monday with the launch of its first social networking app.The app named Laiwang, which means come and go in Chinese, is the i rst product unveiled to the public after the company announced an internal restructuring pro- gram earlier this month with a strong focus on the mobile Internet business.“We’re a company with strong e-commerce genes, but we simply want to build a platform to keep people closer and to meet their social networking demands in the mobile Internet era,” said Jonathan Lu Zhaoxi, Alibaba’schief executive officer, who is now also leading the com- pany’s newly formed Internet communication division.He said that the era of the personal computer has ended and that his company’s expan- sion to social networking sys- tems is a natural evolution driven by the public’s growing reliance on mobile phones.He denied rumors sug- gesting that Alibaba’s new app launch was due to the success of WeChat, the reign- ing mobile messaging service in China, which is owned by Tencent Holdings Ltd, Aliba- ba’s archrival.Analysts agreed with Lu, saying that the main reason prompting many players to jump into the mobile chatting app market is because mes- saging apps, which are seeing “rigid demand” from con- sumers, can help companies to lock up a great number of mobile Internet users.“Communication is a basic need. By launching those apps, companies can easily accumulate a lot of mobile Internet users. h e apps work as an entry to the mobile internet era,” said Wang Jun, senior analyst with Beijing- based research i rm Analysys International.Figures from the Ministry of Industry and Informa- tion Technology said that the number of China’s mobile Internet users exceeded 800 million earlier this year.Data from Analysys Inter- national showed that the accumulated number of mobile instant messaging accounts in China jumped 85.2 percent year-on-year to 1.22 billion in the i rst quarter of this year.Alibaba is certainly not the only company to have dis- covered the importance of an entry point to the market.On Aug 19, Chinese opera- tor China Telecom Corp Ltd unveiled its mobile messaging app, known as Yixin, in col- laboration with Internet i rm NetEase Inc.h ree days later, WeMeet, a messaging app that shares some features with WeChat, was launched by Hangzhou Kuyue Tech, which Sina Corp invested in.h e new apps have always been compared with Tencent’s WeChat, the most popular mobile chatting app