(柔佛 古來30日訊)專打提款機主意的匪黨今晨又出動,self storage以同樣的手法企圖拖走太子城購物廣場旁國油油站便利店內的一台提款機,但未遂。這也是柔佛州自6月以來的第十一起類似案件,其中古來及新山縣就佔了10起。搶便利店電話儲值卡香煙雖然幹案的5名蒙面匪未能得逞拖走提款機,不過也搶走便利店柜台處價值約700令吉的電話儲值卡及香煙。警方隨後在古來哥打丁宜路通往泗隆路的路段,發現一輛疑為用來幹案,惟已燒毀的拖車。這起企圖搶劫提款機的案件是於清晨5時發生,這油站位於該花園區的主幹公路旁。案發時,油站便利店已休業鎖上,只有一名64歲的印裔守衛在便利店外看守。據這名守衛說,當時他在油站周圍巡視后,在便利店前打算倒茶喝時,突然有兩名蒙面男子以巴冷刀要挾他,喝令他蹲下及不許動,所以接下來的案發過程他並不清楚。涉案者幹案皆蒙面他說,涉案者相信包括兩名印裔男子及3名巫裔男子,由於他們幹案時皆蒙面,因此看不清楚涉案者的臉孔。古來再也警區主任祖基菲里說,5名手持兩把巴冷刀的蒙面男子,出動一輛白藍色的拖車及一輛黑色的豐田Hilux四驅車前來,制伏守衛後,便以拖車撞破便利店旁邊的玻璃牆,然後企圖拖走便利店內的提款機。他說,相信是被路過的摩哆車騎士撞見,所以匪徒棄下提款機,駕車逃走。匪疑燒車毀證據他說,警方較後接獲公眾投報,於古來哥打丁宜路通往泗隆路的路段,發現疑為匪車的拖車;該輛拖車被發現時已燒毀,相信匪徒燒車毀滅證據。這家油站已營業9年,便利店內設有兩台提款機,一台屬於馬來亞銀行,另一台則屬於大馬銀行;險被拖走的是置放在玻璃牆旁的大馬銀行提款機。女經理:晚上10時至清晨6時守衛油站範圍內值勤據油站的女經理披露,油站是於昨晚11時許打烊,並於今早6時營業。有關守衛則是於晚上10時至早上6時,在便利店外的油站範圍內值勤。她說,匪徒也從便利店的柜台處,取走價值約700令吉的香煙及電話儲值卡。據悉,匪徒以拖車撞破玻璃牆時,疑拉斷電線而導致便利店的警鈴及閉路電視皆失靈,無法拍攝到匪徒的幹案過程。女經理披露,一般上,警方的摩哆車隊每晚,幾乎每隔一個小時就會到該油站巡邏及向守衛打聲招呼,但昨晚警方最後一次的巡邏時間在午夜12時,直到他們報警後,才再度看到警方前來。她認為,類似的提款機劫竊案一再發生,警方應該在有提款機的地方加強巡邏,才能避免案件重演。匪徒以淡米爾語交談她說,守衛在匪徒幹案過程中,聽到對方以淡米爾語交談,即一名匪徒催促另一名同黨快一點,因為他們的行動已被發現,因而相信其中兩人是印裔。“我在接獲通知後,於5時30分致電警方投報,警方也在很短的時間迷利倉趕抵現場展開調查。”她指出,從現場的情況看來,匪徒的幹案手法似乎相當熟練,因而她曾經問警方,匪徒是否與淡杯甘榜烏比的一家油站提款機被拖走案同為一批匪徒,惟警方表示案件仍在調查中,尚未確定。警方今早拉上警示線封鎖現場調查,不過油站照常營業。匪徒突回轉追匪警員摔傷搶劫提款機案中案!一名警員疑騎摩哆車追匪途中,因閃避突然回轉的拖車而蒙受輕傷。據悉,這名27歲的警員於今早接獲消息後,從古來緊追匪車至古來哥打丁宜路通往泗隆路的方向。詎料,他在窮追匪徒駕駛的拖車時,疑拖車突然回轉,導致他為了閃避而摔倒,幸僅蒙受輕傷。莫達:追緝涉案匪幫設小組查提款機劫案柔州總警長拿督莫達於9月22日在新聞發佈會上披露,柔佛州警察總部已成立專案小組,調查最近3個月在新山及古來一帶發生的多起提款機劫案,遏止類似罪案以及追緝涉案匪幫。當時,莫達指出,警方仍在調查數宗同類案件是否皆為同一批匪徒涉及,或是有幾組匪徒幹案。他說,除了追緝涉案者,副總警長拿督依斯邁率領的專案小組近期也會召集區內銀行負責人與警方進行交流及探討,以尋求解決提款機頻密被竊的方案。【柔及古來過去10起提款機或存款機劫竊案發生地點】6月1日清晨5時許:匪徒企圖以四驅車拖走古來21哩莊園安格列1路一家銀行的提款機但失手。6月6日清晨5時許:5名蒙面匪闖入新山柔佛再也花園羅斯美拉2/8路的大馬銀行分行,將一台存有大量現款的提款機“連根拔起”拖走。6月22日清晨約5時30分:3個匪徒以布袋繩綑綁麻坡武吉巴西市鎮大路旁一家銀行的提款機企圖拖走,不料繩索被扯斷並導致一聲爆破巨響,令匪徒倉惶而逃。6月26日清晨4時30分:匪徒企圖以四驅車拖走新山福林園沙谷8路馬來亞銀行分行的一台提款機,疑事機敗露,在未得手下逃離現場。6月27日凌晨:一批匪徒闖入烏魯地南烈光鎮一家銀行,先制伏保安員,再以鐵鏈捆綁提款機,用四驅車強行拖走。8月10日:古來舊巴剎街的大馬銀行分行,遭5個匪徒動用四驅車拖走一台提款機。9月4日:淡杯甘榜烏比一家油站遭5個匪徒硬闖,動用神手拉走油站小賣部內的提款機。9月6日:疑幹下搶劫淡杯甘榜烏比的一家油站提款機的同一批匪徒拖車拖走新山舊甘拔士路一家國油油站的提款機,搶走16萬令吉現款。9月15日上午7時許:5個蒙面匪徒動用客貨車,企圖拖走新山柔佛再也花園羅斯美拉2/17路艾芬銀行分行一台提款機,但遭到保安員頑抗,匪徒撞傷保安員,分文未取潛逃。9月21日清晨5時許:6個蒙面匪徒出動四驅車,企圖拖走新山南濱園面向敦阿都拉薩大道馬來亞銀行內的存款機,不料他們的行動觸動警鈴,令計劃失敗告終。;自存倉

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Source: The Indianapolis StarOct.迷利倉 05--Billie Dragoo is an entrepreneur and inspiration.After winning a Small Business Administration loan, Dragoo started RepuCare, which provides staffing for a variety of health-care needs, with Beverly Chilman in 1995.Dragoo weathered a downturn in business in 1999 brought on by a change in federal Medicare law, by restructuring contracts and even launching a new business, Corporate Dynamics, which sends physical therapists to a client's workplace to advise employees on how to work more safely.Along the way, Dragoo has been strongly committed to furthering the cause of women in business, by example and through her volunteer efforts. She founded the Indiana Women Business Owners Political Action Committee, an advocate on legislation affecting Indiana businesswomen, and has held leadership roles in the Indianapolis and national chapters of the National Association of Women Business Owners.When asked about her