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劉佳[ “受益企業不少,存倉還需要警惕‘撒胡椒面兒’的情況出現,應以重點龍頭企業突破,從而帶動行業發展。” ] 3G方興未艾,4G腳步已漸行漸近。繼9月末工信部部長苗圩對外表示4G牌照將於今年年底前正式發放後,近日,國家發改委發佈了《關於組織實施2013年移動互聯網及第四代移動通信(TD-LTE)產業化專項的通知》(下稱《通知》),提出將移動智能終端、可穿戴設備等八大領域作為下一階段產業發展重點,並對申請相關產業專項的企業予以資金支持。在獨立電信分析師付亮看來,發改委此舉是對此前國務院發佈的《關於促進信息消費擴大內需的若干意見》的進一步解讀和推進,同時為4G牌照發放鋪平道路。“2G網絡下以語音通信為主,3G網絡加速了移動互聯網的發展,而在即將到來的4G時代,語音通信將成為輔助應用,無處不在的移動寬帶上網將為用戶的生活帶來巨大改變。”付亮說。但他同時強調:“受益企業不少,還需要警惕‘撒胡椒面兒’的情況出現。”八大領域受益發改委的《通知》中明確提出了八大領域作為產業發展重點,包括移動智能終端新型應用系統研發及產業化、面向移動互聯網的可穿戴設備研發及產業化、移動互聯網和智能終端公共服務平台建設、移動智能終端開發及產業化環境建設、高速寬帶無線接入設備研發及產業化、移動互聯網大數據關鍵技術研發及產業化和基於T D -L T E的行業創新應用示範等。此外,發改委表示,考慮到移動互聯網領域的特點,鼓勵多家單位、上下游企業聯合申報;鼓勵互聯網領域骨幹企業整合多個方向報送項目。業內評論人士指出,發改委此舉相當于勾畫出一幅4G產業發展路線圖,八大領域有望成為投資熱點。而受發改委年內4G政策影響,《通知》發佈當天4G概念股強勢上漲,其中中國聯通(600050.SH)、傑賽科技(002544.SZ)、華星創業(300025.SZ)、中創信測(600485.SH)、東方國信(300166.SZ)等5股大漲。國泰君安也在研報中指出,隨著我國原本基建投資拉動型經濟增長模式負面效應逐漸顯現,通信行業在未來國家經濟轉型與發展中將起到更加重要作用,成為政府刺激經濟增長必打之牌。4G網絡投資有望成為引領我國經濟轉型之“排頭兵”。付亮則預計,接下來信息消費擴大內需將逐步得到落實。工信部此前公佈的數據顯示,今年前5個月我國信息消儲存規模已經達到1.38萬億元,同比增長19.8%;業界預計,到2015年,我國信息消費規模將超過3.2萬億元,年均增長20%以上,帶動相關行業新增產出將超過1.2萬億元。“受益企業不少,還需要警惕‘撒胡椒面兒’的情況出現,應以重點龍頭企業突破,從而帶動行業發展。”付亮強調。4G賽跑在4G建設上,三大電信運營商新一輪競爭已經打響。其中中國移動最為積極,言必稱TD-LTE。數據顯示,目前TD-LTE 4G網絡已基本實現了16個試點城市、2萬個基站的建設目標,到今年底將覆蓋到100個城市、建設完成20萬個基站、採購100萬部終端。不久前,中國移動剛剛公佈了2013年TD-LTE無線主設備招標結果,已有華為、中興、愛立信、大唐移動、諾西、上海貝爾、烽火通信、新郵通、普天等9家企業(聯合投標體)中標。相比中移動,中國電信與中國聯通兩家運營商在4G進展上顯得不緊不慢。中國電信在不久前剛剛開始�動4G網絡招標,基站規模將達6萬個左右。而此前的聯通中期業績發佈會上,中國聯通董事長常小兵則表示,估計國家會與發3G牌照類似,會先發TD-LTE牌照,聯通最近已開展TD-LTE試驗。但“好看的4G蛋糕未必好吃”。幾乎全球運營商都在探索如何避免管道化之路。而4G觸發的手機廠商新一輪洗牌,或已為時不遠。中興通訊高級副總裁何士友斷言:“三年將成為一個時間窗口,三年之後,有的廠商會上天堂,有的則會下地獄。”對於未來4G普及可能對移動互聯網帶來的改變,仍在“摸著石頭過河”。野村綜研(上海)電信行業研究副總監陶旭駿則認為,從全球部署4G最快的國家日本來看, 4G並沒有帶來人們想象中的“信息革命”,短時間內不太可能大幅度提升ARPU值。但隨著4G的逐漸普及,移動互聯網產業現有的格局有可能改寫。“至少到現在,日本還沒有產生出4G的所謂‘殺手級應用’。” 陶旭駿表示,但由於4G的速度快、體驗好,一些有帶寬瓶頸的移動互聯網應用能夠得到充分釋放,因此,移動互聯網產業也許會因為4G的大規模推進有大幅躍進的可能。而視頻網站56網副總裁李浩也對記者表示,4G相對於3G、2G更像是視頻傳輸管道的升級和優化,“預計不會對視頻行業商業模式產生顛覆性的影響,但是隨著移動端用戶使用時長的增加,更有利於在線視頻服務商營收多元化的探索。”李浩對記者說。迷你倉

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Source: Daily Mail, LondonOct.儲存倉 09--George Osborne, then, has the final laugh when it comes to his tussle with the International Monetary Fund over the economy.In March, the IMF's top economist, Olivier Blanchard, suggested that Britain was 'playing with fire' with its fiscal discipline and austerity, giving everyone a headline and all the opponents a field day.The astonishingly good run of UK data since then has seen the IMF sharply revise up its projections for this year and next.It predicts an upturn of 1.4pc this year and 1.9pc next year.Measured fourth quarter of 2012 on fourth quarter 2013, giving us an idea of the momentum, the rise is actually 2.3pc.Many private sector economists, including Goldman Sachs, would claim that even these numbers are too modest and the IMF may have to revise up early in 2014, especially if the Help to Buy schemes ? now embraced by most of the UK banks ? really start to perform.Given the current political climate in Britain, where clear lines have been drawn between Tory and Labour approaches to the need for new homes, it is hard to believe that private landowners will dare to hold unnecessarily onto land banks with the appropriate planning permissions. After all, Labour threatens to grab it back.As for the Fund's criticism of UK fiscal policy for being too tight, Blanchard is not ready to accept defeat. The World Economic Outlook report makes the most grudging of references to the British recovery noting, correctly, that output remains well below pre-crisis peaks.Blanchard coolly asserts that the speed of UK improvement does not tell us whether Britain's budget austerity was the right thing to do or not.Maybe, but looking at growth and unemployment rates across much of the eurozone, it has not been as harmful as the inflexibility of the single currency.