with more than 400 million reg- istered users in China. And Alibaba’s Laiwang is no excep- tion.Laiwang shares some fea- tures with WeChat, such as the ability to send messages and share pictures, but it also has some new features, such as a hand drawing sharing function and the possibility of automatically deleting mes- sages right at er the recipients view them.According to Alibaba, the company developed the app for almost two year文件倉. And even though it was only oi - cially launched on Monday Laiwang was quietly released more than a year ago and it attracted more than 1 million users basically through word- of-mouth marketing.Zou Mengrui, the head of the team in charge of develop- ing Laiwang, said he is coni - dent that the product will be a success.“We hope we can attract 10 million users in the coming one to two months and exceed 100 million users in a year,” he said, adding that is his dei ni- tion of success.However, to some indus- try observers, Laiwang’s new features don’t seem ground-breaking enough to attract the same number of users as Tencent’s WeChat .Zou was repeatedly asked at the press conference to launch the app why he thought that Laiwang can be such a suc- cess.He said that WeChat’s suc- cess is based on Tencent’s large number of existing users and the company’s rich resources.“Alibaba also has hundreds of millions of existing users on or And we also have a lot of resources and advantages,”Zou said.However, WeChat’s popu- larity and its established repu- tation is not something which can be easily replicated by the increasing number of simi- lar apps in the market, said Lu Jingyu, an analyst on the mobile Internet market with iResearch Consulting Group.“It’s very dii cult to change users’ long-term habits. Peo- ple all want to join the most popular social networking system, which has the major- ity of their friends on it. h e more users you have, the more users you will get,” said Lu.Apart from the large user base, the latest version of WeChat, which was released in early August and is the larg- est update since the app was launched in 2011, also showed that the service is near a break- through point in terms of developing a successful busi- ness model, Lu said.h e new features of WeChat 5.0, including social games, scanner tools and payment integration functions, are seen by many insiders as a good answer to the challenge of making money out of free apps, which has been a long- term challenge for China’sInternet companies.Lu, Alibaba’s CEO, said that there’s no business model for Laiwang at the moment.