繼Nokia後,儲存另一個曾經風光過的手機品牌BlackBerry,也終於逃不過被收購命運!BlackBerry最大股東Fairfax Financial Holdings Limited宣佈以47億美元,收購BlackBerry的90%股權,之後BlackBerry將成為成為Fairfax的私人企業。 BlackBerry的收購跟Nokia不同,Nokia的收購項目,並不包括Nokia的商標,微軟不能使用Nokia的名字於旗下的新手機上,換句話說,Nokia的手機未來將會消失,除非Nokia總公司會再投入消費手機市場,但都不會是短期會發生的事。不過BlackBerry未來仍是由最大股東擁有,將會繼續以BlackBerry的品牌推出產品,只是未來公司的營運策略,會否轉移至企業和專業範圍,BlackBerry會否仍推出消費型手機?才是一般消費者關心和討論的焦點。 新手機陸續有來 事實上,上周BlackBerry宣傳收購消費的同時,BlackBerry也在香港舉行BlackBerry Jam Asia 2013開發者大會,交流以BlackBerry 10平台為主的應用開發,似乎BlackBerry還未有計畫停下來,在Jam Asia大會上BlackBerry還發表了首款5吋屏幕的Z30,用作取代前作Z10,提升了造工之餘,硬件方面也有提升,似是向市場說明,BlackBerry還沒放棄手機市場。 BlackBerry手機現時有兩個系統平台,分別是BB10智能手機平台,以及較簡單的BB7平台,其中BB7平台在入門消費市場仍有相當份額,根據BlackBerry應用平台與工具副總裁 Christopher Smith在Jam Asi儲存倉場合上表示, BB7目前仍有超過700萬用戶,為開發者仍帶來理想收入,因此目前BlackBerry仍然以雙平台方向發展,待市場自由調整和選擇。 當然,700萬台手機的市場,相比新 iPhone 三日就賣出900萬的數字,其實已經反映出BlackBerry笈笈可危,BlackBerry手機過去可以紅起來,是因為其擁有獨特的BlackBerry企業服務系統,包括BBM (BlackBerry Messenger)軟件,過去就一定要使用BlackBerry 手機才可以使用,過去這招雖然有效,但當手機的選擇愈多(其實只有蘋果跟三星),手機的市場份額細,就算軟件服務有多好用,始終也紅不起來。如果我們將BlackBerry公司的QNX作業系統設備抽走,BlackBerry的軟件業務,其實也只剩下不到一億美元。 iOS + Android 玩BB 要在市場上落場跑,BlackBerry未來不只要保持在消費市場活躍,同時也應開放部分BlackBerry手機的功能,BlackBerry在Jam Asia就示範過,利用iOS手機去模擬BlackBerry的操作,分有iOS和Android兩個版本。大家可以用iPhone或Android來操作這款BB手機App。另外如果你想玩BBM的話,最重要還是可以用回你的iPhone或Android,只要到BlackBerry的網頁登記,待BBM軟件開發完後,就會收到通知,BB捧場客應該是普羅市民,還是專業人士? 鄭君任 名筆論壇 《PCM》總編輯,見證電腦由Mono到3D,9.6Kbps撥號到LTE無線上網年代,DIY、攝影、影音、手機樣樣�玩。 Art: Kin/ Editor: Kenneth迷你倉最平

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楚天都市報訊 (記者郭徽 通訊員張繼濤 吳慧)國慶長假前夜,迷你倉家住漢口江漢路的胡迪奔赴海南。她的行李中帶著一塊寫有“到此一游”的紙板,邊走邊宣傳文明旅遊。“我是武漢人,我為文明旅遊代言。”1日下午,23歲的胡迪在微博發佈了她在海南多個景點的自拍照,手中的“胡迪到此一游”的彩色紙板格外顯眼。接受記者採訪時,胡迪說,她特別喜歡旅遊,去過許多地方,常常看到有人亂刻亂畫、亂丟垃圾等不文明現象,又生氣又無奈。於是此文件倉出發前,大學美術專業畢業的她自己動手製作了一塊文明紙板,遊玩、拍照時都拿在手上,呼籲其他遊客文明旅遊。“不少遊客對我的行為很好奇,每次我都會耐心對他們解釋。我覺得這樣做既顯得個性十足,又能倡導文明,挺好。”她說。無獨有偶,國慶節當天,武漢百步亭社區文馨苑的6位居民,也帶著文明紙板組團前往武當山旅遊(如圖)。團長孫朝娟說,講文明不僅要從自己做起,更要影響、帶動其他人,希望他們的行動能為倡導文明旅遊盡一點力。存倉

