TiMesBy SCOTT SAYARE The New York Times PARIS — as its odd name implies, Xavi-er niel’s new technology academy called 42 does not plan to be conventional.迷你倉mr. niel, a telecommunications execu-tive with a high school diploma and several billion euros to his name, has spent a de-cade gleefully disrupting France’s staid cor-porate establishment. With 42, he means to do the same to higher education. There will be no lectures or teachers, only group projects and “friendly organiz-ers” wearing T-shirts. no state-sanctioned degree will be awarded, nor must students, ages 18 to 30, be high school graduates. installed in a refurbished administrative building at the edge of Paris, 42 is tuition-free and has sought to attract students from the poorest neighborhoods.in a nod to the playful culture of Silicon valley, there are plans for a slide between the rooftop deck and the cafeteria.The school breaks with the often-rigid methods and philosophy of the govern-ment education system wherever it can, and mr. niel believes it will produce grad-uates who are more innovative, more em-ployable, more diverse and more useful to the stagnant French economy as a result.but the French revere their schools sys-tem, the �ducation nationale. and 42, where programming classes were starting this month, has proved a minor scandal here.its very name is a cryptic provocation, coming from “The hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” the novel by douglas adams that is a favorite of technology types here, in which the number 42 is proclaimed the “answer to the ultimate Question of life, the universe and everything.”“People say to us, ‘but why didn’t you see about working with the �ducation na-tionale?’ ” said mr. niel, who has put up 70 million euros, or about $94 million, for 42’s first decade of operations. “Well,” he said, “do you want this thing to work or not?”The ministry of higher education de-clined to comment on the new academy. but public officials acknowledge that exist-ing institut儲存ons are failing to train students in skills that are in demand. despite a na-tional jobless rate of nearly 11 percent, as many as 60,000 computer coding jobs are thought to be vacant in France, the govern-ment says, for lack of qualified candidates.The new academy promotes what many French call the anglo-Saxon virtues of en-trepreneurship and creative thinking, mr. niel said, whereas the standard French ap-proach relies heavily on rote learning. “in France, there are always excellent en-gineers — the Germans recruit them,” said nicolas baverez of the institut montaigne, a nonpartisan think tank. but 42 marks “the French educational system’s inability to address innovation, upward social move-ment, the emergence of new technologies and sectors,” he said. Typically, French students learn specific rules for specific situations, said nicolas Sadirac, 42’s director. “The problem is that for inventing stuff,” he said, “that’s a catas-trophe.” of the 20,000 applicants, 900 were ad-mitted to the three-year program that will teach problem solving, its creators say.marc neveu, a professor of computing who heads Snesup, France’s largest union of university