【本報訊】內地假香港記者證越做越假,迷你倉有人以「香港特別行政區新聞處」名義,發出官方認證「新聞記者證」,但錯漏百出,先是將政府新聞處中英文名稱搞錯,再而是中國和香港英文名稱都錯。政府新聞處強調從沒發出所謂「新聞記者證」,已將事件交警方跟進。一名在內地營商的港人,早前認識一名聲稱香港「會展經濟報社」記者,對方向他展示一本「新聞記者證」,聲稱是官方簽發,但該商人懷疑真確性。該記者證類似護照,與內地新聞出版總署發出的記者證相似,封面印有國徽和Press Card,但「新聞記者證」五字卻是繁體字。揭開內頁有一個香港區徽和印有「香港特別行政區新聞處」及英文名稱「The Information Service of mini storageong Kong Special Administrative Region」。港無官方簽發制度「新聞處」官方全名為政府新聞處和Information Services Department,該記者證兩項都錯;同一頁的中國英文全稱People's Republic of China中,People's首字母錯寫成細楷p;每頁香港英文全稱中的Region,都印成眾數Regions。律師梁永鏗指出,任何人使用該虛假記者證,會觸犯行使虛假文件罪,最高可被判監14年。香港的記者證由傳媒機構自行簽發,沒有官方簽發制度,近年不時有人自創官方機構,收逾千元簽發香港記者證。在內地,記者可享不少福利,出席記者會可獲利是。 self storage

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藝術之秋 關西三大藝術祭 差不多正式踏入秋天,迷你倉秋風起,不只三蛇肥,在這令人容易多愁善感的季節,總是特別多藝術祭登場。 今年關西就有三大藝術祭,分別在各有特色的會場舉辦,讓你今秋可以登高看海賞古屋之餘,吸收藝術養份。 大阪 六甲山 山上藝術散步 六甲山藝術祭 關西的大型秋季藝術祭,首先要數極受歡迎的「六甲山藝術散步」,今年總共有 39 件大型藝術裝置, 分散在山上不同設施�,和自然景色融合,一邊行山一邊尋找藝術品,非常適合秋高氣爽的天氣。10 月中旬起在山上還撞正紅葉季,可以在楓紅景色之下欣賞藝術品。 六甲 meet art 藝術散步 2013•日期:即日至 11 月 24 日•時間:每日 10am - 5pm(部分會場開放至 9:30pm 或 10pm)•地點:六甲花園露台、六甲枝垂自然體感展望台、六甲山 country house、六甲高山植物園、六甲山音樂盒博物館、六甲山酒店、六甲登山纜車站、六甲 hill top gallery、摩耶酒店•門票:成人(中學生以上)1,800 日圓(約140 港元),小童(4 歲至小學生)900 日圓(約 70 港元)•電話:+81 (0) 78 891 0048•網址:.rokkosan.com/art2013 奈良 古民居聯乘現代藝術 奈良「Hanarart」藝術祭奈良除了可以睇鹿,還有為數不少極具欣賞價值的傳統町屋保留,為了活化這些古老町家,2011 年就誕生了名為「Hanarart」的藝術祭。大概 2 個半月的活動期間,會在奈良縣 8 區內的古老町屋舉辦展覽,擁有古老歷史的町屋本身已經有如藝術品,再加上傳統藝術、平面繪畫、藝術裝置等,吸引遊客把古老街道化身熱鬧藝術祭。 奈良.町家之藝術祭 HANARART 2013•舉辦日期及地點:9 月 20 - 29 日(八木�ソ�)、9 月 27 至 10 月 6 日(今井町)、10 月 12 至 20 日(郡山城下町)、10 月 20 - 27 日(宇陀松山)、11 月 1 至 10 日(奈良わギネグ)、11 月 16 日 至 26 日(櫻井本町)•費用:全免•電話:+81 (0) 909 215 6847•網址:hanarart.main.jp 神戶 港口貨櫃化身 gallery 神戶藝術雙年展 每隔一年舉辦一次的神戶雙年展,整個藝術祭包括 30 多個不同類別的展覽,如書道、玩具、陶藝,亦有來自韓國、中國的藝術家作品,而每年最受歡迎的自然是「Art in Container 國際展」,神戶港一個個碼頭貨櫃變身藝術品容身之所,上屆因 311 大地震而改在室內舉行,今年終於可以再次吹住海風欣賞藝術品。 神戶藝術雙年展•日期:10 月 1 日 至 12 月 1 日•地點:美利堅公園區、神戶港會場、兵庫縣立美術館、美術館路地區、三宮、元町地區等•門票:成人及大學生 1,800 日圓(約 141 港元)、長者 1,500 日圓(約 117 港元)(包神戶港周遊觀光船飛及各美術館入場券)•電話:+81 (0) 783 322 6490•網址:.kobe-biennale.jp text 茶 photo 神戶жリ⑦Юみя組織委員�事務局、奈良.町家ソ芸術祭 HANARART �行委員�事務局、patrick Tsai (A/M)、高嵨清俊 edit 聽葡 art EricH 香港快運 翻叮抵唔抵? 香港快運翻叮重來,今次打正「低成本」旗號,挾「唯一紮根香港的廉航」之名,票價未揭盅前已大膽放風:「價錢平過電飯煲!」記者會上「點心籠」逐一揭開,七個航點單程票價全部在三位數字內,尖叫聲中其實係咪真係抵搭?航班時間又係點?會唔會好多附加費?幫你計計數! 堅抵 vs 流抵! 東京、大阪兩條航�於 11 月推出,單程 718 港元(大阪) 及 758 港元(東京) 兩個價錢驟眼睇好吸引,上網立即訂飛,大阪航�早機去下午機返,時間都算 OK;而另一邊廂東京航�的時間一睇會以為自己睇錯,夜機出發凌晨到達,半夜回程清晨抵港,係咪「明益」打工仔假都唔使請:星期五收工立即出發,星期一返港立即返工?慳了假但未必慳了錢,到�無車搭只可以坐定額收費的士去酒店,由羽田機場到新宿、涉谷收費 8,000 日圓(約 625 港元)。(的士網址:.nihon-kotsu.co.jp/taxi/use/haneda/)除非首晚到�唔�酒店,否則慳唔到幾多。 香港 <> 東京 去程:每天 19:05 > 01:30 回程:每天 01:30 > 05:45 價錢:來回連稅 $2,198 首航日期:7/11 香港 <> 大阪 去程:每天 09:30 > 13:55 回程:每天 14:50 > 18:15 價錢:來回連稅 $2,185 首航日期:21/11 check point 1 抵唔抵 最抵沙巴$228 vs 最唔抵台中$318 10 月 27 日五條航�同日首航,包括清邁、沙巴、布吉、台中、昆明,最平 228 港元單程飛沙巴。沙巴航�最抵搭,來回連稅都只係 1,126 港元,比經常出 Big Sale 的某廉航還要平,航班時間仲幾唔錯。截稿前上網試過,出發日期由首航至 19/12 聖誕檔期前都是統一價,毋須左度右度搵平飛!抵讚! 齋聽 318 港元飛台中好似唔錯,但計埋來回連稅 1,231 港元,在其他航空公司未出優惠價前還算有�睇頭,但 promotion 一出,在不包寄艙行李的情況下立即毫無競爭力!唯一可取是每日有兩班機往返,時間比較易揀。 