proudest moment, Dragoo said: "When I took a minute to reflect, I started my company out of my home with a couple of people, and now have more than 100 employees."We recently asked Dragoo several questions to shed more light on her success.Question: How do you define leadership?Answer: Leadership is about speaking up and being heard ... standing up and being counted ... showing up and making a difference ... motivating and facilitating a team to rise to the occasion! A favorite book of mine is "Lincoln on Leadership," an excellent read. It's for anyone whose job is motivating and inspiring others. A leader can be the CEO of an organization, or a first-year employee who leads his or her team to success behind the scenes or by example. A leader might lead through authority and power, but just as often, great leaders lead through inspiration, persuasion and example.Q: What is the best piece of advice you've received?A: Choose wisely whom you spend your time with: We know from years of research that you "become who you hang with." It's a fact. You personally are deeply affected by the people you choose to spend y自存倉ur time with. If you surround yourself with individuals that lack integrity, values or ambition, you will become one. If you surround yourself with a team with doubters and naysayers, you may lose the confidence, optimism and drive that is critical to succeed.Surround yourself with true friends, genuine colleagues and trusted advisers. The ones who care deeply about you and support you, who tell you the truth or their opinion even when it hurts.Q: What do you know now that you wish you knew 10 years ago?A: Finding a way for women to enter the room, whether the boardroom, the U.S. Congress or community leadership. Substantive discussions, negotiations and decisions are made in the room, and way too many women have not been invited.It is so very critical that women have a seat at the table. Women bring diversity, they think differently, they collaborate differently and they view the world differently. They typically arrive at different, and often better, decisions.However, we first need to get in the room and once we're there, begin to drive change.Q: What is the definingmoment of your career?A: When I was awarded the contract for the onsite health-care clinic at the new Indianapolis airport construction site to serve the 3,000-5,000 construction workers on the project from 2004 to 2008. I was on the outside looking in, but got a foot in the door, presented our case and won with competence and passion. We have a wonderful case study that resulted in saving the Airport Authority several million dollars during the construction phase.Q: When did you know this would be your life's work?A: In the early'90s, when I went to work as an executive recruiter and earned my way into the top 10 percent in the Midwest in a male-dominated field. I knew then that I wanted to achieve business success but also help pave the way for women to achieve success in business and elevate themselves into positions of power and leadership.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Indianapolis Star Visit The Indianapolis Star at .IndyStar.