educators, said 42 might be shortsighted. Graduates will surely prove gifted code-writers, mr. neveu said, but may find themselves restricted to an “ex-tremely precise niche” that may not always exist. Still, some public officials have wel-comed it. “We need to grow more culturally accus-tomed to seeing private initiatives being born,” said Fleur Pellerin, the government’s minister for small businesses and the digi-tal sector. “There’s an enormous need for quali-fied, trained people,” ms. Pellerin said, and 42 “corresponds exactly” with “the way we need to be training young people today for the digital economy.” A playful culture that emphasizes logic and entrepreneurship. The curriculum at 42, a tuition-free academy in Paris, will focus on problem-solving, not rote learning. The director, nicolas Sadirac. mini storage

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Since its launch in 2003, the individual visit scheme has brought about a boost to Hong Kong’s economy.迷你倉 Led by tourism, the hotel, retail and transport industries have seen increases in job availability while other related industries are also flourishing. Nevertheless, problems soon arose with the soaring number of individual visitors.Hong Kong’s ability to absorb so many tourists has reached a bottleneck. It must figure out an appropriate approach to strive for more high value-added visitors and expand its tourist reception capacity.To optimise and sustain tourism development, the city should plan beyond the short-term economic benefits of the Individual Visit Scheme and multi-entry permits. Instead, we have to strive for high value-added visitors, with MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conferences and Exhibitions) visitors in particular being an important target to boost.Unfortunately, we now face a capacity problem for striving the MICE visitors. Hong Kong has limited resources and space for exhibition venues. Although expansion of the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre has been discussed, according to the report “Hong Kong Exhibition Market”, by Chinese University Professor Cheung Wai-man and BMT Asia-Pacific, the convention centre and AsiaWorld-Expo are at or above 90 per cent occ儲存倉pancy for only 39 and 14 days respectively each year. This clearly indicates that shortage of venue space is only a seasonal phenomenon. Instead of investing hundreds of millions on the phase three expansion of the exhibition centre, it would be far more economical to make use of existing resources during peak usage.The most efficient solution would be the “one show, two venues” concept. Co-operation between the convention centre and AsiaWorld-Expo has been lacking and therefore existing resources are not used to their full potential. Better co-ordination between all parties would enable Hong Kong to organise some of the largest exhibitions in the world.In addition to striving for MICE visitors, the government should also divert tourist attractions to Lantau. With the inclusion of the airport, AsiaWorld-Expo, Disneyland, and the soon-to-be completed Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau bridge, a solid economic foundation has been established for Lantau.The government needs to take a more active role in stimulating the regional economy, increasing the supply of commercial and residential building space and expanding catering and leisure services. This will bring employment opportunities, reduce pressure on tourist attractions elsewhere, and enhance the government’s popularity.Hui Man-cheong, Sau Mau Ping迷你倉最平