___A friend, who holds a very senior role in the US Capitol, sits in splendid isolation in his office.He is authorised to work under the US Government shutdown but everyone else in his office is on 'furlough'. That seems to be a polite word for playing golf, refurbishing the house and all the other things that federal workers do when on an 'enforced' vacation caused by the US shutdown.There is something incredibly fake about what is happening here as the White House and the Republicans in Congress, partly encouraged by a feeble Democratic leadership on Capitol Hill, battle over the shutdown wi迷你倉最平h the debt ceiling deadline zooming into view on October 17.Despite all the fuss, the number of federal workers actually sitting at home is 500,000, now that some 350,000 non-uniformed defence and security employees have returned to their offices.As fascinating, the direct impact on the economy will be cushioned over the medium term by the decision of Congress to pass a bill (still awaiting final approval) that would pay those workers laid off. So the budget savings from the shutdown will only be notional.What makes it seem even more political is that many of the services cut are those most likely to cause noise at home and overseas. The very public mothballing of Washington's most famous monuments and the Smithsonian-run museums made for great images, but I can personally testify that the immigration queues on arrival in Washington were no worse than normal ? indeed might have even been a little faster.In other words, the shutdown is as much about symbolism ? Republicans grandstanding over Obama health taxes ? as anything else. Paradoxically, Obamacare is meant to be self-funding.As the IMF's Blanchard notes, the real threat to financial stability comes from the looming crisis over the debt ceiling currently set at $16.7 trillion, but even this may be overdone. No one is really sure that the limit will be hit on October 17 and there is said to be an emergency piece of legislation, raising it by $1 trillion (a temporary measure) that has been drawn up ready for passage in case of crisis.Blanchard does warn that if default were to happen it could drive the US back into recession and even worse the market disruption could take the US back to 2008. One would expect that even the most hard-line Republicans will want to avoid blame for that.But accidents do happen.___Back to the events of five years ago, it was on this date that the Government launched a pounds sterling 400bn effort to stabilise the banking system, injecting pounds sterling 50bn of cash into Lloyds and Royal Bank of Scotland.Elsewhere six European central banks including the Bank of England cut interest rates by half-a-point. It was the first time that the ECB had acted in concert with the Old Lady and the Federal Reserve.The love triangle couldn't last.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Daily Mail (London, ) Visit the Daily Mail (London, ) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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  • Oct 10 Thu 2013 09:25
