Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelNov.迷你倉 09--Nearly four years ago, in one of his first get-to-know-you interviews after moving to Wisconsin from Los Angeles to run Associated Bank, Philip B. Flynn was asked whether he had any hobbies."Deer hunting and ice fishing," the longtime southern Californian deadpanned.Although he was joking, his response showed he knew what he was getting into when he left his job as vice chairman and chief operating officer of Union Bank in sunny L.A. and accepted the offer to move to Wisconsin in December of 2009.It turns out he also knew what he was getting into when he set out to turn around Green Bay-based Associated, which was losing money after the recession hit and real estate loans on its books turned sour.Associated Banc-Corp posted a $161.2 million loss in 2009, then narrowed its loss to $30.4 million in 2010. By 2011, it had a profit of $114.9 million followed by earnings of $173.8 million in 2012. Through the first nine months of 2013, Associated's net income is up 6.7% from a year earlier in what is a slow-growth environmentfor the economy and the lenders that provide its lifeblood.Associated's dividend, which was slashed to a penny from 32 cents during hard times, is making its way back, and just was raised to 9 cents a share from 8 cents.Associated raised company-strengthening capital and paid back a $525 million Troubled Asset Relief Program, or TARP, investment from the U.S. Treasury.Flynn, who also has focused on improving key branches while closing others that are of less value, has received generally high marks from analysts for getting Associated back on track.In an interview, Flynn talked about his efforts at Associated, which is the biggest bank based in Wisconsin but also has branches in Illinois and Minnesota.Q.What was the hardest part of the turnaround?A. I would probably break the last four years into two parts. The first thing was obviously getting the company healthy again. We did an awful lot and made tough decisions early in that last month of 2009 and early in 2010 to go ahead and really realistically take a look at the quality of the loan book and take all that pain that we took at the end of '09.And then the capital that we raised in January, which enabled us then to really aggressively clean up the loan book in the first half of '10.That (getting healthy) enabled us to do the second part, which in a lot of ways is harder than fixing the problem -- which is to put in place all the people and the processes and the marketing and the focus on growing the company again.We've been doing that consistently ever since the third quarter of 2010. And that's in a very tough environment. Particularly, this last couple-plus years of really low interest rates make it tough for us and all banks to generate net income. And yet we've been able to do that.Q.What is the lending climate like out there right now?A. For some years now, Associated has been recognized by analysts and investors as having had relatively strong loan growth compared to peers. In the last quarter, our loan growth flattened out. And it's been slowing, really, throughout this year.The economy is bumping along. Banks have generally gotten healthier. You're not seeing a lot of loan demand coming from a growing economy. Basically, banks are growing their loans by taking market share from someone else, which is tough, and it leads to a very competitive environment.So a creditworthy company today tends to get lots of interest from banks because the banks are really out there in a dogfight for market share.Q.Are some banks doing crazy or unwise things to take business away?A. We think there's some of that going on, and I'm not going to name banks that we compete with. But terms are getting looser, pricing is getting skinnier, banks are taking interest rate risk by making long-term fixed rate loans, which is very risky in an environment where clearly rates are going one direction. I don't know when, but they are only going one way from here.That's a risky play.儲存You see that particularly in Chicago, a very, very competitive market with a lot of banks down there scratching and clawing for market share.Q.You have reduced your workforce over the last couple of years. Can you say what's driving that?A. It's a complex question. For Associated, as with all banks, revenue is tough to come by in a low interest-rate environment. So, No. 1, as your net interest margin gets squeezed -- the phenomenon that all banks suffer from -- you've got to look to become more efficient on the expense side. No. 2, until more recently, a lot of banks, including us, have been participants in the gigantic mortgage refinancing boom that has dramatically slowed.So you do have to focus on being more efficient. In our case, we are not particularly efficient. The company over the years prior to me coming here did not reinvest appropriately into the franchise. So some of what we've had to do is catch up, investing in technology solutions so we can get more efficient and do things in a less-manual way.We have an imperative to become more efficient. Most of our expenses are people related. So we are trying to figure out a way, particularly now in the processing areas and back shops, to get more efficient with technology solutions. And that's a long process.We've made tough decisions, the most recent one being in La Crosse to consolidate that service center that we had in La Crosse into the two big service centers we have in Stevens Point and Green Bay.We've closed more than 10% of our branches in two years. That's driven as much by change in consumer behavior as a desire to become more efficient. Efficiency is important, but more and more consumers are taking advantage of all the investments we made in our mobile banking platform and all of the image-enabled ATMs we've put out there, and the enhanced online offering. So people are choosing to access us and other banks in different ways than coming into a branch.Q.Your deposit market share in Wisconsin has grown since last year, according to recent FDIC data. What prompted people to put more of their money with Associated?A. We picked up more than $1 billion of deposits as measured by the FDIC, and the two big players in the state in front of us -- U.S. Bank and BMO -- lost $2 billion to $3 billion each (about $2.1 billion for U.S. Bank and $2.6 billion for BMO Harris). None of us are paying a lot for CDs or money market accounts in this environment. We think we're winning market share because of our focus on customer service.You've seen our new branding campaign that we recently rolled out with the tag line, "It's a good fit." And I think a lot of the gains we're having in market share are a result of a very focused internal desire to make sure that our customers bank with us because we provide them the things they need in a way that's better than other banks.Q.It seems like you are ready to do an acquisition. Would you buy a bank in Wisconsin?A. I think it's likely that we will become acquisitive when the right thing comes along.The truth is, we're in an industry that has overcapacity. The right type of acquisition for us at this point is one where we can gain efficiencies. To gain efficiencies means you look for opportunities where there's overlap. So Wisconsin is certainly in play.Q.You being a California guy, are you itching to go back? How do you like being here?A. We're fully "acclimatized" to Wisconsin. We live up here in De Pere, and both my wife and I are active in a lot of nonprofit organizations. I'm on the board of the Medical College, UPAF, UW-Green Bay. Lois is an ex-CPA and banker, so she is the treasurer of three different organizations up here. So, we're moved in. Plus, taxation in California is only going one way.ASSOCIATED BANC-CORPHeadquarters: Green BayAssets: $24 billionBranches: 239, including 170 in WisconsinEmployees: About 4,700Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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