騰訊(0700)目前主營業務為網上遊戲,儲存主席馬化騰坦承自己喜歡打機。雖然現時工作繁忙,但亦會試玩自家出品的遊戲。微信升級至5.0 後,接連推出5 款手機遊戲,包括小遊戲「打飛機」、「天天愛消除」等大熱遊戲。他自言: 「玩得最好是『節奏大師』,其他不太懂玩,而總裁劉熾平『打飛機』最叻。」除了在全年業績會上與傳媒見面之外,近年已少與傳媒接觸,馬稱不喜歡太高調, 「將我的名字放在輿論之上」。不過,他昨日會見傳媒時,簡簡單單的�衫配西褲,完全沒有老闆架子。席間談笑風生,幾乎有問必答,擺脫平時不苟言笑的形象。手持金色iPhone 5s「用炒價買」今年將近42 歲的他,一談到打機時更是滿臉孩子氣,並笑言畢業後工作的數年,曾經少許沉迷打電腦的射self storage遊戲, 「以前午休或下班時,會與同事一起打『三角洲部隊』搶旗,喜歡地圖夠大,可以用包抄戰術」。他認為,手機遊戲是未來的趨勢,但電腦遊戲並不會沒落,因有一批核心玩家願意付費, 「手機遊戲則較難預測,主要是不能夠評估其生命周期,可能一兩周內已被玩家拋棄」。他表示,微信推出遊戲後,已加入一些收費道具,而每月每戶平均收入(ARPU),亦較預期為高,每日活躍用戶亦有數千萬戶。目前,微信約兩個星期會推出一款新遊戲,馬氏認為目前速度屬正常,日後會推出更多不同類型的遊戲,例如角色扮演等。身為科網巨企的領軍者,馬化騰亦緊貼潮流,更已購買已斷市的金色版iPhone 5s,並笑稱「自己都要用炒價買」;他擁有的是64GB 版,先達回收價約需要1 萬元以上。迷利倉

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TORONTO, Sept.儲存倉 29, 2013 /PRNewswire/ - Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp. is pleased to announce that it has entered into an agreement with Petrominerales Ltd. to acquire all of the outstanding common shares of Petrominerales (the "Arrangement Agreement").Under the Arrangement Agreement, Petrominerales shareholders will receive Cdn.$11.00 cash for each Petrominerales common share held, for a total value of approximately Cdn.$935 million in cash, plus one common share of a newly formed exploration and production company ("ExploreCo"), and the assumption of net debt estimated at Cdn.$640 million, including convertible bonds.ExploreCo's assets will consist of Petrominerales' Brazilian exploration assets and Cdn.$100 million in cash.The total purchase price on a fully diluted basis, including assumed net debt, and excluding funding of ExploreCo, will be approximately Cdn.$1.6 billion. Financing of the acquisition will be accomplished by cash on hand and bank credit facilities including a committed U.S.$1.3 billion short term bank facility, which the Company expects to refinance after the acquisition is completed. The cash consideration per Petrominerales share represents a premium of approximately 56% to the 20-day volume-weighted trading price on the Toronto Stock Exchange of Petrominerales as at September 27, 2013.It is anticipated that the transaction will be effected by way of a court approved plan of arrangement (the "Arrangement")."This acquisition is an excellent fit with our strategy, provides immediate capture of additional value through asset synergies, and grows production and cash flow at attractive metrics," commented Ronald Pantin, Chief Executive Officer of Pacific Rubiales. "The light oil production and reserves can be integrated with our growing heavy oil production, providing a lower cost source of diluent into the future. Also, this acquisition provides the Company with additional lower cost and reliable transportation infrastructure by way of Petrominerales' interests in the OCENSA and OBC oil pipelines in Colombia, which are highly strategic to the Company's plans to increase its heavy oil production in the country."This is an all cash deal, which will not result in any dilution to existing Pacific Rubiales shareholders and will be highly accretive. Funding of the acquisition will be accomplished via cash on hand and bank credit facilities, including a committed U.S.$1.3 billion short term bank facility which will be refinanced after the acquisition is completed. We expect to pay down a significant portion of the newly acquired debt, largely through the sale and/or spin-out of all or part of the acquired equity pipeline interests, as well as other midstream assets currently owned by the Company, but will retain capacity and access through long-term contractual arrangements. Following the sale of such assets, we are targeting a pro-forma Debt/EBITDA ratio of less than 1x to maintain the strength and integrity of our balance sheet. Our pro-forma 2014 operations are expected to generate up to U.S.$4 billion EBITDA in the current commodity price environment."Overall, the acquisition adds production and reserves at attractive and accretive metrics, assets whose value can be increased through accelerated activity, transportation and marketing synergies, and exploration upside. This not only strengthens our focus in Colombia and Peru, but also builds on our proven track record of extracting value by growing production and generating cash flow."The AssetsThe Arrangement will result in the acquisition of approximately 9.8 million gross (6.8 million net) acres of exploration and development properties in Colombia and Peru, as well as oil pipeline interests in Colombia.In the first six months of 2013, these assets produced approximately 22 Mbbl/d gross (19 Mbbl/d net). Reported 2P reserves at year-end 2012 were 41.3 MMbbl gross (36.5 MMbbl net), with approximately 65% of these being total proved reserves.In aggregate, Pacific Rubiales will acquire the following assets from Petrominerales:-- 18 blocks covering 1.6 million gross/net acres in Colombia;-- 4 blocks covering 8.2 million gross (5.2 million net) acres in Peru;-- 5% equity interest in the Oleoducto Central S.A. ("OCENSA") oil pipeline in Colombia; and-- 9.65% equity interest in the Oleoducto Bicentenario de Colombia ("OBC") oil pipeline also in Colombia.Petrominerales' Brazil assets will be spun out into the newly formed ExploreCo prior to the closing of the Arrangement.Estimated Transaction Value Components________________________________________________________________ | |Estimated Value| | |(Cdn.