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新京報訊 (記者吳立湘)昨天,self storage河南衛視《成語英雄》節目在京錄製,作為節目嘉賓,崔永元亮相活動現場。談及是否已經離開央視,崔永元並沒有正面回應,只是表示自己也是從網上看到這個消息的,“網上說得很熱鬧,我也不知道我(現在)是什麼位置。”近日有傳聞稱,崔永元因抨擊轉基因食品引發央視高層不滿,不得不離職。在《成語英雄》�動儀式上,節目組透露崔永元確實剛從美國調查轉基因歸來。在現場崔永元還表示,“熱心的網友為我推薦了很多出路,像進軍娛樂圈、電影圈、成立工作室。我看得暈頭暈腦,我不知道這個人是不是我,但我肯定有一點沒變,我還是我女兒的父親。其他不知道。”河南電視台台長王少春向記者表示,目前雖然崔永元和河南衛視簽訂的都是節目約,但“如果崔老師能(跳槽)過來會求之不得”。而且除了《一起讀書吧》《成語英雄》,接下來河南台還將和崔永元有第三檔節目的合作。至於崔永元是否從央視離職,王少春表示並不知情。■ 畫畫猜成語《成語英雄》這檔節目屬迷你倉《漢字英雄》的姊妹篇,將從11月21日開始,每周四、周五晚21點25分在河南衛視播出。節目邀請了崔永元、學者錢文忠、台灣漫畫家蔡志忠擔任“成語先生”。節目內容採用畫畫猜成語的形式,每兩位參賽者為一組,其中一名選手看到成語後開始畫畫,另一名選手需要在規定時間內猜出正確成語。如能按時答對足夠題數,可以進複賽,反之則被淘汰。三位“成語先生”將有不同分工:錢文忠負責剖析成語淵源,講述成語背後的文化故事;蔡志忠負責指導選手畫技,通過繪畫來展現中國傳統文化與智慧;崔永元則發揮主持特長,負責挖掘選手背後的故事。“雖然蔡志忠先生的一小幅漫畫就賣幾十萬,但在節目錄製現場,他經常會隨隨便便把自己的作品送給選手。他的作品不是用價錢衡量,我看到的是高貴的人格。”“任何文化問題我都會向錢文忠請教。前一陣我給一本講內山完造的書寫序,為此看了半個多月魯迅的書。我認為這代表了我寫作的最高水平。但後來錢先生為我補充了90%的內容,真是一個淵博的人。”mini storage

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證監會強調其前提是要符合相關條件,迷你倉並重申基金銷售不得承諾收益見習記者 程丹“不管什麼樣的基金銷售產品,都不得在宣傳中違規承諾收益、違規承諾承擔損失。”昨日,證監會新聞發言人針對此前媒體報道的“百度推‘百發’,年收益率8%”一事,進行了通報和說明。10月28日,華夏基金與百度合作開展的互聯網基金銷售業務正式上線,在此前的宣傳中,有媒體報道,該理財產品“百發”的目標年化收益率為8%。隨後證監會在官方微博上指出此宣傳不符合相關法律法規要求,並要求百度拿出書面材料以備核查。證監會表示,其報送的業務方案中未涉及8%保本保收益等違規內容。在華夏基金與百度的合作模式中,投資人交易賬戶開戶、申贖交易、資金支付清算以及後續客戶服務等各個基金銷售業務環節均由華夏基金完成,百度僅起到流量導入的作用,未參與基金銷售業務。發言人表示,互聯網金融產品的出現,顯示出基金和互聯網的融合順應了市場需求儲存倉也確實給投資人帶來極大便利,作為監管層,證監會應順應此類需求,同時,更需做好規範,維護好市場秩序,保護投資者的利益。發言人指出,在基金銷售業務方面,證監會有三項基本的監管原則:一是要確保投資人資金安全,防止投資人資金被挪用或者侵佔;二是要防止欺詐、誤導投資人行為的發生;三是要嚴格落實銷售適用性原則,充分關注投資人風險承受能力與基金產品風險收益特徵的匹配。包括互聯網基金銷售在內的各種基金銷售業態均應遵守上述基本監管原則。據悉,目前互聯網和金融機構的合作方式有支付寶的直銷系統嵌入模式,新浪與百度的流量跳轉模式等。證監會表示,如果互聯網平台提供方未取得基金銷售牌照,但卻收取開戶等費用,從事基金銷售行為,將被判定違規。證監會已發現有機構出現這種苗頭,並已與相關機構進行溝通。發言人同時指出,互聯網企業也可以申請基金銷售資格,但前提是要符合當前的基金銷售管理辦法,符合相關的法規條件。迷你倉最平

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Acting culture minister Lawrence Wong will continue to make heritage and the arts accessible to the massesIf Acting Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Lawrence Wong had his way, national museums here would be where Singaporeans choose to spend their weekends.迷你倉And he has made some headway in this.Since his ministry scrapped museum admission fees for Singaporeans and permanent residents on May 18, visitorship at six state-run museums and heritage institutions has jumped by 22 per cent. More than 978,000 people have visited these institutions, including the National Museum of Singapore and the Sun Yat Sen Nanyang Memorial Hall, from June to August, compared to about 798,000 visitors for the same period last year.Mr Wong, 40, says: "It's far better than I expected so I'm very encouraged by that."He was interviewed by Life! and Chinese-language daily Lianhe Zaobao on the cusp of his ministry's first anniversary. The ministry was formed in November last year following a restructuring of the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports and Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts.Before entering politics in 2011, Mr Wong was a top civil servant and chief executive of the Energy Market Authority.He states candidly, however, that "free is only the first step" - museum visitorship gains cannot be sustained on free entry alone."If the experience at the museum is not a positive one, then you make it free, they come once, but they may not come again," he says.His aim: to improve national museums here, including their programmes and activities, so that these arts and heritage institutions will be on the minds of Singaporeans.Indeed, his first year at the helm has been marked by a broad push to persuade the public to let go of misperceptions about arts and heritage, to not view them as "removed, elitist, 'not for me'", he says, but as a way of life.To that end, arts and heritage activities and events have been made more accessible to