Source: The Atlanta Journal-ConstitutionOct.文件倉 22--Uncle Remus, the kindly, white-haired African-American raconteur who spins stories of the trickster Brer Rabbit, was a familiar figure to Americans in the early 1900s, thanks to newspaper columns and books from Atlantan Joel Chandler Harris.But by 1946, after Walt Disney turned Harris' folk tales into the animated musical "Song of the South," the Uncle Remus character had become an embarrassment to some, a reminder of the plantation era and attitudes.The Negro Congress picketed the opening of the movie, decrying its "dangerous stereotypes," and Ebony magazine wrote that it would "set back Negro progress.""Song of the South" has since been muffled. It has never been issued on VHS or DVD in the U.S. and hasn't been seen theatrically in this country since its last re-release in the 1980s.Floyd Norman, one of the first African-American animators at the Disney studios, will discuss the film Wednesday at the Auburn Avenue Research Library and Thursday at Emory University. His appearance is part of the 100th anniversary celebrations at the Wren's Nest, the West End house museum and cultural center devoted to the life and works of Harris.Norman, 78, was 11 years old and living in Santa Barbara, Calif., when the movie first came out, and said his parents were unconcerned about the movie's portrayal of African-Americans."They honestly gave it very little thought, other than it was a Walt Disney motion picture. ... I was totally unaware of the controversy and the political overtones and the whole brouhaha," he said.Norman has since spent a lifetime as an animator, much of it with Disney and Pixar, working on "Sleeping Beauty," "Robin Hood," "Hey! Hey! Hey! It's Fat Albert," "Toy Story 2" and "Monsters, Inc." and many others. He called recently from Disney's Los Angeles offices, where he still works as a consultant, t存倉 talk about "Song of the South" and about his memoir, "Animated Life," published last spring.On criticisms of "Song of the South"If you want to read racial stereotyping into it, that's your business, but it's just much ado about nothing. If you try hard enough, you can find fault with everything -- the Irish cop, the Italian restaurateur -- but keep in mind this is comedy, this is entertainment, this is cartoon making.On Disney's "agenda"Walt Disney was an American filmmaker who liked to tell fanciful stories. ... He was trying to capture a little bit of American folklore and that charm and simplicity of those stories. Walt Disney was not making a documentary of the American South.On Disney's precautionsWalt was aware of the material he dealt with, that it could be a hot potato. ... He hired (black actor and activist) Clarence Muse to be sort of a watchdog over the film, to make sure if he treaded on dangerous ground that he would be called on it. (Muse subsequently left the production.)On working with "The Old Meister" planning the 1966 movie, "The Jungle Book"I was on one of his story crews, I was at meetings with the old man himself. I just happened to be at the right place at the right time. I liked him. I had no problem with Walt Disney. Granted, he was a tough boss, he wasn't always easy to deal with.On the criticisms of a white writer, Harris, popularizing black folk talesThere was no way at that particular time that a black author was going to publish a book of tales told by former slaves. We should be grateful that Joel Chandler Harris did take the time to (record) those tales, so they wouldn't be lost, rather than take offense at him writing down these stories.