FORM 8.迷你倉3IRISH TAKEOVER PANELDISCLOSURE UNDER RULE 8.3 OF THE IRISH TAKEOVER PANEL ACT, 1997, TAKEOVER RULES, 2007 (AS AMENDED)DEALINGS BY PERSONS WITH INTERESTS IN RELEVANT SECURITIES REPRESENTING 1% OR MORE1. KEY INFORMATIONName of person dealing (Note 1) Magnetar Financial LLCCompany dealt in Elan Corporation PLCClass of relevant security to which the dealings being US ADRdisclosed relate (Note 2)Date of dealing October 1, 20132. INTERESTS AND SHORT POSITIONS(a) Interests and short positions (following dealing) in the class of relevantsecurity dealt in(Note 3)Class of relevant security: Elan Corporation PLC ADRInterests Short positionsNumber % Number %(1) Relevant security 9,467,491 1.85%(2) Derivatives (other thanoptions):(3) Options and agreements to 1,665,200 .32%purchase/sell:TOTAL: 11,312,691 2.17%(b) Interests and short positions in relevant securities of the company, otherthan the class dealt in (Note 3)Class of relevant security:Interests Short positionsNumber % Number %(1) Relevant security(2) Derivatives (other thanoptions):(3) Options and agreements topurchase/sell:TOTAL:3. DEALINGS (Note 4)(a) Purchases and salesPurchase/sale Number of relevant Price per unit securities (Note 5)Purchase 937,763 15.7102(b) Derivatives transactions (other than options transactions)Product description Nature of transaction Number of Price per e.g. CFD (Note 6) relevant unit (Note 5) securities (Note 7)(c) Options transactions in respect of existing relevant securities(i) Writing, selling, purchasing or varyingProduct name Writing, Number of Exercise Type Expiry Option e.g. call selling, securities price e.g. date money option purchasing, to which American, paid/ varying option European received etc. relates etc. per unitCall option Purchase 165,200 16.00 American November .3500 16, 2013(ii) ExercisingProduct name Number of Exercise price per e.g. call opti文件倉n securities unit (Note 5)(d) Other dealings (including transactions in respect of new securities.(Note4)Nature of transaction Details Price per unit (Note 8) (if applicable) (Note 5)4. OTHER INFORMATIONAgreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivativesFull details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between theperson disclosing and any other person relating to the voting rights of anyrelevant securities under any option referred to on this form or relating tothe voting rights or future acquisition or disposal of any relevantsecurities to which any derivative referred to on this form is referenced. Ifnone, this should be stated.Is a Supplemental Form 8 attached? (Note 9) YESDate of disclosure: October 2, 2013Contact name: Julianna EthellTelephone number: (847) 905-4688If a connected EFM, name of offeree/offeror with which connectedIf a connected EFM, state nature ofconnection (Note 10)SUPPLEMENTAL FORM 8 (OPEN POSITIONS)DETAILS OF OPEN OPTION AND DERIVATIVE POSITIONS, AGREEMENTS TO PURCHASE OR SELL ETC. Note 5(i) on Rule 8 of the Takeover Code (the "Code")1. KEY INFORMATIONIdentity of person whose open positions are Magnetar Financial LLCbeing disclosed:Name of offeror/offeree in relation to whose Elan Corporation Plcrelevant securities the disclosure relates:2. OPTIONS AND DERIVATIVESClass of Product Written or Number of s Exercise Type Expiryrelevant description purchased ecurities price per e.g. datesecurity e.g. call to which unit American, option option or European derivative etc. relatesADR Call Option Purchased 1,665,200 16.00 American November 16, 20133. AGREEMENTS TO PURCHASE OR SELL ETC.Full details should be given so that the nature of the interest or positioncan be fully understood:It is not necessary to provide details on a Supplemental Form (Open Positions)with regard to contracts for differences ("CFDs") or spread bets.The currency of all prices and other monetary amounts should be stated.The Panel's Market Surveillance Unit is available for consultation in relationto the Code's dealing disclosure requirements on +44 (0)20 7638 0129.The Code can be viewed on the Panel's website at存倉
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