迷你倉 cqcbepaper.cqnews.net/cqcb/html/2013-12/03/content_1698374.htm...越南下龍灣 吳哥 香港維多利亞港 重慶晨報訊 (記者 胡科)還在守著電視過春晚?不如提前給自己安排一次說走就走的春節旅行,有小孩...迷你倉樂器

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【本報訊】本港旅遊業議會總幹事董耀中表示,mini storage現有約四十個旅行團、共約一千名港人在泰國。因示威集中在政府部門,並非旅遊熱點,故未影響旅客安全,旅行團多數已改行程和車程,繞道避開示威區,「好似四面佛呢�人多地方就會唔去。」縱橫遊早前宣布暫停泰國旅行團,董指停團與否由旅行社決定,提醒旅客自行退團時想獲全數退款會較難。旅議會將繼續與各旅行社、保安局、泰旅遊局等聯繫,留意局勢。兩日四團焗出發康泰旅行社指現有二十團在泰國,當中六團在曼谷,全部安全,會調整行程避開示威區,亦允許顧客出發前轉團或退款,但暫未有計劃停團,未來兩日將有四團出發儲存東瀛遊執行董事禤國全指,本月一至七日行程包括曼谷的旅行團,出發前一日都會詢問顧客需否轉團或退款。勿穿黃紅色服裝入境處暫未接獲港人求助,保安局維持對泰國發出的黃色外遊警示,提醒當地港人提高警惕。中國駐泰大使館提醒中國公民不要穿黃色或紅色服裝,以免惹麻煩。「泰國通」胡慧沖呼籲,未來數日計劃到泰的港人應盡快取消行程。他指現時暹羅區和大型購物商場Central World一帶較混亂,擔心示威衝突升級後,有人會趁火打劫,防暴隊發射催淚彈或會誤中副車,故身在曼谷的港人應避免前赴當地。他亦稱現時局勢未明,呼籲港人及早回酒店,或不要走遠。迷你倉

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最近一年,存倉有關4G牌照發放時間的各種傳言此起彼伏,飛象網CEO項立剛近日表示,比較靠譜的時間點是在12月18日。飛翔網等內地多家媒體的消息稱,4G牌照一旦發放,將給各大運營商帶來大利好,而國產手機也或趁勢異軍突起。 綜述/記者林榮鋒4G是第四代移動通信及技術的簡稱,與3G相比擁有更好的速度和用戶體驗。《國際金融報》報道表示,讓市場糾結的是,4G牌照的發放時間卻淪為了「猜謎遊戲」。今年春節後、3月、「5•17」國際電信日、8月內均被認為是牌照發放的時間點,但最終的事實證明,上述時間點全都是「小道消息」。而剛剛過去的11月28日這個時間點再次被認定為「不靠譜」。發牌點成「猜謎遊戲」一位電信專家分析到,過去沒發是因為要保持市場相對平衡,當時中國聯通(762)和中國電信(728)還在準備中,如果直接發牌照,中國移動(941)的優勢會更強大。但現在,發牌的時間應該已沒問題。他認為,中國移動早就搭好了基建設備,中國電信和聯通至少也做了一些準備。有消息人士透露,工信部已將3個發牌時間點上報,分別是11月28日、12月8日和12月18日,即4G牌照發放最晚不會遲於12月18日。對此,飛象網CEO項立剛預測,比較靠譜的時間點還是在12月18日。巧合的是中國移動將在12月18日舉行終端產業鏈大會,啟動新的商業品牌「和」。不過,另有部分人士表示不認同,稱4G發牌很可能會選在12月8日。運營商上演角力戰資料顯示,在3G時代,中國移動丟失了不少高端用戶,增長陷入「樽頸位」。報道稱,中國移動一直是4G最積極的支持,其亟需4G尋找市場新的增長點。在還未到來的4G時代,中國移動就開始建設自己的4G基戰,並高調宣布自己的4G產品。中國移動先前表示,工信部正式批覆同意其建設4G基站20.6萬個。而11月6日當天,儲存京西直門、金融街等10家移動營業廳接受了4G手機的預訂。而中國電信也不甘人後。有消息稱,中國電信近期在進行內部4G測試,並在積極制定相關標準,參與廠商多達幾十家。而對於大力支持FDD-LTE 4G技術的中國聯通來說,另一技術TD-LTE牌照的發放並不能完全形成利好,且FDD-LTE 短期內並不能獲得工信部的發放許可。有業內人士坦言, 在TD-LTE 牌照發送後,領先的肯定是中國移動。不過,中國電信和中國聯通也有市場機會。業界有這樣的推測, 未來在大城市,電信和聯通會採用TDLTE和FDD-LTE並舉的形式,以與中國移動分庭抗禮。而在中小城市,電信和聯通肯定會發展FDDLTE,爭取中小市場的份額,形成新的利潤點。國產手機或趁勢「超車」市場普遍認為,即將來臨的4G時代絕不僅是三大運營商的「三國殺」,在4G產業鏈的上游、中游和下游,均會有很大的市場機遇。《國際金融報》援引專家觀點報道說,4G網絡前期建設拉動的投資規模在5,000億元人民幣左右,網絡正式商用後,還將帶動終端製造和軟件等上下游行業,產業規模將有望突破萬億元人民幣大關。而北京郵電大學信息經濟與競爭力研究中心主任曾劍秋則表示,4G時代的手機或者終端市場可能是一個重新洗牌的階段。中國國產的手機如果能夠有很好的質量,又能得到消費者的認可,可能它們就異軍突起。東方網近日報道指出,新一輪中國移動TD-LTE 4G招標有了結果。其中,華為、中興拿下了整個招標50%以上的份額,如果再加上大唐、普天、新郵通和烽火,國產廠商的份額可高達67%。而剩下的33%,則被愛立信、諾西和貝爾三家平分。此外, 業界有聲音表示,4G 網絡的到來,卻有可能深刻影響下一代移動互聯網的形態。因為在4G網絡進行通話,將可以依靠有線或無線網絡而不一定需要移動信號覆蓋。迷你倉

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STB is working to offer a collaborative and better-quality cruising product[SINGAPORE] Singapore is targeting to welcome 1.迷你倉尖沙咀5 million cruise passengers by 2015, up from the 913,000 that sailed into the island last year, as it sets its sights on winning a sizable slice of the rapidly growing Asian cruise industry.The Singapore Tourism Board (STB) believes it is able to hit these numbers as the sector in Singapore and the region is still in a nascent stage and has strong growth potential, especially if it is able to attract more international cruise passengers here.To help it achieve these targets, STB is already working with Singapore's neighbours to offer a collaborative and better-quality product, with travel operators to increase the appeal of cruising in the region, and with tour operators to enhance passengers' experience here.It is also in talks with more airlines to offer more cruise-fly options.Regionally, STB recognises that the opportunities and growth potential for Singapore in the sector stems from increasing the demand for South-east Asia as a cruise destination. Thus, it is working closely with neighbouring countries as it views cruising as a regional product and not one it should do alone.Consequently, Singapore led a regional effort, jointly with Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand, in September this year to improve the awareness the cruise lines have of the region through a familiarisation tour of these countries for 10 cruise executives who are responsible for shore excursions.Besides this, Neeta Lachmandas, assistant chief executive of the STB, told The Business Times that cruise also features high on the Asean platform, as well as bilaterally with Indonesia and Thailand, with a view to working with these governments in the grouping to develop port infrastructure suitable for cruising.STB also has been leading the drive in