香港 <> 沙巴 去程:每天 12:05 > 15:10 回程:每天 16:00 > 18:50 價錢:來回連稅 $1,126 香港 <> 台中 去程: 每天11:30 > 13:05、18:55 > 20:30 回程: 每天13:55 > 15:35、21:20 > 23:00 價錢:來回連稅 $1,231 終極!精力換平飛 布吉航�每日有兩班機往返,以為衰極有得揀,但出發時間最早都 23:35,半夜 3:15 到達,第一晚酒店蝕梗;回程仲過癮,半夜 3:15 或清晨 5:15 起飛,難道食完晚飯去機場�幾個鐘先上機?平機票是要無比精力作代價的…… 香港 <> 布吉 去程: 每天 23:35 > 03:15、01:35 > 04:15 回程: 每天 03:15 > 07:25、05:15 > 09:25 價錢:來回連稅 $1,424 check point 2 其他收費位注意! 「樣樣�都收錢」是一般乘客對廉航的印象,但人家只是不把服務綑綁式出售,拆件分開上等你有得揀!所以,如果一心想平飛去玩,就要先仔細了解航空公司各項收費,特別是寄艙行李,預早 book 與 check-in 櫃�辦理,價錢可以差天共地! 注意 1: 以上費用均以每程計,若飛東京,去程 15kg 行李,回程分分鐘 30kg,要小心計劃。 2: 每位乘客已包括 10kg 手提行李限額。 3: 行李以總重量計算,數量不影響收費標準。 電話訂票收費 $10迷你倉最平 官方講明鼓勵大家網上訂票,透過熱�訂票會收取 100 港元手續費 (每單交易計,每單交易可以是超過 1 張機票)。心水清者或者留意到網站講明透過電話或旅行社訂票會包括 20kg 寄艙行李,咁 $100 手續費係咪除笨有精?向官方求證過,網上至抵價錢不會在電話預訂或旅行社中出現,變相就是畀錢購買寄艙行李,無乜�數。 舒適空間座 $160 每班機上都有三行共 18 個位於前排或逃生出口的「舒適空間座」,只需要加 $160 (任何航�) 即可「upgrade」。不過乘客暫時不能於網上預訂,只能到機場辦理登機手續時加錢,先到先得! check point 3 Delay 危機注意 現時快運只得 5 架 A320 航機 (計劃 5 年內增至 30 架),27/10 五條航�齊開,萬一其中任何一架機機件有異樣,航機調動將成問題,分分鐘 delay 直到搶修完成為止。開航初期各位要有「搭得廉航抵得 delay」的心理準備。 check point 4 劈價戰一觸即發 截稿前收到樂桃航空激平機票優惠,單程大阪飛香港,連稅只需 259 港元,可惜優惠極快閃,呢刻經已買唔到。但可預料快運重來,將引發業界新一輪劈價戰,大家" "實個市,切勿輕舉妄動! text│Cano photo│經濟日報圖片庫、U Magazine edit│聽葡 art│ahB 蜜月勝地馬代 COMO 插旗 開始懷疑,「馬爾代夫陸沉」是個謠言,若不怎會每年不斷有新酒店進佔小島插旗?繼 Cocoa Island 之後,COMO 再有新酒店,今次選在近年積極發展的島國南部的 Thaa Atoll 環礁上。以奢華見稱的 COMO,新酒店名為 Maalifushi by COMO,將設 66 個 suites and villas,除了 6 個 Garden Rooms,其餘全部擁有私人泳池,而且半數都是水上屋,叫人非常期待! 不過唔使心急,酒店今年 12 月至開,依家可以預訂酒店 opening promotion,3 晚價錢住 4 晚,變相 75 折,住夠 7 晚仲有免費水上飛機接送,要 book 趁早。 Maalifushi by COMO•房價:Graden Room 每晚 212.5 美元起 (約 1,648 港元),未連稅及服務費•網址:.comohotels.com/maalifushi 新航 $2,696 飛馬代若果未等到 12 月開幕的 COMO,唔緊要,皆因幾間航空公司似乎都力谷馬爾代夫航�,繼國泰、港航推出直航,新加坡航空亦推出香港經新加坡轉飛馬代,雖非直航,但勝在抵坐,每位來回 2,696 港元起(必須二人同行),連稅及附加費都只是 4,646 港元起,還可順道獅城食埋辣蟹至返,相當吸引! 訂票日期:即日起至 30/9•出發日期:即日起至 26/9 及 6/10 至 31/10•網址:singaporeair.com text Cano photo Maalifushi by COMO edit 聽葡 art dZ 藤子博物館 2 周年 推限定紀念品 藤子博物館 2 周年 推限定紀念品多啦 A 夢最近喜事連連,成功申奧,曝光率大增,征服全球;今年 8 月 28 日,其老竇的藤子博物館參觀人次成功突破 100 萬;9 月 3 日又是其生日兼開館 2 周年,四喜臨門,博物館自然再次推出周年紀念活動,除了新紀念品和食品等等,今年還新增新科技畀你和多啦 A 夢影張生日會紀念照!雖然紀念品不算驚喜,但如你是忠實「多啦粉」,點都要儲齊偶像的限定紀念品�! 2 周年紀念多啦 A 夢梳乎厘雪糕,「2」字是曲奇,1,112 日圓(約 87.2 港元)。 2 周年紀念馬卡龍,共 3 種口味,930 日圓(約 73 港元),3 樓「Gift Corner 藤子屋」有售。 2 周年紀念襟章,525 日圓(約 41.2 港元),1 樓 Museum Shop 有售。 一套 2 隻的多啦 A 夢 x 多啦美兄妹瓷碟,1,365 日圓(約 107 港元),1 樓 Museum Shop 有售。 藤子.F.不二雄博物館開館 2 周年紀念月•日期:即日至 9 月 30 日•時間:10am - 6pm(逢星期二休館)•地址:神奈川縣川崎市多摩區長尾 2-8-1 •電話:+81 (0) 570 055 245•門票:成人 1,000 日圓(約 78.5 港元),小童 500 日圓(約 39 港元),3 歲以下小童免費•交通:小田急線或 JR 南武線「登戶站」,轉乘接駁巴士直達•網址:fujiko-museum.com/2nd_anniversary/ 德國街頭 瀑布下修行 以倫敦為基地的工作室 rAndom International 酷愛玩水,去年曾設計一個會落雨但不會濕身的藝術裝置「Rain Room」,大受歡迎,今年有份參加德國魯爾藝術 3 年展,索性直接設計一個濕身玩水合家歡之作。在埃森舊煤礦工場、被列入世界文化遺產的 Zollverein 旁,他們建了一個約 5 層樓高的灑水器,每分鐘噴射 3 萬公升水流。如不怕水壓和打雷咁�水聲,藝術家非常歡迎你跑進�面玩水(定畀水玩?),照頭淋個痛快,來個瀑布修行! rAndom International: Tower Instant Structure for Schacht XII•日期:即日至 10 月 6 日•時間:10am - 1am•地址:Gelsenkirchener Str. 18,45309 Essen, Germany•費用:全免•網址:.ruhrtriennale.de/en/programm/produktionen/tower text|茶 Instagram 收兵過萬 送悉尼酒店一晚 女生會以 Instagram 「收兵」(網友用語,指女子收集觀音兵),原來養兵千日可以換一覺�的。悉尼精品酒店 1888 Hotel 送出免費酒店住宿給 50 個超過一萬個 followers 的 Instagram user。合資格的 user 只限入住一晚,名額先到先得,合資格的人士可以 send e-mail 通知酒店,目前它們已經接待了 6 位擁有過萬大軍的 Instagram user。 酒店的名字 1888 取自柯達第一部菲林相機誕生的年份,以紀念攝影技術的進化,全酒店的 90 間客房和套房都備有 iPad 給住客隨時 upload 作品。即使 50 人滿額,直至今年 12 月 31 日,酒店亦會送出一晚住宿予每月的最佳 hashtag 相片,未儲夠一萬大軍的你不妨一試! KING DELUXE ,入住每晚約 1,560 港元起。 悉尼 1888 Hotel•電話:+61 2 8586 1888•地址:139 Murray St?, Pyrmont, NSW 2009(接近 Sydney Convention Centre)•網址:.1888h otel.com.au text│kiwa photo│1888 Hotel edit│聽葡 art│kenji 迷你倉