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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Source: The Destin Log, Fla.mini storageOct. 03--With Tropical Storm Karen taking aim at the Gulf Coast, the venerable Destin Seafood Festival has been canceled, and Destin is on hurricane alert with a watch in effect from Grand Isle, LA., eastward to Indian Pass."This decision did not come lightly, and we will continue to keep the public informed," a post on the Seafood Festival Facebook Page reads."Rain does not scare us. If it was just a rain storm we'd press on, but this is tropical conditions," Jim Green, chairman of the festival this year, told the Northwest Florida Daily News. "We can't subject our vendors, patrons and property owners to that; it's something we have to take into consideration."This decision has made me physically sick." Read more from the Daily News, click here.Steve Miller from the National Weather Service in Mobile, Ala., told The Log that there are a couple of factors working against the storm, but residents can expect to see rough surf over the weekend."People should definitely stay off of the beaches Friday through Monday," he said. "At this point, the absolute worst from what we're hearing from the Hurricane Center is a minimal hurricane of 73 miles per hour."Tropical Storm Karen is currently moving to the north-northwest and is expected to make landfall somewhere along the Gulf Cast late this weekend. Rain and wind will precede the storm.Reports show that surface winds of 50 to 60 mph have been measured in portions of the storm's circulation, according to the Weather Channel. Karen is the 11th named storm this season.The storm could bring 4 to 8 inches of rain to the area, according to a forecast from Weather Underground hurricane analyst Jeff Masters.In Destin, city leaders will be meeting this morning to discuss tropical storm preparations, Public Information Manager Doug 迷你倉ainer told The Log. He said the city will be issuing advisories through their emergency alert system. To sign up for alerts from the city, CLICK HERE.Currently, city crews are preparing all city buildings, vehicles and property for hurricane-strength weather. Today and tomorrow, public services crews will be checking and clearing storm drains throughout the city and making sure all pumps are ready for use. Public services crew will be on call this weekend, ready to respond. Parks crews are removing loose items from the parks including trash cans and flags. Crews will continue to monitor all parks as the storm progresses.The Okaloosa County Commission will meet at 9 a.m. tomorrow at the county EOC. The city will coordinate with the county regarding all emergency operations.Joe's Bayou Boat Launch fees are being waived effective immediately to allow boats to be removed from the water. This will be in effect until further notice.Sand and sandbags will be available at the city's public services maintenance yard at 3949 Commons Drive. This information will be sent to the news and posted on the city's website today. All City of Destin outdoor programs, games, practices and rentals were also canceled for Friday, Saturday and Sunday.With the storm's potential impact still a few days away, Miller told The Log the best thing for people to do is watch for updated reports."It's just keeping your eyes and ears open at this point," he said.To see the latest from the National Hurricane Center, CLICK HERE.To read updates from WeatherUnderground, CLICK HERE.To learn about what to do before, during and after a storm, view the city of Destin's Hurricane Guide.