$billions)| |________________________________________________|_______________| |Acquisition Cost (share purchase + assumption of| | |debt) |$1.6 | |________________________________________________|_______________| | Less value of oil pipeline interests |($0.4)1 | | Less operational synergy savings |($0.3)2 | |________________________________________________|_______________| |Value attributed to production and reserves |$0.9 | |________________________________________________|_______________|(1)Estimated value of 5% OCENSA pipeline and 9.65% OBC pipeline interests (2)Estimated discounted value, principally from transportation and marketing synergiesThe acquisition includes both producing as well as significant infrastructure assets in the form of strategic oil pipeline interests. The Company estimates the value of the pipeline interests at up to Cdn.$0.4 billion, and the value of cost saving attributed to various operational optimizations at Cdn.$0.3 billion, which will be achieved principally through: 1) a significant reduction in natural gasoline purchases used for diluent, 2) use of pipeline capacity for oil transportation, replacing trucking, and 3) optimizations on blending of crude oil.After deducting the value of the non-reserve assets from the total purchase price, the acquisition of Petrominerales implies net metrics of approximately U.S.$47,000/bbl/d on a net flowing production basis, and U.S.$25/bbl on 2012 year-end 2P net reserves (additional discoveries on the Petrominerales blocks in 2013 are expected to result in reserve additions at year-end 2013). These acquisition metrics are comparable to those associated with the Company's C&C Energia Ltd. acquisition completed in late 2012 and are attractive given the predominantly light oil and high netback nature of the assets.Strategic RationalePacific Rubiales believes that this is a highly strategic acquisition which provides further visibility into its ability and business leverage to increase production and reserves, both organically and acquisitively at attractive and competitive metrics.The key attributes of the acquired Petrominerales assets are:-- the acquired assets are all located in Colombia and Peru in prolific basins with which we are familiar and are aligned with our core capabilities and expertise;-- the majority of the production is derived from operated and high working interest properties in the Llanos basin, Colombia, in close proximity to Pacific Rubiales' existing infrastructure, creating additional synergy value;-- current production, reported in the first half of 2013, of approximately 22 Mbbl/d gross (19 Mbbl/d net), is primarily high quality and high netback light oil;-- the light oil production provides a reliable and lower cost supply of diluent available to mix with the Company's growing heavy oil production;-- provides additional production and reserves and free cash flow to Pacific Rubiales' portfolio;-- provides the opportunity to access additional reliable transportation infrastructure from interests in the OCENSA (5%) and OBC (9.65%) oil pipelines, strategic to the Company's plans to significantly increase its heavy oil production from the Llanos basin;-- upside potential to unlock additional value from a substantial exploration land and resources base; and-- the acquisition is largely accomplished by short-term debt with the Company having a viable plan to pay down some of the additional debt, targeting a pro-forma Debt/EBITDA ratio of less than 1x by year-end 2014, maintaining the strength and integrity of its balance sheet.Terms of the ArrangementThe Arrangement is subject to approval by the shareholders of Petrominerales, court approval, regulatory, stock exchange and other approvals, and satisfaction of all other customary closing conditions. To proceed, the Arrangement must be approved by at least 66 2/3% of the votes cast by Petrominerales' shareholders voting on the resolution to approve the Arrangement. The Arrangement is expected to close in the fourth quarter of 2013.The Arrangement Agreement also provides that, in certain specified circumstances, Petrominerales will pay Pacific Rubiales a non-completion fee of U.S.