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【本報訊】外界一度看淡銷情的蘋果公司新手機iPhone 5s昨在港開售,儲存倉幾個官方銷售點仍人龍依舊,炒價亦每部至少炒高數百元,當中金色版本更炒高近倍至逾萬元,每部轉手至少賺四千元。大批內地及南亞裔的收機黨在銷售點外「收機」,但不少人卻「轉戰」收機價較高的先達廣場,收機價短時間內因供求而調整。不過,同日推出的iPhone 5c卻「唔爭氣」,被指規格欠新意,回收價竟低於官方售價一至二百元,更有店舖怕淪為蟹貨而拒收。不少市民到先達廣場轉售iPhone 5s。(梁鵬威攝)昨日早上近八時,百多名早前網上訂機的市民到中環蘋果專門店輪候取機,場外高峰期逾十名炒家「搜捕」成功購機者,當中不乏內地及南亞裔人士。金色版本的iPhone 5s被指外表華而不俗,炒家全城撲「金」,林先生是少數成功購得兩部金色iPhone 5s的市迷你倉,他直言取機後不斷有炒家出價約九千四百元求轉售,但他的目標價為每部一萬元。由於供不應求,他約半小時後終如願以每部一萬元即場放售兩部手機,淨賺八千多元。收機店舖擠滿人約十時後,陸續有人到先達廣場放機,不少人手攜蘋果專門店的膠袋四處探問回收價,多間收機店擠滿人群,不時有手持「一大疊銀紙」的人笑容滿面離開。不過,iPhone 5s炒價時有變動,以原價六千三百八十八元的太空灰32GB版本為例,早上十時許炒至七千三百元,但其後每小時跌二百元,中午只收六千九百元,但金色版64GB因全城缺貨,炒價曾一小時內升一千元至一萬二千元,更盛傳有人出價一萬五千元收機。旺角先達廣場手機店G-World Mobile的負責人劉志剛指,炒新iPhone情況較預期激烈,相信與內地零售價較貴有關,又指金色版本供應短缺,估計炒風能持續一個月。迷你倉最平

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Source: The Star, Shelby, N.迷你倉C.Sept. 20--Reliable, solid and consistent are the words Dr. Bob Lamb used to describe his friend of 51 years, Dr. Lansford Jolley.Jolley, 86, a community leader in Boiling Springs, historian and a former professor at Gardner-Webb University, died Sept. 16. The family celebrated his life at a funeral service Thursday, and burial was Friday morning."Some people seem to be up and down or struggling, but the natural for Lansford was a smile," said Lamb, former chair of the GWU religion department and founding Dean of the Divinity School."His faith was solid and consistent. It would be interesting what kind of church you could build if you had it full of people like Lansford," he said.While Jolley was a faithful church member, he was also an intregal part of the GWU campus, said Dr. Robert Earle Morgan, former professor of French and mathematics."Lansford Jolley was one of the kindest, most considerate, and caring persons I have ever known," Morgan said in an email. "I cannot even imagine the Gardner-Webb that I have known and loved since 1967 without his having been a vital part of the institution. He is truly one of the legends of Gardner-Webb."'Incredible loss for Gardner-Webb'Jolley had the distinction of being the only Gardner-Webb professor born, reared and retired in Boiling Springs. And in 1997, Gardner-Webb honored him with an honorary doctorate of humanities degree in recognition of his lifetime of service to the university and to the community.Because he was a native to Cleveland County, Jolley knew many details about the founding of GWU and its history. His knowledge will be missed, said Noel T. Manning, the university's chief communications officer."It is an incredible loss for Gardner-Webb," Manning said. "If anybody asked me