“Our top priority is to improve the product so that it meets the demands of users. Any big business strat- egy can fail for some reason but a product that can meet people’s demands can never fail,” he said.However, the company said it will not add game functions to Laiwang.And though it’s dii cult to overtake WeChat’s dominant position, Lu with iResearch Consulting Group, said that WeChat will unavoidably face a shrinking market share due to the increas-ing number of competitors.However, Wang Jun, an analyst at Analysys Interna- tional, said that it doesn’t real- ly matter whether Laiwang can defeat WeChat or not.“I think that Alibaba’s goal is to make Laiwang a platform that can help people improve their businesses online,” Wang said.“If Laiwang can attract a lot of users, they will eventually become customers of or Alibaba’s other online marketplaces,” Wang said.He added that the success of the app will help Alibaba to complete its ecosystem of online-to-ol ine businesses.存倉

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縣長吳志揚日前率團赴法為桃園航空城招商,mini storage遭縣議會民進黨團批評航空城是「喊」空城,23日專案報告以多達192個專案癱瘓議程。總召呂林小鳳認為,縣府當初以文化考察為由卻又帶了不相干的局處出國,有「假藉招商之名,行湊團旅遊之實」。縣府則以法國代表處23日到府洽談桃園航空城招商事由滅火,認為縣府團隊到法國真的有做事,並非旅遊。民進黨團有備而來,呂林小鳳怒斥縣府不尊重議會,議案明明要出訪各局處首長來報告,結果專案報告,卻由工商發展局長陳淑容撐場,甚至航空城公司總經理李維峰身為法國招商主講人,還是應議員要求才趕來議會備詢。而衛生局講不出航空城計畫醫療專區設立時程,文化局和教育局指稱,他只是去做文化交流。據了解,縣府赴法有為文教、為友善城市及為航空城招商3個目的,但負責行銷觀行局沒去,地政與城鄉因有都計說明會要進行無法self storage行,交通局則表示不知這項行程。出訪經費到底有多少?李維峰說,他只知道自己部分花約16萬。副縣長葉世文說,總經費119萬餘元。但到底有多少人去?李維峰說13人,但1人旅費16萬元,和總經費119萬餘元又兜不攏,遭議員痛批「去法國騎木馬空轉,若明年去日本則泡湯」。民進黨團指出,航空城能否在民國105年完成土地徵收,機場捷運延遲通車,甚至連官員都不敢保證下,「難怪這次交通、地政、城鄉等局都沒有人去。」面對民進黨團來勢洶洶,國民黨團猶如一盤散沙,僅黨團書記長李家興、詹江村、謝彰文等人替縣府護航,但「出席人數明顯不足」下孤掌難鳴,甚至讓議事審議時間延長至晚上7點。國民黨籍議員31人,出席人數不及民進黨團21人全到的一半,僅能眼巴巴看著縣府光是航空城案就被砲轟1個半小時,接下來的都計土地中的陂塘是否可廢溜,也慘遭修理。迷你倉

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  有人說,存倉麗水沒有什麼景點,麗水就活在風景里。麗水得天獨厚的自然稟賦使得她擁有16個4A級景區,隨著旅遊產品品質的提升、交通更加便捷、各類基礎設施更加完善,這些景點串點成線,連線成面,散發出純淨麗水的獨特魅力。  9月26日起至12月,由麗水市委、市政府、省旅遊局、省林業廳、省環保廳聯合主辦的“2013中國迷你倉麗水生態文化旅遊季”活動,將為四面八方的遊客奉上一場極具“秀山麗水·養生福地·長壽之鄉”特色的生態文化旅遊盛宴。  據瞭解,該活動旨在打響生態休閒養生品牌、做強生態養生產業、推廣生態文化產品,積極體現市場拓展、旅遊共享、業界融合和全社會參與等四大特點,讓遊客從多方面、多角度地充分感受純淨麗水的生態情韻。   周靜自存倉