the community and the divide between culture and life, more porous.A $5-million grant scheme, for example, was launched in August to encourage Singaporeans to promote and preserve shared heritage through various forms such as exhibitions, publications, documentaries and mobile apps.Individuals and groups can apply for the Government to co-fund half their project's cost, up to $30,000 each time. The Heritage Grant Scheme has drawn 70 applications in less than two months, which Mr Wong says is "very encouraging" and "shows that Singaporeans do place emphasis on their heritage".The community arts and culture initiative, PAssionArts, has likewise brought art forms such as opera, theatre and visual arts to the heartland. At its cultural festival PAssionArts Month in April, about 4,000 community artists and volunteers reached out to 100,000 participants all over the island. More than 40 professional artists were also involved and they went beyond presenting works to audiences to drawing them into the process of art-making.The issue of community arts, though, has been a sticking point for some in the professional arts community.Several leaders of the community voiced concerns when the new ministry was formed that its mission to promote social cohesion and national identity would favour community arts at the expense of artistic excellence and art forms that are beyond the layman's understanding.Mr Wong concedes that there is an "aspect of community arts that is more community building in nature", but he maintains that it does not exclude artistic excellence. An example he cites of how "community art need not be dumbed down and can be of very high quality" is the play October by homegrown theatre company The Necessary Stage.The production, about a group of elderly people living in a small neighbourhood being upgraded, was the first arts performance he attended as culture minister. He enthuses: "You have a group of elderly seniors take part and the script was authentic, it was spoken in their voice... it was very refreshing."He adds that this perceived divide between community arts and artistic excellence can be further bridged by having more professional artists involved in community arts projects.In his view, the distribution of funds and resources over the last year should also reassure artists that artistic excellence will not be compromised, even though community arts receives significant financial support. In April last year, the Government pledged to invest up to $210 million over the next five years as part of its Community Engagement Masterplan to promote arts appreciation among new audiences and give more grants for community arts groups."Yes, I may be giving more funding to community arts, but it does not mean that I am giving less funding to artistic excellence," Mr Wong says.The National Arts Council, for example, raised its funding to established and emerging arts groups through its Major and Seed Grant schemes by 30 per cent, from $7.8 million last year to $10.2 million this year. The Major Grant has also been extended from one- and two-year schemes to a three-year scheme that supports the longer-term development needs of arts groups.Arts and heritage groups with charity status will also be able to tap the newly launched $200-million Culture Matching Fund, which matches private cash donations dollar-for-dollar.He notes that artists and arts and heritage groups who do not get the funds they expect sometimes view grant-giving bodies such as the arts council and National Heritage Board as being "on the other side".To correct this misreading and send a message to the arts and heritage community that "we are all on the same team", he has worked to reposition both agencies as arts and heritage champions.He says: "It's not like the arts council