$60 million, and a reciprocal non-completion fee is payable by Pacific Rubiales to Petrominerales in certain specified circumstances. In addition, the Arrangement Agreement provides for an irrevocable offer by Pacific Rubiales to purchase Petrominerales' equity interest in the OCENSA pipeline if the Arrangement is not completed by December 10, 201迷你倉最平 for any reason, provided that: (i) Petrominerales has not entered into an agreement to sell its OCENSA equity interest to a third party, and (ii) the Arrangement Agreement has not terminated due to the fault of Petrominerales. The Arrangement Agreement includes customary provisions, including those related to no solicitation of alternative transactions, right to match superior proposals and fiduciary-out provisions. A copy of the Arrangement Agreement will be filed by Petrominerales on SEDAR and will be reviewable under Petrominerales' profile at .sedar.com.Board of Director Recommendation and Financial AdvisorsThe board of directors of Petrominerales, having received a fairness opinion in connection with the Arrangement, has unanimously approved the Arrangement Agreement and recommend that the shareholders of Petrominerales vote in favour of the Arrangement.Bank of America Merrill Lynch acted as exclusive financial advisor to Pacific Rubiales in connection with the transaction. Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP acted as Pacific Rubiales' exclusive transaction counsel.Support AgreementsThe Arrangement has the support of executive officers and directors of Petrominerales who collectively hold approximately 4% of the fully diluted common shares of Petrominerales. Each of the aforementioned executive officers and directors has entered into support agreements to vote in favour of the Arrangement.Conference CallPacific Rubiales has scheduled a telephone conference call for investors and analysts on Monday September 30, 2013 at 8:00am (Bogota time), 9:00am (Toronto time) and 10:00am (Rio de Janeiro time) to discuss the Arrangement. Participants will include Ronald Pantin, Chief Executive Officer, and selected members of senior management. Additional details will be published via news release prior to the conference call.About Pacific RubialesPacific Rubiales, a Canadian company and producer of natural gas and crude oil, owns 100% of Meta Petroleum Corp., which operates the Rubiales, Piriri and Quifa heavy oil fields in the Llanos Basin, and 100% of Pacific Stratus Energy Colombia Corp., which operates the La Creciente natural gas field in the northwestern area of Colombia. Pacific Rubiales has also acquired 100% of PetroMagdalena Energy Corp., which owns light oil assets in Colombia, and 100% of C&C Energia Ltd., which owns light oil assets in the Llanos Basin. In addition, the Company has a diversified portfolio of assets beyond Colombia, which includes producing and exploration assets in Peru, Guatemala, Brazil, Guyana and Papua New Guinea.About PetromineralesPetrominerales Ltd. is a Latin American focused exploration and production company with a high-quality land base of exploration and development opportunities in Colombia, Peru and Brazil.AdvisoriesCautionary Note Concerning Forward-Looking StatementsThis news release contains forward-looking statements. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, that address activities, events or developments that the Company believes, expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future (including, without limitation, statements regarding estimates and/or assumptions in respect of production, revenue, cash flow and costs, reserve and resource estimates, anticipated integration of acquisitions, potential resources and reserves and the Company's exploration and development plans and objectives) are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements reflect the current expectations or beliefs of the Company based on information currently available to the Company. Forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties that may cause the actual results of the Company to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements, and even if such actual results are realized or substantially realized, there can be no assurance that they will have the expected consequences to, or effects on, the Company.This press release also contains forward-looking statements and information concerning the anticipated completion of the Arrangement and the anticipated timing for completion thereof. Pacific Rubiales has provided these anticipated times in reliance on certain assumptions that they believe are reasonable at this time, including assumptions as to the timing of receipt of the necessary regulatory and court approvals and the time necessary to satisfy the conditions to the closing of the Arrangement. These dates may change for a number of reasons, including unforeseen delays in preparing meeting materials, inability to secure necessary regulatory or court approvals in the time assumed or the need for additional time to satisfy the conditions to the completion of the Arrangement. There is no guarantee that the Arrangement will close at the anticipated time or at all. