Twelve car bombs, mainly targeting Shiite-majority areas of Baghdad province, killed at least 47 people and wounded more than 140 yesterday, security and medical officials storageThe blasts are the latest in a string of sectarian attacks in central Iraq that have raised the specter of a return to the all-out Sunni-Shiite conflict that peaked in 2006-2007 and killed tens of thousands of people.The bombs hit nine different areas, six of them Shiite-majority, one confessionally mixed and two Sunni-majority.The deadliest attacks hit Kadhimiyah, a mainly Shi儲存te area of north Baghdad, where two car bombs killed at least nine people and wounded at least 19.In Baghdad Jadida, a bomb exploded in a car park, burning vehicles, destroying a fence and shattering the windows of nearby shops and a women’s clinic.Security forces deployed to the area, closing off streets and using sniffer dogs to search for more bombs.Central Iraq has seen a series of sectarian attacks in recent days.On Sunday, a suicide bomber attacked mourners at a Shiite mosque south of Baghdad, collapsing the roof and killing 47 people. 儲存倉
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