菲律賓中部3 個島嶼昨日發生黎克特制7.2 級地震,存倉造成至少93 人喪生,逾數百人受傷,不少建築物倒塌,也引發山泥傾瀉。國家減災風險管理委員會(NDRRMC)發言人巴列多(Reynaldo Balido)表示,最少15 名死者來自宿霧省。巴列多又稱,地震導致菲律賓的歷史最悠久教堂聖嬰聖殿(Basilica Minore del SantoNino)嚴重損毀。該教堂位於宿霧市,起初由西班牙殖民者在1500年代建造,期後在1700年代改以岩石建造,直至現在。保和省省長查托(Edgar Chatto)稱,該省至少77 人喪生,有很多人受傷。鄰近的錫基霍爾島有1人證實喪生。巴列多和其他救援人員均警告,災情有待全面掌握,死亡人數或會上升。儲存們又稱,由於昨日是公眾假期,大部分受災建築物的人流數目較平日少,傷亡情況可望減輕。美國地質調查局(USGS)表示,地震於昨日上午8 時12 分發生,震央位於保和省巴里里漢鎮(Balilihan)附近20米深的海底,距離馬尼拉有629 公里,而該鎮與宿霧省相隔約60公里海峽。宿霧人口250萬,是菲律賓中部地區的政治、經濟、教育和文化中心,同時也是旅遊熱點。暫時未有外國遊客的傷亡報告。由於地震導致機場部分地方受損,宿霧太平洋航空(Cebu Pacific)取消來往宿霧省至保和省的航機,渡輪服務亦暫停。印尼國家災害管理局(BNPB)向北蘇拉威西省和巴布亞省發出浪高預警,但未有發出海嘯警報。地震後亦曾發生多次餘震,強度均大於黎克特制5級。迷你倉

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儲存 記者從第十屆梧州國際寶石節組委會獲悉,從2004年開始至今,廣西壯族自治區梧州市已舉辦九屆的梧州國際寶石節,為梧州引資533.2億元人民幣。據悉,第十屆梧州國際寶石節悉將於今年11月1日至4日在梧州舉行,主題為“時尚中國”飾品設計大賽、“魅力梧州,放飛希望”風箏大賽、梧州國際珠寶展、梧州名特優產品展銷會、粵桂特色美食節、“魅力梧州”詩書畫影作品展、大型龍獅表演等�多活動,將從多個角度向世界詮釋一個充滿著活力與魅力的梧州。mini storage

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迷你倉 dz.jjckb.cn//pages/webpage2009/html/2013-10/15/content_80518.htm?div=-1...日前,業界最小最輕薄的移動工作站H P ZB ook14在2013年惠普商務IT新形態之全球工作站解決方案大會上亮相。一同發佈的還有另外兩款惠普ZB ook...self storage