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Destin Log (Destin, Fla.) Visit The Destin Log (Destin, Fla.) at .destin.com Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉

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湖北日報訊 記者 熊星星 通訊員 曹巧紅 譚平  6點起床,文件倉簡單過完早,帶上中餐,步行40分鐘,坐上“豌豆角”(當地人對清漂船的形象稱呼),開始一天的清漂工作。這是巴東縣神農溪5A級景區清漂隊員周繼祖近10年來的工作。4日8點,50歲的他已身著橘色救生衣,手拿竹竿和塑料網制成的工具,站定在“豌豆角”船頭忙活開了。此時遊客還未大批進來,上百只“豌豆角”整齊地排在河道上清漂,甚是壯觀。“如今正是蓄水期,沿岸的枯枝草葉隨著水面上升進入河道,而黃金周這幾日,神農溪每天的遊客量超過了1萬人次,最高時達到1.5萬人次,是平時的兩三倍,工作量加大不少。”周繼祖介紹,近段時間以來,他和另外30名清漂員每天存倉是晚上7點多才回家,比平時多忙活兩三個小時,午飯都得在船上解決。“雖然忙,但只要遊客玩得舒心,我們就覺得值!”周繼祖笑著說。作為一名三峽移民,周繼祖2003年應聘幹上了這份工作。每月1500多元的工資雖不高,但能照顧老人和孩子,還能在家門口種地,他已覺得很滿意。上午10時,河面上漂浮的垃圾已經很少,但周繼祖仍不放過一點“瑕疵”。“來這兒除了國內的,還有美國、英國、韓國、日本很多國家的遊客,幹不乾淨,關係著巴東人甚至全中國人的臉面,可不能馬虎!”周繼祖說。巴東縣旅遊局局長李前兵介紹,通過多年的清漂整治,現在神農溪上成片的漂浮物已很少見,遊客越來越多,環境越來越好,這支30多人的清漂隊功不可沒。儲存

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(新加坡5日訊)從美感、實用性中尋找突破,mini storage全球68個國家的設計達人角逐建築界年度盛事“世界建築節”獎項,專業評審從芸芸逾700份作品中篩選出逾300幅作品,並透過展出公開讓民眾一覽所有參賽作品,仔細瞭解作品背後的設計概念。邁入第六屆的“世界建築節”日前上午正式在新加坡濱海灣金沙會展中心掀開序幕,這項為期3天的活動堪稱是全球建築界的奧斯卡,深受世界各國建築與設計界重視。未來建築構思“先睹為快”今年參賽的項目眾多,包括購物中心、宗教、學校、交通、房屋、園林景觀等,以及新增的宗教,作品以平面圖的方式展出,而作品入圍的參賽者亦被安排為作品解說。展出的入圍作品當中,也包括未來的建築構思,讓人“先睹為快”。值得一提的是,入圍的作品當中,亦不乏馬來西亞設計師們的傑作,作品涵蓋房屋、文化建築等,令人眼前一亮。建築物設計方面,入圍的大馬作品計有Point92、吉隆坡升禧廊(Stself storagerhill Gallery)、S11房屋以及大馬城市文化中心(Bandar Malaysia Cultural Hub)。大馬楊經文評審之一大馬籍生態建築設計大師楊經文博士,是這項盛會的評審之一。此外,旨在“辯論、學習、啟發”,大會亦安排論壇與講座,邀請設計與建築等相關領域的專才分享心得與意見,為盛事增添幾許色彩。本屆“世界建築節”是第二次在新加坡濱海灣金沙會展中心舉行,上屆賽會則是在西班牙巴塞羅納舉行。上述盛事的創辦夥伴是德國高級衛浴品牌GROHE,全球最大的油漆及塗料生產商Akzonobel是該活動的夥伴贊助商。配合“世界建築節”,Akzonobel在活動前一日隆重公佈Teal水鴨色為2014年度流行色彩,該集團東南亞及太平洋區董事經理傑樂米、AkzoNobel Paints有限公司董事經理吳石榮亦特別為媒體解說年度流行色彩的概念,以及Dulux油漆的特點。;mini storage

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(吉隆坡4日訊)首相拿督斯里納吉強調,文件倉馬中兩國攜手展開的經貿合作,除了推動兩國發展與前進,也能利惠區域甚至全球,而在互惠互利的基礎上,馬中能攜手共同實踐“中國夢”以及“亞洲願景”。他說,大馬與中國通過延續兩國依據共同願景展開雙邊協作的傳統,能為推動“亞洲世紀”帶來強大的助力。他認為,馬中無論在雙邊或國際貿易關係方面,只要攜手合作就會更為強大。他強調,馬中雙邊關係從建交奠基,多年來茁壯成長,隨著兩國簽署《中國??馬來西亞政府經貿合作5年規劃》,見證馬中雙邊關係掀起新篇章。放眼馬中貿易5年達1600億美元納吉在“中國??馬來西亞經濟峰會”發表主題演詞時強調,他和中國國家主席習近平希望5年後,馬中兩國的雙邊貿易額,可達1千600億美元。“過去兩年大馬和中國的經貿合作關係進一步提昇,兩大亮點包括中馬欽州產業園及馬中關丹產業園,而5年規劃也將兩國關係帶往新層次。”納吉強調,上述5年規劃除了進一步加強過去的合作,也尋求新的合作空間包括商業和投資機會,合作領域包括農業、製造業、基礎建設、能源及礦物資源、資訊與通訊科技、旅遊、建築與工程服務、物流及零售等。他說,在該5年規劃下,其中一項目早期收穫計劃(EarlyHarvest Program),包括上述2個產業園進出口所需的材料,讓2個產業園更具競爭力,及吸引更多企業家前來投資。他認為,有關計劃將惠及中小型企業,通過技術轉移和提昇貿易額,能讓我國的中小型企業為國內生產總值貢獻更多,也符合大馬的10年中小型企業大藍圖。他也稱讚私人界,尤其馬中商務理事會以及馬中經貿總商會在協助提昇馬中雙邊貿易與投資扮演的關鍵角色。納吉習近平“一見如故”納吉在峰會上分享與中國國家主席習近平會面時,對方以一句中國成語“一見如故”來形容雙方雖初見面,但已具備猶如老朋友般的親切感。他以華語念出“一見如故”,並即席將此成語翻譯成國、英文,並為不諳中文的出席者解釋其含義。“我們(指與習近平)今早有一個成果豐碩的會面,讓我最印象深刻與開心的,就是他以一見如故來形容我們的會面。”他說,馬中貿易關係可追溯至明朝初期,從中國商船隊抵達存倉六甲港口時開啟,直至今日兩國貿易聯繫越加強穩,中國自2009年開始已成大馬最大貿易夥伴,而大馬也是中國在東盟國家中最大貿易夥伴。續加強貨幣互換合作“去年馬中雙邊貿易額已達到940億美元,相信很快大馬會成為亞洲第三個與中國貿易額突破1千億美元的國家。”