靚仔靚女想入行做萬人迷,迷你倉最慘係苦無門路,不過參加FACE UStar就大有機會被唱片公司、廣告或電視台睇中踏上星光大道,好似第二屆UStar 10強Ally(謝文欣),便被星煥國際行政總裁及董事總經理何哲圖(Herman)睇中,下年正式出道進軍樂壇,想星夢成真,火速報名參加今屆FACE UStar,今個月24號截止報名啦!(9月24日中午12時截止) facemag.hk/ustar2013Ally兩年前參加第二屆UStar時,表演環節唱出由自己作曲作詞的〈全因是你〉,甚有潛質,難怪獲Herman賞識。星煥國際行政總裁及董事總經理何哲圖「UStar可以發掘你潛在才華。」《FACE》:你對UStar有什麼印象?何哲圖:我覺得UStar係個好好�活動,畀年輕人發掘自己潛在才華,各種舞台經驗都好適合佢�去認識自己。《FACE》:為什麼揀Ally成為星煥旗下歌手?何哲圖:當初見Ally�時候,佢同我講,佢好鍾意聽星煥歌手唱�歌,佢亦好留意廣東歌,加上我睇過Ally�YouTube自彈自唱�片段,我覺得佢好迎合到公司�主旨,做香港樂壇新人類。《FACE》:做UStar要注意乜�?何哲圖:比賽要鎮定,台上唔可以怯同內斂,言談要表達到自己,識同觀眾有基本溝通;另外表演項目要配合自己,如果表演唱歌,就要揀首歌適合自己先唱,唔好向難度挑戰。勝出者男女各一名可獲$10,000現金及名貴禮品其提名人可獲:$1,000現金及精美禮品入圍者均可獲精美禮品勝出者1.有機參演now觀星台節目2.獲得星煥國際試音合約一儲存報名或以QR Code登入報名先Likefacebook:FACE Magazine再Likefacebook:FACE U Star「UStar令我唔會怯場。」《FACE》:參選UStar的經驗對你有什麼幫助?Ally:參選UStar令我更加大膽,企�個台對住咁多人都唔會怯,同埋我原本唔識跳舞,UStar畀�個機會我學跳舞,𠵱家我可以完完整整跳好一隻舞,好有滿足感!《FACE》:公司安排你下年出道,現在如何裝備自己?Ally:我每星期都要學唱歌,仲要練體能練氣,雖然辛苦,不過我好期待同大家見面�日子!在前年UStar決賽被星煥國際睇中的Ally,早前在鍾嘉欣的個唱出任嘉賓,「之前都練�好多次歌,上台前師姐鍾嘉欣又幫我打氣,我都幾滿意當日�表現,當然希望再好�啦!」三大名師打造著名音樂創作人鄧智偉著名音樂創作人,至今創作電視劇歌曲超過300多首,當中以〈講不出聲〉、〈幼稚完〉等最深入民心。星級排舞師Edmond Hung擁有14年舞蹈及舞台表演經驗,曾與多位紅星合作,包括張學友、容祖兒、陳奕迅,近期更在鍾嘉欣個唱擔任排舞師。星級化妝師Mae Von本地著名星級化妝師,曾與謝霆鋒、林�、Twins等紅星合作,04年創立化妝學校,分享化妝及形象心得。歷屆UStar精彩片段重溫.youtube.com/user/faceustarUStar微博專頁hk.weibo.com/event13/faceustar2013/主辦:贊助商:大會指定舞蹈學校:化妝及髮型:網上合作伙伴:鳴謝:迷你倉

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迷你倉 美國加州第一百二十五屆帕薩迪納玫瑰花車巡遊的玫瑰皇后初選展開,參加第一階段初選的女生包括十七歲少女吳超妍。今屆玫瑰皇后選拔委員會主席正是華人Alex Young,他指本屆玫瑰皇后候選人上千,全是十七至二十一歲少女。玫瑰皇后和公主的名單下月初揭曉。迷你倉最平

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Source: Globes, Tel Aviv, IsraelSept.mini storage 18--IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, has invested $5 million in DiViNetworks. The Tel Aviv based company provides network operators and internet service providers (ISPs) with cloud-based broadband solutions that significantly improve data delivery while saving costs. This is IFC's first investment with an Israeli company in the technology sector.The DiViCloud service uses DiViNetworks' patented technology to increase Internet transmission capacities and free up congested internet connections. With deployment in 21 developing countries, the solutions lower costs and increase internet access for enterprises and consumers.DiViNetworks' CEO Barak Avitbul said, "The IFC's investment and contribution will fuel our aggressive growth in emerging economies, enabling ISPs in those countries to economically and efficiently connect their users to the cloud."Most of DiViNetworks' clients are located in Sub-Saharan Africa, Latin America and South East Asiaself storage with 80 percent based in the world's least developed countries as classified by the World Bank's International Development Agency.IFC global practice leader for IT