  • 臺灣

科技網站AllThingsD 8日引述消息人士報導,迷你倉蘋果公司本月22日將發表新款iPad,意味這款新平板將趕上年底假期購物季。 消息人士透露,蘋果將在22日僅限受邀者出席的活動上,推出最新版9.7吋iPad,以及規格較小的iPad mini。同時,蘋果也將展示新款Mac作業系統Mavericks,和新Mac Pro電腦。 據了解,第五代iPad機身將變得更薄、更輕巧,搭配更高階的照相機,且將採用和蘋果iPhone同等級的64位元A7處理器。第二代iPad mini將升級採用視網膜螢幕,也可能搭載A7處理器。不過,新iPad是否具備最新Touch ID指紋感應器,目前仍不得而知。 巴克萊銀行(Barclay)分析師雷茲發布報告指出,iPad系列很可能搭載A7處理器,以強化功能。他指出,有了64位元處理器加持,iPad可望再mini storage贏得市場目光。重振iPad也有助蘋果加速獲利成長,因為更高階的iPad可進一步擴張潛在市場規模。 上周供應鏈消息人士透露,蘋果iPad mini專用的視網膜螢幕缺貨,可能無法在假期購物季前大量鋪貨。 過去兩年來,在對手削價競爭與功能升級的挑戰下,蘋果一直面臨艱困的市占保衛戰。 亞馬遜新推出的7吋Kindle Fire,16GB的Wi-Fi版本售價229美元,規格相同的Google第二代平板電腦Nexus 7售價也一樣。相形之下,16GB的7.9吋iPad mini價格從329美元起跳。 由於蘋果未推出新款iPad,第2季平板電腦市場規模萎縮,這也意味新款iPad將刺激抑制的需求。 研究機構IDC的數據顯示,第2季全球平板電腦下滑9.7%至4,510萬台,其中iPad出貨量降到1,460萬台,不如第1季的1,950萬台。 儲存

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LOS ANGELES, Oct.self storage 9, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- As a premier internet marketing company in Los Angeles, Cyberset's primary goal is heighten its clients' visibility online, and in turn, increase their revenue. One aspect that has made Cyberset such a successful online marketing company is how attuned the staff is to the constantly evolving state of search engines and how their algorithms select which websites are ranked higher on results pages. Businesses of any size can benefit from the services offered by the search engine optimization company, including expertly crafted content that incorporates relevant keywords that visitors look for when searching for a particular product or service.In business over a decade, Cyberset began with the idea that companies of any size can benefit from harnessing the power of the internet to increase their brand's visibility. Cyberset's clients come to the company for everything from the company's skilled website management to modern graphic design, in addition to the staff's ability to craft content to increase visibility and drive traffic. Project managers who are experts in all facets of SEO are assigned to handle each client's account, able to explain to clients the benefits of each service offered by Cyberset. Because there are so many services to choose from, the various provided services are itemized in various SEO/SEM packages, complete with fee schedules. Clients may also customize their services if they don't see the same value in a full suite.Every prospective client is encouraged to meet with a Cyberset sales manager to learn how a custom account from Cyberset can help their business. The initial meeting, whether through Skype, phone, or in p迷利倉rson, includes a free quote for any of the individual or packaged services. These services may include pay-per-click advertising, social media management, small business search engine optimization, and much more. Cyberset has the most flexible pricing policies on their already competitive rates, and each of the company's many services is tailored to each, individual client. The Cyberset staff recognizes that each business has different individual goals. No matter the client, Cyberset takes their business very seriously and aims to offer the best web site design, search ranking and overall marketing strategy possible.No matter the business, competitors are without a doubt looking for ways to get a leg up by finding new, innovative ways to market themselves. That's why it's crucial to hire a seasoned marketing company to handle all internet