納吉強調,馬中兩國生氣煥發的雙邊貿易關係協助兩國度過全球金融危機。他指出,大馬與中國簽署的雙邊貨幣互換協議,使得大馬成為中國以外首個可使用人民幣進行結算的國家,全球約有2.3%使用人民幣結算的貿易在大馬完成,但許多企業家還不知道有該項便利。為此,他強調,馬中兩國應繼續加強與推廣貨幣互換合作,相信該措施能讓馬中互惠互利。他也認為,大馬必須致力吸引更多外國直接投資尤其是中資進入大馬。他表示,目前大馬累積進入中國的直接投資已達63億美元,但進入大馬的中資只佔其中小部份。“我們感謝中國政府給在當地投資的大馬企業協助與發展機會,並希望在該國新領導層下,未來會有更多投資機會。”廈大分校投資達12億納吉強調,中國廈門大學是中國首所走出海外設立分校的大學,而且據點選在大馬,大馬分校投資額高達12億令吉,校地面積達150英畝,預料能容納1萬名學生,見證馬中在教育領域的雙邊協作邁入新里程碑。他說,預料廈大大馬分校在建成後,能吸引更多中國以及區域內的學子來馬升學,相信能惠及我國在教育領域朝向國際教育樞紐的策略性定位,並吸引東盟或世界級的頂尖大學來馬設立分校。他也說,今次廈大在大馬設立分校,要感謝大馬公司Sunsuria從初始就積極協助設立分校事宜,包括協調購買校地等,而政府承諾會全面協助廈大分校申請建校工程。東盟中國關係深化另一方面,納吉指出,在東盟經濟共同體正式生效打開無數機會後,中國在新領導團隊的帶領下,能積極與東南亞國家建立策略經濟夥伴關係,共同維繫區域和平、繁榮與穩定。他表示,東盟-中國關係不斷提昇與深化,通過持續開展的高階對話、諮詢以及會商,大家開誠佈公的針對區域共同課題交換意見,從而強化了雙方互信。“東盟與中國通過革新且建設性的方式,應對區域間的挑戰與機遇。”【相關新聞請點大事件:習近平訪馬】;儲存

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  近日有媒體質疑,迷你倉最平為賣自己的45元盒飯,黃山禁售方便麵  黃山景區回應:禁售是為保護景區環境  稱泡面殘羹可改變土壤酸堿度,2006年起就禁售  近日有媒體報道說,黃山景區內的商販們稱,景區為了賣45元的盒飯,在山上禁售方便麵。黃山景區昨日回應:禁售為保護景區,稱泡面殘羹可改變土壤酸堿度。並且從2006年開始,黃山上就禁止銷售方便麵了  【景區回應】  泡面殘羹改變土壤酸堿度,影響黃山松生長  黃山景區為賣高價盒飯而禁售方便麵的消息在網上掀起不小的波浪。記者調查發現,景區管委會確實有通知,為保護環境,在山上禁售方便麵。黃山風景區管委會綜治辦主任許成嶺說,許多遊客吃過方便麵後會隨手將殘羹倒在路旁、樹叢中、山崖下,長此以往會改變土壤的酸堿度,對植物特別是黃山松生長極為不利;而且又辣又鹹的方便麵殘渣會被山上的松鼠、鳥類吃掉,長此以往會威脅生物多樣性的保護。  黃山風景區北海工商所所長陳壽富也表示,從2006年開始,黃山上就禁止銷售方便麵了,但對於遊客自帶方便麵並沒有作出要求。陳壽富說,方便麵盒子汙染也很大,如果遇到刮風,環衛工人清理的難度就更大了。  景區方面稱,做出規定的依據是1989年安徽省人大常委會通過的《黃山風景名勝區管理條例》,其中明確,“管委會可以根據安全和環境衛生的需要,規定禁止經營的商品、服務項目以及禁止使用的燃料、包裝物品種”。  【律師質疑】  如何公平利用手中權力要認真思考  北京匯佳律師事務所律師邱寶昌認為,立法儲存初衷是好的,能夠更好地保護景區風貌,但作為管理者,如何公平合理的利用好手中的權力是要認真思考的。  邱寶昌:不允許賣方便麵,是不是也應不允許帶方便麵?如果沒有方便麵,有沒有可替代的商品、食品銷售?如果不允許銷售,那有沒有便宜的5塊錢、10塊錢的盒飯或者相當于這樣的食品供應?如果,一方面你以環保為名限定了某些食品的銷售,一方面推出價高的食品,肯定消費者會質疑。  【記者調查】 黃山上可以選擇的食品有很多  對於這個疑慮,記者採訪發現,除了方便麵,遊客在黃山上可以選擇的食品有很多,像玉米、雞蛋、餅乾等,都可以方便地買到。比如饅頭十塊錢一袋。玉米八塊錢一根。當記者問:“能不能便宜一點”時,賣家稱:這個都是明碼標價的,我們不管是黃金周還是平常都是這個價格。當記者再問道:玉米山下就兩三塊錢一根,為什麼賣八塊錢?賣家說:都是人力挑上來的,所以比較貴。  雖然價格比山下貴不少,但不少消費者表示考慮到人力成本和景區的特殊情況可以接受。中午十一點左右,山上買盒飯的遊客逐漸多了起來。來自深圳的余小姐剛買了一盒。余小姐說:我覺得價格還好,因為畢竟這個地方不通交通,都是挑夫挑上來的。  針對風景區餐飲價格高的質疑,黃山風景區工商部門表示,黃山風景區沒有漲價。尤其在國慶期間,還對景區內所有的商店、商場、賓館等加強了監管。十一黃金周期間,在各個重要的路段,都有工商人員的執勤,基本上價格比較穩定,像玉米、茶葉蛋,都沒有價格上的調整,都跟平常是一樣的價格。   據央廣mini storage

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Source: Dayton Daily News, OhioOct.儲存 05--It has been a bumpy first week -- and a somewhat surreal one -- for the launch of the health care marketplaces under the Affordable Care Act, which has remained the heart of a partisan dispute that resulted in the first government shutdown in 17 years.HealthCare.gov -- the main portal for government-run marketplaces in 36 states, including Ohio -- will temporary shutdown for maintenance at 1 a.m. EDT each night for a few hours this weekend after sustaining a rush from millions of visitors trying to enroll for coverage. While the computer glitches continued Friday as congressional Republicans sought to delay and defund the health care law, federal officials said people have been able to sign up for coverage.The website will remain open for general information. By Monday, "there will be significant improvements in the online consumer experience," U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said.Still, many local residents expressed exasperation.Amy