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on the forward-looking statements and information contained in this press release concerning these times and the Arrangement.Factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from current expectations include, among other things: uncertainty of estimates of capital and operating costs, production estimates and estimated economic return; the possibility that actual circumstances will differ from the estimates and assumptions; failure to establish estimated resources or reserves; fluctuations in petroleum prices and currency exchange rates; inflation; changes in equity markets; political developments in Colombia, Guatemala, Peru, Brazil, Papua New Guinea and Guyana; changes to regulations affecting the Company's activities; uncertainties relating to the availability and costs of financing needed in the future; the uncertainties involved in interpreting drilling results and other geological data; and the other risks disclosed under the heading "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in the Company's annual information form dated March 13, 2013 filed on SEDAR at .sedar.com. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it is made and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise. Although the Company believes that the assumptions inherent in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and accordingly undue reliance should not be put on such statements due to the inherent uncertainty therein.In addition, reported production levels may not be reflective of sustainable production rates and future production rates may differ materially from the production rates reflected in this news release due to, among other factors, difficulties or interruptions encountered during the production of hydrocarbons.TranslationThis news release was prepared in the English language and subsequently translated into Spanish and Portuguese. In the case of any differences between the English version and its translated counterparts, the English document should be treated as the governing version.Definitions_____________________________________________________________________ | Bcf| Billion cubic feet.| |_____|_______________________________________________________________| | Bcfe| Billion cubic feet of natural gas equivalent.| |_____|_______________________________________________________________| | bbl| Barrel of oil.| |_____|_______________________________________________________________| |bbl/d| Barrel of oil per day.| |_____|_______________________________________________________________| | boe|Barrel of oil equivalent. Boe's may be misleading, particularly| | | if used in isolation. The Colombian standard is a boe| | | conversion ratio of 5.7 Mcf:1 bbl and is based on an energy| | | equivalency conversion method primarily applicable at the| | | burner tip and does not represent a value equivalency at the| | | wellhead.| |_____|_______________________________________________________________| |boe/d| Barrel of oil equivalent per day.| |_____|_______________________________________________________________| | Mbbl| Thousand barrels.| |_____|_______________________________________________________________| | Mboe| Thousand barrels of oil equivalent.| |_____|_______________________________________________________________| |MMbbl| Million barrels.| |_____|_______________________________________________________________| |MMboe| Million barrels of oil equivalent.| |_____|_______________________________________________________________| | Mcf| Thousand cubic feet.| |_____|_______________________________________________________________| | WTI| West Texas Intermediate Crude Oil.| |_____|_______________________________________________________________|Pacific Rubiales Energy Corp.CONTACT: Christopher (Chris) LeGallaisSr. Vice President, Investor RelationsTel: +1 (647) 295-3700Roberto PuenteSr. Manager, Investor RelationsTel: +57 (1) 511-2298Kate StarkManager, Investor Relations+1 (416) 362-7735儲存

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Source: Dayton Daily News, OhioSept.自存倉 30--U.S. workers are changing jobs less frequently, and many employees are staying put because of a lack of other opportunities.The median length of time workers stay on their jobs has increased since 2000, and median employee tenure rose last year to the highest level since at least 1983, according to federal data.Related Photo+ More U.S. workers stay put in their jobs photoStaco Energy Products will honor their most senior colleague on the 50th anniversary of here employment. Mary Marshall, who started with the company in 1963, has seen many changes, including a name change from Standard Electric Products Co. But she said one aspect of her job that has remained constant is the friendly and professional way she is treated by her colleagues and customers.Staco Energy Products will honor their most senior colleague on the 50th anniversary of here employment. Mary Marshall, who started with the company in 1963, has seen many changes, including a name change from Standard Electric Products Co. But she said one aspect of her job that has remained constant is the friendly and professional way she is treated by her colleagues and customers.?Job-hopping has largely declined because workers do not have many other options, since hiring remains weak and the labor market has shown only minor improvement, some researchers said."It has nothing