本港旅客酒店需求高,自存倉工廈活化增值概念下,不少投資者購入工廈再活化成酒店出售圖利,工廈活化政策實施以來,已有多項物業亦申請轉為酒店用途。活化後轉售 另類財源  酒店需求高,惟新增供應少,不少財團從工廈活化中,尋找新的供應。於本年度13宗已簽立的特別豁免書,即可免補價更改用途的工廈中,其中約6宗的個案屬申請工廈轉作酒店用途,佔申請個案中近一半,主要集中於東九龍及葵涌一帶工廈。  新近個案如觀塘道320及322號理想集團中心,物業即將於明年首季改裝,涉及資金約1.5億元,預期可提供約174間酒店房,預計迷你倉金回報約7至8厘。  亦有投資者以活化概念,把工廈申請轉作酒店用途,為物業增值後再轉售,利潤甚為豐厚,其中以資深投資者鄧成波最為積極,活化政策推出後頻購全幢工廈再轉售,包括於2011年以4.7億元購入偉業街133號長輝工業大廈,物業獲批改裝酒店後,持貨兩年以9.3億元沽出,身價升值近1倍。  另外,目前鄧氏仍持有多個已獲批或正待批活化改裝的工廈項目,包括葵涌港美中心全幢,總樓面約5.29萬平方呎,正申請改裝成酒店。另去年以5.28億元向�隆購入的葵涌紅A中心,亦剛獲批免補地價改作酒店,涉約594間客房。mini storage

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金鐘開盤剩3天,儲存老將、新秀激戰綜藝主持人獎,綜藝教母張小燕以台視「紅白紅白我勝利」入圍,有望敲響個人第6座金鐘,日前雖言不想報名參賽,入圍後卻意隨心轉,「後來覺得自己很自私,若不報名,佼佼就不能入圍。」張也展企圖心,「要以沈春華為目標,她拿13座,我非常羞愧,櫥窗位置還空得很。」入圍節目半數停播,引發圈內熱議,但熄燈的「紅白」經3次轉型,一直熬到近日「我要當歌手」,收視僅次民視「綜藝大集合」,更勝選秀老招牌「華人星光大道」,張小燕與黃子佼發揮母雞帶小雞之效,如今收視穩,堪稱近年「轉型奇蹟」,張認為,「戲劇節目也都mini storage播啦,金鐘是要鼓勵去年做得好的節目,不需在意停播。」入行59年的張,也難得搬出私藏「電視生存論」,「10幾年前,大家都認為國片沒了,若不是堅持,哪有『海角七號』,電視也是如此,不能全靠政府,更要靠自己,別喊沒錢、窮途末路,讓有心人去做。」她也呼籲,金鐘該鼓勵培養人才、製作方的電視台,而非只顧收視的電視台。攤開主持入圍9人名單,有5位是已婚者,已超過適婚年齡的黃,張擔心他感情沒著落,昨公開催婚,「結婚跟得獎一樣重要,怕你單身久了,就習慣了。」綜藝咖如黃,竟打太極、撂出偶像藝人的標準答案,「婚姻大事急不得,我熱愛工作。」self storage

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【本報訊】已故前基本法諮詢委員會成員兼前全國政協委員邵友保,迷你倉其子邵公全因拖欠東亞銀行及味千(中國)控股主席潘慰共近一千九百萬元,早前遭東亞銀行入稟申請將他破產,潘慰也支持東亞的申請。案件昨於高院再處理時,法官指此案在法庭提訊不下於十一次,已給予他充分時間籌集資金解決債務,惟他昨向法庭出示的只是一份股份轉讓備忘錄,且要待年底正式簽署才可賣出股份,但賣股後的錢仍未能付清債務。由於法庭看不到他有合理機會清還債項,因此正式頒令他破產。父邵友保為儲存行家邵公全(六十五歲)在美國俄亥俄大學深造經濟後,曾出任多間上市公司的董事職位。他在九九年更獲頒銅紫荊星章,一○年一月加入港府中央政策組至去年十二月底,亦曾擔任大連市海外經濟顧問、中國國家�生部醫院管理研究所高級顧問及中國北京大學醫學部名譽顧問等。他亦曾是永旺香港百貨(00984)的獨立非執行董事,惟今年八月請辭。其父邵友保則曾是香港基本法諮詢委員會金融貨幣小組召集人,亦是資深銀行家及企業家。於○六年病逝。案件編號:HCB 7996/12mini storage