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迷利倉 信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/超今年春運高峰值15萬人次本報訊(夏永靜 記者 李夢媛)10月1日,成都鐵路局發送旅客78.5萬人次,超今年春運高峰值15萬人次。國慶假期,成都鐵路局增開5對“成渝達”動車組和13對普速旅客列車,並對40多對熱門方向旅客列車實行加掛、硬臥代硬座900多輛次。記者獲悉,成都鐵路局管內各車站未取的火車票10月2日有10.9萬張、10月3日有7.5萬張。為確保旅客出行順利,成都鐵路局管內車站黃金周期間增設取票專用窗口,增派人手在自助取票機前指導旅客快速取票。自存倉

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Source: The Lima News, OhioOct.存倉 01--ARLINGTON -- Coldwater's Kelsey Koesters is heading back to the state golf tournament.Koesters fired a 77 to land a spot in the state golf tournament as an individual in the Division II girls golf district tournament Monday at Sycamore Springs.Huron (339), Milan Edison (350) and Defiance (373) were the three qualifying teams that moved on to the state tournament.Koesters' 77 landed her in the third and final qualifying spot as an individual. The senior Koesters shot rounds of 82-78 for a 160 at the state tournament last year.Kansas Lakota's Makayla Dull was the district medalist with a 72.St. Henry finished seventh (403), while Coldwater was eighth (404) and Minster finished 11th (409).Defiance's Annabelle Weisgerber shot an 83. Her teammate, Marisa Behringer shot 87.St. Henry was led by Taylor Koesters' 89.The Division II girls state tournament will be held Oct. 11-12 at Ohio State's Gray Course.Boys soccerShawnee 1, Celina 1SHAWNEE TOWNSHIP -- Shawnee and Celina ended the way it started, in a tie.Ryan Roberts scored for Shawnee. Eric Moeder scored for Celina.Shawnee outshot Celina, 13-12.Shawnee goalkeeper Brinkman had seven saves. Celina goalie Joel Weitz made nine saves.Shawnee is 7-4-2, 5-1-1 in the Western Buckeye League. Celina is 6-4-3, 4-1-2 in the WBL.Girls soccerContinental 3, Lima Central Catholic 2Continental's Paige Ordway scored a second-half goal to lift the Pirates past Lima Central Catholic.McKenna Scott and Sloane Zachrich sco儲存ed in the first half for the Pirates.Liz Taflinger and Sydney Santaguida scored for LCC.The Pirates outshot LCC, 19-15.Continental goalkeeper Emma Recker made 10 saves.Lincolnview 6, Ada 1Lincolnview's Hannah McCleery scored a three-goal hat trick to lead the Lancers to their first win of the year over Ada.Cassie Hale added two goals for the Lancers, while Brooke Schroeder scored one.Lincolnview outshot Ada, 23-7.Lincolnview goalkeeper Julia Thatcher had seven saves.Lincolnview is 1-9-3, 1-3-1 in the Northwest Conference. Ada is 0-10, 0-4 in the NWC.Wapakoneta 4, Lima Senior 0LIMA -- Wapakoneta blanked Lima Senior at Lima Stadium.The Redskins outshot the Spartans, 19-10.Claire Burton had two goals for Wapakoneta.Kalida 2, Ottoville 0OTTOVILLE -- Kalida goalkeeper Sarah Verhoff needed only one save for the shutout over Ottoville.Brittany Kahle and Laine Laudick scored for the Wildcats (11-0-1, 3-0 Putnam County League).VolleyballColumbus Grove 3, Delphos St. John's 0COLUMBUS GROVE -- Columbus Grove posted a 25-12, 25-11, 25-11 victory over Delphos St. John's.The Bulldogs lifted their record to 14-2.Columbus Grove's Sammi Stechschulte had nine kills, while Julia Wynn had eight kills. Rachel Schumacher and Briana Glass both had 13 assists.Anna 3, Wapakoneta 0ANNA -- Anna knocked off Wapakoneta, 25-15, 25-29, 25-11 in a non-league match.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Lima News (Lima, Ohio) Visit The Lima News (Lima, Ohio) at .limaohio.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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貨幣與銀行數據年份(按年波動%)狹義貨幣供應M1私人界遊資M2廣義貨幣供應M3 存款貸款貸存比率201115.414.714.314.113.680.9201211.截至7月13日12.截至8月13日10.資料來源:興業投資研究(吉隆坡1日訊)美國上市最大休閒旅遊公司———嘉年華企業(CarnivalCorpor ation)旗下公主郵輪(PricessCruise)東南亞主管法立道飛認為,儲存倉東南亞將在未來5 、6年內成為郵輪公司的主要目的地,潛力或可媲美加勒比。法立道飛在記者會上表示,亞洲郵輪領域迅速發展,大馬過去10年乘搭郵輪的旅客人數,更是每年平均增加14%。“亞洲,特別是東南亞地區的迷你倉最平展潛力很大。這裡擁有很多海島、文化色彩和美食資源豐富,而且這裡還是購物天堂,具備成為旅遊天堂的條件。”他續稱:“我認為只需5、6年的時間,東南亞將成為最熱門的郵輪目的地,甚至可媲美加勒比。”針對大馬郵輪領域發展,數據顯示在2012年,檳城、巴生港口和浮羅交怡分別接待了139、98和52艘郵輪,以及21萬、14萬和6萬名乘客。大馬郵輪委員會也預料,巴生港口2013年的郵輪乘客人數將增加38%至19萬500 0令吉。公主郵輪開拓亞洲法立道飛同時宣佈,公主郵輪將積極開拓亞洲市場,並在2014年11月份把第一艘公主油輪———藍寶石公主號(SapphirePrincess)帶到東南亞。“我們將在2014年11月開始至2015年2月開始東南亞的航線。預料這4個月內可吸引4萬名東南亞乘客,和7萬名中國乘客。”儲存

