Hong Kong is not asking the Philippines to apologize for the actions of a rogue cop who killed eight Hong Kong tourists three years ago but for the blunders during the police operation to rescue them.自存倉 Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying said yesterday the survivors and victims' families demand an apology that is consistent with the findings of the official investigation commissioned by the Philippine government. ``The victims and their families are not demanding, and have never demanded, a personal apology from the Philippine president for the criminal act committed by an individual, as some have alleged,'' Leung said. ``They are seeking an apology from the Philippine government for the failure and lapses of their officials in handling the rescue operation, during which eight Hong Kong residents lost their lives and seven others sustained injuries.'' He added that the government will continue to seek a satisfactory response from the Philippine side. ``Our position has been clear and consistent. The door to further discussions between the two sides remains open and the ball is in the Philippines' court,'' Leung said. ``I urg迷你倉新蒲崗 the Philippine government to demonstrate sincerity and resolve in bringing the discussion to a satisfactory conclusion so that we do not have to implement further sanctions.'' The government on February 5 implemented the first phase of sanctions by suspending the 14-day visa-free arrangement for those holding diplomatic and official passports. Democratic Party lawmaker James To Kun-sun said he believed Leung's clarification would help move negotiations with the Philippines forward. ``I believe what Leung said indicates that the government will escalate the sanctions if the Philippine government does not apologize,'' To said. ``The central government supports its decision too.'' He said it is irresponsible for Philippines to refuse to apologize. ``The investigation reports conclude that some Philippine officials were found to be accountable. The apology the SAR government seeks is only based on the investigation result,'' To said. Eight Hong Kong tourists, including a tour guide, were killed after a sacked police officer hijacked their coach on the last day of a Manila trip in August 2010. kelly.ip@singtaonewscorp.com 迷你倉出租

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