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) Visit The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Atlanta, Ga.) at Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存

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迷你倉聽音樂 VIVO X3t 全球最薄的智能手機,厚度僅5.7毫米。5英寸高清屏幕,而且是一款支持移動3G和GSM網絡的雙卡雙待手機。 達人體驗:海藍和炫 storage

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美國蘋果公司於香港時間今日凌晨一時在三藩市舉行發布會,迷你倉推出第五代iPad及第二代iPad mini。這一大一小板腦來個大升級,換了新名的iPad Air更輕更薄,號稱為全球最輕的板腦。新iPad mini亦一如預期般搭載Retina螢幕。iPad Air香港售價為三千八百八十八港元起,新iPad mini則為三千零八十八港元起。諾基亞及微軟亦不示弱,同時搶先於昨日推出新板腦,三大公司先後出招,勢令板腦混戰白熱化。蘋果相隔一年再推出新iPad及iPad mini,兩者均採用升級的A7處理器。iPad Air維持九點七吋Retina螢幕,但邊框窄了百分之四十三。機身厚七點五毫米,比上一代薄了兩成半;僅重一磅,為全球最輕的板腦,並搭載五百萬像素背機鏡頭。但沒外界預期搭載iPhone 5s的指紋辨識系統。有太空灰及銀色兩款顏色,首批iPad Air將於下月一日率先在包括香港及中國內地等逾四十個國家及self storage區發售。新mini配Retina螢幕新iPad mini則會配備畫質更佳的七點九吋Retina螢幕,Wifi版比舊型號快一倍,只有太空灰及銀色選擇,沒早前網傳土豪金版本,將於下月底開售。而早前盛傳會採用類似微軟板腦Surface的觸控鍵盤保護蓋,也沒有在是次發布會中登場。蘋果同場亦推出十三吋及十五吋升級版Macbook Pro,機身更輕更薄,電池可運行九小時。三藩市蘋果專門店外從周日起已出現排隊人龍。雖然蘋果有忠實粉絲力捧,iPad仍佔市場龍頭,但其他製造商亦對板腦市場虎視眈眈,板腦混戰勢將一觸即發。曾是手機界一哥的諾基亞,昨日搶先推出其首部板腦Lumia 2520,配備十吋屏幕及搭載Windows RT 8.1作業系統,售價約三千九百港元,在美國、英國及芬蘭首先發售。微軟亦於昨日開售Surface 2板腦,夾擊蘋果。Surface 2搭載Windows 8.1作業系統及五百萬像素的背機鏡頭。迷利倉

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【今日澳門訊】當局持續關注樹木褐根病防治及病樹除險工作,儲存將於10月下旬至11月期間在松山進行為期3個星期的生物防治,此期間希望市民切勿靠近防治區域,以免影響成果。 樹木褐根病對本澳樹木影響甚深,是本澳最主要的木本植物根部的病害,俗稱「樹木殺手」或「樹癌」。當樹木受到感染之後,在樹木根部和樹幹接近地面部份會長出褐色的菌絲層,木質部份發生白色腐朽,腐朽末期木材會變得既乾且輕,呈海綿狀。由於受感染的部位是根部,不易察覺,當遇到惡劣天氣時,樹木便容易倒下。 多年來受褐根病侵襲樹木褐根mini storage屬於土壤傳染病害,在內地、台灣、香港等地均曾發病,唯至今尚未發現有效防治藥劑及方法。松山是澳門的綠肺,亦是市民及遊客常到之地,考慮到該處樹木多年來受褐根病侵襲,為保護本澳綠化資源及樹木,民署與廣州市園林科學研究所合作,以生物防治方法,於松山主要褐根病區泥土部份淋灑微生物菌劑,期望透過添加有益微生物,改善土壤微生物群落,減緩或抑制褐根病菌的發展。 為使採用的生物防治方法能達致預期效果,呼籲市民,於施藥期間請勿靠近或干擾進行褐根病防治的區域,亦會於防治區域內樹立警示牌,希望市民注意。self storage

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儲存 香港文匯報訊(記者 杜法祖)中年漢昨凌晨在油麻地彌敦道一間銀行的櫃員機提款時,遭持刀獨行匪打劫,事主不甘損失反抗並與匪徒糾纏,匪徒恐防事敗匆匆逃去,事主得保不失並慶幸未有受傷。 遇劫事主姓譚(45歲),昨凌晨零時許在彌敦道528號一間銀行內的櫃員機提款,其間一名穿黑衫黑褲匪徒走近背後,亮刀指嚇譚聲稱打劫,並命譚交出所提現款。譚不甘損失奮起反抗,與刀匪激烈糾纏,歹徒恐防驚動警方,匆忙奪門沿窩打老道往渡船街方向逃走,譚幸保不失,驚魂甫定馬上報警。警員接報到場曾在附近街頭兜截劫匪但無果,將翻看銀行閉路電視錄影資料追緝劫匪歸案。迷你倉

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Source: The Gazette, Cedar Rapids, IowaOct.self storage 21--The final chapter to the Big Ten's Legends and Leaders saga will have two completely different endings.Ohio State, winners of 19th straight, appears likely to claim the Leaders Division title with nary a mark. The Buckeyes already beat main contender Wisconsin and own that tiebreaker. Ohio State's two primary challengers to an unblemished record are Penn State -- which is ineligible for the divisional crown -- and Legends Division team Michigan.But in the Legends Division, there still are three squads that harbor legitimate title chances. Michigan State (6-1, 3-0 Big Ten) and Nebraska (5-1, 2-0) both remain undefeated in league play, while