to do with loyalty," said Peter Cappelli, George W. Taylor Professor of Management at the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. "One can't leave unless there is a job to go to."But some veteran workers said they made long-term commitments to their employers because they like their jobs and they receive fair pay, benefits and retirement plans.Related Photo+ More U.S. workers stay put in their jobs photo Linda ScottU.S. DOLLinda ScottU.S. DOL?Some industries are more adept at retaining their workforces than others, and some companies claim their retention success stems from valuing and rewarding experience and institutional knowledge.In 2012, the median tenure of U.S. workers 16 and older rose to 4.6 years, up from 4.4 years in 2010 and up one full year from the late 1980s, according to survey data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.Median tenure means half of U.S. workers had more tenure and half had less.The median length of time workers stayed with the same employers fell in the late 1990s, when the stock market was booming during the Dot-com craze and unemployment was at the lowest levels in decades.Job stabilityBut tenure began rising in the early 2000s, and it has reached new heights, at least in recent history.The workforce is aging, and older workers are more likely to have job stability.In 2012, more than half of workers between the ages of 55 and 64 had 10 years or more tenure with the same employer, while only 10 percent of workers 25 to 34 were in the same position, according to the bureau.The median tenure of women has also been increasing, closing the gap in length of employment between men and women. Women have accounted for a growing share of workers in management and professional occupations, which are fields where workers typically have more tenure, the bureau said.But employee tenure often increases when the economy struggles because there are fewer jobs available and fewer workers are lured into switching jobs by the prospect of higher pay and benefits and more appealing work, said Craig Copeland, a senior research associate with the Employee Benefit Research Institute, based in Washington, D.C."In some cases, when there are a lot of jobs available, you'll see median tenure go down because people are changing jobs more often," Copeland said. "Sometimes, tenure going up can be an indicator of fear -- things aren't going well, and people feel they have to stay put because there are not other opportunities."The downturn also caused some people to delay retiring after their finances and saving took a hit. People kept working, often at the same companies, to rebuild some of the wealth the recession destroyed."Some people aren't retiring in the private-sector because they want to make up for a loss of income or 401(k) plan losses," Copeland said.The downturn has also helped employers retain workers without having to offer the attractive compensation and retirement packages they once did, because employers do not fear losing workers to other companies because the economy is lousy, some experts said.Employers have shown no interest in hanging onto employees, and layoffs are as common as ever, said Cappelli, with the Wharton School."Attitude surveys indicate that the majority if emmini storageloyees want to look for a new job as soon as companies start to hire again," he said.A 50-year veteranBut many workers stay with their employers for long stretches because they like their jobs, and they do not see an advantage to jumping ship.Mary Marshall has worked for Staco Energy Products in Dayton for 50 years.She was hired at the company in 1963 as a receptionist back when the company was Standard Electric Products Co.Marshall said she had no clue when she started working for the company at the age of 21 that she would still work there five decades later. But she never moved on because she was treated fairly and the work was engaging.Staco Energy Products manufactures voltage controls, transformers, regulators and power conditioners for industrial and consumer markets."I've seen a lot of people go to work when they hate going to work and they only work because they need a paycheck," she said. "I feel blessed that I was able to go to work and get a paycheck and liked doing it."Multiple workers in southwest Ohio with 10 years or more time with the same companies told the Dayton Daily News they made long-term commitments to their employers because they have good and stable jobs."Honda has been very good to me," said Mark Sanders, who has worked for Honda of America for almost 30 years. "I have had many opportunities to leave Honda for another company, but stable and well compensated employment is more important to me than a maybe."Payscale Inc., which collects and analyzes information about employee compensation, found that Eastman Kodak Co. had the most "loyal" employees among Fortune 500 companies, with median employee tenure at 20 years.AK Steel Corp., which is based in Middletown and West Chester, was one of only two Ohio companies