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Source: Chicago TribuneOct.迷你倉 14--AT&T provides the best wireless network in the Chicago area, according to a new report by Seattle-based RootMetrics, which collects data on wireless performance around the world.RootMetrics conducted local testing for one week in mid-September, performing about 97,300 call, data and text tests during different times on Android-based smartphones purchased at carriers' stores. The company said its tests are designed to reflect typical consumer usage, and the devices are not modified with external equipment.Verizon Wireless had been top-ranked in RootMetrics' previous Chicago tests in May 2012 and February 2013. It tied with AT&T for combined performance in June 2013. In the report released Monday, AT&T edged out Verizon for overall performance, followed by T-Mobile and Sprint. RootMetrics noted this is the first time AT&T had the highest combined score outright in Chicago. The carrier was also rated the best for data and text, and tied with Verizon for call performance."We are happy to see our network investment is paying off and our customers are getting top-ranked wireless performance," AT&T Illinois President Paul La Schiazza said in a statement.According to RootMetrics, AT&T's average download speed increased from 17.9 megabits per second to 19.1 megabits since testing in May. Verizon's average download speed went down to 13.5 megabits per second from 14.8 megabits per second during the same period. Sprint and T-Mobile's average download speeds clocked in at high single digits.In RootMetrics' real-world testing, the average tim儲存倉 to download 10 emails on AT&T's network was two seconds, compared with 2.7 seconds on Verizon and T-Mobile. Sprint lagged behind at 3.3 seconds.Verizon and AT&T tied for best call performance, reflecting an average call failure rate of 0.2 percent, amounting to one out of every 500 calls.In a statement, Verizon Wireless spokeswoman Andrea Meyer said the carrier's 4G LTE network "is about more than just speed -- it's about the customer experience," including a wide range of devices and services.Sprint, which is in the midst of building a new network in Chicago, ranked last in data, calling and text. The company said it is 95 percent finished with upgrades to its 3G network and 80 percent done with its 4G LTE build-out. The entire upgrade is expected to be finished in the first quarter of 2014."At the time of the testing, there were still some places downtown that had not been upgraded," Sprint said in a statement. "This means in some cases, Sprint 3G speeds were being compared to other carriers' 4G speeds."Sprint added that in areas where the build-out is complete, data speeds and call quality have improved, while customer service calls have gone down. The carrier urged customers "to consider trying out the new Sprint network," saying the upgrades "make this the perfect time to give us another look."A T-Mobile representative was not available for comment on the RootMetrics report.wawong@tribune.com -- Twitter @VelocityWongCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Chicago Tribune Visit the Chicago Tribune at .chicagotribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉最平

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宜蘭縣游姓女網友在部落格上張貼YOUTUBE上電影《人在囧途》網址,self storage遭電影代理商控告侵權,檢方認為,游女的部落格並無《人在囧途》的視聽著作、相關內容,未將影片內容作為網站的一部分,因此不起訴處分。但相較游女的「好運」,已有不少網友被代理商告侵權並和解,檢方指出,前年7月,游女在宜蘭市的住處上網,將電影分享網址張貼在部落格上,內文誇讚這部電影「太精采了!導演、編劇都太有幽默感…」等語。代理商認為mini storage游女使不特定人可連結到YOUTUBE網站觀看《人在囧途》,侵害代理商視聽著作財產權。游女解釋,曾看過這部電影,覺得不錯才將連結貼在部落格上推薦,不知該連結是廣告或電影內容,以為YOUTUBE大家都可點閱,不知是違法。檢方指出,著作權法所定的公開傳輸,是指將著作上傳網站供人閱覽或聆聽,與在網站提供網址不同,游女在部落格上提供連結,並未將影片內容作為網站一部分,並未涉及「重製」或「公開傳輸」他人著作。迷你倉

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Source: The Times, Munster, Ind.儲存Oct. 13--GARY -- The long-vacant Sheraton hotel in Gary could finally be coming down.Bids for work to demolish the structure are set to be opened and read at a meeting of the Gary Redevelopment Commission at 4 p.m. Wednesday.A demolition date will be set by the company that gets the job, but early spring is a likely timeframe, Gary Director of Communications Chelsea Whittington said.Officials will know more about the cost of the demolition when bids are opened, Whittington said. Earlier, unofficial estimates put the price at between $1.2 million and $1.3 million.Funding will come from a combination of sources, including Community Development Block Grant money, Whittington said.A $350,000 EPA Supplemental Brownfields grant obtained by the city is earmarked for the work, she said.Another $200,000 in Regional Development Authority funding has been awarded to help fund the project."We think it's a catalytic project," Regional Development Authority CEO Bill Hanna said.The hotel had become a symbol reflecting lack of investment in the downtown, Hanna said."To be able to remo迷你倉e it will offer new opportunities going forward and a different view of the downtown," Hanna said.The RDA awarded the funding from its recently established Regional Challenge Fund. Of the total, $150,000 is earmarked for demolition and $50,000 goes to professional services involving environmental issues, Hanna said.Asbestos remains embedded in parts of the building, officials said earlier.The 14-story, 300-room hotel opened in 1968 as a Holiday Inn and later was purchased by Sheraton.As Gary's population and business capital moved out of the city, the hotel failed. Its last guest departed in 1985.Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson said last year the building, at Fifth Avenue and Broadway, was an eyesore and blights an important gateway to the city.She announced last spring she intended to demolish the hotel to prompt a rebirth of Gary's once-thriving downtown.The space created by the demolition will be converted to a green-space project, such as a park, she said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Times (Munster, Ind.) Visit The Times (Munster, Ind.) at .nwitimes.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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接短單已久的散熱業者近期接單似有轉強味道,mini storage建準(2421)指出,耶誕拉貨潮浮現,近期不論是NB或是伺服器的散熱訂單都見升溫。但近期接單也見轉強的超眾(6230)則對耶誕拉貨商機看法較為保守。建準強調,往年耶誕節前的拉貨熱潮都是從10月展開,今年也不例外,且推估這波熱潮有機會延續到11月。超眾對於耶誕拉貨商機看法較為保守,超眾指出,大陸十一長假才剛過,近期單量的增加,係因為長假self storage的補貨效應還是耶誕商機,目前看不太出來,耶誕商機恐怕要等到10月下旬才能判定。雖然超眾對於耶誕商機看法較為保守,不過法人指出,超眾9月接單較8月新增1成,但實際反映在9月營收上的卻僅3%,不排除遞延訂單有機會在10月認列,即使耶誕商機不如預期,超眾10月營收應該還是有相當的支撐力道。除了耶誕商機,微軟WINDOWS 8.1也已敲定在17日上市,這也可能是帶動散熱廠近期回溫的原因。mini storage