or the National Heritage Board didn't know these things were important... but once there was clarity internally on what our priorities were, it was easier for both statutory boards to engage the wider community and show that... it's not just about saying, 'I am the arts champion or the heritage champion', but we are really doing things to support them."An example of the board's recent efforts to champion heritage issues on the ground is seen in how it has partnered community enthusiasts to launch heritage trails and documentary clips on Singapore's first satellite town, Queenstown. It also helped a heritage group in its petition to the Urban Redevelopment Authority to conserve historic sites in the area.The arts council, on the other hand, introduced a revamped grants framework in February that is streamlined to make it easier for arts companies to navigate the offerings.Clearly, many of the changes Mr Wong has introduced in his first year have resulted from his conversations with members of the vocal arts and heritage community. Of the experience, he says: "It was first of all listening to what they had to say, not being defensive about where we are and trying to explain what we are doing, but being open-minded."And, he adds, "always thinking about what we can do to improve".He says with unfeigned respect: "The one thing that has struck me coming into this sector is that you really see the commitment and passion of our artists. It's really a labour of love for them... and I salute them for that kind of passion they have for the arts."Another personal high point for him since entering the ministry has been the opportunity "to experience and see some of the very high-quality art performances and artworks that our artists put up".He waxes lyrical about film-maker Royston Tan's video installation, Ghost Of Capitol Theatre, calling the Singapore Biennale artwork "poetic" and "magical" in the way it reimagines the history of Capitol Theatre through its儲存seats and in the form of contemporary dance. The work is on show in the Singapore Art Museum annexe in Queen Street.Looking back on his appointment as culture minister, Mr Wong, who is divorced, says it has been a "positive experience" for him because "I get to do work which I enjoy personally as well".He laughs off the suggestion that work might spoil his enjoyment of the arts. "I go not just with a view of enjoying it, which I do, but with an eye towards how things can be better."Neither does he feel the pressure to perform as a politician widely seen to be part of the People's Action Party's fourth generation of leaders, all of whom entered politics in the 2011 General Election. The others are Education Minister Heng Swee Keat, Minister for Social and Family Development Chan Chun Sing and Acting Manpower Minister Tan Chuan-Jin.Mr Wong says: "I've never seen it in that light... The way I see it, every time I move to a new portfolio - and this has happened even when I was a civil servant - is I go into a sector and I look at it with a perspective that things can be improved."It's not to be critical of what the people have already done... but we must have a certain sort of drive in all of us to say, 'I'm not completely satisfied with the status quo'...otherwise, we will never improve."lijie@sph.com.sgVENICE BIENNALE: TAKING A LONG-TERM VIEWAfter his visit to this year's Venice Biennale, where some of the best contemporary art in the world is on show, Acting Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Lawrence Wong left inspired by the importance of location.He admits the thought "may sound like a completely unrelated matter" to the prestigious event where countries set up pavilions to showcase their artists, but his observation is made with Singapore's return to the event in mind.His