to make Payscale's list, and its workforce was tied for the 11th most loyal, with median employee tenure at eight years. Aleris Rolled Products in Cleveland ranked second on the list."At AK Steel, in a business like ours that is typically viewed as a commodity business, it is our people, our products and our approach that set us apart," said Mike Wallner, company spokesman. "Indeed, we have incredibly loyal and dedicated employees who help differentiate our company from our competitors."Manufacturing firms dominated Payscale's list of companies with the highest tenure.Median employee tenure varies by industry and career field, and manufacturing firms had a median tenure of six years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.Median tenure ranged from a low of 2.1 years in food services and drinking places to a high of 9.7 years in paper and printing manufacturing, the bureau said.Public-sector workers have a median length of employment of 9.5 years, and often government workers are rewarded for longevity because they are members of unions and still are eligible for defined-benefit contribution plans, experts said."It's the one area of the economy that still has the strong retiree benefits and pensions," Copeland said.Chuck Brewer, 64, of Monroe, worked for AK Steel for 33 years at the Middletown plant before retiring in 2006.He said his longevity is attributable to the seniority he achieved and his desire to avoid forfeiting the retirement benefits he had accumulated. Companies that still provide traditional pensions provide workers with an incentive to stay, whereas 401(k) defined-contribution plans allow mobility, since workers can roll them over into their new employers' plans."After you are there for so long, you are invested in the place," he said. "There was one time I thought about moving to Florida... But going down there, I would have had to start at the bottom and lose my seniority."Read the complete story...The story you're reading is premium content for subscribers of the Dayton Daily News, Springfield News-Sun, Hamilton JournalNews and Middletown Journal. Not a subscriber? Get total access to all our in-depth news and exclusive content here.Read MyDaytonDailyNews.com now -- 24-hour digital pass99? for 24 hoursRead MyDaytonDailyNews.com all week -- weekly digital pass$3.99 per weekSubscribe for as little as 33? per dayView OffersFor Subscribers: Register your account for digital access.Access DigitalFor Subscribers: Sign in here if you have already registered your account.Sign InBrought to you by:ChampionReid HospitalRich RoofingKorrect Plumbing--Online: Which industries do employees stay with their companies the longest? Go to MyDaytonDailyNews.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) Visit the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) at .daytondailynews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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9月23日,迷利倉借著“天兔”的威風,中國最高規格的公益慈善項目交流展示會在經濟特區深圳終於圓滿地落下了帷幕。為期3天的展會匯聚了國內外最具影響力的公益領袖,也創造了有史以來的最大規模。據官方公佈的數據,此次參展的N G O(非政府組織)達到629家,比上屆的260家激增近1.5倍。主辦方共舉行了12場專題研討會、5場發佈會、5 0場互動沙龍和36場公益體驗活動。現場簽約對接的重大項目多達5 0個,對接簽約金額逾17 .08億元。不過,在中國官方與民間組織互動性不斷增強的同時,來自公�的參與則顯得十分微弱。記者在現場看到,絕大部分參觀者皆為公益圈內人士,鮮有好奇的市民主動前來一探究竟,看起來更像是一出圈內人自導自演的戲。如何告別這種“自娛自樂”的現象,提高公�參與度?主辦方稱,明年將進一步放權給社會,讓有能力和專業機構承擔更多責任,同時根據公�的需求,設計更有針對性的體驗性項目。現場直擊“給綠中國生態公益展區”最搶眼占地1500平方米,由知名設計師韓家英親自操刀,運用破木板等大量廢棄材料製作而成的“給綠中國生態公益展區”創造了本屆展覽之最———包括商業展覽在內史上最大最開放的展區,慈展會最多互動最留得住小孩子的地方,布展最無噪音無PM 2.5和PM 10……展區以白色為主要基調,由濕地保護、荒漠化防治與草原保護、三江源保護、汙染防治與節能減排、垃圾分類減量、綠色生活、企業環保項目、環境等領域資助機構等大型主題展位構成。每個主題展位集中展示該議題的背景和在中國環境保護事業中重要性,全國各地在該議題上有突出貢獻和成績的環保組織或企業均可在此展示他們的項目和機構,以方便觀�參觀和同行交流。與此同時,生態公益展區內還將為參展機構提供1個“魅力影像館”和1個“動態交流區”的公共場地支持,為環保組織以視聽多媒體方式展示工作、與公�和媒體互動提供條件。搶眼的設計看上去花費不菲,令不少參觀者頻頻感慨,主辦方SE E (阿拉善基金會)和M C F(紅樹林濕地保護基金會)果然“財大氣粗”!“壹基金藍色體驗館”最有愛壹基金作為深圳市的一張慈善名片,在本屆慈展會上有多個展位。不過特色最突出的還要屬偏安一隅的藍色體驗館。該館的設計理念以“聲音”、“遇見”、“體驗”、“行動”四個關鍵詞為主線展開,通過傳聲筒、自畫像、明信片、可樂昵稱瓶、真人圖書館、公益影像等各種體驗方式,倡導對特殊孩子的理解、接納和包容,讓公�感受到參與公益的快樂。來自“海洋天堂”計劃的合作機構帶來的表演和沙龍,亦吸引了不少人群。據相關工作人員介紹,為了籌備本次活動,幾名策展人還特意跑去廣州參觀了“海上兒童藝術大展”。現場的不少電子設備和材料均是向廣州市少年宮租借,再加上可口可樂等企業贊助,“實際成本遠沒有想象中高”。“西部陽光留守兒童體驗館”最神秘“被遺忘的角落”留守兒童體驗館可以說是本屆慈展會上最神秘的去處了。所有參觀者都要先排一個長龍,輪候近10分鐘才能魚貫而入。整個體驗館被設計成一個封閉式的“木盒子”。走進去,先是一個異樣的房間,左邊是城市兒童的裝修精美的臥室,右邊則是留守孩子貧窮簡陋的小床。再往前走則是一條黑暗的小道,幾個拐角處的牆壁上掛著液晶屏,分別播放著留守孩子的真實故事。出口處,借著昏暗的燈光,還能看見孩子們用稚嫩的字體寫著最想對父母說的話。整個體驗過程既壓抑,又令人感動。據悉,體驗館的創意來自北京西部陽光基金會,而空間設計和製造搭建則交給了經驗豐富的香港中文大學建築學院。整場花費僅為2.5萬元,堪稱性價比最高。記者觀察會場內外從深圳市會展中心二樓入口處向下俯視,可以看到在幾千平方米的大展廳里,近千個攤位鋪陳開來,其間熙熙攘攘人來人往。每個攤位的“標配”是一處五六平方米的攤位,兩張桌子,一個插頭。每個公益組織補貼3000元,如果按“標配”運營,基本可以滿足參展需求。展會中央位置,是來自企業和各地市的攤位。這些攤位占地都不小,有汽車企業甚至把一輛小汽車搬到攤位上來。但其宣傳內容略顯單一,只是印了些宣傳單張。壹基金的攤位占地有1000多平方米,裝置成救災帳篷形狀,分為體驗館、宣傳區,現場還有可口可樂公司提供的可以印上每個人名字的可樂,在此排隊的人最多時綿延十來米。對於�多草根組織而言,這樣的“高富帥”展位只能是奢望了。草根機構的攤位被安排在會場外圍,統一定制的展板和裝飾,讓這些攤位如一格格蜂巢,辨識度很低。整個慈展會3天,十幾場論壇研討會,50多場沙龍,還有各種體驗活動,將展會時間表排得滿滿的。可還是有不少N G O抱怨,來攤位咨詢的都是“圈內同行”,普通市民和企業對此瞭解甚少。有的攤位花費不菲,但效果卻不如預期。熱鬧總在展會之外。在展會之前,騰訊公益建了一個“慈展會”微信群,幾天就加上了180多人,每天以“刷屏”的節奏聊上數百條信息,內容不外乎各種約飯聚會。有人開玩笑稱:“這是公益圈內最大的網友線下見面會。”第一天展會剛結束,就有一幫人迫不及待地離開,跳上一輛駛向了深圳灣“春蠶”體育中心的大巴。傍晚,他們在這裡進行了慈展會第一場線下活動———“公益足球賽”。