the region to work with travel and tour operators in improving awareness of cruising in the region as well as to offer an enhanced on-shore experience for passengers.To build demand and awareness of cruising within the region, STB has been working with the cruise lines to understand the needs and preferences of consumers in the Asian source markets and tailoring products and services accordingly.In addition, it also works with the Asian Cruise Association to educate travel agents on the cruise product, with three workshops this year alone for operators in India, Indonesia and the Philippines. "The cruise market is still very travel-agent centric as the cruise product is relatively more complex than buying a point-to-point air ticket because of the different permutations. Since people are still unfamiliar the travel agent becomes an important intermediary in all of this," explained Ms Lachmandas.Further, in addition to port infrastructure, countries also need to have tourism infrastructure as well in themini storageform of an adequate supply of tour guides, coaches and enough attractions to have a good quality on-shore programme. STB is thus exploring how it can develop this infrastructure in Singapore and the region.To offer a more enhanced cruising product, STB is also in exploratory discussions with airlines to broaden the cruise-fly service. Currently, Singapore is the only port in the world to offer cruise-fly services for international passengers cruising out of Singapore to a destination from where they would then fly back to their home country. Other ports only offer such services to their domestic passengers. The seamless service allows international passengers to check in their luggage all the way to a final destination.The airlines currently offering the cruise-fly service in Singapore are Singapore Airlines, SilkAir, Air China, China Eastern Airlines, China Southern Airlines and Jet Airways, but STB is in talks to bring more airlines on board this service in a bid to attract more international passengers to cruise out of Singapore.Based on STB data, the cruise industry in Singapore created about $800 million of impact to the domestic economy in 2010, of which $520 million is attributed to direct spending, which included expenditure by cruise lines, passengers and crew. Of this direct spending amount, international passengers in Singapore spent a total of about $208 million on accommodation, shopping, dining and other expenses.This spending has since grown incrementally as the total cruise passenger spending in Singapore last year amounted to $220 million. But the opening of the Marina Bay Cruise Centre has had a catalytic impact in changing that, according to STB. "That is still a relatively small market, but if you look at the way the big maiden ships are coming in (into Singapore) now, that number (passenger spending) will go up," Ms Lachmandas said.The ability of the Marina Bay Cruise Centre to accommodate these large ships, which carry more than 2,500 passengers each, is a critical factor behind more of these "technical" vessels steaming into Singapore. This year has seen an unprecedented number of maiden calls from these technical ships.Moreover, Ms Lachmandas believes that the opening of the Marina Bay Cruise Centre has also led to big-name cruise groups - namely, Carnival and Celebrity Cruises - setting up in Singapore.Industry observers see significant potential for the cruise industry to grow in the region, as the market penetration rate in Asia, at 0.1 per cent, pales in comparison to the 3.3 per cent in the US. Asian cruise passengers, which numbered 1.3 million in 2012, could grow to 3.8 million in 2020, according to the Asian Cruise Association.With a tropical climate and cultural diversity in the region, South-east Asia stands to gain a large portion of this pie - and STB aims to place Singapore at the heart of this boom.迷你倉