trip in June was to pave the way for a Singapore showcase at the next edition of the biennale in 2015.Singapore has taken part in every edition of the biennale since 2001, but it was absent from this year's show because its participation was under review by the National Arts Council last year.Earlier this year, however, Mr Wong reaffirmed in Parliament the ministry's commitment to showing at the international art event.On the biennale, he says: "The first impression I got was it's such a sprawling location. In order to do a good showcase of Singapore art, finding the right place is very important."The biennale is centred on the Giardini and Arsenale - together, both areas in the eastern part of the city span more than 50,000 sq m. The locale includes a central pavilion, which exhibits art selected by the biennale's curators, as well as ancillary pavilions built by countries participating in the show.He says: "In the past, each time we wanted to participate in Venice, we looked at a place. But I think it's a little bit ad hoc. We really should be looking long-term, we are here to stay."The search is on for a strategic location for the Singapore pavilion, one that is not far from the centre of action and available for future editions of the biennale.The ministry is also on the lookout to nurture and groom young artistic talents, says Mr Wong, so that there is a "pipeline of artists" who are able to represent Singapore at the prominent art event each time.To that end, the commissioning process will be improved and a commissioning panel will be formed shortly to identify artists, designers and curators for the next biennale.Inspired by some of the country pavilions he saw, Mr Wong also suggests that the Singapore pavilion be conceived not just as a building but a work of art in itself.He says: "It's not just, 'I'm going there for the sake of going there, because it's Venice.' But we are going there with purpose and with a strategy of showcasing the best of Singaporean contemporary art."MINISTER'S TO-DO LISTEnhance visitor experience at national museumsAlthough museum visitorship has increased since admission fees were scrapped for Singaporeans and permanent residents, Acting Minister for Culture, Community and Youth Lawrence Wong believes free entry alone cannot sustain attendance figures.He says: "Our next step is to look at enhancing the programming and activities in the museums and give Singaporeans who come to our museums a positive, quality experience, to make them feel excited about coming to the museum again."Identify and aid segments that need more supportBecause the arts landscape is so diverse, he believes the needs of individual segments will have to be closely examined and those that require more support will be given priority.He says visual arts is a priority now, "partly because it is one area we have not paid much attention to in the past but there has also been an increase in interest". He says the focus is timely, given the National Art Gallery, Singapore's opening in 2015 and Singapore's return to the Venice Biennale in the same year.He adds that other visual arts developments such as the Gillman Barracks art enclave and Art Stage art fair can also be taken to "a higher level".Another segment of priority, he says, is urban arts, which he broadly defines as contemporary music and film productions. He says support in this area will be given in conjunction with other government agencies such as the Media Development Authority, which promotes and regulates the media sector.Improve arts infrastructure and arts spacesHe concedes that on the issue of arts housing in land-scarce Singapore, "we will never have enough of it but we just have to keep doing more".He notes that there is also "strong demand for mid-sized performing arts