迷你倉   Faced with the potential competition from Shanghai's pilot free trade zone, the Guangdong province is actively pushing for a free trade zone covering Hong Kong, Macau and itself. Guangdong Governor Zhu Xiaodan on Monday proposed in Hong Kong a rough framework. As Hong Kong people do not have a clear understanding of the concept, there are concerns over whether it will undermine Hong Kong's free port advantage. The SAR's government officials, industrial, commercial and professional sectors should enhance communication with the mainland on this issue to ensure the arrangement will bring mutual benefits.  The State Council in July gave approval to setting up trial free trade zones in Shanghai's four special customs supervision zones including the Outer Gaoqiao Free Trade Zone for duty free goods movement, foreign exchange management and financial innovation.  Hong Kong has always been the nation's largest free trade zone and most advanced financial centre as well as the pilot economic reform and open-up zone of the Pearl River Delta to create today's prosperity. The establishment of Shanghai's free trade zone reveals that Guangdong and Hong Kong are no longer the only "early and pilot implementation" points of financial innovation mechanism. Guangdong province faces Yangtze River Delta's competition in this aspect and was quick to respond, proposing to the central government the establishment of a free trade zone covering Hong Kong, Macau and itself to ensure that the Pearl River Delta could continue to enjoy the reform dividend in the process of economic transformation.Attempt to prompt seamless alliance of three regions  According to Zhu, the orientation is different from that of Shanghai in the planning of the zone. He described Shanghai's as international orientation while that of the three places as regional. The three platforms of Guangdong province include Guangzhou's Nansha, Zhuhai's Hengqin and Shenzhen's Qianhai.  If regional orientation means creating internal mutual communication among specified places of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, service and merchandise trade liberalization, investment convenience, open-up of modern services such as finance and innovative management system within the zone will realize Zhu's saying of "gradually establishing a business environment that integrates with Hong Kong". The whole plan can be described as an expanded, enhanced and deepened version of the Hong Kong-Qianhai cooperation.  As Hong Kong is already a platform with international orientation, if Guangdong province makes good use of it and carries out regional "seamless alliance", it already can catch up with Shanghai though starting late and enjoy the advantage of indirect international orientation. Hong Kong can also continue to play its leading role in finance and professional services while exploring the mainland market.Address the situation and make detailed planning  To many Hong Kong people and even some government officials, the zone proposed is "without the slightest sign of happening" and consider rash action inappropriate. Some question whether this arrangement is to Hong Kong's advantage and are concerned whether Hong Kong will be "emptied", a mentality similar to the concern over Qianhai taking over the position of Central district.  The nation plans to further open up and reform, using the trade free zones as test points, which is already the major trend. Hong Kong people are faced with the embarrassing dilemma of whether or not to participate. A more proactive approach is to turn active from the passive stage before the zone is realized to get a better understanding of what is in Guangdong's plan and propose arrangements to enhance it into a win-win situation for the three regions.  Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying on Monday stated Hong Kong's stand: to actively participate, plan together and mutually benefit. Under the climate of reform in the mainland, whether it is at the national or regional level, Hong Kong needs to face reality and make a choice. The key lies in knowing what to do to become a winner. Whether or not Hong Kong is participating, the most important is to actively monitor the situation and according to the different bottlenecks in development faced individually by Guangdong and Hong Kong to take the initiative grabbing the chance and seeking breakthrough.Published in the Sing Tao Daily on September 17Vocabularyprosperity (n) —— 繁盛transformation (n) —— 轉型orientation (n) —— 定位integrate (v) —— 接軌seamless (adj) —— 無縫的embarrassing (adj) —— 尷尬的climate (n) —— 氣候bottleneck (n) —— 瓶頸initiative (n) —— 主動breakthrough (n) —— 突破Useful Termspotential competition —— 潛在競爭foreign exchange —— 外匯financial innovation —— 金融創新reform dividend —— 改革紅利rash action —— 鹵莽的行動Did you know?  A free trade zone was known as a "free port" in the past. It is an area within which goods may be landed, handled, manufactured or re-exported without the customs authorities' intervention. Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying said on Monday that Hong Kong should actively participate in the proposed free trade area to cover Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, which will be mutually beneficial. He said Hong Kong's manufacturing industry had shifted its base to Guangdong, and the city focused on developing its service industry. As the free trade area is being studied in the mainland, he said Hong Kong must take part in planning, and expanding the city's economic aspects, which would bring mutual benefits. "Hong Kong can make use of its advantages as an international centre, and cooperate with Guangdong to meet the challenges ahead," he said.1. The word _____ in the first paragraph is the opposite of "excluding".2. Hong Kong has always been China's largest free _____ zone.3. In the passage, the word _____ means "well developed".4. Guangdong province is actively pushing for a free trade zone covering Hong Kong, Macau and itself because ____________________________________.5. According to the last paragraph, Hong Kong should actively monitor the _____.Answers1. covering2. trade3. advanced4. it is faced with the potential competition from Shanghai's pilot free trade zone5. situation翻譯︰George自貿區勢建 港要贏回主動  面對上海自由貿易試驗區的潛在競爭,廣東省積極推動粵港澳自由貿易區,省長朱小丹昨日在港提出了一個粗略框架,港人對這方面的概念模糊,有擔心會否削弱香港的自由港優勢。本港無論官員還是工商專業界,要就此議題與內地加強溝通,確保有關安排能夠促成兩地互惠互利。  國務院七月批准在上海外高橋保稅區等四個海關特殊監管區內,設立自由貿易區,作為貨物進出免關稅以至外匯管理和金融創新的試驗田。  香港向來是全國最大的自貿區和最先進的金融中心,珠三角則擔任經濟改革開放的先鋒,發展成今天的繁盛。上海自貿區的設立,顯示粵港不再是金融創新機制唯一的「先行先試」地點。廣東省面對長三角這方面的競爭,反應敏捷,向中央提出設立粵港澳自由貿易區,以確保珠三角在經濟轉型過程中續享改革紅利。試促三地無縫對接  按照朱小丹昨日說法,籌劃中的粵港澳自貿區,定位與上海不同。他形容上海自貿區是面向國際的,粵港澳自貿區則是區域性的,當中廣東省的三個平台,是廣州南沙、珠海橫琴和深圳前海。  如果區域性是指在粵港澳這些指定地區促成內部互通的話,區內相互之間服務與商品貿易自由化、投資便利化、金融等現代服務業開放、管理體制創新,做到朱小丹所言「逐步建立與香港接軌的營商環境」,整個計畫可以形容為香港與前海合作模式的擴大版、加強版和深化版。  由於香港本身已經是面對國際開放的平台,廣東省如果能夠善用香港這個平台,進行區域性「無縫對接」,已經能夠比上海後發先至,享受到間接面向國際之利。香港則可以繼續發揮其金融和專業服務等方面的領導角色,並且開拓內地市場。正視局勢詳訂對策  對很多港人甚至部分官員來說,粵港澳自貿區「十畫未有一撇」,認為不宜妄動。部分人士質疑這個安排是否對香港有利,擔心香港會否被「掏空」,心態類似憂慮前海會否取代中環地位。  國家要進一步改革開放,以自貿區作為試點,已是大勢所趨,港人面臨參與或不參與的兩難抉擇。面對尷尬處境,積極方法可以是趁粵港澳自貿區米「未」成炊的階段,化被動為主動,了解粵方構思,提出建議優化成三地共贏的安排。  行政長官梁振英昨日提出港府的取態,是積極參與,共同籌劃,互惠互利。內地推行改革的大氣候之下,無論在國家層面還是地方層面,香港面對現實需要選擇出路,關鍵是怎樣能夠做到成為贏家之一。香港無論是否參與,最重要是積極留意局勢,因應粵港各自面對不同的發展瓶頸,主動把握機會尋求突破。刊於九月十七日《星島日報》迷你倉
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