Harrington of Fairborn said: "I finally made it to the account creation pages and after filling them out again and again it still says 'account cannot be created at this time, try again in a few moments.' It also says answers to security questions cannot be the same thing for two or more. My questions were all different with very different answers."In its first four days, there have been more than 7.2 million unique visitors to HealthCare.gov to learn about their options, according to HHS.Federal officials said they do not expect to release individual state enrollment figures until next month. Yet the rollout, more than four years in the making, and its computer problems has been all but overshadowed by the federal government shutdown.'It hasn't been smooth'"It has sucked up so much of the oxygen in the room that people have forgotten that the rollout happened," said Greg Lawson, a policy analyst for The Buckeye Institute, a Columbus-based conservative think tank. "That's unfortunate, because it seems to have stumbled out of the gate. It hasn't been smooth. There has been a lot of confusion, and there will be for a long time."Others believe the initial system overload may be a good sign for the overall success of the marketplaces. "There's a pent-up desire to get coverage," said Bryan Bucklew, president and CEO of the Greater Dayton Area Hospital Association. "People are curious about how it will work."He expects the technical issues will be resolved. "It's not as if on Oct. 1 you flip a switch and everything is transformed.," he said. "It's a work in progress. It's unrealistic to think that on Day 1 the public and businesses are going to understand it all."In the first year, more than 166,000 uninsured Ohioans are expected to sign up for health insurance coverage, according to the nonprofit Health Policy Institute of Ohio. The initial enrollment period runs through March 31, with coverage beginning Jan. 1 for those who enroll by Dec. 15.For Greg Bope of Jamestown, the online process has not gone smoothly. "It won't let me sign up," he said. "I've been trying since yesterday."Dave Stone of Brookville, who was featured in the newspaper on Sept. 23, had the same experience. The 60-year-old respiratory therapist, who has multiple health problems, is trying to figure out if he can afford to retire. "I just spent another day on phone with ACA staff," he said. "I couldn't log in, and they are having volume overload."Sara Love of Riverside complained the system is geared toward people with computers, even though many of the uninsured don't have access to the Internet. Love, 64, is on Medicare disability, because she is visually impaired, but she is looking for insurance for her husband."I think they could make it easier for people," she said. "They should make it easier to find a phone number where people can get information. I have not seen it anywhere, and I have been watching for it."The couple plans to wait until next week to explore their insurance options, in the hopes that the system will be less overrun.'Affordable coverage?'Bucklew said some of the confusion might have been prevented if state officials had done more to