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Marketing, pricing curbs deterred subsequent acquirer of broadcast rights[SINGAPORE] Last year, as the Barclays Premier League (BPL) broadcast rights hung in the balance, SingTel sealed a high-stakes deal that would boomerang on itself.mini storageIn that deal, bitter rival StarHub would have been able to buy its own set of BPL rights, but only if it kept quiet about it - for a while, at least.This scenario was painted by the Media Development Authority (MDA) in a recent document that pulled back the curtain on SingTel's deal with the Football Association Premier League (FAPL) for the BPL rights last December.Under that deal, SingNet - one of SingTel's units - negotiated a clause with the FAPL that prevented any other subsequent rights- holder from announcing or marketing its BPL rights before a "certain prescribed time prior to when the subsequent acquirer is due to start commercial exploitation of (BPL)", MDA said in its circular to industry players which was made public on its website last week.This might have resulted in existing StarHub subscribers taking out a second subscription from SingTel for BPL content, even after StarHub had acquired the rights, but before StarHub could market them to anyone, MDA noted.Such a clause, MDA said, was likely to have a "negative impact on consumer knowledge and choice".This potential outcome was among the various reasons the regulator ruled against SingTel in the inter-operator tussle over BPL rights, MDA revealed in the circular.While SingTel had announced the acquisition of "non-exclusive" BPL rights last year, MDA intervened in April this year, deeming the BPL deal an exclusive one instead. MDA's ruling forced SingTel to share its BPL content with StarHub, under the cross-carriage rule.Had the deal been accepted as a non-exclusive one, SingTel would have been the sole provider of the BPL matches in the absence of any move by StarHub to buy its own set of rights.The odds of that happening would have been increased by the marketing clause in SingTel's BPL deal, which improved the "likelihood of de facto exclusivit儲存 for SingNet", MDA said in its circular.In response to MDA's circular, SingTel said yesterday: "We acknowledge MDA's decision but have a different opinion as our intention was never to acquire the rights exclusively. This is why we lodged an appeal which unfortunately was turned down."In July, Minister for Communications and Information Yaacob Ibrahim rejected SingTel's appeal, reaffirming MDA's decision. "We respect the minister's decision and have worked to provide a good BPL viewing experience to customers on both platforms," SingTel added.According to estimates by the Sporting Intelligence website, save for Thailand, Singapore paid more than any other Asian country - ¢G190.1 million (S$386 million) - for BPL content in that particular round of bidding. SingTel declined to comment on the veracity of this figure earlier this month.On top of the marketing restriction, the SingTel- FAPL deal contained what MDA called a "tiered pricing provision", which ensured that SingTel would be entitled to a "significant price reduction" in its fees to the FAPL, if any other operator bought the rights here.Such a pricing provision meant that "the FAPL will only be willing to sell to a subsequent acquirer if the offered price is at least equal to the price reduction which the FAPL would have to give to SingTel Global Private Ltd", MDA noted.While StarHub declined to comment on MDA's circular yesterday, the telco had been vocal in its insistence earlier this year about the existence of a "high rebate" in the SingTel-FAPL deal, before MDA began looking into the matter.The MDA finding noted that there was indeed a "price barrier" in SingTel's BPL deal that would have deterred another operator from buying the rights here.Taken together, the marketing restriction and the price barrier would have made the BPL rights "commercially unviable to a subsequent acquirer", MDA concluded.Since the BPL season opened on Aug 17, SingTel has been obliged to make BPL content available on StarHub's platform. This will continue for the next three years, over the 2013-2016 seasons.儲存倉