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隨�智能電話及平板電腦興起,儲存倉消費者能隨時隨地上網購物,美國感恩節假期的血拼戰�,已由網購最繁忙的Cyber Monday,延伸至整個購物旺季。 雖然當地上月消費信心指數跌至70.4,低於10月的72.4,但今年旺季網購零售額增加15%,至787億美元,創歷年新高,顯示現時網購銷售模式,已變成鐘型曲�形態。不過,隨�不少商�推出整月網購優惠,此舉可能瓜分傳統black friday的營業額,故現時無論美國及內地百貨零售商,都需配合傳統�上�下的業務模式發展,而兩地部分科技股亦有參與,故筆者仍認為納指雖觸及歷史高點,但相對其指數成分股總體市盈率僅為19倍,估值不算過高,配合新一波電子消費品需求復甦,以及雲端運算和社交媒體的應用需求,估值潛力仍有待發酵上漲,後市仍可看俏。 泰國曼谷反政府示威者佔領政府部門行動擴大,市場憂慮事件會令當地旅客和外國投資者卻步,帶來短期衝擊,倘示威情�持續或擴大,勢必促使多國發出旅遊警告,令旅客人次較往年同期減少逾1成迷你倉最平即使示威潮短期內結束,短途客迅速回流,恐也要1至3個月來復元,影響今年經濟整體表現。事實上,當地本土消費意慾持續下滑,最新公布家庭消費同比下降1.2%,惟旅遊業則較同期增長逾26%,主要受惠於酒店入住率和餐館收入帶動,同時亦推動上季GDP增長,錄得近3季以來首次增長,環比增長1.3%。泰國央行恐是次政局動盪不穩,恐會削弱其投資吸引力,大幅下調今年經濟增長預測,從上月預期的3.7%,向下修訂至3%,故果斷宣布將短期債券回購利率,下調0.25厘至2.25厘,以支�經濟,試圖抵銷部分負面影響,避免造成物價下跌陷入通縮的風險,消息遂拖低泰銖�價進一步走弱,跌穿1美元兌32泰銖水平。 另方面在菲律賓風災及聯儲局退市影響,東南亞市場上月仍出現大規模撤資,當中菲律賓和印尼為重災區。前者經濟增長預測被降,上月累跌7.2%,為亞洲表現最差市場。至於印尼疲弱財政狀�引發外國投資者憂慮,拖累印尼盾跌幅冠絕亞洲貨幣,主因市場擔心印尼經常項目赤字,將令該國更易受資本流出衝擊。迷你倉

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PanellistsDr Jason Yap, chief knowledge officer, Agency for Integrated Care (AIC)Professor Philip Choo, deputy group CEO (regional health), National Healthcare Group, and CEO, Tan Tock Seng HospitalAng Bee Lian, director of social welfare, Ministry of Social and Family DevelopmentFarhana Nakhooda, healthcare and life sciences executive, public sector, growth markets, at IBMModeratorAmit Roy Choudhury, technology editor, The Business TimesTHE healthcare system's biggest challenge today is providing efficient and affordable healthcare to Singapore's rapidly ageing population.迷你倉 The government is responding by building more hospitals and other care services. While these serve their purpose, the ageing problem is a complex one and no one solution will solve all problems. Fortunately today's healthcare professionals have access to a plethora of technologies that can help them to dispense holistic and sustainable healthcare. To understand the issue as well as the potential solutions, BizIT brought together a team of experts at a roundtable to discuss the challenges as well as solutions. Below are excerpts from the discussion:Amit Roy Choudhury: An ageing population is a major problem from the healthcare perspective for developed countries like Singapore. What solutions are being looked at?Jason Yap: Singapore is ageing rapidly, just like many other developed countries. We expect the number of seniors aged 65 years and above in Singapore to triple to 900,000 by 2030. An ageing population will obviously need more care services. Ageing needs are often complex, so the solutions must be multi-pronged and, as far as possible, enable seniors to age within their homes and in the community. We need to promote fitness, mental wellness and social interaction to delay the onset of serious illness (that is, active ageing); to develop more aged care facilities as well as home-based health and social care services; and to strengthen caregiver support. Changing family structures will also affect the provision of health and social care services. In 2012, there were 35,000 seniors living alone; we expect the number to be 83,000 by 2030. Smaller family units will mean that there will be only 2.1 younger people supporting each old folk in 2030, compared to today's "old age support ratio" of 5.9. There are many ways of delivering more integrated and client-centred care, and technology can be one enabler that, if properly implemented, will allow the delivery of more services of better quality to more clients and using less resources.Philip Choo: Singapore today - where one in every 10 people is aged 65 years or older - has arrived at the stage where the health impact of the elderly population is significant. By 2030, one in five people in Singapore will be 65 years or older. Even within Singapore, there are areas - such as the central region - where ageing is more pronounced and has a greater impact on the healthcare and social services. We need a better understanding of the medical issues facing our seniors, the way healthcare is delivered to them, and ways to grow expertise in the professionals caring for them. It is high time for us to quickly reorganise our healthcare and social services before critical ageing occurs. Our focus should be on the following areas: Prevention and health promotion; management and maintenance of those with chronic illnesses; integrating care for the frail elderly; shifting focus from hospital to community; and integrating health and social services for ease of use.Farhana Nakhooda: While Singapore is continuing to build new hospitals to meet