about the history of Gardner-Webb, I would always go to Lansford. You could ask him anything about the history and he would bring up all these amazing things he knew."His wife, Cothenia, is a former archivist for the university, and together they worked to preserve Gardner-Webb's history, Manning said.'Faithful and wise steward'Jolley shared his knowledge in the book, "Dreaming, Daring, Doing ... The Story of Gardner-Webb University," published in 1997. The book recorded the university's history from the time it received a high school charter in 1905.But you won't find his name listed as the author."If you look in the index of that book, Lansford Jolley's name is listed on one page only, an appendix," Dr. Tracy Jessup said in his remarks for the funeral service that he emailed to The Star. "There on page 155, his name is listed simply among those who received honorary doctorates from Gardner-Webb and alongside other faculty emeriti."Jessup, vice president for Christian life and service and senior minister to the university, also said in his remarks: "... Gardner-Webb University is the outstanding Christian university she is today, due in no small part to the doing of a gentle giant named Lansford Jolley who was born, raised, and retired in the shadow o迷你倉最平 a small Christian college in Boiling Springs. And in all his doing, Lansford Jolley was a faithful and wise steward of Christian higher education at Gardner-Webb University. And for this we say, 'To God be the glory.'"Jolley's love of history and writing led him to produce other books, including a book of his favorite short stories and a novel. His history of the Greater Cleveland County Baptist Association, "Visions of Faith," received the prestigious Ethel W. Twiford Religious History Book Award from the N.C. Society of Historians in 2002.Copies of the history book are still available at the Baptist Association office on Wyke Road in Shelby, said the Rev. Keith Dixon, Associational missionary."The book was a real labor of love for Lansford and told the story of how God has used the Baptist churches of Cleveland County as they have worked together to touch lives and meet needs for the cause of Christ," Dixon said in an email to The Star.'He filled the room with warmth'As much as writing, Jolley enjoyed teaching young people. He retired in 1992 from GWU after 35 years of teaching and 34 years as chairman of the Department of Social Sciences. At GWU, he established the criminal justice program, chaired numerous committees, and served as faculty marshal.Jolley had an intuitive rapport with his students, Lamb said."When he was presiding or leading or relating to students he could make it look so easy and natural," Lamb said.To describe Jolley's relationship with his students, Jessup quoted one of Jolley's former students, Ray Hardee. Hardee, a pastor and former GWU employee, said about him: "Lansford filled the room with warmth that wrapped around like a warm blanket on a cold day. His humility was disarming in places where pride is more common. Every