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美國電子產品保養公司SquareTrade測試了多款智能手機的耐用度,迷你倉發現新推出的iPhone5s和5c,耐撞及耐跌度都不比iPhone5。SquareTrade為iPhone5s、iPhone5c、iPhone5、三星Galaxy S4及Moto X五款手機,進行八項測試,包括手機正背兩面用料,大小和重量,以及測試手機從1.5米墜地的耐撞力、泡水10秒後情況。為確保測試標準一致,研究以機器人進行儲存圖)。Galaxy S4最差測試結果採取10分制,分數越高代表越易損壞。結果發現五部手機損壞風險中等,當中Galaxy S4得7分最差,測試後已報廢;Moto X獲4.5分表現最佳,而iPhone5s、iPhone5c及iPhone5則分別得分5.5分、6分及5分。另外,三星最快下月推出搭載可彎曲顯示器的限量版Galaxy Note3,能塑造成各種形狀,讓產品更纖薄輕巧,提高耐用性。美聯社/中央社 迷你倉

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本報北京訊(特派記者馬振華)你想過手機充電也會讓你的iPhone中毒嗎?昨天,mini storage中國互聯網安全大會在京舉行,手機安全成為關注焦點。大會上,多位演講嘉賓曝光了一些“黑客”手法,包括用1分鐘黑掉iPhone。互聯網業知名技術牛人“tombkeeper”昨天現身會場,引得很多“粉絲”圍觀。“tombkeeper”透露一種新型網絡攻擊方式,通過網絡運營商緩存服務器投毒,只需一台電腦,一根網線,就能在不接觸網站服務器的情況下對任何網站實施掛馬攻擊。為了避免給互聯網帶來災難,“tombkeeper”昨天沒有公佈具體攻擊方法。相對於開放性的安卓系統,蘋果的iOS系統受蘋果完全控制,幾乎沒有針對iOS的惡意軟件,未越獄的iOS設備通常更會被認為是安全的。但是來自美國佐治亞理工學院的研究員宋程昱昨天在會上詳解了如何利用惡意充電器,不需要“越獄”,只需與手機連接,就可在用戶不知情下,偷偷為手機安裝任意應用並將其隱藏,偷窺手機屏幕,竊self storage應用密碼甚至完全操控手機。北京子衿晨風科技有限公司CEO王清昨天著重談了“大數據”時代的個人隱私保護。王清現場邀請了一位觀�上台掃描指紋,短短幾秒鐘後,關於這位觀�的名稱、周圍親友、社會關係圖就展示出來了。王清說,現在很多用戶在論壇上的口令是被明存,廠商可以看到,有的不小心就會被泄露,另外個人隱私還可能通過QQ號等公開方式,以及快遞單號販賣等多種方式泄露,最後被搜集串聯,就會泄露個人隱私。中國互聯網協會理事長鄔賀銓說,現在移動互聯網的安全問題比桌面互聯網更嚴重,因為移動互聯網的操作系統現在是多元的,移動軟件有三千多份的木馬,終端非常多,管理起來非常難。著名網絡安全公司360董事長周鴻禕表示,來自微軟今年發佈的報告顯示,我國在電腦端是全球惡意軟件感染率最低的國家,而在手機端,僅360一家公司的手機安全軟件,每天截獲2500個惡意應用和廣告,2億條垃圾短信,9000多萬次騷擾電話。他呼籲公�和行業多關注手機上網安全。迷你倉

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本報合山訊 (記者/陳坤 通訊員/朱萍)礦井使用的老式潛水泵、井下變壓器、井下絞車……數百件見證合山百年采煤歷史的“煤都文物”正在收集中。9月22日,迷你倉合山市文物所所長譚惠琳告訴記者,文物收集正在緊張進行中,大多數已經登記在冊,部分流落民間的正在緊鑼密鼓地尋找。屆時,所有文物均將在礦山公園博物館展出,再現百年來采煤發展歷史,亦是合山市工業旅遊的重要主題之一。記者觀看了部分已經收集的文物,大多數已鏽跡斑斑,大型設備有早已淘汰的火電廠的開關櫃、齒輪機、煤炭加工的車床、吊車、液壓機等;小型設備有礦井的防爆開關、運煤的絞車電阻、瓦斯傳感器等。諸多曾經迷你倉設備,反映了合山采煤、發電系列工業生產線流程。還有部分幾十年前留下來的礦井操作守則、管理規則等書面文檔,其中最古老的文檔當屬一本扉頁發黃的史書——著于1949年的《工礦建國——合山煤礦10周年紀念》,該書記錄了新中國成立之初,合山煤礦為實業興國作出貢獻的一段歷史。該市領導介紹,合山擁有百年煤電發展歷史,曾經為全區工業發展貢獻了自己的光和熱,如今,煤礦資源枯竭,被納入資源枯竭型城市,但是其發展歷史就是一部工業文明的教科書,因此,國家正在支持合山建設國家礦山公園。收集的數百件文物將作為礦山公園的一項主題展出,也是合山市開展工業旅遊的重要內容之一。儲存倉

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第十二屆世界華商大會的召開,迷你倉給成都這座中國西部最具投資潛力的城市帶來了無限的機遇。在成都西部,一座縣級市憑借著“以旅遊國際化為主導、以新型工業化為支撐、以農業現代化為依托”的定位和基礎,吸引了各界人士的投資目光。這裡,就是都江堰。四川省成都市的城西,有一座美麗的城市。她悠、爽、靜、慢,她美麗、富饒、靈動,駐足慢慢品味,“拜水都江堰、問道青城山”,坐上奔馳的快鐵,從成都出發,半小時即可進入都江堰城區。這是成都平原西北邊緣的一座歷史文化古城,如畫、如夢,如癡、如醉,宛如一幅人間仙境,豁然于山水間。溫潤宜人的氣候條件,優美自然的生態環境,發達便捷的交通網絡、完善豐富的基礎設施,使都江堰市的房地產業優勢不斷彰顯。作為國際知名的旅遊城市,都江堰市具有得天獨厚的生態環境和良好的旅遊業發展基礎,特別是在四川省實施多點多極支撐戰略和成都市擔當“首位城市”,打造西部經濟核心增長極的新形勢下,都江堰建設國際旅遊城市必然會借力于成都開放型區域中心和國際化城市的輻射帶動,迎來新一輪產業振興發展的重大機遇。另一方面,都江堰市既是災後重建的示範樣板,更是成都服務業綜合改革和旅遊綜合改革試點的重要組成,以今年6月的財富全球論壇為例,都江堰是重要接待點位,這大大增強了都江堰市產業發展的“開放效應”和“財富效應”。