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商交所涉假文件案,儲存其中一名馬來西亞籍商人被指管有逾四十億的虛假銀行資金證明,被控一項有意圖而管有虛假文書罪,案件原定昨日開審,惟辯方提出大馬商人願意承認一項較輕的管有虛假文書罪,裁判官決定押後至今晨處理。據了解,五十九歲被告王雄本(Ong Shen Kuo),願意承認的一項控罪,最高刑期為三年,較原mini storage被控的十四年為低,新控罪中控方毋須證明被告管有虛假文書,是具有犯罪意圖。控罪指,被告在去年十二月,保管一份由�豐銀行發出的虛假資金證明書,以證明其戶口內有一筆五點一六億美元的存款。辯方早前披露,被告曾發電郵要求商交所主席張震遠慎重處理涉案資金證明文件。案件編號:東區刑事一九九○——二○一三。記者 陳子丰self storage

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Source: Greeley Tribune, Colo.mini storageOct. 21--The following spills were reported to the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission in the past two weeks.Information is based on Form 19 that operators must fill out detailing the leakage/spill events.Any spill or release that may impact waters of the state must be reported as soon as practical.Any spill of more than 20 barrels must be reported within 24 hours, and all spills of more than five barrels must be reported within 10 days of the event, according to COGCC rules.Spills and leaks are typically found during routine maintenance on existing wells, though some actual "spills" do occur among the 19,000-plus wells in the county.Oct. 11, Bill Barrett Corporation reported that on Oct. 8, rain flooded a bermed containment east of Evans, causing the submerged produced water tank to overflow. About 12 barrels of water were released; none were recovered. The contaminated soil inside the berm was removed, and the below-ground concrete tank will be replaced with an above-ground steel tank. The cause of the spill was determined to be the inundation of the produced water tank.Oct. 11, Bill Barrett Corporation reported that on Oct. 8, a fiberglass tank floated in high waters and broke free from piping east of Evans. About 18 barrels of water were spilled; none were recovered. Anchor tanks will be used to prevent the problem from reoccurring. The cause of the spill was determined to be flooding.Oct. 11, Whiting Oil and Gas Corporation reported that on Oct. 4, a valve upstream of a pressure relief valve was closed northeast of Eaton. Because of the pressure, the separator vessel was being heated. This caused a gasket to fail and release fluids, which were contained on the pad. About 17 barrels of oil were spilled; 11.5 were recovered. About two barrels of water were also spilled; 0.5 were recovered. The removal of all valves upstream of pressure relief valves is currently being investigated. The cause of the spill was determined to be equipment failure.Oct. 11, Whiting Oil and Gas Corporation reported that on Oct. 2, a valve was closed downstream of a wellhead northeast of Eaton. The closed valve caused pressure to build and release fluids. About 25 barrels of oil were released; 20 were recovered. About 25 barrels of water wereself storagereleased; 20 were recovered. The well was shut in and fluids were removed by a vac truck. No further remediation is necessary. The cause of the spill was determined to be human error.Oct. 14, Kerr-McGee Oil and Gas Onshore LP reported that on Oct. 4, a damaged flowline northeast of Fort Lupton released about three barrels of oil. About 2.5 barrels were recovered by a vacuum truck. A surface assessment will be done to determine the extent of the damage, and the damaged portion of the flow line will be repaired. The cause of the spill was determined to be equipment failure.Oct. 15, PDC Energy Inc. reported that on Oct. 12, a flooded well site north of Kersey was examined, and about 7.5 barrels of oil and 7 barrels of water were found to have spilled. None were recovered. Additional assessment will be done to determine whether further remediation is necessary. The cause of the spill was determined to be severe flooding.Oct. 15, DCP Mainstream reported that on Oct. 5, a third party truck driver ran off the road, striking a section of above-ground piping and releasing about 1.5 barrels of oil, all of which were recovered. About nine cubic yards of soil was excavated, and DCP is investigating a method to prevent this type of release from reoccurring. The cause of the spill was determined to be human error.Oct. 16, Noble Energy Inc. reported that on Oct. 14, the pit valve of a heater northeast of Eaton was left open, releasing about 50 barrels of oil. All were recovered using a vacuum truck. Personnel will check valves to ensure that they are closed in the future, and no further remediation is required. The cause of the spill was determined to be human error.Oct. 16, Noble Energy Inc. reported that on Oct. 8, a water vault east of Milliken developed a leak, releasing an unknown amount of oil and water. None has been recovered. The leak was discovered during replacement of a fiberglass water pit. A site evaluation is planned to determine the extent of the damage, and a new water vault will be set inside of a new steel ring and liner. The cause of the spill was determined to be equipment failure.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colo.) Visit the Greeley Tribune (Greeley, Colo.) at .greeleytribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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儲存 針對中證網近期發佈的有關報道,金飛達22日發佈澄清聲明,確認將進入電子商務領域,但截至目前沒有形成確定的具體方案。中證網18日刊發《金飛達或轉型經營電子商務平台》報道。報道稱,江蘇金飛達服裝股份有限公司開始大規模招聘工作人員,其職位涉及APP項目運營經營、互聯網彩票項目運營經理、手游項目運營經理等。據投資者互動平台信息,該招聘信息的確由金飛達發出。公司證實,以上信息屬實,發佈以上招聘信息,主要是幫助公司在產業升級和轉型過程中做前期調研、論證及其他準備工作。公司正在對向電子商務和移動互聯網相關領域產業升級、轉型做論證及準備,但截至目前沒有形成確定的具體方案。(傅嘉)迷你倉