time I think of him, I smile."Dixon said many students remember Jolley for the marriage and family class he taught at GWU."Lansford loved young people and always had a comical story or joke to tell," he said. "I still hear fellow classmates talk about what Lansford taught in his class."Community leaderJolley was a 63-year member and past president of the Boiling Springs Lions Club. He received the Lion of the Year Award in 1976. He also served as board member and fundraiser for Crawley Memorial Hospital, chaired the Board of Elections in the town of Boiling Springs, chaired the planning committee for the 75th anniversary of the town in 1976, and participated for many years in the town's Christmas parade.He served Cleveland County as a member of the board of directors of the Department of Social Services, and also the United Way. He had been a member of the Cleveland County Historical Association and also served his country in the Navy.Jolley is survived by his wife of 63 years, Cothenia Jones Jolley; daughter, Lana Jolley Henkel and husband Russell W. Henkel; and grandsons, Jeremy and Jonathan Henkel, all of Boiling Springs.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Star (Shelby, N.C.) Visit The Star (Shelby, N.C.) at .shelbystar.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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今天是中秋節翌日,迷你倉最平俗稱追月,原來秋天已過了一半,在這個季節最當紅的主角就是楓葉。楓葉之美不僅是紅色的葉,還有金黃色奪目耀眼,在一紅一黃相間下,漫山遍野都換上新衣,十分壯觀。首爾市內亦有楓葉點綴,葉子跌在路上,灑滿一地,感覺相當浪漫。到了晚上,在射燈的映照下,又是另一種美。在公園內飲杯咖啡,於寧靜環境中看看楓葉,聽聽鳥聲,是最佳的度假享受。韓國首爾是港人熱門旅遊點,除韓風大盛外,物價比東京平,還可選擇乘廉航,票價平逾四成,一年多飛數次,也能承擔得起。現在不只一家廉航飛首爾,有更多選擇,某廉航機上仍提供小食、飲料及餐膳,還有二十公斤行李費,還是直航,航班時間也相當理想,有不同時段。選坐廉航再選一間平價酒店,這個配搭省到的錢,夠買多幾件時裝、手信啦。昌德宮大顯紅楓首爾已換上秋裝,到處都見到紅色、金色的楓葉,數量不及韓國其他地方,但首爾勝在賞楓葉之餘,又可瘋狂購物,迷你倉仕至愛!想欣賞至優雅的紅葉,非去昌德宮不可,1997年12月,聯合國教科文組織已把昌德宮列入世界文化遺產,宮內遍植楓樹,點綴於亭台樓閣之間,景致醉人。首爾愈來愈受歡迎,皆因是購物天堂,南大門、東大門是熟識購物景點,我推介大家去首爾宏益大學區,這兒有一個跳蚤市場,擺賣各式充滿韓風的飾物、小玩意及精品等。這處充滿濃郁藝術氣氛,隨處可見繪畫攤位、手工藝展品及年青人獨奏或樂隊表演,值得花時間一一細味。世界燈節倡多元文化首爾還有一個在清溪川舉行的「首爾世界燈節」,全區都張燈結綵,五光十色。節日鼓勵在首爾生活,擁有不同文化與背景的市民、多元文化家庭、大學生、外國人發揮創意與巧思,製作並展示具有獨特創意與異國風情的燈籠,進而營造能讓所有人相互了解不同文化之差異,感受共鳴的溝通交流的平台。網址:.travelzoo.com.hk撰文、攝影 Travelzoo香港總編輯 潘蔚能儲存

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聯儲局主席伯南克,迷你倉再一次讓投資者「估佢唔到」。昨日聯儲局凌晨決定維持目前每月850億美元的買債規模,有關決定即時為全球市場注入動力,不論是股市、債市或是商品市場均全面造好,其中金價昨日更爆升逾4%,每安士金價企穩1,360美元,變相為投資者送上一份中秋節禮物。不過聯儲局的決定背後的理據,為當地經濟復甦前景不明朗,同時亦讓本港財金官員認為,日後的不明朗及風險因素正在增加。或許投資者狂歡過後,必須要意識到派對總有完結的一刻。 本報記者綜合報道聯儲局在昨日凌晨議息會議後發出聲明,指出美國經濟自7月份的議息會議後正溫和改善,當地就業情況亦出現好轉,可是失業率成屬高企,同時按揭利率上升及政府的財政政策亦影響當地經濟增長。聯儲局又指出,當地通脹仍遠低於2%的目標水平。聯儲局決定維持現時每月850億美元買債規,主要是希望對當地經濟情況作出進一步觀察。通過現時的買債規模,以壓低長期利率,以促使當地經濟出現更強勁復甦。聯儲局又指出,會在未來的議息會議上,以判斷何時縮減買債規模,並重申縮減買債與否並無前設條件,最後仍視乎聯儲局內一眾委員對當地經濟前景的預測。市場反應正面聯儲局的決定即時對資產市場產生刺激作用,金價抽升逾4%,促使在本港上市的金股全面造好,招金礦業(1818)升逾11%。歐、美股市同樣處於強勢。其中道瓊斯指數於昨日早段升3點, 報15,680點,標準普爾指數升0.69點, 報1,726點,納斯達克指數升9.7點,報3,793點。雖然資本市場對聯儲局的決定反應正面,但是本港財金官員卻抱持審慎。署理財政司司長陳家強指出,聯儲局並無決定減少買債,主要是當局察覺到當地經濟前景不明朗,因此採取自存倉關動作,又指出量化寬鬆(QE)規模龐大,若要退出量化寬鬆,如何向市場發出清楚發出一個正確信息,讓市場作出準備是有困難。因此市場預期的退市在9月並無發生,認為日後出現的風險及不明朗因素增加。陳家強又指出政府一向對量化寬鬆措施保持警戒之心,又指出量化寬鬆對全球市場,包括本港樓市產生風險因素。