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香港文匯報訊 (記者 子京)中華總商會日前組團赴天津、河北唐山市及秦皇島市訪問考察,迷你倉並與北京多家機構合辦「第四屆世界工商協會論壇」。代表團團長、中總名譽會長蔡冠深表示,隨�京津冀一體化加速推進,無論在產業轉移、進一步發展高新產業及現代服務業方面都有不少商機。此行是協助會員企業了解當地經濟發展,尋找商機。天津市副市長任學鋒、唐山市市長陳學軍、秦皇島市市長商黎光分別會見中總代表團。任學鋒:津首三季GDP增長居首 任學鋒表示,今年首三季天津市GDP增長為全國第一,經濟快速增長同時加大環境保護力度,建設「美麗天津」。他又指,加快京津經濟社會協調發展,促進區域經濟一體化,都為天津帶來機遇,例如在服務業、創新技術產業、研發及人才方面,天津也可與北京合作,發揮各自優勢。陳學軍:唐山承接京津產業轉移 陳學軍介紹唐山發展,表示唐山市正處於經濟社會發展關鍵階段,既面臨千載難逢的機遇,也面臨前所未有的挑戰,京津產業轉移為唐山提供難得契機。在產能過剩、經濟下行壓力加大形勢下,唐山將繼續以「轉方式、調結構」作為戰略重點,加快延儲存倉產業鏈,大力發展高新技術產業和現代服務業。商黎光:秦皇島旅遊基建有商機 商黎光則表示,秦皇島與香港在旅遊和基建有合作商機。秦皇島作為零距離的濱海城市,正推動產業、旅遊等方面的發展戰略,在項目建設、旅遊產業發展和城市基礎設施建設等與香港都有合作商機。蔡冠深獲聘秦皇島市政府顧問 蔡冠深表示,天津未來科技城、京津冀區域經濟合作等舉措,都令人感覺到發展的新活力和機遇,其中在現代服務業、研發、旅遊文化產業等,對香港工商界來說充滿商機。雖然內地部分省份如河北,都面對產能過剩問題,但有不少產業是海外極需吸納的。香港可擔當橋樑角色,在擴大招商引資、引導過剩產能開拓海外市場等方面發揮作用,並攜手當地企業「走出去」。中總也將繼續發揮平台作用,推動香港工商界與津冀的合作。此行,蔡冠深獲聘任為秦皇島市政府顧問。 訪問團成員還有中總副會長袁武,榮譽會長林銘森,內地事務委員會主席王惠貞、副主席梁偉浩,會董林增榮及會員逾20人。團友還參觀天津國際馬球會、濱海高新區、天津規劃館、唐山曹妃甸區及通用碼頭、秦皇島開發區、山海關等,收穫豐富。迷你倉最平

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A teacher falls for exotic Eastern passion— but it’s far removed from what most people think.迷你倉 WuNi reports.Not so long ago, Tamsyn Brownie was going to be a teacherin Cape Town after graduating with a degree in Englishliterature, and she planned to continue her interests inballet and horse riding. Now 30, she’s ended up as a poledancer in Shanghai.What went wrong? Not a thing. She’s as healthy and happyas ever. Brownie just shows how wrong people can be intheir perceptions and preconceived notions.Pole dancing in the West is still mainly associated withstriptease acts or erotic dancing, but it is developing analternative reputation as a skilled fitness discipline anddance performance. And in China, it is the wholesome sideof the activity that has taken hold first — although itstill keeps pace and appearances with its racy origins.Not only that, Brownie maintains the audacious art isproving a confidence booster for young women.Pole dancing was introduced to China as a fitness exercisein 2006, when the Lolan Dancing School began classes inBeijing, leading to the country’s first national poledancing competition the following year.This was about the same time Brownie came to Shanghai,following her boyfriend, only because he wanted to studyshiatsu, an oriental health massage. She found a jobteaching English.She loved horse riding but found it difficult to pursuethat pastime in China. After watching some videos of poledancing, she decided to gallop off in another direction.