venues".The re-opening of the Victoria Theatre and Victoria Concert Hall next year after major renovations may allay the crunch but his ministry will monitor the situation.His ministry will also look at how existing arts spaces such as the Old Parliament House may be refreshed with better programming and activities to make them more lively. In addition, his ministry is looking at how the Gillman Barracks art enclave can be made more vibrant, in partnership with the Economic Development Board, which is developing the locale.Invest in arts education in schoolsHe believes that the more young people are exposed to the arts and the value of the arts, the better his ministry's chance at achieving its long-term goal of inspiring Singaporeans through the arts.He adds that the arts curriculum in schools can provide the young with such exposure and this interest is aligned with the Ministry of Education's. His ministry is speaking with arts teachers in schools to see how it can further support them on arts education. He says his ministry will also "work very closely" with the schools and parents.He says: "It is an investment that will pay off in the long-term but you won't see immediate results."Singapore 50As one of the 29 members on the committee tasked with planning events for Singapore's 50th birthday celebrations, he will focus on the cultural and community aspects.He says this sub-committee has met and held preliminary discussions on how different aspects of Singapore culture, from movies and music to art and food, can make Singaporeans proud of their identity, the arts and culture, and bring communities closer togetherHe adds that there will be key events on the arts and cultural front in 2015 too, such as the opening of the National Art Gallery, Singapore. The Singapore International Festival of Arts, he says, would also "be in full swing" after launching next year.He says the committee will also look at how it can "encourage more ground-up participation so it's not just events that Singaporeans take part in as audiences" but as active participants, receiving "support to do things that they feel are meaningful to them".mini storage

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Mizuho, Mitsubishi UFJ, Sumitomo groups said to have given consumer loansTokyoFROM time to time those denizens of the Japanese underworld, the Yakuza, emerge into the limelight of publicity, but nowadays this rarely has to do with anything as sordid as gangland fights or vice rings and is more likely to be concerned with what might be termed "white-collar" crime.mini storageThis is the case now with Japan's three megabanks, (Mizuho Financial Group, Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group), all coming under investigation by Japan's Financial Services Agency (FSA) for their alleged lending to Yakuza gangs or syndicates.A year or so ago, the glare of international publicity was turned on the Yakuza over their alleged involvement in money-laundering activities on behalf of the world-famous photography and medical equipment maker Olympus Corp - an involvement which was never proven by official investigators.The reason for the public gaze being turned back onto the Yakuza now is they are in effect being "smoked out" of their holes in money lending and laundering, shadow banking or even securities transactions by officials whose desire seems to be to prove that Japan's financial sector is "clean".Yakuza, or Mafia syndicates, are anxious to avoid being designated as gangsters under local ordinances that were promulgated in 2011 and which are spreading across Japan to deal with these "anti-social forces" or 'Boryokudan' as they are often referred to in Japanese.The intent of the ordinances is not so much to outlaw the Yakuza - they are not being "denied