他又指出目前美國經濟數據參差,難以預期會否在年底時增加退市規模。本港樓市風險或增在談及聯儲局的決定對政府採取的「辣招」影響時,陳家強指出現時政府對樓市推出需求管理措施,又指出美國為全球市場產生的不明朗因素仍存在,因此本港情況是不能鬆懈,通過「辣招」對市場產生冷卻作用,有效地抗衡由量化寬鬆對市場帶來的亢奮。他又期望與「辣招」相關的草案條例可以及早通過。被問及日前長江實業(001)主席李嘉誠指出,「辣招」對樓市產生的負面影響,將於明年呈現時,陳家強指出市民要一直關注市場情況,又指出有關措施內已有調整機制,讓財政政司長可以按經濟情況作出調整。同時重申希望相關草案可以早日通過。金管局的發言人則指出,留意到美國聯儲局維持現行貨幣政策的決定,這反映美國經濟復甦的動力仍然有待觀察。同時香港經濟基調相對良好,到目前為止,當局未見資金淨流出港元,港元匯率和利率亦大致保持穩定。難以預測資金日後的流向,在這大環境下,銀行、企業和個人都應小心管理流動性和利率風險,避免過度借貸。此外瑞銀發表報告指出,聯儲局的決定對亞洲市場現有條件並無帶來改變,又預期美國將於從明年1月開始逐步收水。�豐的報告則指出,減少買債的計劃只會延遲3個月。天利則預期,聯儲局在開始收水時,同時亦會就加息向市場提供更清晰指引,以及過程會更傾向鴒派的態度。迷你倉

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SAN DIEGO, Sept.迷你倉最平 19, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E) customers now have more choices with home area network (HAN) devices available on the retail market. HAN devices display information on how much energy their home or business is using in near real-time and help identify high energy use appliances. Six additional devices that are compatible with SDG&E smart meters have been added to the list of HAN products. SDG&E has also worked with the device manufacturers to set up discounts on each device exclusively for the utility's customers.A total of nine HAN devices are now available, which allow customers to view their energy use directly on the devices, on smartphone apps or on their personal computer. Customers can visit sdge.com/han for a complete list of validated HAN devices available to purchase including an overview of the easy process to connect a device to their electric smart meter.By setting up a HAN device, SDG&E customers are able to see how much energy their whole home is using. They can also determine approximately how much energy various appliances in their home are using, such as a second refrigerator or outdoor patio light. Turning these appliances on and off, while watching the kilowatts and estimated cost per hour go up or down, provides instant insight into their home's energy use. With the internet-enabled programmable communicating thermostats, customers can now take greater control over one of the highest energy-use appliances, their heating and air conditioning system. These thermostats feature easy programming and remote access control via smart phone apps and web portals."We are pleased to provide access to a variety of new types of home area network devices for our customers, allowing even more choice, convenience and control over their energy use," said Caroline Winn, SDG&E's vice president of customer services. "The available discounts make it even easier for our customers to get a jump-start on identifying high energy use applian迷你倉es and taking action to lower their bills."Seven third-party in-home displays and two programmable communicating thermostats are available on the list, and range in price from approximately $40 to $340 (before the discounts). All devices listed have been tested and validated for smart meter compatibility.Customers who purchase and install HAN devices are eligible to receive a higher bill credit on Reduce Your Use days with