氣候宜人的“天然氧吧”都江堰山含八百里青城,水納兩千里岷江,氣候宜人,旅遊資源豐富,生態環境絕佳,是中國最佳旅遊城市,中國最佳魅力城市,全國歷史文化名城,國家園林城市,先後榮獲“迪拜國際改善居住環境良好範例獎”“國家級生態示範區”稱號。全市森林覆蓋率58.8%,城市綠地覆蓋率44.7%,年平均氣溫15.2℃,負氧離子含量達4500個/cm3,是世衛組織標準的4.5倍,空氣質量和水質量常年保持在國家一級標準,堪稱“天然氧吧”,是著名的“長壽之鄉”。沉甸甸的金字招牌,強有力地不斷印證著都江堰“人居第一城”實至名歸。溫潤宜人的氣候條件,優美自然的生態環境,發達便捷的交通網絡、完善豐富的基礎設施,使都江堰市的房地產業優勢不斷彰顯。已成為宜居、宜業、宜游的安居置業、投資發展的聚集之地。“雙鐵”助力城市繁華地鐵2號線西延線與快鐵支線的開通,並與成灌快鐵成功實現無縫換乘,大大縮短了都江堰與成都中心城區的時空距離,都江堰成為國內首個同時擁有直通高鐵、地鐵的縣級市。繼開通直達南充專列以後,8月9日,都江堰至重慶專列也實現直達開通.至此,成都、重慶、南充市民可以乘坐動車,直達都江堰、青城山景區。“雙鐵”的直達,縮短的不僅僅是交通時間,更重要的是徹底打破人們對於都江堰的心理距離。“雙鐵”加“雙遺”,如此罕見的優勢疊加,讓成都市民毗鄰世界“雙遺”而居的夢想變成現實;成都市所具有的資金、人才、商品需求等要素可以更便捷地與都江堰所擁有的自然條件、歷史文化、旅遊資源等要素相結合,使都江堰市擁有的發展潛力轉化為現實的發展動力,這對都江堰來說是一次巨大的發展機遇,對廣大投資者來說也是一件重大利好迷你倉最平長壽之鄉“每天多活2小時”“在我們都江堰生活,保你多活20年!”一名都江堰市民向本報記者調侃。都江堰市是著名的“長壽之鄉”。第六次人口普查關於都江堰的數據還沒有正式公佈,就第五次人口普查數據來看,都江堰全市人均預期壽命77.1歲,比全國的71.4歲高出5.7歲,高出全國平均數約1/12,折合每天約2個小時,也就是說,在都江堰每生活一天,相當于延長預期壽命2個小時。高投資回報率與低開發率區域經濟學家李後強曾對都江堰有過“五高五低”的特點總結:即經濟密度低、PM2.5低、單位面積投入低、單位面積人口密度低、開放程度低;負氧離子濃度高、國際化程度高、公共設施人均值高,創新能力高、投資均值回報高。都江堰則對這一總結有更準確的更新:“五低”裡面,都江堰的“開放程度”不低,倒是都江堰的“開發程度”低。開發程度低就意味著這裡還有很多機會,只要有發展的意願,到都江堰來,你就會發現很多機會。例如,都江堰的土地成本、住房成本都很低,都江堰市有多所大學,智力優勢也明顯,但人力資源成本低,這些在投資者眼裡都應該是發展機遇。都江堰除了有“五高”特點外,還有一高,即“人均預期壽命高”,都江堰是全國著名的長壽之鄉。未來的都江堰將積極利用“5低6高”特點,發揮交通便捷創造的區位優勢,大力發展健康居住、生態旅遊等高附加值、環境友好型第三產業;進一步加大基礎設施投入,創設更加優質的人居環境;完善旅遊服務設施,營造優質的旅遊服務環境,努力建設國際旅遊城市。 成都晚報見習記者 王樂耕數說都江堰投資環境全掃描近年來,都江堰立足災後重建基礎和優勢,建立了以現代服務業為主導的核心產業體系,市域經濟發展穩增快進。僅去年,都江堰市實現地區生產總值205億元,固定資產投資178億元,社會消費品零售總額80.6億元,同比分別增長13.8%、10%、12.3%;地方公共財政收入17.53億元,其中地方稅收12.59億元;實現城鎮居民人均可支配收入19107元、農民人均純收入11412元,均同比增長18%。都江堰擁有國家級5A、4A級景區,去年都江堰市遊客總量達到1731萬人次,旅遊綜合收入達到76.6億元,旅遊業增加值39.82億元,同比增長15%,占GDP比重為19.1%。目前都江堰經濟開發區已完成6.67平方公里基礎配套和項目覆蓋,全面�動南區開發建設,成立天府軟件園都江堰園區,形成了機械電子、新型材料、生物醫藥、特色食品等支柱產業,2012年規上工業增加值達到35億元,工業集中度達71%。都江堰已建成十萬畝現代生態農業集聚區,都江堰獼猴桃、厚朴、川芎獲得國家地理標誌產品保護,2012年實現農業增加值22億元。當前,都江堰市建設用地總規模25.5萬余畝,目前已使用15.5萬畝,尚余10萬余畝,按照每年5000至8000畝的發展需求計算,可支撐未來10-15年的發展。此外,該市還擁有商舖、房屋等國有經營性資產約131萬平方米,這些資源、資產都將為城市經營發展提供有力保障。成都晚報見習記者 胡芷滔迷你倉

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【本報消息】近年政府大力推動文化創意產業,迷你倉本地設計品牌、創意產品百花齊放。澳門佳作昨在旅遊塔開設第三分店。澳門佳作有限公司行政總裁兼創作總監林子恩表示,該品牌自三年前開設第一分店,市場反應、分店擴充速度比預期好。有感本地文創氛圍好,但要經營品牌非容易事,需時提高知名度。建議政府加強對外宣傳本地文化底蘊,提高文創產品認受性。林子恩指出,每年訪澳旅客持續增長,不少旅客對文創產品愛不釋手,尤其實用、具本地特色的襯衣、袋子及明信片最受歡迎;亦有本地人購買文創產品送禮,消費群有七成為旅客,三成為本地人。往後會以多元化、創新策略吸引顧客,打造成嶄新手信熱點。三年內,該公司逐步由大三巴旗艦店、�仔官也墟擴充至現時的旅遊塔分店,亦在不同地區設銷售點,發展速度比預期快。新店分為微噴畫區、澳門佳作產品區、梳打熊貓區、舞台及畫作區mini storage並以創意及特色佈置,希望透過本地自然資源發展文創產業,凸顯本地藝術創意。加強宣傳文化底蘊他認為,推動文創是一項長遠投資,需設法讓人認識品牌。該公司以本土文化為核心價值,現與本地三十多名藝術家合作,把他們的畫作、相片,設計及生產為創意產品;也在外國手錶品牌加上本地設計,並與婚姻策劃公司設計婚禮產品,往後冀與更多單位合作及增開銷售點,向外拓展本地創作。現階段本澳文創氛圍良好,具一定水準,但要創立、經營一個品牌絕非容易事,要在產品及服務技巧下工夫,故企業化業務、與組織合作起著關鍵作用。建議政府加強宣傳本澳文化底蘊,提高文創產品認受性,並在金錢、創業經驗上提供協助,吸引更多新血參與創作。開幕儀式及酒會昨日下午六時半假旅遊塔地庫一樓舉行。文化局長吳衛鳴、澳門文化產業委員會副主席梁慶庭、澳門文化諮詢委員會委員馬若龍等出席。self storage