Michigan's (6-1, 2-1) only loss came in four overtimes at Penn State. They have yet to play one another.Iowa (4-3, 1-2), Minnesota (5-2, 1-2) and Northwestern (4-3, 0-3) have outside chances at best, but all could have some impact on the divisional race.Michigan outlasted Indiana 63-47 to win the weekend's most exciting game. Michigan wide receiver Jeremy Gallon caught 14 passes for a Big Ten-record 369 yards and two scores. Wolverines quarterback Devin Gardner threw for a Michigan-record 503 yards, rushed for 81 to total 584 yards, one shy of tying the Big Ten all-purpose yardage record. Gardner tossed three touchdowns and rushed for two. Running back Fitz Toussaint's 151 yards and four touchdowns almost became a footnote in the craziness."(Gallon is) a tough guy who really is a little slippery at times," Michigan Coach Brady Hoke said. "Yards after the catch are usually decent with him. He's a total wide receiver. Because if he wasn't catching it, he's going to be working his tail off blocking.""I guess I could never have dreamed to play a game like this," Gardner said. "Such a tough loss last week, and I feel like the team, it's all about the offensive line. They gave me time to read defenses. And when I had opportunity to make plays that's what I did."Indiana (3-4, 1-2) quarterbacks Tre Roberson and Nate Sudfeld combined for 410 passing yards and four touchdowns.Michigan, however, wants to be known a power running team with a staunch defense. But even Hoke can't produce an accurate description of his team's identity seven games into his season."That's a great question," Hoke said. "And so good that I don't know if I can answer that."One team that doesn't lack for identity is Michigan State. Michigan State (6-1, 3-0) matched its 2012 regular-season win total with a 14-0 win against Purdue (1-6, 0-3). It was hardly a flashy performance, but the Spartans continued their dominance on defense. Purdue rushed for 66 yards on 34 carries and ran for just five yards in the second half. The Spartans picked up nine tackles for loss."As we know and as we saw in the football game, nothing is as easy as you think it's going to be," Michigan State Coach Mark Dantonio said. "Another message for our football team I think is that you just have to continue to be able to handle it and handle success. Give credit to Purdue. I thought they did a tremendous job of coming out ready to play."Minnesota upset a depleted Northwestern squad 20-17, virtually knocking out the Wildcats from divisional title talk. The Wildcats nearly upset Ohio State two weeks ago but lost dynamic athletes Kain Colter and Venric Mark to injury. That resulted in a 35-6 beatdown at Wisconsin last week and hurt Northwestern's chances against Minnesota.Northwestern Coach Pat Fitzgerald said the team needs to make plenty of improvements, starting with taking care of the football (three turnovers against Minnesota) and defending gaps better on defense."We just need to stick together," Fitzgerald said. "And that's what I fully expect these guys to do. They'll stick together, they'll come back next week and have a tough road test. These guys are winners. They've won a lot of games. There's no confidence that's down in that