services Horacio Rivera-Piza said, "In today's world, affordable and effective internet access is increasingly important for economic development. DiViNetworks' technology is offered as a monthly service, playing an important role in expanding broadband access in a simple and cost efficient manner.""DiViNetworks EVP products Dr. Yair Shapira said, "DiViNetworks equips ISPs with means to bring global data into their network in the most efficient, cost-effective and controllable way. By combining top-of-the-line technologies with global cloud-based infrastructure, every ISP, regardless of size or location, can benefit from our services."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Globes (Tel Aviv, Israel) Visit the Globes (Tel Aviv, Israel) at .globes.co.il/serveen/globes/nodeview.asp?fid=942 Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.迷你倉M.Sept. 18--With every major mayoral candidate in Santa Fe's 2014 municipal election pledging to seek taxpayer funding for their campaigns, questions are mounting about the impact of independent spending in the race.Some fear political action committees or similar independent groups could undermine the goals of public financing and "dirty" the election with influence from the unrestricted, privately supported campaign spending that public financing was supposed to curb.One PAC has already filed papers with the city, supporting the mayoral candidacy of former state Democratic Party chairman Javier Gonzales, who has said he intends to accept the $60,000 in taxpayer dollars available from the city for each mayoral candidate.Lawyer Jim Harrington of Common Cause New Mexico said having independent groups involved in city elections won't completely thwart the goals of public financing, but it does pose a danger."It's undesirable ... if it's someone with a financial interest in the candidate, that does impair the object of public financing of getting the influence of money out of politics," Harrington said."It doesn't defeat it, and it's not as bad as private financing of candidates but it does impair effectiveness," he said.The 2014 election will be the first Santa Fe mayoral race in which public financing will be available under a plan approved by voters in 2008. Each candidate can accept the $60,000 from the city if they eschew private fundraising. For the seven currently active candidates, taxpayers would shell out $420,000.Former City Councilor Karen Heldmeyer, who remains a close observer of City Hall, said the major mayoral candidates are seeking public financing because they think it's what Santa Feans want, and the reason people want candidates to take public money is so they won't be influenced by individuals and groups handing out large donations.But "If those groups and people are giving money to political committees it's not clear that that's living up to why people wanted public financing in the first place," Heldmeyer said."If you're getting money from individuals or groups and if you're being supported by money from individuals and groups and you know it, how does that keep the influence out of the election?" she said.Common Cause is considering asking publicly funded candidates to disavow involvement with PACs and other independent campaign spending groups. Harrington cited as a possible model the high-profile Massachusetts Senate race between Elizabeth Warren and Scott Brown in 2012, where both signed an agreement to discourage spending in the race by outside groups.Nearly every major Santa Fe mayoral candidate told the Journal over the past week that they would be open to such a request and would urge their fellow candidates to follow suit. Several were vehement in their belief that independent spending defeats the purpose of having public financing."If these PACs are forming for a particular candidate then obviously they are going to be beholden to whoever is putting those PACs together and unfortunately they'll be under their control," City Councilor Bill Dimas said.The lone independent group or "political committee" that has registered with the city so far is called Progressive Santa Fe. It's a "community and labor partnership" PAC that's supporting Gonzales for mayor and possibly city council candidates as well, according to organizers.Gonzales was noncommittal when asked if he would publicly disavow involvement with independent groups like Progressive Santa Fe.He said he hasn't paid much attention to the role PACs might play in the election and he's focused on his own campaign. Gonzales said he'll wait until Common Cause makes a request for separation from PACs and consider it then.But, "at the end of the day my commitment by going public finance is to not participate in trying to get private dollars into my own campaign," he said.Asked whether independent PACs and other groups are a back-door way for candidates to get around the limits of public funding, Gonzales responded, "It shouldn't be. It's not what I'm going to be doing.""I've chosen to go the public finance path because I believe it's an important value in Santa Fe and we're go文件倉ng to build a campaign that will be successful with the amount of public finance dollars that will be available," he said.Gonzales said it's important that candidate campaigns and PACs are transparent and fully disclose their donors and spending. "I think that ultimately individuals in Santa Fe will have to determine whether they choose to listen to what these organizations are saying or not," he said.Skirting