the growing demand for hospital beds, this is not a sustainable solution to address the needs of the ageing. A number of long-stayers in hospitals and patients who tend to be readmitted frequently, are the elderly, who could be taken care of at home if given the right holistic care plan. The focus needs to be on home care for the ageing, out of the hospital, as much as possible. This will free up space for beds to be used by acute care patients and those who need them the most. This is what Singapore calls "right siting" - providing the right care for the right patient at the right time.One needs a holistic view of both the health and social needs of the elderly to really address their issues. For example, an elderly person with a hip fracture may repeatedly get re-admitted to the hospital not because of his or her medical condition but because she has no help at home and keeps falling down. A 360-degree view of the patient including her health and social needs, and the creation of a care plan with a multi-disciplinary team addressing both social and healthcare needs through case management, will give her the holistic care and support she needs outside the hospital and in her home. Another area which will become key over time is the use of mobile devices for the care of the elderly. Asking adult children to update the caregivers of their elderly parents on medical adherence as part of a care plan is a great example of how technology can positively assist the care of the ageing. Another example is sending reminders to elderly patients on their mobile phones to take their medicine.Ang Bee Lian: An ageing population is a reality for developed countries. From a health and social care perspective, it can pose challenges in terms of health issues and disability. The most emergent concern is the potential demand for different forms of care and the cost of care giving. However, the challenges need deeper understanding and analysis as an ageing population which is relatively healthy and able to moderate its care needs and continue to participate in community life or mutual help can be a possibility. Healthcare professionals increasingly adopt a preventive approach towards handling the issues of ageing and will pay more attention to the nexus between acute healthcare and social care. The post episode handling of rehabilitation and the immediacy with which return to normality is facilitated will make a significant difference to improved outcomes. The challenge is to call attention to these areas of connections and to support families and caregivers more deliberately. Traditionally, attention is given to acute care and interventions and rightly so. It is now that we see focus on integrating care and facilitating the transition from post acute intervention to step down care to return to the family and community. There is now a greater acceptance that it is good for families and households to be prepared ahead of time to be ready to provide care to a member who is affected by severe illness or disability.Amit: There are a number of technology solutions that are available, like Big Data and analytics that can help map the problems and requirements. At the same time technology advances are making possible or will soon make possible wearable devices which can connect via the Internet to hospitals and healthcare centres and give out an alert when a patient shows signs of abnormality while at home or at an outside location. How is Singapore doing in applying these solutions - both analytics as well as devices?Bee Lian: There are now lots of tried and tested technologies that can be deployed for sending alerts when the wearer of the devices shows signs of abnormality. The challenge is the deployment of responses when these alerts are sent out. Beginning with family, friends and peers, the response system still needs to be worked out and these may best be customised for groups of mutual help. We should encourage groups to explore these response systems from the mutual support perspective. The other challenge with deployment is that of cost. If there are intermediaries that are able to aggregate numbers to make devices more affordable and accessible, it will help. This is a space where technology, logistics