會場內的人守攤覺得悶,會場外卻有人為進不了場大聲呼喊。進不了場的同性戀親友會本來把宣傳資料“掛靠”在一個攤位上,但卻被要求收起來,理由是“沒有註冊”。“有幾家沒有註冊的機構也申請成功了,而同性戀領域的機構申請都是石沉大海?”親友會執行主任阿強就此寫了一篇《警惕公益圈內的歧視問題》,大聲疾呼。但慈展會組委會遲遲沒有給出解釋。3天的慈展會落幕,就像趕了一場熱鬧的集會。一場“天兔”颱風,給展會的熱潮降降溫,挺好。獨家對話“今後會更加放權給社會”去年7月,首屆慈展會在深圳閉幕時,壹基金贈與組委會一隻透明的蝴蝶,寓意透明慈善的蝴蝶效應。今年,慈展會組委會將這只蝴蝶定為了第二屆慈展會的吉祥物“善善”,期望掀起全民慈善的“蝴蝶效應”。盛會背後,“善善”帶來的效應如何?會後,它又將飛向何方?在慈展會閉幕當天,南都記者專訪了深圳市民政局副局長侯伊莎。南都記者:與首屆相比,第二屆慈展會呈現了哪些新特點?侯伊莎:我認為本屆慈展會主題“慈善,讓中國更美麗”主題很好。十八大提出“中國夢”,我們認為最美的夢是慈善,為了有形象表達,我們向社會征集推出了蝴蝶“善善”。蝴蝶效應不只是一個概念,而是通過信息、人流、資源交流和融合達到慈善事業發展的更高水平。第二個特點是更專業,我們提供專業的手段、工具和專業素質才能把慈善做得更有效。另外,這屆慈展會社會化程度較高,不只是政府資金社會化,更重要是聚集了民智民慧。南都記者:你認為本屆慈展會的成效如何?侯伊莎:交易量超過我們的預期,對接簽約金額高達17.08億元,交易量3天內增加6個多億,無論是質量和數量都是一次飛躍,這意味著一大批社會組織會成長起來。我們認為慈展會作為交易平台,其功能很多,既是“孵化池”,也是“實驗室”和“傳播器”。我們可以看到各個領域發展狀況,業界最新動態和趨向。慈善和其他行業一樣,信息源很重要,信息對稱是社會組織發展的重要資源。南都記者:我們注意到本屆慈展會也增設了不少體驗館和創新板塊。侯伊莎:本屆慈展會的表現方式和手段比較現代,比如增設慈善項目的體驗館,根據某一類人群的需求結合現代技術自存倉段增加公�體驗。金融創意板塊看上去跟慈善沒關係,但現在慈善也可以通過信托讓善款升值,銀行監督委員會審核還能幫助慈善機構做到信息透明公開,金融慈善為經營慈善提供了現代化的手段和工具。南都記者:慈展會外圍有一些草根組織沒有獲得參展資格,認為慈展會對草根組織的支持度不夠,您怎麼看?侯伊莎:實際上本次慈展會政府撥付的一半資金都用來補貼草根組織,補貼從去年的40多萬增加到今年的70多萬,參加的草根組織數量也比去年增長142%。只可惜這個實驗室太小,有更多草根組織希望提供支持能參與,我們希望做強做大之後能連鎖經營,並常態化運營。大量項目還會在會後提交“網上慈展會”,我們還希望能跟社會多聯動,做常態化社會捐贈。如果社會支持更大,我們的實驗室也會更大。南都記者:你覺得本屆慈展會還有哪些方面是可改進的?侯伊莎:我認為體驗性還不夠,舉辦者本身也不夠專業,我們都是政府行政人員,本身也有其他工作,希望第三屆開始社會化程度更大一些,將更多專業事務交由專業人員承辦。今年我們走了半步,8個展區和若干活動按照“誰承辦、誰負責、誰策劃、誰招展、誰公開”的原則辦。今後會更加放權給社會,讓有能力和專業機構承擔更多責任,社會參與度高才能更受社會歡迎。慈展會本身也是源自民間,最初是恩派在做,第三屆會根據公�的需求針對性更強。此外第三屆會有相關制度,進一步做到規範化和社會化,政府和社會制度的角色會明晰,慈展會作為正能量的孵化基地,希望讓更多對社會建設有作為的人加入。論壇拾遺國際專家談慈善:創新助力社會建設相對於歐美國家慈善事業的百年曆史,中國現代慈善起步較晚,但是發展迅速,這離不開國際經驗的湧入。9月21日,本屆慈展會特別在深圳會展中心舉行了“國際合作和港澳台展區研討會”。這次會議由中國公益慈善項目交流展示組委會統籌,聯合國開發計劃署、比爾及梅琳達·蓋茨基金會聯合發起,綜合開發研究院(中國·深圳)承辦,南都全媒體集群、中國財富共同主辦。來自國內外著名公益機構、優秀外資企業的公益領袖集聚一堂,以“創新慈善發展,助力社會建設”為主題,圍繞“新科技對慈善模式的影響”、“社會建設的企業之道”、“慈善法治環境和慈善組織運行機制”三大議題展開了熱烈討論。“智慧慈善”已成趨勢會上,SA P公司全球執行副總裁孫小群分享了該公司利用商務智能軟件,幫助中國的非盈利部門實現物流、資金流透明化、專業化的經驗。比爾及梅琳達·蓋茨基金會高級項目官SebastianM ajew ski提出:“‘智慧慈善’在中國已經出現了非常好的發展勢頭。”他認為原因有二,其一是包括騰訊、百度、新浪、阿里巴巴等企業在內的數字行業已經在以成立聯盟的方式,同心同德攜手促進慈善事業的發展。其二則是中國的年青一代在線上線下的公益活動中展現出了無比的熱情和行動力。他同時指出,“新媒體本身並不是解決挑戰的答案,它只是一個技術手段,我們還需要更多的國際對話才能更好地解決面臨的全球性問題。”“創新就發生在商業和非營利組織之間”談到企業如何進行社會建設時,全球最大的社會企業組織A SH O K A (愛創家)受邀在此次會議上發言。該機構總裁助理A m yN eugebaver表示:“商業和非營利組織之間的聯繫非常重要,這裡就是創新所發生的地方。我們要做的就是為當今世界最緊迫的社會問題提供解決和改變的方案。”成立30餘年來,愛創家共在全世界70多個國家,投資了1.45億美元,目前正在把觸角伸向中國。宜信公司企業文化與CSR中心總監徐秀玲則認為,很多慈善的項目本身就是社會創新的試驗田,等它成功以後就是一個商業項目,甚至是一個企業。“當我們在探索新的項目、新的領域時,可以用社會需求的方式去創新。”一線企業論公益:要有利益邏輯 同是做公益,當民間組織在進行道德感召時,企業則搭起了五花八門的商業模式。9月22日一場名為“以商業智慧促社會創新”的論壇,因匯聚了英特爾、騰訊、匯豐、安利等十數位一線企業的CSR經理而備受關注,各方都關心:手握資源的經理們打算怎樣做公益?企業欲造“公益生態圈”如今,一線企業做公益不再滿足于簡單的捐贈,他們希望通過企業的資本輸出改善公益界的生態圈,英特爾公司將之稱為C SR的“3.0階段”。該公司中國區執行董事戈峻說:“我們著力以社會需求為導向,推動跨界合作,建立社會創新的生態圈,共同解決社會問題。”在英特爾看來,未來的企業公民,不能只單純考慮股東的回報,還要顧及其他的相關利益方。“更多地考慮其他的相關利益者,反而更能引發股東的關注和長遠的回報。”為此,英特爾在5年前發起了“新世界公益創新計劃”,就優秀公益項目的評選、獎勵、推廣開展了系列工作,並為公益圈跨界合作機制的建設、信息化能力的培養出力。並非只有英特爾一家企業在“生態圈”上著力,騰訊、匯豐銀行等也推出相似的培育計劃。在今年的慈展會上,騰訊公司高調展示了它的“微愛計劃”———一套面向公益組織發展的“立體成長體系”。公益背後是利益邏輯?“我希望和大家講一講心裡話,可能你會覺得比較功利,但如果我們不從這些方面去考慮,那我會懷疑未來的發展是不是在一個適合操作的方向上。”這是安利公益基金會副理事長匡冀南的開場白,然後他開始談公益項目背後的利益邏輯,他以安利的“春苗廚房計劃”為例,拋出了“商業上的思路,就是一切的選擇,都基於利益相關方的需求分析”的觀點,最終實現多方共贏的目標。活動集錦《中國網絡捐贈研究報告》首發廣東人最有公益心,香港人最慷慨?22日在慈展會上首發的《中國網絡捐贈研究報告》如是說。據“大數據”統計,廣東參與網絡捐贈的人數占全國15%,幾乎是北京和上海的兩倍,而香港雖然參與者較少,但人均捐贈金額卻高達339元。報告發現,女性是淘寶公益網店的核心消費人群,占總消費者的61.40%,而且30元以上的捐贈者中女性均多于男性。不過,在二次捐贈中,男人就比女性多了。據調查,“80後”是網絡捐贈的主體,超過了總體網絡捐贈者的一半,遠超“90後”,更是“70前”的近12倍。這一結果的出現,恐怕與“80後”對網絡的普及程度較高有關。公益項目資助新平台“發現新公益”�動23日,由中國扶貧基金會聯合鳳凰衛視主辦,鳳凰網、南都全媒體集群、21C N等媒體支持的公益中國·特別節目“發現新公益”N G O支持計劃正式�動。據悉,該計劃對公益項目的資助金總額將不少于160萬,其中最終勝出的項目獲得的資助金將不少于65萬元。自7月26日該項目公開征集報名以來,已接到有效報名申請超過140份,由專家評委會評審出12個入圍項目將參與淘汰賽節目錄製。從10∼12月,“公益中國”欄目每周六晚上7點-8點黃金時段將全程播出活動情況,用鏡頭為觀�講述公益項目從策劃到執行、層層晉級贏取項目資金的全過程。企業助婦女組織建公益基金幫扶婦女在剛剛結束的慈展會上,洋酒集團帝亞吉歐與陝西省西鄉縣婦女發展協會正式簽約,向其捐贈50萬人民幣作為永久性小額貸款基金,並提供創新金融和綜合扶貧咨詢服務。位於陝西省南部的西鄉縣,貧困婦女達9萬多人。西鄉縣婦女發展協會希望通過持續的小額貸款和能力建設培訓等方法,幫助其自食其力。統籌:南都記者 周執採寫:南都記者 周執 黎宇琳 鈕小雪 邢曉雯 實習生 徐會壇 趙靜雯 金秋怡mini storage

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往日的旅途中,儲存倉導遊多數會推薦當地特色的一場大型表演秀,即將來臨的《旅遊法》將改變這種情形。不管是出境游或國內游,導遊是決然不敢有半點推薦的言語的。記者從瞭解到的情況來看,在以往的行程中,韓國的“亂打秀”受歡迎程度最高,國內則以張藝謀的“印象”系列為最,還有個別小�的如土耳其的旋轉舞,日本的阿波舞。對於瞭解當地文化來說,旅途中的一場表演秀,的確有畫龍點睛的功效。記者瞭解到,以後旅途中,如果願意看表演秀的話,遊客需要自己掏錢買票,或許比以往導遊統一購買團體票成本要高一些。當然,也有部分旅遊線路會將表演秀納入到行程當中,即將表演秀的票價歸入到團費當中。表演秀名稱:《亂打N A N T A》劇透:“亂打N A N T A”秀是韓國最有名氣的演出之一,被譽為“首爾十大必看景點之一”。表演曾在“愛丁堡國際音樂節”上獲獎,是韓國首部無言劇。故事以廚房為背景舞台,4名廚師和1名餐廳經理,在製作婚宴菜肴過程中不斷產生詼諧的場景。“亂打”是以四物遊戲的旋律為素材創作的韓國最初的無音演出。以大型廚房為舞台,通過4名炊事員為結婚宴做菜的過程,利用捶打廚房用具內容構成。這些廚房用具所發出來的聲音具有四物原始聲音的爆發力,很有節奏感,是男女老少都喜歡的藝術表演。表演秀參考價格:250-400元人民幣之間[旅行社推薦線路]廣之旅:韓國首爾濟州亂打表演愛麗屋美容體驗5天團,5139元/人行程特色:10月中下旬出發,廣州直飛往返;游京畿道、首爾、濟州等地。金馬國旅:韓國全景純玩四飛六天團,6399元/人出發日期:10月15、22日,參團贈送項目。廣東中旅:韓國首爾濟州汗蒸幕3 .8線亂打秀3飛6天,5299元/人行程特色:濟州包機,包含首爾、濟州等行程。表演秀名稱:《夢巴馬》劇透:《夢巴馬》是一台以巴馬瑤族婚禮、銅鼓、補糧、天裕等魅力民俗風情以及巴馬風光與長壽為主題的大型山水實景演出,通過真山、真水、真景演繹真實的巴馬人家生活,有“中國水上最大的舞台”之稱,展現瑤鄉情韻、歡樂山鄉和長壽山鄉三幕精彩的視覺盛宴。表演秀參考價格:198元[旅行社推薦線路]廣之旅:“孝感重陽,愛在巴馬”雙臥5天包列團,搶位價119 9元/人行程特色迷你倉最平10月11、12日出發,乘坐廣之旅包列前往。游水波天窗、長壽島、長壽水晶宮、盤陽河等精華景點,品嘗當地長壽宴,學習有氧瑜伽養生課。表演秀:印象西湖劇透:“印象西湖”是由著名導演張藝謀、王潮歌、樊躍“鐵三角”導演團隊聯手打造的山水實景演出。其以西湖濃厚的歷史人文和秀麗的自然風光為創作源泉,深入挖掘杭州的古老民間傳說、神話,將西湖人文歷史的代表性元素得以重現,同時借助高科技手法再造“西湖雨”。表演秀參考價格:240-300元[旅行社推薦線路]攜程旅行網:華東3市+烏鎮5日團隊游(5鑽)·純玩無購物雙飛,實時計價行程特色:游上海外灘、南京路步行街、城隍廟、杜莎夫人蠟像館;蘇州觀前街、平江路、留園、寒山寺、山塘街;杭州西湖、西溪濕地、印象西湖。表演秀:土耳其旋轉舞劇透:在蘆葦笛子的引導下,托缽僧們脫下黑色斗篷,穿著長長的白色禮服和裙子唱誦跳舞,在象徵著生命循環往復的旋轉中接近神靈。表演秀參考價格:75美元[旅行社推薦線路]中國國旅廣東公司:藍色土耳其9天浪漫之旅,13 8 0 0元/人(原價14800元/人)行程特色:廣州搭乘土耳其航空直飛伊斯坦布爾,內陸兩段飛機免除長途車辛勞,游古城伊斯坦布爾、港口小鎮庫薩達斯、度假天堂安塔利亞、石窟遺產城卡帕多奇亞等,全程當地五星級酒店住宿。入住庫薩達斯海邊酒店、安塔利亞海濱酒店和棉花堡溫泉酒店體驗特色風情。表演秀:日本傳統舞蹈“阿波舞”劇透:阿波舞會館欣賞世界聞名的日本傳統舞蹈“阿波舞”,感受日本街區流行的市民文化,一邊聆聽大太鼓、鐘、締太鼓、三味線等樂器演奏,一邊觀看悠然飄逸的高雅氣質美女翩翩起舞。表演秀參考價格:人民幣約30元[旅行社推薦線路]中國國旅廣東公司:獨家樂享之旅日本深度5天,5 8 9 9元/人(原價6399元/人)行程特色:行程全新設計,發掘不一樣的日本新玩法,暢游四國之門德島、中國地區岡山、關西地區大阪及神戶。游紅葉名所丸山公園、金羅比宮,游世界三大漩渦之鳴門漩渦、迷人小鎮倉敷地區等。入住擁有1300年曆史的高松鹽江溫泉鄉體驗日式溫泉泡湯樂趣,品嘗價值300元“神戶牛肉”特色餐。採寫:南都記者 肖陽 通訊員 鄺穎君許徐以 曾蔚彬 林婕禧 梁斯琪儲存