room. It's just a lot of disappointment of not doing a good enough job as a program to win. So, what do you do? You get off the mat and you keep swinging. That's what you do."Minnesota ended a two-game losing skid within the division. Coach Jerry Kill attended the game in a non-working capacity and the Gophers rallied for their leader. Kill is on an indefinite leave of absence to deal with epilepsy."You know I thought our kids were ready to play," Minnesota interim coach Tracy Claeys said. "They came out and played hard. They made some plays to stay in the game there in the first half, and I thought in the second half we got a little bit better rhythm on offense. We moved the ball. We still need to 迷利倉core more points, we know that, but defensively for the first time we've been able to go on the road in the Big Ten and perform well and win the game."Iowa battled with Ohio State for three quarters, but didn't have quite enough in the fourth quarter to score an upset. Though a long shot, the Hawkeyes still could battle their way back into Legends contention with games left against Northwestern, Michigan, Nebraska."You don't get prizes for playing a good first half," Iowa Coach Kirk Ferentz said. "You have to play the full 60 minutes. I think we realize it's a matter of what do we have to do to be in a better situation the next time we get this chance."Wisconsin continues to make the case for a potential Bowl Championship Series spot with an offensively impressive 56-32 win against Illinois (3-3, 0-2). The Badgers (5-2, 3-1) put up 289 yards on the ground and rushed for six touchdowns."The offense was very powerful (Saturday)," Wisconsin Coach Gary Andersen said. "They ran the ball extremely well. I thought they reacted to situations where they got stopped a couple times with positive, good adjustments. Special teams were solid for the most part. I'm proud of that group of kids. Defensively, we played hard, and we flew around the field, but we're going to have to be better than that on defense."STARS OF THE WEEKMichigan QB Devin Gardner set a Michigan record with 503 passing yards and one was yard shy of eclipsing the Big Ten mark with 584 total yards. ... Michigan WR Jeremy Gallon caught 14 passes for a Big Ten record 369 yards and two touchdowns. ... Ohio State QB Braxton Miller completed 22 of 27 passes for 222 yards and rushed for 102 yards. ... Wisconsin RB Melvin Gordon ran for 142 yards and backfield mate James White put up 127 total yards while each scored three touchdowns.NOTEWORTHYIowa tight end Jake Duzey hauled in six passes for 138 yards, including an 85-yard touchdown strike. ... Indiana QB Tre Roberson threw for 288 yards and three scores. ... Purdue punter Cody Webster dropped four punts inside the Michigan State 20-yard line and had a 44.8-yard average. ... Michigan State linebacker Denicos Allen had eight tackles and a 45-yard fumble return for a touchdown. ... Illinois WR Steve Hull caught six passes for 105 yards.POWER RANKINGSHow do Big Ten stadiums compared with the world's wonders?1. Ohio State (1) 7-0 3-0-- Ohio Stadium's horseshoe foundation is as recognizable as the Eiffel Tower2. Wisconsin (2) 5-2 3-1-- Camp Randall once served as a Civil War