endeavors to beat competitors with sheer volume of business though internet dominance, as there is much to be gained by showing up on the first page of a search engine results. Cyberset works with more than 40 search engines and works to optimize each client's page for many valuable key phrases, to assist conversion of website visitors to customers.To see what Cyberset can do for your company, schedule a free consultation with one of the company's seasoned internet marketing professionals. In these meetings, the Cyberset representatives can go over their extensive track record of success and propose solutions for any and all of your marketing needs. Call Cyberset at 800-601-5053 or visit for more information.PR Submitted by CybersetCyberset Corp.CONTACT: Blake Wilding, +1-818-883-7277 x118, blake@cyberset.comWeb site:自存倉

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Source: Pittsburgh storage 09--A palette of brilliant colors in hand, Mother Nature has begun painting Pennsylvania foliage with autumn awe.Over the next few weeks, her brush strokes will create clusters of scarlet, yellow, orange, purple and russet that dazzle the eye and soothe the soul.The best time to take it all in is upon us, said Ed Dix, among whose duties with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry is to compile weekly data on the state's fall foliage. His most recent report, released Tuesday, indicated that the Laurel Highlands have reached 75 percent of full color with the peak expected between Oct. 10 and 17."I would not delay. Go to the Laurel Highlands this weekend because it's going to do nothing but increase between now and Saturday and Sunday. It will be a great trip," said Mr. Dix, a forest program specialist. "The following weekend, just about anywhere in southwestern Pennsylvania will be showing some color."Currently, the percent of full color across Allegheny, Washington, western Fayette, and western Westmoreland counties is between 30 to 40 percent. Peak color is expected between Oct. 20 to 25, according to Mr. Dix's report.PG graphic: Pennsylvania fall foliage(Click image for larger version)A dry late summer and bright, sunny autumn days with cool nights in the 40s make for the most spectacular fall foliage. By contrast, cloudy days and warm nights tamp down the brilliance of the colors. The Laurel Highlands are peaking sooner than the rest of the region because of the cooler temperatures in the higher elevations there.Among the first leaves changing are those of red maples (reds and oranges); sugar maples (red-orange and yellow); birch (golden yellow); ash (yellow with purple highlights); dogwood (maroon); and sumac (scarlet).Shortly thereafter, the leaves will change on hickory (yellow), white oak (orange and purple), red oak and scarlet oak (self-explanatory), aspen (bright yellow) and beech (coppery re儲存 or orange).Perhaps because many Pennsylvanians who witness fall's foliage fireworks year-in and year-out consider it something of a birthright, they may not realize how unique an experience they have.Only three regions of the world support deciduous forests that display fall color -- eastern North America; the British Isles and parts of northwestern Europe; northeastern China and northern Japan. In other regions, forests are either tropical or dominated by conifers, according to the Forestry Bureau.And, Mr. Dix noted, the state's fall foliage season is longer and more varied than