and customer needs can benefit from someone helping to ensure the seamless application of any devices. We all know too well how gadgets and devices lie around after they are acquired as they are not intuitive to the users or those who need to respond to them.Farhana: Singapore is very advanced in terms of technology adoption in healthcare and there is growing interest from hospitals in Singapore to look at advanced analytics tools such as predictive analytics which can help them with risk stratification of the population and determine high risk patients who are likely to be readmitted or likely to become long-stayers in the hospital. In addition, there are a number of pilots and technology trials going on for wearable devices in Singapore with a number of hospitals.While analytics and wearable technologies exist, the same challenge remains - how do you use this data to create actionable insight? All parties in the care ecosystem, from healthcare providers to medical researchers to social services, have the capacity to collect and analyse vast quantities of information. What's missing from all these points of view is a fully integrated and holistic approach to meet specific needs of individuals. In other words, which data counts? Which data explains the needs of a worker injured on the job and recuperating at home? Which combination of medications and rehabilitation services can help a stroke victim regain independence? In short, how can you effectively manage and use the vast amount of available data to drive better outcomes for individuals and society and to reduce costs?We've known for decades that health and social systems are interdependent and have a critical impact on each other. Yet the complex matrix of public and private stakeholders in the health and well-being of citizens still operate largely within silos, providing separate and disparate care. An environment needs to be created which can identify an individumini storagel's needs across all dimensions of care - clinical, social and behavioural. Making this information readily available to health and case workers allows them to spend more time in the field where they are needed the most. The move to create a national database for the social services sector by the Ministry of Social and Family Development is a great step forward in this direction, recognising that those who need help have multiple needs, such as financial assistance, counselling, housing or employment issues. Greater coordination and collaboration mean delivering faster and more seamless services to those who really need assistance.Philip: In public healthcare, we are working on building the common Electronic Medical Records or EMR platform, linking all care providers. Part of the National Healthcare's role as the Regional Health System for central Singapore involves studying population health. So we are also using analytics to help us to: (a) decide what and who to focus on; (b) monitor trends and detect patterns; and (c) review real time status and real time outcomes. Everything is still very much work in progressThe traditional hospital-based model of care can no longer serve our ageing population so we have to innovate and rethink our model of care in order to meet the changing needs of our patients. The existing care models have worked well thus far, but to meet future needs, geriatrics has to constantly evolve, innovate and improve. There is also a need to bridge ourselves to the elderly out there so that we can educate, prepare and equip both the seniors and caregivers with ways to embrace active ageing - healthily, independently and positively.Jason: Generally speaking, technology is available and can be readily applied, but what is not often understood is that the new care delivery approaches that this technology enables are themselves complex and part of a larger ecosystem. A simple telemonitoring device (for example, to detect falls of the elderly) requires substantial system support to make operational (there must be a monitoring centre, onsite responders to falls and other support mechanisms), and there must be a critical mass of users/customers to be business-viable. This is the hard part.Currently, we are working on creating awareness