the enabling technology credit of $1.25 per kilowatt-hour (kWh) saved when SDG&E activates Reduce Your Use on hot days when electricity demand is higher than usual.SDG&E has developed a simple process for customers who have purchased a validated HAN device in the retail market to pair that device with the utility smart meter. Utility customers can start the process to connect a HAN device to their smart meter by completing the online form at sdge.com/han or by contacting SDG&E's Energy Savings Center at 800-644-6133 or HomeAreaNetwork@semprautilities.com.SDG&E continues to ensure additional HAN devices are tested for smart meter compatibility and to verify the data is secure on the utility's network. More information on this test process is available at sdge.com/hantest.SDG&E is a regulated public utility that provides safe and reliable energy service to 3.4 million consumers through 1.4 million electric meters and 861,000 natural gas meters in San Diego and southern Orange counties. The utility's area spans 4,100 square miles. SDG&E is committed to creating ways to help customers save energy and money every day. SDG&E is a subsidiary of Sempra Energy , a Fortune 500 energy services holding company based in San Diego. Connect with SDG&E's Customer Contact Center at 800-411-7343, on Twitter (@SDGE) and Facebook.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110106/MM26476LOGO)Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110106/MM26476LOGOSan Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E)CONTACT: Erin Coller, San Diego Gas & Electric, (877) 866-2066,.sdge.com, Twitter: @sdgeWeb site: .sdge.com/儲存

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- Partnership with Khimexpert provides first laboratory facility in Russia where customers can sample and train on Life Technologies' productsGLASGOW, Scotland, Sept.迷你倉最平 20, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Life Technologies Corporation [.lifetechnologies.com/us/en/home.html] today announced the opening of its first Customer Experience Centre in Russia in partnership with Khimexpert, an authorized distributor of the company, providing customers with access to the latest cutting-edge technology.Located in Moscow, the center is equipped with the most advanced genetic analysis systems and qualified experienced staff to perform the latest genetic, cell and molecular biology techniques, including next-generation sequencing. Each customer focused technical seminar will include instruction and hands-on time with the instruments."The Life Sciences in Russia are going through a dynamic transition and we look forward to opening this state-of-the-art Customer Experience Centre with our partners, Khimexpert," said Peter Silvester, President, Life Technologies Europe, Middle East & Africa. "We have already seen an overwhelming response from our customers who are keen to attend our seminars and lab demos, so it is already proving to be a popular facility."Igor Merkulov, General Manager, Khimexpert said: "Khimexpert is very pleased