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 離開捷克布拉格,self storage乘旅遊巴士前往匈牙利首都,車票約港幣二百五十元,車程七小時,我們帶備香腸、糖果、小食,最高興車上有WiFi,幸好可上網,轉眼已到達歐洲大陸的中央,有「中歐巴黎」之稱的布達佩斯。 果然,正如很多曾遊此地的朋友告知,此處景色更美,建築物更宏偉,景致就像在布拉格放上了一面放大鏡。布達和佩斯橫跨在著名的多瑙河兩岸,上面有著多條不同造型堅固的大橋,最聞名的有鎖鏈橋、自由橋和伊利沙伯橋。左邊的布達是城堡山,分為皇宮和舊城兩部分,已被列入聯合國教科文組織世界遺產的保護名單,右邊最矚目的是沿岸的國會大樓,也是活力的商業城市——佩斯。 多瑙河真是藍色的嗎?非也,是彩色的,因為河上有著許多不同顏色的遊河玻璃船,我們第一時間選了三小時的航程,其中一小時可到河中央,一片樹葉形狀的瑪格麗特島,綠島上非常恬靜。有音樂噴泉和溫泉旅館等等,很多遊客踏單車穿梭。我們放下駕駛執照,一行六人跳上高爾夫電動車,目的非欣賞什麼地方,主要目的找尋島上最便宜的洗手間。說來迷你倉趣,捷克和匈牙利都是沒有免費洗手間的國家,麥當勞的WC也要持有食物單據的客人才可免費使用。島上最貴的洗手間一百八十福林(HUF)最平一百五十,也要四元多港幣一位,真真肉赤。 翌日,有了捷克的經驗,我們購買三天的交通套票,四百一十福林約五十元一天,自由乘坐三條地鐵和巴士,非常方便。我們飛身到溫泉浴池,享受遠近馳名、尊貴古典華麗的羅馬式澡堂文化,入場費四千福林,約一百五十元港幣,透明天窗下是古羅馬式雕琢的溫泉,我浸在四十度的池水當中,舒服得想尖叫。從前,這兒是大眾化的社交場所,羅馬人佔領匈牙利引進了溫泉概念,建造了供軍隊及平民使用的浴池,真懂享受。 我訂了十五分鐘消費約八十港幣的足部按摩,胸毛多如地毯的大肥佬,手勢卻溫柔得要命,指法純熟,回味無窮,可惜溫泉遊人不絕,技師都被Book滿了,否則我一定要加時安哥再來十五分鐘。 再者,到溫泉泡浸別忘了自備毛巾和泳帽,沒有戴上泳帽的泳客,會被靚仔救生員吹哨子提點上水,頗尷尬。匈牙利還有很多有趣的經歷,下回再續。文件倉

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Source: The Stamford Advocate, Conn.迷你倉Sept. 23--As Edward S. Curtis tramped from tribe to tribe on his 30-year odyssey to document the American Indians of the Western United States, it was most often chiefs, hunters and warriors who came across his lens.The supremacy of these rugged authority figures put them in perpetual view of the photographer's eye. Women, by comparison, were far more camera shy.However, when they do come up in Curtis' work, women are revealed to play a crucial role in the preservation of American Indian culture. They are shown rearing children, preparing food and, as is the focus of Stamford Museum & Nature Center's latest exhibition, making extraordinary works of art.On view now through Dec. 1, "By Her Hand: Art of Native American Women & the Photographs of Edward S. Curtis" pairs Native American wares from the museum's permanent collection with images of the women who made them. The show is rounded out by an interactive gallery iPad, a basket-making station and a slideshow of Curtis' images.Although there have been many exhibitions of Curtis' work, this is the