the system?City Councilor Chris Rivera, who on Monday withdrew from the mayoral race, said PACs are a way to skirt the system. If candidates who receive public money also take advantage of cash and support from other sources, "that is not a level playing field," he said."I hope everyone would honor what the public wants and that's really to get big business out of politics," Rivera said.Roman "Tiger" Abeyta, a former Santa Fe County manager running for mayor, also said he's concerned about groups forming to push a certain candidate. "I'm afraid some candidates will use PACs to actually have a campaign that in reality is spending $120,000, $130,000 trying to get them elected, and that defeats the whole intent of public financing," Abeyta said.Some candidates also voiced concern that independent groups will bring more negativity to the campaign season, trying to smear certain candidates.City Councilor Patti Bushee, another mayoral hopeful, told the Journal she's "deeply concerned about secret corporate money coming into Santa Fe elections.""I challenge all the candidates, including Javier Gonzales, to disavow this special interest PAC's effort to buy our election. Santa Fe should never be for sale to the highest political bidder," Bushee said in a statement.Union leader involvedProgressive Santa Fe is run by New Mexico Federation of Labor President Jon Hendry and Sandra Wechsler, a political consultant who ran current Mayor David Coss' campaign in 2010. Hendry said the group wasn't formed to support one particular candidate and will be supporting a series of "progressive" candidates.Hendry said he hasn't been running around trying to raise lots of money thus far. "If everyone is publicly financed and it's an even playing field, we will probably back off and not go too far down this road, but we don't know that," he said.Hendry also said he'll stick to a $2,500 contribution threshold for donors, the limit for a privately funded candidate, even though there's no requirement to do so.He said he anticipates contributions coming mostly from individual union members and others rather than union organizations. Coss's campaign set fundraising records in 2010, with union groups contributing many thousands of dollars.Hendry said he believes there will be efforts to push the envelope on public financing. "I hope the city pushes back. But it won't be us. We will tell everyone where we got money and what we spent it on," he said.Past casesHarrington admitted he's been told by past councilors that there's no point in enacting public financing rules because candidates will violate them. "There's a perpetual enforcement problem. You just have to depend on people coming forward or word leaking out," he said.But he believes