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【香港商報訊】記者劉思桐報道:雖然出售百佳計劃擱淺,儲存倉李嘉誠旗下長和系變賣中港資產的步伐仍在繼續,其最近塵埃落定的一宗則是以約90億元出售位於上海陸家嘴的東方匯經中心。而買家除了已自行披露購入該物業6%權益的光大控股(165)外,昨日《道瓊斯》引述消息人士指,另一名最大買家正是交通銀行(3328),其或斥資85億元購入其餘94%權益。 買家有三方 和黃(013)及長實(001)上周五發通告,指將作價11.55億美元(約合90.09億元)出售該寫字樓項目。當時披露的買家有三方,分別為HY-ZLDevelopment、HYZLInvestment及鑽機集團,分別持東方匯經中心的47%、47%及6%權益,前兩者為離岸註冊公司,惟未有披露實際資料,可謂「身份神秘」。 至於佔股6%的買家則被證實為光控(165)。該公司日前自行發通迷你倉最平,披露鑽機為其附屬公司,將佔東方匯經中心項目6%權益,涉及出資6930萬美元(約合5.37億元)購入,但附有認沽權,若項目未達條件,可於2019年6月底售予HYZL。 規模最大寫字樓交易之一 關於東方匯經中心的最大買家,市場消息多指為交通銀行,各佔47%權益的HYZLDevelopment和HYZLInvestment正是其旗下公司,不過該行方面對此則不予置評。若交行確實收購該項目餘下94%權益,其應支付的代價將約10.857億美元(約合84.7億元)。據悉,該行總部即位於東方匯經中心附近。 據悉,和黃和長實共同持有的東方匯經中心,是一座位於浦東陸家嘴正在建設中的寫字樓,樓高31層,建築面積11萬平方米,預計2014年中竣工。是次交易或成為中國近年來規模最大的寫字樓交易之一。戴德梁行中國投資顧問將擔任今次場外交易的經紀人。迷你倉