the right to exist", as former Japanese police official Akihiko Shiba, has put it - as to "isolate" them, thereby causing their numbers to diminish so that they will wither and die eventually.According to Mr Shiba, a Tokyo University and Yale graduate who served in the National Police Agency International Organised Crime Section, there are some 78,000 Yakuza in Japan belonging to one or other of 22 "syndicates" among which the "Yamaguchi Gumi" accounts for 45 per cent of the total.By designating them as crime syndicates, the intention is to identify gangs so that the authorities can act against them as and when needed and the law focuses not so much on attacking the Yakuza members as disciplining those who offer them support or succour in any way.Anyone doing business with the designated Yazuza syndicated members, whether it be bankers, securities companies or simply companies and other organisations that pay money to the Yakuza to ensure a quiet life could, become a target of police attention.The儲存 could be given an official warning to desist and in a country like Japan, where "face" counts, being identified as dealing with anti-social forces could be a deterrent, authorities had hoped. But it seems that the deterrent has not worked very effectively.Mizuho Financial Group (the second largest of the megabanks after Mitsubishi UFJ) has come under regulatory scrutiny and sanctioned 54 of its executives, after revelations that a consumer finance affiliate extended more than US$2 million in loans to people tied to organised crime elements. Mitsubishi UFJ and Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group are also being investigated in this connection.Financial Services Agency inspectors are due to begin investigations of the two banks next Tuesday, Reuters reported an FSA official as saying. In addition to looking at whether the banks had dealings with people linked to organised crime, the inspection will reportedly also focus on compliance practices and risk management systems at the banks.In the case of Mizuho, an earlier FSA inspection found that US$2 million worth of transactions, mostly in small loans for motor vehicle purchases, had been made to people connected with organised crime. The 230 loans were made by Orient Corp, a consumer finance company affiliated with and financed by Mizuho. FSA investigators will now examine transactions elsewhere in the company, including the parent bank.Sources say that by conspiring with motor car dealers to inflate the selling price of vehicles, Yakuza elements are able to apply for loans well in excess of the purchase price and then to make use of the loan proceeds for various purposes.An internal investigation conducted by Mizuho found that the bank had bought the loans from its affiliates and "bundled" them together but did not report to authorities that the loans appeared to be connected to crime syndicates. Mizuho's management "failed to appreciate the gravity of collaborating with organised crime", a lawyer involved with the internal investigation said.Mizuho Bank president Yasuhiro Sato has since said that his salary will be cut for six months. He has submitted a business improvement report to the FSA, but has also said he had no intention of resigning. Takashi Tsukamoto, meanwhile, resigned as chairman of Mizuho's core banking unit, but will remain as chairman of the holding company.Dai-Ichi Kangyo Bank, one of the former component banks of the Mizuho group, was found in 1997 to have extended loans to a group led by a Yakuza member, and former executives of the bank were arrested for paying off the racketeer involved.迷你倉