there's more potential for corruption from a contribution given directly to a candidate than a donation to a PAC that supports the candidate.Contributions to independent groups are public information, and it's easy enough to check out records, which the city posts online and are available from the city clerk."What I'm telling people, if it's important to you to know who's giving money to someone and a candidate says 'I'm taking public money,' you say 'What other groups are supporting you?' and you go look at the list of who's supporting that group," Heldmeyer said.Harrington said voters have some real power here -- "if someone with an interest is spending money voters should take that into account," he said."In this town, I think being a privately funded candidate will be a definite negative with some people and this private spending on your behalf will make you look like that," Harrington said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉

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中秋節四天連假,存倉擔心旅遊人潮和車潮擠爆遊樂區,台中市八仙山、大雪山森林遊樂區祭出遊客「總量管制」,大雪山同時間只開放一千五百人進園,八仙山一千人,藉此保障旅遊品質。東勢林管處指出,兩處遊樂區實施總量管制,主要考量山路狹窄、停車場不足,無限制開放只會讓車潮全塞在路上,反遭批評、也讓遊客掃興。今起將派專人在收費亭計算進園人數,在人數快滿之前,就在入口公告,請遊客勿再上山。東勢林管處育樂課長施季芳表示,近兩千五百公頃的八仙迷你倉遊樂區空間廣闊,「來幾萬人應該都綽綽有餘,」但小汽車停車位僅一四四個,大客車只有十二個車位,加上機車位,頂多容納一千人次搭車進園區,因此在今年中秋連假首度採總量管制。大雪山遊樂區約七百公頃,但山路狹窄,停車位也有限,每逢假日都會管制,同一時間只准一千五百人次入園,這次中秋連假管制規模不變。「太讚了,這才不會只吸到廢氣,看不到山林綠地。」常到山區遊玩的呂玉美說, 各遊樂區都應有「經營良心」,不要只為了賺錢,忽視遊憩品質。自存倉

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自存倉 古城牆是西安的旅遊名勝,之前有網友拍到有旅客冒生命危險徒手爬城牆,目的就是為了逃幾十元的門票,近日有網友發現,有遊客竟然利用城牆圍欄下的地下自來水井鑽進景區,目的也是為了逃票。本周日,網友「辦實事」從西門上到城牆上,而快走到宣武門(小北門)時,看見有人從那個台階通道上陸續上來,心想該處也有進出口,但走到跟前時發現這�並沒有遊客進入的出口,這些遊客都是從一個井�鑽出來上城牆的。迷你倉

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香港文匯報訊(記者 李昌鴻 深圳報道)TCL多媒體科技控股有限公司(1070)日前在北京宣佈與百度旗下中國第一網絡視頻平台愛奇藝進行戰略合作,迷你倉共同發佈具有行業前瞻性的跨界新品「TCL愛奇藝電視TV+」( 「TV+」),開創跨界化智能雲終端產品的新形態。TCL多媒體主席李東生、百度公司董事長兼首席執行官李彥宏等出席。跨界融合 全方位創新 TV+專為中國互聯網家庭度身定制,在視頻內容提供、播放技術、操控交互體驗等方面實現全方位創新,是自存倉款具備互聯網基因的電視產品。TV+擁有5.9mm超窄邊框與29mm的超平機身。在產品配置上,TV+配備了頂級的雙核處理器及Android4.2.2系統,並首創獨立四驅揚聲系統,中部雙低音配合兩側高音音響,組成環繞立體音效,營造真實的三維聽覺感受。 在中國電視智能化轉型升級的產業佈局中,TCL多媒體在行業中佔據領先地位。此次與愛奇藝合作,TCL多媒體更是全面導入互聯網模式,在產品研發、資源整合、銷售方式、推廣平台等方面做出了多項創舉。迷你倉

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聽藍心湄說起曾咬傷她的愛犬,迷你倉很像聽一個媽媽在談論她叛逆的小孩, 再無可控制,她都照樣全心全意愛著。 她說:「跟男人在一起,跟養寵物很像啊,都是出自於愛。就內心很真誠沒有任何隱瞞。」 但她真的懂,再怎麼樣,男人都不可能像狗一樣赤心對她。 從為家裡還債3,000萬元到晉身億萬元富婆, 出道32年的藍心湄,可以用強大的意志力讓事業與生活臻於完美, 但再通透、再硬頸,15億富婆如她,喟嘆仍是─她很怕男人是挾有什麼目的來愛! 想了又問了,愛情之前,永遠沒有完美答案! 去年藍心湄風光辦演唱會,她以近乎裸身的水鑽貼身衣性感登場,如今更自信地即將把演唱會實況發行DVD。 坦承會先試用男人 藍心湄笑言:「音樂總監黃韻玲本來很擔心,我又唱又跳會負荷不了,但她很仔細聽過,說根本不需要再配唱,問我是不是有偷偷練歌?所以我說,不要得罪老人家,老人家就有一股莫名的意志力。」 出道三十二年的藍心湄雖笑自己是老人家,實則歲月已讓她收穫滿滿,主持有成外,她算是經營副業最有成果的藝人,主持餐飲集團,又手握運動品牌的大中華區代理權,早已擁有十五億元身家。藍心湄在舞台大膽外放,可眼前說話的她,語氣緩且冷靜,用辭謹慎,不該說到的人事物,是絕不會鬆口。 