“It looked really fun, so I started to investigate,” shesays.Brownie found only one school, the Souldancing Studio,teaching pole dancing in Shanghai. Without hesitation, she applied, practiced five days a week, and even though she often ended up bruised and breathless, found herself hooked. She was also very proficient — enough to turn semi-professional.She is now a teacher at the studio, responsible for about 20 students of various nationalities.Laura Gao, project manager of the studio, says Brownie is a fantastic teacher for beginners.“She has done ballet, so she has a good foundation, and she is very good at sharing her experiences with the students,” Laura says.One of her students, Wei Shuming, has been pole dancing for more than six months.“It was more challenging than I expe儲存ted,” says Wei, 30. “At first, I felt I couldn’t even do one movement. But Brownie is very patient, and step-by-step I became more confident.”Brownie has also seen changes in public attitudes toward pole dancing.“When I first started in 2007, it was more controversial, and it was more foreign girls I saw coming to learn,” she says. “But now more and more Chinese girls want to try, and I think it’s because Chinese girls are becoming more confident about themselves.“In fact, some of my best students are Chinese girls. They train very hard and are very determined.“I think there is something attractive about that controversial side to pole dancing, which makes it exciting.”Her experience as a teacher and dancer has dashed the stereotypical view she had of Chinese women — “small, quiet, polite and conservative”. Instead, she has found many of them to be “open and confident and eager to try”. She has also made a lot of good friends.After taking up pole dancing, one of her friends quit her job to travel and see the world — then returned, got married and had a baby.“She did the things she wanted and lived the life she liked, but she is still independent,” Brownie says. “Watching someone like her made me think that there are all different types of women in China. They are not always what they seem.”And wrong preconceptions work both ways.“Many conversations I have with Chinese are with taxi drivers. When I get into a taxi, their first question is ‘Where are you from?’ and I say Nanfei (Chinese pinyin for South Africa), and they say, ‘No, you are white’.”Brownie was born and grew up in Johannesburg. Her grandfather, who worked for British Rail, moved to South Africa from Britain around the middle of the last century.“South Africa is a rainbow country and with people from different cultures and origins,” she says. “In South Africa, people do not think of themselves as colors; they think of themselves as who they are, what they do.”Back around the pole, public views on the fitness and dance form may be changing, but Brownie is still surprised she has never had a male student.“Maybe that’s because Shanghai boys are shyer than girls,” she teases. “They should try. I think they will become amazingly strong and sexy.”Contact the writer atwuni@chinadaily.com.cn.mini storage