and spreading knowledge on a wider range of technology options to service providers in the community care sector. AIC is also partnering the sector to encourage more trials and pilots of new technology and equipment so that a wider range of software and applications can be developed for patients' rehabilitation and recreational needs at local eldercare institutions. There are also plans to link up service providers with suppliers for products ranging from rehabilitation equipment, virtual recreation and social engagement games, to small assistive aids for independent living.Recently, we partnered Temasek Cares and Singapore Polytechnic to roll out a suite of new technology-assisted equipment to improve rehabilitation for the elderly and the disabled. The new equipment - Bilateral Limb Manipulator, Floor Projection System, Augmented Reality Games for Therapy and Computer-based Cognitive Training - uses virtual reality and robotic technologies to assist clients in Day Rehabilitation Centres (DRCs) in their rehabilitation process. Hopefully, greater use of these technology-assisted solutions will improve the functional outcomes, reduce dependency and enable elderly clients to reintegrate with the community after their rehabilitation, and raise their overall quality of life. We hope the pilots at AWWA Readycare Centre and St Andrew's Community Hospital's DRC will lead to more standardised rehabilitation processes and programmes for common conditions.Amit: Technology is getting heavily integrated into healthcare. Does this pose challenges for healthcare professionals who are traditionally trained for healthcare duties and are not expected to be very IT savvy? Is there a training or re-training issue involved here?Philip: Not really.Jason: It would not be fair to say that healthcare professionals are not tech-savvy. The younger generation of healthcare professionals, from doctors to nurses to other health professionals, are very much so. It isn't easy to even start their careers without at least some level of proficiency; if nothing else they need to apply online to go to school! Some of the older generation do need some retraining, but this has been ongoing for many years.Bee Lian: As technology is integrated into healthcare and social care, there is savings in terms of devoting the time of the professionals on patient care. This is when technology is an enabler and helps to speed up care to the person in need. Attention to the design of technology is important so that the use of the devices and adoption of the technology will be far more intuitive. It will also mean that there is less need to re-train and the need is more on orientation and application to provide better service.Farhana: Current healthcare technologies are becoming more intuitive, practical, and can actually improve patient quality/care. These technologies are being incorporated into clinicians' workflows, making it much easier for healthcare professionals to embrace these new technologies. For example, analytics tools incorporated into a clinician's workflow can help in clinical decision-making. If a doctor is treating a patient and the system is able to prompt the doctor and provide evidence-based guidance which is visually easy to understand - at the point of care - this may be much more easily adopted than a standalone system.Training or re-training is important, but it's only one piece of the puzzle. Having the right tools is also critical. Today's data discovery solutions on the market can be challenging for everyday, non-IT users, and furthermore don't provide deep, meaningful insights that are immediately actionable. However, new data discovery and visualisation software capabilities are changing analytics for the masses, enabling users to visually interact with and apply advanced analytics to their data without specialised skills. These will help close the analytics skills gap that makes current data discovery tools inaccessible for the everyday business user - making it possible to go from raw information to answers hidden deep within structured and unstructured information in minutes.Amit: In an ideal world what would healthcare professionals want from technology companies in terms of technologies that