她對身家數字並不否認,當年她替家人還完三千萬債務後,為了讓母親退休有事做,把僅有的九十萬元積蓄全拿來開餐廳,現在她有九家店,三百多個員工,「我算保守了,沒有百分百的把握,不敢去開一家店。我看不到管不到,我就不敢做。」 追求完美到,就連她去自家餐廳用餐,也很難好好吃一頓飯,老是惦著擦手紙夠不夠?廁所乾淨嗎?思緒非常之多。 把完美放到戀愛裡,有時也成一種綁縛,好友陳美鳳婚變時,她一直默默支持。她直言:「這十年,我看過週遭多少人離婚,分手的太多了。看到這麼多感情的事,我也會怕,這也是我怕的原因之一。」 我問:「妳的經濟狀況比美鳳姐更好,不會更怕男人是為了錢而來?」 她坦白點頭:「很怕!但我不能這樣先入為主,因為這對男人不公平,但以我的年紀跟經歷,有很多麻煩,我們是可以先不要的。」 她分析:「我現在觀察人的敏銳度不弱,觀察朋友的愛情多了,妳就知道,不要自找麻煩,可能很多男人妳喜歡,但要不要去做,做了會怎麼樣,其實自己都很清楚。決定權都是在我,而不是在對方,但是當我say yes時,我就不care其他事了… 「我不是不敢談戀愛,是還沒有碰到。第二,我也還沒有準備好。因為我知道自己會很寵男人,什麼都給他。我根本什麼都不想!遇到的話,來試試好不好用,好用,如果很乖,以我們自己的經驗,就不要太寵,慢慢的寵,不要一下下手太重…」 說得很像一回事,實際是迂迴又再三。敢衝與退卻的天平,其實藍心湄已經選了保守的一邊放。 反正喜歡看帥哥的她,身邊不乏很多年輕帥哥圍繞。她跟郭彥均、藍正龍這些後輩都傳過緋聞。她通透,對這些年輕人的行為充滿好奇,老像研究怪奇動物在觀察他們。 大東太粉 藍正龍有帥到 藍心湄大笑,「都是乾兒子們!被傳緋聞,無所謂啦。這代表說,跟他們合照,年紀不會差太多。我心境年輕,常跟他們相處,對他們充滿好奇。比如,謝和弦為什麼好好的會去碰毒品,我先不責罵他,我們家族有人帶他去嗎?他哪來的機會,他幾乎每天跟我在一起耶,我想辦案,但我又不能先責罵他。 「我們這個圈子,好看的人還看不夠嗎?現在很多年輕人覺得汪大東很帥,但他對我來說就是粉味很重,花美男,身材練很精壯。我們那個年代的帥哥man味比較重,藍正龍是真的帥,但藍正龍跟金城武,我會選金城武啊,金城武那麼帥!」打槍汪大東又打槍藍正龍,底迪有分很多種,姐姐可不是全盤盡收! 心裡更清楚,姐姐也不一定是底迪的菜!「年紀小的,人家還不見得喜歡我的個性咧,年紀大,眉角又多又龜毛,那,男生怎麼會找一個麻煩的女生來談戀愛。他眼睛一眨,老娘就知道你在說謊了,我還要陪著演。好累哦。」 四十八歲的她,最需要的,是被需要文件倉感覺!她幾乎不求別人幫忙,要她一定想出一個,她說:「那頂多要助理幫我按哪裡貼藥膏。開口去拜託人家,目前是還沒有這樣的事。」 但她真需要乾兒子乾女兒來煩她!「我樂在其中,我也許會從這些年輕人的故事裡,感覺到我被需要。他們會說:『老母妳太屌了!』我什麼都不缺,生活裡什麼我都懂,但反而很需要他們丟一些麻煩給我,這樣人生才有趣。」 男人比不上杜賓犬 不只不缺什麼,藍心湄更對自己很好,也從不否認自己去整形。但她一以貫之的原則是,「不能太貪心!要人家覺得你愈來愈漂亮,但說不出來哪裡變了,這個眉角很難拿捏。」 前輩說的話,不管有意無意,句句是金玉良言。 她說:「科技進步,對整形是一大福音,用打的就可以讓鼻子變高,法令紋不見,魚尾紋不見,可以利用午休的時間去做,再回去上班,可是你也因此很容易覺得,是不是塌了?要不要再去追加補一針?我個人鼻子是做侵入性的開刀弄的,就不可能一、兩年再去開一刀,切出來再弄。所以,我比較建議動刀,我有建議我們家族裡的幾個人,要就動刀,不要一直補。不能弄到不能動,完全沒表情。」 細看她眉角有疤,愛美的她卻沒有要處理,原來是被愛犬咬的,「因為這樣我才知道,我是什麼時候被咬。年初被咬,縫九針,因為咬到動脈,血噴得整個房間都是,我無所謂。」 這隻犯錯的杜賓現在正在寄宿學校受訓,藍心湄很捨不得,所以那傷口也同時是愛的記號,而訪問時,時尚教母表情最溫柔深切的時候,就是在講到這隻咬傷她的杜賓犬時,傷得愈痛就是愛得愈深,藍心湄對狗的好,任何男人想必都取代不了牠的位置! 想起都痛 這是藍心湄第一次為《壹週刊》拍照, 不需任何暖場,她一個眼神、一個動作就可以把現場所有人都抓住,就算穿著超短的裙子,她什麼動作都玩得出來,鏡頭前,完全是她的世界,任何不會拍照的藝人,都該跟她拜師學藝請教。 原本她只謙虛說:「我都拍了30年了…」但訪問到最後才得知,藍心湄當天因為落枕而不太舒服,我一驚,那…剛剛場上那些靈活自如的pose是怎麼來的,總算是親眼見識到藍心湄嚇人的意志力! 髮型:許惠貞 造型:葉又慈 服裝提供:Lanvin 熟人碎碎念 再搞笑嘛 我跟心湄的成長背景很類似,我們都得自力更生。她不求別人,耐操吃苦,雖然比較有距離感,可是她是外冷內熱的人,都會建議我穿年輕一點的衣服,讓我知道,年紀只是數字而已,女人照顧好自己最重要。她細心,也有點搞笑,有時我才跟她感慨說,不管幾歲的男人都想找20歲的女人吧,她就會突然跟我說:「陳美鳳,妳超正的!」很好笑,她會用她自己的方式來鼓勵我。 強者我前輩 心湄姐是一個對身邊人很貼心的朋友跟前輩,有一年母親節,她跟我們所有人聚會時,送我們的媽媽一人一個包包,很感人,因為才認識不久,就覺得這個大姐很大氣。而我認識她的第一個生日,她幫我跟我弟辦party,送我們一人一件西裝皮衣,是我人生第一件皮衣,我很感動。不管我們在工作上遇到什麼困難,她都會看電視節目,教我們該怎麼呈現,教了我們很多新人沒想過的事。 口袋很深 藍心湄 ★生日:1965年11月16日 ★身高:166公分 三圍:35G、24、35 ★經歷:1984年以《濃妝搖滾》出道,10年秀場跑場還清家中3,000萬元債務,集主持、歌手、演戲於一身,造型百變,以主持《女人我最大》登上事業高峰。近年因副業KiKi廚房及adidas大中華區代理商,身價估計高達15億元。2012年舉行出道以來最大型售票演唱會,演出實況《LanDIVA藍心湄演唱會LIVE DVD+新歌》將於10月9日發行。 ★作品:專輯《濃妝搖滾》《一見鐘情》《愛我到今生》等20多張,主持《女人我最大》《金曲超級星》等,電視劇《終極一家》《夜市人生》等。 娛樂無限爆 用智慧型手機掃描此QR Code,進入「壹週刊娛樂無限爆」讀者服務站。只要按讚,即可加入。我們提供最新最夯的國內西洋日韓娛樂消息,隨時更新讓你八卦指數不輸人。存倉

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