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URL:.chinanews.com.cn/cj/2013/10-15/5378800.shtml  晨報訊(記者 姜樊)央行副行長易綱對中國經濟複蘇很有信心。他在本月11日至12日舉行的國際貨幣基金組織國際貨幣與金融委員會(IMFC)系列會議上表示,存倉今年中國GDP增速一定會超過7.5%,甚至達到7.6%。  易綱在介紹中國經濟形勢時指出,今年以來,中國經濟保持了穩健增長,經濟增速處於合理區間,全年有望達到或超過7.5%的目標,物價水平保持穩定。同時,中國經濟結構不斷改善,最終消費支出對經濟增長的貢獻不斷上升,國際收支更趨平衡。未來,中國政府將繼續採取積極儲存財政政策和穩健的貨幣政策,繼續推進各項改革,提高經濟增長的質量和效率。  實際上,對中國經濟增長有信心的不止易綱一人。IMF在最新《世界經濟展望》報告中預計,2013年中國經濟增長會保持在7.6%的水平。交通銀行首席經濟學家連平也預測,經濟增速雖然仍有下行壓力,但全年經濟增速仍有可能維持在7.5%以上。  影響中國經濟走勢的因素中,外部因素也十分重要。易綱談到關於美國債務的問題時表示,“美國是全球主要金融市場之一。現在我們看到,發達經濟體正顯示出一些複蘇跡象,新興市場經濟遇到了一些困難。如果加上美國財政預算和債務違約風險的不確定性,會對全球經濟複蘇構成障礙。”迷你倉