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Source: San Bernardino County Sun, Calif.儲存Oct. 21--FONTANA -- A police officer pursues a car that ran a red light on a sunny day. There's little traffic on the road so the speeds gets high quickly.Suddenly the weather changes, heavy rain on the windshield obscures vision. And just as rapidly, the roads become congested with a heavy flow of cars and trucks.Then fog rolls in and snow starts to fall. Visibility is close to zero and traction is difficult."I can't be sending officers to Minnesota in winter to experience difficult weather conditions," said Rod Jones, Fontana police chief.As part of the recently completed nearly $12 million expansion of the Fontana police station, the department purchased an FAACInc. law enforcement driving simulator.Attached to it is a shooting simulator that allows an officer to change from a high-speed driving pursuit to a live-fire situation, or visa versa, said Brad Guith, one of the Fontana police officers assigned to teach using these high-tech driving and shooting simulators.The "cockpit" for the driving simulator replicates the front seat of the Ford Police Interceptor, a vehicle used by Fontana police and several other area police agencies.It has the police computer, radio and lights like the vehicles use for patrol work."The idea is to work on skills here that they will need out in the field," Guith said. "This is where we want them to have accidents."Since computers came into the front seats of police squad cars about a decade ago, the number of vehicular accidents involving police cars has accelerated, Jones said."Driving is getting more and more overwhelming," Jones said. "Not too far off, officers will get heads-up displays, like jet fighter pilots" and voice recognition software will reduce time spent imputing instructions into the car's computer, Jones said.The instructor can dial in weather c迷你倉nditions, traffic conditions and has a deep play list of driving and driving shoot scenarios, Guith said.Additional scenarios can be developed later, he said.Real guns are used for the shooting simulator, but their barrels have been displaced with a laser device, activated each time the trigger is pulled. The laser beam caught on video determines whether the shooter hits, misses, wounds or kills the attacker.A carbon-dioxide canister, where the magazine would normally be, works the action and delivers a recoil jolt similar to what the shooter would feel firing live ammunition.In one scenario Guith played for a reporter and photographer team, a man with a ski mask over his head, wearing a bulletproof vest and carrying a pump-action shotgun is climbing a stairwell.Guith looks to see where the trigger finger is as the officer draws and points his weapon (it should be on the side of the weapon, not inside the trigger guard), whether the officer clearly identifies himself as a police officer, as he orders the man to drop the shotgun, and at what point begins firing.Guith said the reporter participating in this drill waited too long to begin firing, allowing the gunman to turn himself -- and the shotgun -- slightly toward him.In another scenario, involving an active shooter in a school, a boy pops out of a classroom door holding something, and then quickly darts back in,"What was he holding?" Guith asked.The correct answer was a cellphone, not a gun."The shooting range teaches the mechanics of how to shoot, how to reload," Jones said. "But it doesn't teach decision making: when to shoot and when not to. The simulator teaches decision making."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the San Bernardino County Sun (San Bernardino, Calif.) Visit the San Bernardino County Sun (San Bernardino, Calif.) at .sbsun.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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URL:.chinanews.com.cn/cj/2013/10-21/5402445.shtml  隨著中國旅遊市場的快速發展以及國外遊客對中國的熱情與日俱增,儲存帶動了中國酒店業近年的迅猛增長。中國酒店業的競爭日益加劇已是不爭的事實,為此IDeaS總裁兼創始人Ravi Mehrotra博士在接受記者採訪時說:“對於中國酒店管理者來說非常重要的一點,是需要意識到收益管理之于酒店的重要作用。”  他表示,收益管理技術的普及以及購買力的提高,是推動其在酒店業廣泛應用的主要原因之一。以前,只有資金雄厚的大型酒店集團才有能力部署收益管理方案,現在小型獨立酒店也可以使用這種技術。  在採訪中,Mehrotra特別指出,酒店業者不應將焦點僅放在房間銷售上。他舉例說:“團隊客人的確是酒店的穩定客源,但是這部分客人不太會再消費酒店的其他配套設施。”這也將影響酒店的整體收益。Mehrotra表示,現在收益管理已經開始支持mini storage房以外的其他酒店業務,例如餐飲、會議場地以及水療服務。  針對中國迅猛發展的酒店業,Mehrotra表示,運營日益精細複雜化,越來越多的中國酒店管理者開始採用和部署收益管理解決方案。前些年的中國市場,主要是大型國際連鎖酒店才使用收益管理,而今天,無論是本土還是國際酒店,幾乎都已經開始使用收益管理理論來進行定價、房量控制、甚至制定渠道策略,以確保相關策略的準確性。  盡管收益管理在中國日益普及,但Mehrotra也指出了不足:  首先,在中國有相關經驗的收益管理人才短缺,遠不能滿足酒店的巨大需求。而且,中國缺少與收益管理相關的教育培訓項目。目前,僅有少數幾家國際酒店集團因為自身發展需求,在內部培訓收益管理經理人,而行業的發展需要中國本土酒店企業也參與進來,協助培育下一代的本地收益管理人才。  其次,中國酒店管理者需確保在酒店銷售、營銷、預訂、前台、宴會等各部門都能貫徹收益管理策略,才能實現全方位的收益管理。self storage

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中國銀行長城環球通港澳台旅遊卡在保持透支免息、存款有息、分期付款、本地取現免手續費、掛失零風險、7×24小時欺詐監控等服務和基礎功能外,存倉還專為往來港澳台地區的持卡人提供超值套餐,成為�多港澳台商旅人士的首選支付產品。長城環球通港澳台旅遊卡是符合銀聯PBOC2.0芯片標準的單幣信用卡,除傳統磁條卡的功能外,更實現了小額快速支付、行業應用等金融技術創新。與磁條卡相比,芯片卡交易安全性更高、卡片與受理終端的驗證更嚴密、卡內數據難以被複制,有效地保障了用卡安全性。中行還針對該產品持卡客戶制定了消費返現活動。活動期間,持卡客戶在港澳台地區任儲存商戶于雙休日及節假日進行消費交易,單筆滿500元即可享受返現服務,返現比例高達2%,每卡每月最高可獲200元返現。同時,該產品圍繞香港地區21 個知名品牌700余家門店,開展了刷卡辦理6期或12期0利息0手續費分期付款的優惠活動。持卡人在港澳台地區上千家餐飲、酒店、珠寶、旅行社等精選優惠商戶刷卡消費,還可享受最低四折的優惠折扣。據悉,持港澳台旅遊卡在港澳台地區消費均以人民幣統一結算,免除了客戶購匯的煩惱;境內消費更是暢通無阻,所有銀聯網絡均可授理。現在辦理還可享受中行開展的旅遊訂單金額立減、消費返現等相關優惠活動,讓您輕鬆玩轉港澳台。迷你倉

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