to open this demo lab with such a long-term business partner. With technology advancing so quickly, our customers need a facility such as this to gain hands-on time and one-to-one guidance with product experts to get the full benefit from these technologies for their research."It is also planned to expand the facility further in the future, to cover major instruments and workflows based on Life Technologies' world-class brands, such as Ambion?, Applied Biosystems?, Gibco?, Invitrogen(TM), Ion Torrent(TM), Molecular Probes? and Novex?.A special launch event with presentations will be held at the new facility today at 3 p.m. Moscow Standard Time. Details are available on request.About Life TechnologiesLife Technologies Corporation [.lifetechnologies.com/us/en/home.html?cid=fl-home%3fCID=fl-home] is a global biotechnology company that is committed to providing the most innovativ迷你倉 products and services to leading customers in the fields of scientific research, genetic analysis and applied sciences. With a presence in more than 180 countries, the company's portfolio of 50,000 end-to-end solutions is secured by more than 5,000 patents and licenses that span the entire biological spectrum -- scientific exploration, molecular diagnostics, 21st century forensics, regenerative medicine and agricultural research. Life Technologies has approximately 10,000 employees and had sales of $3.8 billion in 2012.Life Technologies' Safe Harbor StatementThis press release includes forward-looking statements about our anticipated results that involve risks and uncertainties. Some of the information contained in this press release, including, but not limited to, statements as to industry trends and Life Technologies' plans, objectives, expectations and strategy for its business, contains forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Any statements that are not statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. When used, the words "believe," "plan," "intend," "anticipate," "target," "estimate," "expect" and the like, and/or future tense or conditional constructions ("will," "may," "could," "should," etc.), or similar expressions, identify certain of these forward-looking statements. Important factors which could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements are detailed in filings made by Life Technologies with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Life Technologies undertakes no obligation to update or revise any such forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances.(Logo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110216/MM49339LOGO [photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110216/MM49339LOGO])Life Technologies ContactDavid RobertsonLeader, External Communications, EMEAdavid.robertson@lifetech.com [mailto:david.robertson@lifetech.com]Tel : +44-141-814-5889Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20110216/MM49339LOGOLife Technologies CorporationWeb site: .lifetechnologies.com/儲存

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