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智能手機市場競爭白熱化,mini storageTCL通訊(02618)首席執行官郭愛平預期,受聖誕節訂單拉動,預期在十一月前公司每月的智能手機銷售量都會持續上升,並期望長遠而言,智能手機銷售佔總銷售量上升至近五成,貼近全球市場水平。郭愛平表示,近幾個月公司智能手機的銷售佔比不斷上升,單是八月已佔當月總銷售近36%,按比例而言仍有上升空間。不過,由於公司八成以上的訂單為海外市場,受聖誕節因素影響較大,料十一月中後出貨量會逐步減慢,而情況將持續至明年一月底。被問及小米推平價智能手機搶佔市場,迷你倉愛平表示,TCL通訊亦有這種打價格戰的機器,認為雖然會形成競爭,但TCL通訊齊備高、中及低端的智能手機產品,故料影響不大。功能手機仍有市場對於微軟收購諾基亞後,可能會退出功能手機市場,郭愛平表示,由於諾基亞合併在明年首季才完成,因此會密切留意對方的部署。他預期,全球的功能手機銷量將逐年下降,但相信五年內市場仍對功能手機有一定需求,主要因為非洲、拉丁美洲及部分東南亞國家人民仍然貧窮,即使再過五年仍買不起智能手機。他又透露,市場上很多營運商都要求TCL通訊繼續提供功能手機。文件倉

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self storage dz.jjckb.cn//pages/webpage2009/html/2013-09/30/content_80133.htm?div=-1...2013-09-30 □記者 蔡穎 北京報道 來源:經濟參考報央行貨幣政策委員會2013年第三季度例會日前在京召開。會議明確提出,進一步推進利率市場...迷利倉

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蘇姓慣竊前天打破休旅車車窗,mini storage竊取行車記錄器,自己手機卻掉在車內,事後他折返,看到警察採證手機,佯稱是他失竊的,警察反問「你有衛星定位?怎知手機位置?」蘇答不出來露餡,當場被逮 。警方表示,蘇嫌(50歲)前天上午11點,持螺絲起子打破停在東豐路旁休旅車車窗,從前座偷走車上行車記錄器,匆忙間,他置放左胸口袋1支智慧型手機掉落車內,騎機車離開現場後,驚覺手機不見,研判留在休旅車中再折迷你倉現場。當時莊姓車主已向轄區市警五分局報案,偵查隊鑑識員黃啟彰正在採證,並檢視這支手機時,在旁圍觀的蘇突然開口說:「這是我被偷的手機!」黃起疑追問:「你的手機有衛星定位嗎?你搜尋GPS嗎?怎知道失竊手機在休旅車內?」蘇支唔其詞,連手機在哪失竊也說不清處。黃啟彰看到他上衣肩膀處,有少量玻璃碎片,「是不是你打破車窗玻璃?」蘇才坦承涉案,警方在他的機車置物箱,找到其他3支偷來的智慧型手機。文件倉

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互聯網巨頭群起逐鹿金融之際,迷利倉百度姍姍來遲。9月24日,百度和京東都在上海嘉定區設立小額貸款公司。據瞭解,百度小貸的全稱為上海百度小額貸款有限公司,註冊資本為2億元,後續還將增資。同樣,京東小貸的註冊資本也是2億-3億元。據一位接近百度金融的人士透露:“百度金融產品將于10月份上線。”屆時,將有不少供應商將接入金融平台。此前,8月底,百度金融測試版低調出現,布局金融搜索入口。百度金融已經可以支持車貸、房貸、消費貸款、經營貸款及信用卡搜索。7月,百度旗下的第三方支付——百付寶獲得央行頒發的互聯網支付牌照。百度金融探路目前,百度已經獲得了小貸、第三方支付的牌照,至此,互聯網金融的相關業務就有資格展開。而民營銀行的申報名單中,雖然百度並未出現在第一波,但並不意味著,百度不在悄然準備。這一次,上海發放的小貸牌照,在營業範圍內有一些提升。根據公開的新聞報道,上海嘉定區金融辦的相關人士稱,百度與京東的小貸業務不會像實體的小額貸款公司那樣受到地域限制,而是可以跨區經營。不過,貸款規模的杠杆率並沒有變化。目前,百度與京東的註冊資本基本上都是2億-3億元的規模。而小額貸款公司的杠杆率是1:1.5,這意味著,百度與京東可以提供3億-4.5億規模的貸款。而據業內人士瞭解,在浙江的某些地區,資本杠杆率可以達到1:2。雖然同一時間獲得小貸公司的牌照,但京東小貸的模式更清晰,其借著電商平台與供應鏈金融,可以進行無風險的小額貸款。據瞭解,京東平台上50%的供應商都有貸款需求,平均貸款額度在200萬元∼300萬元,額度較大。在測試階段,發放的貸款總額達到10億元。此前,京東金融發展部總監劉長宏告訴記者,京東一直在搭建能夠自控風險、進行小額貸款審批的IT系統。未來一定數額之下的小額貸款,可以自動審批。審批速度也將提升至實時審批。“從第一天提交,第二天審批,到上午提交、下午審批,到實時審批的轉變。不過,需要一個摸索的過程。”但是,對百度來說,小貸業務還需要更長久的摸索期。雖然,百度擁有幾百萬中小企業的商業客戶,可以獲得部分企業運營的日常信息,據此進行貸款服務。“百度的小額貸款如果瞄準的是這些企業,那麼其小額貸款的整體規模將有限。” 一位互聯網金融人士稱,這些中小企業能夠做得起廣告,買得起搜索關鍵詞,從經營規模與運營能力來看,還是有實力的企業,不少銀行已經給其提供服務。而互聯網公司做小貸最終有機會做好、做大的是規模更小、更無法掌控的小微企業。但是坐擁中國70%的搜索市場,用戶規模達5億海量用戶的百度,對金融的覬覦自然不止如此。日前,“百度金融”、“百度理財”、“百度證券”等三款金融產品的官方微博也悄悄進行了認證並上線。據一位接近百度金融的人士透露,百度金融不僅僅為個人用戶、非金融公司提供搜索引擎服務,還將聯合金融機構推出在線金融產品。“百度在大數據方面的技術分析能力,可以幫助金融機構建更全面的風控模型。”一位百度人士告訴記者,百度還可以向其海量用戶銷售金融產品。餘額寶在短短3個月內,將規模做到500億元,這大大刺激了其他互聯網基金產品。據一位互聯網金融人士稱,百度也會推出相應的理財產品,但百度會要求,產品收益相較餘額寶要高一些,以示差異化。亦有公開的消息稱,百度的金融戰略將以百付寶來展開。7月,百付寶獲得互聯網支付的第三方支付牌照。一位互聯網金融分析人士稱,“將百付寶作為戰略核心,不太可能。”因為百付寶只有互聯網支付牌照,並且,百付寶剛剛開始,用戶基礎不夠,無法像支付寶那樣,借著用戶優勢,搶先互聯網金融第一輪風潮的競爭。搭平台的利弊此前,8月底上線的百度金融測試版首頁包括貸款搜索、貸款攻略等。簡單來說,是金融自存倉品領域的垂直搜素。目前,在金融垂直搜索入口上,已經有融360、好貸等公司,另外91金融超市亦從深化服務等領域,進入金融搜索領域。近段時間,融360獲得3000萬美元的B輪融資,公司估值7000萬-8000萬美元。91金融也獲得千萬元的A輪融資。不少投資人已經向好貸網拋出了橄欖枝,融資消息也于近期出爐。一位移動互聯網行業分析人士認為,百度金融與百度教育、百度地圖相同之處,都是搭建一個平台,請相關的服務商來運營。“但是,百度並不擅長做運營,這從其幾次失敗的電商、O2O戰略中可以一瞥。”此前,一位百度高管曾表示,在百度地圖上,百度只需要做好地圖這個平台,剩下的服務由服務商就可以完成。百度地圖已經接入大�點評、嘀嘀打車等生活服務。創新工場創始合伙人汪華認為,做互聯網金融需要有切入點,需要在用戶或商家這兩端靠上一端。需要有針對企業或者個人的流量,並不是從零開始。未來,“真正的互聯網金融,必須有流量,而且還要有很大的流量”。在汪華看來,融360、好貸等導賣流量的方式做互聯網金融,比較有難度。目前,這些創業公司自生式流量並不多,絕大部分是從外部引入流量。“互聯網流量成本很高,很難做成規模。而且,流量是規模無效應,想獲得更高的流量,單位成本就越高。”在搜索行業,百度占據70%的市場份額,是互聯網上巨大的引流工具。從戰略上來看,百度與融360、好貸網等進行合作對彼此都有好處。此前,百度戰略投資了在線旅遊搜索的去哪兒,百度負責導流量,去哪兒負責運營服務,彼此受益。前文的互聯網金融分析人士稱,“百度的優勢就在於PC上的流量入口,百度理財、百度證券等業務都可以採取搭平台,讓金融機構提供相關金融產品,或與垂直中間商合作的模式。”重在移動入口不過,對百度來說,目前最重要不是金融業務。或者說,金融業務只是未來錦上添花的業務。如何搶得移動互聯網入口,在與阿里、騰訊等互聯網巨頭的競爭中取勝,才是百度公司未來在移動互聯網時代的關鍵。騰訊借著微信獲得了移動互聯網的一張站票,而阿里也通過並購高德地圖、以及針對移動互聯網的多重投資,進行布局。目前,百度在移動互聯網上有兩張牌:一是百度地圖,二是91手機助手。今年,百度公司給地圖業務(LBS事業部)投入了大量資源,僅員工規模就從200多人擴張到400多人。百度地圖的產品也豐富了應用,出現了24小時制的出行路況查詢,也接入了打車、餐館、休閒娛樂、團購等服務。百度與高德地圖競爭激烈,都希望能夠戰勝對方,成為移動互聯網的入口。此前,高德地圖副總裁馮漢平在接受本報記者採訪時表示,“現在正是手機地圖的快速成長期,這個窗口期還有一兩年的時間。”今年7月, 百度以19億美元收購91手機助手後,不僅獲得了手機應用分發領域的優勢,更重要的是大大提振了2萬名百度員工的士氣。一位百度員工告訴記者,“現在整個公司人心大振,百廢待興。”汪華認為,並購91手機助手之後,提升士氣只是第一步。“百度在移動互聯網上最重要的是解決公司架構與文化的問題。”汪華認為,在百度、阿里、騰訊(BAT)三家當中,百度最像大公司,井然有序。百度本身是工程師文化,如果修改了架構與文化,還是很有活力。“百度的技術很強大,還是有後勁的。”汪華認為,接下來,百度應該不會進行大級別的並購。而是小規模的產品層面的並購。“可以並購一些有價值的產品線,將百度的技術融入這些產品,產生較好的效益。”在支付上,百度還需要加強移動支付。百度一直醞釀的百度錢包就是針對移動互聯網。比如,用戶可以利用百度錢包支付百度地圖嵌入的相關應用,如預訂餐館,預約打車等。“未來,百付寶還需要申請移動支付的牌照,以進行戰略布局。”前文的互聯網金融分析人士說道。mini storage

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