first to juxtapose his photographs with associated objects, and one of the few to focus exclusively on his observations of American Indian women."Women were photographed less by Curtis because it was the man's role to interface with the outside world," Christopher Cardozo, the leading authority on Curtis and co-curator of the exhibition, explained. "Combining these photos and objects, you get a sense of all the important things they contributed."Among those contributions are baskets, pots, textiles and beadwork -- objects that are valued for their functional use as much as their aesthetic beauty. Artists include Sally, a Wasco basket maker known for her corn-husk creation迷你倉最平; Maria Martinez, a Tewa/Tano potter who revived and protected the ancient secret of creating jet-black pottery; and Joseppa, a master of the Pomo miniature basket.The purpose of the exhibition, Kirsten Brophy, curator of collections and exhibitions at the museum, said, is "to create a palpable connection between the object and the artist."We really wanted people to get a sense that these objects were created by an actual person," she added. "The photographs bring those people to life."Curtis, the man behind those images, spent three decades risking his family and fortune to create a record of Native American people and culture. "The North American Indian," his magnum opus, contained more than 2,200 original photographs, printed in photogravure, and nearly 4,000 pages of anthropological text,including transcriptions oflanguage and music.Curtis completed his mission at a time when pure Native American culture -- that which hadn't been subverted by outside influences -- was being threatened by the encroachment of white civilization."It was a means of preserving the history and culture of these extraordinary people," Cardozo said. "The fundamental idea of Curtis' body of work is beauty, heart and spirit."In "By Her Hand," that beauty, heart and spirit emerges in striking fashion -- both in the gaze of Curtis' human subjects and the museum's stunning; Twitter: @scottgargStamford Museum & Nature Center, 39 Scofieldtown Road. Through Dec. 21. Free with gate admission. $10; $8 seniors; $6 students; $5 ages 4-17; free 3, younger. 203-322-1646, ___ (c)2013 The Advocate (Stamford, Conn.) Visit The Advocate (Stamford, Conn.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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