would help the most in taking care of patients and how would it be possible to make their use simple and intuitive?Philip: NHG's Institute of Geriatrics and Active Ageing (IGA) based in Tan Tock Seng Hospital will be a focal resource point for local and regional healthcare professionals. In addition, it will be a platform for medical professionals, and eldercare providers in the community to share knowledge and exchange ideas on ageing research and education. The IGA aims to work collaboratively with gerontologists and relevant experts in local and overseas institutions to catalyse the development and sharing of knowledge and expertise in geriatrics.Here's our wish list for tech companies:Help our population - including the techies themselves - to stay healthyHelp patients to manage their own careLink patient and providers via technologyProvide substitutes for manpowerJason: In an ideal world, the design and production of such technologies would be done in close partnership with healthcare professionals, facilities and the patients themselves from the very start, and designed with the clinical and personal circumstances of the patients and care services in mind. Meeting the challenge is not about technology companies making their technology better, but rather that the healthcare providers recraft their care delivery services for the ageing population, and using the right technology where appropriate. Technology holds much potential but only if the clinical services they support are actually better for the patient and the population.Bee Lian: Professionals would value it if technology helps them to save on repetitive tasks and activities that do not require evaluation and assessment. This will enable them to focus on interpreting the data from analytics and make informed recommendations. Technology is only one aspect of enabling. Increasingly, good designs can make the cutting edge difference in adoption. Simplicity and intuitiveness are part of good designs. Having "sufficient enough" and at time of need technology is key to making technology affordable and sensible.Farhana: Whichever technology is deployed, it must fit in to healthcare professionals' current workflows, be fast and easy to use, visually intuitive at the point of care, and ultimately provide even better outcomes than the professional could have done without it. In addition, clinicians currently want to view their patients' data, including high resolution images, anywhere, anytime. Sometimes making a swift medical decision can be a matter of life or death, and this is where the ability to access medical information on mobile devices is increasingly becoming a key necessity for healthcare professionals.In some cases, certain technologies today could be considered a huge blessing for healthcare professionals as in the case of data driven insights. In fact, given the exponential growth in the volume of medical data, it's impossible for human medical students to be expected to memorise every technical journal and text book available. Based on current estimates, the amount of medical information doubles every five years and 81 per cent of physicians have indicated they spend, on average, less than five hours a month just keeping up. This series is brought to you by IBM儲存

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  說好的4G呢?謎底有望于兩周內揭曉  浙江移動4G版圖擴張至杭寧溫  □本報記者 葉�珊  早報訊 年關將近,迷你倉說好的4G牌照呢?  這幾天,哪怕一點風吹草動,都足以挑動業界敏感的神經。連日來,中創信測、奧維通信等4G概念股已經提前釋放了利好,迎來全線大漲。  一個已經證實的消息是,中國移動將于12月18日面向中國10多億手機用戶正式推出4G商用服務,同時發佈子品牌“和”。業內也由此推斷,4G牌照會在12月18日前得以發放。而三大運營商是否將同時獲得4G牌照,特別是中國電信和中國聯通將獲得TD-LTE牌照還是FDD-LTE牌照,預計將在未來兩周內揭曉。  毫無疑問,明年將是移動、聯通和電信全面推廣4G服務最關鍵的一年。說白了,3G這一頁很快就要翻過去了,4G時代誰主沉浮,還看誰能搶得先機了。  4G手機明年有望降至千元內  4G時代,中國移動顯然鉚足了勁。今年9月28日,浙江杭州、寧波、溫州三地宣佈移動4G手機全國首發,三地的移動用戶只要到營業廳,不換號就可辦理4G入網手續。浙江移動公佈的4G手機首發“滿月”成績單顯示:短短一個月時間,就有近4000多名用戶加入4G手機陣營。  4G的到來,也給各大設備廠商帶來了新的想象空間和排位可能。有分析認為,4G網絡建設將產生5000億元以上的投資,網速提升帶來的換機潮,將產生上千億元的終端手機市場。  從目前移動營業廳官方開售的情況來看,除了三星、索尼等國際廠商外,目前華為、中興等國內廠商均已推出了移動4G手機,售價在2000-5000元不等,浙江移動也為其定制了專屬套餐。  記者瞭解到,從已經通過工信部入網認證的幾款4G手機來看,絕大多數採用的都是高通芯片。但鑒於高通芯片的價格成本,在國內4G手機上市初期,將很難看到千元及以下級的產品。不過,在國內的廠商中,華為是例外。目前,華為的4G手機儲存倉用的是該公司旗下的華為海思的芯片產品,是少有的具備自主知識產權的4G處理器平台,這將使得華為在4G產品上擁有更多主動。  日前,中國移動總裁李躍對外透露,4G有更高的流量承載能力,是3G時候的10倍以上,4G技術的成本更低,是3G的1/4到1/3,中國移動將推動其中的TD-LTE終端成本下降,希望明年年中千元級別的4G手機能夠開始普及,供消費者選擇。  