get the word out. "Ohio didn't do our constituents any favors by not putting any marketing effort into the exchanges," he said.Cathy Levine, co-chair of Ohio Consumers for Health Care, said the Gov. John Kasich administration "made a deliberate decision not to obtain federal funding for outreach and consumer assistance. So the outreach will be more robust in states that are taking that initiative."The public was gracious about the problems, according to Levine, who helped out Tuesday with a telethon at a Columbus television station, answering questions and enrolling people for coverage."I was pleasantly surprised," she said. "The response has been overwhelming. Overnight, the conversation went from 'love it or hate it' to, 'How can I get more affordable coverage?'"Levine said her biggest frustration this week was the ongoing uncertainty about whether Ohio is going to do a Medicaid expansion: "We took numerous calls from people whose income is not enough to get a subsidy on the exchange. Those people are going to remain uninsured 儲存倉nless the legislature acts quickly to pass Medicaid expansion or the governor exercises his authority to do an executive order."Despite and opening-week snafus, Levine feels more upbeat than discouraged. "It's very exciting that so many people who were invisible in Ohio are now able to shop for affordable coverage," she said. "I talked to all kinds of people on Tuesday -- self-employed people; a woman who is getting divorced; people who are playing by the rules but don't have affordable health coverage."Beware of scamsAnother potential peril for new law is consumer fraud, which the newspaper first alerted the state about in May. On Friday, Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor, warned Ohioans to guard against health care-related scams."Scammers often pretend to be associated with the government to make their ploys seem real," DeWine said. "We want to warn Ohio families to be on guard for potential scams and to take steps to protect themselves."Taylor, who heads the insurance department, is a vocal opponent of the health care law. But she said "it's imperative Ohioans understand the facts about the ACA and the federal exchange so they can best protect themselves. Because the federal law and the exchanges are new and complicated to consumers, Ohioans should be even more cautious about potential scams and fraudulent behavior."Lawson said the process to implement the new law would probably have been smoother if there had been more bipartisan support. "The policy was rammed through, and it's hard to get support that way," he said. "It would have been better if there had been more agreement on front end. This is complicated, and there needs to be a very engaged conversation. They could have done a better job with that if there had been a bipartisan consensus."Despite the myriad problems with the rollout, Bucklew believes the status quo -- with more than 1.5 million Ohioans without health insurance -- wasn't workable. "Doing nothing really wasn't an option," he said. "At the end of the day, after the exchanges went live, there were more resources and more information so that you can make