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■中石化向全國人民道歉■國務院事故調查組成立晨報記者 李曉明 綜合新華社、央視報道青島中石化爆燃事故造成的遇難人數還在上升,自存倉至23日17時事故造成的死亡人數已上升至48人。國務院事故調查組已經成立。泄漏並混入雨水管道的原油在何處、為何爆燃等問題,仍有待查明。另外,事故造成原油入海,膠州灣3000平米海面被汙染,經過海事部門的清汙,目前海上油汙已經得到有效控制。此次事件成為中石化史上最嚴重的事故,其董事長傅成玉昨日公開道歉。他在事故現場表示:“我和中石化的全體員工都感到萬分悲痛,對逝者表示深切哀悼,對他們的家屬表示深切慰問,也向青島市人民表示歉意,向全國人民表示歉意……將儘快查找事故原因,給全國人民一個好的交代。”海面油汙已獲得控制此次爆炸事故還導致原油入海,對海洋造成了汙染。青島海事局稱,目前海上油汙已經得到有效控制。“青島發佈”稱:管道泄漏導致部分原油沿著雨水管線進入膠州灣,海面過油面積約3000平方米。事故發生後,當地海事等部門出動清汙船隻,布設多道圍油欄。截至昨日中午,膠州灣碼頭附近大部分原油已被清理,海面能見少量油花。在被汙染的海面打撈起來的海鳥尸體,已經全部被染黑。青島海事局官方微博“青島海事”22日17時發佈信息稱,“已有效控制了海上油汙”。23日,該官微轉發“青島發佈”稱,截至23日16時,青島海上搜救中心投入圍油欄約3000米,調用消油劑80噸。目前,海上搜救中心已安排人員巡查陸域岸線,處置漂到岸上的油汙。青島海事局黃島海事處處長劉賢昆一直在現場指揮油汙清理工作,他在接受新華社採訪時表示,目前被汙染的海域還有1萬平方米左右,被汙染程度屬於中量級偏輕一點。主要原油都已經被清理,目前有少量的油花漂浮,清理難度也最大,已先後組織3000多人進行清汙工作。居民可到社區領一日三餐昨日中午,此次爆燃事故災區居民收到了政府派發的免費食品和飲用水。據周邊居民介紹,爆炸發生後居民樓已經斷水斷電,22日晚,災區所轄街道辦事處為每棟居民樓上發放了通知,所有居民可到社區領取一日迷你倉餐。在社區大院內,炸碎的玻璃散落一地,受災現場已經全部警戒,即使回家收取東西的居民也只能等待警戒信息。位於災區最近的一處社區,昨日早晨提供了400份早餐,在十分鐘內就已分發一空。在受災地區所屬黃島街道辦事處,各類車輛源源不斷的送來可即食食品,隨後再及時轉發給各個受災社區。同時,爆炸現場周邊一些企業也開展了自救行動。在爆炸主發生地,周邊幾家工廠的工人正在等待工廠安排清理廠房。距離事發地點最近的益和電器廠相關人員正帶領工人到廠房做清理和救助工作。據介紹,事發當時,工廠有60多人受傷,工友們在第一時間採取了各類自救和互救,降低了傷亡。水電已經基本恢複由於爆燃事故對市政管道也造成破壞,事發區域出現了斷水斷電的情況。隨後,青島當地水電部門連夜搶修,到昨日凌晨已經基本恢複了水電。爆燃事故造成2條35千伏線路、6條10千伏線路受損。經過電力部門連夜搶修,基本恢複送電。事故對燃氣管道沒有影響,不過事發後因為安全原因關閉了燃氣。有關部門表示,從昨日起40小時可以通氣,48小時通暖。目前,所有的傷員都已經被妥善安排在青島的三家醫院進行救治,醫院組織了專家團隊為傷者提供最好的治療條件。青島市民也紛紛伸出援手,為傷員們自願獻血。出事管道已使用27年關於此起事故的發生原因,“青島發佈”官微發佈的初步原因分析為:管線漏油進入市政管網導致爆燃發生。有媒體據此將原因指向為管道質量問題,並稱出事管道為黃濰管道,“投資13億、8月份剛剛投用”。昨日,中石油官方微博發佈消息稱:經現場認真核實,原油泄漏並爆燃管道系東黃複線管道,而不是黃濰管道。東黃複線管徑711毫米,1986年7月建成投產,管道長248.52公里,年輸油能力1000萬噸。所謂“投資13億、8月份剛剛投用”屬不實信息。不過,據此算來,出事管道已經使用了27年。此外,此次爆炸發生點距離工廠區、居民區很近,因此造成了大量人員傷亡。為何輸油管道會距離居民區如此之近也讓人疑惑。據當地媒體半島都市報消息,管線當年是設在“荒郊野外”,後來當地發展成為繁華市區。mini storage

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Numbers seem low but stakeholders need to work together so as to reach out to community, says GanOfficial figures of people suffering from addiction may be low, but the Health Ministry is concerned that many more may not be seeking help for their condition.迷你倉最平"Addiction is an illness that affects a person physically and psychologically," said Health Minister Gan Kim Yong. "A person can become addicted to either substances such as drugs or alcohol, or certain activities such as gaming and gambling (and it) can become longstanding if not treated early."Mr Gan was speaking at a community event in Yew Tee Point yesterday to mark the first National Addictions Awareness Day.In his speech, he referred to a survey by the National Council on Problem Gambling in 2011, which showed that 1.4 per cent of adults were probably pathological gamblers.Similarly, figures from the Singapore Mental Health Study in 2010 showed that 3.1 per cent of the population, aged 18 and above, suffer from alcohol abuse at some point in their lives and about 0.5 per cent may suffer from alcohol dependence."While the numbers may seem low, we are concerned that many of those with addiction are not seeking help," said Mr Gan.Latest figures from the Institute of Mental Health showed that there were 1,419 new patients with addiction problems last year, just a s迷你倉ade over the 1,377 in the previous year.But past research on alcohol addiction, for instance, has shown that about 96 per cent of people with alcohol abuse do not seek help.This was despite more than half of the people with addiction problems saying their lives improved three months after getting help, said the National Addictions