除了發放牌照,有關部門也在大力扶持4G產業鏈發展。記者關注到,11月26日,美國手機芯片巨頭高通在其官網發出聲明稱,中國國家發改委已對該公司�動反壟斷調查。  浙江移動4G版圖全面擴張  記者瞭解到,自從去年3月30日,杭州領跑全國推出移動4G公交體驗後,如今浙江移動的4G版圖正在不斷擴張,杭州、寧波、溫州三地現已開通4G基站超過4000個。  以杭州為例,2400多個基站已經連片成網地覆蓋了整個杭城,目前杭州地區4G覆蓋範圍已由主城區擴展到臨安、余杭、富陽、蕭山等周邊市區,與主城區連成一片。據浙江移動相關負責人透露,2014年還將建設600個站點。  和3G相比,4G到底強在哪裡?日前,記者在西湖景區實際體驗了一把,以華為4G手機G716為例,在4G網絡支持下,觀看優酷視頻可以達到零延遲。也就是說,不會出現因為卡頓而“轉圈圈”的情形。而下載一部高清電影速度約在2至3分鐘左右。這也意味著,4G至少是當下3G網絡速度的十多倍以上。  值得一提的是,記者還發現,杭州武林路銀泰百貨等附近,4G網絡特別流暢,速度快得超出想像。移動工作人員表示,這是因為今年下半年來,浙江移動專門在杭州打造了一張武林及西湖商圈4G精品網。  浙江移動的技術人員張楨真介紹,“在精品圈內,通過一項載波聚合技術可將分散頻段集中利用起來,從而使得速度的峰值翻倍。武林商圈可以說是在全國最早成片實現了該項技術,已接近國際水平。”迷你倉最平

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Summer promotions for students helped lift the mainland’s total spending on smartphones, media tablets and notebook computers to a new quarterly high of 169.文件倉53 billion yuan (HK$214.32 billion) in the three months to September, when purchases reached a record volume of 103.37 million units.That marked a 39 per cent increase from spending a year earlier and 64 per cent more than the 63.13 million units sold during that same period last year, according to the latest retail sales audit of market research company GfK.Alfred Zhou, managing director of GfK Retail and Technology China, described the third quarter as “the peak season on the mainland” for sales of those smart mobile devices.“The promotions targeted students, but plenty of price-sensitive Chinese consumers were also attracted by the low prices offered by global IT brands,” Zhou said.Expenditure on smartphones rose 50 per cent to 136.04 billion yuan in the third quarter from 90.67 billion yuan a year ago as unit sales rose 71 per cent to 92.97 million from the previous year.Data from technology research firm IDC showed that Samsung Electronics, the global smartphone market leader, remained the top supplier on the mainland last q存倉arter. It was followed by Lenovo, Coolpad-maker Yulong Computer Telecommunication Scientific (Shenzhen), Huawei Technologies and Apple, which bumped ZTE from the top-five ranking.Zhou said about 52 per cent of smartphones sold on the mainland last quarter were priced at 1,000 yuan and lower. “Direct subsidies and channel expansion by the mobile network operators made smartphones more affordable to the Chinese mass market, driving the migration of more 2G subscribers to 3G,” he said.Spending on tablets grew 37 per cent to 9.29 billion yuan from a year earlier. Unit sales rose 61 per cent to 4.56 million as many local brands promoted tablets priced below 2,000 yuan.According to IDC, global tablet market leader Apple maintained its lead on the mainland last quarter. It was followed by Samsung, Lenovo, Huawei and Asus.Spending on laptop computers decreased to 24.20 billion yuan from 24.52 billion yuan a year earlier. Unit sales fell to 5.83 million from 5.91 million. Laptops in the 3,000-5,000 yuan price range were the most popular last quarter.IDC said Lenovo, the world’s largest supplier of personal computers, remained the market leader, followed by Asus, Dell, Acer and Hewlett-Packard.儲存

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【本報消息】旅遊危機辦訊:因應中國駐泰國大使館再次發出中國公民慎防在泰國曼穀安全風險的提醒,迷你倉澳門特區旅遊危機處理辦公室提醒在泰國曼穀的澳門居民或擬赴當地的澳門居民密切注意當地局勢發展情況,謹慎選擇出行,提高個人安全及防範意識,務必避免前往受示威影響區域。中國駐泰國大使館提醒全文如下:“近日,泰國遊行示威活動持續蔓延。反政府示威者佔領多所政府、司法機構並一度衝擊軍警部門,有關電視台和通訊商總部也遭到侵佔,電力、通訊正常運行受到幹擾。十一月三十日,在曼穀藍康杏大學附近出現暴力事件,造成人員傷亡。反對派宣佈十二月一日將組織更大規模遊行示威。泰政府已加強對重要地區的安全保護。鑒於泰國當儲存局勢,中國駐泰國大使館再次提醒在泰或擬將來泰的中國公民,密切關注當地局勢,謹慎選擇出行,務必避免靠近遊行示威等集會區域,盡量避免晚間外出,切實加強自我防範。不穿著紅色或黃色服裝,以免給自身帶來不必要的麻煩。如遇危險,請聯繫中國駐泰國大使館,電話:0066-854833327(在泰國撥打為:0854833327)。”經向旅遊業界瞭解,現時有四團約四十人在當地旅遊,本周估計約有六團共七十四人前往當地旅遊。直至目前為止共接獲廿三宗電話查詢但沒收到任何求助個案。旅遊危機辦將繼續密切留意事態發展,澳門居民如有需要可致電廿四小時旅遊熱線(853)2833-3000或致電中國駐當地使領館求助。mini storage

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楚天都市報訊 (記者徐蔚 通訊員馮欣)上個周末天氣晴朗,self storage磨山景區接待遊客近3000人,其中有近三分之一的遊客是專程前來參加磨山景區新推出的磨山登山月活動的。登高望遠,休閒賞景已成為近期最時尚的健身活動。林先生告訴記者,他所在的登山協會,每到周末就會組織到景區來爬山遊玩,“登山不僅可以鍛煉身體,還可以欣賞風景,呼吸自然空氣,一舉三得。”據瞭解迷你倉這是磨山景區在創上5A風景區之後,首次整合旅遊資源推出的全民健身的活動。遊客沿著登山線路前行,途經梧桐大道、新杜鵑園、楓香林、楚天台、最後乘索道一邊欣賞湖光山色一邊悠閑的下山結束登山活動。據悉,參加登山活動價格為98元(含磨山景區次票、索道下行一次),並贈送2014年東湖景區年票一張(該活動至12月10結束),遊客可直接到磨山景區南門報名參加。迷你倉樂器

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