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一名全職國民服役人員八次因沉迷電腦遊戲而擅離職守,迷你倉最平被判拘留18個月後,以自己是無法自拔的病態成癮為由上訴,但昨天被軍事上訴庭駁回。2009年6月傳召入伍的溫威廉(譯音,22歲)今年1月28日至2月27日擅離職守(absent without official leave,簡稱AWOL),共計31天。他在2月28日被捕,5月認罪,在被判拘留18個月後,于8月上訴。辯方律師符永漢指出,溫威廉被診患有病態電腦遊戲成癮,沉迷電腦遊戲是“他自身也無法控制”的精神狀況,應獲輕判。根據新加坡武裝部隊法令第22(2)節條文,如果擅離職守是“自身無法掌控的原因”,可作為一個辯護理由。辯方懇請法官考慮精神問題是否屬於這一範疇。控方指出,擅離職守被視為嚴重罪行。根據部隊記錄,在溫威廉之前,只有一名士兵曾多達八次擅離職守,已被判迷你倉8個月拘留。根據部隊規定,五次擅離職守者可能面對長達24個月的拘留,溫威廉被判18個月,已經將他的精神情況考慮在內,並非過重懲罰。辯方律師懇請法官考慮溫威廉的精神情況,讓他順利完成餘下的服役要求,而不是再度將他拘留。律師指出,更長時間的拘留並不能達到懲戒或維持部隊紀律的效果,反而是對部隊資源的浪費。溫威廉已因前七次擅離職守被判總計28個月拘留,導致入伍四年多的他至今還差四個月才能完成服役要求。控方指出,溫威廉是在去年5月因擅離職守被拘留期間,才到心理衛生學院問診,但醫療報告中並沒有指出病態電腦遊戲成癮和擅離職守是否存在直接因果關係。溫威廉自幼就打電腦遊戲成癮,卻直到去年才尋求治療,所以屬於咎由自取。以高庭法官朱漢德為主席的五司軍事上訴庭,在聆聽雙方陳詞後駁回溫威廉的上訴。溫威廉的母親昨天獨自出庭,一度拭淚。儲存

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【明報專訊】颱風「羅莎」逼近本港,mini storage天文台昨下午3 時20 分發出一號戒備信號,天文台表示,在羅莎及東北季候風的共同影響下,本港風勢今日會有所增強,有幾陣驟雨,氣溫介乎24 至27℃。由於羅莎移動路徑存變數,日間會否改發更高信號,視乎羅莎會否進一步逼近本港。旅發局現於中環新海濱舉行美酒佳餚巡禮,昨在1 號風球下如常舉行,旅發局表示,今日活動維持正常,視乎天氣狀�,若有需要會另行公布。今有驟雨料今晚最近香港昨晚10 時,颱風羅莎集結在香港東南約440公里,預料向西或西北偏西移動,時速約14 公里,橫過南海北部。天文台表示,羅儲存會在今晚最接近香港,然後改為向西南移動,預料到時一股東北季候風補充亦會抵達華南,令羅莎的移動路徑存在變數。受到羅莎及東北季候風的共同影響,華南沿岸地區未來兩三日風勢頗大及有驟雨,離岸風勢最高達強風6 級(時速41 至51 公里)。隨�羅莎遠離及減弱,本港天氣將於下周中期好轉。根據天文台資料,本港對上一次11 月「掛波」是在2006 年,超強颱風「西馬侖」於當年10 月31 日逼近本港,天文台發出1 號戒備信號,直至11 月3 日取消,歷時逾71 小時。2000年11 月4 日,颱風「貝碧嘉」襲港,天文台發出1 號戒備信號。迷你倉

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在經歷周四暴跌近9%後,儲存上海家化昨日在券商的力挺下暫時止住了股價下挫的節奏,以上漲4.7%收盤。但昨日的上漲究竟是暴跌後的反彈,還是新一輪上漲的信號,則有待觀察。依照上海家化新出爐的三季報,上海國資旗下的上海久事公司已悄然退出了前十大股東之列,8只此前重倉上海家化的基金在三季度也不同程度地做了減持。重倉基金減持在外界看來,機構降低上海家化倉位,一個重要的原因就是自葛文耀辭任以來的公司內部持續博弈,而三季度業績不及預期,則加速了機構資金的出走。葛文耀與平安信托主導權之爭引發的管理層變動已經影響到了上海家化的正常經營。齊魯證券昨日出爐的旨在為上海家化“打氣”的研報就直言,9月中旬葛文耀申請退休後,佰草集代理商有觀望情緒,而這一種觀望情緒最終“導致9月發貨情況不佳,增速大幅下降”。代理商觀望情緒的出現,又最終體現在了公司三季報業績中。上海家化30日晚間發佈三季報後,即有機構投資者在網上指“上海家化靠壓縮費用充業績”。依照公司三季報,上海家化今年1-9月實現營業總收入40億元,同比增長13%,大股東淨利潤達6 .23億元,同比增長30%。不過,若單獨看第三季度數據,上海家化淨利潤僅1.33億元,同比增長13%,增速創下2010年三季度以來的三年新低。基於對上述兩種情況的預判,此前重倉上海家化的機構開始“用腳投票”。除上海久事外,全國迷你倉保基金一一七組合當季減持67.54萬股、中銀持續成長減持87.38萬股、嘉實策略增長和嘉實研究精選合計減持122 .04萬股。此外,10月上旬聯合提名原上海家化董事、總經理曲建寧進公司董事會的三大重倉基金中,亦有華商系基金和匯添富系基金曾在三季度減持了為數不少的上海家化股份,對照上海家化2013年半年報,華商領先企業和華商盛世成長兩只基金合計減持高達283.69萬股,匯添富成長焦點也在同期減持了245.51萬股。股東大會成關鍵看點在上海家化季報披露當天大跌後,當日晚間及第二日一早,就有多家券商發佈上海家化的研報。招商證券在確認三季度上海家化業績低於預期的同時,亦指管理層變動影響有望逐步消除。不過,值得關注的是,因管理層變動影響,該證券首席分析師李珊珊就此下調了對上海家化淨利潤同比增長及EPS的預期。由於平安信托提名原強生醫療器材中國區總裁謝文堅為上海家化新任董事案和三大重倉基金提名曲建寧為上海家化新任董事案,目前均已獲董事會批准,且此前謝文堅已在平安信托的安排下獲任上海家化集團董事長,多家券商昨日的研報力挺上海家化。不過,昨日對於公司業績為何會不及預期、不及預期後如何提振業績,以及公司管理層最終分工的問題,上海家化媒體事務相關負責人向南都記者透露,公司將在11月15日舉行的臨時股東大會上對外做詳細的說明。採寫:南都記者 馬建忠儲存倉

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【本報訊】記者文軒報道:國際專業管理學會昨日在灣仔會議展覽中心舉行周年晚宴。中聯辦主任張曉明、行政會議成員張志剛,self storage及多名立法會議員出席,與二百多名該會成員共享晚宴,氣氛熱鬧。學會會長藍鴻震在致辭時表示,在全球經濟面臨挑戰的影響下,香港經濟增長持續發展緩慢,部分增長還有賴內地數以千萬計的個人遊為零售及旅遊業帶來的收益。他續說,儘管有意見認為個人遊計劃在香港造成不少社會問題,但假如沒有個人遊及其他計劃,香迷你倉經濟的整體情況只會更顯不振。他指出, 「比起我們更為進取且強勢的鄰居,如韓國、新加坡及上海,在不同範疇的成就已經超越香港。在我個人看來,香港社會似乎花費太多時間在內耗之上,這樣下去,只會進一步降低經濟發展的效率,也非香港所能承受。」藍鴻震還表示,香港需要穩定,需要和諧建寧的營商環境和社會氛圍,國際專業管理學會一直致力提倡及鼓勵各界,建構及維持和諧的營商環境,從而提升香港、亞洲以至全球的整體效率及生產力。mini storage

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【李定宇╱新北報導】「緊來洗溫泉!」2013新北市溫泉美食節後天登場,儲存新北市觀光局昨表示,今年官方製作新北小湯包,內含溫泉優惠資訊、優惠券等好康,最低住宿打4.4折,邀請民眾參與揀好康,昨宣傳會還邀請藝人秀出最新溫泉舞,只要民眾創意改編舞蹈上傳活動網站,有機會獲得萬元住宿券。 天漸冷,泡湯成民眾首選,新北市觀光局昨宣布,「2013新北市溫泉美食節」將於下周一起跑。 後天開賣限1500份 觀光局表示,今年聯合新北66家溫泉業者,提供美食及泡湯推出各式優惠活動,最高可享原本萬元住宿費,打4.4折的優惠好康。今年也推出「新北溫泉小湯包」,內含「好時光筆記書」溫泉手冊、總額588元消費抵用券及方巾,「新北溫泉小湯包」將於後天上午11時正式開賣,民眾可透過活動官網或至新北市府市民廣場購買,每份128元限量1500份,每人憑身分證明文件限購1件。 創意編舞上傳官網 mini storage 「緊來洗溫泉,乎你溫暖的心肝!」昨宣傳會也首度曝光「新北溫泉舞」,找來藝人章婉兒現身示範,歌詞逗趣易學,章婉兒說,舞蹈簡單易學,建議民眾泡湯前可先跳一段當暖身操。觀光局則說,民眾模仿舞蹈動作,創意改編拍照或錄製上傳至官網,就有機會獲得萬元住宿券或3千元泡湯券。 「等降溫就去泡湯」 觀光局表示,民眾可於活動網站下載好時光筆記書以及店家優惠的方案,了解活動細節,詳情請參閱新北溫泉美食節官網(2013.ntspa.com.tw)。新北市林小姐昨聞訊表示,現在溫度仍高,「等溫度降得更低,我就要去泡湯暖暖身啦!」 2013新北市溫泉美食節資訊 ◎時間:11月4日至2014年3月底◎好康:.新北小湯包開賣(內含活動手冊、優惠券等).新北溫泉舞創意募集.溫泉業者推出泡湯買1送1、住宿最低4.4折等優惠◎網址:2013.ntspa.com.tw資料來源:新北市觀光局self storage

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