Management Service.This includes 68 per cent of people suffering from alcohol addiction, who either reduced or quit drinking; 76 per cent of gambling addicts, who said they became less dependent; and 80 per cent of drug addicts, who were able to kick the habit.That is why there has been a big push towards raising awareness on treatments for addiction problems.And to get more addicts to seek treatment, the South West Community Development Centre, in partnership with the National Addictions Management Service, has rolled out a new outreach programme.Volunteers who have been put through a one-day course will engage the families of addicts."We have to speak to family members in groups and teach them ways to better help their loved one," said Ms Lily Lek, a 63-year-old volunteer with the programme.Mr Gan said that it is "necessary for all stakeholders to work hand in hand in order to reach out effectively to the community, as we work towards early detection and timely intervention".rmytan@sph.com.sg儲存

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問:如果老闆不懂得使用電腦,儲存員工又不願意學習,那麼購買電腦軟件有何用?答:現在是資訊發達的年代,科技、電腦和互聯網已經不再是工具,而是平台。企業必須不停向前走以及保持創新,才不會落後。每家公司都應該要集合老闆的魅力、精神與大方向,電腦軟件可以為老闆設定關鍵績效指標(KPI),並讓公司全體上下循著這個指標邁進。其實,電腦軟件無需太過複雜,好的電腦軟件能夠在最短時間內,讓員工學會使用,最重要的是,公司必須瞭解自己的需求,尋找適合與方便使用的電腦軟件。問:請問市面上的開放式企業資源規劃迷你倉OpenERP)與貴公司的企業資源規劃(ERP)有何不同?答:市面上有很多免費的開放式企業資源規劃,主要是很多人在撰寫這些電腦軟件應用程序後,上載到互聯網,讓所有人免費使用。使用過開放式企業資源規劃的人都知道,這種電腦軟件存在很多問題,無法針對客戶的需求作出變動,進而影響公司的營運管理。我的其中一個客戶是從事酒店業的,他使用開放式企業資源規劃後,基於無法妥善管理日常運作,導致業績不但沒有起色,而且還蒙虧。我想奉勸大家的是,這個世界上沒有人會在沒有涉及利益的情況下,贈送東西給其他人。self storage

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【李姿慧╱台北報導】eTag用戶已達520萬輛車,mini storage除遠通電收推可查詢餘額的App外,民間也搶推有主動通知扣款功能的App,但上月業者卻接到遠通電收的存證信函,指其違法使用遠通的標章等,導致外界混淆,要求業者下架,包括曾是下載冠軍的ezTag、myTag等都被迫關閉,影響逾30萬人,使用民間版App的民眾氣得大罵遠通太霸道。 遠通推出「遠通電收ETC」App,供民眾查詢儲值帳戶餘額、欠款等資訊,已有150萬人次下載,但民間也有業者開發相關App,包括ezTag、myTag等軟體,並增加主動通知扣款、試算餘額、一次查詢多車等功能,吸引不少民眾使用,其中光是ezTag下載人次就高達30萬人。 不過上月前述2款軟體的開發商均接獲遠通電收存證信函,指其軟體使用遠通標章等,外界易產生混淆,違反《商標法》和《公平交易法》,要求將相關App下架,否則將採取法律行動。 稱個資可能外洩 遠通同時也向手機軟體下載平台Play和App Store反應,導致平台商將ezTag、myTag下架。開發ezTag的明紫科技昨證實,收到該存證信函,上月軟體已被平台商下架。業者澄清,僅是把ETC標誌迷你倉入網頁設計,且說明使用者輸入身分證字號和車號後,他們是代為到遠通的官網查詢餘額,且保證不會讓個資外流。至昨截稿前無法與myTag開發商聯繫上。民眾梁先生痛罵,遠通官方App難用,只能查餘額,竟還不准民眾用民間版的軟體,真的很霸道。遠通電收說,民眾透過民間版App查詢餘額,個資可能外洩,且業者使用類似的ETC標誌,會誤導民眾,侵害遠通權益,未來計程收費上路後也會推出主動通知扣款等功能。高公局副局長吳木富說,這是業者間的爭議,官方不介入。 資料應屬公共財 律師林瓊嘉表示,eTag用戶的資料應屬公共財,不應由個別企業獨佔,且查詢餘額並未限制本人操作,代理民眾查詢並未違反規定,應適度開放巿場提供多元服務。 eTag資訊查詢管道 用戶數:約520萬輛車查詢內容:預儲帳戶餘額、欠款、ETC服務據點管道:.遠通電收直營門巿及官方網站.手機App軟體「遠通電收ETC」.7-ELEVEn、全家、OK、萊爾富等4大超商的多媒體機或持eTag卡到超商刷卡查詢.汽車百貨合作的百家ETC服務中心等通路詳情: .fetc.net.tw/portal/front/index 資料來源:遠通電收文件倉

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東涌為本港新發展區之一,mini storage區內已有基本配套,如港鐵、東薈城商場等,而未來港珠澳大橋落成(預計2016 年落成),加上政府已表明會加快機場商業區發展,以及毗鄰東薈城的東涌第3A區商業地(今年已由五大發展商投得),料該區未來將繼續變天,區內發展潛力甚佳。雖然昇薈對出海面已見未來港珠澳大橋的人工島,大橋亦會路經,不過,由於昇薈所處的東涌55B 區地皮,對外是被新地(0016)於2011 年投得的55A 區地皮包圍,資料顯示,前者高self storage為125米,新地項目則為95 米,故預期兩個項目落成後,除最高數層外,昇薈大部分單位都會被新地項目遮擋。步行至港鐵站需20 分鐘另外,東涌新填海區(即53 至56 區)一帶地皮,未來仍有多個項目,如毗鄰昇薈的56 區,將興建公屋,令昇薈1 至3 座的海景略受遮擋。至於另一個弊端,則是屋苑距地東涌港鐵站甚遠,記者採訪當天,由港鐵站通過東薈城、藍天海岸、映灣園,步行至昇薈至少需時20 分鐘;不過,不排除發展商未來會提供穿梭巴士。迷你倉

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