anywhere in the world. That's because 134 species of trees are supported by the state's location and varied topography, ranging from sea level to over 3,000 feet in the Laurel Highlands. By contrast, there are 74 species of trees in New England, and most are maples.Pennsylvania is lucky and distinct in that it is able to foster northern trees such as gray and paper birch, mountain maple and mountain ash as well as southern species such as red oak, sweetbay and umbrella magnolias, sourwood, persimmon and sweetgum, according to the Forestry Bureau. For good measure, the state also is home to Ohio buckeye, bur oak and shingle oak, common to the Mississippi Valley."Because of its land area, the right temperature zone and the variety of trees, Pennsylvania is about the best place in the world for fall foliage. From one end of the state to the other during the month of October there are great places to see color," Mr. Dix said.His favorite place?"I like to go to state parks with lakes. I like a picnic on a bright October day with a blue sky and crisp air and the colors of the trees reflecting off the lake. It doubles the impact of the scenery," he said.Michael A. Fuoco: or 412-263-1968.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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盡管距離蘋果推出被戲稱為“土豪金”的香檳色的iPhone5S已經有半個多月的時間了,迷你倉但消費者對於“土豪金”的推崇以及一機難求的熱門景象,都讓“土豪金”持續成為近期熱門的關鍵詞。土豪金自面世以來,供貨量少,價格也居高不下,最高峰時候,土豪金的價格炒到了人民幣15000元左右,這足足是官網價格的三倍,但仍一機難求,在過去的一周,備受關注的土豪金的價格有所下降,但仍高于其官網的價格,而且動輒缺貨。俗話都說物以稀為貴,新機剛推出市場的這一波價格飆漲,相信過了這一段時間之後,就會回落到正常狀態。另外,或許是土豪金太受歡迎的緣故,市場有傳聞指,蘋果公司下一代的平板電腦產品也將推出有金色金屬外殼的版本,小伙伴們現在就可以遙想一下自己左手土豪金iPhone5s,右手土豪金iPad的拉風情景。市場都在感慨庫克對於中國市場消費心理把握之准的同時,土豪金也引發了業界的一場小風波。三星也推出有“黃金粉”和“黃金棕”兩款Galamini storagey S4,外界有觀點認為其抄襲了蘋果,根據外媒的報道,日前三星還在官方博客上發佈文章,強調三星很早前就推出了“黃金版”手機,並非抄襲iPhone 5S。不管誰先,總之,“土豪金”時下最當紅,HTC也趕了一波風潮,不過人家是真正的黃金。媒體報道指,HTC英國公司近期推出了黃金外殼的HTC One手機,HTC與Goldgenie創始人拉班·魯姆斯合作,僅製造了五台,硬件參數與HTC One一致,只是一體成型的外殼正面和背面採用了18K的黃金,這款手機的售價為2750英鎊,約合27000元人民幣。至於另一個想和“土豪金”做朋友的中國移動,則可能要晚一點才能實現。本周有消息指,由於工信部沒有于傳言所稱的9月底發佈4G牌照,市場傳言中國移動引入的iPhone 5s/5c要稍晚些面市。此外,蘋果公司可能會要求中國移動承諾一定的銷量,也被認為是影響中國移動引入iPhone 5s/5c時間表的因素之一。本周觀察員:錢瑋玨儲存

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儲存“江蘇高考英語擬不再計入總分:英語歸位,思維定勢將被打破。” ———記者前天多方打聽獲悉,江蘇新高考方案正在醞釀改革,目前...迷你倉

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本報駐德國特派記者 黃發紅電子書、電子出版、電子商務,mini storage帶有“電子”前綴的標簽占據了法蘭克福書展的每個角落。在10月9日至13日舉行的法蘭克福書展上,數字化閱讀不僅指電子閱讀器和電子閱讀內容,還涵蓋讀者平台、自主出版平台和電子書的新流通模式等,新的網絡和社交平台為這些發展提供了可能。電子書市場在美國發展迅速,這一比例已經占圖書市場的25%。電子書閱讀的社交媒體化、互動性開放平台成為發展趨勢。在本次書展展示的Sobooks閱讀平台直接通過瀏覽器閱讀,不需要另外的閱讀軟件。新的閱讀平台也越來越重視社交功能。這次書展的主賓國巴西展出的Widbook平台是一個進行電子書讀、寫、出版的互動社區。德國的Flippintu平台也是一個社交化的平台,用戶可以試讀、評價、推薦、購買電子書。與此同時,它能根據閱讀興趣和觀點相似程度將讀者聯繫成不同群體。在線出版平台給個人提供了發表和直接出版的機會,這種模式目前在美國獲得很大發展。此次法蘭克福書展為這種出版形式設立了專門展廳。圖書電子銷售平台亞馬遜成為了自主出版的最大平台,圖書作者可以自己選擇開本、封面和營銷方式,直接在線出版圖書。博客、社交網絡等網絡交流平台,為自主出版的作者提供了更好的推廣渠道。這種模式self storage德國也已經立足。從國際書號ISBN統計來看,每年使用的德語書號在9萬至10萬個之間,其中有4000個書號為自主出版。當然,自主出版並不一定需要書號,因此統計上會有灰色區域。不過,電子書在德國發展緩慢,2012年,德國電子書市場份額僅占2.4%,2010年僅為0.5%。值得關注的是自主出版物質量目前良莠不齊,尚難得到保證。但這一趨勢還是難以阻擋。在線出版平台給作者提供更高的回報,約占銷售價格的30%-70%,而傳統出版商只能達到10%。在美國流行的圖書綑綁電子版銷售也引起關注。亞馬遜在美國剛剛�動了MatchBook服務,要求所有合作的出版商在加價3美元以內提供書本的電子版。德國出版社也開始試驗該模式。綑綁銷售比單獨購買時價格會優惠30%。電子書和電子閱讀設備的普及還為書籍的流通模式帶來了新的可能。美國新創立公司Oyster的用戶只需每月支付10美元套餐費用,就可以通過iPhone閱讀不限量的電子書。另一資料門戶Scribd也提供9美元套餐,用戶可以通過移動終端或者瀏覽器無限量閱讀。德國電子書領域對這樣的套餐模式還比較謹慎。目前只有Skoobe提供的每月10歐元最多閱讀3本電子書的套餐。Ohleihe網站則與圖書館合作,提供圖書在線借閱。▲mini storage

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