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南方日報訊 (見習記者/陳相利 林群賢)“頭戴‘雙馬尾辮小丑帽’,自存倉身穿�家服飾,在海面上歡快、俏皮地跳躍。”昨日,在珠海漁女景點舉辦的首屆中國國際馬戲節倒計時50天暨形象標誌和吉祥物發佈儀式上,馬戲節吉祥物珠珠以“張開雙臂,擁抱世界”的�家小漁女形象和馬戲節Logo“飛翔的漁女” 形象一起,與觀�正式見面。記者瞭解到,馬戲節Logo和吉祥物由香港著名設計師韓秉華設計。據韓秉華介紹,中國國際馬戲節吉祥物珠珠以“珠海漁女”、“快樂童年”、“�家文化”為設計原素,�家小漁女形象既表現出馬戲節的觀賞性、民族性和親民性,也表示馬戲給珠海這座美麗的海濱mini storage市帶來新的希望與樂趣。馬戲節Logo以“珠海漁女”、“空中雜技”、“敦煌文化”為創意原型,通過飛翔的漁女與馬戲節特有的雜技表演形象相結合,並融入敦煌文化‘飛天’意象,象徵國際馬戲元素與中國傳統文化的完美融合。韓秉華介紹說,“色彩方面以藍色為主調,寓意蔚藍海洋、藍色珠海,同時由藍色向綠色、黃色漸變,既展示出舉辦地珠海的生態之美、活力之美,也蘊含了馬戲節多元共生、歡樂競技、積極向上的含義,使馬戲節主題——‘馬戲盛會,歡樂珠海’得以充分體現。”據瞭解,首屆中國國際馬戲節將於今年11月20日至12月1日在珠海市橫琴新區長隆國際海洋度假區國際馬戲城舉行。儲存

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URL:.chinanews.com.cn/sh/2013/10-01/5343154.shtml  中新網杭州10月1日電 (記者 夏毅 見習記者 謝盼盼)10月1日,mini storage國慶假期首日,浙江杭州西湖景區以68.44萬人次再創新高,同比去年中秋、國慶黃金周第一天人數增加83.58%,而今天的西湖著名景點斷橋更是人滿為患,幾乎難找到落腳的地方。  國慶當天,杭州天氣怡人,西湖邊楊柳拂動,湖光點點,而在此散步成為假期一大愜意之事,但今天下午在西湖著名景點斷橋上,摩肩擦踵的人海遮住了斷橋的秀美,以至於遊客驚嘆:斷橋真要斷了嗎?  當天下午4點左右,記者來到斷橋,只見人群黑壓壓的一片,正在緩慢地往橋上移動,周圍遊客的話語與嬉笑聲不絕於耳,由於人數較多,當走上橋面後,人與人的間隔只有一個手掌的距離,走路都難找到落腳地方。  由於遊客數量較多,過橋的時候,行走速度都相當緩慢,來自江蘇的大學生小何拿著手中的相機,低著頭走路,“走不了幾步路,就會被踩鞋子。”  斷橋人氣“爆棚”,但在來自內蒙古的陳子傑看來,卻是樁新鮮事。“國慶就是儲存個熱鬧,來,笑個。”陳子傑一家人揮舞著手中的小國旗在斷橋前留了張影。  “人太多了,工作量是我昨天的好幾倍。”李正琴是斷橋景點上負責環衛工作的工人,今天來西湖斷橋遊覽的遊客數量讓來杭州工作不到一年的她嚇了一跳。  與西湖風光相得益彰的遊船也毫不悠閑,從中午起,斷橋旁的遊船停靠處的遊船靠岸的時間幾乎沒有超過一分鐘,而等上船的遊客也排起了長隊。  據杭州市旅遊委員會統計,該市各景點今天共接待遊客196.06萬人次:其中西湖風景名勝區管委會(市園文局)所屬公園景點共接待遊客68.44萬人次;雷峰塔景區接待4.51萬人次。  值得注意的是,今天西湖接待的68.44萬人次同比去年中秋、國慶黃金周第一天(37.28萬人次)增加83.58%。  另外,據西湖名勝區管委會預計,今天西湖景區的客流量還未達到高峰,未來的客流高峰將集中在10月3、4日。  杭州西湖是世界文化遺產,首批國家重點風景名勝區,于2011年入選世界文化遺產名錄,斷橋是西湖最著名的橋,因中國四大民間傳說之一《白蛇傳》中許仙和白娘子的動人愛情故事而聞名於世。(完)儲存倉

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