decisions that are in the best interests of you and your family."Read the complete story...The story you're reading is premium content for subscribers of the Dayton Daily News, Springfield News-Sun, Hamilton JournalNews and Middletown Journal. Not a subscriber? Get total access to all our in-depth news and exclusive content here.Read MyDaytonDailyNews.com now -- 24-hour digital pass99? for 24 hoursRead MyDaytonDailyNews.com all week -- weekly digital pass$3.99 per weekSubscribe for as little as 33? per dayView OffersFor Subscribers: Register your account for digital access.Access DigitalFor Subscribers: Sign in here if you have already registered your account.Sign InBrought to you by:ChampionReid HospitalRich RoofingKorrect Plumbing-- Tips to avoid ACA scamsGuard your personal information: Legitimate government representatives will never contact you unexpectedly and request personal information, such as your Social Security or bank account number. If you do give out personal information tied to a potential scam, immediately inform your banks, credit card providers, and the three major credit bureaus.Never pay upfront fees: Government program representatives do not sell insurance or demand upfront payment, and navigators (individuals who can provide information about the ACA) are free.Get information from reliable sources: Watch out for phony websites or individuals who pretend to be associated with the government. Contact the Ohio Department of Insurance and the federal government if you have questions about the ACA. Report scams or suspicious activity to the Ohio Attorney General and Department of Insurance.Health Insurance Exchange: Watch for Bogus WebsitesThe new federally-run health insurance exchange in Ohio is an online portal where consumers who need individual health insurance and small businesses can go to secure certain coverage. You can find more information about the federal exchange in Ohio by visiting .healthcare.gov, which is the only website where Ohioans can enroll.Check for Certification of navigators and insurance agents: Navigators, who must be certified by the Ohio Department of Insurance, were created by the federal law to provide information about the exchanges to consumers. Funded by the federal government, navigators are prohibited from recommending specific plans. Navigators who receive certification will be searchable on .insurance.ohio.gov.Sources: Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine and Lieutenant Governor and Insurance Director Mary TaylorCOMING NEXTOn Sunday, Your Guide: The Affordable Care Act is a special section with everything you need to know about the changes and how they will affect you.WHIO TV will air a special WHIO Reports on Sunday with a panel discussion on the Affordable Care Act.Online: Ask a question, calculate your health insurance premiums, read the latest developments and get other facts at MyDaytonDailyNews.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) Visit the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) at .daytondailynews.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉最平

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