training ground, which makes it seem as old as Rome's Colosseum3A. Michigan State (5A) 6-1 3-0-- Spartan Stadium doesn't exactly look like the Parthenon, but Sparta was located in Greece3B. Nebraska (5B) 5-1 2-0-- Memorial Stadium is a magnificent structure honoring the state's war dead, similar to India's Taj Mahal, which honored a empress5. Michigan (5) 6-1 2-1-- The Great Wall of China can be seen from outer space; Michigan Stadium maybe is the one football stadium that could join it6. Iowa (7) 4-3 1-2-- Like the Pyramids of Egypt, Kinnick Stadium stands the test of time7. Penn State (9) 4-2 1-1-- Beaver Stadium in State College could remind some of the lost mountainous city of Machu Picchu in Peru8. Minnesota (11) 5-2 1-2-- Christ the Redeemer welcomes people to Brazil, like TCF Bank Stadium welcomes fans to Minnesota9. Northwestern (6) 4-3 0-3-- Like Stonehenge, nobody really knows where Ryan Field sits or how it got there10. Indiana (8) 3-4 1-2-- Memorial Stadium has a section for breaking the rock, similar to the reddish Petra structure in Jordan11. Illinois (10) 3-3 0-2-- Timbuktu was at the crossroads of the Ancient World, kind of like how Champaign's Memorial Stadium is now12. Purdue (12) 1-6 0-3-- Ross-Ade Stadium's renovation didn't quite bankrupt Purdue like Castle Neuschwanstein did to Bavaria, but it was a significant investmentSTANDINGSLEGENDS-- Michigan State 6-1 3-0-- Nebraska 5-1 2-0-- Michigan 6-1 2-1-- Minnesota 5-2 1-2-- Iowa 4-3 1-2-- Northwestern 4-3 0-3LEADERS-- Ohio State 7-0 3-0-- Wisconsin 5-2 3-1-- Penn State 4-2 1-1-- Indiana 3-4 1-2-- Illinois 3-3 0-2-- Purdue 1-6 0-3SATURDAY'S RESULTS-- Ohio State 34, Iowa 24-- Michigan 63, Indiana 47-- Michigan State 14, Purdue 0-- Wisconsin 56, Illinois 32-- Minnesota 20, Northwestern 17UP NEXT-- Northwestern at Iowa, 11 a.m. (BTN)-- Nebraska at Minnesota, 11 a.m. (ESPN)-- Michigan State at Illinois, 2:30 p.m. (ABC)-- Penn State at Ohio State, 7 p.m. (ABC)Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) Visit The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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阿里巴巴及騰訊(0700)兩大內地科網巨頭再次交鋒。阿里巴巴主席馬雲昨日在內部郵件下令,mini storage揚言要「用愚公之精神去挑戰X(微)信」,為了向「微信」挑機,馬雲不單命員工須使用公司上月才推出的即時通訊軟件「來往」,且每人要於11 月底前將「來往」朋友量增加至百名以上,否則肯定沒有公司「紅包」。明報記者陳子凌、葉浩霖 對於阿里巴巴力谷「來往」並向「微信」宣戰,分析員認為,馬雲不惜以削花紅來谷士氣,肯定有爆發力,但要完全威脅「微信」超過3 億用戶地位,卻非短期可做到。 馬雲在該篇長逾500 字的郵件中正面向騰訊的即時通訊軟件「微信」宣戰,稱自己起初也不看好「來往」,但愈用愈離不開它,認為只要阿里巴巴幾萬名員工「用愚公之精神去挑戰X(微)信……」,未必不可一試。他更以阿里巴巴過往戰績為例去鼓勵員工參戰,直言「10 年前沒人相信淘寶會打敗eBay,10 年後我們難道不可以一試?」馬雲今次顯然要在無線網絡市場動真格,不單揚言「在無線上網沒有建樹,我們就不該考慮上市!」,且下令每個阿里巴巴員工在11 月底前,必須擁有100 個非阿里員工的好友用戶,沒法達標者將得不到公司紅包,還警告「誰不參與,誰就不該呆在這家公司」,為了此仗,賞罰兼施儲存 總裁:來往目標市場份額三成 其實不止馬雲,整個阿里巴巴高層早已進入作戰狀態。內地網站新浪報道,阿里巴巴行政總裁陸兆禧上星期五便召集全公司所有管理人員,要求全公司在發展無線網絡業務上All In(曬冷),其中特別提到「來往」是「必打之仗」,目標是「吃掉市場的30%」。報道又引述知情人士透露,陸兆禧在會上明確提出「公司已進入備戰狀態」,且確定了「無線優先」的戰略,任何產品和應用軟件都要優先考慮無線應用,否則「可以放下不做」。 不具名的中資行分析師認為,內地科網三巨頭BAT(百度、阿里巴巴、騰訊),傳統格局是騰訊做社交、阿里做電商、百度做搜尋引擎,但現已形勢大變。 特別是微信發展迅速,近期又加大軟件中的B2C 功能,倘成功結合騰訊的流動支付功能,會挑戰阿里巴巴在電子商貿平台的地位。故今次阿里高調力谷自家「來往」,可說是打一場防守反擊。 兩大巨頭互搶對方地盤 該分析師指出, 「來往」目前未普及,但馬雲不惜以扣減花紅來迫使員工推廣「來往」,爆發力一定有,只是短期內無法產生太大威脅,始終要用戶使用一段時間並習慣,累積更多人氣後,才可威脅「微信」, 「至於未來對來往的投資額有多大,其實要視乎馬雲認為微信的威脅有多大」。 迷你倉

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