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第一次全國地理國情普查於今年7月啟動,迷你倉國家測繪地理信息局副局長李維森認為這將推動地理信息產業轉型升級。 地理信息行業現已成為內地未來發展的戰略性產業,但「地理信息」這名稱,市場並不熟悉,至今港股內僅剛剛重組完的天下圖(00402)屬於該行業。 A股的相關企業較多,如四維圖新(深:002405)、數字政通(深:300075,政府管理平台)、超圖軟件(深:300036,信息系統軟件)等,三者今年上半年分別錄得盈利約4,683萬元、2,092元及虧損1,294萬元,同比下滑60.4%、增長43.6%及轉盈為虧。 地理信息的產業鏈包括上游的數據採集、設備製造,到中下游的地圖、導航、管理及平台軟件,再延伸至基於地理信息系統(GIS:Geographic Information System)的生活、娛樂服務等。目前市場上最普遍的是中下游產品,主要可分為B2C(企業對消費者)和B2B(企業對企業)兩類,前者是面向公眾的導航及地圖,後者則是面向政府的專業地圖,用於電力、水利建設及城市規劃等。 高德佔領B2C市場 Google Map逐漸退出中國市場,為國內地理信息企業留下市場空間,目前內地市民最常用的地圖是百度(BIDU.OQ)地圖和高德(AMAP.OQ)地圖,而內地車主最常用的導航則是高德導航及導航犬。 據易觀國際統計,在中國手機地圖市場中,高德地圖佔有率連續十個季度位列第一,今年第二季度,高德地圖市場份額為31.3%;而高德在手機導航市場的市場份額在今年第二季度為30.7%,亦是市場第一(見圖儲存倉)。 生活服務是下一步主打 現在面向消費者的電子地圖及導航趨向免費,今年始高德和百度的手機導航均免費,高德人工導航服務及英文導航服務也不再收費。 導航收入是高德的核心及主要收入來源,但去年高德車載導航收入佔比下滑至58%,今年第二季度其軟件收入也同比下滑5%至3,820萬美元,高德急需尋求新的盈利增長點。 無論是高德這樣的地圖導航供應商,還是百度、騰訊(00700)這樣的互聯網巨頭,發展導航和地圖作為O2O(Online to Offline)的入口,或將是他們新的增長來源。現已可以看到,不少地圖及導航新增了酒店、景點、餐飲、購物、娛樂等生活服務功能。 各大企業垂涎O2O 打進O2O市場,各大企業各施其法,百度去年向團購網站糯米網投資1.6億美元,騰訊則開發配有街景服務的搜搜地圖,並用微信試水溫,而今年5月阿里巴巴則以約3億美元入股高德,過去阿里陸續投資的聚划算、美團網、丁丁優惠�等O2O網站以及社交網絡新網微博,或將逐步與高德合作。 O2O之所以有如此大的魅力,主要來自於�下商家對客戶的渴求,以及消費者對�上消費,包括手機購物的需求愈來愈大。艾瑞諮詢預測,今年第二季度手機購物交易規模為375.2億元(人民幣?下同),同比增速181%;手機購物收入佔整體手機消費的38.5%,較去年同期增加14.3個百分點(見圖二)。 總括來講,目前B2C領域的地理信息企業中,騰訊與背靠阿里巴巴的高德最具投資價值。針對政府及公共機構,相關的地理信息企業又有什麼投資機遇?下文將深入了解主攻該領域的天下圖。迷你倉最平

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Source: Jordan Times, AmmanOct.self storage 14--SINGAPORE -- Businesses in Jordan can increase their employees' productivity by allowing them to use their handheld devices such as tablets and smartphones for work-related activities, according to experts at International Business Machines (IBM)."Young generations of employees worldwide, including Jordan, appreciate mobility and being able to use their personal devices for conducting work when they are at the office or anywhere else," Pranatharthi Haran, ASEAN executive of web experience and social business at IBM Software Group, said in a recent interview with The Jordan Times."Studies show that allowing employees to use their personal devices increases not only their productivity, but also their job satisfaction, because if an engineer at a certain IT company is able to use his/her personal device for work it will be more convenient," he said on the sidelines of the IBM InterConnect 2013 conference, which concluded in Singapore on Friday.Scott Hebner, VP for social business solutions at IBM, said allowing employees to use their devices for work-related activities increases interaction between the company and its staff and betwmini storageen the staff and customers, resulting in a better working experience."By allowing employees to access work e-mails, applications and systems through their personal devices, they will be reachable at anytime and they will enjoy the freedom of being able to work from anywhere," said Hebner.According to statistics released by IBM, 81 per cent of employed adults use at least one of their devices for work activities.Around 62 per cent of holders of tablets, smartphones and laptops use their devices to read and write documents related to work, according to IBM.About 41 per cent of them use their devices to access work-related apps.Referring to companies' fears that allowing employees to use their personal devices for work might result in security infringements, Hebner said: "There is no excuse at this stage for not allowing employees to use their devices for work activities"."There is no [reason] for any fear or concern... as there are enough IT solutions that are capable of preventing any security breaches."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) Visit the Jordan Times (Amman, Jordan) at .jordantimes.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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